Supporting Construction Frames (Universal) GB

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999814102 - 04/2019


The Formwork Experts.

Supporting construction
frame "Universal"
User Information
Instructions for assembly and use (Method statement)
© by Doka GmbH, A-3300 Amstetten

© by Doka GmbH, A-3300 Amstetten

User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

2 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

4 Introduction
4 Elementary safety warnings
7 Doka services

8 System description
8 Supporting construction frame "Universal" -
for pour-heights of up to max. 8.10 m
10 Standard units

13 Combination with timber-beam formwork


15 Combination with framed formwork


24 General
24 Inside corner configurations
28 Pouring platforms
30 Special applications
31 Lifting by crane
32 Repositioning using traveller units
34 Assembly; transporting, stacking and storing
36 Transferring the forces which occur
37 Anchoring solutions for the supporting
construction frames
42 Fitting diagonal anchors
44 Transporting, stacking and storing
48 Formwork planning with Tipos-Doka

49 Component overview

999814102 - 04/2019 3
Introduction User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Elementary safety warnings
User target groups Remarks on this booklet
▪ This booklet is aimed at all persons who will be work- ▪ This document can be used as general Instructions
ing with the Doka product or system that it describes. for Assembly and Use (Method Statement) or be
It contains information on the standard design for incorporated into site-specific Instructions for
setting up this system, and on correct, compliant uti- Assembly and Use (Method Statement).
lisation of the system. ▪ The graphics, animations and videos in this doc-
▪ All persons working with the product described ument or app sometimes depict partially assem-
herein must be familiar with the contents of this bled assemblies and may require additional
booklet and with all the safety instructions it contains. safety equipment and/or measures to comply
▪ Persons who are incapable of reading and under- with safety regulations.
standing this booklet, or who can do so only with dif- The customer must ensure all applicable regulations
ficulty, must be instructed and trained by the cus- are complied with, even if they are not shown or
tomer. implied in the graphics, animations and videos pro-
▪ The customer is to ensure that the information mate- vided.
rials provided by Doka (e.g. User Information book- ▪ Individual sections contain further safety
lets, Instructions for Assembly and Use, Operating instructions and/or special warnings as applica-
Instruction manuals, plans etc.) are up to date and ble.
available to all users, and that they have been made
aware of them and have easy access to them at the
usage location. Planning
▪ In the relevant technical documentation and form-
work utilisation plans, Doka shows the workplace ▪ Provide safe workplaces for those using the form-
safety precautions that are necessary in order to use work (e.g. for when it is being erected/dismantled,
the Doka products safely in the usage situations modified or repositioned etc). It must be possible to
shown. get to and from these workplaces via safe access
In all cases, users are obliged to ensure compliance routes!
with national laws, standards and regulations ▪ If you are considering any deviation from the
throughout the entire project and to take appropriate details and instructions given in this booklet, or
additional or alternative workplace safety precau- any application which goes beyond those
tions where necessary. described in the booklet, then revised static cal-
culations must be produced for checking, as well
as supplementary assembly instructions.
Hazard assessment
▪ The customer is responsible for drawing up, docu- Regulations; industrial safety
menting, implementing and continually updating a
hazard assessment at every job-site. ▪ All laws, Standards, industrial safety regulations and
This booklet serves as the basis for the site-specific other safety rules applying to the utilisation of our
hazard assessment, and for the instructions given to products in the country and/or region in which you
users on how to prepare and utilise the system. It are operating must be observed at all times.
does not substitute for these, however.
▪ If a person or object falls against, or into, the side-
guard component and/or any of its accessories, the
component affected may only continue in use after it
has been inspected and passed by an expert.

4 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" Introduction

Rules applying during all phases of Assembly

the assignment
▪ The equipment/system must be inspected by the
customer before use, to ensure that it is in an accept-
▪ The customer must ensure that this product is able condition. Steps must be taken to exclude com-
erected and dismantled, reset and generally used for ponents that are damaged, deformed, or weakened
its intended purpose in accordance with the applica- due to wear, corrosion or rot (e.g. fungal decay).
ble laws, standards and rules, under the direction
and supervision of suitably skilled persons.
▪ Using our safety and formwork systems together
with those of other manufacturers can create risks
These persons' mental and physical capacity must
that may lead to injury and damage to property. This
not in any way be impaired by alcohol, medicines or
requires separate verification.
▪ Doka products are technical working appliances ▪ The equipment/system must be assembled and
erected in accordance with the applicable laws,
which are intended for industrial / commercial use
standards and rules by trained customer personnel
only, always in accordance with the respective Doka
whilst maintaining any applicable safety inspections
User Information booklets or other technical docu-
that may be required.
mentation authored by Doka.
▪ The stability and load-bearing capacity of all compo- ▪ It is not permitted to modify Doka products; such
modifications constitute a safety risk.
nents and units must be ensured during all phases of
the construction work!
▪ Do not step on or apply strain to cantilevers, clo- Closing the formwork
sures, etc. until suitable measures to ensure their
stability have been correctly implemented (e.g. by
tie-backs). ▪ Doka products and systems must be set up so that
▪ Strict attention to and compliance with the functional all loads acting upon them are safely transferred!
instructions, safety instructions and load specifica-
tions are required. Non-compliance can cause acci-
dents and severe injury (risk of fatality) and consid-
erable damage to property.
▪ Sources of fire in the vicinity of the formwork are pro- ▪ Do not exceed the permitted fresh-concrete pres-
hibited. Heaters are permissible only when used cor- sures. Over-high pouring rates overload the form-
rectly and situated a correspondingly safe distance work, cause greater deflection and risk breakage.
from the formwork.
▪ Customer must give due consideration to any and all
Stripping the formwork
effects of the weather on the equipment and regards
both its use and storage (e.g. slippery surfaces, risk
of slipping, effects of the wind, etc.) and implement ▪ Do not strip out the formwork until the concrete has
appropriate precautionary measures to secure the reached sufficient strength and the person in charge
equipment and surrounding areas and to protect has given the order for the formwork to be stripped
workers. out!
▪ All connections must be checked at regular intervals ▪ When stripping out the formwork, never use the
to ensure that they are secure and in full working crane to break concrete cohesion. Use suitable tools
order. such as timber wedges, special pry-bars or system
In particular threaded connections and wedged con- features such as Framax stripping corners.
nections have to be checked and retightened as nec- ▪ When stripping out the formwork, do not endanger
essary in accordance with activity on the jobsite and the stability of any part of the structure, or of any
especially after out-of-the-ordinary occurrences (e.g. scaffolding, platforms or formwork that is still in
after a storm). place!
▪ It is strictly forbidden to weld Doka products – in par-
ticular anchoring/tying components, suspension
components, connector components and castings
etc. – or otherwise subject them to heating.
Welding causes serious change in the microstruc-
ture of the materials from which these components
are made. This leads to a dramatic drop in the failure
load, representing a very great risk to safety.
It is permissible to cut individual tie rods to length
with metal cutting discs (introduction of heat at the
end of the rod only), but it is important to ensure that
flying sparks do not heat and thus damage other tie
The only articles which are allowed to be welded are
those for which the Doka literature expressly points
out that welding is permitted.

999814102 - 04/2019 5
Introduction User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Transporting, stacking and storing Symbols used

▪ Observe all country-specific regulations applying to The following symbols are used in this document:
the handling of formwork and scaffolding. For system
formwork the Doka slinging means stated in this DANGER
booklet must be used – this is a mandatory require- This is a notifier drawing attention to an
ment. extremely dangerous situation in which non-
If the type of sling is not specified in this document, compliance with this notifier will lead to death
the customer must use slinging means that are suit- or severe, irreversible injury.
able for the application envisaged and that comply
with the regulations.
▪ When lifting, always make sure that the unit to be WARNING
lifted and its individual parts can absorb the forces This is a notifier drawing attention to a dan-
that occur. gerous situation in which non-compliance
▪ Remove loose parts or secure them so that they can- with this notifier can lead to death or severe,
not slip out of position and drop. irreversible injury.
▪ All components must be stored safely, following all
the special Doka instructions given in the relevant
sections of this document! CAUTION
This is a notifier drawing attention to a dan-
Maintenance gerous situation in which non-compliance
with this notifier can lead to slight, reversible
▪ Only original Doka components may be used as
spare parts. Repairs may only be carried out by the
manufacturer or authorised facilities.
This is a notifier drawing attention to a situa-
Miscellaneous tion in which non-compliance with this noti-
fier can lead to malfunctions or damage to
The weights as stated are averages for new material;
actual weights can differ, depending on material toler-
ances. Dirt accretions, moisture saturation, etc. can
also affect weight. Instruction
We reserve the right to make alterations in the interests Indicates that actions have to be performed
of technical progress. by the user.

Indicates that you need to do a sight-check
to make sure that necessary actions have
been carried out.

Points out useful practical tips.

Cross-references other documents.

6 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" Introduction

Doka services
Support in every stage of the project Rental and reconditioning service
The formwork material needed for any particular pro-
▪ Project success assured by products and services ject can be rented from Doka’s high-performing rental
from a single source. park. Doka Reconditioning cleans and overhauls both
▪ Competent support from planning through to assem- client-owned equipment and Doka rental equipment.
bly directly on site.
High performance, in all stages of the project

Operations Construction Project close-

scheduling work out

▪ Execution planning
▪ Cycle planning
▪ Structure modelling/3D-planning
▪ Assembly drawings
▪ Statical calculation
▪ Concremote

Consulting and training

▪ Project processing on-site
▪ Formwork instructor
▪ Training & consulting

Process optimisation

Project assistance from start to finish

▪ Concremote
▪ myDoka
Every single project is unique and calls for individual- ▪ Planning software
ised solutions. When it comes to the forming opera- ▪ Depot management
tions, the Doka team can help you with its consulting,
planning and ancillary services in the field, enabling Pre-assembly and assembly
you to carry out your project effectively, safely and reli- ▪ Pre-assembly service
ably. Doka assists you with individual consulting ser- ▪ Formwork pre-assembly on
vices and customised training courses. site

Efficient planning for a safe project sequence Logistics

Efficient formwork solutions can be developed eco- ▪ Organisation of transport & freight
nomically only if there is an understanding of project
requirements and construction processes. This under- Rental and reconditioning service
standing is the basis of Doka engineering services. ▪ Rental service
▪ Formwork returns
Optimise construction workflows with Doka ▪ Reconditioning & service fixed rates
Doka offers special tools that help you in designing
transparent processes. This is the way to speed up
pouring processes, optimise inventories and create
more efficient formwork planning processes.

Custom formwork and on-site assembly

To complement its system formwork range, Doka
offers customised formwork units. And specially
trained personnel assemble load-bearing towers and
formwork on site.

Just-in-time availability
Formwork availability is a crucial factor in realising
your project on time and on budget. The worldwide
logistics network puts the necessary formwork quanti-
ties on site at the agreed time.

999814102 - 04/2019 7
System description User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

System description
Supporting construction frame "Universal" - for pour-heights of up to
max. 8.10 m
Product features: ▪ Vertical stacking is easy and fast. Attachable frames
▪ Modular vertical stacking facility. with stacking plates pre-installed.
Optimum adaptability to the required pour-height, ▪ Integral lifting brackets enable the frames to be lifted
from 3.00 m up to max. 8.10 m, by combining: in their respective centre-of-gravity positions.
- Supporting construct. frame Universal F 4.50m ▪ Couplers for connecting the bracing pre-installed.
- Attachable frame F 1.50m ▪ Craneless repositioning with traveller units possible.
- Attachable frame F 2.00m ▪ Integral spacers prevent stacked frames from sliding
▪ Suitable for timber-beam and framed formwork. off one another during storage and transit.
▪ Tensile forces are reliably transferred by means of ▪ Adjusting for the different fresh-concrete pressures
diagonal anchors. required is easy and economical – simply increase or
▪ Adapts to uneven ground by means of spindles with decrease the spacing between the supporting con-
articulated footplates. struction frames, as appropriate.


8 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" System description

999814102 - 04/2019 9
System description User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Standard units

NOTICE The examples illustrated here show the correct way to

brace the supporting construction frame units.
The Supporting construction frames of each The Supporting construction frames Universal F come
unit must be braced with scaffold tubes: with screw-on couplers already pre-mounted.
▪ statically necessary (load-bearing capacity) Tightening torque of the bracing tube couplers: 50 Nm
▪ needed during repositioning (stability) Distance between swivel coupler and screw-on cou-
pler: max. 160 mm.

2 girderframe units 3 girderframe units

Timber-beam formwork Framed formwork Timber-beam formwork Framed formwork
Centre-to-centre dis-
1.00 or 1.25 1.35 or 1.552) 1.00 0.90 or 1.35
tance 1) a [m]
SC-frame type
A a a
Supporting construct.
frame Universal F 4.50m

SC-frame type

Vertical stacking with
Attachable frame F 1.50m

SC-frame type

Vertical stacking with
Attachable frame F 2.00m

9739-234-01 9739-235-01
1) is normally the same as the influence width
2) only when the following framed panels are used:

- 2.70x2.70m
- 2.70x3.30m
- . . . . x2.70m - on its side
(results in an influence width of 1.35 m in each case)

10 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" System description

Items needed for 2 girderframe units

Valid for the following centre-to-centre distances 'a':
▪ 1.00 m
▪ 1.25 m
▪ 1.35 m
▪ 1.55 m
SC-frame type
1) Required length of the scaffold tubes for a centre-to-centre dis-
tance of 1.55 m:
stated length + 0.50 m
2) For dimensioning details, see the following sections:

- 'Combination with timber-beam formwork systems'

- 'Combination with framed formwork systems'
- "Anchoring solutions for the supporting construction frames'

(A) Supporting construct. frame Universal F 4.50m 2 2 2
(B) Attachable frame F 1.50m -- 2 2
(C) Attachable frame F 2.00m -- -- 2
(D) Scaffold tube 48.3mm 1.50m 1) 4 6 8
(E) Scaffold tube 48.3mm 2.00m 1) 1 1 3
(F) Scaffold tube 48.3mm 2.50m 1) 2 4 4
(G) Scaffold tube 48.3mm 3.00m 1) -- -- 1
(H) Swivel coupler 48mm 5 8 12
(I) Anchor waling 1.95m 2) 1 1 1
(K) Anchor waling positioner 2 2 2
(L) Super plate 15.0 2 2 2
Weight of the unit [kg] – rounded 750 1250 2200

Items needed for 3 girderframe units

Valid for the following centre-to-centre distances 'a':
▪ 0.90 m
▪ 1.00 m
▪ 1.35 m
SC-frame type
1) Required length of the scaffold tubes for a centre-to-centre dis-
tance of 1.35 m:
stated length + 0.50 m
2) For dimensioning details, see the following sections:

- 'Combination with timber-beam formwork systems'

- 'Combination with framed formwork systems'
- "Anchoring solutions for the supporting construction frames'
3) Repositioning units with centre-to-centre distance 0.90 m or 1.35

It is also possible to use 3 Anchor walings 0.70m instead of 1 Anchor
waling 2.95m.

(A) Supporting construct. frame Universal F 4.50m 3 3 3

(B) Attachable frame F 1.50m -- 3 3
(C) Attachable frame F 2.00m -- -- 3
(E) Scaffold tube 48.3mm 2.00m 1) 6 6 10
(F) Scaffold tube 48.3mm 2.50m 1) 4 10 12
(G) Scaffold tube 48.3mm 3.00m 1) -- -- 2
(H) Swivel coupler 48mm 10 16 24
(J) Anchor waling 2.95m 2) 3) 1 1 1
(K) Anchor waling positioner 3 3 3
(L) Super plate 15.0 3 3 3
Weight of the unit [kg] – rounded 1150 1900 3350

999814102 - 04/2019 11
System description User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Fixing the anchor waling Anchor positioning

Together with the Super plate 15.0, the Anchor waling The loads from the diagonal anchors are transferred via
positioner secures the Anchor waling so that it cannot anchor walings.
tilt or slip out of position. For each Supporting construction frame, an anchor is
placed 15 cm either side of the vertical axis of the Sup-
porting construction frame (i.e. 2 in all).
For more details on different anchoring variants, see
the section headed 'Anchoring solutions for the sup-
porting construction frames'.
Exception: If the load-bearing capacity is sufficient for
1 anchor per SC-frame, the anchors on each unit must
be placed symmetrically.


e e

e ... 15.0 cm
α ... 45°
▲ ... Inside line of wall
M She-bolt
N Pigtail anchor

Timber-beam formwork X*)

Form-ply 21 and 27 mm 29.0 cm

Framed formwork Framax Xlife X*)

with Supporting construction distancer 20cm 29.0 cm
with Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 19.0 cm

Framed formwork Framax Xlife plus X*)

with Framax Xlife plus supp.-frame distancer
22.0 cm
with Multi-purpose wal- at waling profile levels 19.0 cm
ing WS10 Top50 at tying levels 20.0 cm
with Multi-purpose wal- at waling profile levels 21.0 cm
ing WU12 Top50 at tying levels 22.0 cm
*) anchor angle 45 ° and h = 18.0 cm

12 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" Combination with timber-beam formwork systems

Combination with timber-beam formwork systems

Example: Formwork height 4.50 m Example: Formwork height 8.00 m

Centre-to-centre distance 'a' = 1,00 m Centre-to-centre distance 'a' = 1,00 m
Influence width = 1,00 m Influence width = 1,00 m
SC-frame type
A SC-frame type

a ... 1.00 m
b ... 2.00 m

Fixing the formwork

Top50 or FF20 formwork elements are clamped directly
onto the SC-frame using Waling-to-bracket holders.
The SC-frames are designed so that the walings of the
elements can be fixed anywhere onto the frame.
The Adjusting spindle fixes the formwork elements at
the desired height (to transfer the load from the weight
of the formwork) and also permits fine adjustment.

A a
C 9739-222-01 a

a ... 1.00 m
b ... 3.00 m

A Waling-to-bracket holder 9-15cm

B Adjusting spindle
C Timber wedges in the multi-purpose walings (near the Adjusting
spindles – for ensuring better load transfer)

Number of Waling-to-bracket holders:

2 girderframe 3 girderframe
Formwork height
units units
Up to 4.50 m 4 6
Up to 6.00 m 6 9
Up to 8.00 m 8 12

N° of Adjusting spindles:
2 girderframe units 3 girderframe units
2 3

999814102 - 04/2019 13
Combination with timber-beam formwork systems User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Structural design with large kickers, the overall stability of the SC-frame
must be reviewed.
The loading data is stated per parallel frame unit for an
The values given in the table are only applicable to
anchor inclination of 45°.
forming situations where there is no kicker. In cases
Fields containing no data (-----) are not permissible –
SC-frame would be overloaded!

Pour heights of up to 4.50 m

Influence width Influence width
SC-frame type
1.00 m 1.25 m
Pour height Anchor force Spindle force Deformation Anchor force Spindle force Deformation
Supporting construct.
frame Universal F 4.50m
3.00 124 55 1 156 68 2
40 kN/m2
Permitted fresh-concrete

3.50 153 81 2 191 101 2

4.00 181 113 3 226 141 4

4.50 209 150 10 262 188 12


Z V 3.00 141 59 1 177 73 2

50 kN/m2

3.50 177 89 2 221 111 2

4.00 212 126 4 265 158 4
4.50 247 170 10 309 213 12

Pour heights from 4.50 m to 6.00 m

Influence width Influence width
SC-frame type
1.00 m 1.25 m
Pour height Anchor force Spindle force Deformation Anchor force Spindle force Deformation
Supporting constr. frame
Universal F 4.50m +
Attachable frame F 1.50m
4.50 209 105 3 262 131 3
40 kN/m2

5.00 238 135 5 297 168 7

Permitted fresh-concrete

5.50 266 168 9 332 210 11

6.00 294 206 16 368 257 20

V 4.50 247 119 3 309 148 4

50 kN/m2

Z 5.00 283 154 5 354 193 7

5.50 318 194 9 398 243 12
6.00 354 239 17 ----- ----- -----

Pour heights from 6.00 m to 8.00 m

Influence width Influence width
SC-frame type
1.00 m 1.25 m
Pour height Anchor force Spindle force Deformation Anchor force Spindle force Deformation
Supporting constr. frame
Universal F 4.50m +
Attachable frame F 1.50m +
Attachable frame F 2.00m
6.00 294 145 5 368 182 6
40 kN/m2
Permitted fresh-concrete pressure:

6.50 322 174 6 403 218 7

7.00 351 206 7 438 258 9
7.50 379 241 9 474 301 12
8.00 407 278 15 ----- ----- -----

6.00 354 169 6 442 211 7

50 kN/m2

V 6.50 389 204 7 486 255 8

Z 7.00 424 242 8 ----- ----- -----
7.50 460 284 10 ----- ----- -----
8.00 495 329 16 ----- ----- -----

14 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" Combination with framed formwork systems

Combination with framed formwork systems

Framed formwork Framax Xlife plus
Applies to use with Framed formwork Framax Xlife,
Alu-Framax Xlife and Framax Xlife plus.

Example: Formwork height 4.50 m

Influence width = 1,35 m

SC-frame type
Framed formwork Framax Xlife




a ... 1.55 m (centre-to-centre distance)


b ... 2.70 m
c ... 2.70 m
d ... 1.35 m
e ... 0.45 m


a ... 1.35 m (centre-to-centre distance)

b ... 2.70 m
c ... 3.30 m
d ... 0.90 m
e ... 0.30 m

999814102 - 04/2019 15
Combination with framed formwork systems User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Example: Formwork height 8.10 m Framed formwork Framax Xlife plus

Influence width = 0,90 m

SC-frame type
C b

Framed formwork Framax Xlife


a ... 0.90 m (centre-to-centre distance)

b ... 3 x 0.90 m = 2.70 m

a ... 0.90 m (centre-to-centre distance)

b ... 3 x 0.90 m = 2.70 m

16 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" Combination with framed formwork systems

Structural design with large kickers, the overall stability of the SC-frame
must be reviewed.
Loading data per parallel frame and anchor angle 45°.
The values given in the table are only applicable to
forming situations where there is no kicker. In cases Fields containing no data (-----) are not permissible –
SC-frame would be overloaded!

Pour heights of up to 4.50 m

Influence width Influence width
SC-frame type
0.90 m 1.35 m
Pour height Anchor force Spindle force Deformation Anchor force Spindle force Deformation
Supporting construct.
frame Universal F 4.50m
3.15 120 56 1 179 84 2
Permitted fresh-concrete pressure:
40 kN/m2

3.60 143 78 2 214 118 3

4.05 165 105 3 248 157 5
4.50 188 135 9 283 203 13

3.15 137 60 1 205 90 2

3.60 165 86 2 248 129 3
50 kN/m2

V 4.05 194 117 3 291 176 5


4.50 223 153 9 334 230 13


Pour heights from 4.50 m to 6.00 m

Influence width Influence width
SC-frame type
0.90 m 1.35 m
Pour height Anchor force Spindle force Deformation Anchor force Spindle force Deformation
Supporting constr. frame
Universal F 4.50m +
Attachable frame F 1.50m
4.65 196 102 3 294 153 4
Permitted fresh-concrete pressure:

5.10 219 127 5 328 191 8

5.55 242 155 9 363 232 13

6.00 265 185 15 397 278 22


4.65 232 116 3 348 174 5

5.10 261 146 6 391 218 8

Z 5.55 290 179 9 434 268 13

6.00 318 215 15 ----- ----- -----

Pour heights from 6.00 m to 8.00 m

Influence width Influence width
SC-frame type
0.90 m 1.35 m
Pour height Anchor force Spindle force Deformation Anchor force Spindle force Deformation
Supporting constr. frame
Universal F 4.50m +
Attachable frame F 1.50m +
Attachable frame F 2.00m
6.00 265 131 4 397 196 7
Permitted fresh-concrete pressure:

6.45 288 154 5 431 231 8


6.90 311 180 6 466 269 9

7.20 326 198 7 489 296 11

7.65 349 226 9 ----- ----- -----

8.10 372 257 15 ----- ----- -----

6.00 318 152 5 477 228 8

6.45 347 180 6 ----- ----- -----

V 6.90 375 211 7 ----- ----- -----

Z 7.20 395 233 8 ----- ----- -----

7.65 423 267 10 ----- ----- -----

8.10 452 304 17 ----- ----- -----

999814102 - 04/2019 17
Combination with framed formwork systems User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Fixing the formwork Used with Framed formwork Framax Xlife plus
The Framax Xlife plus supp.-frame distancer 12cm
Used with Framed formwork Framax Xlife is secured in the form-tie sleeve of the formwork panel.
The positioning of the supporting construction distanc-
The 'Supporting-construction distancer 20 cm' is ers complies with the rules for form ties in double-sided
fastened in the form-tie sleeve of the formwork panel wall formwork (see the 'Framed formwork Framax Xlife
using the 'Supporting construction frame bolt 27cm' plus' User Information booklet).
During assembly, the SC-frame bolt can be
secured with a Sealing sleeve 15.0 5cm so C
that it cannot drop out.
The SC-distancers 20cm are positioned following the
same rules as for form-ties on double-sided wall form-


work (see User Information booklet "Doka framed form-
work Framax Xlife" or "Alu-Framax Xlife").

to the Supporting construction frame Universal F

4.50mand the Attachable frame F 1.50m
C Framax Xlife plus supp.-frame distancer 12cm


A Supporting construction distancer 20cm

to the Attachable frame F 2.00m




A Supporting construction distancer 20cm

B Clamp for supp. constr. distancer 20cm

18 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" Combination with framed formwork systems

Supporting the top framed formwork Number of supporting construction

panel distancers required
The Framax supporting construct. frame connector
extends the supporting construction frame to provide
Used with Framed formwork Framax Xlife
secure support for the topmost framed panel.
Basic panel 2.70 x 2.70 m (w x h):
Framax Xlife:

construct. frame connector

The Supporting construction distancer 20cm is

Supporting construction

constr. distancer 20cm

Number of girderframe
bolted to the Framax supporting construct. frame con-

Formwork height [m]

Vertical stacking [m]

Framax supporting
nector using a hexagon bolt M16x60 (included with

Clamp for supp.

distancer 20cm

SC-frame type
2.70 — 4 — — 2
3.00 0.30 4 — — 2
3.15 0.45 6 — — 2
3.30 0.60 6 — — 2
3.60 0.90 6 — — 2 A
4.05 1.35 8 — — 2
4.35 1.35+0.30 8 — 2 2
4.50 1.35+0.45 10 — 2 2

4.65 1.35+0.60 10 — — 2
4.95 1.35+0.90 10 — — 2
5.40 2.70 8 — — 2
A Supporting construction distancer 20cm 5.70 2.70+0.30 8 — — 2 B
5.85 2.70+0.45 10 — 2 2
B Framax supporting construct. frame connector
6.00 2.70+0.60 10 — 2 2
Framax Xlife plus: 6.30 2.70+0.90 10 4 — 2
6.75 2.70+1.35 12 4 — 2
The Framax Xlife plus supp.-frame distancer 12cm
is secured in the form-tie sleeve of the formwork panel. 7.05 2.70+1.35+0.30 12 4 — 2
The Framax supporting construct. frame connector is 7.20 2.70+1.35+0.45 14 4 — 2 C
seated on the supporting construction distancer. 7.35 2.70+1.35+0.60 21 6 3 3
7.65 2.70+1.35+0.90 21 6 3 3
8.10 2.70+2.70 18 6 3 3

Basic panel 2.70 x 3.30 m (w x h):

construct. frame connector
Supporting construction

constr. distancer 20cm

Number of girderframe
Formwork height [m]

Vertical stacking [m]

Framax supporting
Clamp for supp.
distancer 20cm

SC-frame type


3.30 — 6 — — 2
B Framax supporting construct. frame connector
3.60 0.30 6 — — 2
C Framax Xlife plus supp.-frame distancer 12cm 3.75 0.45 6 — — 2 A
3.90 0.60 8 — — 2
4.20 0.90 8 — 2 2
4.65 1.35 8 — — 2
4.95 1.35+0.30 8 — — 2
5.10 1.35+0.45 8 — — 2
5.25 1.35+0.60 10 — — 2 B
5.55 1.35+0.90 10 — 2 2
6.00 2.70 10 — 2 2
6.60 3.30 10 4 — 2
6.90 3.30+0.30 10 4 — 2
7.05 3.30+0.45 12 4 — 2
7.20 3.30+0,60 1) 14 4 — 2 C
7.50 3.30+0.90 21 6 3 3
7.95 3.30+1.35 21 6 3 3
1) ... Permitted fresh-concrete pressure 40 kN/m2

999814102 - 04/2019 19
Combination with framed formwork systems User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Basic panel 2.70 x 2.40 m (w x h): Used with Framed formwork Framax Xlife plus

construct. frame connector

Supporting construction

constr. distancer 20cm

Number of girderframe
Basic panel 2.70 x 2.70 m (w x h):
Formwork height [m]

Vertical stacking [m]

Framax supporting

Framax Xlife plus supp.

Number of girderframe
-frame distancer 12cm
Clamp for supp.
distancer 20cm

SC-frame type

Formwork height [m]

Vertical stacking [m]

Framax supporting
construct. frame

SC-frame type

2.40 — 4 — — 2

2.70 0.30 6 — — 2
2.85 0.45 6 — — 2 2.70 — 4 — 2
3.00 0.60 6 — — 2 3.00 0.30 4 — 2
3.30 0.90 6 — — 2 A 3.15 0.45 4 — 2
3.75 1.35 8 — 2 2 3.30 0.60 6 — 2
4.05 1.35+0.30 8 — 2 2 3.45 0.75 6 — 2 A
4.20 1.35+0.45 10 — 2 2 3.60 0.90 6 — 2
4.35 1.35+0.60 10 — — 2 4.05 1.35 6 — 2
4.65 1.35+0.90 10 — — 2 4.35 1.35+0.30 6 — 2
4.80 2.40 8 — — 2 4.50 1.35+0.45 6 — 2
5.10 1.35+1.35 8 — — 2 B 4.65

5.25 2.40+0.45 10 — 2 2
5.40 2.40+0.60 10 — 2 2 4.95 1.35+0.90 8 — 2
5.40 2.70 8 — 2


2 5.70 2.70+0.30 8 — 2 B
6.45 2.40+1.35+0.30 12 4 — 2 5.85 2.70+0.45 8 — 2
6.60 2.40+1.35+0.45 14 4 — 2 6.00 2.70+0.60 10 2 2
6.75 2.40+1.35+0.60 14 4 — 2 C 6.15 2.70+0.75 10 2 2
7.05 2.40+1.35+0.90 14 4 — 2 6.30 2.70+0.90 10 — 2
7.20 2.40+2,40 1) 12 4 — 2 6.75 2.70+1.35 10 — 2
1) ... Permitted fresh-concrete pressure 40 kN/m2 7.05 2.70+1.35+0.30 10 — 2
7.20 2.70+1.35+0.45 10 — 2
7.35 2.70+1.35+0.60 18 3 3 C
7.50 2.70+1.35+0.75 18 3 3
7.65 2.70+1.35+0.90 18 3 3
8.10 2.70+2.70 18 3 3

Basic panel 2.70 x 3.30 m (w x h):

Framax Xlife plus supp.

Number of girderframe
-frame distancer 12cm
Formwork height [m]

Vertical stacking [m]

Framax supporting

SC-frame type


3.30 — 6 — 2
3.60 0.30 6 — 2
3.75 0.45 6 — 2
3.90 0.60 8 — 2 A
4.05 0.75 8 — 2
4.20 0.90 8 — 2
4.65 1.35 8 — 2
4.95 1.35+0.30 8 — 2
5.10 1.35+0.45 8 — 2
5.25 1.35+0.60 10 — 2 B
5.40 1.35+0.75 10 — 2
5.55 1.35+0.90 10 — 2
6.00 2.70 10 2 2
6.60 3.30 12 — 2
6.90 3.30+0.30 12 — 2
7.05 3.30+0.45 12 — 2
7.20 3.30+0.60 14 — 2 C
7.35 3.30+0.75 21 3 3
7.50 3.30+0.90 21 3 3
7.95 3.30+1.35 21 3 3

20 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" Combination with framed formwork systems

Other possibilities Variant 2 (multi-purpose walings at the waling-pro-

file levels)
Supporting construction distancers are Doka’s pre-
ferred solution for securing the panels, but the following

are also possible.
Your regional Doka branch will be pleased to advise
you on the exact planning and dimensioning.

Basic rules:
1. Up to a formwork height of 4.50 m:

Supporting constr. frame Universal F 4.50m
Up to a formwork height of 6.00 m:
Supporting constr. frame Universal F 4.50m
+ Attachable frame F 1.50m
Up to a formwork height of 8.10 m:
Supporting constr. frame Universal F 4.50m 9739-303-01
+ Attachable frame F 1.50m
+ Attachable frame F 2.00m The examples shown are for a formwork height of 4.05 m.
View shown without bracing.
2. If the max. formwork height is required (4.50 m, a ... 2.70 m
6.00 m or 8.10 m), the top panels must be b ... 1.35 m
upright 1.35m panels. c ... 18.0 cm
3. Per girderframe unit, attach one adjusting spindle
under a multi-purpose waling. Tie-rod positions
4. Lengths of multi-purpose walings:
- panels standing upright: 2.00 m
- panels turned on their sides: 2.50 m

Number of multi-purpose walings: Variant

1 2
2.70m panels standing upright 2 3

3.30m panels standing upright 3 4
1.35m panels standing upright 1 2
panels up to 0.90m turned on their side 1 1
1.35m panels turned on their side 2 2 X
Variant 1 (multi-purpose walings at the tying levels)
α ... 45°

Framed formwork Framax Xlife X*)


with Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 19.0 cm

Framed formwork Framax Xlife plus X*)

with Multi-purpose wal- at waling profile levels 19.0 cm
ing WS10 Top50 at tying levels 20.0 cm
with Multi-purpose wal- at waling profile levels 21.0 cm

ing WU12 Top50 at tying levels 22.0 cm

*) anchor angle 45 ° and h = 18.0 cm


999814102 - 04/2019 21
Combination with framed formwork systems User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Fixing the panel

in Variant 1:
Framax Xlife Framax Xlife plus

98140-214-02 D

in Variant 2:
Framax Xlife Framax Xlife plus






A Supporting construct. frame Universal F

B Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50
C Framax supporting construct. frame bolt 36cm
(assembly with Tie-rod wrench 15.0/20.0)
D Super plate 15.0 (or to avoid collision with the waling for support-
ing construction frame:
Framax pressure plate 6/15 + Hexagon nut 15.0)
E Waling-to-bracket holder 9-15cm
F Framax wedge clamp
G Anchoring sleeve of the framed panel
H Integral waling profile of the framed panel
I Framax universal fixing bolt 10-16cm
J She-bolt 15.0
K Pigtail anchor 15.0
L Multi-purpose waling WU12
M Framax Xlife plus supporting-frame bolt
(assembly with Tie-rod wrench 15.0/20.0)

Waling-to-bracket holder
Waling-to-bracket holder
(new version)
H ... permitted horizontal load: 11 H ... permitted horizontal load: 22
kN kN



22 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" Combination with framed formwork systems

Fixing the panel

Variant 3 (directly on the supporting construction
Framax Xlife plus panels and Framax Xlife panels
turned on their side can be clamped directly to the sup-
porting construction frame.

Means of attachment:
▪ Framax Xlife: Framax supporting construct.
frame bolt 36cm

▪ Framax Xlife plus: Framax Xlife plus supporting-

frame bolt


▪ Due to the wide gap between the SC-frame profiles,

an Anchor plate15/20 with Wing nut 15.0 must be
used for fixing the formwork.
▪ Framed formwork Framax Xlife plus: At each of the

two top connections, remove the washer of the sup-

porting-frame bolt and the Hexagon nut 15.0 and
replace them with a Framax pressure plate 6/15 and
a Super plate 15.0.
View shown without bracing.
a ... 1.35 m
b ... 0.30 m (vertical stacking above the Framax/SC-frame connector: Framax Xlife plus:
max. with 0.30m panel)
c ... 2.70 m
d ... 1.55 m

Framax supporting construct. frame connector:

▪ extends the length of the SC-frame sufficiently to
enable the top form-tie holes of the panels to be 9739-320-02
used for fixing
▪ is used instead of the front spindle and makes it
possible to use the bottom form-tie holes of the
panel for fixing

Tie-rod positions B


X ... 17.0 cm (where anchor is angled at 45° and where h = 10.0 cm)
α ... 45°

A Framax supporting construct. frame connector

B Framax supporting construct. frame bolt 36cm (use Tie-rod
wrench 15.0/20.0 to install)
C Super plate 15.0
D Anchor plate 15/20
E Wing nut 15,0
F Framax pressure plate 6/15
G Hexagon nut 15.0
H She-bolt
I Pigtail anchor
J Framax Xlife plus supporting-frame bolt

999814102 - 04/2019 23
General User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Inside corner configurations
General On account of the supporting construction frame's
geometry, the influence widths are as follows:
Influence width per SC-
Wherever possible, inside corners should be frame / pair of anchors
avoided on single-sided formwork. Plan to have the Supporting construction frame at the
2.50 m
construction joint in the corner instead (to avoid corner plate
time-consuming planning and modification work). Both outside SC frames 0.80 m
If corners still need to be constructed in a single pour,
two standard components are available for this:
▪ Corner plate for SC frame Permitted fresh-concrete
Pour height H [m]
Anchor force Zk
pressure: [kN]
▪ Anchor waling 0.70m
3.15 190
3.60 230
50 kN/m2
Example with framed formwork 4.05 270
4.50 310
Framax Xlife
Up to a formwork height of 2.70 m, only 1 Supporting Anchor force Zk is the force acting on one
construct. frame Universal F 4.50m is needed in the anchor!
corner zone.


E ... 3.00 m

24 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" General

Close-up of Corner plate for SC frame Location of anchoring points

Plan view

d d


Items needed for corner zone 3.00 x 3.00 m 9739-296-01 X

Formwork height
2.70 m 4.05 m

(A) Corner plate supporting constr. frame 3 5

(B) Anchor waling 0.70m 3 4
Supporting construct. frame Universal F
(C) 3 4
(D) Waling-to-bracket holder 9-15cm 4 6

(E) Framax Xlife panel 1.35x2.70m 4 6
(F) Framax Xlife inside corner 2.70m 1 1
(G) Framax Xlife inside corner 1.35m -- 1
Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50
(H) 6 10
2.50m 9739-305-01

(I) Connecting pin 10cm 12 20

The dimensions given here apply to framed formwork Framax Xlife
(J) Spring cotter 5mm 12 20 and Alu-Framax Xlife where:
(K) Framax universal fixing bolt 10-16cm 12 20 - h = 18.0 cm
(L) Super plate 15.0 12 20 - the anchor inclination α= 45°
(M) Framax multi function clamp 10 24 a ... 226.0 cm
b ... 78.0 cm
(N) Scaffold tube 48.3mm 1.00m 5 5 c ... 39.0 cm
(O) Swivel coupler 48mm 4 4 d ... 15.0 cm
Total weight [kg] - rounded 2440 3560 X ... 19.0 cm
The table also takes account of the components needed to connect
to the adjacent element on one side.

999814102 - 04/2019 25
General User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Example with Wall formwork FF20

Up to a formwork height of 2.75 m, only 1 Supporting
construct. frame Universal F 4.50m is needed in the
corner zone.

For dimensioning, see the section headed 'Example
with Framed formwork Framax Xlife'.


Form-ply Corner zone – Dimension E

21mm 255.0 cm
27mm 255.6 cm

26 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" General

Close-up of Corner plate for SC frame Location of anchoring points

Plan view

d d


9739-296-01 X

Items needed for corner zone E View

Formwork height
2.75 m 4.25 m 1)

(A) Corner plate supporting constr. frame 2 3

(B) Anchor waling 0.70m 3 4
Supporting construct. frame Universal F
(C) 3 4

(D) Waling-to-bracket holder 9-15cm 4 6 9739-243-01

(E) Scaffold tube 48.3mm 1.00m 5 5

(F) Swivel coupler 48mm 4 4
(G) Connecting pin 10cm 20 30
(H) Spring cotter 5mm 12 18 X
(I) Formwork element FF20 2.00x3.75m -- 2
(J) Stacking element FF20 2.00x0.50m -- 2 The dimensions given here apply to H20 timber-beam formwork with
(K) Inside corner FF20 2.75m 1 1 a 21 mm or 27 mm thick form-ply where:
- h = 18.0 cm
(L) Inside corner FF20 1.00m -- 2 - the anchor inclination α= 45°
(M) Fastening bolt FF20 -- 12 a ... 236.0 cm
(N) Star grip nut 15.0 G -- 12 b ... 88.0 cm
c ... 49.0 cm
(O) Formwork element connector FF20/50 Z 2 3
d ... 15.0 cm
(P) Formwork element FF20 2.00x2.75m 2 -- X ... 29.0 cm
Total weight [kg] - rounded 2100 3030
The table also takes account of the components needed to connect
to the adjacent element on one side.
1) The maximum permissible pouring height is 4.10 m.

999814102 - 04/2019 27
General User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Pouring platforms

NOTICE Formwork-dependent platforms

Because of the great flexibility with which SC-
frame units can be set up and combined with The pouring platforms and brackets belonging to the
different formwork systems and heights, con- formwork system can still be used. As with normal wall
sideration should be given at the planning formwork, these are mounted directly onto the form-
stage to which platform configuration is most work.
suitable for the intended application (collision
Follow the directions in the relevant User Infor-
test, maximum drops etc.).
mation booklet.
Also consider the situation applying during lift-
ing of the SC-frame units, particularly when the
platforms are above the crane hoisting points. Example: Framax pouring platform U 1.25/2.70m
Observe all applicable safety regulations.


28 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" General

Non-formwork dependent platforms

Screw-on access bracket MF75

▪ a universal working bracket
▪ platform width 75 cm
▪ is fastened directly to the vertical profile of the Sup-
porting construct. frame Universal F
▪ is independent of which type of formwork system is
being used

Close-up of screwed

Permitted service load: 1.5 kN/m2 (150 kg/m2)

Load Class 2 to EN 12811-1:2003
Max. influence width: 2.00 m

Deck-boards and guardrail boards: Per 1 metre

length of platform, 0.75 m2 of deck-boards and 0.6 m2
of guardrail boards are needed (site-provided).
Board thicknesses for centre-to-centre spans up to
2.50 m:
▪ Deck-boards min. 20/5 cm
▪ Guardrail boards min. 15/3 cm
The plank and board thicknesses given here comply
with the C24 category to EN 338.
Observe all national regulations applying to deck-
boards and guardrail boards.

Fastening the deck-boards: with 4 square bolts

M10x70 and 1 square bolt M10x180 per bracket (not
included in scope of supply).
Fastening the guardrail boards: with nails

Using scaffold tubes



Tools: Fork wrench 22 for mounting the

couplers and scaffold tubes.
A Scaffold tube 48.3mm
B Screw-on coupler 48mm 95

999814102 - 04/2019 29
General User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Special applications
In many cases, formwork for tunnel arches can be
assembled entirely from standard Doka components.
The main load-bearing elements in these examples are
"inverted" Doka supporting construction frames Univer-
sal F.
They can also be used to construct cantilevering plat-
forms, as used in e.g. bridge-building projects and for
constructing cantilever slabs (e.g. on telecommunica-
tions towers).

a ... e.g. 11.7 m


30 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" General

Lifting by crane
The Supporting construct. frame Universal F is NOTICE
equipped with 3 crane-hoisting points. In this way, it is
always possible to find an optimum centre-of-gravity ▪ When lifting and resetting SC-frames, do
position for the whole unit, despite the many different not attach the crane to the formwork ele-
possible configurations of the formwork and SC-frames ment or to other components such as
(e.g. vertically stacked configurations using attachable multi-purpose walings.
frames). ▪ Permitted lift-in-one unit:
Supporting construction frame unit with
max. 3 girderframe units.
▪ Only lift/reposition units that have been
correctly braced.
▪ Before repositioning, check that the form-
work element/panel is correctly fixed onto
the Supporting construction frame (Waling-
to-bracket holder, Supporting construction
distancer 20cm, Framax supporting con-
struct. frame bolt 36cm).
▪ Before repositioning, check that the Adjust-
ing spindles are in the correct position

(to transfer the load from the weight of the

▪ Lifting the SC-frames with the formwork
A Crane-hoisting points attached is only permitted at near-ground
Max. load-bearing capacity: ▪ Make sure that the crane suspension
tackle is sufficiently long (oblique pull).
2500 kg per crane-hoisting point
▪ Never use the crane to break concrete
➤ Any crane slinging points on the form- WARNING
work element or panel must not be used ➤ In all phases of the work, ensure sufficient
for lifting the unit (SC-frame + formwork) in stability when setting down the SC-frame-
one piece. units! (Where necessary, provide ballast, tie-
backs or extra shoring.)

Attaching the hoisting tackle when a


pouring platform is being used


➤ e.g. nail on a board in such a way that the crane sus-
pension tackle cannot be hung into place in the lifting


B Lifting chain
C Tilt-back board in platform decking

999814102 - 04/2019 31
General User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Repositioning using traveller units

▪ For quick repositioning of the SC-frame units in situ- Supporting construction frame
ations where no crane assistance is available (e.g. in
tunnels) Universal F up to 6.00 m in height
▪ Wherever crane time is in short supply
Traveller unit can be mounted on:
Note: ▪ Supporting construction frame Universal F 4.50m
There must be a flat, firm (e.g. concrete), adequately ▪ Attachable frame F 1.50m
dimensioned floor that is capable of supporting the
load. Follow the directions in the "Winch with trans-
port device" Operating Instructions!

Max. load:
Attachable roller 250: 1400 kg
Attachable roller 200: 1000 kg



9739-329-01 a
a ... 27 cm
A Winch with transport device
B Attachable roller 250
C Attachable roller 200
D Ballast

32 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" General

Supporting construction frame

Universal F from 6.00 to 8.00 m in
Traveller unit can be mounted on:
▪ Attachable frame F 2.00m


List of components:
Travelling profile F 2.00m front
Wheel connector F 2.00m front
Clamping jaw F 2.00m
Clamping plate F 2.00m
Intermediate plate F 2.00m
Travelling profile F 2.00m rear
Wheel connector F 2.00m rear
Connecting plate F 2.00m
Bolting plate F 2.00m
Connector plate F 2.00m
Lifting bracket F 2.00m rear
Heavy-duty wheel 90kN
Lowering cylinder SL-1 250kN

For more information, please contact your Doka techni-

999814102 - 04/2019 33
General User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Assembly; transporting, stacking and storing

Example of a vertically stacked configuration: Closing the formwork

Pre-assembly WARNING
➤ In all phases of the work, ensure sufficient
➤ Place a Supporting construct. frame stability when setting down the SC-frame-
Universal F 4.50m and an Attachable frame 1.50m units! (Where necessary, provide ballast, tie-
(plus an Attachable frame F 2.00m if needed) flat on backs or extra shoring.)
the ground.
➤ Dismount the front spindle, including the nut-plate, ➤ Raise the entire SC-frame unit by crane and stand it
from the Supporting construct. frame in the upright (see the section headed 'Resetting by
Universal F 4.50m. Mount this spindle in the appro- crane').
priate Attachable frame (width across flats 24 mm). ➤ Mount the anchor walings.
➤ Unscrew the rear spindle from the Supporting con- ➤ Lift the pre-assembled formwork element by crane
struct. frame Universal F 4.50m and screw it into the and position it against the SC-frame unit.
appropriate Attachable frame (width across flats ➤ Secure the gang-form to the supporting construction
46 mm). frame unit (using the connectors appropriate to the
formwork system).
➤ Detach the gang-form from the crane.


➤ Bolt the Supporting construct. frame

Universal F 4.50m onto the Attachable frame
(across flats 30 mm).
➤ When it has been bolted together, raise the support-
ing construction frame on to its back and stabilise it
so that it cannot fall over.
➤ Raise the next supporting construction frame on to
its back in the same way. Space the two frames the
required centre-to-centre distance apart and brace
them with scaffold tubes (width across flats 22 mm).
See the section headed 'Standard units' for details of
how to arrange the scaffold tube-bracing.


➤ Crane-lift the entire unit to the usage location (see

the section headed 'Resetting by crane').
➤ Adjust the unit with the spindles.
➤ Anchor the unit.

The adjusting spindle fixes the formwork panels at the
desired height (to transfer the load from the weight of
the formwork) and also permits fine adjustment.

34 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" General

Transporting, stacking and storing

The welded-on spacers prevent the SC-frames sliding

over one another, and ensure that the stacked "layers"
are safe against overturning.
The fact that the SC-frames can be separated not only
provides a high degree of adaptability to different
A Height-adjusting spindle
heights of formwork, but also means that they are trans-
B Timber wedges in the multi-purpose walings (near the adjusting ported by truck easily and (thanks to the integral spac-
spindles – for ensuring better load transfer) ers) safely.
Tools needed for assembly:
Supporting construction frame Universal F
For Tool
across [mm] 4.50m
Vertical stacking 30 ▪ Reversible ratchet 1/2" with
Box nut 30 1/2"
or Stack of 8 (weight approx. 2500 kg)
Fork spanner 30/32
Bracing-tube couplers 22 ▪ Fork spanner 22/24
Relocating the Adjust- 24 ▪ Reversible ratchet 1/2" with
ing spindle Box nut 24 1/2"

Fork spanner 22/24

Removing and refitting 24 Reversible ratchet 1/2" with
the front spindle incl. Box nut 24 1/2"
nut-plate or
Fork spanner 22/24
Supporting construc- 30 / 24 ▪ Fork spanner 30/32 a ... 188 cm
tion distancer 20cm ▪ Reversible ratchet 1/2" with
Box nut 24 1/2" Attachable frame F 1.50m
Fork spanner 22/24
Holding the SC-frame ▪ Tie rod wrench 15.0/20.0
Stack of 5 (weight approx. 1200 kg)

Tools needed for operation:


For Tool
across [mm]
Adjusting spindle 19 ▪ Reversible ratchet 1/2" with
Box nut 19 1/2" L
and Extension piece 11cm a ... 116 cm
Spindles (front and 46 ▪ Reversible ratchet 3/4" with
rear) Box nut 46 3/4" and Exten- Attachable frame F 2.00m
sion piece 20cm 3/4"
Attachable roller 200 22 ▪ Fork spanner 22/24
Stack of 5 (weight approx. 2300 kg)


a ... 126 cm

999814102 - 04/2019 35
General User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Transferring the forces which occur

The high anchoring and reaction forces which ▪ Setting up SC-frames on floor-slabs: Use
occur when SC-frames are used necessitate a adequately dimensioned supports to trans-
number of additional safety precautions. fer the loads to the floors below, and ulti-
▪ For tension anchoring, choose the Doka tie mately to the foundations, to the extent nec-
rod system – 15.0, 20.0 or 26.5 – that is essary to enable all floor slabs to withstand
most suitable for the tensile forces occur- the load imposed on them by the SC-
ring. frames.
▪ Reinforce all structure members sufficiently.
▪ The forces can only be transferred safely
into the anchorage foundation where the
concrete slab (d) is sufficiently thick.


▪ Perform a calculation for punching, if neces-


9739-265-01 ▪ Verify the capacity of the 'opposing side'

▪ Verify the stability of each of the structure (walls, rock) and secure with separate shor-
members – and, if necessary, of the entire ing if necessary.


▪ Separate statical calculations are required

for any versions deviating from those out-
lined in this booklet.

36 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" General

Anchoring solutions for the supporting construction frames

The loads from the diagonal anchors are transferred via Dimensioning the anchorages
anchor walings.
For each SC-frame, an anchor is placed 15 cm either
side of the vertical axis of the SC-frame (i.e. 2 in all). The required cube compressive strength of the con-
Exception: If the load-bearing capacity is sufficient for crete at the time of loading must be specified sepa-
1 anchor per SC-frame, the anchors on each unit must rately for each project by the structural designer. It
be placed symmetrically. will depend on the following factors:
▪ load actually occurring
General ▪ length of stop anchor or pigtail anchor
▪ reinforcement / extra reinforcement steel
▪ distance from edge
In each anchoring system, there are two variants to
The introduction of the forces, the transfer of these
choose between:
forces into the structure, and the stability of the overall
▪ With pigtail anchor construction, must all be verified by the structural
This is the anchorage method that can best transfer designer.
the high tensile forces from SC-frames into the foun-
dation slabs.
Follow the directions in the Calculation Guide
entitled 'Load-bearing capacity of anchorages
in concrete', and/or ask your Doka technician!

M The depth mark must always be at the end fitted into the she-bolt

▪ With stop anchor

➤ It is forbidden to mix suspension compo-
nents that have different depths of concrete
➤ Always screw in components until they are
fully engaged. When correctly fitted, there
will still be 1 cm of thread visible between the
part and the depth mark on the stop anchor
or pigtail anchor.

Sensitive rod steel!
➤ Never weld or heat tie rods.
➤ Tie rods that are damaged or have been
weakened by corrosion or wear must be
withdrawn from use.

Permitted loads for anchor walings

Permitted anchor
Anchor waling
force Z
Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 151 kN
Multi-purpose waling WU12 Top50 215 kN
Top100 tec waling WU14 285 kN
Multi-purpose waling SL-1 WU16 322 kN
Anchor waling 1.95m and 2.95 402 kN
Anchoring profile 0.55m 700 kN

The tensile forces that can be sustained only
apply where the anchor is positioned exactly
as required, i.e. 15 cm either side of the verti-
cal axis of the SC-frame.

999814102 - 04/2019 37
General User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Tie rod system 15.0 Alternative method of preparing the positioning-


Variant using pigtail anchor

- Positioning cone 15.0 5cm with Sealing sleeve 15.0 5cm1)
- Tie rod 15.0mm (length as required)
Dismantling tools:
▪ for the Positioning cone: Positioning cone spanner
15.0 DK

D ▪ for turning the tie rod: Tie rod wrench 15.0/20.0


B Another alternative:

Pigtail anchor protrudes from concrete:


Instead of the she-bolt, fasten a Tie rod 15.0mm to the
pigtail anchor using a Rod connector 15.0.


a ... min. 39.5 cm - max. 52 cm

A Pigtail anchor 15.0 (expendable anchoring component)
B She-bolt 15.0 5cm (nominal length l=65 cm) incl. (C)
She-bolt 15.0 5cm 1.20m (nominal length l=120 cm) incl. (C)
C Sealing sleeve 15.0 5cm (expendable anchoring component)
D Super plate 15.0

Note: b ... min. 8.0 cm - max. 10.0 cm

She-bolts are supplied with sealing sleeves. Before A Pigtail anchor 15.0
every re-use, fit a new sealing sleeve to facilitate E Tie rod 15.0mm
removal. F Rod connector 15.0

Tools for removing she-bolts:

▪ Tie-rod wrench 15.0/20.0 or
▪ Fork wrench 24

38 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" General

Variant using stop anchor Another alternative:

Stop anchor protrudes from concrete:

Instead of the she-bolt, fasten a Tie rod 15.0mm to the
stop anchor using a Rod connector 15.0.

l D ➤ The Stop anchor 15.0 16cm 55 is not suita-

ble here!
B Placement depth is too shallow!



a 9739-259-01
Stop anchor 15.0 40cm 55 30 cm b ... min. 8.0 cm - max. 10.0 cm
Stop anchor 15.0 16cm 55 13 cm A Stop anchor 15.0 40cm 55
A Stop anchor 15.0 (expendable anchoring component) E Tie rod 15.0mm
B She-bolt 15.0 5cm (nominal length l=65 cm) incl. (C) or F Rod connector 15.0
She-bolt 15.0 5cm 1.20m (nominal length l=120 cm) incl. (C)
C Sealing sleeve 15.0 5cm (expendable anchoring component)
Retrofitting anchorages in the concrete
D Super plate 15.0

Note: Follow the directions in the ‘Rock-anchor

spreader unit 15.0’ Fitting Instructions!
She-bolts are supplied with sealing sleeves. Before
every re-use, fit a new sealing sleeve to facilitate
removal. ▪ Tie rod 15.0mm
▪ Rock anchor spreader unit 15.0 1)
Tools for removing she-bolts:
▪ Tie-rod wrench 15.0/20.0 or
▪ Fork wrench 24
1) Expendable anchoring component
Alternative method of preparing the positioning- Extra components needed for preparing the anchoring
point point:
▪ Tensioning instrument 300kN, consisting of
- 1 hollow-piston cylinder
- Positioning cone 15.0 5cm with Sealing sleeve 15.0 5cm1)
- 1 hydraulic hand pump
- Tie rod 15.0mm (length as required)
- 1 pressure support
Dismantling tools:
- 1 carrying case
▪ for the Positioning cone: Positioning cone spanner - 1 Rock anchor installation tube
15.0 DK
▪ Tie-rod wrench 15.0/20.0
▪ for turning the tie rod: Tie rod wrench 15.0/20.0
▪ Super plate 15.0
▪ Rock drill-bits diam. 37 or 38 mm

Observe load-bearing capacity as stated in the section

headed ‘Carrying out the acceptance test’ in the ‘Rock
anchor spreader unit 15.0’ Fitting Instructions!

Also, a slip-proof support surface must be provided so
that the Tensioning instrument B can be used at a 45°

999814102 - 04/2019 39
General User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Tie rod system 20.0 Variant using stop anchor

Variant using pigtail anchor




A 9739-208-01

Stop anchor 20.0 40cm 55 30 cm
Stop anchor 20.0 17.5cm 55 14 cm
a ... min 48 cm – max. 65 cm
A Stop anchor 20.0 17.5cm 551) or Stop anchor 20.0 40cm 551)
A Pigtail anchor 20.01) B She-bolt 20.0 (nominal length l=125 cm) incl. (C)
B She-bolt 20.0 (nominal length l=125 cm) incl. (C) C Sealing sleeve 20.01)
C Sealing sleeve 20.01) D Super plate 20.0 B
D Super plate 20.0 B 1) Expendable anchoring component
1) Expendable anchoring component
She-bolts are supplied with sealing sleeves. Before
She-bolts are supplied with sealing sleeves. Before every re-use, fit a new sealing sleeve to make the she-
every re-use, fit a new sealing sleeve to make the she- bolt easier to remove!
bolt easier to remove!
Tools for removing she-bolts:
Tools for removing she-bolts:
▪ Tie rod wrench 15.0/20.0 or 20.0/26.5
▪ Tie rod wrench 15.0/20.0 or 20.0/26.5 or
▪ Fork spanner 36/41
▪ Fork spanner 36/41
Another alternative:
Another alternative:
Stop anchor protrudes from concrete:
Pigtail anchor protrudes from concrete: Instead of the she-bolt, fasten a Tie rod 20.0mm to the
Instead of the she-bolt, fasten a Tie rod 20.0mm to the Stop anchor 20.0 40cm 55 using an Anchoring
pigtail anchor using an Anchoring cone 20.0. cone 20.0.

➤ The Stop anchor 20.0 17.5cm 55 is not suit-

able here!

Placement depth is too shallow!



b ... min. 10.0 cm

A Pigtail anchor 20.0
E Tie rod 20.0mm
F Anchoring cone 20.0

Tool for removing Anchoring cone 20.0: b ... min. 10.0 cm

▪ Cone spanner 20.0 A Stop anchor 20.0 40cm 55
E Tie rod 20.0mm
F Anchoring cone 20.0

Tool for removing Anchoring cone 20.0:

▪ Cone spanner 20.0

40 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" General

Tie rod system 26.5 Variant using stop anchor

Variant using pigtail anchor







b ... min. 11.5 cm


A Tie rod 26.5mm1)

a ... min 41.5 cm – max. 58.5 cm B Rod connector 26.5
b ... min. 11.5 cm C Anchor plate 26.51)
D Hexagon nut 26.51)
A Pigtail anchor 26.51) 1)The combination of
B Rod connector 26.5 - Tie rod 26.5mm
C Tie rod 26.5mm - Anchor plate 26.5
D Anchor plate 26.5 - Hexagon nut 26.5
together serves as a substitute for a stop anchor. For this reason it
E Hexagon nut 26.5 counts as an "expendable anchoring component".
1) Expendable anchoring component

999814102 - 04/2019 41
General User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Fitting diagonal anchors

In everyday site practice, there are various different Anchor holders and clearance cones
ways of preparing positioning points for diagonal
anchors at a precise angle (usually 45°), depending on
the site situation. For precise location and directionally stable fitting of
anchoring components at a 45° angle.
The following examples show several possible and
effective variants. These apply equally to the use of Follow the directions in the 'Clearance cones'
either pigtail anchors or stop anchors. Fitting Instructions!
Fitting dimensions
Fit the anchors at a 45° angle!
Fitting a diagonal anchor at a steeper angle
than this increases the load!

If the angle is increased by 10° (to 55°), this
increases the load on the tie rod by over 20%
and may thus lead to serious overloading.


a ... Placement depth 30 mm (=concrete cover)

b ... Screw-in depth 70 mm
α ... 45°
A Anchor holder
B Stop anchor or pigtail anchor

➤ Mount an anchor holder on the tie rod and fasten it to
the top reinforcement.
➤ Insert a sealing disk and install the clearance cone.



A Anchor holder
B Stop anchor or pigtail anchor
C Clearance cone
D Sealing disk 15.0 (Anchor holder 15.0)
Sealing disk 43 (Anchor holder 20.0 and 26.5)

➤ After pouring, replace the clearance cone with a she-


42 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" General

Wooden template Fixing to reinforcements

This method permits variable distribution of the posi-
tioning points, and can therefore be re-used in any sit-
Variant 1
By using two extra longitudinally-placed reinforcement
Alternatively, a clear, fixed arrangement of the position- rods, the anchor can be firmly fixed so that it safely
ing points can be made with nailed-on wedges of withstands pouring.
square-sawn timber.
The extra hoop means that the bottom reinforcement
Many variations are possible on this theme, meaning rod can be fitted in a relatively exact position.
that this example can be optimised for the case in hand.


A Pigtail anchor or stop anchor

D Extra reinforcement rod
E Extra hoop

Variant 2

The stop anchor or pigtail anchor can be fixed to the

A Pigtail anchor or stop anchor longitudinal reinforcements with the aid of an extra
B She-bolt with sealing sleeve hoop.
C Wooden template A suitably wide spacer board makes it easier to achieve
exact positioning.


▲ ... Inside line of wall

A Stop anchor 15.0 40cm 55 or 20.0 40cm 55
F Hoop with stop anchor, fastened to reinforcement
G Spacer board

999814102 - 04/2019 43
General User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Transporting, stacking and storing

Utilise the benefits of Doka multi-trip packaging

Using Doka skeleton transport boxes
on your site. 1.70x0.80m as storage units
Multi-trip packaging such as containers, stacking pal-
lets and skeleton transport boxes keep everything in Max. n° of boxes on top of one another
place on the site, minimise time wasted searching for Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
parts, and streamline the storage and transport of sys- Floor gradient up to 3% Floor gradient up to 1%
tem components, small items and accessories.
2 5
It is not allowed to stack empty
pallets on top of one another!
Doka skeleton transport box
1.70x0.80m Using Doka skeleton transport boxes
1.70x0.80m as transport devices

Lifting by crane

▪ Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted
one at a time.
▪ Only lift the boxes when their sidewalls are
▪ Use a suitable crane suspension tackle
(e.g. Doka 4-part chain 3.20m).
Do not exceed the permitted load-bearing
▪ Spread angle β max. 30°!

Storage and transport devices for small items:

▪ durable
▪ stackable
Suitable transport appliances:
▪ crane
▪ pallet stacking truck 9234-203-01

▪ forklift truck
To make the Doka skeleton transport box easier to load Repositioning by forklift truck or pallet stacking
and unload, one of its sidewalls can be opened. truck

Max. load: 700 kg (1540 lbs) The forks can be inserted under either the broadside or
the narrowside of the containers.
Permitted imposed load: 3150 kg (6950 lbs)

▪ Multi-trip packaging items that each contain
very different loads must be stacked with
the heaviest ones at the bottom and the
lightest ones at the top!
▪ Rating plate must be in place and clearly

44 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" General

Doka multi-trip transport box Possible ways of dividing the box

Multi-trip transport
1.20x0.80m galv. box partition
Lengthways Crossways
1.20m max. 3 partitions -
0.80m - max. 3 partitions

Tr755-200-04 Tr755-200-05

Using Doka multi-trip transport boxes as

storage units

Max. n° of boxes on top of one another

Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
Floor gradient up to 3% Floor gradient up to 1%
Storage and transport devices for small items:
3 6
▪ durable It is not allowed to stack empty
▪ stackable pallets on top of one another!
Suitable transport appliances:
▪ crane
▪ pallet stacking truck Using Doka multi-trip transport boxes as
▪ forklift truck transport devices

Max. load: 1500 kg (3300 lbs) Lifting by crane

Permitted imposed load: 7850 kg (17305 lbs)
NOTICE ▪ Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted
▪ Multi-trip packaging items that each contain one at a time.
very different loads must be stacked with ▪ Use a suitable crane suspension tackle
the heaviest ones at the bottom and the (e.g. Doka 4-part chain 3.20m).
lightest ones at the top! Do not exceed the permitted load-bearing
▪ Rating plate must be in place and clearly capacity.
legible ▪ Spread angle β max. 30°!

Multi-trip transport box partition

Different items in the Multi-trip transport box can be
kept separate with the Multi-trip transport box partitions
1.20m or 0.80m.



Repositioning by forklift truck or pallet stacking

A Slide-bolt for fixing the partition
The forks can be inserted under either the broadside or
the narrowside of the containers.

999814102 - 04/2019 45
General User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Doka stacking pallet 1.55x0.85m and Using Doka stacking pallets as transport
1.20x0.80m devices

Lifting by crane

▪ Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted
one at a time.
▪ Use a suitable crane suspension tackle
(e.g. Doka 4-part chain 3.20m).
Do not exceed the permitted load-bearing
▪ Load the items centrically.
▪ Fasten the load to the stacking pallet so that
it cannot slide or tip out.
Storage and transport devices for long items: ▪ Spread angle β max. 30°!
▪ durable
▪ stackable
Suitable transport appliances:
▪ crane
▪ pallet stacking truck
▪ forklift truck

Max. load: 1100 kg (2420 lbs)

= =
Permitted imposed load: 5900 kg (12980 lbs) a

▪ Multi-trip packaging items that each contain a
very different loads must be stacked with Doka stacking pallet 1.55x0.85m max. 4.5 m
the heaviest ones at the bottom and the Doka stacking pallet 1.20x0.80m max. 3.0 m
lightest ones at the top!
▪ Rating plate must be in place and clearly Repositioning by forklift truck or pallet stacking
legible truck

Using Doka stacking pallets as storage units NOTICE

▪ Load the items centrically.
▪ Fasten the load to the stacking pallet so that
Max. n° of units on top of one another it cannot slide or tip out.
Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
Floor gradients of up to 3% Floor gradients of up to 1%
2 6
It is not allowed to stack empty
pallets on top of one another!

How to use with bolt-on castor set:
Always apply the fixing brake when the container is
When Doka stacking pallets are stacked, the bottom
pallet must NOT be one with a bolt-on caster set
mounted to it.

46 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" General

Doka accessory box Doka accessory box as transport devices

Lifting by crane

▪ Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted
one at a time.
▪ Use a suitable crane suspension tackle
(e.g. Doka 4-part chain 3.20m).
Do not exceed the permitted load-bearing
▪ Spread angle β max. 30°!

Storage and transport devices for small items:

▪ durable
▪ stackable
Suitable transport appliances:
▪ crane
▪ pallet stacking truck 92816-206-01
▪ forklift truck
The Doka accessory box is the tidy, easy-to-find way of Repositioning by forklift truck or pallet stacking
storing and stacking all interconnection and form-tie truck
The forks can be inserted under either the broadside or
Max. load: 1000 kg (2200 lbs) the narrowside of the containers.
Permitted imposed load: 5530 kg (12191 lbs)

Bolt-on castor set B
▪ Multi-trip packaging items that each contain The Bolt-on caster set B turns the stacking pallet into a
very different loads must be stacked with
fast and manoeuvrable transport device.
the heaviest ones at the bottom and the
lightest ones at the top! Suitable for drive-through access openings > 90 cm.
▪ Rating plate must be in place and clearly

Doka accessory boxes as storage units

Max. n° of boxes on top of one another

Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
The Bolt-on caster set B can be mounted to the follow-
Floor gradient up to 3% Floor gradient up to 1%
ing multi-trip packaging items:
3 6
It is not allowed to stack empty
▪ Doka accessory box
pallets on top of one another! ▪ Doka stacking pallets

Note: Follow the directions in the 'Bolt-on castor set

B' Operating Instructions!
How to use with bolt-on castor set:
Always apply the fixing brake when the container is
When Doka accessory boxes are stacked, the bottom
box must NOT be one with a bolt-on castor set mounted
to it.

999814102 - 04/2019 47
General User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

Formwork planning with Tipos-Doka

Tipos-Doka helps you to form even Always the right quantities of
more efficiently formwork and accessories
Tipos-Doka has been developed to assist you in
planning the use of your Doka formwork. For wall
formwork, floor formwork and platforms, it puts the
same tools into your hands that we at Doka use
ourselves for formwork planning.

Easy to use, fast and accurate results

You can import the automatically generated piece-lists into many
other programs for further processing.
The easy-to-use interface makes for very fast working. Formwork components and accessories that have to be
From when you input your layout (with the "Schal- organised at short notice, or replaced by improvisation,
Igel"® on-screen assistant), all the way through to are the ones that cost the most. This is why Tipos-Doka
when you manually put the finishing touches to the offers complete piece-lists that leave no room for
formwork solution the program gives you. All this saves improvisation. Planning with Tipos-Doka eliminates
time - yours. costs before they have a chance to even arise. And
The program contains a large number of templates and your depot can make the best possible use of its stocks.
wizards, so you can be sure of always getting the opti-
mum technical and economical solution to your form-
work task. This makes for greater operational reliability,
and cuts costs.
You can get to work right away with the piece-lists,
plans, views, sections and perspective drawings that
the program gives you. Operational reliability is also
enhanced by the high level of detail of the plans.

Drawings of formwork and platforms really can be this detailed! Both

for the layout and for spatial representations, Tipos-Doka sets an
impressive new standard of visual presentation.

48 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" Component overview

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

[kg] n° overview

Supporting constr. frame Universal F 4.50m 306.0 580500000 Anchor waling 0.70m 27.0 580517000
Abstützbock-Universal F 4,50m Anchor waling 1.95m 76.3 580545000
Painted blue Anchor waling 2.95m 110.0 580546000
Length: 196 cm Ankerriegel
Height: 365 - 394 cm Painted blue

Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 1.00m 19.6 580003000

Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 1.75m 35.0 580006000
Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 2.00m 38.9 580007000
Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 2.50m 48.7 580009000
Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 2.75m 54.2 580010000
Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 3.00m 60.2 580011000
Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 3.50m 68.4 580012000
Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 4.00m 79.4 580013000
Mehrzweckriegel WS10 Top50
Attachable frame F 1.50m 236.0 580502000 Painted blue
Anbaurahmen F 1,50m
Painted blue
Length: 280 cm

Multi-purpose waling WU12 Top50 2.00m 50.0 580022000

Multi-purpose waling WU12 Top50 3.00m 75.7 580024000
Mehrzweckriegel WU12 Top50
Painted blue

Attachable frame F 2.00m 451.0 580501000

Anbaurahmen F 2,00m
Painted blue
Length: 394 cm
Anchoring profile 0.55m 44.5 582904000
Ankerprofil 0,55m
Painted blue

Anchor waling positioner 0.62 580539000

Front spindle for supporting constr. frame 17.0 580508000 Length: 31 cm
Abstützbockspindel vorne

Corner plate supporting constr. frame 44.4 580518000

Ecklasche Abstützbock
Painted blue
Length: 92 cm
Rear spindle for supporting constr. frame 18.3 580515000
Abstützbockspindel hinten Width: 92 cm

Facade waling WS10 2.50m 50.0 580692000

Fassadenriegel WS10 2,50m
Painted blue

999814102 - 04/2019 49
Component overview User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Connecting pin 10cm 0.34 580201000 Framax supporting construct. frame connector 15.0 580506000
Verbindungsbolzen 10cm Framax-Bocklasche
Galvanised Painted blue
Length: 14 cm Height: 77 cm

Spring cotter 5mm 0.03 580204000

Federvorstecker 5mm
Length: 13 cm

Supporting construction distancer 20cm 9.4 580519000 Framax supporting construct. frame bolt 36cm 0.62 580505000
Bockdistanz 20cm Framax-Bockschraube 36cm
Galvanised Galvanised
Length: 25 cm
Width: 19 cm
Height: 20 cm

Framax Xlife plus supporting-frame bolt 3.5 582937000

Framax Xlife plus supp.-frame distancer 12cm 8.4 582938000 Framax Xlife plus-Bockschraube
Framax Xlife plus-Bockdistanz 12cm Galvanised
Galvanised Length: 40.5 cm
Length: 29 cm
Width: 19 cm
Height: 14 cm

Clamp for supp. constr. distancer 20cm 5.0 582920000 Attachable roller 200 19.3 580538000
Klemme für Bockdistanz 20cm Ansteckrolle 200
Galvanised Painted blue
Length: 36 cm Height: 38 cm
Width: 7 cm

Waling-to-bracket holder 9-15cm 2.7 580625000 Attachable roller 250 47.0 580537000
Riegelhalter 9-15cm Ansteckrolle 250
Galvanised Painted blue
Height: 78 cm

Waling-to-bracket holder 2.5 580526000

Length: 26 cm Winch with transport device 37.0 580541000
Hubwinde mit Transportroller
Height: 31 cm
Painted blue
Height: 127 cm
Follow the directions in the "Opera-
Framax universal fixing bolt 10-16cm 0.60 588158000 ting Instructions"!
Framax-Universalverbinder 10-16cm
Length: 26 cm

Framax universal fixing bolt 10-25cm 0.69 583002000

Framax-Universalverbinder 10-25cm
Length: 36 cm

Travelling profile F 2.00m front 180.0 582925000

Verfahrprofil F 2,00m vorne
Framax wedge clamp 1.5 588152000 Length: 600 cm
Length: 21 cm

50 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" Component overview

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Wheel connector F 2.00m front 33.7 582926000 Lifting bracket F 2.00m rear 14.0 582935000
Radanschluss F 2,00m vorne Hubkonsole F 2,00m hinten
Galvanised Galvanised
Length: 30 cm Height: 48.6 cm
Width: 30 cm
Height: 16.5 cm

Screw-on coupler 48mm 50 0.84 682002000

Clamping jaw F 2.00m 0.82 582927000 Screw-on coupler 48mm 95 0.88 586013000
Klemmbacke F 2,00m Anschraubkupplung
Galvanised Galvanised
Length: 12.5 cm Width-across: 22 mm
Follow the directions in the "Fitting

Clamping plate F 2.00m 3.5 582928000

Klemmplatte F 2,00m
Length: 24 cm
Swivel coupler 48mm 1.5 582560000
Drehkupplung 48mm
Intermediate plate F 2.00m 6.0 582929000 Width-across: 22 mm
Zwischenplatte F 2,00m Follow the directions in the "Fitting
Galvanised instructions"!
Length: 25 cm
Width: 18 cm

Scaffold tube 48.3mm 0.50m 1.7 682026000

Scaffold tube 48.3mm 1.00m 3.6 682014000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 1.50m 5.4 682015000
Travelling profile F 2.00m rear 187.5 582930000 Scaffold tube 48.3mm 2.00m 7.2 682016000
Verfahrprofil F 2,00m hinten Scaffold tube 48.3mm 2.50m 9.0 682017000
Galvanised Scaffold tube 48.3mm 3.00m 10.8 682018000
Length: 574 cm Scaffold tube 48.3mm 3.50m 12.6 682019000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 4.00m 14.4 682021000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 4.50m 16.2 682022000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 5.00m 18.0 682023000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 5.50m 19.8 682024000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 6.00m 21.6 682025000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm .....m 3.6 682001000
Gerüstrohr 48,3mm
Wheel connector F 2.00m rear 44.5 582931000 Galvanised
Radanschluss F 2,00m hinten
Height: 61.5 cm

Screw-on access bracket MF75 19.0 580669000

Anschraubbühne MF75
Length: 113 cm
Height: 152 cm

Connecting plate F 2.00m 15.8 582932000

Anschlussplatte F 2,00m
Length: 44.1 cm
Width: 35.7 cm

Swivel plate MF 4.5 580672000

Schwenkplatte MF
Bolting plate F 2.00m 2.9 582933000 Galvanised
Schraubplatte F 2,00m
Length: 29 cm
Height: 20 cm
Length: 20 cm
Width-across: 30 mm

Connector plate F 2.00m 2.3 582934000

Verbindungsplatte F 2,00m
Length: 42 cm

999814102 - 04/2019 51
Component overview User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Handrail clamp S 11.5 580470000 Extension 20cm 3/4" 0.68 580683000

Schutzgeländerzwinge S Verlängerung 20cm 3/4"
Height: 123 - 171 cm

Cone spanner 20.0 3.5 581471000

Konusschlüssel 20,0
Length: 57 cm

Testing truss for diagonal anchors 15.0/20.0 13.5 580514000 Clearance-cone dismantling tool 0.67 581864000
Prüfbock für Schräganker 15,0/20,0 Lösewerkzeug Freistellkonus
Galvanised Galvanised
Length: 32 cm Length: 10.7 cm
Width: 25 cm Width-across: 24 mm
Height: 19 cm

Tie rod system 15.0

Universal tool box 15.0 9.1 580392000
Universal-Werkzeugbox 15,0
included in scope of supply:
Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 0.50m 0.72 581821000
Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 0.75m 1.1 581822000
(A) Reversible ratchet 1/2" 0.73 580580000 Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 1.00m 1.4 581823000
Galvanised Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 1.25m 1.8 581826000
Length: 30 cm Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 1.50m 2.2 581827000
(B) Fork wrench 13/17 0.08 580577000 Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 1.75m 2.5 581828000
(C) Fork wrench 22/24 0.22 580587000 Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 2.00m 2.9 581829000
(D) Fork wrench 30/32 0.80 580897000 Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 2.50m 3.6 581852000
(E) Fork wrench 36/41 1.0 580586000 Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised .....m 1.4 581824000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 0.50m 0.73 581870000
(F) Ring spanner 17/19 0.27 580590000 Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 0.75m 1.1 581871000
(G) Square nut 22 0.31 580589000 Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 1.00m 1.4 581874000
(H) Box spanner 41 0.99 580585000 Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 1.25m 1.8 581886000
(I) Extension 11cm 1/2" 0.20 580581000 Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 1.50m 2.1 581876000
(J) Extension 22cm 1/2" 0.31 580582000 Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 1.75m 2.5 581887000
(K) Universal joint coupling 1/2" 0.16 580583000 Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 2.00m 2.9 581875000
(L) Box nut 19 1/2" L 0.16 580598000 Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 2.50m 3.6 581877000
(M) Box nut 13 1/2" 0.06 580576000 Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 3.00m 4.3 581878000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 3.50m 5.0 581888000
(N) Box nut 24 1/2" 0.12 580584000 Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 4.00m 5.7 581879000
(O) Box nut 30 1/2" 0.20 580575000 Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 5.00m 7.2 581880000
(P) Positioning cone spanner 15.0 DK 0.30 580579000 Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 6.00m 8.6 581881000
Galvanised Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 7.50m 10.7 581882000
Length: 8 cm Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated .....m 1.4 581873000
Width-across: 30 mm Ankerstab 15,0mm

Super plate 15.0 1.1 581966000

Superplatte 15,0
Height: 6 cm
Diameter: 12 cm
Width-across: 27 mm
Reversible ratchet 3/4" 1.5 580894000
Umschaltknarre 3/4" Hexagon nut 15.0 0.23 581964000
Galvanised Sechskantmutter 15,0
Length: 50 cm Galvanised
Length: 5 cm
Width-across: 30 mm

Framax pressure plate 6/15 0.80 588183000

Box nut 46 3/4" 0.70 580512000 Framax-Druckplatte 6/15
Stecknuss 46 3/4" Galvanised

52 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" Component overview

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Wing nut 15.0 0.31 581961000 Stop anchor 15.0 A16 0.38 581997000
Flügelmutter 15,0 Sperranker 15,0 A16
Galvanised Non-treated
Length: 10 cm
Height: 5 cm
Width-across: 27 mm

Anchor plate 15/20 1.8 581929000

Ankerplatte 15/20
Anchor holder 15.0 0.43 581835000
Galvanised Ankerhalter 15,0

She-bolt 15.0 5cm 1.20m 2.5 581832000

Ankerkopf 15,0 5cm 1,20m
Length: 131 cm Sealing disc 15.0 0.002 581885000
Dichtscheibe 15,0
Width-across: 24 mm
Follow the directions in the "Fitting
instructions"! Diameter: 4.2 cm

Clearance cone 15.0 0.51 581865000

Freistellkonus 15,0
She-bolt 15.0 5cm 1.7 581972000 Black
Ankerkopf 15,0 5cm Blue
Galvanised Length: 20.6 cm
Length: 76 cm Diameter: 7 cm
Width-across: 24 mm Follow the directions in the "Fitting
Follow the directions in the "Fitting instructions"!
Rock anchor spreader unit 15.0 0.41 581120000
Felsanker-Spreizeinheit 15,0
Positioning cone 15.0 5cm 0.43 581969000 Length: 9 cm
Vorlaufkonus 15,0 5cm Diameter: 4 cm
Galvanised Follow the directions in the "Fitting
Length: 11 cm instructions"!
Diameter: 3 cm
Follow the directions in the "Fitting Rock anchor installation tube 0.85 581123000
instructions"! Felsanker-Einbaurohr
Length: 50 cm
Sealing sleeve 15.0 5cm 0.008 581990000
Dichtungshülse 15,0 5cm Diameter: 3 cm
Length: 10 cm
Diameter: 3 cm
Tensioning instrument 300kN 32.0 581815000
Vorspanngerät 300kN
Rod connector 15.0 0.49 581981000 Galvanised
Verbindungsmuffe 15,0
Length: 10.5 cm
Diameter: 3.2 cm

Pigtail anchor 15.0 0.92 581984000

Wellenanker 15,0
Length: 67 cm
Tensioning instrument B 34.5 580570000
Vorspanngerät B

Stop anchor 15.0 A40 0.71 581999000

Sperranker 15,0 A40

Protective cap 15.0/20.0 0.03 581858000

Schutzkappe 15,0/20,0
Length: 6 cm
Diameter: 6.7 cm

999814102 - 04/2019 53
Component overview User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal"

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Tie-rod wrench 15.0/20.0 1.9 580594000 Anchoring cone 20.0 1.0 581437000
Ankerstabschlüssel 15,0/20,0 Ankerkonus 20,0
Galvanised Galvanised
Length: 37 cm Length: 15 cm
Diameter: 8 cm Diameter: 5 cm

Pigtail anchor 20.0 2.0 581450000

Wellenanker 20,0
Friction type ratchet SW27 0.49 581855000 Non-treated
Freilaufknarre SW27 Length: 76 cm
Length: 30 cm

Stop anchor 20.0 C40 1.2 581458000

Sperranker 20,0 C40
Box spanner 27 0.65m 1.9 581854000 Non-treated
Steckschlüssel 27 0,65m

Stop anchor 20.0 C17 0.62 581457000

Sperranker 20,0 C17

Tie rod system 20.0

Tie rod 20.0mm galvanised 0.50m 1.3 581411000
Tie rod 20.0mm galvanised 0.75m 1.9 581417000 Anchor holder 20.0 0.43 581427000
Tie rod 20.0mm galvanised 1.00m 2.5 581412000 Ankerhalter 20,0
Tie rod 20.0mm galvanised 1.25m 3.2 581418000 Non-treated
Tie rod 20.0mm galvanised 1.50m 3.8 581413000
Tie rod 20.0mm galvanised 2.00m 5.0 581414000
Tie rod 20.0mm galvanised 2.50m 6.3 581430000
Tie rod 20.0mm galvanised .....m 2.5 581410000
Tie rod 20.0mm non-treated 0.50m 1.3 581405000
Tie rod 20.0mm non-treated 0.75m 1.9 581416000
Tie rod 20.0mm non-treated 1.00m 2.5 581406000
Tie rod 20.0mm non-treated 1.50m 3.8 581407000
Tie rod 20.0mm non-treated 2.00m 5.0 581408000 Sealing disc 43 0.002 581836000
Dichtscheibe 43
Tie rod 20.0mm non-treated .....m 2.5 581403000
Ankerstab 20,0mm Black

Clearance cone 20.0 0.49 581866000

Freistellkonus 20,0
Length: 20.6 cm
Super plate 20.0 B 2.0 581424000 Diameter: 7 cm
Superplatte 20,0 B Follow the directions in the "Fitting
Galvanised instructions"!
Height: 7 cm
Diameter: 14 cm
Width-across: 34 mm Tie rod system 26.5
Tie rod 26.5mm non-treated .....m 4.5 581883000
Ankerstab 26,5mm unbehandelt .....m
She-bolt 20.0 5.6 581435000
Ankerkopf 20,0
Length: 140 cm
Diameter: 5 cm
Width-across: 41 mm

Hexagon nut 26.5 0.73 581985000

Sechskantmutter 26,5
Sealing sleeve 20.0 0.03 581441000 Galvanised
Dichtungshülse 20,0
Length: 8 cm
Width-across: 46 mm
Length: 16 cm
Diameter: 5 cm

54 999814102 - 04/2019
User Information Supporting construction frame "Universal" Component overview

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Anchor plate 26.5 3.4 581986000 Doka multi-trip transport box 1.20x0.80m 70.0 583011000
Ankerplatte 26,5 Doka-Mehrwegcontainer 1,20x0,80m
Galvanised Galvanised
Length: 15 cm Height: 78 cm
Width: 12 cm

Pigtail anchor 26.5 3.6 581900000

Wellenanker 26,5
Length: 80 cm

Multi-trip transport box partition 0.80m 3.7 583018000

Multi-trip transport box partition 1.20m 5.5 583017000
Mehrwegcontainer Unterteilung
Rod connector 26.5 1.4 581988000 Steel parts galvanised
Verbindungsmuffe 26,5
Non-treated Timber parts varnished yellow
Length: 15 cm
Width-across: 46 mm

Anchor holder 26.5 0.43 581943000

Ankerhalter 26,5
Doka stacking pallet 1.55x0.85m 41.0 586151000
Non-treated Doka-Stapelpalette 1,55x0,85m
Height: 77 cm

Clearance cone 26.5 0.46 581867000

Freistellkonus 26,5
Length: 20.6 cm
Diameter: 7 cm
Follow the directions in the "Fitting Doka stacking pallet 1.20x0.80m 38.0 583016000
instructions"! Doka-Stapelpalette 1,20x0,80m
Tie-rod wrench 20.0/26.5 1.7 580593000 Height: 77 cm
Ankerstabschlüssel 20,0/26,5
Length: 37 cm
Diameter: 8 cm

Multi-trip packaging Doka accessory box 106.4 583010000

Timber parts varnished yellow
Doka skeleton transport box 1.70x0.80m 87.0 583012000
Doka-Gitterbox 1,70x0,80m Steel parts galvanised
Galvanised Length: 154 cm
Height: 113 cm Width: 83 cm
Height: 77 cm

Bolt-on castor set B 33.6 586168000

Anklemm-Radsatz B
Painted blue

999814102 - 04/2019 55
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Doka GmbH | Josef Umdasch Platz 1 | 3300 Amstetten | Austria | T +43 7472 605-0 | F +43 7472 66430 | [email protected] | 999814102 - 04/2019

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