Adapting The Life-Cycle Costs Approach For Rural Water Supply in DRC Through The DRC WASH Consortium - 23

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38th WEDC International Conference, Loughborough University, UK, 2015



Adapting the life-cycle costs approach for rural water

supply in DRC through the DRC WASH Consortium
S. Jones (Democratic Republic of the Congo)


Investments in rural water infrastructure in DRC are generally made without good information on what
financing and technical support is required in the long term for the infrastructure to provide a
sustainable service to the users. Given the under-developed policies and local government structures for
water supply, the responsibility for organising and financing long-term operation, maintenance, and
minor and major repairs is left to the users by default, usually through community-based water
management committees. The DRC WASH Consortium is trying to address this issue by adapting the life-
cycle costs approach (LCCA) to permit informed investment decisions by local actors which are based on
an analysis of long-term economic, technical/environmental and social/institutional feasibility. This
paper explains how the Consortium has developed this approach so far, the lessons learned, and
recommendations for other WASH sector actors implementing the life-cycle costs approach.

Introduction and context

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the national rural WASH programme is called “Healthy
Villages and Schools” (Village et École Assaini, VEA). The programme is run through the hygiene division
of the Ministry of Health with support from UNICEF as the key implementing partner and sub-contractors at
local levels for community mobilization and infrastructure construction. The programme completed its first
phase of implementation from 2008-2012. Approximately 2,500 villages completed an eight-step
community process based on PHAST, achieving the seven WASH “national norms”1 which are required to
be certified as a “Healthy Village” (DFID, 2013). A second phase of the national programme runs from
2013-2019, which includes post-certification support to previous villages and expanding the programme to
new villages, targeting over 3 million beneficiaries.
However, the sustainability of rural WASH services initiated by the national programme remains a huge
challenge (Black, 2013). The sustainability study of the national programme in villages 1 to 4 years after
their certification showed that only 2% of villages had maintained the seven norms (Hydroconseil, 2014).
Although 84% of the population had access to an improved water source, there were key concerns about
sustainability. While spring protections represented the most common infrastructure, 33% of boreholes with
handpumps were not functioning properly, and only 22% of villages had any form of collection of funds to
cover the operation and maintenance of water points

The DRC WASH Consortium and its approach

In this context, the DRC WASH Consortium was established in 2013 as a complementary initiative to the
national programme. The Consortium has the same aim of supporting communities to become “Healthy
Villages” according to the seven national norms, but develops and tests alternative implementation
approaches with the objective of improving sustainability in the long term. The DRC WASH Consortium
comprises five international NGOs: Concern Worldwide (the lead agency); Action Against Hunger (ACF);
ACTED; Catholic Relief Services (CRS); and Solidarités International (SI). The Consortium’s current
programme is funded from 2013-2017 by UKAid (also one of the key donors of the national programme).
The Consortium works in partnership with local health services, aiming to support 461 villages and 554,122


beneficiaries in 15 health zones in rural DRC. Therefore, while much smaller than the national programme,
the Consortium covers a sufficient scale and range of contexts to produce relevant lessons for the sector. The
programme proceeds in a sequence of different phases of villages and conducts additional research and
innovation projects to enable learning from earlier phases to be continuously shared and fed back into the
programme’s later phases and the wider sector.
The Consortium’s programme approach involves a 12-step process which lasts eighteen months in each
village, followed by additional monitoring and evaluation for a further six months (at this moment, the
village should become part of the national programme’s post-certification monitoring process). There are
three key differences in methodology compared to the national “Healthy Villages” programme. The first is a
focus on the promotion of community-led “Small Doable Actions” before considering a potential external
investment in water infrastructure. This approach aims to maximise the WASH benefits from actions and
behaviour change which are possible with the community’s own resources, to mitigate the potential risks of
sustainability of infrastructures developed with external funding. The second difference is adapting
behaviour change approaches to each context through a mix of PHAST, CLTS and sanitation marketing
(instead of using an approach based on PHAST and subsidizing latrine slabs). The third difference is
emphasizing the use of the life-cycle cost approach to inform decision-making.

The life-cycle costs approach

The WASH Consortium has adapted the definitions of the different cost components of water services
proposed by the WASHCost project, summarized in Fonseca et al. (2011) and shown in Table 1. The
adaptation of the life-cycle costs approach focuses on the recurrent costs which occur at service provider
(community) level: operating and minor maintenance expenditure and capital maintenance expenditure. As
shown in Table 1, some costs of direct support are considered. However, costs which occur at national
levels, namely indirect support costs such as government ministries with responsibility for water, or the cost
of capital, are not included.

Table 1. Type of recurrent costs of water services at local levels according to the life-cycle costs
approach (adapted from Fonseca et al. 2011)

Life-cycle costs Life-cycle costs description Adaptation into the approach of the DRC
terminology WASH Consortium

Operating and minor Expenditure on labour and materials “Level 1 costs”: Regular costs which are needed at
maintenance needed for routine maintenance which least annually, with a particular emphasis on the
expenditure is needed to keep systems running, management costs required at community level
(OpEx) but does not include major repairs. (e.g. costs of fee collection and social marketing),
not just hardware costs such as spare parts.

Capital maintenance Renewal, replacement, and “Level 2 costs”: Costs of major repairs which are
expenditure rehabilitation costs which go beyond required typically every 2-5 years.
(CapManEx) routine maintenance.
“Level 3 costs”: Costs of rehabilitation which is
required typically after 10-15 years.

Expenditure on Costs of ongoing support to users and For areas where this direct support is in theory
direct support local stakeholders, for example on provided by local health services, the costs are not
(ExpDS) local government or district support included in the estimates for what communities
staff. need to pay. One NGO of the Consortium is
testing ideas of direct support from the private
sector; this expenditure on direct support is
included in “level 1 costs” paid by the community.

The process of adapting the life-cycle costs approach into the Consortium
The timeline of how the Consortium adapted the life-cycle costs approach and integrated this into its
programme approach is shown in Table 2. The key mechanism for monitoring and improving the
programme is the joint “Technical Working Group” of the Consortium members. This group is led by a
representative of the lead agency and meets every 3 months to review progress and determine any changes
that need to be made. Every 6 months, the Consortium also organizes an external “Technical Review”
workshop with representatives of all key stakeholders in the sector to share experiences and provoke sector


debate. As shown in the table, these internal and external processes have been essential to developing the
approach and ensuring an iterative process between experiences from the field and the development of new
methods and tools. At the time of writing in February 2015, the villages in the Consortium’s first phase of
intervention were reaching the end of the 18-month implementation phase and were getting ready to be
certified according to the national norms. At the same time, the Consortium was reviewing the tools it had
developed for implementing the life-cycle costs approach in order to improve them for the subsequent
phases of villages.

Table 2. Timeline of key project activities and programme development

Timeline and Key milestones: development of life-cycle Key milestones: implementation of the
date costs analysis in the programme approach first phase of intervention

Months 1-3: Review of original programme proposal to Official start of programme and start of
highlight use of life-cycle costs approach and project activities in the field: coordination and
July- Sept 2013 identify key tools required for implementation. planning with local authorities.

Months 4-6: First drafts by NGOs of ‘business plan’ tools for Selection of 174 villages for first phase of
water points to analyse estimated life-cycle costs intervention (approx. 180,000 people) and
Oct-Dec 2013 and enable decision-making on investments. baseline survey (3955 households).

Months 7-9: Workshops on life-cycle costs held internally and Start of community mobilisation, including
externally with over 50 participants from the ‘self-evaluation’ by communities, and initial
Jan-Mar 2014 sector with support of IRC WASH. technical feasibility assessments.

Months 10-12: Development of a harmonised ‘business plan’ Promotion of “Small Doable Actions” for
tool for the 5 NGOs to facilitate the estimation of water, sanitation and hygiene using local
Apr-June 2014 life-cycle costs and the ability of communities to materials (no subsidy) as part of community
cover these costs, based on adaptation of a tool action plans led by village committees.
from Global Water Initiative (GWI).
Examples include the construction of
Revision of Water Management Committee hygienic latrines, handwashing stations,
evaluation tool to better capture financial data local improvements to existing water sources
through programme monitoring. such as using bamboo as a pipe at springs
(to permit the drawing of flowing water), and
Decision to select 20% more villages than basic household water treatment such as
originally planned for the ‘software’ part of future boiling and solar disinfection.
phases to enable a genuine investment decision
at the point of considering hardware installation.

Months 13-15: Further adaptation and simplification of the Second ‘self-evaluations’ with communities
‘business plan’ tool by each NGO in the context to review the progress made through Small
Jul-Sept 2014 of each area of intervention. Doable Actions.

Collation of preliminary results of the community Development of ‘business plans’ for potential
‘business plans’ from 174 villages into the water points in communities which had made
resulting investments proposed as viable for the maximised the progress possible with their
first phase of intervention. own resources and Small Doable Actions.

Months 15-18: External workshop with over 60 participants on Joint decisions made with communities and
the importance of considering users as ‘clients’ local authorities about investments in water
Oct-Dec 2014 not ‘beneficiaries’ for community mobilization. points for the first phase of villages.

Months 19-21: Operational research on how to improve the Installation of water points according to
‘business plan’ into formats for use by investment decisions.
Jan-Mar 2015 communities and local health services, not just
by NGOs. Final ‘self-evaluation’ and endline survey for
the first phase of intervention.
Operational research on ‘alternative solutions’
(such as household water treatment) in villages Start of community mobilisation activities for
where a community water point is not viable. villages in the second phase of intervention.

Months 22-24: Review of overall use of Life-Cycle Costs Monitoring use of community ‘business
Approach as part of mid-term evaluation and plans’ after construction as tools for financial
Apr-June 2015 recommendations for improvements for the management.
remaining phases of the programme.


Using the life-cycle costs approach to inform decision-making

The first objective of the WASH Consortium in adopting the life-cycle costs approach was to enable local
actors (communities and local health services) to make informed decisions about whether the possible
installation of an improved water point was likely to lead to sustainable services in the long term (given
local capacities). The secondary objective was to permit also an informed decision between different
feasible technical options, in terms of estimated costs vs level of service. Table 3 shows the guidance used in
this decision-making process based on the estimated capacity of the community to cover the estimated long-
term costs of the proposed water point.

Table 3. Guideline for decision-making according to the financial capacity of the community

Estimated capacity of the Recommendation for Action for advocacy

community to cover long-term implementation (final decision
costs of the proposed water point made with community and
local health services)

The community will not even be able Assess the potential for Advocate for consideration of
to cover operation and minor alternative solutions such as alternative solutions in national policy
maintenance costs (“level 1 costs”) household water treatment. as part of ‘progressive certification’ of
Healthy Villages in the national rural
WASH programme.

The community will be able to cover Proceed with investment and

operation and minor maintenance installation of infrastructure, and
costs (“level 1 costs”), but not major support the community to set-up Advocate for potential solutions to
repairs (“level 2 costs”). income-generating activities to address capital maintenance costs in
help cover “level 2 costs” as well the medium-term (such as
in the long-term. mutualisation of costs between
multiple villages) and the long-term
(eventual cross subsidies and
The community will be able to cover Proceed with investment and government investment).
operation and minor maintenance and installation of infrastructure.
major repairs (“level 2 costs”) but not
full rehabilitation (“level 3 costs”).

Life-cycle costs tools used and developed

The key tools developed by the Consortium were based on adaptations of tools from the Global Water
Initiative (GWI) in West Africa. The first was a spreadsheet tool for analysing the estimated life-cycle costs
of a proposed water point, the potential cost-benefit analysis for the community, and the ability of different
possible tariffs and tariff mechanisms (such as direct sales per volume, monthly tariffs, and community
income-generating activities) to cover these costs. The second tool was a facilitator’s manual for how to
guide a community through the process of analysing costs and different financing options, leading to the
eventual choice of infrastructure and set-up of a financing mechanism (see GWI, 2012).
The key adaption made by the Consortium was to widen the scope of the tool to include factors such as
more detailed analysis of user demand, and to analyse the risks over which the community would have little
control (such as supply chains). In practice, this meant that additional steps were included as part of the
Consortium’s own programme manual, referring to the GWI tools and documents as needed. The
Consortium also chose to refer to this process as developing a ‘business plan’ for the proposed water service
improvements. The terminology ‘business plan’ was chosen to highlight the difference with the
humanitarian approach that NGO staff in DRC are more accustomed to using.
As implementation progressed, all the members of the Consortium adapted the spreadsheet tool into a
simpler version (finding the original too complicated). This helped increase ownership of the process by
field teams. However, so far it was been difficult to develop formats which are suitable for the community
and local health services. The Consortium is addressing this through further operational research in 2015,
while continuing to monitor results from the first phase of intervention.

Initial results
Table 4 shows a first summary of the results of analysis for villages in the Consortium’s first phase of


Table 4. Initial results of the life-cycle costs analysis for the first phase of villages

Estimated capacity of the Number Comments

community to cover long-term of
costs of the proposed water point villages

The community will not even be able 32 In general, these villages are very small (populations of 300-
to cover operation and minor villages 500 people), poor and remote, and where the only feasible
maintenance costs (“level 1 costs”) technical option would have even operation and minor
maintenance costs beyond their capacity. In these
communities the Consortium is assessing the potential for
alternative solutions such as household water treatment.

The community will be able to cover 28 In these villages, the typical problem is the costs of major
operation and minor maintenance villages repairs for handpumps. These are in remote areas where
costs (“level 1 costs”), but not major supply chains for spare parts are weak and therefore relative
repairs (“level 2 costs”). transport costs are high. The Consortium is investigating how
to better support supply chains to reduce costs.

The community will be able to cover 113 This is the case for the majority of villages where protected
operation and minor maintenance villages springs are feasible, and some of the villages where boreholes
and major repairs (“level 2 costs”) or dug wells with handpumps are proposed. It is important to
but not full rehabilitation (“level 3 note that these are initial results, but that final review and
costs”). investment decisions were in progress at the time of writing.

At sector level, the Consortium has also succeeded in opening up the debate about life-cycle costs. At its
first external “Technical Review” workshop with representatives of all key stakeholders in February 2014,
the Consortium invited an expert in life-cycle costs from IRC to facilitate one day of the workshop in order
to promote awareness and discussion of the approach. The participants adopted the recommendation that
sector actors should better collect, analyse and share data on life-cycle costs (even if this data is limited so
far in DRC). The sector should also discuss the issue of life-cycle costs in relation to the ongoing processes
of decentralisation in DRC. This initial debate was followed up during the second external “Technical
Review” workshop in December 2014 which included presentations from other stakeholders such as the
Water and Sanitation Programme of the World Bank and the National Committee for Action on Drinking
Water and Sanitation on the importance of using life-cycle costs analysis along with an approach to consider
users as ‘clients’ (not ‘beneficiaries’) in order to better understand their demands.

Lessons learned and recommendations

The following are the key lessons learned so far, and recommendations for other actors:
 The development of the life-cycle costs approach within the Consortium so far has required continual
adaptation. Although this is in line with the Consortium’s original logic, as well as the move to “adaptive
programming” by the donor DFID, this has required time for reflection both internally and externally and
means that the implementation of project activities has taken longer than anticipated. This has required
transparent engagement with the donor and government partners to ensure that the longer-term benefits
of this time taken are understood and agreed by all.
 It is important to find a balance between harmonising the approach and tools across the different
members of the Consortium and permitting some freedom to adapt for each member. As discussed above,
this promotes a sense of ownership of the teams who are using the tools, and also permits adjustments
according to different contexts within DRC and to encourage new ideas to emerge from project activities.
 At this stage of implementing a life-cycle costs approach, the key concepts and the fact of using the
approach to inform decisions are more important than the exact details of the analysis and calculations
made (especially because the accuracy of any calculation is limited by the poor detail that exists in DRC).
This is an important lesson for other actors in making sure that the use of life-cycle costs is targeted to
inform a specific decision or activity, such as the process of investment decisions for the Consortium.

Emerging issues and recommendations

The implementation of a life-cycle costs approach so far has mostly focused on the recurrent costs which
occur at community level of operating and minor maintenance expenditure and capital maintenance


expenditure. Although some costs of direct support are considered, this should be further analysed in
collaboration with the national programme and UNICEF who have a greater emphasis on developing local
health services to help provide this support in the long-term.
For the Consortium itself, the greater focus on longer-term sustainability has led to a partial shift away
from working in the most vulnerable regions and communities and towards more feasible intervention areas.
However, it is still important to consider what alternative approaches to community-based water supply
could be feasible in such areas (such as self-supply or household water treatment). The Consortium will be
developing further operational research on this theme in 2015.
Finally, the question remains of to what extent it is possible to consider a life-cycle costs approach and
long-term sustainability in post-conflict situations or fragile states, especially those such as DRC where
water sector policies and government structures are so under-developed. For example, Lockwood and Smits
(2011), in their review of how rural water supply can move towards a sustainable service delivery approach,
deliberately exclude fragile states from the analysis because they have such specific additional challenges.
However, given the weak local capacity in DRC, it seems important to at least use life-cycle costs analysis
to support more realistic investment decisions now and prepare for better sector planning in the future. The
next step will be to use life-cycle costs as part of ongoing performance monitoring and supporting decisions
after the initial investment stage.

The author would like to extend thanks to the Global Water Initiative (GWI) for sharing tools and
experiences and to Chaungo Barasa and Sebastien Longueville for their comments. The DRC WASH
Consortium is currently financed by UKAid.

Black, M. (2013). Scaling-up and sustainability, the elusive double quest: “Villages assainis” in DR
Congo. Waterlines 32, 162–173.
DFID (2013). Business Case and Intervention Summary: Increasing sustainable access to Water,
Sanitation & Hygiene in the DRC. DFID, London.
Fonseca, C., Franceys, R., Batchelor, C., McIntyre, P., Klutse, A., Komives, K., Moriarty, P., Naafs, A.,
Nyarko, K., Pezon, C., Potter, A., Reddy, R. and Snehalatha, M. (2011). WASHCost Briefing Note 1a -
Life-cycle costs approach: Costing sustainable services. Netherlands: IRC International Water and
Sanitation Centre.
GWI (Global Water Initiative) (2012). Mise en place d’un système durable de financement villageois des
couts d’opération et de maintenance des points d’eau.
Hydroconseil (2014). Etude de fin de cycle de la Durabilité Programme National Village Assaini & Ecole
Assainie – Phase 1 - Note de synthèse - Analyse de la durabilité des Villages Assainis. Hydroconseil,
Châteauneuf de Gadagne, France.
Lockwood, H., Smits, S. (2011). Supporting Rural Water Supply: Moving towards a Service Delivery
Approach. Practical Action Publishing, Rugby, UK.

The seven national norms are: the village has an active committee for water, sanitation and hygiene; at
least 80% of the population has access to clean water; at least 80% of households use hygienic latrines; at
least 80% of households dispose of their waste hygienically; at least 60% of the population washes their
hands before meals and after latrine use; at least 70% of the population understands the fecal-oral route of
disease and ways of preventing transmission; and the village is cleaned at least once per month.

Contact details
Stephen Jones
DRC WASH Consortium / Concern Worldwide, DRC
Email: [email protected]

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