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Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition

A Journal on Normal and Dysfunctional Development

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Age-based stereotype threat and

neuropsychological performance in older adults

Cali Caughie, Oscar Kronenberger, Joshua Cobb, Helen Margaris, Craig

McFarland & Stuart Hall

To cite this article: Cali Caughie, Oscar Kronenberger, Joshua Cobb, Helen Margaris, Craig
McFarland & Stuart Hall (2023) Age-based stereotype threat and neuropsychological
performance in older adults, Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 30:4, 620-637, DOI:

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Published online: 09 May 2022.

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2023, VOL. 30, NO. 4, 620–637

Age-based stereotype threat and neuropsychological

performance in older adults
Cali Caughie, Oscar Kronenberger, Joshua Cobb, Helen Margaris, Craig McFarland
and Stuart Hall
Department of Psychology, University of Montana, Missoula, MT USA


The current study investigated the effects of age-based stereotype Received 16 September 2021
threat on neuropsychological assessment outcomes in an older Accepted 14 April 2022
adult population. Community volunteers (n = 49) age 65 and KEYWORDS
older were screened for cognitive impairment, depression, and Aging; stereotype threat;
anticholinergic medication use. Screened individuals were ran­ cognition; older adults;
domly stratified into either an ABST or a Control group. All partici­ neuropsychological
pants were administered a broad range of neuropsychological assessment; subjective
measures of cognition as well as a self-rating measure assessing cognitive concern
subjective concern about cognitive ability. A main effect of ABST on
subjective concern about cognitive ability was supported.
Specifically, individuals in the ABST group were significantly more
likely to attribute their memory errors to the onset of dementia (F
(1,41) = 5.334, p = .026). However, results showed no significant
difference between groups on objective neuropsychological per­
formance measures. The current study discusses the importance of
considering ABST effects in the context of neuropsychological
assessment in older adult populations.

Age-based Stereotype Threat Exposure in Older Adults. As the population of

older adults grows, negative perceptions of aging continue to inundate society,
leading to increased ageism and age-based stereotype threat (ABST) exposure in
older adults. Negative aging stereotypes are often culturally ingrained, and research
demonstrates that older adults are consistently exposed to aging bias and age-based
stereotype threat in daily living (Abrams et al., 2011; Levy & Banaji, 2002; Nelson,
2002). In addition, more recent research suggests negative aging stereotypes may be
especially prevalent and impactful in neuropsychological assessment settings (Ben-
David et al., 2018).
Definitionally, ABST occurs when negative stereotypes regarding older adult’s compe­
tence result in their underperformance on physical and cognitive tasks (Lamont et al.,
2015). Research suggests that eliciting ABST, through even subtle reminders of negative
stereotypic aging expectations (i.e., cognitive and physical decline) can lead to cognitive
and physical performance decrements (Armstrong et al., 2017; Shewach et al., 2019). In

CONTACT Cali Caughie [email protected]

This project was supported in part by a University of Montana Small Grant awarded to C.M. A portion of the research was
conducted as part of a thesis and some of the data were presented on posters at the 2020 International
Neuropsychological Society Conference.
© 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

addition, exposure to negative aging stereotypes is shown to have far reaching health
implications including increased stress and anxiety, decreased self-efficacy, and the
initiation of physiological and biological changes in the brain consistent with the atrophy
described in neurodegenerative disease (Levy et al., 2016).
As common age-based stereotypes include negative beliefs regarding cognitive func­
tioning, understanding the impact ABST has on older adult’s performance on cognitive
tests used in clinical contexts is important for accurate evaluation, diagnosis, and treat­
ment of neurocognitive disorders (Parker et al., 2020). This is especially pertinent in
this day and age, given the substantial media attention on Alzheimer’s disease and
dementia, which continues to flood society. Even just engaging in negative, emotionally
arousing social media has been shown to reduce dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activation
and decrease performance on cognitive tasks (Tashjian & Galván, 2020). Thus, while public
education of AD is imperative, the effect of ABST in age-related media on older adults’
objective and subjective cognition is important to assess.

Age-based stereotype threat and neuropsychological performance in older

As context, age-based stereotype threat (ABST) is a subcategory of stereotype threat (ST)
more generally, wherein exposure to stereotypes reduces the performance of members in
the stereotyped group (Steele, 1997). While substantial research supports the significant
effect of stereotype threat on performance in the context of ethnic, racial, and gender
stereotypes (Aronson et al., 2002; Aronson et al., 1999) relatively limited research exists
investigating the effects of aging stereotypes on performance in older adults.
In studies that do look at age-based stereotype threat in older adults, results demon­
strate that ABST reduces performance on cognitive tasks (Hess et al., 2009). Most com­
monly, age-based stereotypes of cognitive aging include negative expectations of
cognitive decline, especially expectations of poor memory ability (Fiske et al., 2002;
Lamont et al., 2015). Yet, while most studies look at the effect of ABST on memory
performance, limited evidence suggests ABST may also impact cognition more globally
(Barber, 2017). Two known studies showed individuals in an age-based stereotype threat
condition performed below cutoffs on a screening measure for dementia (Haslam et al.,
2012; Mazerolle et al., 2016) while a third study showed decreases in screening scores that
were not below normative measures (Barber et al., 2015).
However, while these results demonstrate how powerful the effect of ABST on cogni­
tive performance may be, they do not provide evidence of ABST effects in the context of
neuropsychological assessment. A study by Fresson et al. (2017), is the only published
study that has looked at age-based stereotype threat in the context of cognitive perfor­
mance on specific, clinically relevant, neuropsychological measures. They further looked
at whether dementia worry moderated the role of age-based stereotype threat on clinical
cognitive performance. Based on the cognitive domains mostly affected in AD, specific
cognitive performance domains measured were memory, attention, and executive func­
tion. While they found no effect of stereotype threat on memory, attention, or subjective
complaint measures, cognitively intact people with moderate-to-high dementia worry
scored at pathological levels on executive measures.

The relationship between cognitive aging stereotypes and cognitive performance

on neuropsychological measures across cognitive domains is important to consider
given the frequent reliance of clinical decisions on such measures, especially in the
context of neuropsychological assessment in older adults. Indeed, the majority of
older adults who present for neuropsychological assessment do so because of con­
cern regarding their cognitive abilities. The neuropsychologist is often tasked with
determining whether these concerns are objective in nature. Indeed, neuropsycho­
logical assessment, which picks up on the subtle cognitive deficits that arise in AD
prior to the emergence of clinical symptoms, is key in the evaluation of prodromal
signs of age-related decline. As stated in the DSM-5, “Neuropsychological testing,
with performance compared with norms appropriate to the patient’s age, educa­
tional attainment, and cultural background, is part of the standard evaluation of
NCDs and is particularly critical in the evaluation of mild NCD” (American Psychiatric
Association, 2013, p. 607). Early identification of cognitive impairment is beneficial in
that it allows for targeted interventions, increases patient time for cogent decision
making, and aids dementia research. However, inaccurate interpretation of cognitive
performance scores may have a number of adverse consequences including misdiag­
nosis of cognitive impairment.
The potential misdiagnosis of mNCD and Alzheimer’s disease in older adults
raises further concerns related to iatrogenic progression of disease pathology as
negative expectations elicited by diagnosis could have detrimental effects on older
adults (Régner et al., 2016). In fact, there is evidence that people who are know­
ingly diagnosed with dementia become worried to an extent that results in low
self-esteem, self-stigmatization, and impaired quality of life (Cutler & Hodgson,

Age-based stereotype threat and cognitive performance

In summary, despite the far-reaching implications of ABST on older adult’s cognitive
performance, relatively few studies have looked at the relevance of ABST on older adult’s
performance on clinically relevant neuropsychological measures. As scores on neuropsy­
chological measures are used to make dementia-related diagnostic decisions, under­
standing the effects of age-based stereotype on neuropsychological measures relevant
to the assessment of older adults is fundamental for the accurate evaluation of cognitive
performance in this vulnerable, growing population.
Furthermore, given that attention, executive function, processing speed, and
memory performance are all indicative of mNCD and Alzheimer’s disease disposi­
tion, it is essential that the effects of ABST on these domains is understood. The
current study uses a novel ABST exposure paradigm that aims to reproduce public
media representations of Alzheimer’s disease and investigates how this exposure
impacts older adult’s cognitive performance on clinically relevant neuropsycholo­
gical tests of memory, attention, executive function, and processing speed (Rabin
et al., 2016).

Participants were recruited through an advertisement posted in a local community
newspaper in the Northwest region of the United States. The participants were at
least 65 years old. Participants were initially screened over the phone using the
Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status (TICS) and excluded if they scored below 28,
representing possible cognitive impairment. Participants were additionally screened in-
person using a Demographic and Health Questionnaire (DHQ) and the Patient Health
Questionnaire-8 (PHQ-8). Participants were excluded if they indicated current neurolo­
gical disorder, scored 3 or higher on anticholinergic medication burden, or scored in the
moderate-severe range of depression (10 or higher on the PHQ-8). Participation in this
study was voluntary. All participants received ten dollars for their participation in the
After completing the DHQ, PHQ-8, and reading the experimental or control condition
paragraph, all participants were administered a series of neuropsychological measures
and self-report questionnaires. A total of 49 subjects participated in the research. Six
participants were excluded from study analyses after failing to meet inclusion criteria on
the anticholinergic burden scale or depression measure.

Demographic and health questionnaire
The demographic and health questionnaire was used to obtain participant information
including age, gender, ethnicity, years of education, psychiatric and neurological history,
and behavioral health habits.

Patient health questionnaire-8

The Patient Health Questionnaire-8 was used as a measure of depression. It is deemed
a valid indicator of depressive symptoms. Participants with scores of 10 or higher, which is
indicative of moderate or high levels of depressive symptoms, were excluded from this
study. The PHQ-9 has a specificity of 88% and a sensitivity of 88% for major depression
(Kroenke et al., 2001). The PHQ-8 includes all PHQ-9 items with the exception of an item
regarding suicidal ideation (Kroenke et al., 2009). The PHQ-8 was administered to parti­
cipants during the in-person screening evaluation.

Telephone interview for cognitive status

The Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status (TICS) is one of the most widely used cognitive
screening measures in medium-large scale epidemiological studies and is believed to reliably
distinguish between normal cognition, mild cognitive impairment, and dementia (Knopman
et al., 2010). The TICS took less than 10 minutes to complete and was administered over the
phone prior to participant scheduling. Those who scored under 28 were excluded from the

study. The TICS is highly correlated with the Mini-mental Status Exam (r = .94, p < .001) and
has been found to have excellent sensitivity (94%) and specificity (100%) in differentiating
normal elderly and those with Alzheimer’s disease (Fong et al., 2009).

Anticholinergic burden scale

Medications with anticholinergic properties have been found to impact cognition in non-
demented older adults (Risacher et al., 2016). The anticholinergic burden (ACB) scale was
developed to assess the additive effects of specific drugs implicated in decreasing
cognitive ability in older adults. Drugs listed on the scale are given a number between
1 and 3 depending on their cognitive impact with 1 being low and 3 being high. A total
ACB score of 3 or more is considered clinically relevant. Participants who had an ACB score
of 3 or higher were excluded from study analyses.

Experimental and control conditions

The age-based stereotype threat exposure used in the current study was designed to
realistically represent common, ecologically relevant aging stereotypes while also
providing a poignant and robust stereotype threat induction. The age-based stereo­
type threat condition for cognitive performance was developed in relation to meta-
analytic data indicating the most salient forms of stereotype threat exposure (Lamont
et al., 2015). The experimental condition was presented as a half page, large font,
double spaced excerpt from a pseudo-journal on aging and incorporated explicit,
fact-based stereotypes (i.e., “Many older adults will go on to develop Alzheimer’s
disease or other forms of dementia”), and implicit, ambiguous stereotypes(i.e., “as we
age, our bodies and minds change”) pertaining to aging. Multiple, different types of
age-based stereotypes were utilized to increase the salience of the condition and to
increase the likelihood of finding a true positive experimental effect. Further, experi­
mental condition content was directly adapted from information provided on the
National Institute of Aging website in order to ensure ecological validity. The control
condition was a pseudo-journal article on ornithology of similar length and difficulty.
Both conditions required participants to answer True/False questions about what they
had read in order to enhance their attendance to the content presented. All partici­
pants were exposed to the same research conditions with the single exception of the
pseudo-article condition they were randomly selected into.

Neuropsychological measures
Neuropsychological measures were determined based upon their common use in neurop­
sychological practice and their validity in assessing for memory, executive function, proces­
sing speed, and attention performance. According to a study evaluating test usage practices
among clinical neuropsychologists, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), the Trail
Making Test (TMT), and the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT) are three of the five most
commonly used tests in neuropsychology. Further, in older adults specifically, the study

determined that commonly used and well-normed tests of executive function, attention,
processing speed, and memory included the DKEFS Stroop, Trail Making Test, WAIS-IV Digit
Span, and Coding subtests, and the California Verbal Learning Test (Rabin et al., 2016).

Neuropsychological measures of memory

California verbal learning test II
The California Verbal Learning Test II (CVLT-II) measures immediate and delayed recall of
a list of 16 words read out loud a total of five times (CVLT-II, r = .94). Total words on
immediate (0–80) and delayed recall (0–16) measures were used to assess general
memory function. Total scores on immediate and delayed recall have been shown to
have 87.6% and 86.5% respective accuracy in predicting the presence of mild cognitive
impairment (CVLT-II; Delis et al., 2000; Lezak et al., 2012).

Neuropsychological measures of executive function

DKEFS Stroop
The DKEFS Stroop test was used as an outcome measure of executive function (r = .93).
DKEFS Stroop appears specifically relevant to the executive function ability to resist or
resolve interference from irrelevant information in the external environment. The DKEFS
Stroop task assesses one’s ability to inhibit an automatic response over a controlled
response (Kane & Engle, 2003). DKEFS Stroop is timed and participants are given 45 seconds
to read as many words, as fast as they can, in each of four different tasks. Each task varies in
terms of demand with the first set pure word reading, the second pure color, the third color-
word reading, and the fourth alternating color-word and word reading. Scores on color-
word/word reading (trial 3) were used in the analysis of executive function (Stroop, 1935).

Trails B
Trail Making Test (TMT) Part B tests executive function by requiring subjects to plan and
execute a drawing task while utilizing working memory to maintain appropriate task
instructions (r = .55). Participants are given instructions to draw a line connecting alter­
nating, sequential numbers and letters, as fast as they can. TMT B raw times, in seconds,
were used for analysis of executive function (TMT; Reitan, 1992).

Neuropsychological measures of attention

Trails A
The Trail Making Test (TMT) A test asks participants to draw a line connecting a page of
mixed-up numbers in sequential order from 1 to 25. TMT A raw times, in seconds, were
used for analysis of attention (r = .74). Given the foundational importance of attention in
other cognitive systems, understanding the effects of age-related expectations on

attention has significant potential to shape targeted interventions aimed at reducing the
consequences of stereotype threat. Both TMT A and TMT B are shown to be sensitive to
the progressive decline of dementia (TMT; Lezak et al., 2012; Reitan, 1992)

Wechsler adult intelligence Scale IV, digit span

The entire Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale IV is a test of intelligence. Digit span (DS) is
a subtest of the WAIS-IV, which measures attention. DS has three trials wherein partici­
pants are asked to repeat a list of numbers read aloud to them by the examiner verbatim,
backward, and in sequential order. Total raw scores from all trials (0–27) were used for
analysis of attention (WAIS-IV; Wechsler, 2008a, 2008b).

Neuropsychological measures of processing speed

Wechsler adult intelligence Scale IV, coding
Coding is a subtest of the WAIS-IV, which measures processing speed. Coding requires
participants to translate numbers to symbols using a key and to complete as many
translations as possible within 2 min. The total number of correct translations were
used in the analysis of processing speed (WAIS-IV; Wechsler, 2008a, 2008b).

Wechsler adult intelligence Scale IV, symbol search

Symbol Search is a subtest of the WAIS-IV, which additionally measures processing speed.
It requires subjects to scan multiple series’ of symbols and identify whether or not each
series has a symbol, which does or does not match a given target symbol. Participants are
given 2 min to complete as many symbol searches as they can. The total number of
correct symbol searches was used in the analysis of processing speed (WAIS-IV; Wechsler,
2008a, 2008b).

Manipulation check questionnaire

A manipulation check questionnaire was used to check participants' understanding of the
age-based stereotype threat exposure instructions. The manipulation check asked parti­
cipants a dichotomous yes or no question about whether they understood the statements
they read prior to testing. Participants were also being asked to rank how much effort they
put into the tasks, the perceived difficulty of the tasks, how much pressure they felt during
the testing, and their perception of their performance on the tasks using a 9-point Likert
scale adapted from (Suhr & Gunstad, 2002).

Dementia worry scale

The Dementia Worry Scale (Suhr & Isgrigg, 2011) is a validated measure assessing the
construct of “dementia worry.” Participants were asked to respond to 13 statements
related to worrying about dementia and to indicate on a Likert scale ranging from 1 to
5 how typical of themselves each statement was (“not at all typical” of them = 1 to “very

typical” of them = 5). Items on the DWS include statements such as “I find it difficult to
control my worries about developing dementia” and “When I forget a word that I want to
say, my thoughts immediately turn to dementia.”

Study approval was obtained from the Montana Institutional Review Board prior to
participant recruitment. Following recruitment, participants were screened over the
phone using the TICS (a cognitive screening tool) and then scheduled for the in-person
portion of the study. In-person, participants completed an additional screening evaluation
that asked them to list their medications (for later scoring using the ACB scale, an
assessment of potential medication-based reductions in cognition) and to complete the
PHQ-8 (a measure of depression). Participants were excluded if they had a TICS score
under 28, a PHQ-8 score greater than 10, or an ACB score of 3 or higher.
Prior to participants entering the clinic, the primary researcher created packets that
contained the informed consent, demographic and health questionnaire, and either the
control or experimental tasks. Packets were labeled according to age and gender and
randomly mixed. Each new participant scheduled received a packet according to their
associated age and gender label. In this way, the primary researcher and the trained
research assistants who administered the study were blind to participant condition.
Participants completed the study in a designated assessment room within a university-
based clinical psychology center. At the onset of the study, participants were provided
with the introductory packet, which included the informed consent form, indicating the
nature and potential risks of the study. Participants were informed that they could
voluntarily withdraw from the study at any time, without penalty. Assessment was
conducted by the researcher and by trained research assistants. Scoring was performed
by trained research assistants who had no involvement in instruction packaging nor who
had administered the tests they scored. Following control or experimental task comple­
tion, cognitive tests were administered in semi-randomized order to each participant. All
participants began testing with the CVLT-II immediate recall task. All other tests were
administered in randomized order within the 20 minute CVLT-II delay period. If partici­
pants did not complete all other tests within the 20 minute delay they were administered
following the CVLT-II delayed recall task. At the conclusion of testing, participants com­
pleted the dementia worry scale and a manipulation check. Administration of these
measures was followed by debriefing.

Data analysis
Cognitive performance was evaluated using raw scores on each measure within each
cognitive domain. Each cognitive domain was constructed of two dependent variable
measures. Data was analyzed using separate between groups MANOVAs on each cogni­
tive domain with the group status (experimental or control) as the between groups
measure. The construct of Memory was measured using total word scores on immediate
and delayed CVLT II recall, attention was constructed using total seconds scores of TMT
A and total number scores of WAIS-IV Digit Span, Processing Speed was constructed using
total correct scores from WAIS-IV Coding and Symbol Search, and Executive Function was

constructed using Trial 3 scores from DKEFS Stroop and total seconds scores from TMT
B. A separate one-way ANOVA was used to assess whether significant differences existed
between groups education.
Overall, the following sample means and sample mean vectors were compared:

(1) Control and experimental sample mean vectors of scores on Memory measures
(Immediate and Delayed CVLT-II raw word scores).
(2) Control and experimental sample mean vectors of scores on Attention measures
(TMT A and WAIS-IV Digit Span time and total raw scores).
(3) Control and experimental sample mean vectors of scores on Executive Function
measures (TMT B and DKEFS Stroop time and interference score).
(4) Control and experimental sample means of scores on Processing Speed measures
(WAIS-IV Coding and Symbol Search total correct scores).

An a priori power MANOVA analysis using G Power statistical software indicated that
a sample size of 42 total participants would be needed for sufficient power (1-beta = .95)
to detect an expected moderate effect size (d = .3). The effect size was conservatively
determined based on existing literature demonstrating moderate to large stereotype
threat effect sizes. Forty-three participants were included in the analyses.

Demographic Information
Demographic information is provided in Table 1. A total of 49 subjects completed the
neuropsychological measures and questionnaires. Of these, five were excluded on the
basis of depression, as measured by the PHQ-8 cutoff of 10 or higher, and one was
excluded on the basis of anticholinergic burden, as measured by an ACB scale score of
3 or higher. Forty-three participants were therefore included in the analyses.
Of these participants 14 (33%) were male and 29 (67%) were female. Forty-two partici­
pants identified as Caucasian (97.7%) while 1 (2.3%) identified as Asian. Participants ranged
in age from 67 to 89. Nine (20.9%) participants were 65–70, 11 (25.6%) were 71–75, 12
(27.9%) were 76–80, 10 (23.3%) were 81–85, and 1 (0.02%) was 89. The mean number of
completed years of education was 17.65 with a standard deviation of 2.47. The chi-square
analysis for gender revealed no significant differences between the two groups, χ2 (1,
N = 43) = 0.011, p > .05. Group differences for age and education were analyzed using two
separate one-way ANOVAs. There was no significant difference found for Age, F(1,

Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of the Study Groups.

Variable Control Group (N = 21) ABST Group (N = 22) Significance
Age M = 75.38 (SD = 5.54) M = 76.41 (SD = 6.18) p = .569
Raw Education M = 18.14 (SD = 2.15) M = 17.18 (SD = 2.70) p = .918
Male Percent = 33.3% Percent = 31.8% p = .206

41) = 0.329, p > .05 or Education, F(1, 41) = 1.655, p > .05. No participants included in the
analyses reported a current psychiatric illness, neurological illness, or substance use issue.

Performance on neuropsychological measures

Memory. Performance on the cognitive domain of Memory was analyzed using total
scores on the CVLTII immediate and delayed recall. Table 2 shows the means and standard
deviations for immediate and delayed recall scores in ABST and Control groups. MANOVA
was used to analyze group differences in Memory using CVLTII immediate and delayed
recall scores as dependent variables and group condition as the between groups mea­
sure. Individuals in the ABST condition did not perform significantly differently than
individuals in the Control condition on Memory, F(1, 41) = .109, p > .05 (Partial Eta
Squared = .005; Table 3).
Attention. Performance on the cognitive domain of Attention was analyzed using total
score on WAIS-IV Digit Span and total seconds on Trail Making Test Part A. Table 2 shows
means and standard deviations for total DS and TMTA seconds scores in ABST and Control
groups. MANOVA was used to analyze group differences in Attention using total DS and
total TMTA seconds scores as dependent variables and group condition as the between
groups measure. Individuals in the ABST condition did not perform significantly differ­
ently than individuals in the Control condition on Attention, F(1, 41) = .973, p > .05 (Partial
Eta Squared = .046; Table 3).
Executive Function. Performance on the cognitive domain of Executive Function was
analyzed using total seconds on TMTB and total seconds on the inhibition trial (trial 3) of
DKEFS Stroop. Table 2 shows the means and standard deviations for total TMTB and
DKEFS Stroop Trial 3 seconds scores in ABST and Control groups. MANOVA was used to
analyze group differences in Executive Function using TMTB and DKEFS Stroop Trial

Table 2. Means and Standard Deviations of Neuropsychological Measures by Condition.

Neuropsychological Domain Control Group (N = 21) ABST Group (N = 22) p value (Cohen’s d)
Memory M (SD) M (SD)
CVLT II Immediate Recall 47.00 (10.36) 46.86 (12.80) 0.910 (0.012)
CVLT II Delayed Recall 9.70 (3.11) 9.41 (3.46) 0.879 (0.088)
Trails A 29.60 (6.69) 34.55 (12.86) 0.217 (0.25)
Digit Span Total 28.25 (5.89) 26.18 (5.48) 0.285 (0.18)
Executive Function
Trails B 83.05 (36.06) 86.05 (29.20) 0.755 (0.44)
DKEFS Trial 3 63.45 (19.33) 67.95 (14.05) 0.471 (0.13)
Processing Speed
WAIS IV Coding 62.95 (12.61) 54.50 (14.11) 0.054 (0.63)
WAIS IV Symbol Search 27.00 (6.18) 25.27 (8.62) 0.418 (0.23)
CVLT II = California Verbal Learning Test II, WAIS IV = Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV.

Table 3. MANOVA Results.

Neuropsychological Domain df1 df2 F η2 p
Memory 1 41 0.109 0.005 0.897
Attention 1 41 0.973 0.046 0.387
Executive Function 1 41 0.274 0.014 0.761
Processing Speed 1 41 2.055 0.093 0.141

3 seconds scores as dependent variables and group condition as the between groups
measure. Individuals in the ABST condition did not perform significantly differently than
individuals in the Control condition on Executive Function, F(1, 41) = .274, p > .05 (Partial
Eta Squared = .014; Table 3).
Processing Speed. Performance on the cognitive domain of Processing Speed was
analyzed using total seconds on WAIS-IV Coding and Symbol Search subtests. Table 2
shows the means and standard deviations for total WAIS-IV Coding and Symbol Search
seconds scores in ABST and Control groups. MANOVA was used to analyze group
differences in Processing Speed using Coding and Symbol Search seconds scores as
dependent variables and group condition as the between groups measure. Individuals
in the ABST condition did not perform significantly differently than individuals in the
Control condition on Processing Speed, F(1, 41) = 2.055, p > .05 (Partial Eta Squared = .093;
Table 3).

Ratings on the manipulation check questionnaire

Independent sample t-tests were used to analyze whether or not group conditions
differed on self-report measures of how hard participants tried during testing, how
difficult they found the tests, how much pressure they felt during the testing, and how
confident they were in their testing performance. Participants in the ABST group did not
differ significantly from participants in the Control group with regards to how much self-
rated effort they put into taking the tests, t(43) = 1.606, p > .05, how difficult they found
the tests, t(43) = −0.09, p > .05, how much more pressure they felt during the testing, t
(43) = −0.901, p > .05, or how confident they were in their performance, t(43) = 1.202,
p > .05 (Table 4). All participants indicated they understood the instructions given at the
beginning of the study.

Ratings on the dementia worry scale

Independent sample t tests were used to evaluate group differences on self-rated
dementia worry at item-specific levels. Participants in the ABST group differed from
those in the control group in regards to the following question: “When I find myself
making a mistake with my memory, I tend to think of having dementia as the
cause.” Specifically, those in the ABST group were significantly more likely to
attribute their memory mistakes to having dementia (F(1,41) = 5.334, p = .026;
Table 5).

Table 4. Posttest Ratings on the Manipulation Check Questionnaire by Group Condition.

Control Group (N = 21) ABST Group (N = 22)
Self-Report Ratings M (SD) M (SD) p value (Cohen’s d)
Effort 12.10 (2.49) 10.95 (1.94) 0.116 (0.47)
Difficulty 6.31 (1.86) 6.36 (2.08) 0.929 (0.03)
Pressure 4.38 (2.54) 5.14 (2.93) 0.373 (0.28)
Confidence 6.17 (1.20) 5.64 (1.65) 0.236 (0.37)
*All ratings are scaled with higher values representative of higher levels of effort put forth on testing, higher levels of
perceived test difficulty, higher pressure felt during testing, and higher confidence in testing performance

Table 5. ABST Exposure is Related to Internal Attribution of Memory Errors.

Dementia Worry Item Measure df1 df2 F P value
“When I find myself making a mistake with my memory, I tend to think of having dementia 1 41 5.334 0.026
as the cause”

Results suggest that exposure to age-based stereotypes does not significantly reduce
cognitive performance on neuropsychological tests used to assess memory, attention,
processing speed, and executive function in older adults. However, results do suggest that
older adults who are exposed to ABST may be more likely to rate their subjective memory
mistakes as causally linked to dementia. Results indicate that while brief ABST exposure in
older adults may not significantly affect objective performance scores on neuropsycho­
logical tests, it may lead to an increase in older adults’ subjective concern about having
Of note, results are inconsistent with previous study findings in the ABST literature by
(Barber et al., 2015; Haslam et al., 2012), and (Mazerolle et al., 2016), all of which showed
reductions in cognitive performance on dementia screening tests after various ABST
inductions. This difference in findings from the current study may indicate that neurop­
sychological tests, which aim to measure precise cognitive constructs, are more robust to
ABST than global screening measures.
It is also possible that the current study results differed from previous research results
due to important study design factors. Indeed, in each of the four known previous studies
of ABST effects on cognitive performance, researchers used different types of exposures
and outcome measures. Furthermore, certain authors found that the effects of ABST on
cognitive performance were dependent on other related factors (Fresson et al., 2017;
Haslam et al., 2012).
In the first related study, Haslam et al. showed that 70% of the older adults who
expected declines in memory and self-categorized as “older” performed below prede­
mentia cutoffs on the Addenbrookes Cognitive Examination-Revised (ACE-R). A key dif­
ference between the current study and the Haslam et al. study; however, is that
experimenters assessed participant expectations regarding cognitive decline in addition
to exposing them to self-categorization based ABST. Thus, those that performed worse
were expecting to do so.
Literature suggests that negative expectations in and of themselves may decrease
performance and increase threat salience (Suhr & Gunstad, 2002). Thus, it may be
conjectured that, while ABST may increase negative expectations, the expectations
themselves may be what impact cognitive performance. In future studies, assessing
participant’s expectations of performance prior to test administration and ABST induc­
tion, as well as after ABST induction, is recommended to determine whether a negative
change in performance expectations moderates the effect of ABST on cognitive
In the second related study, Barber et al. showed that participants in their ABST
condition performed significantly lower on the ACE-R than participants in their positive
control group. However, this effect did not change the proportion of participants who
met diagnostic criteria for predementia. In contrast to the current study, Barber et al. used

a threat condition and a reduced threat condition but did not include a true control
condition. This may have increased the difference in performance scores between threat
and reduced threat conditions more so than in the current study.
In the third relevant study, Mazerolle et al. looked at how ABST affects the Mini-Mental
Status Exam (MMSE) and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) screening measures for
dementia. Results from their study showed that ABST significantly lowered performance
on both measures, resulting in 40% of ABST group participants meeting screening criteria
for predementia in comparison to 10% of control participants. Such inconsistent results
may be related to the difference in education level between the Mazerolle et al. study
population and the current study population. Indeed, the current study population had
an average education level of 17 years while the average education level of participants in
the Mazerolle et al. study was 8 years. While higher education is thought to increase
stereotype threat saliency, it may be that more highly educated people experience
greater chronic ABST relative to those with lower levels of education (Hess et al., 2009).
While not studied, chronic ABST could be described as the long-term exposure of older
adults to culturally embedded stereotypes of aging. Those with higher education would
likely have greater chronic ABST exposure due to their potentially higher levels of media
consumption on topics related to aging and dementia. Additionally, more highly edu­
cated individuals may experience more susceptibility to ABST due to their higher pre­
sumed use of cognition in occupational and other settings. Indeed, if more highly
educated individuals rely on cognition in work settings more than less educated indivi­
duals, a minor decrease in cognitive ability may be of greater actual and perceived threat
to their livelihood. In this way, sociocultural ABSTs, elicited both externally and internally,
may have desensitized the current study population to the brief, experimental ABST
exposure. Relatedly, current study results could suggest that chronic, cultural ABST is
salient enough that brief exposure to ABST in a laboratory setting is insignificant as an
experimental condition in this population. In order to examine the contribution of
culturally embedded ABST on older adults neuropsychological performance, future
research should work to develop a measure of ABST to use to test ABST levels across
Taking all of this in account, if certain older adults are, as we suggest, highly exposed to
ABST within the American culture, it may be pertinent to investigate how long-term ABST
exposure impacts cognition longitudinally. Further, it may be especially interesting to
know how long-term ABST exposure specifically impacts other non-neurological variables
such as worry, anxiety, distractibility, and confidence; as these variables may have sig­
nificant downstream effects on cognition and performance in the context of neuropsy­
chological assessment.
In the executive interference model, these worry-related factors are thought to
decrease working memory capacity, thereby decreasing executive control and perfor­
mance on executive function measures. Many general ST studies have supported this
model and a couple studies of ABST support this model as well. For instance, Mazerolle
et al. showed that the executive function subtests on the Mini-mental Status Exam (MMSE)
and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) were the most significantly affected by
ABST. Additionally, Fresson, Dardenne, Geurten, and Meulemans, showed that ABST
specifically reduced performance on the DKEFS Stroop executive function measure in
participants high in dementia worry.

Our study result demonstrating that ABST exposure increased internal attribution of
memory mistakes to dementia could suggest that ABST paves the path toward increased
subjective cognitive worries. As subjective cognitive concern in and of itself can reduce
objective cognitive performance, this is important to consider. It may be that as ABST
exposed older adults go through normal aging, and experience a normal increase in
memory errors, their emotional reaction toward these errors may contribute to objective
cognitive impairments later on.
Interestingly, it is not far-fetched to imagine that psychological variables, such as
subjective cognitive worry serves to mechanize ABST effects. In fact, one theory of
stereotype threat mechanisms suggests thought suppression, physiological arousal,
and cognitive monitoring – all features of worry – work to decrease cognitive perfor­
mance in individuals exposed to such threats (Johns et al., 2008). In the literature, this
mechanism is specifically referred to as the “executive interference” model of stereo­
type threat.
In clinical neuropsychology practice, this type of subjective cognitive worry in other­
wise cognitively healthy individuals is referred to as the “worried well” phenomenon.
While the “worried well” are often believed to have no neurological problems, research
supports that those who are “worried well” may genuinely suffer cognitive, affective, and
physiological consequences of such worrying, which could lead to impairments in cog­
nitive performance (Fornazzari & Fischer, 2022). Overall, this potential process of ABST
leading to downstream psychological factors, which then affect neuropsychological
performance is an important area for future study.

Limitations of this study include selection bias, confounding, and condition salience. Due
to the voluntary nature of this study and the use of newspaper recruitment, selection bias
may have occurred. Though study participants were equally represented in age, gender,
and education across groups, the sample overall included more women, more Caucasians,
and more highly educated individuals than the national average. Importantly, given the
known impacts of race-based and gender-based stereotype threat, future studies are
recommended to assess whether or not such factors compound age-based stereotype
threat in the assessment of cognition in older adults.
This study also had a potential for confounding in that participation in the study
required older adults to engage in neuropsychological assessment, which may have
exposed control participants to inherent, self-imposed age-based stereotype threat.
Often, older adults coming in for testing are worried about their cognition and have
negative expectations pertaining to their performance already. Indeed, observations
noted during the course of the study indicated that many individuals who participated
expressed concern about their memory during testing, independent of group condition
(e.g., “I am not good with memory,” “I’m not going to be able to remember, I’m
too old”).
Another potential limitation in this study was exposure saliency. In trying to balance the
realistic nature of the ABST exposure so as to allow culturally relevant research results, the
exposure may not have been at a high enough dose for effects to be captured experimentally.

Indeed, given the prevalence of media attention on Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive aging,
as well as the high average education level of study participants, this exposure may not have
been salient above and beyond what participants are exposed to in daily life.
An overarching limitation in this study, which applies to stereotype threat research
more generally, is that our sample size may have been too small to capture the ABST
effect. While an a priori power MANOVA analysis was used in order to determine the
sample size, this was based on a moderate (d = .30) effect size in accordance with the
reported ABST literature, which reports ST effect sizes around .42. However, according
to a meta-analysis of ABST research, if unpublished research on ABST is included in
the overall effect size calculation, the reported size is reduced from .42 to .28. In
addition, the effect size can vary significantly depending on the type of stereotype
threat manipulation used, with stereotype-based manipulations estimated to have
a .52 effect size and fact-based manipulations estimated to have a .09 effect size
(Lamont et al., 2015). Of note, the largest meta-analysis of stereotype threat to date
found that publication bias exists in the stereotype threat literature, and they “believe
the largest cause of publication bias is null-result suppression in the form of failure to
publish nonsignificant findings” (Shewach et al., 2019). In light of this, and in accor­
dance with our own study findings, it is recommended that future studies be
designed in accordance with lower effect size estimations and include larger sample
sizes to account for known publication bias in the field.

The current study examined how exposure to age-related stereotypes impacts cognitive
performance on neuropsychological measures in an older adult population. The findings
of this study suggest that brief ABST exposure on its own does not significantly reduce
cognitive performance on measures of memory, attention, executive function, or proces­
sing speed. Authors suspect the lack of significant findings may reflect the high level of
cultural exposure to ABST and age-related information in the study population overall.
Results demonstrating an increase in the internal attribution of memory errors to demen­
tia following ABST exposure suggest that while ABST may not immediately result in
decreased objective performance scores, it may lead to an increase in dementia worry
factors. The authors posit that downstream effects of chronic ABST exposure, such as
increased aspects of dementia worry, may significantly impact older adult’s cognitive
performance abilities over time; however, this deserves future study.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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