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Journal of Economics and Policy
Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak, Indonesia
Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/jejak.v10i1.9127
The purpose of this research is to develop strategies that can be applied in the development of local food diversification in West
Kalimantan. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Variables examined included internal factors (strengths and
weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats) in the development of local food diversification in West Kalimantan. Data
analysis were conducted in qualitative descriptive to describe the pattern of food consumption in West Kalimantan and continued with
a SWOT analysis to carry out the development strategy of the local food diversification in West Kalimantan. The analysis result showed
that the strategy for the development of local food diversification in West Kalimantan is SO strategy (Strengths - Opportunities) those
are: 1) the increase in synergy between the government and the micro, small and medium enterprises for the development of local food
products, 2) the utilization of communications and market information system in improving the marketing of local food products on
micro, small and medium enterprises, and 3) the utilization of unutilized agricultural land to improve the quality and quantity of local
food products.
Key words : strategy development, food diversification, local food, West Kalimantan, SWOT analysis.
How to Cite: Imelda, I., Kusrini, N., & Hidayat, R. (2017). Development Strategy 0f Local Food Diversification.
JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Kebijakan, 10(1), 62-79. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/jejak.v10i1.9127
instant noodles with various prices, flavors, analysis to develop a development strategy of
and types have been able to influence the local food diversification in West Kalimantan.
consumers to consume. These changes have
to be watched out because wheat is an RESEARCH METHODS
imported commodity and not produced in
The research focuses on the study of the
Indonesia, so that in the future it will have an
development of local food diversification in the
impact on wheat import dependency.
region of West Kalimantan. The data collected in
Local food diversification allows people
this research is in the form of secondary data and
to organize the consumption patterns that are
primary data. Primary data is the direct interview
not dependent on one source of food and may
result data with the key informants in
increase the local food consumption to be
performing the weighting and rating of variables
substitute or complementary food of rice to
of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
be the main menu so as to improve the
threats as the effort to develop the local food
household food security that will lead to the
diversification in West Kalimantan. The
improvement in national food security. Food
sampling technique uses purposive sampling
consumption diversification will also
based on the consideration of the respondent
encourage the farmers to utilize the land with
expertise or judgmental sampling (Sekaran and
farm crops and other tubers. Thus, if one day
Roger, 2010). The respondents of research are 35
there is harvest failure or a problem of
people representing the government (the Food
distribution to certain food types, it will not
Security and Extension Agency of West
affect the people's consumption patterns.
Kalimantan Province, Department of Agriculture
Food diversification program should be
and Horticulture in West Kalimantan), and the
directed to increase the availability of food
commodities through the utilization of
Secondary data is the compliance data
natural resources and development of various
sourced from various agencies such as the
local processed food so that it can support the
Central Bureau of Statistics of West Kalimantan,
diversification of local food as a whole. The
Food Security Agency of West Kalimantan, and
successful implementation of local food
some journals and literature. Secondary data
diversification requires a strong strategy and
contains the people’s food consumption of West
commitment from the government, farmers,
Kalimantan in 2009-2014 and the food pattern
employers, and society. The role of farmers,
score of people’s expectations of West
government agencies, private sector,
Kalimantan in 2014. The food consumption data
academics, and stakeholders is required to
is differentiated based on the urban and rural
support the agricultural development based
areas so that it can describe the different
on local food resources and community
characteristics of the food consumption of each
support as a determinant of successful
implementation of local food diversification
The data analysis related to food
(Sumastuti, 2010). This paper aims to describe
consumption patterns is analyzed in descriptive
the situation of the availability and food
qualitative and continued with a SWOT analysis
consumption of the people in West
to perform the preparation of the development
Kalimantan and continues with a SWOT
strategy of local food diversification of the people
JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy Vol 10 (1) (2017): 62-79 65
in West Kalimantan. SWOT Analysis is based The rating at column 3 for each factor uses
on the logic that maximizes the strengths and a scale ranging from 4 (very high) to 1 (very low)
opportunities, but simultaneously can based on the influence of these factors on the
minimize the weaknesses and threats. Data development of local food diversification. The
variables are collected through literature rating for the factors of strengths and
searches and interviews with the key opportunities are positive (great strength and
informants to obtain the variables of opportunity have rating 4, whereas small
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and strength and opportunity have rating 1). The
threats in the development of local food rating for weaknesses and threats are just the
diversification. opposite, that is, great weakness and threat have
Stages in the SWOT analysis are as rating 1 and small weakness and threat have
follows: data collection, analysis, and rating 4. The column of weighting score
decision-making. At the stage of data multiplied rating equals weighting score at
collection, the data obtained can be divided column 4 which value varies from 4.0 to 1, 0. Add
into two: the external data (opportunities and the weighting score (at column 4) to obtain the
threats) and internal data (strengths and total weighting score. This value is to map the
weaknesses). The model used in this stage position in the diagram of SWOT analysis.
consists of External Strategic Factor Matrix
and Internal Strategic Factor Matrix as shown Table 2. Analysis of External Factor
at table 1 and 2. The weighting to each factor External Weighting Rating Score
in Table 1 and 2 at column 2 ranges from 1.0 Strategic (Weight x
(extremely important) to with a 0.0 Factors Rating)
(extremely unimportant). The amount/total Opportunities
score of all weights must be 1.00 (100%). The
values implicitly show the percentage number
Amount of O a b
of importance rate of these factors relative to
other factors. Larger number means that the 1
factor is relatively more important than any 2
other factor. Amount of T c d
Total (a+c) = 1 (b+d)
Table 1. Analysis of Internal Factor Source: Rangkuti, 2006
Internal Weights Rating Score
Strategic (Weight x David (2007) stated that there are four
Factors Rating)
kinds of strategies that can be generated through
the SWOT matrix, which is a combination of the
internal and external factors. There are four
possible strategies chosen to carry out the
Amount of S a b
development of local food diversification in West
1 Kalimantan, including: 1) S-O Strategy aims to
2 take advantage of all the internal strengths to
Amount of W c d seize and take advantage of external
Total (a+c) = 1 (b+d) opportunities, 2) W-O Strategy aims to improve
Source: Rangkuti, 2006 the internal weaknesses to utilize the external
66 Imelda, et al., Development Strategy 0f Local Food Diversification
opportunities, 3) S-T Strategy aims to use the commodities of rice, soybean, cassava, sweet
internal strengths to avoid or reduce the potatoes and green beans, while for the corn and
impact of external threats, and 4) W-T groundnut the average growth of production per
Strategy aims to reduce the internal year is negative.
weaknesses by avoiding the external threats. The development of commodity
production of animal food in West Kalimantan
in 2011-2015 showed a less stable condition,
which is seen from the quite high increase and
Developments in food availability in decrease of production in some commodities,
West Kalimantan through the local but the majority of animal food commodities
production approach can be seen in Table 6. have a positive average growth of production per
It can be seen that most of the vegetable food year except for the free-range chicken eggs, beef,
commodities show the positive average dairy milk, and mutton.
growth of production per year at the
The development of fishery commodity Food consumption for flour, sweet potato,
production in West Kalimantan in 2011-2015 potato, animal food (ruminant meat, poultry,
showed a condition that tends to increase eggs, dairy and fish), soybeans, green beans, fruit
every year, either for the commodities of and drinks in urban areas is higher than in rural
capture fisheries or aquaculture. areas. The high consumption of animal food in
Data of food consumption development urban areas is supported by the opinion of
in West Kalimantan in 2009-2014 can be seen Erwidodo, et al. (1998), which stated that the
in Table 4 above. Table 4 shows that rice is the purchasing power of the animal food is limited
main staple food for the people in West because of limited income. Urban people with
Kalimantan and the local food consumption relative higher income levels in general can buy
such as corn and other tubers (corn, cassava this type of food animal with more quantity. Nur
and sweet potatoes) continues to decline over et al. (2012) also stated that the beef commodity
the last six years. This is in line with the is more elastic to the price changes, which means
research of Hardono (2014), who stated that that during this time the beef is still considered
nationally there has been a shift in the pattern a luxury food items and only consumed by the
of staple food from corn and tubers to the upper middle-income people. Junaidi (2005) also
national staple food (rice). Other food types stated that the participation rate of consuming
such as animal food (except poultry), oil and various types of eggs is higher in urban areas
fat (except palm oil), oily fruits and seeds, than in rural areas and will continue to increase
nuts, sugar, vegetables and fruits and others in line with the increased revenue.
also experienced a decline in consumption. It Measurements of food consumption
is only the poultry meat and palm oil that pattern from the food quality aspects also need
have increased in the period 2009-2014. to be considered through the approach of
If examined based on the urban and Expectancy Dietary Pattern score (PPH). The
rural areas (Table 5), food consumption in expectancy dietary pattern is a guideline for
West Kalimantan in 2014 in rural areas was various food compositions that is able to provide
higher than urban areas for the types of food the energy and nutrients needed by the average
of rice, cassava, oil and fat, oily fruits and population with sufficient quantities and balance
seeds, sugar, and vegetables. The high level of and provide good quality food.
consumption of vegetables in rural areas is PPH score is useful as a simple instrument
because this type of food is easily available in to assess the situation and the availability of food
rural locations either from the farm or consumption in the form of the amount and
purchase (Damora, et al., 2008). composition of food by aggregate type of food
The level of food consumption is (Baliwati, 2002). The quality of food
strongly associated with household income consumption is considered perfect if the PPH
(Yimer, 2011) and (Kostakis, 2012). Berg (1996) score reached 100, which indicates that the food
stated that families with higher income levels situation is more various and has better
can afford to buy food with more variety and composition and nutritional quality. The level of
more number when compared to low-income diversity of food consumption showed a positive
families. Soekirman (2002) also stated that if correlation with the level of nutritional adequacy
the average income of households increased it of food consumption (Hardinsyah, 2007),
leads to improved food quality. (Prasetyo et al., 2013) and (Steyn, et al., 2007).
JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy Vol 10 (1) (2017): 62-79 69
Table 6 shows that the total score of Based on the PPH score of food groups in
PPH of people in West Kalimantan in the Table 6, it is noted that the highest total score of
urban and rural areas is still under the ideal PPH should be in the grains (score 25) and has
PPH score. The PPH score in the urban areas already reached the maximum score. This is
is 79.1 in the rural areas is 80.7. The PPH score consistent with a research on food consumption
under the maximum score indicates that the patterns in Indonesia, South Sulawesi and West
food consumption in West Kalimantan tends Lampung, which has been done by Anwar and
to be not various and has still low quality of Hardinsyah (2014), Kandiana et al. (2009) and
food consumed. This is because people in Nurindrawati et al. (2008).
West Kalimantan only consume food from Groups of animal food, vegetables and
one group of food that is grains. Other food fruits also make a major contribution to the score
groups such as the tubers are consumed by of PPH. Although the total proportion of grains,
the people only as a food supplement or a animal food, also vegetables and fruits has
mixture of side dishes and vegetables. contributed to the PPH score actually over 50%,
A research of Zhang et al. (2008) in rural but of the whole, no group has reached the ideal
and urban areas of Guangxi, China also score of PPH so it needs improvement in
showed that the PPH score in 1992 to 1999 are quantity and quality of food consumption at the
above 70. The high and low value score of households by taking into account at the
PPH depends on the achievement of the maximum limit which in turn can help increase
contribution of each food group. the actual PPH score.
Table 7 shows the internal strategic that is engaged in the processing of local
factor in the development of local food food.
diversification in West Kalimantan. Results of 4. The availability of unutilized potential
interviews and questionnaires with agricultural land especially prioritized for
respondents obtained the internal and food crops. Regencies of Sambas, Kubu
external factors (strengths, weaknesses, Raya, and Landak are the potential areas
opportunities and threats). Internal strengths for expansion of food crops. According to
in the development of local food the statistic data in 2014, West Kalimantan
diversification in West Kalimantan include: has the area of 14,680,700 ha consisting of
1. The diversity of types of specific local food 10,804,868 ha (73.60%) of cultivated areas
in West Kalimantan. This variable is the and 3,875,832 ha of non-cultivated areas
main strength in the development of local (26.40%). The availability of land for
food diversification with the highest agriculture in West Kalimantan
weighted value of 0.436. Local food sources amounting to 1,116,459 ha (186,270 ha of
in West Kalimantan are rice, corn, paddy fields and 930 189 ha of non-paddy
soybean, cassava, livestock, plantations fields), the availability of 14,211,270 ha of
and fisheries. Ketapang Regency and dry land, the availability of 1,271,986 ha
Pontianak City are the largest suppliers of (8.66%) of critical land, and availability of
beef in West Kalimantan. West peatlands of 1,677,550 ha (11.43%)
Kalimantan also has a competitive 5. The high awareness of people about
commodity of fruits such as olive fruit, health. The needs of people today are more
durian, guava, orange, mango, oriented to food that has a good nutritional
mangosteen, jackfruit, and cempedak. composition, appearance and taste of
2. The increase in local food production in interest, and also has a physiological
West Kalimantan. Data of development of function for health.
local food production in West Kalimantan The internal weaknesses in the
in 2011-2015 showed that most food development of local food diversification in
commodities experienced a positive West Kalimantan include:
average growth of production per year 1. Many of agricultural land conversion.
(Table 6). If viewed based on the balance Irawan (2005) stated that the agricultural
sheet for the availability of production and land conversion occurs because of the
consumption of food in West Kalimantan competition in land utilization between
in 2015, there was a surplus of some food agriculture and non-agricultural sectors.
commodities such as rice, corn, cassava, Suprajaka and Fitria (2012) stated that the
sweet potatoes, peanuts and green beans conversion of agricultural land generally
(the Food Security and Extension Agency, occurs in the fertile agricultural land that
West Kalimantan Province, 2015). Category has good irrigation channels. If allowed to
of surplus occurs when the value of the continue, it will disrupt the development
food availability is beyond the needs of of local food diversification.
food consumption of people in the region. 2. The people's food preferences are still
3. The increase in the number of MSMEs focused on rice and low utilization of local
(Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) food for daily food consumption. This
JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy Vol 10 (1) (2017): 62-79 73
External Opportunities
Quadrant IV Quadrant II
Defensive Strategy Diversification
External Threats
Based on the SWOT position matrix, the of MSMEs West Kalimantan still have limitations
development of local food diversification in in terms of implementation of management,
West Kalimantan is in quadrant I (progressive limited access to information, limited
strategy), which means to be in a favorable application of technology, and narrowness of the
situation and has the opportunity to be market circle. Jauhari (2010) stated that one of
developed because the opportunity is greater the obstacles in the development of small and
than the threat that must be faced. In medium enterprises (SMEs) is the limited
addition, the strength is also so great that market access. One way to overcome that is by
there are opportunities that can be utilized to improving the market information systems, for
the maximum. example, utilizing the e-commerce service.
Progressive strategy focuses on S-O Third, the utilization of unutilized
strategy (Strengths - Opportunities), which is potential agricultural land to improve the quality
to take advantage of strengths and and quantity of local food products. This can be
opportunities for developing the local food done by utilizing the wastelands that have been
diversification in West Kalimantan. This is in released, the land reserves and the potential
line with the research of Hardono (2014) who suboptimal land such as wetlands and tidal
stated that the map of the potential success of swamp (Mulyani, et al., 2011). Besides, it is also
the development of diversification in necessary to perform the coaching and intensive
Indonesia is in quadrant I (S-O strategies). assistance in the land treatment, planting,
S-O Strategy (Strengths-Opportunities) maintenance, harvesting and post-harvest by
in the development of local food applying the location specific technology
diversification in West Kalimantan includes innovation.
the following. First, the increased synergy S-T Strategy (Strengths-Threats) in the
between the government and sector players development of local food diversification in West
MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Kalimantan includes the following. First, the
Enterprises) for the development of local food increased diversification of local food products at
products. This is in line with the opinion of affordable prices and quality is to reduce the
Martianto, et al. (2009) who stated that the domestic consumption of wheat products. For
increase in the commitment and the role of example, by developing the flour processed
inter-governmental and stakeholders are the products sourced from a variety of tubers, sago,
key priority in achieving the local food bananas, breadfruit, pumpkin as the substitute
diversification in an area. Rachman and Ariani alternative for rice and wheat.
(2008) also stated that the role of government Second, the development of technology
is needed to facilitate the diversification and and processing institutional and food marketing
the food consumption through the to maintain the quality of food products and to
development of technology and the local food encourage an increase in value-added. This is
industry. necessary due to the fact happening that the
Second, the utilization of development of the local food industry is still
communication and market information limited to the domestic industry and the
systems in improving the marketing of local resulting product is still oriented to the snacks
food products of MSMEs (Micro, Small and with relative expensive price (Ariani et al., 2013).
Medium Enterprises) sector. The conditions The development of local food industry is highly
JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy Vol 10 (1) (2017): 62-79 77
dependent on the presence of the consumer, sector to ensure the food security and the local
the availability of raw materials and the food production.
supporting infrastructure such as transport, Second, the increased transport facilities
electricity, water and others. and infrastructure for the smooth distribution of
Third, the development of the means of production and the production of
infrastructure to build the integration local food. The availability of staple food is
between the food supply source and its strongly influenced by the smooth distribution
distribution by developing the local food of food to the whole area in West Kalimantan, for
production centers. example for the meat, eggs and cooking oil that
W-O Strategies (Weaknesses- are only produced by certain areas and also the
Opportunities) in the development of local sugar that is imported from outside the region of
food diversification in West Kalimantan West Kalimantan. The condition of
includes the following. First, the utilization of infrastructure, especially roads in several
science and technology to enhance the regencies in West Kalimantan mostly need
promotion of local food products and treatment as soon as possible.
optimize the utilization of local food for daily Third, the development of research related
food consumption. The introduction and to the local food diversification in accordance
promotion can be done by through with people's food preferences and the potential
counseling, training and assistance so that it for local food. This is in line with the opinion of
can increase public awareness of the potential Martianto, et al. (2009) who stated that the role
local food available to meet the nutritional of researcher could be done in the form of
needs. research and writing publications related to the
Second, the continuity of local food potential and nutritional value of local foods.
supply on the market at an affordable price Fourth, increasing the effectiveness of
and it is easy to obtain. These aspects are coordination of government agencies at the
important and urgent considering that this central and regions related to the local food
instrument will contribute to establish the diversification so as to ensure the integration of
market price. policies, programs, and activities among the
Third, the accelerating of central and local sectors. This can be done
implementation of government policy to through the development of networks of
reduce the conversion of agricultural land. cooperation between the municipality/ regency
Mahbubi (2013) stated that in the food period, or sub-district/ village which regions have a
the national food security would be affected if surplus or a deficit that could encourage the
the government does not stop the conversion smooth distribution of food from the surplus to
of agricultural land. One way to avoid the the deficit areas.
conversion of agricultural lands is through the Fifth, facilitating and guaranting the
sub-optimal land utilization for non-food smooth supply of production of facilities and
commodities (Las and Mulyani, 2009). infrastructure, especially seeds/ seedlings and
W-T Strategy (Weaknesses-Threats) in fertilizers.
the development of local food diversification
in West Kalimantan includes the following. CONCLUSION
First, the increase in the availability of
The availability of food in West Kalimantan
facilities and infrastructure of the agricultural
in 2011-2015 showed the positive average growth
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