Cervical Plexus

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Cervical Plexus

o A nerve plexus is a network of
interwoven nerves.

o Cervical plexus provides nerves to:

• Head.
• Neck and
• Shoulder.

• Supplies skin and muscles of neck

and thoraco-abdominal diaphragm.
Introduction contd…
• It is a plexus of loops.

• Formed from the anterior rami of

the first four cervical nerves(C1-

• Lies beneath the prevertebral

fascia on the scalenus medius and
levator scapulae, and under cover
of sternocleidomastoid.
Formation of Cervical Plexus
• Each formative ramus divides
into upper and lower
branches, except the first
• C1 joins with the upper branch
of C2. U

• Upper branch of C2 joins with L

upper branch of C3, & upper U
branch of C3 joins with upper
branch of C4 forming loops.
• Hence a.k.a. Plexus of Loops.

U- Upper Branch, L- Lower Branch

Branches Of Cervical Plexus
o Provides cutaneous innervation to head,
neck, and shoulder area.
o 3 ascending branches and 1 descending
o Arise from near the middle of posterior
border of sternocleidomastoid.

Ascending Branches:-
o Lesser Occipital Nerve(C2)
o Greater Auricular Nerve(C2 & C3)
o Transverse Cutaneous Nerve(C2 &
C3) sa- spinal accessory, lo- lesser occipital,
ga- greater auricular, tc- transverse
cutaneous, sc- supraclavicular, SCM-
Descending Branch:- Sternocleidomastoid
o Supraclavicular Nerve(C3 & C4)
Image showing dermatomes of cutaneous branches of cervical plexus
Branches of Cervical Plexus Contd…
DEEP BRANCHES: Muscular branches.
o Divide into medial and lateral series.

Medial Series:-

1. Nerve to Rectus capitis lateralis (C1)

2. Nerve to Rectus capitis anterior (C1,C2)

3. Nerve to Longus capitis (C1-C4)

4. Nerve to Longus colli (C2-C4)

5. Inferior root of ansa cervicalis (C2, C3)

6. Phrenic nerve (C3, C4, C5)

[see image of 5th slide]
Deep Branches of Cervical Plexus Contd…
Lateral Series:- Nerve to
• Sternocleidomastoid ( C2 )
• Trapezius ( C3 & C4 )
• Levator scapulae ( C3 & C4 )
• Scalenus medius ( C3 & C4 )
• Scalenus anterior (C4)
Communicating Branches of Cervical Plexus
With Superior Cervicalsympathetic

• All formative rami of cervical plexus

receives grey rami communicans
from superior cervical sympathetic
Grey Rami communicans
Communicating Branches of Cervical Plexus Contd…
With Hypoglossal Nerve:

o A branch from the loop between C1

&C2 joins the hypoglossal nerve.

o After a short course with the

hypoglossal nerve, leaves that
nerve as:-

• Meningeal branch.
• Superior root of ansa cervicalis
(descends hypoglossi).
• Nerve to Thyrohyoid (C1)
• Nerve to Geniohyoid (C1)
Phrenic Nerve ( C3,C4 &C5 )
• Descends through the neck and Scalenus
thorax to supply the diaphragm.

• It lies on the scalenus anterior

muscle and enters the thorax
between subclavian artery and
subclavian vein.

• Only motor nerve to the

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