Risk Assessment 2.3

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Qualification: Engineering Level 2 (Foundation Competence) Date: 29/03/24

Task Title: Audio Amplifier Circuit Document Title: Risk Assessment

Units Covered: AUEC2: 001-004, 016 & 032 Evidence Number: 2.3

Task Initial Health & Safety Review Yes-No-N/A Comment

Are any of the following sources of information required? Yes Solder fumes and heat
1. COSHH assessment
The circuit, soldering iron
2. Manual Handling assessment
3. Permit to Work and extractor fan
4. Isolation Procedure
5. Method statement

Yes-No-N/A Comment
Are any of the following hazardous or dangerous substances required or part of Toxic§ fumes from
task? soldering
Yes, toxic

Candidate Name: Hannan Ahmed Assessor Name: Stefon Leonard

Candidate Signature: Assessors Signature: …………………………

Page 1 of 7
Qualification: Engineering Level 2 (Foundation Competence) Date: 29/03/24

Task Title: Audio Amplifier Circuit Document Title: Risk Assessment

Units Covered: AUEC2: 001-004, 016 & 032 Evidence Number: 2.3

Apply Safe Working Practices Yes-No-N/A Comment

Yes Jonathan Seymour is the
first aider. The first aid
facilities are located in the
Identify the appropriate first aiders and the location of the first aid facilities.
kitchen along with the first
aid box and the eye wash
Yes Press the nearest fire
alarm button and then
Aware of the organisational procedures in the event of fire/fire drills and the
evacuation of premises/work area.
evacuate the premises and
meet at the fire point. (the
car park)
Yes Reporting the injury, carry
out first aid yourself or get
Identify the procedures to be followed in the event of injury to themselves or others.
the first aider (Jonathan
Yes Report any dangerous
Identify the procedures to be followed in the event of dangerous occurrences or
hazardous malfunctions of equipment, processes or machinery (RIDDOR).
situations like injury or
Maintain tidy workplace with exists and gangways free from obstructions. Yes Make sure the workplace
is free from any extra
tools, equipment and work
Candidate Name: Hannan Ahmed Assessor Name: Stefon Leonard

Candidate Signature: Assessors Signature: …………………………

Page 2 of 7
Qualification: Engineering Level 2 (Foundation Competence) Date: 29/03/24

Task Title: Audio Amplifier Circuit Document Title: Risk Assessment

Units Covered: AUEC2: 001-004, 016 & 032 Evidence Number: 2.3

pieces that is not needed.

The same applies to any
Yes Making sure the soldering
iron is placed in the holder
Using tools and equipment safely and only for the purpose intended. when its not in use. Only
use tools for its intended
Yes Ensuring that I’m
keeping a distance from
others to prevent harm. An
Have taken measures to protect others from harm resulting from any work they are
carrying out.
example of this would be
keeping the soldering iron
away from any walking
Yes Not wearing loose clothing.
Failure to do so can cause
Suitably dressed/prepared, wearing appropriate PPE and following hygiene
hazards like burns. Also
making sure the PPE is used
to protect eyes.
Identify (where applicable) the use of practices that do not follow laid down Yes Helping hands to securely
procedures e.g. use of vice jaw plates. hold the work piece.
Candidate Name: Hannan Ahmed Assessor Name: Stefon Leonard

Candidate Signature: Assessors Signature: …………………………

Page 3 of 7
Qualification: Engineering Level 2 (Foundation Competence) Date: 29/03/24

Task Title: Audio Amplifier Circuit Document Title: Risk Assessment

Units Covered: AUEC2: 001-004, 016 & 032 Evidence Number: 2.3

No Ensuring equipment is
checked before use i.e.,
free from damage. If the
Check that the tools and test instruments are within calibration date and are in a
safe, PAT tested and usable condition.
equipment is not PAT
tested, check with lecturer
if the equipment is safe to
Yes Wear an ESD wristband
Where appropriate, apply procedures and precautions to eliminate electrostatic when handling the
discharge (ESD) hazards. integrated circuit to
prevent damage
Disposing of any waste materials is completed in line with organisational and yes All waste material is placed
environmental requirements. in the correct disposal bin

Activity Location
Department/Unit Cornwall College, Sisna
Task 2: Audio Amplifier Circuit Room / Building Park
Having referred to the workshop risk assessment guidance and evaluated the overall level of risk, please tick the
appropriate box below:

Candidate Name: Hannan Ahmed Assessor Name: Stefon Leonard

Candidate Signature: Assessors Signature: …………………………

Page 4 of 7
Qualification: Engineering Level 2 (Foundation Competence) Date: 29/03/24

Task Title: Audio Amplifier Circuit Document Title: Risk Assessment

Units Covered: AUEC2: 001-004, 016 & 032 Evidence Number: 2.3

Very High High Medium x Low Insignificant

Are additional Control
Hazards and Harm Who is At Risk How Are Risks Currently Controlled Measures Needed (Y or
ESD Hazard  Staff  Wear an ESD wristband Always wear an ESD
 Students wristband when
 Visitors working with ESD
sensitive components
Soldering risks (heat and fumes)  Staff  Extractor fan NO
 Students  PPE
 Visitors  Lead free solder
 PAT testing
Coronavirus  Staff  Social distancing Continue with
 Students  Masks government guidelines
 Visitors  Temperature checks
 PCR testing
Unserviceable tools/tooling  Staff  Pre-use test Continue with checks
 Students  Calibration before the use of tools.
 Visitors  PAT testing
 Battery checks
 Battery changes.
Trip hazards  Staff  Good housekeeping Continue with good
 Students  Using battery powered equipment housekeeping.
 Visitors when possible

Candidate Name: Hannan Ahmed Assessor Name: Stefon Leonard

Candidate Signature: Assessors Signature: …………………………

Page 5 of 7
Qualification: Engineering Level 2 (Foundation Competence) Date: 29/03/24

Task Title: Audio Amplifier Circuit Document Title: Risk Assessment

Units Covered: AUEC2: 001-004, 016 & 032 Evidence Number: 2.3

Manual Handling Assessment Yes/No Comment

Yes All manual work can be lifted
Can lift be completed alone?
No The manual work does not
Does the lift require assistance of others?
require assistance from others.
No Mechanical aids are not needed
Are mechanical aids required to complete lift?
to complete the job.
Yes All exits and routes are planned
Route planned and clear? and should be clear of bags,
coats and trip hazards.

Candidate Name: Hannan Ahmed Assessor Name: Stefon Leonard

Candidate Signature: Assessors Signature: …………………………

Page 6 of 7
Qualification: Engineering Level 2 (Foundation Competence) Date: 29/03/24

Task Title: Audio Amplifier Circuit Document Title: Risk Assessment

Units Covered: AUEC2: 001-004, 016 & 032 Evidence Number: 2.3

Person Carrying Out Risk Assessment

Has This Risk Assessment Been Communicated to All Relevant
Name (please Date of Review Persons?
print) Assessment Date
Hannan Ahmed
(Foundation 10/11/2021 10/11/2022 Yes x No

Assessor/Instructor: Please sign to confirm you agree with the findings of the assessment and actions proposed
Signature Name (please print) Position Date
S. Leonard Assessor/Instructor

Candidate Name: Hannan Ahmed Assessor Name: Stefon Leonard

Candidate Signature: Assessors Signature: …………………………

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