d100 - Magical Mishaps & Calamitous Curses

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1 Every dream you have from now on is exactly the same: A replay of this situation 51 Your new allergy

51 Your new allergy to Silver might make some a little wary of you, Werewolf-wise

2 Butchers are too kind to you, interested in feeding you and do not take No for an answer 52 Skin coated with a layer of impossibly strong adhesive (only soluble by Giant Tears)

3 Tiring more easily, require two turns of Rest rather than one every six until a fortnight passes 53 Portal to the Plane of Rust, ferrous metals deteriorate rapidly at first, slower over time

4 Shadow rebels you might meet again in the future when it has strengthened to Monster form 54 Any Potions within a mile of you sour and become only a source of Stomach Aches

5 Next five spells you cast produce only large gobs of wet, warm Muck in your hands 55 Horses you ride go Lame, axles of Carts snap, and shoes wear out four times as fast

6 Wine tends to turn to brackish water upon reaching your mouth, causes quite bad breath 56 Ghost of an Ancestor at inconvenient times (roll of a 13 on a d20) tends to only criticize

7 Each Morning, wake up soaking wet with Sea Water, bits of Seaweed, occasional small fish 57 Iron Rings appear, stuck fast on all fingers preventing use of particular Magic Jewelry

8 For the next 1d6 weeks, perpetually attract all manner of noisome insects and spiders 58 You are now Dandelion King/Queen, with whatever responsibilities/enemies that entails

9 Eyelids grow very heavy and pockets fill with fine white sand, sleep for 2d8 Days 59 Body part sheds skin/muscle, now Skeletal (see table). Still works, but you can be Turned

10 The Vampire's aversion to Garlic is now something you intimately understand 60 Lords of Earth do not take to you: No seed you plant sprouts, no hourglass will work

11 Punished by Fire, flint & steel only sparks on a 1-in-10. Candles/Torches burn twice as fast. 61 Holy Water loses qualities in your presence: becomes foul and mosquito larvae ridden

12 Brooms, brushes, washing rags, and even strigil seem to cease to work when used by you 62 Rats regard you as part of their Tribe: constantly drawn to you, grooming you as you sleep

13 Nose noticeably grows whenever you tell a falsehood 63 Speech emitted in small Soap Bubbles, popping and becoming audible moments later

14 Fingers and toes are switched for 1d6 days, this can make holding things rather awkward 64 Regardless of the type of Slumber, you no longer wake up naturally on your own

15 You will take on features of the next animal you see for a year and a day 65 Locked Doors adjust tumblers on approach, keys start failing to work correctly for you

16 A strange form of Altitude Sickness should you not have at least one sole on the ground 66 Somewhat painful pinfeathers sprout on appendage (see table) they'll be plumage soon

17 Dwarfs now sneeze loudly at least once when they first meet you 67 Wood held in hand becomes brittle and seems to rot away much more quickly for you

18 Hair/Beard to Mice, scurry away chittering loudly in a high pitched version of your voice 68 Creatures with Infravision will tell you how you stick out like a Sore Thumb now

19 Silk is like Burlap, all clothing is incredibly and distractingly itchy and uncomfortable 69 An appendage (see table) turns to Solid Gold, it's quite stiff but still roughly functional

20 You now possess the ability to spin Gold into Straw, for what it's worth 70 Skeins of fate have been spun: Replacing your Character Sheet is no longer possible

21 A slender Fungus takes root at the nape of your neck, mushroom grows an inch every week 71 Any Dragon slumbering in 10 miles is rudely awakened, aware of who, how, why

22 Leather/Treated Hide melts to smoking pile of sludge at touch, includes straps/bindings/&c 72 Despite prior attempts at Identification, Potions you quaff have a Random Result

23 When retrieving an item, without fail, the first thing you'll produce is an Apple Core 73 Books snap shut at inconvenient times, try to shed pages, generally make reading onerous

24 Frustrating Elemental Stowaway: Dust Devil whirls about making a mess some days (1-in-6) 74 Mindless Skeletons/Zombies/and such display sentience around you, can converse

25 Power leeches out of a nearby Magic Items, to save a plus, take a -1 on an Ability Score 75 Anything slain by Magic in your presence: Your Name appears tattooed on their flesh

26 Now you luster, reflecting light like a highly polished surface 76 Quill tips dull, ink flows too freely, chisels break: the written word starts to fail

27 Certain emanations you produce make Turning of Skeletons, Zombies, and Ghouls harder 77 Body part (see table) separates/begins to flee. If caught, might be able to fasten it in place

28 You can no longer perceive the color Blue. It just looks like shades of Grey 78 Eyelids become lips, eyes become mouths, your old mouth in now a single eye

29 Such as Snakes, now undergo embarrassing seasonal Shedding Process every few months 79 Vendetta from Plane of Water: Any vessel you use to cross water springs leaks

30 Next 10 Spell effects are illusory, should you cast an illusion: It is made permanently manifest 80 Two of your senses switch places during times of high stress (like Combat)

31 Magic forms a Bezoar in stomach inhibiting digestion: you require twice as many Rations 81 Footfalls leaden/heavy, despite precautions: Moving quietly/Surprising is harder now

32 When your name is uttered, Glass has a 2-in-6 chance of shattering 82 The programming of every Golem is amended to treat you as an anthemic Foe

33 Random letter of Name goes missing, reclaimed by eating 100 things starting with that letter 83 Speech is impossible unless you take a sip of Water, required every few minutes or so

34 Ropes refuse: kink/ often wriggle out of knots, some fray exasperatedly when you use them 84 Drawn unwanted Divine attention: Prayers of Clerics no longer function on you

35 Summon 1d4 Spell Drinkers (as Stirge, only drink Prepared Spells and immune to Magic) 85 Dramatically reconfigured by powerful energies: Re-roll three Random Ability Scores

36 At noon each day, your apparent age shifts up or down d10+10 years. 86 Magic found a way through your defenses: Roll a d12 for Spell Saving Throws now

37 Roll a single die: Whenever number comes up again it's dazing déjà vu: Lose your next action 87 Stone sabotages you: Pebbles find their way into shoes, avalanches bide their time

38 A small portion of your Soul flees from mouth (as Goblin) catch/kill it or never be Raised 88 Whenever someone utters your name, you might vomit d4 Eels (2-in-6 chance)

39 Sweat smells suspiciously like Lamp Oil, better avoid open Flames 89 Every container owned briefly becomes Devouring, contents scatter across the planes

40 Any blow inflicting max damages Shatters you: reassemble in an hour like Quicksilver 90 Stay out of Spring Rain, it stings like crazy and will eventually melt you like Sugar

41 Command words cease to respond to the authority of your voice 91 Extremity is Ethereal (see table) unless you concentrate, makes certain things difficult

42 Blood vessels in one eye burst, rendering it forever Red and vision cloudy 92 Energies from Plane of Serpents snake through: Legs fuse together and grow scales

43 Touching items with bare skin gradually drains color out of them turning them a drab ecru 93 Nothing immediately apparent, but soon: Seasons running backwards or out of order

44 Hundreds of tiny Toadlets, size of pinky-nail, spill forth from your mouth when you speak 94 Living Lightning Rod: Bolts drawn to you, stay out of Stormy Weather

45 Hands twist backwards on wrists, as Rakshasa (more likely to react favorable to you at least) 95 Spells you may cast, and those cast upon you have the opposite of intended effects

46 Any Coins on person turn to Sugar, Gems to Candied Sweets, Jewelry is leafed Chocolate 96 Starting at your feet, a new Desert is born, encroaching at about a mile every month

47 Petrified Heart miraculously functions, but certain emotions like Love are out of reach to you 97 Uttered/overheard True Name of Arrows: Now they seldom miss when aimed at you

48 Magnificent Turquoise Wings sprout, non-functional, require preening or look dingy 98 Nearby Forest: Petrified. All Trees and creatures within

49 Starts with small, tender bumps, soon enough the antlers/ossicones/horns start sprouting 99 Searing scars in Grey Matter: One Random level of Spells is now inaccessible to you

50 Only food you can subsist on comfortably now is Honey, other victuals leave you famished 100 There is now another Moon in the Night Sky. Yes, everyone can see it.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Random Appendage
(d8) Left Arm Right Arm Left Hand Right Hand Left Leg Right Leg Left Foot Right Foot
Draft Version (04.08.2022) | d4caltrops.com

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