ICE-CREAM - Info-Pack (Call)
ICE-CREAM - Info-Pack (Call)
ICE-CREAM - Info-Pack (Call)
Training Course
"ICE-CREAM for social entrepreneurship: Investigate,
Collaborate, Elaborate, CREAte and Manage your project"
01 About the project. General information. 07 Travelling. Booking tickets. Getting to the venue.
05 Terms and conditions of participation. 11 Trainers.
“ICE-CREAM for social entrepreneurship” is a uniquely designed training for trainers and
youth workers, aimed at development of entrepreneurship skills and competences,
increasing the capacity of organizations and youth workers in social projects creation and
implementation, raising quality and innovation in youth work and, therefore, bringing
significant changes in the societies on the local, national and, where applicable,
international levels.
ICE-CREAM is the innovative approach, model and algorithm of the efficient and logical step
by step creation and implementation of a social project or entrepreneurial/business idea:
I – nvestigate: the need/problem;
C – ollaborate: with a team and stakeholders;
E – laborate: the concept and idea of the project (identify and specify the needs, service or
product, target groups, impact and outcomes);
CREA – te: the details (the name of your project, program, activities, methods and tools,
time frames, venue, other logistics);
M – anage: your project (plan, apply for a grant/fundraise, prepare, launch, implement,
disseminate, follow-up and report);
(M – arket: your project (present, promote, develop PR and communication)).
The program of the training course is structured according to the ICE-CREAM model: we
have separate days, each of them fully devoted respectively to Investigation,
Collaboration, Elaboration, CREAtion, and Management/Marketing of the project (where
we will also explore the dimension and tools of digital entrepreneurship). During another
full day (24 hours), the youth workers in small teams or individually, using the ICE-CREAM
algorithm, will be creating and preparing their projects (entrepreneurial ideas). And on the
next day, in the format of Hackathon, they will present their projects (entrepreneurial
ideas), making digital presentations and promotion pitches, will receive feedback from the
experts, will analyze and improve their ideas to be able to bring them to life.
The learning by doing and participatory approaches ensure many interactive activities, a
lot of experience exchange and inputs from the participants. We will have both practical
and debrief sessions on all the elements of the ICE-CREAM model, ensuring a detailed
understanding for all participants.
to provide the participants and organizations with innovative
approach, model and algorithm (ICE-CREAM) of the efficient
and logical step by step creation and implementation of a
social project or entrepreneurial/business idea;
2 5
to increase the capacity of organizations and youth workers in to develop sense of initiative, project creating, writing,
social projects creation and implementation; management, marketing and implementation skills;
3 6
to develop collaboration and communication skills and to develop entrepreneurship competence;
to explore the dimension and tools of digital entrepreneurship
to develop creative and critical thinking; and to develop digital competence;
to develop personal, social, learning to learn, literacy competences;
to create and develop new social entrepreneurial projects’ ideas,
aiming to bring them to life;
in this way, to contribute to the community development in
participating countries on the local level, and, where applicable, on the
national and international levels.
The project will have significant learning and practical outcomes and sustainable impact:
on the participating organizations and youth workers (through increasing the
capacity of organizations and youth workers in social projects creation and
implementation and development of entrepreneurship, digital and other
competences of participants);
on the youth work in general, raising its quality and bringing innovations (through
bringing innovative approach, model and algorithm (ICE-CREAM) of the efficient and
logical step by step creation and implementation of a social project or
entrepreneurial/business idea);
beyond the participating organizations on the local communities (through creation,
development and implementation of new social entrepreneurial projects ideas, and
therefore, contributing to the community development on the local, and, where
applicable, national and international levels).
Participant profile:
Full attendance and being on time at sessions is mandatory and
it is a condition for reimbursing your travel costs.
Active involvement. We expect to have a contribution-based
process, with consistent input from your experience. You are
invited to share your relevant knowledge and experience in NFL,
practical youth work, social entrepreneurship, projects’ writing, 4
development and implementation; to organize a workshop or
The training course consists of two parts. During the first part,
facilitate a session on a relevant topic; to help us in organization
you will explore the methods that we created and work with, as
process; etc.
well as you will have the opportunity to organize your workshop
or lead a session on the relevant topic, based on your knowledge
and experience. During the second part, within the last two days,
Financial contribution. We will have one full day for exploring in small groups or individually, you will create and develop new
cultural and historical heritage and social community of Armenia. social entrepreneurial projects’ ideas, make digital presentations
You are expected to contribute 40 EUR fee for organization of and promotion pitches of your projects’ ideas, present and
this day. This will be collected in cash upon your arrival. defend them in the format of Hackathon.
Dissemination and follow-up. After the training:
each participating organization is expected to conduct one local
workshop to share approaches, methods and tools, explored during the
training, and/or launch the implementation of the created social project,
then provide pictures from the activity and report on it;
each youth worker is expected to contribute to the activities on
dissemination of the Erasmus+ Programme, training course and learning
outcomes, writing and sharing minimum one report and/or article about
it in his social media and/or mass media.
After the selection, you will receive the learning agreement, stating your
active involvement in all the project activities during the implementation
stage and active contribution during the dissemination and follow-up
stages. You will have to sign, scan/photo and upload the learning agreement
along with your tickets and travel invoices before coming to the project.
Please, carefully consider everything mentioned above before taking a
decision to join, like and subscribe us on this adventure!
Venue Accommodation
During the project we will live in a Hin Parvana Hotel (check out the location).
The rooms will be shared between 2-4 participants. The rooms have either
twin or double beds, individual bathrooms. Bed linen and towels (one towel
per person) are provided.
We will be provided with breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 coffee breaks.
The water is drinkable from the tap.
It is a town and urban municipal community in Armenia
within the Kotayk Province.
It is located 16 kilometers northeast of Yerevan and is
considered to be a satellite city of the Armenian capital.
Therefore, Abovyan is generally known as the "Northern
gate of Yerevan".
Please, save all the originals of your travel You are expected to contribute 40 EUR fee, which The maximum travel grant limit will
documents! will be collected in cash upon your arrival. This fee be calculated individually according
will be used to organize the day, devoted to to the travel distance between the
Your travel expenses can be reimbursed within
exploration of cultural and historical heritage and place of origin (city of departure) and
the travel grant ONLY upon presentation of ALL
social community of Armenia. the venue of the activity (Abovyan
ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS, stating your travel data
town, Armenia) by using the Distance
and costs (boarding passes, tickets for Your financial contribution will ensure the principle
Calculator supported by the
plane/bus/train, invoices, payment checks, bank of co-financing of Erasmus+ Programme as well
European Commission:
statements, etc.). as your personal input and involvement into the
project implementation. 0 – 9 km ..............0 EUR
Please, upload all your DIGITAL BOOKINGS,
INVOICES, BOARDING PASSES and/or SCANS 10 – 99 km ............23 EUR
(pictures/photos are not accepted!) of the HARD 100 – 499 km ...........180 EUR
COPIES of your BOOKINGS, INVOICES, 500 – 1999 km ..........275 EUR
BOARDING PASSES to the Google Drive folder 2000 – 2999 km ..........360 EUR
(inside, find the folder of your country, create your 3000 – 3999 km ..........530 EUR
personal folder in your country folder, upload 4000 – 7999 km ..........820 EUR
everything to your personal folder).
Keep in mind that you will be reimbursed after the
project within next 6 months via bank transfer!