Lesson Plan

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Subject: PE and Health

Grade Level: Grade 11

Objective: Differentiate physical activity and exercise

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics - Calculating the calories burned during physical activity and


2) Biology - Understanding the physiological changes that occur during physical

activity and exercise

3) Psychology - Exploring the mental health benefits of physical activity and exercise

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes]

[Instructional Materials: Quiz questions, whiteboard]

1) Conduct a quiz on the differences between physical activity and exercise, using
multiple-choice questions to engage students' active participation.

2) Show pictures of different physical activities and exercises and ask students to
identify which category they belong to, promoting critical thinking and discussion.

3) Divide the class into groups and have a debate on the importance of physical
activity and exercise, encouraging students to defend their viewpoints using
evidence and reasoning.

Activity 1: Physical Activity vs Exercise Relay

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials: Cones, stopwatch, markers

Significance: This activity will allow students to experience and differentiate
between physical activity and exercise through a fun relay race.


1) Set up a relay course with cones at the starting line and finish line.

2) Divide the class into teams and assign each team a starting point.

3) Each team member must perform a physical activity (e.g., jumping jacks, jogging
in place) at the starting line before running to the finish line.

4) At the finish line, each team member must perform an exercise (e.g., push-ups,
squats) before tagging the next teammate.

5) The team that completes the relay first wins.


- Completion of physical activity at starting line: 5 pts

- Completion of exercise at finish line: 5 pts

- Teamwork and coordination: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the difference between physical activity and exercise?

2) Give an example of a physical activity and an exercise.

3) How does physical activity and exercise contribute to overall health and well-


Activity 1: The relay race allowed students to physically experience and

differentiate between physical activity and exercise. Through teamwork and
coordination, students actively engaged in both categories and understood
the importance of each in promoting fitness and health.

Differentiating physical activity and exercise is essential in understanding the varying
levels of intensity, purpose, and benefits they provide. Physical activity refers to any
bodily movement that requires energy expenditure, while exercise is a planned,
structured, and repetitive activity aimed at improving or maintaining physical fitness.


[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

Task 1: Research and Present

Task 2: Personal Fitness Plan


[Teaching Strategy: Discussion]

[Instructional Materials: Rubric, whiteboard]

Question 1: Compare and contrast physical activity and exercise, highlighting

their similarities and differences.

Question 2: How can individuals incorporate both physical activity and

exercise into their daily lives to achieve optimal health?

Question 3: Discuss the potential risks and benefits of engaging in excessive

physical activity or exercise.


1) Assignment Overview: Conduct a self-assessment of your current physical activity

and exercise habits. Identify areas for improvement and create a plan to increase
your overall fitness level.

2) Assignment Question: Explain the importance of incorporating both physical

activity and exercise into your daily routine. Provide specific examples of activities
and exercises you plan to engage in to achieve your fitness goals.

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