THE NEW BIRTH Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin
THE NEW BIRTH Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin
THE NEW BIRTH Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin
and we're going to just take one verse at the moment for a text
Luke's gospel chapter 16 verse 23. and in hell you lift up his eyes being
God's word brings us concerning heaven but we thank you also for the Revelation
thank God we're a heaven bound but there's so those that in the world
let them know that there is a heaven to gain and there is a hell to shine
we'll give you all praise honor and glory for everything that's wrought
now the word of God said here and in Hell talking about the rich man and in
hell he lift up his eyes being in torments and seeth Abraham are far off
and Lazareth in his bosom you know there is a book I don't know much about it
just heard about it and read a little bit about it called the Blue Book
folks of that's important I guess maybe here in America are listed in this blue
book and it's called Who's Who you see who's who well I want to talk about
who's who in Hell the word of God tells us that there is a hell many people
doubt the reality of hell but in Matthew the 25th chapter and the 46th verse it
says and these shall go away into Everlasting notice that into Everlasting
the words in the original language that the Bible is written in that are given
now these just simply are describing the different aspects so to speak of hell
translated hell means a place of departed spirits and you understand that
they go into this place where this rich man was when he lift up his eyes being
in torments and seeth Abraham afar off but that's not their Eternal home
they're all going to be resurrected and their Spirits are going to come back out
out of that place and then they're going to be cast into the Lake of Fire I sort
and all of it could be termed hell like this it's just simply the temporary
dwelling place for instance a criminal here is arrested and he's convicted and
put in jail well the jail is not the penitentiary but it's about the same
because he's he's there and then he's transported eventually into the
penitentiary well you see when you leave here unsaved you go down into the place
where the rich man was but you see they're going to be resurrected too and
their Spirits are coming out of that place and they're going to stand before
the great white throne judgment no the church shall not be at the great white
Throne judgment the Bible said the death and Hell gave up the dead which were in
them amen and they stand before their Throne Judgment of God and the books are
open and another book was opened which is The Book of Life and everyone whose
name was not found written in the book of lions is cast into the lake that's
the final place the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone but you see all
punishment all of it is separation from God now in Mark the ninth chapter if you
have turn real quickly to the ninth chapter of the mark of the 43rd through
the 48th verse and if I hand defend thee cut it off it's better for thee to enter
into life mean than having two hands to go into hell into the fire that never
shall be quenched where their worm diet not and the fire is not quenched and if
I footth in thee cut it off it's better for thee to enter into haunt into life
than having two feet to be cast into hell in the fire that never shall be
quenched where their worms died not in the fire is not quenched and if I I
offend thee pluck it out it's better to thee to enter into the kingdom of God
with one eye than having two eyes to be cast into hell where their worm dieth
not and the fire is not quenched you see the word of God talks about that it's
better to have your eyes now you know he's not talking about just pluck your
natural eye out there are things in the flesh that you just need to cut off amen
it'll be better for you to go into heaven and into the kingdom of God than
to keep it and stay with it and go into hell and so he talks about then another
place of being cast into outer Darkness he talks about whether it's weeping and
wailing and nanishing of teeth and then the Lord Jesus Christ himself in the
16th chapter of Luke's gospel told this story in the most minute detail Luke the
16th chapter from which we took her text began to read with the 19th verse and he
said there was a certain rich man with his clothe in purple and fired
sumptiously every day and there was a certain Banker laid in his feet full of
souls desired to be fed from the crumbs which fell from his table moreover the
dog came and licked his sword and the beggar died and the angels carried him
away to Abraham's bosom and the rich man died and was buried and in hell he lift
up his by eyes being in torments and seeth Abraham afar off and Lazareth in
his bosom and he cried and said Father Abraham have mercy on me and sin lashes
let him he dipped the tip of his finger in water and cooled my tongue for I'm
tormented in this flame and Father Abraham said Son remember that found thy
lifetime receiveth thy good things and now Thou Art commented likewise lies
with evil and now he's comforted besides this is a great Guff fix between us and
you so that they cannot come from this to hence neither can they come from here
it's the vents and then he became concerned this rich man in Hell became
concerned about his five brothers who were back on the earth and he said them
send Lazarus you know back to the Earth that he might witness or testify to my
five brothers that they might not come to this place of tarmac and Father
Abraham said they have Moses and the prophets and if they hear not them
neither will they be persuaded though one arose from the dead the Bible said
in Psalm the 9th chapter and in the 17th verse the wicked shall be turned into
hell and All Nations that forget God I want you to notice that the wicked shall
be turned into hell everybody knows that you know if there isn't a hell they
ought to be one there ought to be a place for those that are wicked and
means and then there is we're sorry to say but there is but now wait just a
minute it says and All Nations that forget God you see you don't have to be
Wicked to miss heaven and go to hell all you have to do is just forget God all
you have to do is just leave God out of your life all you have to do just leave
God out of your plans all you have to do is just leave God out of your marriage
all you have to do is just leave God out of your future all you have to do is
just leave God out of your present just forget him just leave him out and you'll
go to hell and you'll split hell wide open just as quick as the worst threats
that ever walk the streets of the city amen amen and then over in the Book of
Revelation in the Book of Revelation the word of God gives us a catalog of those
who go to hell but the fearful Oh my he starts off not with the sinful but the
fearful and the unbelieving and the Abominable and murderers and
whoremongers and Sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in
the lake which burneth with firing Brimstone which is the second death amen
now notice let's read that catalog again but the fearful
and unbelieving and the Abominable and murders and whoremongers and sorcers and
idolaters and all lies that means Little Liars big Liars white
Liars black Liars all liars shall have their part in the
lake that's a final Abode the final hell in the lake which burneth with fire and
brimstone which is the second death well the scripture describes that place
these scriptures and tells us who's going there but let's take the actual
which took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom
they were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them but the wise took
all in their vessels with their lamps while the bridegroom tarried they all
slumbered and slept and at midnight there was a cry made behold the
bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet him then all of those virgins arose and
trimmed their lamps and the food is said unto the wise give us of your all for
our lamps are gone out but the wise ancient sin not so
lest there be not enough for us and you but go ye rather to them that sell and
buy for yourself and while they went to buying the bridegroom came
and they that were ready I want you to notice that word ready went in with him
to the marriage and the door was shut afterwards came also the other virgin
unto you I know you not watch therefore for you know neither the day nor the
hour when the son of man cometh not many people have taken this and it is just a
parable and they've tried to build a Doctrine you can't build a Doctrine on
that there's just one truth that he's trying to get over it that one truth is
given in that verse where I want you to notice where it says they that were
ready they that were ready all you can get out
of this and don't add anything else to it or you'll be unscriptural all you can
amen some of them were ready and some of them were not ready
ready for what to meet the master don't try to build anything else on it some
folks said well now oil's a type of the Holy Ghost and they didn't have all they
didn't have the baptism the Holy Ghost you can't build that on that that's
foolish and besides that unscriptural no he's just talking about the one thing
no they were not bad people they were virgins beautiful young ladies
virgins clean wholesome but they just weren't ready there are at least five
virgins in hell while you and I sat here in this
and in the torment and the misery where that rich man walks when you lift up his
eyes in torments the only accusation it brought against them was they weren't
Hallelujah can you say amen and then of course there is at least one I'm sure
there are many but the word of God tells us that there's a rich man in hell we
just got through reading about it in this 16th chapter notice that the
scripture said there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine
linded and very sumptiously every day there's at least one rich man I'm sure
there's more but I know that there's one there the Bible tells us about it a rich
man in that awful place because he lift up his eyes being in torments and see if
Abraham before off and Lazarus and he recognized Lancers as the beggar that
leaded his gate begging and so he said send answers letting me dip the tip of
his finger in water to my tongue for I'm tormented the word of God said he lift
up his eyes being in torment hell is a place of Torment there's a rich man in
Hell there's a black lion farmer in Hell turned to the 12th chapter of the The
Gospel According to Saint Luke Luke's gospel chapter 12 the word of God tells
the ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully and he thought
20th verse and he said this will not do I'll pull down my Barns and build
greater and they will I bestowed all of my fruits are goods and my goods and I
will say to my soul soul thou has much Goods lead up for many years take thine
ease eat drink and be merry and God said unto him thy food thy food thy food you
know there's not many people in the Bible that God called a fool but you
remember in the Old Testament God said the fool has said in his heart there is
no God calls the man that says there's no God a fool and then he calls this
this black land farmer a fool thy food God said to him thy fool
this night thy Soul shall be required of thee then who shall those things be
plentiful he he didn't have space to store his Goods the fruit of his land he
said I know what to do I'll pull down my barns that would be a greater Barnes and
take your ease thou has much Goods laid up for many years take thine knees eat
drink and be merry you know that's sort of the attitude of the whole world today
but my brother's sister God said to him thy food I wonder whom God's speaking to
today saying thy food those folks who are laying up Treasures for themselves
upon the Earth and saying take your ears eat drink and be merry thy food this
night thy Soul shall be required of thee and who shall these things be and so
there's a black land farmer in Hell must be the black land Farmer for his ground
to bring forth the richly and in all the fruits that it did now turn to the Book
of Revelation Revelation the 19th Chapter and the 20th verse the 19th
taken and with him the false prophet that wrought Miracles before him with
which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that
worship His Image these both were cast alive into a leak of fire burning with
Brimstone and so there's a prophet in hell and then the word of God said
you're right there in Revelation just turn right back to the book just before
Revelation the book of Jude just one chapter notice the sixth verse and the
not their first estate but left their own habitation he has reserved an
everlasting change under Darkness unto the Judgment of the great day and
they're going to be cast into that place and so there will be Fallen Angels cast
into hell now turn to the Book of Revelation and notice the 20th chapter
and the 10th verse and the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of
fire and brimstone where the Beast of the false prophet are and shall be
himself will eventually be cast into hell into the Lake of Fire where he
shall be tormented day and night forever and forever now turn back to the 25th
ago notice again Matthew chapter 25. and let's begin to read with the 14th
verse for the Kingdom of Heaven is as a man
traveling into far country who called his own servants and delivered unto them
his Goods and until one he gave five talents to another two and to another
one to every man according to his several ability and straightly took his
journey and he that had received the five talents went and traded with the
same and made them other five talents and likewise he that received two he
went and digged in the earth and hid his Lord's money after a long time the Lord
of those servants cometh and reckoneth with them so he that had received five
talents came and brought other five talents saying Lord thou deliverest unto
me five talents behold I've gained besides them five talents more and his
lord said unto him Well done thy good and faithful servant thou has been
Faithful over a few things I will make thee rule over many things enter thou
into the joy of the Lord he also that had received two talents came and said
Lord thou delivers unto me two talents behold I've gained two other talents
besides them his lord said unto him well done good and faithful servant thou has
been Faithful over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things enter
thou into the joy of thy Lord then he which had received one Talent
came and said Lord I knew thee that thou art a hard man reaping where thou is not
sown and Gathering where thou has not strong and I was afraid
and went and hid that talent in the earth remember we read the catalog of
those in hell it headed up with the fearful and I was afraid and I went and
hid thy talent in the earth Lo there thou Hast that is thine
his Lord answered and said unto them thy Wicked and slothful servant thou knowest
that I reap where I sowest not and gather where I have not strawed thou
take therefore the talent from him and give it unto him which have ten talents
For unto everyone that ha that hath shall be given and he shall have
abundance but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he
that fallen angels will eventually be there that Satan himself will eventually
be there and that there is a servant of God in hell this man here he said take
it casting into the outer Darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth
up from the bed of sickness and raised up and healed by the power of
God in 1934 as a young baptist boy and I just had to preach in me now I
went back to high school because I had missed one year I was bed fast but I'll
tell you I was constantly preaching amen if you've got it in you I don't
around and preaching I'll tell you I wasn't but 17 years old and we walked to
school they didn't have school buses and we didn't have any kind we I'm talking
about 1934 you see and we didn't have any kind of buses running in the city we
just walked to school depression days a little town of maybe ten thousand or
eleven thousand twelve thousand people and there's not all that much traffic
because folks just don't have cars and Automobiles like to do today and I mean
a bunch of us have just walked down the middle of the street we'd get over if we
had to but sometimes we'd walk a mile and ever meet a car and just walk down
the middle of the street well I didn't just go along and push something off on
somebody but if somebody give me a knee I mean if they open the door just to
crack I stuck my foot in it and start preaching to them and then we'd get to
school and you couldn't go in school until the bell rang the doors were
locked and at a certain time and the old-fashioned school high steps you know
but you she then asked me questions and that'd give me an opportunity I'd get up
on those steps until every morning preach to him praise God forevermore
somebody said you can't do that today well I'd still do it today if folks ask
me I'd answer them amen somebody said they put you in jail and I'd preached to
him in jail glory to God hallelujah amen if the priest is in you you just got to
where depression days you know 34 35 mid depression day no work I mean the
streets are full of them you could have a street service every day because men's
got nothing to do they're just standing around on the streets the streets are
full of people I mean it's like it is you know on a real busy trade day like
well I just walk up to somebody sometimes on the street and I'd say did
you know I mean just the stranger didn't even know but did you know that I know
there's a hell if I didn't have a Bible they'd look at me and they say how do
you know and I told them this story and you know
while I'm talking folks that just keep coming I mean they're getting around to
hear me before you do it I got the whole street nearly blocked praise God here's
the story right in my own Hometown you see and I'm standing on the courthouse
Square telling the story and they knew because they lived there I said my right
over here at 405 North College Street and I had today in the City of McKinney
Texas and this is 34 and 35 but you see this is 1933 so it was just a year
before to them I said Saturday night Saturday night 7 30. 405 North College
struck 7 30. my heart stopped I was lying in bed I'd been sick all the week
in fact I'd been sickly all my life never ran and prayed like other little
children who else limitedly but not fully and and the doctors had been
called doctors made house calls but Dr weissong oh Dr wsy song senior he was
over at the hospital well they contacted him there and he said he'd come to our
house as soon as he got through at the hospital making his calls so they're
waiting for him to come and Grandpa's Clock Struck 7 30. my heart stopped
faster than I can tell you the circulation cut off way down at the end
of my my toes just suddenly like your feet go to sleep they just went numb
faster than I can tell it my toes my feet my ankles my knees my hips and my
stomach and I leaped out of my body like a man would leap off of a diving board
into a swimming pool I leaped out of my body and I began to descend like I was
going down in a well or in a cavern I could look back up and see the lights of
the Earth above me because they put off a certain amount of light I remember
later on my mother my grandmother and my younger brother who was nine years of
age all said to me because I said goodbye to them I knew I was already
going down in the pit but I said goodbye but they all three said later on when
you said goodbye it sounded like it was a way down in a well or something
well I had it in my mind to say goodbye and I leaped out too fast and so when I
did say goodbye evidently my voice picked it up and they said you sound
like he was way down in a well and so I'm descending feet first descending
down down down down down down until the lights of the earth faded away
from above me until Darkness encompassed me around about darkness is so dark you
couldn't see your hand if there's one inch in front of your face Darkness it
was so dense that it seemed if you had a knife you could just cut a chunk of it
out and the further down you went the darker and the hotter it became
floating down feet first till finally way down beneath me on the
wall of Darkness I can see fingers of light playing on the wall of Darkness
only a few moments I came to the bottom of the pit when I came to the bottom of
the pit see the word of God we read it talks about being cast into outer
Darkness where there's weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth and talks
about fire and talks about torment different kind of fire of course you
understand that what we know of a fire in a stove or something like that but
you can see great white Crest Great orange Flames with a white looking Crest
when I came to the bottom of the pit there was some kind of a creature that
meant me I never looked at it I knew he was there just like I can look straight
ahead if I'm standing here without looking him out of the corner of my at
least see the pulpit that's there and the reason I didn't look was that we
approached the gates into hell itself we came to the bottom of the pit and then
there's just an incline that goes down further and you're floating towards
those Gates and some way or another you knew that once you went through those
Gates you couldn't come back but that creature when we came to the
gates I endeavored to slow my descent down and did to some extent and that
creature took me by the arm now I didn't know until years later that the word of
God says in the book of Isaiah held from beneath is moved to meet thee at thy
coming it stirreth up the dead for thee and so that creature met me but thank
God when he put his hand on my arm to escort me in there was a voice that
I don't know what he said it was not spoken in the English language it was a
foreign tongue to me and I don't know what he said or how many words he spoke
there may have been a half a day there have been nine ten or twelve words but
whatever was spoken when those words were spoken that whole place just shook
like there was an earthquake on that creature took his hand off of my back
there was like a suction to my back part and I came floating back away from the
Gates of Hell floating back and then I came up head First floating up I could
see the lights of the earth before I came to the top of the pit then I came
up on the porch outside the South bedroom I could see the giant cedar
trees there in the yard I could see Grandpa's porch swing there on the porch
and then I seemed to just come right through the wall and jump inside my body
like a man would slip his foot inside of his boot in the morning time and when I
got back inside my body then my said to my grandmother my voice this natural
and I won't come back she said son I thought you weren't coming back that
time I said where's Mama I want to tell her goodbye she said I told your mother
that you were gone and so she rushed outside praying we lived one of those
old-fashioned houses like they used to build in this part of the country of the
porch you know nearly all the way around there and she was over on the North side
I heard her then coming around to the South Side praying at the top of her
voice and I said granny my grandmother said I'll go get her and I said well I
want to tell her goodbye and so she got up because she was holding me in the
arms she laid my head on the pillow and started to leave and I grabbed a hold of
her some way another you want somebody with you when you come to cross over
you'll want somebody with it and you see I was afraid and so I got a hold of her
and I pulled her back and I said no granny don't leave me don't leave me
don't leave me well thank God we won't have to Cross Jordan Alone Hallelujah
because Jesus said I'll never leave you nor forsake you did you notice this
story here that we read about the rich man in beggar the word of God says that
there was a certain rich man that's clothed in purple and fine then it is
fair Champions every day and there was a certain bag of laid in his gate full of
swords and desire to be fed from the crown of his failed in this table
moreover the dog came and licked his swords and the beggar died and the
angels the Angels the Angels the Angels the Angels the Angels even in the Old
Testament they didn't have to Cross Jordan Alone do you know what I mean the
Angels carried him away the Angels carried him away but blessed be God now
under the New Covenant Jesus himself the first martyr you remember the seventh
chapter of the Acts of the Apostles the word of God tells us about Stephen that
was stoned to death and that when he died he said I see Heaven open and Jesus
standing on the right hand of the father glory to God glory to God no it won't
have to Cross Jordan Alone but you and you don't know him when you don't know
him you're afraid when you don't know him you're are afraid when you don't
know him you're afraid and so I was afraid and I was a church member but I
didn't know him and I was afraid and I so I said granny granny granny don't
leave me don't leave me and so she came back well actually she
called out she took again and rung her arm under my head and shoulders and held
them in her arms and she called my mother but she couldn't make her hear
though she yelled quite loudly she couldn't make her hear because she was
my mother was praying so loud she couldn't hear anything and so I just
simply said to her tell Mama I said goodbye tell Mama I said I love her tell
Mama I said I appreciate her staying with we children when my daddy forsook
us when I was just six years old tell Mama I appreciate her trying to make a
living for four children until she finally had a complete nervous physical
and mental breakdown and and I said Tell Mama that I said if I've ever put a
wrinkle in her face or a gray hair in her head I'm sorry I asked her to
forgive me tell Mama I said goodbye and then I said granny When Mama's Health
fail I came to live with my grandmother on my mother's side when I was nine
years old and you've been a second mother to me and I appreciate that and
my grandmother would also always say my granny would always say kiss me right
there kiss me right there and so I kissed her on the cheek and my heart
stopped and and I felt the circulation cut off way down at the end of my toes
faster than you can say it ankles knees starts hip stomach and out I leaped out
of my body down I went to the lights of the Earth above me faded away down down
down down down I know it was only a few seconds but it seemed like an eternity I
know it happened 50 some odd years ago but it seemed like it happened last
Saturday night it's just as real if this had happened to me last night spiritual
things never grow older down until the darkness encompassed me around about
until you couldn't see your hand if there's one inch in front of your face
and the further down you went to 100 it became until finally down beneath you
you saw fingers of light playing on the walls of darkness and you came to the
bottom of the pit and then there's an incline that goes down further and down
you floated towards those Gates I can see them yet once you go through those
Gates I knew it couldn't come back I slowed down my descent that same
creature met me that same creature put his hand on my arm right arm to escort
me in and thanks be unto God there was a voice that spoke it was a male voice not
a female or woman a man's voice but he said I don't know it was a strange
tongue but when he spoke that whole place shook like there's an earthquake
on that creature took his hand off of my arm and there was like a magnet would
have pulled you to my back I just came floating backwards just floating
backwards until I got back to the bottom of the pit and then I came floating up
and the only difference was the first time I came up on the porch outside the
of the room South bedroom the second time I came up at the foot of the bed
for just a second faster you snapped your finger I could see my body line
there on the bed I could see my grandmother she held me in her arms and
I leaped from the foot of the bed inside my body through my mouth like a man
would slip his foot inside of his boot in the morning time and I got backside
of my body and we say in the world and so I said granny I'm going again and the
third time's charm I won't be back and again she said son I didn't think he was
coming back that time and I said where's grandpa I'm going to tell him goodbye
she said son you know Granddad went down to the end Down East part of town to
collect rent from some of his houses and I said oh I knew that I'd forgotten that
but I said tell Grandpa I said goodbye tell a grandpa I love him tell Grandpa I
appreciate him when I had no home he gave me one he's the only daddy I've
ever known tell him I love him tell him goodbye I left a word for my sister only
sister and then my two brothers and my heart stopped and and the circulation
I'm trying to tell you I shouldn't be going this way I listened for an answer
there was no answer only the sound of my own voice and said echoed through the
darkness you ever been in Carl's Bad Caverns or any caverns and Shout out
something your voice will come ricochelle and back so to speak to you
and so then again the second time I cried a little louder God
I listened for an answer but there's no answer and the third time if I could do
it just the way I did it I'd scare you out of your wits I literally screamed
it'll take more than that for you to miss hell and go to heaven you must be
born again you must know Jesus as your own personal Lord and savior
amen until the third time I came to the bottom of the pit and the third time
that creature met me and the third time thanks be unto God that voice spoke and
who who whatever it was he said it worked that creature took his hand off
my arm I came floating back I came floating up as I came up through the
darkness I began to pray you see that inward man's a real man the spirit man
and I began to call on God In The Name of Jesus to save me and to forgive me
and to cleanse me and the only difference was first time I came up on
the porch the second time at the foot of the bed the third time right beside the
bed leap right inside my body when I got back inside my body my natural voice
loud now this is 1933 22nd day of April Saturday night and we live just just
about a block and a half off of what they call millionaire rule that's the
richest people in town live there and folks telling me that traffic was
blocked and you didn't have all the traffic foreign but you see this is a
better part of town and more people had on a woman they tell me that traffic was
brought from two blocks around from every side of our house me and mama was
you better bet you you're scared amen amen we prayed so loud we brought
traffic for two blocks around but thanks be unto God hallelujah it felt to me
like a two-ton weight rolled off of my chest and I was born again and I looked
at the clock on Grandpa's mantle piece and it said 20 minutes till 8 o'clock
and all of that happened in 10 minutes now you can understand why if you've
been in any of our Crusades if you've been in any of our music you understand
why every single time I give an article every single time I call attention to
the people there is a hell to shun there is a heaven to gain amen and I pray that
God will help them to know that and to understand that did you notice that the
word of God said the fearful I was afraid to begin with the the catalog of
those in hell it begins with a list of the fearful the fearful and then
secondly unbelieving I never will forget here's a sequel to 100 I'm talking about
when I was bed fast my grandmother had a cousin so we lived in McKinney just 32
miles north of McKinney Texas was another county seat of the county where
and and my grandmother lived in McKinney and her cousin had lived in Sherman 32
miles away in Texas for 35 years and didn't know any kin folks was close they
came from Tennessee originally you see out to Texas way back there the four
Bears did but eventually been through contact with some other kin folks that
found out that here a cousin is living just 32 miles away so they got in
contact with one another and they'd go to visit one another case and when I was
bed fast ain't lies as we called her along with her daughter Lorena would
come to visit us now you didn't mention God you see the last time I'd seen I
guess she was over 60 years of age somewhere under around 60 I guess and so
her daughter would just get her stopped some way another she had just taught
rant and ready every preacher ought to be shocked why there is no God why when
you're when you're dead you're just dead like a dog there is no God there is no
Heaven There is no hell every preacher ought to be shot every church house
ought to be burned down they're just fooling people getting the money out of
them they're just in it for their money and ranting the Rave their daughter to
get up sometimes and you know just get to working with him finally get her to
shut up you know and get the conversation off something else so so
we'd learn through the year don't don't ever bring up the subject of God to the
Bible or Jesus or anything to eat lies because she'll just go to ranting and a
raven well I was healed in 1934 and in the year 1934 she had come to visit us
every once in a while sit in the sick room with the rest of them because
time then about 10 years later so she must have been about 62 about 10 years
later during World War number two my wife and I were out on the field in
field Ministry holding a Revival meetings going from church to church and
and my wife's folks lived in Sherman and between meetings sometime we'd go and
stay with him sometime the grandparents would keep the the children because you
know they were younger not in school you had to get tired of traveling like to
stay with Grandma but anyway we were in and my mother-in-law said to me and
daddy-in-laws because the daughter had married she's about 30 years old before
she got married said you know so and so lorino yeah yeah well said she said if
Kenneth comes get have him to come have him to come to see us and so it's
important and so on and they will seem to be such an urgency about it until we
got the address and my wife and I she was with me knocked on the door the door
opened and I recognized Lorena because she hadn't seen me since last time she
saw me on his bed fast weighed 89 pounds and so I told her I said I'm Kenneth
oh she said Kenneth oh I'm so glad to see you open the door then the door was
open but unhook the screen you see and shook hands with me and shook hand to
the mind I'll introduced but this is my wife and she said she took one of my
hands in both of hers and began to cry said oh Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth
now Lorena had become converted and Born Again child of God
and she said you know how mama was you just don't mentioned God to her I said
yeah she said she's here in the bedroom in her in a hospital bed and at home the
doctor just left a few moments ago she's in a coma if we can stir up would
the doctor said she won't recover 70 some odd years old now
and so she led me both of my hands or my one hand and both of hers up to a door
took one hand opened the door my wife followed and we went inside and there
this dear woman 70 something odd years old lying there on the hospital bed
you looked at her eyes were open but they looked like marbles her mouth
shruggling for breath deaths upon her doctors just left some minutes before
and said she'll not come out of it Lorena souped over and said Mama
there's no no sign her eyes didn't blink there just opened they never did blink
mama no sound
shook her a little bit and got down there said mama mama mama
somewhere another mouse stayed open all the time they didn't shut it somewhere
another way down inside all right all right I understand she
she out of some way another down inside she said yeah my baby never never moved
she said Mama you remember Aunt Sally and her daughter
her mouth still open but she made an effort to raise up and Lorena helped her
and she reached to him and said Ken Kent where are you where are you well you can
where are you I took her hand she said okay kid
you're a preacher tell me there's not any hell tell me there's nothing I'm so
afraid it's dark it's not it's so dark it's so dark I'm so afraid it's so dark
you're a preacher you ought to know tell me he's not any help
I was going to tell her there's a heaven and she can go there but she exhausted
what strength she had and fell back on the pillar unto unconsciousness and died
and went to hell and while we're in this well I did room
enjoying the pressures of this life that poor dear soul is down there in the
fearful and the unbelieving will be turned into hell whether it's weeping
and wailing and gnashing of teeth ever had bowed ever I close
one of these days there may not be mine we're everyone going to leave here
I ask you right now speak to their hearts by your Holy Spirit
help them to know there's a heaven to gain in a hell of the sun may they come
oh Father God speak to that dear church members heart help them to know there's
a new birth
be born again and come to know the Lord Jesus Christ
who was in his father's house who was in fellowship with his father but he left
and went away from him and he went out into the practice of sin and wrongdoing
by your Holy Spirit that they may like The Prodigal Son of
old arise and come back home and say father I've sinned against you forgive
me oh Father
that not one single person will miss heaven and die and go to hell
but may every single person under the sound of my voice make Heaven their home
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