d100 - Magic Armors
d100 - Magic Armors
d100 - Magic Armors
2 Banded with Iron from a Legendary Door: Open Checks improve by 2 52 Mouth Decoration fed a Gem (at least 50gp value): can provide Haste
3 Bane of Archers: if Fired Upon, up to 3 Bowstrings Snap per day 53 Nullifies any Druidic Magic cast on User, except on the Full Moon
4 Bewitched by Elfs: Wearer can Speak with Trees or Brooks once a week 54 Of Trollish Manufacture: Gain their Regeneration, but also Weaknesses
5 Bones as Iron: Cannot be broken while this Armor is Worn 55 On Command: 1d4 Straps Animate as Snakes with a Sleeping Venom 1/week
6 Butterfly Filigrees: 1/Month can form a Cocoon emerge with new Appearance 56 Once per week can emit a Room's worth of Concealing White Fog
7 Choosing to fail a Save heals 2d8 points of damage, once per day 57 Ornate Anchor adornments prevent Wearer from unwilling Teleport
8 Coated in unmelting Rime: Half Damage from Cold Attacks 58 Over the course of an hour: Can transform into a Clockwork Mantis (as Bear)
9 Completely Silent when worn, the Owner must Shout to be heard 59 Possible to Sleep in! Wearer will not wake naturally though
10 Conjures a Copy of the Wearer 1/week (as Mirror Image but can Speak) 60 Protects the Wearer's Senses as well: Cannot be Blinded/Deafened
11 Constantly drips Black Ichor: Summon a Shadow to fight with you 1/week 61 Provided it's Boiled Weekly in Oil: User unbothered by Extreme Heat
12 Covered in Teeth Marks/Dents: If Swallowed, Owner has no penalties 62 Reflects baleful Magics onto Caster if Save is Successful twice a day
13 Coward's Cuirass (Yellow Back): Flee at up to double speed for 10 minutes 63 Relic from the Wraith Wars: Turn Undead attempt HDs are multiplied by 5
14 Decorated with an Elemental Symbol: Reactions from these are +2 64 Remains Sweet-Smelling/Clean regardless of Conditions
15 Dial with symbols for Sunrise, Noon, Sunset can be set: Alarm to wake 65 Royalty must Answer one Question Posed to them Truthfully: Once a Month
16 Doffed and Buried Overnight, can be exhumed in Morning bearing 2d6 Spuds 66 Saintly Relics sewn into Lining: Absorbs 1d8 Levels of Energy Drain
17 Donned for the first time you may switch any two Ability Scores 67 Scarecrow/Mannequin dressed in this will Animate and Obey for a year
18 Dragon Scales harm Reactions with them, but help vs Breath of one Color 68 Scorched heavily: Fire and Flame heal instead of harm
19 Dress a Skeleton with it, Bury them for a Month: Loyal Skeletal Minion 69 Series of Runes list d12 Random Spells: These cannot affect Wearer
20 During the New Moon: Owner can Turn Invisible to Animals at will 70 Several (2d20) Rings festoon: Remove one, sheds Light (as Torch) for a day
21 Each Vambrace can transform into a Dagger when needed, they're Magic too 71 Sheds a trail of Sand: Move at full Speed through Deserts/Broken Lands
22 Eat up to 3 Meals in a single Sitting, won't have to eat again for the day 72 Shifting like Quicksilver: Embedded Plates protect from Backstab Attacks
23 Embellished with 2d4 Rivets: Plucked acts as a Shield Spell 73 Should the Wearer block a Closed Door, treat them as if they were a Statue
24 Every month, Wearer can Magic Jar into this, or another unworn Suit of Armor 74 Shrink to half your Size when wearing, once daily for up to an hour
25 Feathery Pauldrons turn to brilliant Wings, but only to Slow Falls 75 Skunk-Striped: Can emit a Stench (as Troglodyte) once weekly
26 First Hit by a Foe, deal that much additional Damage to them Next Strike only 76 Steadfast in the face of Charges: Nullify any bonus associated with them
27 Forgo a Days Water Ration for 1 point of Protection: Soak for a week to Return 77 Steals properties from Magic Weapons that hit for 1 week
28 Form Inpenetrable Bubble of Force for 3 rnds, shielding all within reach 1/day 78 Stitched with Hair from a Dryad: Can Meld with a Tree 1/day
29 Friendly to Wolves/Canines, grants the Language of these Beasts 79 Stores Electrical Attacks (up to 25 damage) to discharge on demand
30 Functions as a Protection Scroll (Elementals) once a Month for 1d8 turns 80 Stylized Heart absorbs Charm Spells, allowing wearer to Cast them
31 Golems completely Ignore you while worn 81 Suit can change Type (Leather/Chain/Plate) on command 1/day
32 Greaves grant you the ability to Wade through Water/Mud with no penalty 82 Summons matching Barding for any Mount the Wearer Rides upon
33 Halfling Tooling: Gain their prowess with Missile Weapons 83 Swim unhindered in this Armor, provided it's Seawater
34 Harmlessly jellifies Bones/Gear: Can seep through Cracks size of a Cat 84 Temporarily Banish Extraplanar Entities if they Hit: 3/day, lasts for 3 Turns
35 Helps the owner Don and Doff, takes half the time as laces lace themselves 85 Thrown Objects (up to Giant's Boulder) miraculously miss (3/week)
36 Hold Breath for up to an Hour, but cannot Speak during this 86 Tightens suddenly in Ambush Situations: Lower Surprise Chances
37 Horseshoes used in construction: Wearer can Transform to Centaur 1/week 87 Transform into a Humanoid that last harmed you for up to an hour
38 If Wearer is reduced to 0 HP, automatically casts Cure Light Wounds 1/day 88 Tree Motif: Wearer gains Halfling Wilderness Hide Chance 1/week
39 Incised Thistle Rendition: If Wearer grappled, Armor sprouts Wicked Spikes 89 Unaffected by Altitude Sickness/The Bends, cannot be Strangled
40 Includes a Gorget that Disintegrates Vorpal Weapons (no damage) 90 Undetectable by Divination Magic while Worn: You simply never existed
41 Inlaid with Stag Antler: Double Chances or Food gained from 1 Hunt a week 91 Unharmed by Oozes, Slimes, Puddings while wearing this
42 Instantly removes Drunkeness/Intoxication when Wearer's name is Spoken 92 Up to 4 Magic Rings, held to surface, meld and confer properties to Armor
43 Leaping and Jumping is unhampered, perhaps slightly better, wearing this 93 Utterly unharmed by Acid, immunity shared by Bearer
44 Little Lead Dwarfs decorate, they animate to Repair once a week 94 Walls Conjured through Magic (Fire, Ice, Force, etc.) do not impede you
45 Lizard Man Relic, Long Lost: Can meld to body in form of Scales (as Chain) 95 Wand Spells targeting the Wearer are reflected back 3-in-6 Chance
46 Lose any Magical Bonus for the Day: Blink up to Bowshot away 96 Wearer can alter Armor's Appearance as Fine Clothing, but does not protect
47 Macabre Skull/Bone Motifs, can Command up to your Level in Undead 1/day 97 Weighs much less (as Category up), wearer won't sink in Water
48 Made for a Hero by Master Dwarf Smith: Increase Retainers by 3 (Dwarf only) 98 When Removed, can transform into a single Gold Coin (Owner's Face on side)
49 Makes a horrible, grinding Sound in the presence of Fae that they can't stand 99 While worn: Ingenious Pouches add another 600 coins to Carrying Capacity
50 Metal Portions forged from Defeated Locks: Can Cast Knock once a week 100 With a word become Highly Magnetic to either Gold, Silver, or Copper