Retinopatia Neuropatia
Retinopatia Neuropatia
Retinopatia Neuropatia
12.1 Implement strategies to help people with diabetes reach glycemic goals
to reduce the risk or slow the progression of diabetic retinopathy. A
12.2 Implement strategies to help people with diabetes reach blood pressure and
lipid goals to reduce the risk or slow the progression of diabetic retinopathy. A
impact of improved glycemic control on and/or progression of diabetic reti- readily available (15–17). High-quality
retinopathy was not studied in these tri- nopathy. B fundus photographs can detect most clin-
als. However, GLP-1 RAs including lira- 12.8 Individuals with preexisting type 1 ically significant diabetic retinopathy. In-
glutide, semaglutide, and dulaglutide or type 2 diabetes should receive an terpretation of the images should be
have been shown to be associated eye exam before pregnancy and in the performed by a trained eye care profes-
with an increased risk of rapidly wors- first trimester and should be moni- sional. Retinal photography may also en-
ening diabetic retinopathy in random- tored every trimester and for 1 year hance efficiency and reduce costs when
ized trials. Further data from clinical postpartum as indicated by the degree the expertise of ophthalmologists can be
studies with longer follow-up purposefully of retinopathy. B used for more complex examinations
designed for diabetic retinopathy risk as- and for therapy (15,18,19). In-person ex-
sessment, particularly including individu- ams are still necessary when the retinal
als with established diabetic retinopathy, The preventive effects of therapy and photos are of unacceptable quality and
are warranted. Retinopathy status should for follow-up if abnormalities are detected.
developing diabetic retinopathy during Treatment severe vision loss from PDR from 15.9%
pregnancy (24). However, individuals of Recommendations in untreated eyes to 6.4% in treated
childbearing potential with preexisting 12.9 Promptly refer individuals with eyes with the greatest benefit ratio in
type 1 or type 2 diabetes who are plan- any level of diabetic macular edema, those with more advanced baseline dis-
ning pregnancy or who have become moderate or worse nonproliferative di- ease (disc neovascularization or vitreous
pregnant should be counseled on the abetic retinopathy (a precursor of pro- hemorrhage). Later, the ETDRS verified
baseline prevalence and risk of devel- liferative diabetic retinopathy [PDR]), the benefits of panretinal photocoagula-
opment and/or progression of diabetic or any PDR to an ophthalmologist tion for high-risk PDR and in older-onset
retinopathy. In a systematic review and individuals with severe nonproliferative
who is knowledgeable and experi-
meta-analysis of 18 observational stud- diabetic retinopathy or less-than-high-risk
enced in the management of dia-
ies of pregnant individuals with preex- PDR (28). Panretinal laser photocoagula-
betic retinopathy. A
isting type 1 or type 2 diabetes, the tion is still commonly used to manage
12.10 Panretinal laser photocoagu-
complications of diabetic retinopathy that
(pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic) annually for autonomic neuropathy (46). outlet obstruction or peptic ulcer disease
for the relief of painful DPN and symp- The symptoms and signs of autonomic (with esophagogastroduodenoscopy or a
toms of autonomic neuropathy can po- neuropathy should be elicited carefully barium study of the stomach) is needed
tentially reduce pain (46) and improve during the history and physical examina- before considering a diagnosis of or spe-
quality of life. tion. Major clinical manifestations of cialized testing for gastroparesis. The di-
diabetic autonomic neuropathy include agnostic gold standard for gastroparesis
Diagnosis resting tachycardia, orthostatic hypoten- is the measurement of gastric emptying
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy sion, gastroparesis, constipation, diarrhea, with scintigraphy of digestible solids at
Individuals with a type 1 diabetes dura- fecal incontinence, erectile dysfunction, 15-min intervals for 4 h after food intake.
tion $5 years and all individuals with neurogenic bladder, and sudomotor The use of 13C octanoic acid breath test is
type 2 diabetes should be assessed an- dysfunction with either increased or an approved alternative.
nually for DPN using the medical history decreased sweating. Screening for symp-
toms of autonomic neuropathy includes Genitourinary Disturbances. Diabetic au-
Glycemic Management risk of DPN development with an odds medium-quality studies support the role
Near-normal glycemic management, ratio of 1.58 (61). In the ACCORD trial, in- of duloxetine in the treatment of pain
implemented early in the course of dia- tensive blood pressure intervention de- in DPN. A high-quality study supports
betes, has been shown to effectively de- creased CAN risk by 25% (57). the role of venlafaxine in the treatment
lay or prevent the development of DPN of pain in DPN. Only one medium-quality
and CAN in people with type 1 diabetes Neuropathic Pain study supports a possible role for des-
(51–54). Although the evidence for the Neuropathic pain can be severe and can venlafaxine for treatment of pain in DPN
benefit of near-normal glycemic manage- impact quality of life, limit mobility, and (64). Adverse events may be more severe
ment is not as strong that for type 2 dia- contribute to depression and social dys- in older people but may be attenuated
betes, some studies have demonstrated a function (62). No compelling evidence with lower doses and slower titration of
modest slowing of progression without re- exists in support of glycemic or lifestyle duloxetine.
versal of neuronal loss (42,55). Specific management as therapies for neuro- Tapentadol and Tramadol. Tapentadol
glucose-lowering strategies may have dif-
Foot ulcerations and amputations are com- assessment of skin integrity, assessment performed with at least one other neu-
mon complications associated with diabe- for LOPS using the 10-g monofilament rologic assessment tool (e.g., pinprick,
tes. These may be the consequences of along with at least one other neurologi- temperature perception, ankle reflexes,
several factors, including peripheral neu- cal assessment tool, pulse examination or vibratory perception with a 128-Hz
ropathy, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), of the dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial tuning fork or similar device). Absent
and foot deformities. They represent major arteries, and assessment for foot deformi- monofilament sensation and one other
causes of morbidity and mortality in peo- ties such as bunions, hammertoes, and abnormal test confirms the presence of
ple with diabetes. Early recognition of at- prominent metatarsals, which increase LOPS. Further neurological testing, such
risk feet, preulcerative lesions, and prompt plantar foot pressures and increase risk as nerve conduction, electromyography,
treatment of ulcerations and other lower- for ulcerations. At-risk individuals should nerve biopsy, or intraepidermal nerve
extremity complications can delay or pre- be assessed at each visit and should be fiber density biopsies, are rarely indi-
vent adverse outcomes. referred to foot care specialists for ongo- cated for the diagnosis of peripheral
Table 12.1—International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot risk stratification system and corresponding foot screening
Category Ulcer risk Characteristics Examination frequency*
0 Very low No LOPS and No PAD Annually
1 Low LOPS or PAD Every 6–12 months
2 Moderate LOPS 1 PAD, or Every 3–6 months
LOPS 1 foot deformity, or
PAD 1 foot deformity
3 High LOPS or PAD and one or more of the following: Every 1–3 months
History of foot ulcer
Amputation (minor or major)
End-stage renal disease
Adapted with permission from Schaper et al. (81). LOPS, loss of protective sensation; PAD, peripheral artery disease. *Examination frequency
suggestions are based on expert opinion and person-centered requirements. Retinopathy, Neuropathy, and Foot Care S239
for Vascular Surgery and the American responses will need other people, such as with or without a history of trauma and
Podiatric Medical Association guidelines family members, to assist with their care. without an open ulceration. These indi-
recommend that all people with diabe- The selection of appropriate footwear viduals require a thorough workup for
tes >50 years of age should undergo and footwear behaviors at home should possible Charcot neuroarthropathy (94).
screening via noninvasive arterial studies also be discussed (e.g., no walking bare- Early diagnosis and treatment of this
(84,86). If normal, these should be re- foot, avoiding open-toed shoes). Therapeu- condition is of paramount importance
peated every 5 years (84). tic footwear with custom-made orthotic in preventing deformities and instability
devices have been shown to reduce peak that can lead to ulceration and amputa-
Education for People With Diabetes plantar pressures (89). Most studies use tion. These individuals require total non–
All people with diabetes (and their fami- reduction in peak plantar pressures as an weight-bearing and urgent referral to a
lies), particularly those with the afore- outcome as opposed to ulcer prevention. foot care specialist for further manage-
mentioned high-risk conditions, should Certain design features of the orthoses, ment. Foot and ankle X-rays should be
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