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The Endless Empire

Table of Contents
Foreword................................................................................................................................................. 2
Background Settings Story ...................................................................................................................... 3
Basic Cosmological Facts ..................................................................................................................... 3
Some made up numbers ..................................................................................................................... 3
Life in the Galaxy ................................................................................................................................. 4
Tone of the Settings ............................................................................................................................ 5
Planetology ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Major Races ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Alkari ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Antarian .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Bulrathi................................................................................................................................................ 8
Darlok .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Droid ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Elerian ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Geth................................................................................................................................................... 12
Human............................................................................................................................................... 13
Klackon .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Orion ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Psilon ................................................................................................................................................. 16
Sakkra ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Psionics.................................................................................................................................................. 18
Psionic in the Settings ....................................................................................................................... 18
Learning Talent ................................................................................................................................. 18
Using Psionic ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Recovering Power ............................................................................................................................. 19
Psionic Powers .................................................................................................................................. 19
Psionic Disciplines ............................................................................................................................. 23
Galactic Sociology ................................................................................................................................. 24
Banking.............................................................................................................................................. 24
Culture and Settlements ................................................................................................................... 24
Careers and Social Classes ................................................................................................................ 24
New Careers ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Character Creation ............................................................................................................................ 26
Combat Styles ................................................................................................................................... 27
New Hazards ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Radiation ........................................................................................................................................... 27
High Gravity ...................................................................................................................................... 28
About Technology ................................................................................................................................. 28
Stellar Technologies .......................................................................................................................... 28
Planetary Technologies ..................................................................................................................... 29
Device Technologies ......................................................................................................................... 30
Equipment & Improvements ................................................................................................................ 30
Drugs ................................................................................................................................................. 31
Cybernetics ....................................................................................................................................... 32
Genetic Modifications ....................................................................................................................... 33
Equipment Notes .............................................................................................................................. 34
Weapon Types .................................................................................................................................. 36
Additional Weapon Traits ................................................................................................................. 37
Combat .................................................................................................................................................. 38
Firefight Actions ................................................................................................................................ 38
Vehicle Actions .................................................................................................................................. 38
Vehicles ................................................................................................................................................. 38
Cost and Range Considerations ........................................................................................................ 38
Speed considerations ........................................................................................................................ 39
Planetary Assault Considerations ..................................................................................................... 39
Vehicle Combat ................................................................................................................................. 40
Spaceships Modules and Attributes ................................................................................................. 41

This is a set of rule tweaks and exhaustive additions on top of Mythras and Mythras M-Space for
SciFi adventures in a Master of Orion 2 inspired fan universe. When inspired by other sources
(particularly RQ Firearms, and RQ StarWars supplement) all the information will be here, otherwise I
will just refer to the original Mythras source.

Some rule changes are just here to tune things to my liking (ex: Psionic, Vehicle tweaks, Armor
tweaks), some are plain new things (ex: Gene editing, Implant), some are simply more exhaustive
with the additional benefit of showing multiple level of technology depending on the alien race (ex:
Armor and Weapons, major races). Also I removed some items from default equipment list (ex: no
Thermal Detonator).
Background Settings Story
There was once recently a powerful Bulrathi dictatorship known as the Endless Empire that
controlled most of the known part galaxy, or about 1000 star systems. Save for a few small Empire of
some alien races. It was strongly hierarchical in nature, with the “Eternal Overlord Makos the Great,
Ruler of all creation” on top, then a small Bulrathi nobility – mostly planetary Consularis (singular:
Consular) and their close relative, then High Bulrathi citizen, then Lower Bulrathi clones or under
citizen and aliens under citizen on equal footing, then sentient AI, aka Droids. Bulrathi always
deported conquered population across the empire to create a heterogeneous population, 40%
Bulrathi, 60% of the rest quite mixed up.

Klackon were never assimilated, neither were Geth. Only either destroyed or left alone. Psilon and
Sakkra both have Empire denizen and their own empire and speaks both language.

But following a devastating Antarian attack on Ursa, Bulrathi’s home world, and some palace coup
against the “Eternal Overlord Makos the Great, ruler of all creation”, that ended up in civil war in an
event knowns as “The Fall”, 10 years past, the whole empire disintegrated and is no longer, leaving
many planets in a state of civil unrest.

Despite that The Fall, the whole former empire retain a common language and money (MC: Makos
Credits) and time keeping, year 273 AM (After Makos, yes Makos lived eternally it seemed).

Most authorities are Higher Bulrathi (i.e. not clones) but they do not care much for law and order,
only supporting Bulrathi consulars and a modicum of order. Many planets are multi-racial. But alien
races don’t trust each other.

Four other known much smaller alien empire still exists: The Psilon Directive, The Klackon World
Hive, The Sakkra Tribes, and The Geth. Geth are only adversarial in nature, Klackon are unpredictable
and asocial and have a huge defensive fleet. Sakkra mostly exist on hostile empty planet and
survived by making themselves scarce. Psilon kept their independence thanks to superior
technological advantage (such as Ansible, Psionic, faster and invisible spaceships, better weapons).
And the elusive Antarian, an Ancient and advanced civilization living in a sort of parallel universe.

Notably another, another galactic empire existed long before this one. It is long gone now. But relic
space ship can still occasionally be found of the so called legendary Orion Empire.

Basic Cosmological Facts

This happens in the Milky Way. The Milky Way is about 150,000~200,000 lightyear wide and about
2,000 lightyear thick. It contains 100-400 billions stars (1-4 x 10^11). Star systems move at
approximatively 220 km/second around the galactic center.

There is an average of 0.004 stars per ly^3, which means average distance between stars is 6.2 light

Some made up numbers

We will hypothesize most solar systems have asteroids, comets and planets.

The Bulrathi Empire, aka the Empire of a 1000 suns contains about 1000 solar systems, of which only
about 100 solar system is naturally liveable, some other are exploited too though, for mining or
strategic purposes. It is roughly 250,000 ly^3. I.e. about a 50 * 50 * 100 light years wedgie at the
outer edge of the Milky Way.
It is still a small wedge in the fridge of the Milky Way in the grand scheme of thing though, but no
alien life has been detected for at least 100 lightyear away from the border. It is hypothesized that
life was seeded around that particular area by a long lost precursor races or simple natural events.

If crossing on the long side (100 light years) with the fastest spaceships there are takes 3 months,
fastest military spaceships goes at 400 light speed. Or 100~200 lightspeed for average civilian

The average distance between 2 solar systems is about 6.2 light years, which takes 12 days of travel
at 200 lightspeed.

The average distance between 2 liveable solar systems is about 13.5 light years, which takes 25 days
travel at 200 lightspeed.

Life in the Galaxy

Urban life
Most urban planet are somehow dystopian. With little social mobility and civil order and a strong
shadow and crime economy.

First the Bulrathi law and order force do not cater very well for order and private mercenary
guarding shops or amenities are common. Protection racket from various crime family, which is let
go by Bulrathi as long as they do not make too much noise, is also common. It is also hard to get any
sort of social mobility since most work is handled by machines owned by the elites.

Rural life
Getting away from the socially oppressive urban lifestyle, on planet which are neither too good,
since they would risk appropriation by powerful interest, nor too bad, since they would be
unliveable, are often idealist or self-made person forming small communities on tough but so called
free world.

Orbital and Space life

Small spaceship cost as much as a caravan. And interstellar trade is booming. Due to space mining,
tourism, infrastructural needs and the like. A tough life that reward daring, hard work and skills. In a
cramped and boring environment though.

Most spaceships will ferry resource between the same 2 or 3 solar systems all their life. The main
interstellar trades fall into 6 categories. Rare ores, from asteroids fields. Rare gas (i.e. He3, aka
spaceships fuels). Advanced manufactured products. Fragile biological products (seed, gourmet
food, etc...). News / communication. And finally tourism.

Also gigantic arcologies, floating in space in otherwise un-habited solar system, are developed to
satisfy the crucial maintenance need of all that spatial industry.

Life expectancy
It is expected that most people can live 200 years as long as they have a regular intake of lifedrug.

Interstellar Travel Communication

Faster than light communication is only mastered by Psilon and FTL detection does not exist. News
and communication is constantly ferried away by special dedicated spaceships.

Interstellar travel Space travel, while omnipresent, is still used by a minority, just like today few
people circumvent the world on a regular basis. But mostly everyone had a few remote vacation.
Solar system hoping typically takes at an average of 12 days (for exotic unliveable environment) or
24 days (for the next liveable planet). A whole campaign would typically be around a single star
system and then system hoping to a completely different settings. Unless it is based around trading.

Tone of the Settings

This is a space opera settings. With star destroyers, faster than light travel, mystic warriors, force
fields. Also a fallen empire at civil war offering lot of conflict opportunities. However, markedly,
there is no good versus evil theme. Instead one could find various oligarchy promoting themselves
and, to a lesser degrees, their own race. Consequently no save the universe theme. Though Geths,
Antarians and even Klackons to a lesser degree offer some global threat.

This section contains some tuning on the rule in M-Space – Star Mapping (p150).

 There is an 8% chance of a solar system per Hex. Space is mostly empty. The number of
planets is 3D6-5 (0 planet happen occasionally)
 10% of planet will be replaced by asteroid belts
 There is a 40% chance to have a liveable planet or moon. In case of success keep rolling
again for additional liveable planets or moons.
 Additionally there is 30% that an unliveable planet could be terraformed or an asteroid
belt turned into artificial planet.
 1% of solar system will be black holes

Many planet which do not support life can still have star bases for mining resource from gas giants
or asteroids belts.

Also unliveable planet can still be colonized for rare artefact (typically an irradiated Orion planet,
where archaeological team dig up Orion relics), or rich mining resource (typically rare metal), or
simply because they have small pocket of temperate and liveable climate. Or maybe an Arcology
developed there to help space traveller maintain their spaceship.

Life could be under a force dome, in canyon with natural atmosphere, or in fully contained sealed

Major Races
These are all the major intelligent life forms discovered in this wedge of the galaxy. There are more
intelligent life forms, but they would be primitive, like the Ewoks of Star Wars.

Players can be of any of the race below except Antarian, Darlok, Geth, Klackon and Orion. Bulrathi
players would be clone or Lower Bulrathi.

Player can roll as per race description and add +8 bonus points, or take an average of 4 per dice (88
total for human) and distribute as desired.

Major races, i.e. those below, thanks to generation of artificial genetic alterations are able to eat
food from most planets, survive alien pathogens and survive a wider range of environment, and live
for about 200 years. Not so for minor local race.

Race’s passion can be ignored by player character but will help define the average aliens of that

A race of small bird like alien from a low gravity world. They are known for their great agility and
prowess as pilots.

The Alkari refer to themselves as one family under the guidance of a family of Gods. The “one family,
under the Gods” mentality permeates all levels of their culture.

The Alkari value quality, beauty, honor, and pride highly. Above all else is the importance of
honoring and valuing family. The order of familial priority is the nuclear family, the family of all
Alkari, the extended family, and then the breed family. The reason that the “family of all Alkari” is
placed above the extended and breed families is that the Alkari must consciously strive towards
unity rather than falling back on old, discriminatory habits.

They look like man bird (2 arms, 2 short legs, 2 wings), colourful feather with lots of colour variation.
Large black eyes. Powerful beak.

Characteristics: STR 3D6, CON: 3D6, SIZ: 2D6+3, INT: 2D6+6, POW: 3D6, DEX: 3D6+6, CHA: 3D6
(or distribute 91)
Location Table: Biped, Winged.
Homeworld: Altair
Language: Alkari (INT+CHA+40%), Bulrathi (INT+CHA+20%)
Racial Abilities: Fly, +20% all piloting skills.
Racial Passions: Love of Family (POW+INT+30%)
Racial Skill: Craft (any)
MOV 4 / 10 (Fly)
Playable: YES

Little is known about Antarian. They lived in a little known extra dimensional universe. They are
believed to be enemy of the legendary Orion Empire and the Geth. They have been mostly hostile to
all life forms when encountered. Sometimes appearing out of nowhere to devastate planets. Though
they often do not finish the job, just destroy the defences and throw a few bombs. Their whimsical
behaviour is a mystery. In term of gameplay they will wreak havoc on a stable planet on the whim of
the GM.

It is hypothesized that their care little for life in the universe but their leadership like to go on alien
hunting party every now and then, for fun or maybe social purpose.

Additionally they have access to all known technology and a few extra energy weapons unique to

Characteristics: STR: 4D6, CON 4D6 SIZ: 2D6+9 INT 2D6+10 POW: 4D6 DEX: 3D6 CHA: 2D6
(+7 free points or distribute 103)
Location Table: Draconic
Languages: Antarian (INT+CHA+40%)
Racial Ability: Psionic, Regenerate (heal/round), scales 3AP, Radiation Immunity
Racial Passion: Despise Aliens (POWx2+30%)
Racial Skill: Meditation
Playable: NO

The Bulrathi are a fierce bear-like race that possess incredible strength and constitution dur to the
high gravity origin world. While notorious for their gruff manners, they are the champions of the
weak and exploited. The Bulrathi also care deeply about their planets, focusing their scientific
resources on terraforming technologies and pollution control.

While the Bulrathi may care for the welfare of lesser creatures and the well being of planets, they
are still a hot-headed and aggressive race prone to starting intergalactic brawls. They are known as
brutal conquerors throughout the galaxy, using their raw strength to get their way on the galactic
stage. The reckless force behind their policies seems ironic when paired with the pure seeming
intentions they promote. At the end of the day, the Bulrathi only respect those who can match them
in battle and those who do not back away from adversity. And the Bulrathi aristocracy remains
remote from the average citizen.

They use extensive cloning to buff up their colonization effort and 80% Bulrathi are known as “Lower
Bulrathi”, i.e. clones. And will not get high rank opportunity in public office, which are reserved for
“High Bulrathi”.

They look like some stout furry bear. Of many colors, black and brown unicolor being most common.

Characteristic: STR 3D6+9 CON 3D6+9 SIZ: 2D6+6 INT 2D6+6 POW 3D6 DEX 3D6 CHA 3D6
(+ 7 free points or distribute 106)
Location Table: Humanoid
Homeworld: Ursa (now wasteland, with tentative terraforming)
Languages: Bulrathi (INT+CHA+40%)
Racial Ability: High Gravity, Tough 2AP
Racial Passion: Loyalty to Bulrathi Empire (POWx2+30%) or Loyalty to Law & Order (INT+POW+30%)
Racial Skills: Combat Style: force spear, Politics
Playable: YES

This polymorphic race had but a few planet before being completely invaded. The Bulrathi did
commit serious genocide on that race and only a few left as far people know. Some have reappeared
and offer their services as spies. They can polymorph into any other sentient alien creature in a few
hours. Need DNA (blood) to be injected in their system and the host DNA is replicated as well the
body (free of scars though). Their SIZ could vary by +/6 and they might need a lot of nutrient. Process
is dirty. Every time they polymorph they lose all their implant.

Darloks believe they were made by genetic manipulation rather than organic evolution, possibly by
the Orions. Darloks are not sure why they were created this way but suspect the Orion has a hand in
it. Some Darloks express an interest in their creation and search the galaxy for clues about their
origin, but the general population does not consider it an effort worthy of their time.

There are some place where Darlok are the dominant species. But in other place, they often assume
the dominant specie appearance. Hence many in the Endless Empire disappeared mysteriously and
build new identity. For anonymity or power.

Physical trauma (serious wound) can trigger a reverse transformation (willpower check) that would
take 1 hour and make them incapacitated, though it will heal them.

Characteristics: (STR 3D6, CON 3D6, SIZ 2D6+6, DEX 3D6: or as per current race), INT 2D6+6, POW
3D6, CHA 3D6
Location Table: Humanoid (or other)
Homeword: Nazin (now wasteland)
Languages: Darlok (INT+CHA+30%), Bulrathi (INT+CHA+30%)
Racial Ability: Polymorph (slow process: 1D6 hours for race, +1D6 hour for specific individual)
Racial Passions: Love to Hide in Plain Sight (INT+POW+30%)
Racial Skill: Acting
Playable: NO

Droid are robots. However they are different from mere industrial robot in their versatility and
intelligence. Droid follow the directive of their master to the best of their understanding and
understanding of law and ethics. Without master they will just stand by and need be reprogrammed.

Droid’s advanced programming let them increase their skill like players do. But they can’t learn new
skills, except by adding an accessory.

Characteristic: STR 3D6 CON 3D6 SIZ 3D6 INT 3D6 POW 3D6 DEX 3D6 CHA 3D6
(or distribute 78 points)
Location Table: Humanoid (or whatever appropriate)
Languages: [chose one] (INT+CHA+40%)
Racial Ability: Select D3+4 accessories from below, AP = CON/3, Ion Armor: POW/3, Healing: 0,
Fatigue Immunity
Racial Passion: Obey Master 50%, Follow the Law 75%
Basic Programming: +40% Culture [chose], +20% Endurance, Evade, Perception, Willpower, Athletics
MOV DEX/2, select one of: Walking, Wheeling, Repulsor lift, or 0 (sentry mode)
Autonomy: (Walking: CON/2, Wheeling: CON, Repulsor Lift: CON/4) hours, CON day (sentry mode)
Playable: mostly NO but… maybe?

 Increased Characteristic: +D6 to any characteristic
 360 Perception. Can see in all direction simultaneously.
 Armour [x]: +3AP, or +3 Ion AP
 CommLink: Inbuild verbal communicator (needed to talk)
 DataLink: can communicate with other device
 HoloProject: Can project holo recording
 Holo Recorder: Can record holo movies
 Magnetic Appendage: Can stick to metal
 Sensor [x]: Lowlight vision, Enhance Hearing, Infrared Vision, Motion Sensor, Radar
 Tool [x]
 Mounted Weapon (Combat Style at +20%, 2 accessory points)
 Additional Skill Module (any professional skill at +20%)
 Power Pack: increased autonomy by base value
 Repulsor Jet: a walking or wheeling droid can still optionally fly. Increasing its autonomy
while keeping its movement options open
 Lifelike (2 to 5 accessory, depending on the likeness, Perception vs 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%)
 D3 Psionic abilities (Psilon empire tech only, i.e. not available)

Looks like human with blue skin with Psionic potential. But the Bulrathi have eradicated their
knowledge (i.e. no start up talent) they have forgotten how to use it. There are some secret military
Bulrathi library or hidden Elerian library.

Elerian have matriarchal society. Women have a slightly higher POW characteristic and are
dismissive of males. And of non-psionic races.

Theorically Psionic training for Elerian (and all race for that matter, save Consularis) incur death
penalty in the Empire. But this custom is seldom applied since the fall.

Their physiology is so similar to human because they are the descendant of abducted antique human
by the Psilon, who ran genetic experiment on them. In Elerian lore Psilon are known as The Makers.
They are feared instead of revered. Human and Elerian can mate, but can’t produce offspring.

Allegedly the Elerian planet has been assaulted by Geth while being looted by Bukrathis and then
destroyed. Elerians relics might have survived in some Geth ships and Bulrathis archive and some
Elerians cache.

Characteristics: STR 3D6 CON 3D6 SIZ 2D6+6 INT 2D6+6 POW 4D6 DEX 3D6 CHA 3D6
(+ 7 free points or distribute 92)
Location Table: Humanoid
Languages: Elerian (INT+CHA+40%), Bulrathi (INT+CHA+20%)
Homeworld: Draconis (now wasteland, also was under blockade for safety reason)
Racial Abilities: Psionic (no startup talent)
Racial Passions: Loyalty to Elerian clan (POWx2+30%) and Despise Non Psionic (POWx2+30%)
Racial Skills: Meditation
Playable: YES

Some planet have been long overrun by a powerful robotic AI / race known as the Geth. They are
hostile to all organic life form and very dangerous to all, including Psilon and Antarian. But they are
seldom seen outside their base of operation. And their motive are unknown except, perhaps, kill all
organic life form. It is suspected they are a creation of the Orions and caused their destruction. They
come in many shape and forms. They have advanced weaponry and ships.

Geth are mechanical life form. Seeded long ago in the universe by primitive Orion, they developed
independently for Eons and eventually came back, challenged, and destroyed their creator. They are
fearsome, but not very expansionist. Though they do send individual raid ship apparently at random.

They also have many slower than light ship randomly flying through the galaxy in sleeping mode for
century. To awaken on contact with devastating result for whoever they encounter.

Characteristics: STR 2D6+6, CON 2D6+6, SIZ: 2D6+6, INT 1D6+12 POW 0, DEX 1D6+12, CHA: 2D6
Language: Geth (radio wave 80%)
Location Table: Humanoid
Racial Abilities: Machines, XRay vision, 6AP, 6 Ion AP, Fatigue Immunity
Racial Passion: Destroy Organic Life (80%)
Racial Skill: Computer
Playable: NO

Two different, former, human empire existed. A more expansionist one, made mostly of roaming
starship and star base: The Conglomerate (dictatorship), and a more pacifist one: The Alliance
(democracy), they were both invaded and reduced in a state of mere under citizen.

Characteristics: STR 3D6 CON 3D6 INT 2D6+6 SIZ 2D6+8 POW 3D6 DEX 3D6 CHA 3D6
(+7 free points or take 90)
Location Table: Humanoid
Playable: YES

Homeworld: Alliance: Earth
Languages: Bulrathi (INT+CHA+30%) + Alliance (INT+CHA+40%)
Racial Abilities: +20% all social skills (Alliance)
Racial Passion: Seek global civilization (POWx2+20%)
Racial Skills: Politics

Homeworld: The Fleet
Languages: Bulrathi (INT+CHA+30%) + Conglomerate (INT+CHA+40%)
Racial Abilities: +20% piloting & repair skills (Conglomerate)
Racial Passion: Despise Aliens (POWx2+30%)
Racial Skills: Mechanics, Pilot (flyer, spaceship …)

Klackon are insectoid. As such most are asexual, a few female will fill up the leader cast and male will
be sort of outside society. Occasionally being seen as ambassador or rootless adventurer in the
known world. Klackon have poor social skill outside their rigid hierarchy and little contact with alien
race outside basic need. There is a saying describing that, “trade with Klackons one day, war the
next”. Indeed they understand Bulrathi communication, just chose to ignore them most time.

It is possible to entice the Klackon to perform some action in exchange for valuable raw material, if
the need arise. Sometime some outcast Klackon (mostly male) can be found in the empire but they
usually be at the fringe in their own space ship.

Klackon are a little behind in the technology race, but they have huge productivity and defence fleet.
And fight very fiercely. Their hive mind also make spying attempt quite difficult.

Characteristics: STR, CON, SIZE: 4D6 to 7D6, INT 2D6 to 4D6, POW 3D6 CHA 1D6
Location Table: Insect
Language: Klackon (sounds + chemicals, INT+CHA+30%)
Homeworld: Kholdan
Racial Ability: Armored (3 to 6)
Racial Passion: Obediance to the Klackon Queen (POWx2+40%)
Racial Skills: Computer
MOV 6 to 9
Playable: NO

No Orion are left alive, but (extremely rare) relics, spaceships and video can sometimes be found
floating in the dark reach of space or buried on some isolated hostile planet. They disappeared more
than 30,000 years ago.

They look like giant and slim purple or reddish mantis with slim body, globular eyes, and 3 fingered
hands and wings. Small mandibules on their mouth. Making noise with the mouth and wings for
speech. It is suspected they created the Darlok as a genetic experiment and created the Geth that
caused their ultimate downfall.

The most advanced race there is. Some of their planet have been invaded by the Bulrathi Empire.
But the Psilon Imperium is still free and independent, thanks to large technological superiority. Ruled
with an iron fist by the Eternal Prime Director. Most Psilon view all other races as lesser races and
contempt. The Psilon Emperium is relatively small though, less than 50 star systems.

Psilon have vaguely humanoid shape, with greyish skin, large head and bulbous eyes. No hair. They
have 4 fingers, 4 arms and 2 legs. They often sport many implants that supplement their physical
ability. Some free Psilon are Pionist. Endless Empire one don’t or are in prison or military experiment
lab or hiding.

Characteristics: STR: 3D6 CON: 3D6 SIZ: 2D6+6 INT: 3D6+6 POW: 3D6 DEX: 3D6 CHA: 3D6
(+7 free points or distribute 92)
Location Table: 4 arms => use Biped, Winged
Homeworld: Mentar
Languages: Psilon (INT+CHA+40%), Bulrathi (INT+CHA+30%)
Racial Abilities: (20%) Psionic (no startup talent), +20% all sciences
Racial Passions: Knowledge Seeker (INT+POW+30%)
Racial Skills: Science (any)
Playable: YES

Sakkra are large, formidable creatures. They have the appearance of a wrecking ball, covered in
dense and often menacingly decorated shells. Elder Sakkra have large horned tusks sprouting from
their heads.

Sakkra value honor, bravery, and perseverance in battle – but above all they value strength. They
desire to prove themselves as worthy adversaries among their peers and throughout the galaxy. The
only way to stand out in the massive Sakkra population is to show great strength. Males and females
can serve in any role in Sakkra society. Exceptionally strong women have even been known to hold
the role of Hierarch. Since Sakkra lay eggs, the burden of carrying children is relieved. The eggs
themselves are extremely self-reliant and do not require much care.

Many, but not all though, Sakkra communities have been colonized by the Bulrathis. However some
free planet thanks to Sakkar sturdiness and ability to live pretty much anywhere.

They can hibernate to get through tough times and slow their metabolism to stay underwater or
even in survive in space.

The independent tribes of Sakkra still free of Bulrathi influence mostly live on fringe worlds.

Characteristics: STR: 4D6 CON: 3D6+6 INT: 2D6+6 SIZ: 2D6+8 POW: 3D6 DEX: 3D6 CHA: 3D6
(+7 free point or distribute 100)
Location Table: Biped, Tailed
Homeworld: Sssla
Language: Bulrathi (INT+CHA+20%) + Sakkra dialect (per planet, INT+CHA+40%)
Racial Abilities:
- Scales: 3AP
- Hibernation (Sleep for CON week with no food, Roll CONx4 stop bleeding to death, stall poison,
survive vacuum exposure).
- Radiation Immunity
Racial Passions: Despise Weakness (POWx2+30%)
Racial Skills: Survival (any)
Playable: YES
Psionic is the pinnacle of life science. Blending technology and biology to empower the mind to
directly produce real world result without intermediary. Psionic didn’t came naturally but through
advance engineering. Elerian are the result of Psilon genetic experiment long time past.

Psionic is inherited and is in the DNA. If one isn’t Psionic one can’t learn Psionic. Though there some
rumoured secret military nanite or gentic engineering that can enable one to master Psionic

It works in a similar way to Mysticism. Based on 2 skills, Meditation (INT+CON)% and a Psionic
discipline POWx2%.

Some trait can be enhanced. Mostly range, but sometimes talent specific intensity. Total intensity is
up to Meditation%/10. And each augment cost 1MP. Maintaining talent can prevent new talent to
be used, because of that limitation.

Ironically, only the most advanced AI are vulnerable to psionics. And they are thanks to Psionic
technological roots.

Psionic in the Settings

Long time ago Psilon did some experiment on some abducted humans and some escaped. Hence
started the Elerian. Later the Psilon were able to upgrade themselves hence some, but not all (about
20%) Psilon are psionic.

When the Bulrathi conquered the Elerian, and some Psilon planets they eradicated all Psionic
tradition and knowledge, inside their empire though kept some of it in some secret libraries. Further
lately they developed in some secret military laboratory some implant that stimulate Psionic ability,
available to the highest ranking Bulrathi and some special forces. They also have developed Psionic
shielding armor.

However it is rumoured some Bulrathi’s Empire Psilon have saved some Psionic knowledge and still
perform Psionic enhancement in secret, for a price. And same goes for Elerian. Noble family are
under watch though.

Antarian and Orions have Psionics.

This is a custom made magic discipline that, while reasonably powerful, won’t upset technology or
social order too much, I hope. The number of powers is kept deliberately low. Not only there is not
many Psionist, but neither are they all powerful.

Learning Talent
Once one has access to Psionic one should spent time meditating under the tutelage of a master to
learn new talent in a given discipline. It takes 1xp, 1 month and a roll under POWx4% to acquire a
new talent. Or under POWx2% being self-taught. The Psionic Common discipline is an automatic
start up discipline for all Psion.
Using Psionic
Like most magic skills, Psionic is based on 2 skills. Meditation (INT+CON)%, which represent the
general psionic skill of the psion. And various Psionic Discipline (POW+CON)% that group some
powers together and should be rolled for successful use of psionic power.

All power take 1 AP to initiate and can be either, instant, concentration or maintain. One can only
have one concentration and/or instant skill in effect at any given time.

Multiple maintain power can be maintained simultaneously as long as the psionic want and is
conscious. The maximum intensity of all maintained psionic power all together should be less or
equal to Meditation%/10 and diminish available MP for as long as they are maintained.

The maximum intensity of a single psionic power is equal to Discipline%/10. Each point of intensity
cost 1MP.

Each point of intensity extend the range by its base value or do some power specific effect.

Most psionic attack require the victim to be actively detected to be initiated. Sense life can be used
for such purpose when behind a wall.

Recovering Power
It’s the POW recovery rate (just like CON/Luck points) per night of sleep or hour of meditation.

Psionic Powers
Astral Projections
Concentration, Range: Meditation% in meters

The psionic can project a visible, albeit ethereal image of him/herself at any known or visible place in
range. The projection can serve as a conduit for communication and observation, but he cannot
physically interact with his/her environment. However on can use one’s other psionic power from
that projection. Astral project can be moved POW meters per second.

Elerian (only) can also increase the base range with difficulty (and then some more with intensity).
The projection location will be somewhat imprecise though.
Hard, -20%, Meditation in Kilometres
Very Hard, -40%, Meditation in 1000 Kilometers
Formidable, -80%, Meditation in 1 Lightyears

Aura (X)
Maintain, Range: POW in meters, Resist: Willpower, Shield Mind

The mystic project a particular kind of aura to those who behold him. Which affect people in the
radius mood and behaviour. The aura works like a passion of value equal to the discipline%.

Combat Awareness

Each intensity gives +1AP for defensive purpose only.

Combat Speed

Each intensity gives +2SR. Each 2 intensity additionally provide + 1MOV (no need to split the points).
Control Pain

Grant the Psionist the ability to ignore pain. Ignoring the effect of serious wounds. At Hard difficulty
(-205) ignore effect of major wounds. At Formidable (-40%) ignore torture.


As per denial the user can suppress a harmful energy or environmental process from inflicting injury
upon themselves. The ability drains away against: Cold, eat, Radiation, Electrictity, and Light.
Each different energy cost one intensity. This should be done before the attack or damage has been

Concentration, Range: POW meters, Resist: Willpower, Shield Mind

Intensity required for controlling the victim is victim’s (INT+POW)/6

The psychic use his mental power to link his own nervous system to the target, taking it over like a
puppet. The target is aware like a passenger in his own body. Last for as long as the psionic remained
focus and in range. Skill roll are made by the psionic with his own ratings and one extra difficulty (i.e.

Concentration, Range: POW in meters, Resist: Willpower, Shield Mind

The general feeling and attitude of a particular individual can be sensed. Individual warry and aware
of telepath can resist.

Concentration, Range: POW meters, 1 target/Intensity, Resist: Willpower, Shield Mind

Initial cast, Intensity 1 can affect 1 sense, additional intensity points can increase the distance, as
always, or add either:

 One sense
 One victim
 Increase the realism (i.e. need 1 extra willpower save for disbelief)

The illusion doesn’t cause damage directly. But might make the victims behave in dangerous or
foolish or inappropriate ways. See Phantom (Sense) (Sorcery, Mythras p171) for more details.


This will increase healing speed one step per Intensity. The steps are as follows:

 Combat Rounds
 Minutes
 Hours
 Days (step for minor wounds)
 Weeks (step for serious wounds)
 Months (step for major wounds)
It will also accrue 1 fatigue level every time a serious or major wound has been removed.

Concentration, Range: Meditation% meter, Resist: Evade, Willpower

Lightning bolt, same damage as Wrack. Also stun effect on hit resisted with Willpower, or stunned
for D3 round. Intensity 1 will only stun. Intensity 2 will damage like wrack. Additional intensity (in
pair as well) can be used to strike multiple target at once. Damage will bypass armour but not force

Read Mind
Concentration, Range: POW in meters, Resist: Will power, Shield Mind

The telepath can read directly surface thoughts or read last POW minutes of victim’s memory. To go
deeper take sometimes and communicate the target to awaken deeper memory and feelings.

Resist Fatigue

Each time fatigue is accrued one more intensity of this power should be maintained. Psionic can
forego sleep and perform exhaustive activity without tiring, although its psychic power will slowly
deplete. When the power is stopped all fatigue suddenly returns, with comatose (level 8) being the
worst possible effect.

Sense Life
Concentration, Range: Meditation% in meters, Resist: Shield Mind

The most elementary form of telepathy is the ability to detect the presence of other minds. Life
detection enables a character to sense the presence of other minds, the number of minds present,
the general type of minds (animal, human, and so on) and their approximate location.

Life detection is reasonably sophisticated, and can distinguish intelligent beings from bacteria or
unimportant animals in the area. It functions best at detecting intelligent minds. Shielded minds are
undetectable (whether the shield is natural or artificial in origin). If an individual whom the telepath
knows is ‘life detected’ he or she will be recognised.
Can be opposed with Shield Mind (no willpower though).


Using a blend of telepathy, deny and psychokinesis the Psionist surround itself by an impervious
translucent aura absorbing damage, it give 1 AP per Intensity (worn armor, take best). This armor is
not susceptible to sunder, disintegrate, etc.… being made of pure psionic power.

Shield Mind
Maintain, Range: personal. +2mRadius / Intensity

Hide mask from all psionic influence, making both undetectable and immune to mind control. This
power has purposely be designed as cheap and efficient counter to many psionic power.

Psionic attack can still be made with direct line of sight, but must overcome the MindShield on an
opposed roll to succeed. The psionist will be aware of the intrusion.
Elerian (only) can increase the base range with difficulty.
Hard (-20%) POW meters
Formidable (-40%) Meditation% meters
Herculean (-80%) Meditation% kilometres

Psionic Stealth
Instant, Range: POWm, Resist: Mind Shield+Willpower roll

“These are not the droid you are looking for”, as long as the caster is neither loud nor aggressive and
defeat the willpower of the victims, it will fail to register. Can be used for against sentry for example.
The Psion is not really invisible but the sentry will simply fail to react and forget about it. Or a
searching party which just pass by oblivious of the caster. This can be used to hide the caster or
anything up to 3xPOW.

Recording device and passive sensor will record the Psionist just fine. AI and Robot will be affect by
the stealth. Stealth is broken if the Psionist stop being discreet, like attacking or making loud noises,
at GM discretion.

Psionic Strength

Each intensity increase the melee damage modifier by 1 grade. For example a D2 bonus damage
increased by intensity 3 become D8.

Instant, Range: POW in meters, Resist: Willpower, Shield Mind

The victim will lose D3 action point and be daze. Extra intensity point beyond 1 can be used to lose
an extra action point for a particular victim or add an additional victim.

Instant, Range: POW meters, Resist: Willpower, Shield Mind

The target follow one suggestion of the caster in small matters without hesitation.

Concentration or Instant, Range: POW meters, Resist: Evade

The Psionist can either concentrate for low ongoing manipulation. In which case it can move 6 SIZ /
Intensity at MOV4, which can be resisted with Evade. Can choke someone for D3 damage to the

It can also be used instantly to hurl item. 1SIZ / Intensity and POW MOV. Discipline% to grab item
remotely. Or Psychic combat style (POW+DEX% base) to hit target. Damage as per Wrack + Intensity.

Telekinesis works like an invisible and strong third arm. One can’t fly with telekinesis, but it can carry
other people or used for jumping (propulsion) or grab a remote ledge while falling.

Concentration, Range: Meditation% in meters, Resist: Shield Mind

Enable 2 mind to converse unseen, regardless of language limitation and outside distraction.
Instant, Range: Meditation% meter, Resist: Willpower

Teleport can teleport 6 SIZ of matter per intensity. Either the psionist to a destination in range. Or an
item in range and sight to the psionist.

Additionally teleportation is strenuous. When teleporting living creature both the psionic and the
target makes an Endurance roll is required (losing 0 fatigue in case of success, 1 in cases of failure,
D3 in case of fumble). If moving to locations with different speed (i.e. vehicle) the roll is 1 to 2 grade
harder and the penalty increase (1 fatigue in case of success, D2, D4 in case of failure/ fumble). If the
target is an inanimate object a failed Endurance roll will have it take D6 damage (2D6 in case of

Psionic Disciplines
Psionic Common
Most if not all psionic automatically have this discipline.

Empathy, Sense Life, Shield Mind, Resist Fatigue

Hidden Path (secret psionic empire society)

Combat Awareness, Combat Speed
Deny, Shielding, Teleport, Hallucinations, Astral Projection

Psilon Star Warrior

Combat Awareness, Combat Speed
Pain Control, Shielding, Deny, Healing, Teleport

Psilon Inquisitor
Aura (fear), Deny, Telepathy, Amnesia, Stun, Suggestion, Domination

Bulrathi Inquisitor
Combat Awareness, Combat Speed
Shielding, Telekinesis, Deny, Stun, Suggestion, Read Mind

Elerian Guard
Combat Awareness, Combat Speed, Psionic Strength, Psionic Stealth
Pain Control, Deny, Shielding

Elerian Priest
Aura (serenity, trust, fear), Telepathy, Astral Projection, Shielding, Deny, Telekinesis, Read Mind

Elerian Empath
Read Mind, Suggestion, Domination, Amnesia, Telepathy, Aura (awe, fear), Stun

Elerian Noble
Astral Projection, Telekinesis, Lightning, Teleport, Aura (awe, fear), Deny, Shielding

Antarian Raider
Combat Speed, Control Pain, Deny, Shielding, Suggestion, Teleport, Healing
Galactic Sociology
Since there is no faster than light communication network, and dedicated spaceship must be used
carry news and data around, credit chips have become a handy and empire wide currency exchange
system. Each containing any value from 1 to 100,000 credits. Value is displayed on the chips.

Culture and Settlements

Here is a quick description to decide which culture should be applied to a given settlement.

A rural culture might either be a new colony on a newly colonised and promising planet an old
colony on a slightly inhospitable but independent planet, or a mining or research colony on a hostile

An urban culture is from an old colony on a liveable or rich planet covered by city or bigger or on
very large space arcology.

An orbital culture apply to most space station and space mining colonies.

Careers and Social Classes

Just to help describe the world, and having no impact on game mechanic, the empire society can be
divided in 6 social classes. People of the same classes often mingle together but not with those of
other classes. And have similar income range or sources.

Those social classes are:

 Noble: all the rich and powerful or those related to them

 Resource: people working producing primary resource and products
 Specialist: all the various specialist
 Trader: merchant and the like
 Entertainer
 Survivalist: people having no particular skill but just getting by

Various classes are more or less represented depending on the culture.

 Rural: Noble 2% Resource 50% Specialist 20% Trader 20% Entertainer 3% Survivalist 5%
 Orbit: Noble 1% Resource 30% Specialist 30% Trader 30% Entertainer 4% Survivalist 5%
 Urban: Noble 5% Resource 10% Specialist 10% Trader 30% Entertainer 20% Survivalist 25%

And below are the career associated with each class (a career can be in multiple class). New career
will be in italic and dark blue and described below.

 Noble: Diplomat, Official, Priest, Politician, Noble, Dilettante, Assassin

 Resource: Belter, Colonist, Engineer, Miner, Farmer, Hunter
 Specialist: Agent, Detective, Engineer, Medic, Official, Starship Pilot, Scholar, Mechanic,
Scientist, Financial, Pilot (other), Spy, Assassin
 Trader: Belter, Merchant, Smuggler, Starship Pilot
 Entertainer: Journalist, Priest, Athlete, Artist, Performer
 Survivalist: Bounty Hunter, Criminal, Gambler, Mercenary, Scout, Smuggler, Thief, Assistant,
New Careers
Standard Skills: Conceal, Deceit, Insight, Stealth, Evade, Perception, Combat Style (unarmed, conceal
weapon, sniper),
Professional Skills: Culture (any), Demolitions, Disguise, Forgery, Language (any), Sleight, Streetwise

Standard Skills: Culture (any), Deceit, Influence, Insight, Pilot (one)
Professional Skills: Bureaucracy, Craft (one), Language (any), Courtesy, Electronics, Streetwise

Standard Skills: Athletics, Swim, Brawn, Ride, Combat Style (any), Endurance, Evade, Willpower
Professional Skills: Bureaucracy, Acrobatics, Science (biology), Eloquence, Boating, Pilot (one)

Standard Skills: Culture (one), Influence, Insight, Perception, Perception, Willpower,
Professional Skills: Art (any two), Craft (any two), Computer, Streetwise, Language (any)

Standard Skills: Athletics, Sing, Influence, Insight, Ride, Swim, Pilot (any)
Professional Skills: Computers, Craft (any), Art (any), Eloquence, Culture (any), Knowledge (any),
Science (any), Courtesy

Standard Skills: Athletics, Brawn Endurance, Perception, Willpower,
Professional Skills: Commerce, Craft (any), Mechanics, Science (botanic), Survival (any), Track

Standard Skills: Culture (any), Perception, Influence,
Professional Skills: Commerce, Bureaucracy, Eloquence, Politics, Courtesy

Standard Skills: Athletics, Swim, Endurance, Perception, Stealth, Combat Style (hunting style)
Professional Skills: Bureaucracy, Commerce, Craft (traps), Science (biology), Survival (any), Track

Standard Skills: Brawn, Endurance, Willpower, Pilot (any two)
Professional Skills: Commerce, Craft (two), Electronic, Gambling, Mechanic, Streetwise

Standard Skills: Endurance, Pilot (any two), Perception, Willpower,
Professional Skills: Comms, Craft (any), Mechanic, Science (geology), Sensors, Engineering,

Standard Skills: Culture (own), Influence, Insight, Perception, Combat Style (any)
Professional Skills: Art (any), Commerce, Culture (other), Eloquence, Politics, Courtesy, [chose any
Standard Skills: Athletics, Brawn, Dance, Deceit, Influence, Insight, Sing
Professional Skills: Acrobatics, Acting, Disguise, Eloquence, Musican [any], Seduction, Sleight,

Standard Skills: Culture (any 2), Deceit, Influence, Insight, Perception,
Professional Skills: Bureaucracy, Courtesy, Language (any), Eloquence, Politics, Science (any)

Pilot (other)
Standard Skills: Brawn, Endurance, Perception, Willpower, Pilot (any 2)
Professional Skills: Culture (any), Electronic, Language (any), Mechanics, Sensor, Streetwise

Standard Skills: Culture (any), Influence, Insight, Perception
Professional Skills: Culture (any), Engineering, Language (any), Science (any two), Teach, Eloquence,

Standard Skills: Athletics, Brawn, Endurance, Evade, Willpower, Pilot (any), Combat Style
Professional Skills: Comms, Demolitions, Electronic, Mechanic, Sensors, Survival (any), Combat Style

Standard Skills: Conceal, Deceit, Evade, Stealth, Combat Style
Professional Skills: Comms, Culture (any), Disguise, Electronics, Language (any), Streetwise, Forgery

Character Creation
M-Space creation rules are applied.

Additionally, at the select culture stage (p23), each race provide an additional optional professional
skill to add to the culture professional skills pool to choose 3 starting skills from.

Race also provide additional Language skills (as described) and Culture skill (INT+CHA+40%) as
standard skill.

Typically player could be of any social classes except noble and have any career.

Skill Modifications
 Custom and Culture are merged into Culture (own) and Culture (x)
 Native tongue is Language (own)
 Ride, Drive, Pilot, Seamanship, Boating: all can be taken interchangeably
 Astrogation removed, computer does it
 Navigation removed, nobody does it anymore
 Oratory renamed Eloquence

Starting Equipment
As per M-Space (p29). 2D6 x 1000cr, combat style weapon, some clothes.

Quick Items
Most item will be in the characters’ bag, taking 3 rounds to equip. They could have 1 quick weapon
set (related to a combat style) and 1 other quick item. Bandolier gives 5 quick items, such as
grenade, personal shields, etc...
Combat Styles
Here are the most relevant combat style pertaining to that settings.

 Hakash: ceremonial Bulrathi Halberd

 Sakkri: ceremonial Elerian sword and dagger style (including throwing dagger)
 Militia: Stunbaton, Shield, Disruptor Pistol
 Unarmed
 Stealth Style: Dagger, Hand-Crossbow, Garrotte
 Energy Pistols (Disruptor, Ion, Blaster Guns and Carbine)
 Energy Military (All rifles: Blaster, Repeating Blaster, Laser, Neutron, + Grenade Launcher)
 Heavy Weapon: Flamer Rifle, Tank Buster, and Grenade Launcher
 Snippers: all rifles (no repeating mode), and chose location if no distance malus
 Gunner (spaceship)
 Gunner (land vehicle)
 Psilon & Geth: Gauss Weapons

New Hazards
All shield and space suit are properly insulated. However some planetary environment might be
naturally irradiated and the protecting shield be breached exposing character to radiation. Or planet
might be bombarded with nuclear bomb. Or character might be exposed to radiation in some

They accumulate RAD point. RAD point do not go away and must be removed with the proper drugs.
A drug treatment can remove D10 RAD a day.

Every 10 RAD points 3 effects happen.

 A mild burn, causing D2 damage in a random location

 An opposed Resistance check must be made against (RAD points + 30). Each failure incur
permanent loss of 1 CON point, permanent 1 fatigue level gained and a new roll must be
made next day for the same effect (cumulatively) until success. With visible symptoms such
as pale skill, hair loss, etc.
 Every year the effect can trigger again, make a RAD% vs Resistance% check until success
every week for loss of 1 CON. This manifest as cancerous tumours.

Medicine, can remove the fatigue and be used to roll against RAD, i.e. stop it from worsening. Drugs
can remove the RAD point. CON loss is permanent.

RAD sources
 Radiated planet: D6 RAD point per hour
 Stellar vacuum: D6 per hour (i.e. in a solar system)
 Interstellar vacuum: D6 per day
 Being in the Radiation zone of a nuclear bomb: 3D10
 Ion damage cause RAD points (1 for 1)

RAD protections
Force shield will reduce RAD damage by their whole life, often negating damage. Ion shield will also
reduce RAD.

Effect on Device and Droid

Radiation damage is Ion damage, and shutdown electronic devices. Droid take damage in random
location. Their integrity is unaffected but small electronic inside stop working. Ion armour reduce

High Gravity
Items ENC is multiplied by gravity. And the same multiplier applies to SR malus inflicted by armor.

Also high gravity (>1.5) inflict a permanent fatigue level.

About Technology
This section will introduce the general technology innovation that can be found in this part of the
galaxy in broad general terms. Some of them might be out of reach (and even interest) of individual
players, but they might shape the landscape significantly.

Stellar Technologies
The largest space stations, when they reach whole city size, are named arcology or arcologies. They
would be multi-racial, fully equipped with artificial gravity, have well maintained parks, be self-
governed and might even have space drives. They will often be very busy in trade, research, industry
and/or mining.

They would typically be found in a system with no habitable planet. But with a rich asteroid field or
giant gaseous planets, as construction materials.

Artificial Planet
30% of gaseous giant and asteroid belt can be turned into artificial planet. The process requires a
capital planet or space city nearby. It also take many decades.

Galactic Gates
Psilon empire tech only

They look like huge mechanical half orb, huge as in a few kilometre wide. With a big tunnels that just
happen to exit in another such gate many parsecs away. Only the Psilon Directorate have them.

This turns barely liveable planet into hospitable planet. Typically takes decade.

Warp Dissipator
Psilon empire tech only

Warp dissipators are huge energy consumer that should be typically build near gas giant, where they
will continuously harness and consume He3 and power their fusion power plant with it. They can
produced modulated gravity wave that selectively disturb whose hyperspace drive in 1 hex (i.e. 1
parsec, 3.6 lightyears) that don’t have demodulator.
In effect foreign spaceships are reduced to one tenth of their warp speed (such as Warp20 instead of
Warp200) when 1 parsec from the system. They are also detected as incoming, another huge

Planetary Technologies
Psilon tech only

A galactic wide instant communication network. Enable to create 2 communication relay point to
point node that link instantly without distance limitation anywhere in the universe. Pretty much like
stellar communication network, except the relays can be anywhere in the universe.

Pleasure Dome
A relatively new technology. Huge entertainment parks having the latest in LucidDream and
HyperReality technologies ™. Which are both cumbersome and expensive to have at home, though
some rich people do have it. Found on most capital planets.

Cloning Centre
Bulrathi used that to bolster their colonization effort, to the effect that 60% of Bulrathi population is
known as Lower Bulrathi, i.e. clone. All the existing centres are made for Bulrathi. However they are
not much in use today. Either being closed, turned into research centre, an historical site / museum.

Growing a clone takes about 1 month. But those cloning centre do multiple clones in parallel.

Some powerful private individual might have secretly acquired some of those unused cloning centre
and modified them to help push forward their own revolutionary racial agenda.

Planetary Shields
There is no whole planet shields. However some shield can cover area a few kilometres square. And
multiple protected zone can be joined together. Shield would protect against bombardment, to a
certain extent, and space or solar radiation, making life able to survive and thrive even on hostile

Stellar Communication Network

An FTL point to point communication system at the solar system level. Special point to point FTL
communication relay nodes need to be setup in advance on each planet and space station for it to
work. It is possible to cutoff a space station from it by destroying its communication node. At the
local planet level it is normal electromagnetic communication.

Space Elevator
An expensive yet ancient technology to reduce the cost of getting off a planet. It would be available
on most urban world.

Teleport Portal
A relatively new technology. While cheaper than space elevator it is still expensive and new. Would
only be available on capital planets. In effect connect create a tunnel between 2 region of space on
the same planet or near orbit in a space station.

Tower Farms
Some farming technology can produce enough food for a lot of people in a very enclosed space in a
multilevel farm tower (or even underground or aquatic). Enabling fully industrialized world to still be
self-sufficient. They are energy intensive though (i.e expensive) and reserved for highly populated

Device Technologies
Artificial Gravity
Using low power repulsor field one can replicate normal gravity in indoor or enclosed settings. And
even at city scale in the most advanced location, such as mineral rich planet or space station. As all
repulsor field it has a fait yellow glow.

If the artificial gravity fails, the acceleration might be deadly, causing D4 damage per round for each
speed of 10 or per 5 increment above…

Hard light
The basis for most energy shield. And some for weapons or construction. Normally translucent blue
with hexagonal lattice.

Hyperspace travelling work by creating its own spacetime bubble, weakly connect to the
surrounding universe, around the ship. In effect the ship doesn’t move, spacetime does. And the
bubble is connection to the outside universe is minuscule (a few atoms wide) making it very safe
from wandering hazards.
Remark: This is the concept of a Van Den Broeck bubble, aka an improved Alcubierre drive.

However the bubble is unstable and very susceptible to gravity waves. Hence hyperspace jump
cannot be used close to any heavy gravity field, such as a planet, a moon, etc. Hyperspace cannot be
used in a 1 million kilomenetre range of 1G planet (and this vary linearly with G). Further since
everything is moving fast in the universe hyperjump to remote system is also somewhat imprecise
by D10+2 million kilometres.

It offer travel speed of about 200 lightspeed (average civilian ship), 400 lightspeed (top of the line
Bulrathi military ship) or 600 lightspeed (top of the line Antarian spaceship).

Teleportation gate are a relatively new thing found mostly on capital planet. Giving instant access to
outer space or other planet in the system. Those are more common in the Psilon Empire and they
also have interstellar gates. Additionally, there is a new tech that allow short jump for spaceships, a
few hundred of meters, mostly used for combat, it can also be used for short range (up to 1
kilometre) teleport of goods and people on short range to an open area.

Repulsor field
Repulsor drives are the “conventional”, reactionless, propulsion mechanism for all flying machines. It
can also simulate antigrav by applying a compensating or additive force field to an inner area. It has
a faint yellow glow and a limited range. It is quite energy intensive and not used for most land
transportation device which are simply wheeled.

Equipment & Improvements

Standard Equipment summary in the Excel file
Here are some common drug and their price and injection mechanism. Most drugs have a shelf life
of 3 to 12 months.

Syringe, 200cr dose, will cancel fatigue (up to 8 level, just before lethal) for 2D6*10 minutes. All
fatigue +1 return when the drug expires. Character can’t be made knocked out (made unconscious
through shock) while under the effect of the drug.

Syringe, 1000cr (also rare). Cancel the next month of aging. Withdrawal cause Resistance roll. Failure
will cause 1 permanent (random) characteristic damage and -20% malus all physical action for a
week. Medical attention can remove the tremor (i.e. 20% malus)

Pills (10 uses), 100cr, remove D10 RAD over a day. Additional dose can deRAD fast or cause damage
and blood loss (Resistance roll).

Antitoxin [specific toxin]

Syringe, 50cr dose, need to be inject after poisoning and neutralize the agent

Syringe, 50cr, double the healing rate for 24 hours

Clarimind [Skill]
Inhaler (10 uses), 100cr, last 10 rounds for combat skills or 1 hour, +20% to skill check

Combat Drug
Inhaler (10 uses), 500cr, last 10 rounds. +5SR, +1 defensive AP. When the drug wear off the user
incur 1 level of fatigue. Also the character get an additional Resistance roll to resist any effect.

Darts (10), 1000cr, If at least 1 damage is done, => Resistance roll, or sleep in 1D3-1 round

Box, 75cr. 20 use. Make First aid ease (+20%).

Smallbox, 200cr, 1 use. Must be applied on fresh wounds (less than 12 rounds / a minute). Will stop
bleeding immediately or will turn major wound into serious. Need either Medical or First aid roll.

Sirup (10 uses), 700cr, takes 1 minute to kick in, work D6 hour. Give night vision and -20% penalty
when blinded (by normal light). Eyes turn silverish.

Syringe, 30cr, Remove 1 fatigue level and inflict 1+ damage in random location. Damage inflicted by
each shot increase by 1 until normal rest.
Trauma Pack
Small box, 600cr, require medicine rolls. Restore 1D6+2 on any wounds (Medecine+20% on minor,
+0% on serious, -20% on major), takes D6 round to act, can only be used with new wounds (i.e. less
than a minute / 12 rounds old).

Syringe, 500cr, 3d10 minutes, Resist with Willpower vs Potency 50%. Cancel creative brain
preventing the victim to lie. The victim is aware of the effect and can remain silent.

Cybernetic comes into 2 variation. Replacement and Enhancements. Cybernetic increase the ROB(ot)
characteristics and they are taxing the body for functioning. One can only have that many
cybernetics (detailed below).

Limbs can be replaced by life like mechanical one. This replacement do NOT heal naturally and need
a hard (-20%) Mechanic roll for repair. They also have 4AP 4Ion AP and race average HP and are also
susceptible to ion damage. They do not cause fatigue or blood loss and just stop functioning in case
of major wound with no other effect. They each have 1 ROB Rating but always work.

Replacement limb cost 20,000cr

Each implant has a Rating that adds to the ROB (Robot) attribute, starting at 0. Too many
enhancement tax the body that power it and can also interfere with each other. Cybernetics are
installed with Medecine skill during a 1 hour operation. At which stage an Extended conflict (M-
Space, page 42) is run to check for success

Doctor’s Medicine skill and character CON pool

vs ROBx10% and ROB pool

If the implant fail it doesn’t work. It can be removed with more surgery, which also reduce the ROB
score. Also a single Resistance roll (augmented by Medicine skill) is done. A failure cause 1
permanent CON loss. A fumble D3.

Each different enhancement can only be applied once, unlike genetic alterations.

Augmentation [INT, STR, CON]

5,000cr, 1ROB. +3 to x

Body Repair Weave

5,000cr, 1ROB, healing rate double.

Fortified Skeleton
40,000cr, 1ROB (actually 1 week installation and can’t be removed or redone if failed). Gives +5HP in
each location.

5,000cr, 1ROB, +3SR
Injector Unit
5,000cr, 1ROB. Must be on a cyberlimb. Can contain up to 3 dose of drug that can be injected with a
though and instant result.

5,000cr, 1ROB, rare. Provide permanent Mindshield at 60%.

Neural Comm
2,000cr, 2ROB. Can communicate with machine and comm device by though alone.

Optics [x]
8,000cr, 2ROB each. Gives Darksight, Infrared, Zoom (+20% perception)

Rage Implant
5000cr, 2ROB. Once a day for 4 rounds a potent chemical brew can be released granting +6 STR, DEX
& CON. After those 4 round 1 level of fatigue is accrued.

Psionic Implant [x]

40,000cr, 1ROB. Very rare, only at settings specific location. Each implant provide access to D3+1
random Psionic power as a new discipline starting at POWx2%.

Replacement Brain
4ROB. rare. Will kill the target (mind) and turns its body into an organic droid. If the operation fail
the body can’t self-sustain anymore and dies.

Skill Augment [x]

5,000cr, 1ROB, Make all skill [x] roll +20% easier.

10,000cr, 1ROB. Continuously monitor blood stream and can automatically stop haemorrhage (50% /
round) and offer a second save vs killing effects such as maiming (50%).

Subdermal Armor [1,2,3]

10,000+rating x 5,000cr, x ROB. Gives 2, 3 or 4 natural armor. Will reduce (touch) perception.

Genetic Modifications
Genetic modification will permanently alter a living being. The more modification the harder it is to
add more. Modification affect particular organs, and will not be passed to offspring. If reproductive
cells are targeted, with the hope to pass acquired benefit the most likely effect is sterility, due to
DNA incompatibility (i.e. different species do not reproduce together).

Each genetic modification will have a Rating that will increase character’s GMO index (starting at 0).
The genetic change will slowly alter the organism and take Rating weeks to be effective. At the end
of the waiting period an extended conflict (M-Space, page 42) will be run of

Doctor’s Medicine skill and Character’s CON pool

vs GMOx10% and Ratingx6 pool.

In case of success the benefit is acquired. In case of failure a single Resistance roll is made. With no
effect in case of success or permanent loss of 1CON in case of failure. D3 CON loss for fumble. Being
in a hospital might boost the Resistance with Doctor’s Medicine score.

Modification can be taken multiple times.

Cost guideline: 6,000cr * Rating for common

 +1 to either (STR, CON, INT, DEX, CHA) characteristic, Rating 1, common
 Acquire Psionic, Rating 4, very rare (only in specifically designed location by GM)
 1 specific disease immunity, Rating 1, common
 1 Enhance sense, Rating 2, common (low light, infrared, enhance hearing…)
 Regeneration, Rating 3, common, increase healing speed by 1 rank. In case of very fast healing
(multiple improvement) a fatigue level is accrued every time a serious or major wound is removed.
 Wings / extra limb, Rating 6 / 4, uncommon
Limb will be grown in a lab and grafted, in case of failure limb can atrophy (Res roll) or simply be not
connected to nervous system (no control)(Willpower roll) .

Equipment Notes
Autonomy & Energy Consideration
It is my intention to put forward that energy is not entirely free. Since it’s a space opera setting one
can’t escape brushing over some tremendously energy expensive operation, like getting off planet.
However occasionally some limitation will highlight the problem. One is some equipment are
marked with an autonomy. They need be recharged after that. It’s just a formality on urban and
orbital environment (thought it might require 1 hour). But it can be problematic in rural
environment or in the wilderness. In space a functioning space ship has enough power to restore
said items.

Adhesion Disks
Worn on hands and knees, these disks permit the wearer to scale normally impossible to climb
substances such as glass or sheet metal. They only work on smooth surface and won’t help with
rocky cliffs of trees.

Looks like a full body suit, like spiderman. Quite obvious.

Psilon tech, new tech for Bulrathi special forces

The ultimate in personal protection. Armor mod only available on full body armor. Also known as the
Bowser Bilharzia Shell 10 aka BBS10 (named after its creators and attempt number). This reinforced
armor has internal honeycomb structure filled with hydrostatic gel absorbing shock extremely
efficiently. In effect this simulate +5HP bonus on all locations. Use repair skill and 200cr of material
to repair.

Due to the internal gel, that armor bleed some sort of black viscous and oily fluid when overcome.

It’s a new tech for Bulrathi and only Bulrathi special force have it, i.e. it’s not on the market.
However some such armor could possibly be found by characters. Psilon Empire had it for a long
time though.

Arming a grenade and throwing a grenade both counts as 1 action, i.e. 2 action points to arm and
throw. Grenade can be kept in hand in armed state and thrown later.

Grenades also have cycles and SR. Next round, when cycle turn is reached it explode at its initiative.
They have Kill radius at which D3 location takes high damage, and Casualty radius at which D3-1
location take lower damage.

For every 5 total damage (before subtracting armour and shield) above SIZ, the target will be thrown
1 meter away in random direction and might incur fall damage.

Shield will reduce damage before armour calculation.

Grenade can be launched either with a grenade launcher (military style) or by hand, Range: STR /
3xSTR with Athletics, escape with Evade. Every 10% failure and the Grenade is 2m away in random
direction when thrown manually (might be a good thing in fact. Attack fumble and the grenade falls
at character feet.

Grenade Launcher
Grenade launcher can be attached on rifle and can throw 1 grenade at a time. Will need 3AP to put a
new Grenade in place after that. Using the grenade launcher might need 1AP to switch fire mode.

Every 10% failure and the grenade is D6 meters away in random direction.

Fire Foam
Fire foam is a very small spray on device the size of a grenade. It can instantly shutdown fire on one
person, or 2 metre building section and keep it shut for 3 round. Useful if one has been attacked by
fire weapon as well.

Personal Defence Shields

Personal defence shield are single use item that can be used for safety purpose. It’s generated by a
small box, often carried on the belt. They create a translucent bluish egg shaped shell with a
hexagonal lattice. Antarian reflective would be reddish and crisscrossed.

Depending on their strength they offer some protection (i.e AP). That will protect against all damage.
If they are overcome with normal damage though (all but Ion damage) their integrity is reduced by 1.

Reflective (Antarian) shield can also reflect incoming damage if they win an opposed roll of Shield
(70%) vs Combat Style, negating all damage. Additionally it then rolls an unmodified hit roll (no
distance or visibility penalty) of 50% to the attacker.

Power Cells
In rural environment this help recharge device that ran out.

Personal Reflective Shield

Antarian technology

This looks like a Personal Defence shield. Except it fluorescent red with crisscrossed pattern.

And it can reflect incoming ranged attack (70% vs Combat Style). If it does all damage is cancelled an
attack without distance penalty at 50% rating is made against the enemy with its own weapon.

Repulsor Platform
A floating platform powered by a repulsor field (slightly translucent yellow under). It levitate up to
200kg (SIZ 36) for 6 hours than can then be pushed around with ease.
Weapon Types
Energy weapons are the most common weapons in the Bulrathi empire.

Blaster Weapon
Blaster, i.e. plasma pulse, are the most common. They made a crackling sound. Additionally Blaster
can be toggled to stun mode.

Neutron Rifle

Military Weapon which bypass most armour effectively. They are also silent.

Laser Rifle

Mostly used in space, they do not work very well in atmospheric environment. Have very long range
and easy aim (+20%). They are also silent.

Gauss Rifle

Only Psilon and Geth have the Tech for combat ready portable Gauss Rifle. They use simple metallic
pellet accelerated by powerful magnetic field inside the gun.

This powerful Antarian tech gun, combine multiple energy simultaneously that tend to turn solid into
powder, in effect disintegrating matter. This does a huge bang noise on impact.

Additional Weapon Traits

Some weapons trait have been added or imported from “RQ Firearms” supplement. They are
described below.

Designed to directly attack the protective armour. Damage is done to armour point first. Once the
armour has been reduced to 0, remaining damage continue to the target. Most high explosive have
this traits.

Armour Piercing
Ignore a specific number of armour points.

The bolt or beam immediately seals off any rupture vessels, preventing target from bleeding out in
case of a major wound.

Shield trait. Each time the shield’s AP are overcome the device weakens / shatter, reducing it AP by
1. Ion damage do not weaken the shield though.

Inflict permanent damage to the target, literally vaporising the area stuck.

This is an explosive device.

Hollow Point
Grant Special Effect

The projectile flatten inside the target causing additional damage. Roll damage twice and take best
results. Can be taken on a normal roll.
Designed to ignite whatever it hits. If the target is naturally inflammable, it burst into flame. Treat as
a fire Intensity 3 (Mythras p79). When a target is on fire the armour point are applied only once and
then the damage is applied to both the armour and the creature under.

Inject Drug
Weapon or missile contain a capsule that release drug in the blood stream. Need to do at least 1
point of damage.

This weapon can be set to stun mode (1CA), it will inflict no damage but if the victim fail Willpower
vs CombatStyle it will drop unconscious for (virtual) damage minutes. The weapon damage will be
used to overcome shield and armor and the effect will only apply if at least 1 (virtual) damage could
be applied.

Grant Special Effect

The location hit does not take damage. Instead the hit location become incapacitated for damage
(virtual) minutes if a Resistance roll is failed.

Self Guided
Grant Special Effect

Permit the selection of the Circumvent Cover special effect.

Incendiary weapon can be made sticky. Even if the target is not inflammable the target will continue
burning for the given time. It also make the fire water proof. Need to wait it off or use a fire foam.

Anything that affect vision affect laser. Smoke grenade offer 6AP vs laser for example.

Firefight Actions
Take Cover
Take cover can also be used to change cover safely if less than MOV away from current position.
With a successful Evade roll will avoid all damage or, at least, will be covered.

Vehicle Actions
Vehicle fight is detailed below, but here the action are described in more detail.

Many of these considerations hurts me as a physicist, but they seem necessary for an interstellar
story to develop, so I wrote them once and be done with it. Further they give some idea on the
timing and costs of various actions.

Cost and Range Considerations

Warp drives and spaceships have sort of unlimited range, using ship built-in power generators. But
ship maintenance (i.e. Condition) will somewhat limit ship foray into the unknown, or risk being
stranded. Additionally Warp drive are limited by gravity and precision. One million kilometre is the
closest they could be used to an earth sized planet, scaling with G. And long range warp drive usually
arrives D10+2 millions kilometres from the destination.

Calculate Refuel Cost (RC) at step 4, multiply modules, and divide by 5.

Planet side vehicles on the other hand have a flat 1,000km autonomy. After which they should
recharged by their Refuel Cost (RC) in power cells. i.e. 100cr each, or in a shop 50cr each.

Note that Repulsor field behave a bit like anti-grav drive but are more expensive, +50% module, i.e.
x1.5 module. Not also there is no anti grav in that setting, only quite versatile Repulsor field.

Speed considerations
The slowest Warp drive, Warp100, which is one module, goes at 100 lightspeed. Which cross 1
parsec (hex) in 11.5 days. The more common model is Warp200 (2 module) which cross 1 hex in 6
days. Fastest Bulrathi military drives are Warp400 (4 modules). Psilons have Warp500 drives and
Antarians Warp600. Price goes up in cubic of speed.

Spaceships Speed is acceleration in G, and cruising speeds is considered to be 100 kilometres per
second. With that in mind it takes 3 hours to cross 1 million kilometres. With such speed, frontal
assault only last 1 or few round (at GM discretion) followed by a long time to turn. Only fastest or
same speed ship can engage fleeing opponent. Otherwise most engagement would be around a
point of interest.

If the living quarter “antigrav” (which are compensating Repulsor field) is damaged, it is too
dangerous to use such speed. Speed will be limited to 2 for safety, i.e. 2g acceleration. That will
make the last million kilometre 6 hours (need to slow down).

Planetary Assault Considerations

Since that, unlike Master of Orion, spaceships can’t be detected remotely and can appear relatively
close to their target, and since galactic communication has to be carried away, relatively slowly, by
spaceships, planets are at the mercy of alien armada appearing suddenly at their stellar doorstep, so
to speak.

Peace is maintained more by assurance of mutual destruction than staunch defence, since news of
the attack can’t be container, and counter attack on another planet couldn’t be prevented either.

Further the following mitigating factors must be considered:

 Fearsome and numerous ground and spaced defence are relatively easy to implement
 Planetary asteroid bombardment can be countered with a few ships. But, if successful will
obliterate the planet and create huge volcanic activity for decades, not making it ripe for
conquest. But it happens.
 Planetary marines bases can have tremendously huge soldier population, very hard to match
for a space armada. As well as a better ongoing food supply.

I.e. destroy all infrastructure and create dangerously high volcanic activity is the easiest outcome.
Successful occupation is very difficult and demand huge occupation forces, hence the tremendous
cloning effort of the Bulrathi Empire. And reprisal is unavoidable and just as uncounterable.
Vehicle Combat
This is an alternate vehicle combat rule. Not that engagement can be very short if vehicle cross each
other, or more drawn out if they pursue each other.

The following penalty bonus are also applied to all appropriate combat action:

- Faster ship are harder to hit, each 5 Speed (of the faster ships) give 20% malus to gunner
skills to both parties
- Larger ship are easier to hit: +20% gunner skill by 5 Size Rating of enemy Ships. And -20% for
human size targets.
- If Handlings are more than 5 apart, more agile ship’s pilot got +20% on all piloting roll and
slower ship’s pilot got -20%

Each round each vehicle get 1 action. The pilot of each vehicle rolls initiative with Handling + D10. All
participant have one action.

Pilot can

- Engage
- Gain good angle
- Make evasive manoeuvre
- Fire (1 weapon system)
- Move Shield

Gunner can

- Fire
- Move Shield

Opposed rolled are used.

Engage try to engage enemy ship which, if successful, will remove the speed aiming penalty. It also
work both ways. But the pilot who succeed has the best location (i.e. behind) if needed and
appropriate. If both ship want to engage success is automatic in space (might fail on road due to
obstacle), and directly give good angle to best pilot.

Gain good angle can be attempted if both vehicle are engaged and give +20% to gunner.

Make evasive manoeuvre will break engagement and avoid all energy weapon (opposed single
piloting roll vs all pilot and modified gunner skills for speed might be used, making it potentially very

Gunner can apply the following effect:

- Telling Damage (roll twice, take best)

- Marksman (move location by one)
- Maximize damage (crit) (max damage)
- Chose location (crit)
- Bypass armour (crit)

In case of fumble:

- For weapon: roll on malfunction table

- For Pilot: lose control, -20% piloting skill until stabilized, no other action permitted.
Spaceships Modules and Attributes
Some new modules, tweaks and additional information to existing module


Each module can provide 1D10 of instant ship repair once. It needs be restocked in a star base / dock

Displacement Device

Every 2 module give an escape capability against one successful attack. Opposed roll of 50% vs
enemy Combat Style. And the ship does a short teleportation jump in space and dodge the attack.

Replace Hyperspace that jump a number of Hex, just because the logic of it makes more sense to
me. Warp 100 cross 1 Hex (parsec) in 6 days, travelling in its own spacetime bubble. Warp 200 is 2
times faster than Warp 100. Warp 300 is 3 times faster, and so on.

Jump distance is mostly limited by Condition, which can cause ship malfunctions.

Engine Type TR for Engine Cost and Module

Antarian Tech Warp 600 Antarian - 6 modules
Psilon Tech Warp 500 Psilon - 5 modules
Cutting Edge Warp 400 40,000, 4 modules
Excellent Warp 300 20,000, 3 modules
Standard Warp 200 10,000, 2 modules
Economy Warp 100 5,000, 1 module

Phasing Cloak

Ship are undetectable as long as they don’t use the weapon and thruster (they could still move with
their original inertia), need to cover the whole ship, i.e. all modules. If using thruster only they are
hard (-40%) to detect.

Reflective Shields

If the shield are superior to incoming damage, they could reflect the attack wholly. Run an opposed
roll of 70% vs CombatStyle.

This work like a robotic mechanic.

Shield should be allocated to one of the fire arc (forward, aft, starboard, port) and absorb incoming
damage before it affect the ship. They can be reallocated with the action “move Shields”, by default
they will be spread evenly.
Targeting AI
Cost 1,000cr / gun

Instead of crew a targeting AI can be used for each weapon system. Targeting AI have 60% gunner
skills. It takes 1 action to instruct any number of AI to attack one given ship or ship formation.

Psilon, or rare on capital Bulrathis settlements.
Cost: 10,000

Each module can teleport 4 crew to 100 meter (distance 10 in space ship combat). Crew can be
teleported directly into enemy ship.

This table contains additional thrusters and price

Engine Type TR for Engine Cost / Engine Module

Antarian Tech 160 (Max Speed: 30)
Psilon Tech 140 (Max Speed: 25)
Cutting Edge 120 10,000
Excellent 100 7,000
Standard 70 5,000
Economy 40 2,500

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