RFQ Summary
RFQ Summary
RFQ Summary
The Federal Ministry Aviation (“FMA” or “the Ministry”) aims to develop a 21st century multimodal
national transportation network for the nation, a component of which also involves the repositioning
of the aviation sector for enhanced productivity.
Development Objectives:
The development concept involves the developing of an Aerotropolis (“Airport City” or the “Project”)
in Nigeria to enhance commercial activity, within and around the selected airport.
The Project shall stimulate much needed competitiveness through better air connectivity, improved
multimodal airport surface transportation access, and coordinated aviation-linked commercial
development, complemented with good urban planning. The Aerotropolis concept seeks to key into
the robust growth of Nigeria’s international air travel and cargo market, by transforming the selected
international airport into regional hub of bustling commercial and industrial activity, by aggregating
aviation facilities, services, and other resources within a that location such that the ecosystem
leverages on economies of scale and scope, through which other positive externalities can be
harnessed for maximum economic benefit.
An Aerotropolis is an urban infrastructure complex that consists of a multimodal airport-based
commercial core (Airport City) and, outlying corridors and clusters of aviation-linked businesses and
associated mixed use commercial/residential developments that feed off each other and their
accessibility to the airport. The competitive advantages of the Aerotropolis is such that it offers
businesses and people located near or within the Aerotropolis good access to the airport with speedy
connectivity to their suppliers, customers, and enterprise partners, nationally and worldwide. An
Aerotropolis contains the full set of cargo, logistics, commercial, and urban services that support
airlines, air travellers, and aviation-linked businesses to produce a wave of transit-oriented
development that anchors airport-centric commercial development and drive it throughout the
metropolitan region.
Lead Member:
A Member of a Consortium holding or intending to hold at least 30% interest in the Consortium as well
as have management control of the Project.
Operation and maintenance of high-rise, mixed-use real estate assets.
Project Site:
The Project will be sited on a minimum of 3,500 hectares of land around the Nnamdi Azikiwe
International Airport.
Shareholders of the Project Vehicle will provide equity financing for the Project. Additional capital
requirements is expected to be raised from debt financing sources.
Commencement of operations:
Within one (1) to four (4) years from the Construction Commencement Date.
Single entity or Consortium
Requirements for Consortium:
✓ Letter of Intent
✓ Power of Attorney duly signed by parties granting Lead Member powers to submit the bid and
enter into negotiations
✓ Consortium Agreement highlighting the proposed shareholding of the Consortium members
✓ Consortium must have a Lead Member (holding at least 10% interest in the Consortium as well
as have management control of the Project) and Exclusive Members (holding at least 10%
interest in the Consortium). Where a firm is a Member of a Consortium or a subcontractor on
the Application, provided that the firm is not the Lead Member of the Consortium, such a firm
is permitted to participate as a member of other Consortiums in the same process.
Exclusion Criteria:
(a) The Applicant must not be in a state of bankruptcy or liquidation;
(b) The Applicant must not be subject to a bankruptcy application;
(c) The Applicant has not been found guilty of an offence which raises doubts about the professional
integrity of the Applicant, its shareholders, or member(s);
(d) The Applicant has not committed a grave error in the performance of its profession;
(e) The Applicant has met its obligations with regard to the payment of social security contributions
or taxes, in accordance with the legal requirements in the country in which it is established;
(f) The Applicant has not been guilty of making false statements in the provision of information,
including statements made for the purpose of an application and the information submitted on the
basis thereof.
(g) The Applicant is not Nigerian Government owned or controlled (whether wholly or partly);
(h) In the case of a Consortium, all Consortium Members have applied only once and are not Applicants
in their own right or Consortium Member of another Applicant;
Conflict of Interest:
(a) such Applicant has the same legal representative for purposes of this Application as any other
Applicant; or
(b) such Applicant, or any officer thereof has a relationship with another Applicant, or any officer
thereof, directly or through common third party/ parties, that puts either or both of them in a position
to have access to each other’s information about, or to influence the Application of either or each
other; or
(c) such Applicant, or any officer thereof has participated as a consultant to the PDT in the preparation
of any documents, design, or technical specifications of the Project; or
(d) the Applicant engages any adviser that has previously advised the Sponsors or any of their agencies
in any manner in relation to the Project.