Cura Tolasi

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Marcel Golian1, Marianna Trochcová2, Alžbeta Hegedüsová1, Eva Szabová3, Ondrej Hegedüs4, Eva Barátová4, Lukáš Hleba5
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Horticulture and Landscape Engineering Faculty, Department of Vegetables Production, Tr. Andreja Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra,
Slovak Republic.
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra,Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Tr. Andreja Hlinku 2, 949 76
Nitra, Slovak Republic.
Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture in Bratislava, Department of General and Quarantine Diagnostics, Matúškova 21, 833 16 Bratislava, Slovak
Regional Public Health Authority Nitra, Štefánikova trieda 58, 949 01 Nitra, Slovak Republic.
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Department of Microbiology, Tr. Andreja Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra, Slovak

*Corresponding author: [email protected] doi: 10.15414/jmbfs.2019.8.4.1080-1083


Received 17. 8. 2018 Pleurotus spp. is in the top three of the most widely grown mushroom in the world's production. In connection with its intensive
Revised 25. 10. 2018 production in a conventional way, the risk of contamination with the most pathogens is avoided. The work deals with identification of
Accepted 30. 10. 2018 the pathogen on the production crop of oyster mushroom, and with determining the optimal dilution of the commercially available
Published 1. 2. 2019 disinfectant with 47 g/kg (4.7%) sodium hypochlorite to eliminate it. We found that the lethal dose of sodium hypochlorite for pathogen
Pseudomonas tolaasii and for Pleurotus ostreatus is different, so we recommend using the disinfectant in specified dilutions even
during the cultivation of oyster mushroom.
Regular article

Keywords: Pleurotus ostreatus, disease, protection, Pseudomonas, chlorine

INTRODUCTION 2004; Saxon et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2013). The disease affected only the top
external layers of the pileus tissuesand was restricted to 2–3 mm below the pileus
Oyster mushroom was first scientifically described in 1775 by Dutch naturalist, surface. Brown discoloration results from mushroom production of melanin,
Nikolaus Joseph Freiherr von Jacquin (1727 - 1817), under the name Agaricus which is a defence response induced in this case by P. tolaasii producing the
ostreatus. Oyster mushroom is a fungus with variable size, shape and colour. toxin tolaasin. This extracellular toxin has been proved to be the major virulence
There is a lot of strains in the world, therefore the identification of this species is factor (Saxon et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2013). Tolaasin is a pore-forming toxin
relatively difficult. Oyster mushroom occurs mainly in European forests, where it in the cell membranes, thus destroying the fruiting body structure of mushroom
is completely autochthonous.Production period is from end of the summer, (Mu et al., 2015; Saxon et al., 2014). Pseudomonas tolaasii is also described as
through the autumn till the winter, if conditions are ideal. These edible fungi can a pathogen of some plants (Cantore et al., 2015). Primary sources of
sometimes be found through to cold months January and February.Oyster Pseudomonas tolaasii on a mushroom farm were the peat and limestone used in
mushroom is a pleasant, slightly spicy mushroom (O'Reilly, 2011). In the casing process. Secondary sources were numerous once the pathogen was
practicethere are most common cross-species and bredstrains of native species, present in mushroom beds. These included symptomless and diseased
which differ from wild strains mainly in thegrowth rate of fruiting bodies, yields, mushrooms, the fingers and shoes of people handling the crop, their baskets,
and other specific properties. For successful mass production, it is essential for knives and ladders. Spores of infected mushrooms may transport the bacterium,
the farmer himself to realize that oyster mushroom as it grows in situ on wood, as did sciarid flies and mites which are common pests of mushroom crops (Wong
above ground, in damp and light conditions, predominantly in deciduous forests and Preece,1980). The pathogen epiphytically colonized and grew on the
(Kurtzman, 2014). Mishra and Tiwari (2012) reportedthat in addition to the vegetative mycelium in the substrate. During the development and growth of
concentration of CO2 in the production unit, light and relative humidity, the fruiting bodies, the pathogen reached and colonized the pileus, and infected the
temperature affects the quantity and the quality of the produced mushrooms. surface tissue. The disease has been difficult to control by spraying disinfectants
During overgrowth of substrate by mycelium at the temperature 15 °C is growth or antibiotics onto fruiting bodies; it did not eradicate or reduce the inoculum in
linear. At temperatures in the range 20 °C to 30 °C, the rate of overgrowth the spawned substrate contained in bags. Overhead watering may facilitate the
increase significantly. Intensive food production requires many measures related growth and movement of the pathogen, and enlargement of the blotches (Wong
to hygiene of work, spaces and with production safety. and Preece, 1982; Zhang et al., 2013). Disease control on mushroom farms
One of the most serious bacterial disease for oyster mushroom is Bacterial brown worldwide is commonly based on the use of fungicides. However, evolution of
blotch disease, caused by the Gram-negative, naturally soil dwelling bacterium pathogen resistance to fungicides after frequent application, and host sensitivity
Pseudomonas tolaasii. Once the disease occurred in a farm, it was very difficult to fungicides are serious problems. Only a few fungicides are officially
to control before all of the substrate bags were removed from the farm. The most recommended in mushroom production: chlorothalonil and thiabendazole in
typical symptom was characterized with brown spots or blotches on the pileus North America and prochloraz in the EU and some other countries. Calcium
and stipes. If moisture conditions favoured the disease, the brown spots and chloride and chlorinated compounds are, at the present time, the most commonly
blotches enlarge and coalesce with others; the affected areas are sunken and utilized chemicals for brown blotch disease control (Potočnik et al., 2015;
covered with sticky material. Rarely, the entire fruiting body is discolored with a Zhang et al. 2013). Treating P. tolaasii infection is difficult, as other,
reddish brown colour and appears water logged. Young fruiting bodies are commensal bacterial species such as Pseudomonas putida are necessary for
covered by a clear, glossy material and cease to grow. However,it is still possible mushroom growth, so treatments must be relatively specific (Saxon et al., 2014).
that mixed infections cause these various symptoms (Cha, 2004; MushWorld, Biological control methods with antagonistic microorganisms and/or specific

J Microbiol Biotech Food Sci / Golian et al. 2019 : 8 (4) 1080-1083

phages have also been investigated. However, none has been found fully There are various principles of eliminating pathogens. In terms of P. tolaasii,
effective so far (Zhang et al. 2013). expect for chemical protection, biological protection based on antagonism of
organisms is also being tested. It was found, thatapplication of bacteriophages is
MATERIAL AND METRHODS a very useful tool to decrease the density of pathogens and it has been successful
to making disease-free cultivation area, known as phage therapy. Effect of phages
Biological material on pathogen sterilization is very limited to the specific host strains. Minor
variations of the host strains may cause changes in phage sensitivity (Park et al.,
Oyster mushroom strain KRYOS B was provided from Department of 2016). Based on phenotypic, biochemical and molecular characteristics, the
Horticulture, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech bacterial antagonists were identified as P. putida, P. reactants, P. fluorescens and
University of Life Sciences Prague. This model strain is in mass production Bacillus subtilis, respectively (Tajalipour et al., 2014). This statement confirms
commonly used in present. Bora and Özaktan (2000), who identified two strains of P. fluorescens and one
strain P. putida, which resulted in a reduction of disease caused by P. tolaasii.
Isolation and cultivation of bacteria Namazi et al. (2016) found, that Kocuria sp. being a promising candidate as a
biological control agent against P. tolaasii. Bacteria strains Kocuria sp. and
Pathogenic bacteria were isolated from an infected production culture of oyster Pseudomonas spp., sprayed on freshly harvested mushroom caps, blocked the
mushroom by sterile cotton swabs and transported to laboratory immediately. Bacterial Blotch incidence. Essential oil and extracts of some plants against this
Bacterial isolates were spread on the surface of MPA (meat peptone agar) and pathogenic bacterium have also been evaluated with promising results (Dezfooli
cultivated at 20 °C for 48 hours. Grown cultures were purified by streak plate et al., 2012). Saxon et al. 2014 tested Bdellovibrio as a possible biocontrol agent
method. Pure cultures were used for further analysis. against P. tolaasii. They found out, that Bdellovibrio effectively suppressed the
population growth of P. tolaasii, most likely due to killing by predation. Brown
Identification of pathogen from fruiting bodies blotch lesion intensity was reduced by Bdellovibrio application onto mushrooms.
Bdellovibrio application may therefore be more effective as a preventative
Pure colonies were transferred into the Eppendorf tube contained with 70 % of measure to protect mushrooms against brown blotch disease, rather than a
ethanol. Colonies were homogenized and centrifuged at 10000 rpm for 5 min. treatment for an already infected mushroom crop, and could be explored as a
Supernatant was removed. A 20 µl of formic acid and 20 µl of acetonitrile were background addition to mushroom compost or casing layers to maintain “health”.
added to pellet. Bacterial cells were homogenized and centrifuged at 10 000 rpm The economic impact of the disease is significant, resulting in loss of visual
for 5 min. A 1 µl of supernatant were transferred by pipetting into the MALDI appeal to consumers and regular crop reductions. Since the use of financially
TOF MS 96 Plate in 8 replicates. All samples were overlaid with HCCA matrix costly preparations for the biological protection of P. ostreatus crops is not
(Sigma Aldrich, Germany) dissolved in solution (500 µl of acetonitrile, 475 µl of always possible, accurate agrotechnical practices and labor hygiene requirements
deionized water and 25 µl of TFA – trifluoracetic acid) (Sigma Aldrich, should be respected in conventional production. Sanitation of premises before
Germany). After drying samples were identified by MALDI-TOF MS (Bruker and between growing waves is a necessary operation. Disinfection before the
Daltonics, Germany). storing of growing substrates is not a problem. It is most often carried out on the
basis of the change of physical parameters (hot damp steam, UV light). It is also
Cultivation of pure cultures possible to disinfect with detergents suitable for use in the food production –
mainly floors, stands, knives, etc.
Pure cultures of both microorganisms were cultivated under sterile conditions on In this work we evaluated the resistance of P. tolaasii to the commercially
solid agar nutrient medium. For oyster mushroom production, PDA medium (20g available chlorine disinfectant containing sodium hypochlorite 47 g/kg (4,7%).
glucose, 20g agar powder, potato extract from 200g potatoes, 1000ml water) was We found out that for the complete elimination of P. tolaasii, it is sufficient
used. Pseudomonas tolaasii was cultivated on Meat peptoneagar no. 2 (MPA). usedilution 0 to 25 (group a) of the concentrated chlorine-containing disinfectant
The nutrient media were poured under aseptic conditions into sterile Petri dishes. with water. Dilution 30 to 60 (group b) was insufficient (Table 1, Picture 1).
Subsequently, they were inoculated with pure cultures of the microorganisms.
Pleurotus ostreatus was inoculated with punctures using inoculating loop; Table 1 Inhibition of Pseudomonas tolaasii depending on dilution solution
Pseudomonas tolaasii was inoculated by spreading bacterial suspension onto a containing sodium hypochlorite according to Means and 95.0 Percent LDS Test.
plateby glass spreader. Incubation was carried out in cultivatorsat 25 °C in the DILUTION Count Group DILUTION Count Group DILUTION Count Group
dark until complete colonization of the agar surface by the microorganism. 0 4 a 15 4 a 35 4 b
3 4 a 20 4 a 40 4 b
Dilution of solutions 8 4 a 25 4 a 50 4 b
10 4 a 30 4 b 60 4 b
Testing of lethal dose disinfectant solution for microorganisms was ensured by Legend: Values in columns with different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05 by
the application commercially available disinfectant containingsodium LSD in ANOVA
hypochlorite 47 g/kg (4.7%),in various concentrations of aqueous solution. The
exact amount of concentrate was diluted with distilled water (dilution 0, 3, 5, 8, Table 2 Inverse Predictions for concentration
10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60) and applied to pure cultures of both Concentration Concentration
microorganisms. Percent Percent
(g.L-1) (g.L-1)
0.1 1.88262 55.0 1.78522
Application and evaluation 0.5 1.86704 60.0 1.78135
1.0 1.85949 65.0 1.77736
Paper discs about 15 mm in diameter were wetted in the prepared solutions at the 2.0 1.85123 70.0 1.77314
time of their preparation and immediately transferred to the bacterial and fungal
3.0 1.84599 75.0 1.7686
culture. Three paper discs of the same concentration were placed in one Petri
4.0 1.84205 80.0 1.76354
dish. Discs were removed after one day. Agar samples from the area under the
5.0 1.83885 85.0 1.75764
discs were transferred to fresh agar plates, where their viability was monitored.
Together, 12 variants were created, every variant had 3 repetitions and every 6.0 1.83612 90.0 1.75021
repetition had 3 contact areas. 7.0 1.83373 91.0 1.74842
8.0 1.83158 92.0 1.74647
Statistical processing methods 9.0 1.82964 93.0 1.74433
10.0 1.82784 LD 90 94.0 1.74194
Statgraphics Centurion XVII – multifactor analysis of variance (MANOVA, LSD 15.0 1.82042 95.0 1.73921
test) 20.0 1.81452 96.0 1.736
For detection of LD 50 and LD 90 Probit analysis was used. 25.0 1.80946 97.0 1.73206
30.0 1.80491 98.0 1.72682
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 35.0 1.8007 99.0 1.71857
40.0 1.7967 99.5 1.71101
Isolated pathogen from production culture of oyster mushroom was identified on 45.0 1.79283 99.9 1.69543
MALDI-TOF MS with using MaldiBiotyper identification software as 50.0 1.78903 LD 50
Pseudomonas tolaasii. The authors mention, that the resistance of P. ostreatus Legend: LD 50 – at this concentration 50 % of microorganisms died; LD 90 – at this
may be the result of a serial of interactions between host and pathogen. The concentration 90 % of microorganisms died. This model was successful at 100%.
antagonistic action of vegetative mycelium to P. tolaasii may reduce the
pathogen population in spawned substrate. However, the epiphytic populations of
P. tolaasii for tested strains were not significantly different (Zhang et al., 2013).

J Microbiol Biotech Food Sci / Golian et al. 2019 : 8 (4) 1080-1083

30 there is a visible change in the colour of the fruiting bodies (loss of colour).
The fruiting bodies are able to grow without difficulty, but the colour change
makes them unsuitable for sale.


In this work was isolated and subsequently identified a serious pathogen

Pseudomonas tolaasii, causing significant economic losses in the production of
edible and medicinal fungus Pleurotus ostreatus. In the next step, dilution of
disinfectant solution containing47 g/kg (4.7%) sodium hypochlorite intended for
pathogen elimination was determined. Also, the maximum possibledilution of
solution has been determined, which prevents losses of oyster mushroom
cultures. With regard to the elimination of the P. tolaasii, we recommended
disinfect the floors, walls and all equipment with authorized disinfectant
containing 47 g/kg (4.7%) sodium hypochlorite and dilution 25 before storing of
the substrates in the production unit. Between individual flush waves, we
recommend disinfecting surfaces of substrates and harvest points by the same
concentration of sodium hypochlorite, without causing significant damage on
oyster mushroom mycelium. In any case, we do not recommend the disinfection
of the growing fruiting bodies, because just very little concentration of sodium
hypochlorite causing decolourization of fruiting bodies.

Acknowledgement: The work was supported by VEGA project No. 1/0087/17.


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