10 1103@physrevaccelbeams 24 080401
10 1103@physrevaccelbeams 24 080401
10 1103@physrevaccelbeams 24 080401
Although accelerator technology has matured sufficiently, state-of-the-art x-ray linacs for radiotherapy
and cargo-scanning capture merely 30%–50% of the electrons from a thermionic cathode, requiring a
higher cathode current and leaving uncaptured electrons to cause problems such as back bombardment on
the cathode leading to a shortening of cathode life. Any solution to increase capture should be effective,
simple, reliable, compact, and low cost in order to be adopted by the industry. To address this, we present
the design of a 6 MeV high capture efficiency S-band electron linac that captures 90% of the initial dc
beam. This linac does not require any extra parts that would increase the cost as the high efficiency is
achieved via a low-field amplitude in the first bunching cell to decrease the number of back-streaming
electrons, to velocity bunch the electron beam, and recapture back-streaming electrons. Under the low field
amplitude, any electrons launched at decelerating phases travel backward with low speeds, thus most of
them can catch the next rf cycle, and get reaccelerated/recaptured. As the electron speed is low, the cell
length is also shorter than existing linacs. Such a short field is achieved by the use of asymmetric cells with
differential coupling to the side-coupled cells. Our novel design has implications for all commercial high
current thermionic gun linacs for increasing beam current and increasing cathode lifetime.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.24.080401
accelerating/decelerating voltage of the first cell is much each cell. An output file is generated for each cell length
larger than the electron beam energy, causing almost half of and field amplitude, which contains information such as the
the electrons to be lost immediately. Significant improve- particle launch phase, exit phase, exit time, exit KE, and
ment can be achieved if the gradient and lengths of the first flag for whether the particle is lost or captured. The code
few cells could be optimized. can also be run in tracking mode, where we can investigate
the beam dynamics for specific field settings.
OPTIMIZATION B. Beam dynamics study of existing
commercial linacs with 1D code
A. 1D tracking code
We have studied the performance and beam dynamics of
A 1D tracking code was developed to optimize the length
a commercial linac with the field profile of Fig. 1 using the
and E-field amplitude of each cell by assessing the exit/
1D code. The tracking results are shown in Fig. 2. The exit
arrival phases and energies of electrons at each cell as a
phase, and KE, are given for all captured phases. The
function of the launch phase. This is a method originally
launched electrons covered a full rf cycle, i.e., 360°, but
proposed for the design of electron bunching for high-
only those launched within a phase range of −131° and 59°
efficiency klystrons [30]. This code does not include space
successfully exited the first cell. Electrons are further lost in
charge and is only used for a fast and efficient scan of
later cells, and only those launched at phases between
parameters, and the optimized result from this initial
−131° and 36° successfully exited the last cell. This gives a
optimization will be verified and further optimized by
capture efficiency of 167°=360° ¼ 46.4%. This is similar
ASTRA simulations that include transverse plane and space
to the results of ASTRA simulations shown in Sec. II. In
charge effects. The exit phase is the rf phase in which an
Fig. 2(a), we observe a slight narrowing of the exit phase
electron exits a cell. The launch phase is the rf phase an
range as electrons travel through each cell, which indicates
electron enters the first cell. The aim is to maximize the
range of launch phases which result in the same exit phase
after the first few cells. The code needs as inputs: the
E-field profile, rf frequency, particle charge, mass, and
initial KE. Users also need to specify the maximum
tracking time T max and number of time steps N steps . The
code computes the distance traveled by the particle dz
during the time interval of dt ¼ T max =N steps . The velocity
of the particle is obtained by using its KE. The change in
the KE during this time interval is
SADIQ SETINIYAZ et al. PHYS. REV. ACCEL. BEAMS 24, 080401 (2021)
scanned. A field profile similar to the one in Fig. 1 was used highest KEave has KEave ¼ 5.9, but the capture is only
as the starting point in optimization. The initial KE used in 56.9%. Scan results around these highest capture and
the scan was 25 keV. The ranges scanned over for each highest KEave are shown in Fig. 5. It shows we cannot
parameter are: the first cell’s length Lc1 from 10 to 46 mm have the highest capture and highest KEave at the same
and amplitude Ez;max;c1 from 4 to 50 MV=m; and the time. However, we can achieve reasonable high capture
second cell’s length Lc2 from 10 to 82 mm and amplitude (> 85%) and high KEave (> 5.2 MeV) at the same, as given
Ez;max;c2 from 30 to 100 MV=m. the Table II (third and fourth columns) and shown in Fig. 6.
The highest capture of 95.6% is achieved and the We used the optimized results in high-capture and high-
parameters are given in the first column of Table II. The KEave cases to generate the optimized field profile shown in
part of the scans around the highest capture are plotted in Fig. 7. The Applegate diagram shown in Fig. 8 and Ez vs z
Fig. 4. In each subfigure, two variables are varied while the relations shown in Fig. 9 are generated by using the
other two parameters are set to the optimum. The capture is optimized field profile given. In Fig. 8, we see that capture
more sensitive to the first cells’ parameters than the second is increased significantly over that of the standard commer-
cells’. It is least sensitive to Ez;max;c2 and most sensitive to cial linac shown in Fig. 3. 320° out of 360° phases are
Ez;max;c1 . This information is useful in guiding rf design as captured. The beam is well bunched as well. Bunching
they provide parameter sensitivities and tolerances. begins in the first cell and continues in the second cell until at
In the optimization process, one has to keep in mind that the exit of the second cell 320° of the launch phases are
the goal of the optimization is not solely to achieve the compressed to 105° at the exit. This is a threefold
highest capture, but rather to achieve high capture with a compression.
compact structure. In other words, the capture needs to be The most novel aspect of using this field profile is the
reasonably high and the linac cannot be long. To keep the recapture of all the back-streaming electrons in the first cell,
linac compact and simple, we would like to limit the as shown in Figs. 8 and 9. As the field amplitude is low in
number of cells to 6. The beam should have an energy peak the first cell, back-streaming electrons were able to catch
around 6 MeV, so we need at least four accelerating cells. the next rf cycle and get accelerated. The only losses are
Consequently, we can only use two cells for capturing and from a few back-streaming electrons from the second cell.
bunching. As the second cell has a high field amplitude, these back-
Selected representative 1D scan results are given in streaming electrons have a larger KE, and thus cannot be
Table II. While the highest-capture case has a capture of recaptured.
95.6%, the average KE KEave is only 4.4 MeV and one In addition to increasing the capture efficiency, the
would need to add extra cells to reach around 6 MeV. The output energy spread is also reduced as a result of the
SADIQ SETINIYAZ et al. PHYS. REV. ACCEL. BEAMS 24, 080401 (2021)
FIG. 6. 1D code fine scan results around high capture and high
KEave .
FIG. 10. 1D tracking results with optimized field profile: (a) exit C. Fine-tuning of linac parameters in ASTRA
phase vs launch phase and (b) exit KE vs launch phase. The inset
of (a) is given to show a larger range of exit phases. The y The next step is fine-tuning the linac parameters in
projection of the curves shows the KE spectrum (in arbitrary ASTRA. As with the optimization using the 1D code, the
units) at the corresponding cell exits. four parameters scanned are (a) the field amplitude of
the first cell Ez;max;c1 ; (b) the length of the first cell Lc1 ; (c) the
length of the second cell Lc2 ; and (d) the field amplitude of
bunching is greatly improved compared to the existing the second cell Ez;max;c2 . Based on the global optimal results
commercial linac, as most of the exit phases after the third of 1D code, the new scans are conducted in much smaller
cell are within the 60° to 120° range. Figure 10(b) shows steps for fine-tuning. As changing later parameters would
that the exit KE spread is smaller compared to the existing have an impact on the earlier parameters, multiple rounds of
linac. It is also shown that there is little acceleration gain in scans are performed, where the new scans were performed
the first cell, rather it is used solely for bunching. with optimum results of earlier scans to make sure the final
results are optimum for all the parameters simultaneously.
The results are shown in Fig. 12. The optimal values were
B. Verification of optimized field in ASTRA found to be Lc1 ¼ 15 mm, Lc2 ¼ 31 mm, Ez;max;c1 ¼
The results of the 1D tracking code were then bench- 8 MV=m, and Ez;max;c2 ¼ 54 MV=m. The amount of cap-
marked using ASTRA and the results showed good agree- ture was found to be more sensitive to the parameters of the
ment. In ASTRA simulations, 25 keV electrons were tracked first cell than of the second cell. The capture decreases
through the optimized field profile shown in Fig. 7. To strongly when Ez;max;c1 is greater than 8 MV=m.
create a 100 mA dc beam, electrons with a total charge of Note that in earlier simulations, the longitudinal position
0.1 nC are uniformly generated over a 1 ns time period, of the initial beam was at the inner wall of the cavity (noted
which covers three rf periods. The capture efficiency from as z ¼ 0), which is not realistic. In an actual cavity, there
the ASTRA simulations is 92%, which is close to the results needs to be at least a 1 cm distance between cavity entrance
from using the 1D code. In these initial simulations, the and initial beam position to account for the cavity wall and
cavity apertures are not included because we want to cathode flange thicknesses. Therefore, in the fine-tuning
compare and verify the results of the 1D tracking code process, we shifted the initial beam position from z ¼ 0 to
with ASTRA. Further simulations using ASTRA including the z ¼ −1 cm and it caused a slight decrease of the capture to
apertures are described in later sections. 87.4%. However, the fine-tuning improved this to over
SADIQ SETINIYAZ et al. PHYS. REV. ACCEL. BEAMS 24, 080401 (2021)
the field profile to the length given in the 1D studies we To feed the rf power into the linac, a waveguide coupler
require a 3 mm aperture radius on the input beam pipe. This was integrated to the third cell, shown in Fig. 14(b). The
is not dependant on the aperture radius between the cell and third cell was chosen as the field levels in the first two cells
the adjacent cell and hence this can be kept at 5 mm to are critical and hence to reduce variation the coupler is
minimize beam loss. placed close to these cells. It is envisioned that this rf
The results of these studies were translated into a side- coupler will have a side vacuum port (not drawn), which is
coupled cavity with six accelerating cells and five coupling similar to the setup of the Ref. [32]. The vacuum port will
cells. The input beam pipe has an aperture radius of 3 mm split into two ports: one used for rough pumping and the
while all other aperture radii are 5 mm. The coupling slots other for an ion pump. The rf coupler will be separated from
between the accelerating cells and coupling cells were each the waveguide by an rf vacuum window.
optimized to minimize the field in the coupling cells. This
proved difficult in practice due to the complexity of the VI. BEAM DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS WITH
model, the need to retune both cells when the coupling slot REALISTIC CAVITY MODEL
is modified, and the fact that the side coupled cells are Beam dynamics simulations of the realistic cavity model
highly reentrant and hence a small stored energy results in a are implemented by taking the field profile of the entire
large electric field. Despite this, it was possible to minimize cavity from CST, given by the red curve in Fig. 15, and
the field in the coupling cells to 6.5 MV=m at the design using this as input into ASTRA. Apertures (cavity irises) and
gradient. Several iterations were performed with the ASTRA space charge are also included in the simulations. The field
simulations to optimize the field profile, as described in the amplitude is scaled up so the maximum longitudinal
following section. For the final design, we require a peak electrical field Ez;max is 54 MV=m. The field from CST
input power of 2.65 MW to reach the design goal of has smaller field amplitudes in some cells than the idealized
54 MV=m maximum on-axis electric field. This gives peak field profile, which lowers the final KE. Several iterations
surface fields of 89 MV=m and 214 mT for the electric and of slightly modifying the CST model and tracking in ASTRA
magnetic fields respectively, which are well below the were performed to optimize the final cell lengths and field
maximum limits. The electric field in the final cavity design amplitudes. The resultant cell lengths are mostly the same
is shown in Fig. 14. as they were for the 1D model. In the ASTRA simulations,
the beam was started at −1 cm as the minimum required
distance between cavity inner wall and cathode exit is 1 cm.
The linac aperture is 5 mm in diameter, and the iris
thicknesses are also 5 mm. The initial beam longitudinal
profile is created as a 1 ns long flat distribution with 0.1 nC
charge, which is equivalent to 100 mA quasi-dc beam
covering more than three rf cycles. The other initial beam
parameters are given in Table III.
Due to the differences between the optimal field profile
and the field profile simulated in CST, particularly in terms
of field flatness, the capture efficiency is slightly less than
optimal. Scaling the field profile from CST to a max Ez;max
FIG. 14. The final cavity geometry showing the electric field
map at 1 J of stored energy. Part (a) features side coupled cells FIG. 15. Field profile of entire cavity generated in CST
and (b) features rf coupler. simulation.
SADIQ SETINIYAZ et al. PHYS. REV. ACCEL. BEAMS 24, 080401 (2021)
TABLE III. Initial electron beam parameters. TABLE V. Capture efficiency for different Ez;max with opti-
mized initial beam parameters.
Parameter Unit Value
Capture (%)
Beam current mA 100
Pulse length ns 1 Ez;max (MV/m) KE ¼ 21.5 keV KE ¼ 25 keV
Initial beam position mm −10
54 88.82 88.27
rms transverse beam size mm 0.2
55 89.23 88.67
Correlated divergence mrad −12
58 90.26 89.76
Transverse emittance π · mm · mrad 0.158
64 84.32 91.37
Average KE keV 25
66 82.18 87.60
KE energy spread eV 6.7
In Ref. [33], we see it is difficult to achieve compactness
and high capture at the same time. While it is technically
possible to achieve above 90% capture by using long
bunchers (> 10 cells) that are operated under low rf
powers, the beam would experience other issues like space
charge (as the beam is accelerated slowly) and rf defocus-
ing effects, which would require external focusing.
FIG. 16. ASTRA simulations showing scans of the initial beam Besides, these long bunchers are low-β structures, which
parameters: (a) transverse rms beam size; (b) correlated diver- are very low in rf power consumption efficiency. All these
gence; (c) kinetic energy; (d) emittance. cons will render such cavities with long bunchers nonviable
TABLE VI. Comparison of existing linacs and designs [33] to novel high capture linac.
Linacs Mean/Peak energy (MeV) Length (m) Gradient (MV/m) Capture (%)
S-band with prebuncher and 9.15-cm drift 6.8=NA 0.7 9.7 77
S-band TW option (a) 7.8=9.0 1.18 6.6 66
S-band TW option (b) 9.0=9.3 1.25 7.2 65
S-band SW side coupled medical linac 6.5=7.4 0.33 19.7 30
X-band SW side coupled medical linac 3.6=5.3 0.22 16.4 30
Ku-band split linac 0.14=0.18 0.09 1.6 27
C-band TW with amplitude ¼ 2 4.5=6.0 0.45 10.0 40
C-band TW with amplitude ¼ 3 5.3=6.0 0.32 16.6 43
C-band TW with amplitude ¼ 4 5.4=6.0 0.31 17.4 51
Novel S-band SW high capture linac 6.0=6.4 0.27 22.2 90
for commercial applications, and hence they are only used performance and lifetime. A new linac based on this design
in scientific facilities. Liu et al. [34] also designed an will be manufactured and tested in due course.
S-band traveling wave (TW) linac with 90% capture
efficiency, but the cavity uses 59 cells over 2 m to reach ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
10 MeV energy. This corresponds to 5 MV=m gradient,
The following project was supported by STFC (GCRF)
which is less than 14 of the design. Yurov et al. [35] were
Grants No. ST/S002081/1 and No. ST/S001190/1. The
able to design a 1–3 MeV cw linac with a capture efficiency author would like to thank the staff at CERN and the
of 50%, which is just slightly higher than existing industrial International Cancer Expert Corps (ICEC) for support and
linacs. advice during this project, as well as Taofeeq Ige, National
We summarized the linacs and linac designs in Ref. [33] Hospital Abuja, Hubert Foy, Africsis, and Surbhi Grover,
and compared them to our design as shown in Table VI. We Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, for providing
find our linac design is not only the most compact one but information on requirements for radiotherapy linacs in
has the highest capture as well. Unlike other high capture Africa and encouragement on this project.
designs, our design does not require extra components and
does not add complexity to the system, yet the beam energy
spread and size are kept small.
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