The Hydrodynamic Performance of A Tension Leg Platform With One-Tendon Failure
The Hydrodynamic Performance of A Tension Leg Platform With One-Tendon Failure
The Hydrodynamic Performance of A Tension Leg Platform With One-Tendon Failure
Yinghe Qi, Xinliang Tian, Xiaoxian Guo, Haining Lu & Lei Liu
To cite this article: Yinghe Qi, Xinliang Tian, Xiaoxian Guo, Haining Lu & Lei Liu (2019) The
hydrodynamic performance of a tension leg platform with one-tendon failure, Ships and
Offshore Structures, 14:5, 523-533, DOI: 10.1080/17445302.2018.1518188
Table 1. Main particulars of TLP hull. where A is the wave amplitude, g is the acceleration of gravity,
Parameter Unit Value v is the wave frequency, b is the direction of wave and wj is the
Displacement MT 49,515 wave phase angle. The wave number k satisfies the dispersion
Platform Mass MT 32,127 relation:
KG (in place, operating) m 42.81
Draft (operating condition) m 30.50
Roll Gyradius, Rxx m 37.04 = k tanh kH (4)
Pitch Gyradius, Ryy m 38.66 g
Yaw Gyradius, Rzz m 34.35
Column Diameter m 19.500 Considering the corresponding boundary condition,
Pontoon Height m 8.500
Pontoon Width m 8.500
Equation (2) can be solved. Once the velocity potential is
Column Center to Center Distance m 59.000 obtained, it is easy to get the hydrodynamic coefficients from
the radiation potential (Bingham 2000). Then, the computed
frequency-domain coefficients were converted and imported
Table 2. Tendon properties. into OrcaFlex for computing of time-domain results.
Item Prototype Model (1:60 scale) The dynamic analysis was conducted with the help of Orca-
Tendon length 375.30 m 6.262 m Flex. The equation of motion is written as:
Tendon top from keel 4.00 m 0.067 m
Outside diameter 1.106 m 0.017 m M(p, a) + C(p, v) + K(p) = F(p, v, t) (5)
Wall thickness 0.038 m 0.006 m
EA/L 6494.7 MT/m 1.7601 kg/mm where M(p, a) is the TLP inertia load, C(p, v) is the TLP damp-
Weight in air 1078.04 kg/m 0.2922 kg/m
Weight in water 183.13 kg/m 0.0496 kg/m
ing load, K(p) is the TLP stiffness, F(p, v, t) is the external load,
Top pretension 2008.0 MT 9.0696 kg p, v and a denotes the position, velocity and acceleration vec-
Bottom pretension 1939.3 MT 8.7591 kg tors respectively, t represents the time.
OrcaFlex uses the finite element method for modelling of
lines as shown in Figure 4. In OrcaFlex, a line model is divided
Table 3. Tendon attachment location (unit: m). into several segments which are modelled by straight massless
Prototype Model (1:60 scale) line elements with a node at each end (Manual 2012). The
Tendon # X Y Z above keel X Y Z above keel axial and torsional properties of line models are modelled only
1 33.98 40.31 4.0 0.566 0.672 0.067 by line elements meanwhile the other properties such as mass,
2 40.31 33.98 4.0 0.672 0.566 0.067 buoyance and weight are modelled by the nodes located at
3 40.31 −33.98 4.0 0.672 −0.566 0.067
4 33.98 −40.31 4.0 0.566 −0.672 0.067 each end of line elements, as indicated by the arrows in Figure 4.
5 −33.98 −40.31 4.0 −0.566 −0.672 0.067 The influence of risers on the motion response of the TLP is
6 −40.31 −33.98 4.0 −0.672 −0.566 0.067 negligible and therefore not considered here. A hydrodynamic
7 −40.31 33.98 4.0 −0.672 0.566 0.067
8 −33.98 40.31 4.0 −0.566 0.672 0.067 model with eight intact tendons, which is shown in Figure 5,
was generated to compare numerical and experimental results
in random sea-states. After the comparison, other hydrodyn-
HydroD uses the Morison equation and the first- and second- amic models with one tendon loss and different ballast con-
order 3D potential theories for wave load calculations and ditions were generated to conduct further studies.
solves the 3D diffraction/radiation problem using the Rankine
panel method (Veritas 1998). The potential theory used in
HydroD can be described as follows:
With the assumption of irrotational motion and an incom-
pressible fluid, the fluid motion can be expressed by the velocity
potential 0, which conforms to the Laplace equations:
∇2 ∅(x, y, z, t) = 0 (1)
where the x, y, z are the spatial coordinates in a coordinate sys-
tem in which the xy-plane corresponds to the calm water sur-
face, the z-axis points upwards, and t represents the time
(Xiong et al. 2015). The total velocity potential is composed
of three components: incident potential ∅1 , radiation potential
∅R and diffraction potential ∅D , namely (Zhao et al. 2014):
∅ = ∅1 + ∅R + ∅D (2)
According to Airy’s wave theory, the incident potential ∅1
for a regular wave in finite water depth is, expressed by Rein-
holdtsen et al.(Reinholdtsen and Falkenberg 2001)
gA cosh k(z + H)
∅1 = cos(vt − kx cosb − ky sinb + wj ) (3)
v cosh kH Figure 4. Line theory of OrcaFlex.
Table 6. Statistic results of TLP motions under tendon failure and intact conditions. Tendon 1 tension, but the load is shared with other tendons.
Tendon failure Additionally, the mean of the top tensions for Tendons 5 and
condition Intact condition
6, which are located diagonally to Tendon 2, becomes smaller
Title Unit Mean Std. Mean Std.
than before. This phenomenon is similar to a lever: as the ten-
Surge m −0.081 0.038 0.000 0.000
Sway m −38.398 4.846 −38.243 4.761
don tension at one side decreases, the tendon tension at the
Heave m 1.864 0.511 −1.946 0.502 diagonal side increases.
Roll deg 0.192 0.035 0.056 0.026 The failure of a tendon may also affect the horizontal stiff-
Pitch deg −0.124 0.025 0.000 0.000
Yaw deg 0.088 0.212 0.000 0.000
ness of the mooring system. A static offset test along the Y-
axis (positive) was conducted to obtain the static stiffness
curve of the TLP under the failed tendon condition. As
much bigger than those under the intact condition, about 60 shown in Figure 10, the tendon failure had limited influence
and 73% larger than before, respectively. In the present study, on the stiffness of the entire TLP mooring system because
when Tendon 1 is lost, the loading on Tendon 2 increases shar- the static stiffness curves under the two conditions almost
ply, implying Tendon 2 is the critical tendon with respect to overlap.
progressive failure of the tendons. According to the analysis, the most serious consequence of
Moreover, it is observed in Figure 8 that when Tendon 1 is Tendon 1 failure in this case is the significant load increase
lost, the mean top load of Tendon 2 is not doubled. This means in the neighbouring tendon, Tendon 2.
Tendon 2 is not the only tendon compensating for the missing
Figure 9. Standard deviation of top tendon loads under intact and tendon failure
Figure 8. Mean of top tendon loads under intact and tendon failure conditions. conditions.
530 Y. QI ET AL.
Table 8. Statistic results of TLP motions with 0%, 100% and 200% ballast water.
100% ballast 200% ballast
0% ballast water water water
Title Unit Mean Std. Mean Std. Mean Std.
Surge m −0.081 0.038 0.139 0.121 0.991 0.340
Sway m −38.398 4.846 −41.740 4.727 −45.863 4.567
Heave m 1.864 0.511 2.284 0.542 2.883 0.581
Roll deg 0.192 0.035 0.104 0.034 −0.044 0.045
Pitch deg −0.124 0.025 0.308 0.119 1.032 0.267
Yaw deg 0.088 0.212 −3.082 0.908 −8.087 1.866
Table 7. Properties of the TLP hull with different ratio of ballast water in a single column.
Coordinates of
Ratio of ballast water Ballast water weight (MT) Total weight (MT) X (m) Y (m) Roll gyradius (m) Pitch gyradius (m) Yaw gyradius (m)
0 0 32,127 0 0 37.04 38.66 34.35
50 1004 33,131 0.89 0.89 36.83 38.41 34.60
100 2008 34,135 1.74 1.74 36.64 38.18 34.83
150 3012 35,139 2.53 2.53 36.45 37.96 35.04
200 4016 36,143 3.28 3.28 36.28 37.75 35.25
Figure 12. Maximum of top tension for tendons 2-8. Figure 14. Mean of top tension for tendons.
whereas the tension of the other tendons is smaller than 4000 relation between the maximum top end tension of Tendon 2
MT. In addition, the maximum top tension of Tendon 2 is and ballast in the column. Note that the load in tendons is
very sensitive to the quantity of ballast, as expected. determined by the combined effect of both buoyance and
In Figure 13, it is observed that, similar to the maximum TLP tilt. The tilt decreases the loads on certain tendons and
tension, the standard deviation of the top tension for Tendon increases the loads on other tendons depending on the ballast
2 is significantly larger than those of the remaining tendons. condition. Based on a quick estimation, for calm water, about
However, the standard deviation of tendon tension is not as 2/3 of the tension reduction in Tendon 2 is due to the tilt of
sensitive as the maximum tension as to ballast, especially for the TLP caused by ballast in one column and the other 1/3 is
Tendon 2. The fluctuation range of the standard deviation is because of the buoyance. This proportion keeps constant no
less than 30 MT as the ratio of ballast increases from 0 to 200%. matter how much ballast is in the column.
As shown in Figure 14, the mean top tension for Tendon 2 is As shown in Figure 15, with the increase of the ballast ratio,
larger than that of other tendons when the ratio of ballast is less the maximum top tension of Tendon 2 decreases linearly.
than 150%. However, this conclusion does not hold when the Compared to the condition with 0% ballast, the maximum
ballast is more than 150%. Moreover, similar to the maximum top tension of Tendon 2 with 175% ballast reduced to 4081
tension, the mean tension is very sensitive to the quantity of MT. In this situation, the extreme load increase in the TLP ten-
ballast. For example, the mean of Tendon 2 tension decreases don mooring system is small, and it is close to the maximum
from 4138 MT to 2287 MT as the quantity of ballast increases load with an intact mooring system of approximately 3600
from 0 to 200%. MT. Another key point that should be noted is that the maxi-
Primary attention should be given to Tendon 2 to avoid the mum top tension for Tendon 2 is 3790 MT, which is smaller
further failure of the mooring system because the maximum than that of Tendon 8 at 3879 MT when there is 200% ballast
and standard deviation of top tension for that tendon is the lar- water. Thus, studies with ballast water ratios larger than 200%
gest among the remaining tendons. Figure 15 shows the are unnecessary because the extreme load of the mooring
Figure 13. Standard deviation of top tensions for tendons 2-8. Figure 15. Sensitivities of maximum tension for Tendon 2 to ratio of ballast water.
532 Y. QI ET AL.
The authors would like to thank the supports from the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11632011 and 51509152). The
authors acknowledge the constructive comments of the reviewers which
indeed improved the quality of this paper.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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