Il Bracconaggio Crea Aree Ecologiche-2019
Il Bracconaggio Crea Aree Ecologiche-2019
Il Bracconaggio Crea Aree Ecologiche-2019
4 752
3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Sam Ferreira on 18 August 2020.
Keywords Abstract
rhino; illegal killing; habitat selection; species
distribution; wildlife management; poaching; Ecological traps occur when areas preferentially selected by a species harbour an
ecological trap; Kruger National Park. unknown increased mortality risk or reduced fitness for the individuals utilizing them.
If animals continue to utilize these habitats, rapid declines may result that threaten the
Correspondence persistence of the population. Both black and white rhinoceroses are plagued by sev-
Nikki le Roex, Scientific Services, South ere, targeted rhino poaching in South Africa that may have population and species-
African National Parks, Skukuza 1350, South level consequences in the long term. Poaching can rapidly increase mortality and may
Africa. create habitats that function as ecological traps for protected populations. We used
Email: [email protected] spatially explicit data of live rhino and poached rhino carcasses in the Kruger National
Park, South Africa, to define high- and low-risk states for both black and white rhino
Editor: Gurutzeta Guillera-Arroita species. The proportion of area functioning as ecological trap was similar for both spe-
Associate Editor: Vincenzo Penteriani cies (black: 37.73%, white: 35.51%), while the proportion of safe harbour was consid-
erably lower for black rhino (black rhino: 32.01%, white rhino: 44.74%). Species-
Received 20 March 2019; accepted 30 July specific risk areas were condensed into management categories that reflect the actions
2019 most likely to be effective for overall rhino protection in those areas. ‘Threat’ area,
representing ecological traps for both species, comprised 32.48% of southern Kruger;
doi:10.1111/acv.12532 this represents the highest priority for anti-poaching interventions. A further 31.03%
was identified as ‘haven’, representing safe harbours for both species, which may ben-
efit most from continued rhino monitoring and surveillance. Using these categories,
authorities can prioritize the distribution of limited resources and tailor anti-poaching
and biological management actions according to the needs of each area for the concur-
rent protection of both rhino species. This work illustrates how the conservation of
multiple species or taxa within a system can be simultaneously prioritized in vast areas
where resources and/or capacity may be insufficient to undertake species-specific
species. However, in recent years, the rapid growth of the south-eastern black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis minor; here-
illegal wildlife trade and corresponding increase in poaching after black rhino and southern white rhinoceros Cera-
within protected areas in many countries have placed enor- totherium simum simum; hereafter white rhino, and is one of
mous pressure on certain wildlife species. Poaching can the few remaining free-ranging, ‘natural’ populations in the
rapidly increase mortality within a population and may be world. However, Kruger is plagued by severe, targeted rhino
temporally or physically localized within a protected area poaching which is likely to have population and species-
(Woodroffe & Ginsberg, 2008). If poaching is persistently level consequences in the long term (Ferreira, Greaver, &
localized, and the increased mortality risk cannot be detected Knight, 2011; Ferreira et al., 2018). The black rhinoceros is
by animals, poaching may create habitats that function as critically endangered, with less than 6000 animals remaining
ecological traps for protected populations (Abrams et al., globally (Emslie et al., 2016). Black rhino are elusive and
2012). Ecological traps are areas or habitats that are equally difficult to monitor, and have been identified as a species of
or more attractive than others, but harbour an increased mor- special concern within Kruger by South African National
tality risk or reduced fitness for the individuals utilizing them Parks (SANParks), due to their low numbers, declining
(Schlaepfer, Runge, & Sherman, 2002). Ecological traps may growth and poaching losses experienced. The white rhino is
form when habitat quality cues remain unchanged but sur- currently listed as ‘near threatened’ on the IUCN Red List of
vival or fitness in an area is reduced, or habitat cues are dis- Threatened Species (Emslie, 2012), with a global population
torted and no longer reflect the true habitat quality of approximately 20 000 animals (Emslie et al., 2016).
(Robertson & Hutto, 2006). If animals are unaware of the Despite their large population size, white rhino have suffered
increased risk and continue to utilize these habitats, this can the majority of the annual poaching fatalities over the last
lead to rapid declines that threaten the persistence of the 5 years in South Africa (Emslie et al., 2016), and the Kruger
population, and ultimately, species (Abrams et al., 2012; population shows a net annual decline (Ferreira et al., 2018).
Fletcher, Orrock, & Robertson, 2012). Human-induced mor- Management within Kruger therefore need to utilize limited
tality such as poaching is an example of such a risk, and resources in a manner that protects both rhino species simul-
may act as a substantial population-level threat if it persists taneously. Identifying high and low threat areas common
over long periods. From a conservation perspective, under- across both species may be the most practical way to ensure
standing the spatial patterns of habitat selection and human- maximum impact in rhino protection and management.
induced mortality in protected populations of endangered Spatially explicit data of live rhino and poached rhino car-
species can enable the identification of high and low threat casses provide an opportunity to determine whether areas in
areas, the design of innovative management approaches and the southern Kruger National Park function as ecological
the optimal allocation of limited capacity and resources. traps for rhinos. In this study, we identify areas with high
Recent work in this field has predominantly focused on and low probability of poaching (Nielsen et al., 2006;
large carnivores or omnivores with the identification of eco- Roever et al., 2013; Sanchez-Mercado et al., 2014) and
logical traps for species such as brown bears Ursus arctos relate these areas to rhino occurrence within the Kruger land-
(Falcucci et al., 2009; Northrup, Stenhouse, & Boyce, 2012; scape. We expect that environmental variables will exert the
Lamb et al., 2017; Penteriani et al., 2018), Andean bears primary influence on live rhino occurrence, and anthro-
Tremarctos ornatus (Sanchez-Mercado et al., 2014), jaguars pogenic variables will be the key drivers of carcass occur-
Panthera onca (Romero-Mu~noz et al., 2018) and leopards rence. By overlaying these results, we classify high threat
Panthera pardus (Pitman et al., 2015). These studies have areas (ecological traps) and low threat areas (safe harbours)
focused on individual species where conservation strategies within southern Kruger according to the dual occurrence
are needed to offset conflict-related deaths, primarily in probability and mortality risk for each rhino species. Finally,
human-modified landscapes. While methodologies and data we combine the species-specific risk areas into categories to
types differ between studies, all make use of animal loca- inform innovative management interventions that would
tions and mortality data to predict areas of high risk for the enable the optimal allocation of limited resources that maxi-
species in question. Poaching data, in conjunction with spe- mizes the protection of both rhino species.
cies occurrence data, have been used to identify ecological
traps for Andean bears (Sanchez-Mercado et al., 2014) and Materials and methods
savanna elephants (Roever, van Aarde, & Chase, 2013) both
inside and outside of the protected areas and rank areas for
Study area
additional protection. It is not always possible, however, for
management authorities to prioritize a single species within a The Kruger National Park (24°00 41″ S, 31°290 7″ E) is the
protected area when others are also at risk, particularly when largest protected area in South Africa and encompasses
the threat is severe and/or requires significant resources to 19 485 km2 of low-lying savanna. The landscape varies
address. across the park, with landscape types classified according to
Increasing demand for rhino horn to supply the illegal vegetation type, soil and geological characteristics (Gerten-
wildlife trade has resulted in relentless poaching of rhino- bach, 1983). Black rhinos are predominantly found south of
ceroses in the last decade, particularly in South Africa the Olifants river (Kruger, Reilly, & Whyte, 2008), most
(Emslie et al., 2016). The Kruger National Park, South likely as a result of their reintroduction locations in southern
Africa, hosts the largest populations of two species: the Kruger. White rhino have a wider distribution across the
park, but occur at their highest densities in the southern as ‘shot’ were used in the analyses; unknown and natural
region (Ferreira et al., 2018). deaths were removed. This resulted in poached carcass data-
Within the southern region, an Intensive Protection Zone sets of 81 black rhino and 1366 white rhino.
(IPZ; Fig. 1) was established in 2014 to prioritize the secu-
rity of rhino in high-density areas using advanced technol-
Live rhino and carcass occurrence
ogy, equipment and infrastructure. The IPZ covers
approximately 4000 km2 and is comprised of nine landscape We used a resource selection function (RSF) approach and
types, summarized as follows: Acacia thicket, Sabie/Croco- ran generalized linear models (GLMs) with a binomial error
dile thicket, Lowveld sour bushveld, mountain bushveld, structure to investigate the environmental and anthropogenic
mixed Combretum/Terminalia woodland, Combretum wood- variables influencing rhino occurrence and mortality in south-
land, Acacia savanna, Lebombo south and thornveld (Gerten- ern Kruger. In addition to our live rhino locations, we gener-
bach, 1983). Southern Kruger also suffers the greatest ated an equal number of random points within the census
human incursion and poaching rates, likely as a result of blocks to represent locations available to rhino. The binomial
high rhino densities, intensive human settlement along the response variable was thus 0 (random point within the sur-
boundary, international access and rudimentary fencing. veyed area) or 1 (rhino location). The predictor variables
included in the models were: distance to main rivers, land-
scape type (Gertenbach, 1983); woody cover (for black
Rhino data
rhino; Bucini, Saatchi, Hanan, Boone, & Smit, 2009) or
We used 5 years of rhino sightings data collected during herbaceous biomass (for white rhino; Smit, 2011); terrain
annual aerial rhino surveys from 2013 to 2017 in the IPZ of ruggedness, distance to human activity (represented by ran-
the Kruger National Park. These surveys were conducted by ger stations), distance to roads and distance to fence. Woody
Jet Bell Ranger helicopter in August and September each cover represents the percentage of tree and shrub cover
year, following a block-count approach; details can be seen (Bucini et al., 2009), and herbaceous biomass is a co-kriged
in Ferreira et al. (2015). Approximately, 50% of the avail- interpolated surface representing average forage quantity
able 3 9 3 km blocks were surveyed each year and animal (Smit et al., 2011). Terrain ruggedness is represented by the
age, sex and GPS locations were recorded. Block selection topographic position index (TPI) of each cell, calculated
was randomly distributed across each landscape type. By from a 90-m digital elevation model (DEM). Ranger stations
combining the annual data, we generated a spatially explicit house the rangers of each section and represent areas of per-
dataset of 723 black rhino sightings and 12 921 white rhino manent human activity. Distances were extracted from dis-
sightings within the study area over a 5-year period. For tance rasters produced using the ‘raster’ package (Hijmans,
poached rhino, we extracted carcass locations of animals 2019) in R v3.5.1 (R Core Team, 2018). All variables were
killed between 2013 and 2017 from the large mammal car- re-sampled to a 200 m 9 200 m resolution. Prior to model
cass database maintained by the SANParks Environmental selection, predictor variables were tested for collinearity
Crime Investigative (ECI) unit. Only rhino deaths recorded using Pearson’s Correlation; no pairs of predictors showed
Figure 1 The Intensive Protection Zone (IPZ) within the southern Kruger National Park and surrounds.
r > 0.6 and thus none were considered collinear. Models by the data to define the boundaries between risk classes,
were run using the ‘glmulti’ package (Calcagno, 2019) in R with 90% of live rhino and 80% of carcass occurrence
v3.5.1 (R Core Team, 2018), and ranked by Akaike Informa- describing high use and high risk respectively. High use was
tion Criterion adjusted for sample size (AICc). Predictor vari- further divided in half to represent primary and secondary
ables remaining in the top models were tested for non-linear occurrence. Ecological traps exhibit the highest risk for
fit using quadratic terms or log transformation. Similarly, we rhino, with high use and high poaching risk; these areas can
used GLMs with a binomial error structure to test the influ- be divided into primary and secondary traps in line with the
ence of variables on poached rhino locations. Landscape type probability of live rhino occurrence. Safe harbours represent
was, however, excluded from the mortality analyses as small the least risky areas for rhino, with high probability of use
clusters of carcasses greatly distorted landscape significance but low poaching risk; these areas can similarly be divided
and collapsed the models. Detection probability of both live into primary and secondary safe harbours in line with live
rhino and carcass occurrence was considered comparable as rhino occurrence. Non-critical habitat represents the area
both are performed through extensive aerial surveillance in inhabited by less than 10% of the population.
southern Kruger. To delineate areas for the simultaneous management of
both rhino species, we overlaid and collapsed the black and
white rhino risk areas into management categories: (1) threat
Landscape preference
(where both species were primary/secondary trap, or one spe-
We used Ivlev’s Selectivity Index (Krebs, 1999) to investi- cies was primary/secondary trap and the other species was
gate the degree to which the landscape preferences of black non-critical), (2) haven (where both species were primary/
and white rhino have been influenced by the removal of ani- secondary safe harbour, or one species was primary/sec-
mals by poaching. Ivlev’s index represents a measure of the ondary safe harbour and the other species was non-critical),
use of a landscape in relation to its availability. Values >0 (3) species contrast (where one species was primary/sec-
indicate that the landscape is used proportionately more rela- ondary trap and the other was primary/secondary safe har-
tive to the amount of that landscape available (preference), bour) and (4) non-critical (non-critical habitat for both
and values <0 indicate that a landscape is used proportion- species). These categories were defined in terms of manage-
ately less than it is available (avoidance). For each species, ment actions that might be most effective. For example, both
we compared the impacted population (consisting of live primary and secondary ecological trap areas may benefit
rhino sightings only) to a representation of the original popu- most from increased anti-poaching actions, while both pri-
lation without the impact of poaching, that is, without ani- mary and secondary safe harbour areas may benefit from
mals removed (combined live rhino and carcass sightings). If continued surveillance. Likewise, biological management
poaching has removed a significant proportion of animals strategies would distinguish along similar lines, with
from a particular landscape and that landscape has not yet removal/rescue strategies most appropriate for the ecological
been recolonized to the same degree, the index of selectivity trap areas, and individual-based rhino monitoring most
using only live sightings may not be a historic reflection of appropriate for safe harbour areas. This combined output is
habitat preference. This may be particularly true for black therefore likely to be the most relevant for prioritizing lim-
rhino as they are typically slow to colonize new or empty ited resource distribution and determining anti-poaching and
habitat (Linklater & Hutcheson, 2010); the rapid removal of biological management activities by management authorities.
individuals from a localized area may leave that area devoid
of animals for some time, thus appearing to be ‘avoided’. Results
Conversely, white rhino move large distances and recolonize
new habitats relatively easily (Norman Owen-Smith, 1983), Live rhino and carcass occurrence
thus the landscape preferences seen in the impacted popula-
tion may be more similar to those of the original population.
Black rhino
We used the comparisons between the original and impacted
populations to further understand the likely impacts of eco- The top-ranked model for live black rhino occurrence
logical traps for each species. included all predictors except woody cover (Supporting
Information Appendix S1). Black rhino occurrence decreased
with increasing distance to fence for approximately 17 km,
Identifying risk areas
after which probability increased. Black rhino occurrence
Based on the selected models, we generated probabilities for increased with distance from main rivers for the first 5 km.
both live rhino and carcass occurrence in 200 9 200 m pix- Occurrence and distance to roads displayed a similar rela-
els across the study area. Following the framework estab- tionship, with probability of black rhino occurrence increas-
lished by Nielsen et al. (2006), we binned the resulting ing for the first 3 km, followed by a plateau. Conversely, as
probabilities into 10 ordinal bins from low (1) to high (10) distance from human activity (ranger stations) and terrain
and used the combination of these categories to define five ruggedness increased, the probability of black rhino occur-
risk states for each rhino species: primary and secondary rence decreased. Modelled against the Lowveld sour bush-
ecological trap, primary and secondary safe harbour and veld, black rhino showed comparative preference for
non-critical habitat (Fig. 2). We set cut-off points determined mountain bushveld, Acacia thicket and Acacia savanna.
Figure 2 Example of risk states classified according to the probability of live rhino and carcass occurrence, from bin 1 (low) to 10 (high). Fig-
ure adapted from Nielsen et al. (2006).
Black rhino showed significant preference for Combretum The top-ranked model for the occurrence of white rhino
woodland, mixed Combretum/Terminalia woodland, Sabie/ carcasses also included all predictors (Supporting Information
Crocodile thicket and thornveld and significant avoidance of Appendix S1). White rhino carcass occurrence decreased
the Lebombo south plains. with distance from fence and main rivers, but increased with
The top-ranked model for the occurrence of black rhino distance from roads for approximately 7 km, then decreased.
carcasses included distance to fence, main rivers and roads, Carcass occurrence increased with herbaceous biomass and
terrain ruggedness and woody cover (Supporting Information distance to human activity, and decreased with terrain
Appendix S1). The probability of carcass occurrence ruggedness.
decreased with increasing distance from the fence and terrain
ruggedness. Carcasses occurred more frequently closer to riv-
Landscape preference
ers and with increasing woody cover.
The impacted and original black rhino populations showed a
difference in landscape preference primarily in Acacia thicket
White rhino
(Fig. 3a). Small differences in Acacia savanna and Lowveld
The top-ranked model for live white rhino occurrence included sour bushveld were seen, but these were not sufficient to
all predictors (Supporting Information Appendix S1). Live change the overall interpretation of black rhino landscape
white rhino occurrence increased with distance from fence for preference. For Acacia thicket, however, when poached black
the first 10 km, then decreased steadily. Similarly, white rhino rhino were added to the dataset, the result changed from
occurrence increased for approximately 7 km from main rivers, avoidance to a neutral preference (Ivlev’s index = 0.33 and
after which occurrence decreased. White rhino occurrence 0.00 for the impacted and original black rhino populations
increased with distance to human activity and roads for an ini- respectively).
tial period (humans: 6 km; roads: 4 km) and then plateaued. Comparing the impacted and original white rhino popula-
White rhinos decreased with increasing terrain ruggedness, and tions showed the largest difference in preference for Lowveld
occurred most frequently at intermediate herbaceous biomass sour bushveld, but no differences that were sufficient to
levels. Compared to the Lowveld sour bushveld, white rhino change the overall interpretation of white rhino landscape
showed significant preference for mountain bushveld, Combre- preference (Fig. 3b). Both black and white rhino showed
tum woodland, mixed Combretum/Terminalia woodland, preference for Combretum woodland, mixed Combretum/Ter-
Sabie/Crocodile thicket, Acacia savanna and thornveld and sig- minalia woodland and thornveld, and avoidance of Acacia
nificant avoidance of Acacia thicket and Lebombo south. savanna, Lebombo south and Lowveld sour bushveld.
Figure 3 Landscape preference based on Ivlev’s selectivity index by (a) black rhino and (b) white rhino, for the impacted and original popula-
Contrasting species preferences were shown for Sabie/Croco- Table 1. The area (km2) and proportion (%) represented by each
dile thicket (black rhino: selected, white rhino: avoided), risk area for black and white rhino across the IPZ, Kruger National
mountain bushveld (black rhino: avoided, white rhino: Park, predicted at 200 m 9 200 m resolution
selected) and Acacia thicket (black rhino: neutral, white
Area (km2) Proportion of IPZ (%)
rhino: avoided).
Black White Black White
Risk area rhino rhino rhino rhino
Identifying risk areas Primary trap 838.80 962.16 20.49 23.50
Secondary trap 705.68 491.80 17.24 12.01
Rhino occurrence and mortality probabilities were projected
Primary safe 407.28 689.60 9.95 16.84
across the entire IPZ at 200 9 200 m resolution. Binning and
overlaying these probabilities resulted in a map of risk areas in
Secondary safe 903.04 1142.24 22.06 27.90
southern Kruger for each species. Black rhino showed a lower
proportion of primary trap area but a higher proportion of sec- Non-critical habitat 1239.08 808.08 30.27 19.74
ondary trap compared to white rhino (Table 1). Together, the
ecological trap proportions were similar for both species (black:
37.73%, white: 35.51%). Black rhino showed lower propor-
tions of both primary and secondary safe harbours than white
rhino; together, the safe harbour areas were considerably lower ease of access in areas where rhinos are likely to be encoun-
for black rhino (black rhino: 32.01%, white rhino: 44.74%). tered in southern Kruger. Black and white rhino showed
Non-critical habitat was substantially greater for black rhino similar proportions of ecological trap, with fine-scale differ-
(30.27%) compared to white rhino (19.74%). ences likely related to species-specific dispersal behaviour.
When combining and collapsing the risk areas for both Management categories identified approximately one third of
rhino species into management categories, 32.48% of the southern Kruger as threat area. Management actions that
IPZ were classified as threat area, 31.03% as haven, 21.21% apply interventions to different categories in accordance with
as species contrast area and 15.28% as non-critical habitat their classification would be optimal for the protection of
(Fig. 4a). A high resolution, spatially explicit map is not both rhino species.
shown for security reasons, but has been distributed to man-
agement authorities.
Predicting live rhino and carcass
Discussion Distance to roads, terrain ruggedness, herbaceous biomass
The majority of covariates predicting live rhino and carcass (white rhino), distance to fence and distance to rivers
occurrence reflected similar relationships in both analyses, reflected similar relationships with live rhino and carcass
suggesting that poaching risk is predominantly related to occurrence. Interestingly, woody cover showed no
Figure 4 (a) Proportions of different management categories for both rhino species combined across the IPZ, Kruger National Park. (b) Flow
chart depicting management categories and circumstances or actions that would convert one category to another.
relationship with live black rhino but a positive relationship contribute to animal locations. Finally, there are likely to be
with poached carcasses, suggesting that poachers actively potentially crucial variables influencing poacher behaviour
select areas with increased cover. The absence of effect on and movement, such as the locations of permanent or tempo-
live black rhinos may be a consequence of scale, with rary access points and insider information regarding capture
woody cover influencing within-home range movement risk in different areas, which could not be incorporated. The
rather than landscape-level distribution. Live black rhino main purpose of this work, however, was to provide the best
were less likely to be close to rivers, while carcasses were predictive power with the data that were available.
more likely to occur in close proximity. This may be a result
of the diel behaviour of black rhino, avoiding riparian areas
Risk areas and dispersal behaviour
during the day (when the aerial census occurred) and travel-
ling to water to drink at night (Lent & Fike, 2003). No Ecological traps occur as a result of distorted cues of habitat
effect of distance to human activity was seen with black quality, a change in habitat quality despite the presence of
rhino carcasses, but the inverse relationship was seen with the original cues or a combination of both methods (Robert-
live black rhino occurrence; this may reflect a correlation son & Hutto, 2006). We propose that areas that exhibit both
with another unknown habitat variable. Whether the relation- high probability of rhino occurrence and high mortality risk
ship between the likelihood of being poached and the likeli- function as ecological traps, as these areas convey reduced
hood of live rhino occurrence reflects behavioural survival probability as a result of poaching. Furthermore, the
understanding by poachers or simply the greater probability cues of habitat quality may also be distorted as high-quality
of encountering rhino in particular areas cannot, unfortu- habitat with low rhino density likely to exhibit increased
nately, be further elucidated in this study. attractiveness for individual dispersal. Differences seen in the
Our analyses are, however, constrained by a number of proportions of risk areas between black and white rhino may
factors. The live rhino models utilized census data collected be partly a consequence of species-specific dispersal beha-
during the dry season; thus these models represent covariates viour rather than ecological specificity or poaching suscepti-
predicting habitat selection specifically during the dry season. bility. Black rhino are known to be poor dispersers and may
This is in contrast to the carcass data which were collected take long periods of time to colonize or recolonize vacant
throughout the year; the carcass models thus reflect covari- habitat (Linklater & Hutcheson, 2010). Thus following the
ates influencing mortality at all times of the year. In addi- large-scale removal of animals within a particular area, it
tion, no existing water dataset fully captured all permanent may take some time (or incentive) for black rhino to move
surface water in southern Kruger. Main rivers are the most back into the area. White rhino, however, often move large
consistent source of water at this scale and time of year, but distances into unoccupied or low-density areas (Norman
it is possible that additional permanent water sources Owen-Smith, 1983).
The lower numbers of black rhino combined with poor relevant to the long-term prognosis for each species. Suscep-
recolonization of empty habitat would result in primary traps tibility to traps can also be related to specific age and sex
converting to secondary traps (as some black rhinos are classes (Robertson et al., 2013); for example, young dispers-
removed by poaching) and then to non-critical habitat (as ing males may be drawn into a trap area due to a lower den-
most or all are removed by poaching) far more readily than sity of dominant bulls (severe trap), but other classes may
for white rhino. This is reflected in the comparative statistics exhibit a neutral preference for the trap area (equal-prefer-
for these risk areas: primary trap proportions are lower for ence trap). The results of this study suggest that ecological
black rhino than white rhino, secondary traps are higher and traps within Kruger may act more as equal-preference traps
non-critical areas are higher still. If poaching remains local- for black rhino (particularly while the population remains at
ized for a substantial time period, however, the poor recolo- low density) and severe traps for white rhino; future work
nization behaviour of black rhino may, in fact, confer a identifying whether these designations are specific to particu-
‘protective’ effect of sorts; once poaching has extirpated a lar age/sex classes would be beneficial for individual species
local population, there are simply no remaining black rhino predictions and management.
to poach within that area. White rhino, however, would not
enjoy the same protection. Continued movement and disper-
Management implications
sal into vacant habitat would perpetuate the cycle and eco-
logical trap areas would continue to function as population Collapsed management categories for black and white rhino
sinks (Pulliam & Danielson, 1991) for white rhino. This resulted in 32.58% threat, 31.03% haven, 21.21% species
behaviour is, in fact, actively utilized by park authorities in contrast and 15.28% non-critical habitat. Grouping both spe-
other reserves for white rhino population management cies’ primary and secondary ecological traps into one ‘threat’
(Owen-Smith & Shrader, 2002). If this is the case, black category, and both primary and secondary safe harbours into
rhino may experience less severe consequences from ecologi- one ‘haven’ category is a relatively crude approach, but one
cal traps than white rhino. that enabled the simple classification of just four categories
The ‘avoidance’ of Acacia thicket by the impacted black that are likely to benefit from different management actions.
rhino population and ‘neutral preference’ of the original We surmise that this type of output is the most practical and
population support the local extirpation and poor recolo- likely to be implemented by conservation authorities. Man-
nization hypothesis. The Acacia thicket landscape represents agement interventions that (1) convert threat areas and non-
the smallest physical area of the nine IPZ landscape types, critical habitat (where possible) to havens, and (2) maintain
and hosted the highest number of poached black rhino car- current havens, would likely make the best contribution to
casses per unit area over the study period (data not rhino protection in southern Kruger with limited capacity
shown). The extent of the selectivity change is also likely and resources (Fig. 4b). These may include heavy anti-
to be under-representative, as each carcass was included poaching interventions in threat areas, increased rhino moni-
only once in the original population dataset, while there toring and biological management in havens and possibly
would likely be multiple sightings of individual live rhino animal translocations back into non-critical habitat under
over the 5-year period. The population size of black rhino specific circumstances. Noteworthy is the absence of havens
in southern Kruger is most likely below the level at which around the Kruger boundary; the area adjacent to the fence
density-dependent social pressures would increase dispersal; is almost entirely threat, species contrast or non-critical area.
this may have resulted in this landscape remaining vacant This suggests that poachers are still predominantly operating
even if it was a preferred type. Alternatively, the high in easily accessible areas and that increased focus on access
mortality per unit area may be perceived by black rhino as points, fence improvements and boundary protection is still
dangerous, reducing the quality of that landscape and likely to be highly effective.
resulting in active avoidance. While bolder or more aggres-
sive animals typically need stronger cues to avoid danger
(Robertson et al, 2013), the high mortality per unit area in
the Acacia thicket may be sufficient to be perceived as Black and white rhinos are under severe poaching pressure
such by black rhino. in South Africa, which threatens them at the local population
The probability of extinction of a population as a result of and species level. Until the illegal demand for rhino horn
an ecological trap increases with the severity of the trap and decreases, active protection in the form of anti-poaching and
the fraction of the population that is trapped (Robertson, optimal biological management to recover populations will
Rehage, & Sih, 2013). The severity of a trap for a particular continue to be crucial for species survival. We classified the
species is often determined by the type of population sink IPZ, a high-priority area in southern Kruger, into manage-
that the ecological trap represents (Robertson, Rehage, & ment categories that reflect the actions most likely to be
Sih, 2013). A severe trap is more attractive than other habi- effective for rhino protection in those areas. The IPZ com-
tats and draws animals in, thus perpetuating the cycle, while prised 32.58% threat, 31.03% haven, 21.21% species contrast
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Supporting information
Quiroga, V., Thompson, J.J., Baumann, M., Altrichter, M., Additional supporting information may be found online in
McBride, R., Velilla, M., Arispe, R. & Kuemmerle, T. the Supporting Information section at the end of the article.
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