NAVEDTRA 15012 Enlisted Aide

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December 2010

NOTICE: For content issues, contact the servicing Center of Excellence:

Center for Service Support (401) 841‐1057 or DSN: 841‐1057
Although the words "he," "him," and "his" are
used sparingly in this course to enhance
communication, they are not intended to be
gender driven or to affront or discriminate
against anyone.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Rev. DEC 2010 i

Sailor's Creed

"I am a United States Sailor.

I will support and defend the

Constitution of the United States of
America and I will obey the orders of
those appointed over me.

I represent the fighting spirit of the

Navy and those who have gone before
me to defend freedom and democracy
around the world.

I proudly serve my country's Navy

combat team with honor, courage and

I am committed to excellence and the

fair treatment of all."

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The United States Navy is responsible for maintaining control of the
sea and is a ready force on watch at home and overseas, capable of
strong action to preserve the peace or of instant offensive action to
win in war.
It is upon the maintenance of this control that our country's glorious
future depends; the United States Navy exists to make it so.


Tradition, valor, and victory are the Navy's heritage from the past. To
these may be added dedication, discipline, and vigilance as the
watchwords of the present and the future.
At home or on distant stations, we serve with pride, confident in the
respect of our country, our shipmates, and our families.
Our responsibilities sober us; our adversities strengthen us.
Service to God and Country is our special privilege. We serve with


The Navy will always employ new weapons, new techniques, and
greater power to protect and defend the United States on the sea,
under the sea, and in the air.
Now and in the future, control of the sea gives the United States her
greatest advantage for the maintenance of peace and for victory in
Mobility, surprise, dispersal, and offensive power are the keynotes of
the new Navy. The roots of the Navy lie in a strong belief in the
future, in continued dedication to our tasks, and in reflection on our
heritage from the past.
Never have our opportunities and our responsibilities been greater.

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Center for Service Support


The Center of Service Support (CSS), Newport, RI would like to acknowledge assistance of
the following personnel in writing this NRTC:

CSCM (SS) Kenneth Croft NPC

CS1 (SW) Rodney Stokes USJFCOM

CSCS (SW/AW) Frank Davila JCCoE Fort Lee, VA



CSCS (SW/AW) Lawrence LaPell Commander Fleet Forces

CSCS (SW/AW) Shawn McMahon Fleet Forces Command

CSCS (SW) Michael Tiong Joint Forces Staff College

CSCS (SW/AW) Daniel Vennard Fleet Forces Command

CSCS (SS) Brian Woyak Vice President’s Residence

CSC Douglas Grimley Commander Naval Air Forces

CSC (SW/AW) Thomas Hicks USJFCOM



CS1 (SW/AW) John Miranda USJFCOM

CS1 (SW) Michael Muni Fleet Forces Command

Rev. DEC 2010 iv

RTM Development Group personnel who provided direct support for this RTM:

Mr. Richard Price NRTC Model Manager/Conference Facilitator

Ms. Jackie Cayer Editor

Mr. Richard Rangel Editor

CSCS (SW) Scott Spencer CSS Training Manager

CSC (SS) Ken Hollar CSS Training Manager

The Model Manager for this RTM is Center for Service Support Newport, RI DSN 841-1057

Rev. DEC 2010 v

About this course:

This is a self-study course. By studying this course, you can improve your professional/military
knowledge, as well as prepare for the Navy-wide advancement-in-rate examination. It contains
subject matter about day-to-day occupational knowledge and skill requirements and includes text,
tables, and illustrations to help you understand the information. An additional important feature of this
course is its reference to useful information in other publications. The well-prepared Sailor will take
the time to look up the additional information.

By enrolling in this self-study course, you have demonstrated a desire to improve yourself and the
Navy. Remember, however, this self-study course is only one part of the Navy training program.
Practical experience, schools, selected reading, and your desire to succeed are also necessary to
successfully round out a fully meaningful training program.

COURSE OVERVIEW: In completing this non-resident training course, you will demonstrate
knowledge of the subject matter by correctly answering questions on the following subjects: The
military postal service, designations and terminations, mail packaging and acceptance, domestic mail,
international mail, registered mail, finance, handling and transportation, claims and inquiries, directory
service, equipment and supplies, official mail, audits, reports and inspections.

THE COURSE: This self-study course is organized into subject matter areas, each containing
learning objectives to help you determine what you should learn along with text and illustrations to
help you understand the information. The subject matter reflects day-to-day requirements and
experiences of personnel in the rating or skill area. Also, it reflects guidance provided by Enlisted
Community Managers (ECMs) and other senior personnel, technical references, instruction, etc., and
either the occupational or Naval standards, which are listed in Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower
and Personnel Classifications and Occupations Standards, NAVPERS 18068.

THE ASSIGNMENTS: The assignments that appear in this course are designed to help you
understand the material in the text.


The objective of this course is to provide Enlisted Aide (EA) with occupational information.


The links and material that you are to study are included in each chapter. Study the material and links
carefully before attempting to answer the questions. Pay close attention to tables and illustrations,
and read the information in the links.

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Read each question carefully, and then select the BEST answer. You may refer freely to the text. The
answers must be the result of your own work and decisions. You are prohibited from referring to or
copying the answers of others and from giving answers to anyone else taking the course.


To have your assignments graded, you must be enrolled in the course with the Non-Resident Training
Course Administration Branch. Following enrollment, there are two ways of having your assignments
Use the Internet to submit your assignments as you complete them.
Send all the assignments at one time by mail to CPPD, NRTC.

Grading on the Internet: Advantages to Internet grading are as follows:

You may submit your answers as soon as you complete an assignment.
You get your results faster.
In addition to receiving grade results for each assignment, you will receive course completion
confirmation once you have completed all the assignments.

To submit your assignment answers via the Internet, go to the following site:

Grading by Mail: When you submit answer sheets by mail, send all of your assignments at one time.
Do NOT submit individual answer sheets for grading. Mail all of your assignments in an envelope,
which you either provide yourself or obtain from your nearest Educational Services Officer (ESO).
Submit answer sheets to the following:
Commanding Officer
Center for Personal and Professional Development
6490 Saufley Field Road
Pensacola, FL 32509

Answer Sheets: Each course includes an answer sheet for your assignments. If you are going to
mail in your answer sheets, please make copies of the included answer sheet. Explanations for
completing the answer sheets are on the answer sheet.

Follow the instructions for marking your answer on the answer sheet. Be sure that blocks 1, 2, and 3
are filled in correctly. This information is necessary for your course to be properly processed and for
you to receive credit for your work.

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Courses must be completed within 12 months from the date of enrollment. This includes time required
to resubmit failed assignments.


You will be given the opportunity to resubmit failed assignments. You may resubmit failed
assignments only once. Internet students will receive notification when they have failed an
assignment; they may then resubmit failed assignments on the Web site. Internet students may view
and print results for failed assignments from the Web site. Students who submit by mail will receive a
failing result letter and a new answer sheet for resubmission of each failed assignment.


After successfully completing this course, you can download a copy of your letter of completion on the
NRTC Web site:

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We value your suggestions, questions, and criticisms on our courses. If you would like to
communicate with us regarding this course, we encourage you, if possible, to use e-mail. If you write
or fax, please use a copy of the Student Comment form that follows this page.

For subject matter questions:

Contact the Center for Service Support, Newport, RI

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 401-841-1057 or DSN 841-1057

For enrollment, shipping, grading, or completion letter questions:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: Toll Free 1-877-264-8583

Comm: 850-452-1511

DSN: 922-1511

FAX: 850-452-1370

(Do NOT fax answer sheets.)

Commanding Officer
Center for Personal and Professional Development
6490 Saufley Field Road
Pensacola, FL 32509

Privacy Act Statement: Under authority of Title 5, USC 301, information regarding your military
status is requested in processing your comments and in preparing a reply. This information will not be
divulged without written authorization to anyone other than those within DOD for official use in
determining performance.

Rev. DEC 2010 ix

Students' Comments
Course Title: _______________________________________________________________

NAVEDTRA: ___________________________Date: _______________________________

We need some information about you:

Rate/Rank and Name: _______________________________________________________

Command/Unit: ____________________________________________________________

Street Address: ____________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________________________________________________

State/FPO: ________________________________________________________________

Zip: ______________________________________________________________________

Email Address: _____________________________ DSN: __________________________

Your comments, suggestions, etc: _____________________________________________











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1. EA Overview………….………………… ……………………………………….……...1-1
2. Duties and Responsibilities.……..……………………………………………….........2-1
3. Executive Mess/Flag Mess Operations……………………………………………….3-1
4. Quarters Operations…………………………………………………………………….4-1
5. Protocol…………………………....……………………………………………………..5-1
6. Entertaining and Planning…………………………………..………………………….6-1
7. Uniform and Components……..……………..…………………………………………7-1
8. Special Household Equipment………………………………………………………….8-1
9. Security Crime Prevention, Counter-Terrorism……………………….....................9-1
10. Official Forms……..…………………………………………………………………….10-1

Appendix I Acronyms Used to Develop the TRAMAN………………………… Appendix I-1

Appendix II References Used to Develop the TRAMAN………………………… Appendix II-1

Assignment 1- Chapter 1, 2.……..………………………………………………………AS1-1

Assignment 2 – Chapter 3, 4, 5..………………………………………………………….AS2-1
Assignment 3 – Chapter 6…..……………………………………………………………..AS3-1
Assignment 4 – Chapter 7, 8……..………………………………………………………..AS4-1
Assignment 5 – Chapter 9, 10,..…………………………………………………………..AS5-1

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Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

—Identify Duties of the EA/Flag Mess Detailer and Community Manage.

—Identify EAs Statement of Duties.

—How to prepare a Biography for EA.


As an Enlisted Aide (EA) you will be responsible for both Quarters and Flag Mess actives.
Some of your requirements are to accommodate Flag Officers and Generals on daily need like main-
taining uniforms, arranging official social events, menu planning, administrative duties and record
keeping to name a few.


The Navy EA/Flag Mess Detailer/ Community Manager are assigned to the Bureau of Naval
Personnel (BUPERS), Navy Personnel Command (NPC); Executive Services Branch located at the
NPC and is the Assignment Manager for the Navy EA Program.


Coordinates EA nominations, selections and assignments when notified of upcoming and

available billets with admiral & general officers and their staff and the individual EAs
Monitors EA position requirements to ensure expeditious replacement and reassignment of
Screens all EAs and Flag Mess applications
Identifies and screens qualified candidates via recruiting
Forwards nomination packets to the admiral & general officers for review
Forwards the approval request of EA NEC of 3530.

The EA Community Manager:

Manages all aspects of the EAs and Flag Mess assignments.

EA Community Manager Duties:

Serves as the Navy‟s Enlisted Advisor to the EA Program
Serves as the point of contact for all EAs within the Navy

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EA: “Overview”, Chapter 1.

Advises, provides information and guidance to Admiral‟s, their spouses, and EAs telephoni-
cally, by personal interview and through written correspondence on all aspects of the EA Pro-
gram to include utilization, and career management
Provides guidance and direction of training products distributed to the Admiral and their
spouses and serves as the primary interface with Admiral‟s and their spouses
Briefs at scheduled flag officer conferences. When requested, briefs flag officer‟s and their
spouses with first time EAs
Forwards recommendations for all EA/Flag Mess Programs on policy, standards, and official
Mentors EAs on career enhancing assignments, training, force alignment, NEC structure is-
sues, promotion projections and career development
Provides “On-Site Training” for new EAs when requested
Recruits, interviews and nominates candidates for the EA Program
Develops, implements and conducts resident EA training
Manage quotas for Fort Lee EA Training
Liaisons with sister services on similar programs.

Location and Contact Information

Mailing Address: Commander
Naval Personnel Command
5720 Integrity Dr., Bldg. 791
Millington, TN 38055
Duty Phone: DSN 882-3871 / CML 901-874-3871



The OPNAV Instruction 1306.3 (series) provides the policies and guidance for EA personnel
assigned to duty in public quarters. The following briefly summarizes the OPNAV Instruction.


All enlisted personnel assigned to EA duty are volunteers and may only be assigned by BU-

Statement of Duties

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EA: “Overview”, Chapter 1.

EAs are authorized to perform duties that relate to the military and official responsibilities or
have a reasonable connection to those officer‟s duties to which EAs are assigned. EAs assigned and
billeted to Flag Officers Quarters are billeted directly to the personal staff of that Flag officer. When
checking into the Flag Officers command the EA will schedule a formal office call with the Admiral or
Flag Officer to receive official instruction on the following:
Duties. responsibilities and standards in accordance with OPNAV instruction 1306.3 (series)
Amount of official entertaining
Expectation of meal service to be provided on a daily basis and for official social events
Frequency of TDY/travel
Mode of transportation when performing errands/reimbursement of fuel costs
Training (Additional training is available via senior area mentors)
Duty hours/means of compensation for duty performed outside the normal duty hours
Off-duty education/off-duty employment
After a shore tour EAs must rotate to sea duty, either as an EA or to a CS billet. Any devia-
tion from this career path requires direct approval by the Vice Chief of Naval Operations via
the Chief of Naval Personnel.

The EA is responsible to the outgoing Flag officer for assisting with the following:
Assist with all requirements relating to the transfer and securing close out of official govern-
ment quarter‟s hand receipts and inventories of assigned furnishings/equipment located in
that Admirals assigned Flag quarters
Close out and finalize all records and financial statements with the Flag Officer
Coordinate/assist in the final cleaning and maintenance requirements required to clear
through the Housing Office.
Coordination, preparation, service and cleaning of all change of command events held at the
Flag Quarters or assigned event area
Close out all trouble calls with Public Private Ventures (PPV) or housing maintenance con-
Be available to assist and coordinate Flag Quarters transition requirements for the Flag Of-

Personal Servitude

No officer may utilize an enlisted member as a servant for duties that have no reasonable
connection with the officer‟s official duties or that contributes solely to the personal benefit of individu-
al officers or their families.

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EA: “Overview”, Chapter 1.


The following list is from Department of Defense Directive (DODD) 1315.9 (series), which
states; “Under regulations prescribed by the Secretaries of the Military Departments, in connection
with military and official functions and duties, EAs may be utilized to:
Assist with the care, cleanliness, and order of all spaces. Assist with the care, cleanliness
and presentation of the Admirals uniforms and military personal equipment
When absent, perform as military point of contact in the Admiral quarters. Receive and main-
tain records of telephone calls, make appointments, and receive guests and visitors
Assist in the planning, preparation, arrangement and service of food & beverages in the Ad-
mirals assigned quarters or official location, for the conduct of official social functions and ac-
tivities deemed to have a reasonable connection, such as receptions, parties, and dinners
Accomplish tasks that aid the officer in the performance of his military and official responsi-
bilities. Refer to OPNAV instruction 1306.3 (series) in regards to permissible and impermiss-
ible duties to include providing security for the quarters and providing administrative assis-
tance. Refer to OPNAV Instruction 1306.3 (series) for further guidance for use of EAs.

Restrictions on the Use of EAs

Policy regarding restrictions on the use of EAs is quoted from DOD Directive 1315.9: “Under
the applicable statutes and the relevant case in reference (10 U.S.C. 3639), no officer may use an en-
listed member as a servant for duties which contribute only to the officer‟s personal benefit and which
have no reasonable connection with the officer‟s official responsibilities.” United States v. Robinson
instructs that “for an order, to be lawful, it must relate to specific military duty and be one which the
member of the armed services is authorized to give.”

In this context, examples of tasks considered improper for an EA to perform are:

Any form of pet care, including feeding
Any form of infant or childcare
Grounds keeping duties other than tasks such as mowing, raking, watering and general yard
Operation, care, maintenance, licensing, inspection, or cleaning of any privately owned ve-
Maintenance of privately-owned recreational or sporting equipment, except in connection
with the use of such equipment for official purposes
Any personal services solely for the benefit of family members or unofficial guests including
any driving, shopping, private errands, or laundry services
Duties for which they are not qualified including landscaping, pruning, or repair duties (partic-
ularly electrical, major plumbing, or repair of furnishings). Such tasks shall be performed per
local procedures established for Flag Officer housing as coordinated through the housing au-

Note: These examples are guideline examples only, not an all-inclusive listing. Notwithstanding,
every government EA (in this case we will insert “EA”) has an obligation to expend an honest
Rev. DEC 2010 1-4
EA: “Overview”, Chapter 1.

effort and reasonable proportion of their time in the performance of official duties. Conversely,
the EA shall not encourage, direct, coerce or request a subordinate to use official time to per-
form activities other than those required in the performance of official duties or authorized in
accordance with the law or regulation. In all instances a legal review is prudent prior to sche-
duling any event.

Implications on Restricted Use of EAs

These restrictions became law when accepted by Congress in U.S. Code Title 10, Chapter
349, and Section 3639. It is important to remember that per IRS Publication 15 –B; as long as an Ad-
miral is using their EA to assist them in their official business, the EA is not providing non-cash benefit
that needs to be recorded as income. However, if the EA does perform a strictly personal service,
then the benefit is taxable income to the recipient. If one reports such services as income, they simul-
taneously admit breaking military regulations. If one fails to report such income, they may be violating
Federal Income Tax Law. To sum this up, payment must be provided by the Admiral to the EA for per-
sonal services to comply with all ethical rules found in the Joint Ethics Regulations, Department of De-
fense DOD 5500.7(series)


EA /Flag Mess Detailer

Coordinates EA nominations, selections and assignments when notified of upcoming and

available billets with admirals, their staff, and the individual EAs.

Note: NPC notification is required prior to filling any EA vacancy. This is necessary to ensure con-
gressionally directed ceiling limitations are not exceeded and that a favorable background
screening has been received.

To initiate request for nomination packages contact: Naval Personnel Command; EA, Flag
Mess detailer phone number: 901-874-3871.

Recommended Package Information for Screening

Mail or email the following completed packages to the EA/Flag Mess Detailer:
NAVPERS 1306/92 Special Program Screening Form
NAVPERS 1306/7 Enlisted Personnel Action Request, with CO endorsement
Last 5 evaluations
Current security clearance (minimum of SECRET)
Current front & side view photo in dress uniform (See figure 1-1 below).

Personal Physical Detractors

Visible tattoos (on neck, forearms, and hands)
PRIMS date must be accurate and updated.

Rev. DEC 2010 1-5

EA: “Overview”, Chapter 1.

Mailing Address: Commander

Naval Personnel Command
5720 Integrity Dr, Bldg. 791
Millington, TN 38055
Duty Phone: DSN 882-3871 / CML 901-874-3871

Side View Photo Front View Photo

Figure 1-1, Example Photos for Screening Package.

Proposed Interview Topics

To assist the Admiral and the EA, the following is a list of areas to discuss during the interview
Duties, responsibilities, and standards in accordance with OPNAV instruction 1306.3 (series)
Amount of official entertaining
Expectation of meal service to be provided on a daily basis and for official social events
Frequency of TDY/travel
Mode of transportation when performing errands/reimbursement of fuel costs
Training (Additional training is available via senior area mentors)
Duty hours/means of compensation for duty performed outside the normal duty hours

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EA: “Overview”, Chapter 1.


Senior Chief Culinary Specialist (Surface Warfare) JOHN DOE, USN

Senior Enlisted Advisor / LCPO Commandant’s Mess

Joint Forces Staff College, National Defense University

Senior Chief Doe is a native of Manila, Philippines and graduated from Jefferson High School
in Jefferson County, WV in 1993. He enlisted in the U. S. Navy in July 1993. Upon completion of
Boot Camp in San Diego, CA, he attended Mess Specialist “A” School in San Diego. His first assign-
ment was onboard the USS CONOLLY (DD 979) home ported in Norfolk, VA. The Conolly switched
homeports to Mayport, FL and was decommissioned in August 1998. After achieving his Enlisted Sur-
face Warfare Specialist Qualification and decommissioning, he worked in the Enlisted Mess Hall at
NSA Mayport, FL.
Senior Chief Doe then had the opportunity of a lifetime when he accepted orders to be a
chef at Camp David. From Jan 1999 through October 2001, he had the honor of supporting Presi-
dents Clinton and Bush as chef, field cook, and Jack of the Dust. His talents were frequently show-
cased for numerous distinguished visitors in addition to his regular responsibilities to the President of
the United States.
In November 2001 through May 2005, Senior Chief Doe served at the Chairman‟s Dining
Room, Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff where he provides culinary support to Gen-
eral Richard Myers, the former Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, and General Peter Pace, who was then
the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In addition to a role as chef, he has proven to be a ta-
lented mentor and a remarkable leader and role model.
In May 2005 thru May 2008, Senior Chief Doe served at the White House, where he again
provided not only culinary support but also provision security for President Bush, his family, and his
Senior Chief Doe has earned the following decorations: Defense Meritorious Service Med-
al, Navy Commendation Medal, Joint Staff Meritorious Service Medal, Navy Achievement Medal,
Good Conduct Award, various unit and service awards, and is authorized to wear the Presidential
Service Badge and the Joint Staff Badge.
He has an Associate‟s Degree in Culinary Arts through Stratford University and currently
working on his Bachelor‟s Degree of the same field at Empire State College. He has a certification of
Executive Chef and Chef De Cuisine from the American Culinary Federation. He is also an IFSEA
Certified HAACP Manager, Certified Professional Food Manager, and Master Certified Food Execu-
Senior Chief Doe is married to the former Susan Smith of Rockville, Maryland and they
have two children, Billy who is 6 years old and Jane who is 4 years old. His mother is Angel Williams
and stepfather is Bradley Williams of Shepherdstown, WV.

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EA: “Overview”, Chapter 1.


2005 Associate Degree in Culinary Arts, Stratford University, Leesburg, Virginia

2006 Master Certified Food Executive, International Food Service Executives Association
2006 HAACP Manager, International Food Service Executives Association
2006 Certified Professional Food Manager, International Food Service Executives Associa-
2008 Certified Chef De Cuisine, American Culinary Federation
2009 Certified Executive Chef, American Culinary Federation


1. October 1993 – December 1993, Mess Specialist “A” school, San Diego, California
2. January 1994 – August 1998, Mess Specialist, USS CONOLLY ( DD-979), Norfolk, Virginia and
Mayport, Florida
3. August 1998 – December 1998, Mess Specialist, NSA Mayport Galley, Mayport, Florida
4. December 1998 – October 2001, Mess Specialist, NSF Thurmont Camp David, Thurmont, Mary-
5. November 2001 – April 2005, Culinary Specialist, Joint Staff Chairman‟s Dining Room, Pentagon,
Arlington, Virginia
6. May 2005 – June 2008, Culinary Specialist, White House Presidential Food Service, Washington,
District of Columbia
7. June 2008 – Present Leading Chief Petty Officer Commandant‟s Mess and Senior Enlisted Advi-
sor, Joint Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Virginia


Defense Meritorious Service Medal

Joint Service Achievement Medal
Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal
Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with 4 gold stars
Navy Good Conduct Medal with 4 service stars
National Defense Service Medal with one service star
Southwest Asia Service Medal with one service star
Global War on Terrorism Medal
Armed Forces Service Medal
NATO Medal
Navy Pistol Qualification Medal with one bronze „S‟

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EA: “Overview”, Chapter 1.


December 1993 Seaman

January 1995 Third Class Petty Officer

July 1997 Second Class Petty Officer

July 2003 First Class Petty Officer

September 2005 Chief Petty Officer

April 2008 Senior Chief Petty Officer

Information current as of 9 June 2010

Executive level EA Assignments


Executive level assignments require a Single Scope Background security clearance. They al-
so require a face to face interview. These assignments include:
Presidential Food Service
It has been recorded as far back as 1880 aboard the presidential yacht dispatch, while Presi-
dent Rutherford B. Hayes was in office, that Navy stewards were first utilized to provide food service
to the Commander in Chief. Since that time, the Navy has assigned their best CSs to the White House
to prepare the finest foods and provide outstanding food service for the President throughout the
The Pentagon
Secretary of Defense Mess
The Joint Chiefs of Staff, dining room
Secretary of the Navy Mess
Camp David
Vice Presidents Quarters
Other prestige assignments include 3 and 4 star Flag Officer quarters worldwide.


In this chapter, we discussed the duties and responsibilities of an EA. We also identified the
different types of duties of an EA and the duties of the EA Community Manager as well as the hiring
procedures of an EA.

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EA: “Overview”, Chapter 1.

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Duties and Responsibilities

Learning Objective: Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

— Identify the Duties of the Enlisted Aide/Flag Mess Culinary Specialist.

—Identify Special Duties and Responsibilities of the Enlisted Aide.

—Identify arranging special functions.

—Identify Enlisted Aide/Flag Mess Career Path.


As an Enlisted Aide (EA)/Flag Mess Culinary Specialist (CS), you may be charged with the re-
sponsibility of managing an Admiral’s Quarters or Flag Mess. This is a challenging and rewarding as-


It is important to remember that EAs are subject to the same rules and obligations as other
members of the Navy and Department of Defense (DOD). Some applicable items of concern are:
A specific duty phone and designated workspace should be established to enable the EA
receive notices, messages, etc. It is necessary for the EA to have daily access to a computer
and email
EA must meet military formations and appointments, but should normally be exempt from unit
musters and duty rosters
EAs must be afforded time to maintain their physical fitness and readiness. Their duty sche-
dule must include time to continue to excel as Sailors being proficient with their assigned ca-
reer field, physically and mentally prepared for any mission, up to date on all security and bio-
hazard measures
The EA works a standard work week consistent with other military members at that location.
However, due to the nature of the duties, the EAs duty hours must be flexible. Standard work
hours are 8 hour days. Work hours can be split between the quarters and the front office.


An EAs duty is to provide support and assistance to an assigned Admiral in the course of that
flag officer fulfilling their official duties. Primary areas of emphasis include uniform maintenance,
upkeep of ALL areas of the assigned quarters. OPNAV Instructions 1306.3 (series) spells out guide-
lines on what duties EAs may be utilized to do. The ambiguity of the words “assist” and “help” were
built into the regulation by Congress for a very specific purpose. There is a need to ensure that no en-
listed member be held solely responsible for determining all requirements relating to the admirals
needs. Rather, they deemed it necessary for the admiral to provide input to ensure the enlisted aide
performs the duties specified by that admiral. With that communication in place there can be no doubt

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EA: “Duties and Responsibilities”, Chapter 2.

as to where the assignment of duties was initiated and the EA will be less likely to “labor or exert
themselves for the personal benefit of an officer.”


The flag officer will prescribe the work clothing (organizational clothing) for the EA.

The work attire may include slacks (Navy uniform pants or conservative civilian pants) and a
collared shirt (polo shirt or aloha shirt). Shoes will include Navy uniform or non-faddish lace-up or
closed heel slip-on. Jewelry shall be worn per standard Navy Uniform Regulations. Attire for upkeep
and maintenance duties will be determined by the flag officer to whom assigned. Clothing will be
standardized if more than one EA is assigned to the home.

Formal clothing may be prescribed for certain events. Formal clothing may include jacket or
vest and bowtie or necktie.

If civilian attire is authorized to enter or leave the quarters, such clothing will be clean and neat
that will not bring discredit to the flag officer. Casual attire does not include shorts, jeans, or tee shirts.


The EA must have vast knowledge of the admiral’s uniforms, the regulations and policies, pro-
cedures that cover them, the admiral’s personal preferences regarding wear of those uniforms and be
able to document that information. The EA must have a working knowledge of routine care, laundry
and repair techniques to keep those uniforms their sharpest. If it is desired by the admiral the EA will
prepare a packing list and assist the admiral in packing/unpacking uniforms and official gear. Addi-
tional information can be found in chapter 7 of this publication.


The EA will assist with household management to include: cleaning ALL areas of the quarters;
providing care of government furnishings and equipment; requisitioning, receiving and accountability
of government owned equipment. Coordinating, scheduling and monitoring work orders for lawn care,
maintenance of hedges, flowerbeds and landscaping.


The EA will assist in the development of menus, determination of meal requirements and pro-
duction of shopping lists. The EA will provide meals (as required) based on the Admiral’s dietary con-
straints and personal preferences. The EA will shop for food, beverage supplies and be well versed
on the selection and payment methods preferred by the admiral. The EA/Flag Mess CS will employ
sanitation; food handling and storage techniques Instruction should be based on the Bureau of Medi-
cine and Surgery’s Manual of Naval Preventive Medicine, NAVMED P5010.


The EA will assist in the scheduling of social events by coordinating with the Admiral’s office
and the Protocol Officer. The EA will be able to conduct food preparation, manage funds, develop me-
nus, provide table arrangements and table settings; coordinate all printing requirements, greeting
guests, bartending and meal service.

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EA: “Duties and Responsibilities”, Chapter 2.


The EA will maintain accounting ledgers for inventories, funds drawn from the admiral’s per-
sonal accounts and official entertainment funds. They will provide (as required) monthly, quarterly and
yearly reports for all accounts. The Enlisted Aide is the Point of Contact (POC) for all operations tak-
ing place in the admiral’s quarters to include serving as the Quarters Safety and Security Manager;
and serve as the Liaison between the quarters and the Admiral’s Office Staff, Protocol Office and Pub-
lic/Private Venture housing (PPV) region housing director.


Prior to deployment, the EA will obtain as much information as possible pertaining to the sup-
port available at the deployed location to include: room size and equipment set-up of the Admiral’s of-
fice and quarters; heating, water and electrical sources and wattage; and establish POCs, for subsis-
tence supply Food Service Officers, (FSOs), or contractor and laundry facilities. Additional training
may include Evasive Driving and Personal Security. With the admiral’s approval, develop a list of es-
sential clothing and personal equipment and after procurement check for serviceability and fit of those
items. Obtain adequate supply of bedding, towels, toiletries and personal hygiene items in alliance
with (IAW) the admiral’s personal preferences to include prescription medications and over the coun-
ter items. Establish protocols for maintaining sensitive items. Inspect daily for insect and rodent con-
trol. Establish a daily continuity log for future use.

Duty Schedule and Continuity Book

The daily work schedule of EA that work in the quarters is dictated by the requirements of the
Admiral. The EA should determine these requirements with the Admiral and spouse to develop a dai-
ly/weekly/monthly work schedule to ensure time is properly utilized.


Enlisted Aides/Flag Mess personnel can arrange and provide services for official social and
reoccurring events conducted by the admiral in their assigned quarters or other designated location
(e.g., office, officer’s club). Such as:
Menu development, planning and preferences
Shopping, method of payment and recording procedures
Meal preparation, preferred methods, meal requirements and presentation
Management of the outside of the quarters, mowing, watering and landscaping as required.


Upon acceptance of an EA position, the EA will receive specific instructions concerning the du-
ties they will be required to perform. These instructions include information regarding duty hours,
times for meal service, shopping schedule and other tasks unique to the household.

Due to the often erratic schedule of the flag officer, quarterly periodic one-on-one meetings
with the EA, conducted in the Admiral’s office are recommended. This is an ideal time to surface any
problems, discuss career development, plan leave and perform mandatory performance feedback.

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EA: “Duties and Responsibilities”, Chapter 2.

There may be occasions when a new EA requires additional instruction, guidance or expe-
rience in certain duty areas. In those instances the admiral may wish to make arrangements to detail
the EA, on a part-time basis, to base activities which could assist in the orientation period. These ac-
tivities include:
Senior area mentor
Officer or Enlisted Club for food preparation practices
Executive Dining Facilities / Protocol
Local hotels or restaurants whose chefs provide mentoring
Another admiral’s quarters with an experienced enlisted aide.


The day before departure check the Flag Officers Packing list to the uniform clothing require-
ments. Work with the flag aide to stay ahead of changes.

When traveling with the Flag Officer you should be at the plane at least one hour prior to de-
parture. The aide is responsible for the Flag Officers luggage & personal items when they are to be
transported from the residence to the final destination. Load the Flag Officers luggage last and sepa-
rate from everyone else’s.

On the plane, set up the Flag Officers cabin (paper, jacket, blanket, head phones) set his/hers
toiletry bag in the lavatory. When the Flag Officer comes aboard be at his/her cabin door to assist the
Flag Officer with any issues. The EA is responsible for serving the Flag Officer, not the flight atten-

When the plane arrives at the destination the Flag Officer will depart and arrive at the hotel be-
fore the EA. Ensure you grab all his luggage and belongings and get to the hotel as soon as possible.
When tasked to help unload the plane be respectful and be a team player. Remember the Flag Offic-
er’s luggage and get to the hotel when finished (Tie a colored string on the Flag Officers luggage for
easy identification). You should always keep a key to the Flag Officers room.

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EA: “Duties and Responsibilities”, Chapter 2.

When you arrive at the place of lodging bring the Admirals belongings to the room and set up
the next immediate clothing change. Set up toiletry bag and any food or beverages you expect the
Admiral may want, i.e. favorite snacks, sodas or water in the refrigerator. Return to the room when the
Admiral is settled and go over the next 3 uniform changes. If you cannot manage to work out of the
Admiral’s room, press and rig his uniforms from your room and transport them back. Stay informed of
the Admirals dining request. Is he going out, does he want room service; does he want something
from his favorite restaurant? Stay flexible! You should be standing by the room after breakfast to get in
and make sure the Admirals uniform is properly rigged and ready. Collect dirty linen and clean up. Set
next uniform out and ready for the Admirals return. Follow the schedule and be at the room for uni-
form changes in case the Admiral has a problem. Check out with both the Admiral and the EA before
departing at anytime. Scan the room before departure to ensure nothing was left behind.

Ensure all the Admirals luggage returns to the plane. Reset the cabin and lavatory and stand
ready to resettle the Admiral.

When you return to the Admirals residence properly stow and hang clothing and gear. Stow
dirty clothing and uniforms for cleaning, dry cleaning and maintenance the next day if it is too late in
the day. Before leaving set out the next day’s uniform requirements. Check out with the Admiral before


A career path (See figure 2-1) helps Sailors determine when they can reasonably expect to re-
ceive training or hold a specific duty position. It also provides consistency and ensures everyone
meets a basic set of requirements needed to perform effectively in a particular duty position. There-
fore, the following training is required at specific points in an EAs career:

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EA: “Duties and Responsibilities”, Chapter 2.

Figure 2-1, Enlisted Aide Career Path.

EAs must be aware of schools that are required to be attended. Promotions are directly linked
to performance and sailor’s skills must be maintained to ensure readiness and demonstrate leader-
ship potential.


You should contact your command Defense Travel System representative for all travel reim-
bursement to include POV for official errands only. The Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR)

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EA: “Duties and Responsibilities”, Chapter 2.

allows service designated officials to authorize/approve reimbursement for transportation expenses

necessarily incurred by member’s conducting official business.


In this chapter, we identified the duties and responsibilities of the EA/ Flag Mess CS. We also
identified the special duties of an EA; we discussed the organizational and planning of special func-
tions. Last, we discussed the EA/Flag Mess CS career path and the importance of a proper sea shore

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EA: “Duties and Responsibilities”, Chapter 2.

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Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

— Describe the different services that are performed while caring for stateroom afloat.

— Describe the different positions held by personnel in the flag messes afloat.

— Describe the responsibilities of a Flag Mess Culinary Specialist.

— Discuss the different serving styles and how they pertain to the service.

— Discuss the different setups’ and services provided by the mess.

— Discuss the proper sitting arrangements for official functions.

— Set-up a table for service: formal and informal.


In this chapter, we will identify the officers’ quarters afloat and the different services that are
performed while caring for staterooms. We indentified the different positions held by personnel and
their responsibilities in an afloat flag mess. We also identified the different types of Flag Mess meal
service, setting individual place settings and seating arrangements.


The Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command (COMNAVSUPSYSCOM) is responsible

for providing administrative and technical direction for officers’ quarters afloat. To discharge this re-
sponsibility, COMNAVSUPSYSCOM issues directives and letters of guidance and provides training
and aid to operating personnel.


Quarters on board ships are of several different types. Flag Officers and Chief of Staff (CoS)
have their own quarters. They are normally larger and more like bedrooms than other officer quarters
found on board ships.

Flag Officer, Chief of Staff and Assistant Chief of Staff

Quarters for flag officers, Chief of Staff (CoS)/Assistant Chief of Staff (ACoS) include a state-
room and private head Facilities.


Staterooms are berthing spaces provided for officers aboard ship. Officers other than flag of-
ficers and COS/ACOS may be assigned to either a one or two person stateroom based on seniority
and stateroom availability.

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The mess caterer or, if there is no caterer, the mess treasurer is usually responsible to the
mess president for the service, care and maintenance of quarters afloat.

Mess Caterer (Flag Aide or Flag Secretary)

The mess caterer is responsible for the efficient management of the officers’ staterooms, in-
cluding maintenance and repair of government-owned equipment and stateroom facilities. The caterer
is also responsible for providing linen, laundry and cleaning services. The mess caterer will ensure
that payments for all meals are made to the Food Service Officer (FSO). The method of collection for
meals will be determined by the FSO and the mess caterer.

Leading Culinary Petty Officer

The senior enlisted person assigned to the flag mess is the leading mess petty officer. The
leading mess petty officer is responsible to the mess caterer for both the supervision of foodservice
and stateroom service personnel. He or she also oversees the details of the daily flag mess operation.

Stateroom Supervisor

Ship’s size often dictates whether or not a stateroom supervisor is assigned. If assigned, the
stateroom supervisor is responsible to the leading mess petty officer for supervising the personnel as-
signed to stateroom service.

As a Culinary Specialist (CS) you may be assigned to supervise stateroom services afloat. As
a supervisor, you are expected to manage and coordinate the activities of personnel who provide sta-
teroom services. Your duties may include but are not limited to the following:

Planning the work schedule

The stateroom supervisor is responsible for the following:

Developing efficient methods for cleaning and maintaining the staterooms using limited
cleaning equipment and supplies available
Practicing proper inventory management regarding linen, supplies and cleaning equipment
Being familiar with the location of each stateroom, the easiest route to the ship’s laundry and
laundry pickup schedules
Tracking and documenting maintenance issues such as plumbing, electrical and material
condition items and ensuring the appropriate maintenance personnel are informed of these
Developing and implementing a key control system to ensure the security of stateroom keys,
paying particular attention to master keys
Coordinate with the ships laundry to schedule and establish procedures for the pickup and
return of laundry, establish marking requirements, establish procedures for tracking lost and
reimbursement procedures for lost or damaged articles.

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EA: “Executive Mess/Flag Mess Operations”, Chapter 3.

Other Assigned Personnel

CS personnel are responsible for performing functions associated with the management and
operation of officers’ quarters afloat. However, a rotational pool of enlisted personnel in paygrades E-1
through E-3 may be provided to aid the CSs in providing maintenance, cleaning and other services.

When assigned, the rotational pool is under the supervision of a CS and may perform the fol-
lowing duties:
Daily bed-making services and weekly bed linen changing for the Flag Officer and officers in
paygrades O-5 and above
Maintenance and cleaning of all staterooms and associated living spaces
Cleaning of passageways and heads in flag quarters
Assisting CS personnel in the cleaning and maintenance of foodservice spaces including flag
mess service and food preparation areas.


Basic officer stateroom service, which includes sweeping, dusting, sink cleaning, laundry ser-
vices and care of private effects, is explained next.


Staterooms must be thoroughly cleaned. This includes furnishings, ledges, corners and bulk-
heads. The same cleanliness is required for heads, showers, passageways and vestibules.

Access to Staterooms

The flag mess and staterooms are officers’ country. The flag mess personnel duties and their
continuous presence in officers’ country produce an especially close relationship between the enlisted
personnel and mess officers. Successful flag mess operation depends upon the mutual trust and re-
spect of this relationship. This trust results from high levels of personal honesty and integrity. The flag
mess and stateroom areas are out of bounds to personnel other than mess members and flag mess
personnel. The only exception may be for official business related to those spaces.

Great care must be taken to ensure security of Stateroom keys; only authorized personnel
should have access to key lockers. Master keys should only be issued to authorized personnel, strict
controls must be maintained to account for all keys issued.

Care of Private Property

One important rule to follow in cleaning staterooms is to avoid disturbing anything of a private
nature that has been left lying about. Occasionally, officers rush off leaving letters, papers, money, or
other valuables in sight. These instances should be reported at once to the officer, the flag mess lead-
ing CS, or the stateroom supervisor. Furthermore, papers, books, or letters should not be examined if
left lying around. These may concern official Navy matters or the officer’s personal affairs. In either
case, they are to be treated as private property. If valuables or other private items must be removed
when cleaning, you should make sure they are put back where they were found.

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EA: “Executive Mess/Flag Mess Operations”, Chapter 3.

Cleaning of Staterooms Personal Service

Daily cleaning is necessary, but the extent to which spaces are cleaned may vary with particu-
lar circumstances. More uniform cleaning can be done by using a cleaning bill. An example of a state-
room cleaning bill follows:

Clean washbasin, mirror, soap container and toothbrush holders
Make up beds for officers 0-5 and above
Sweep and mop deck or vacuum carpet
Empty wastebaskets
Dust all furniture.

Wash paintwork
Polish bright work
Clean electric fans and wipe down light fixtures
Replace soiled hand and bath towels and replace with clean ones, as scheduled
Deliver and pick up officers’ laundry as scheduled
Replace stripped linens with fresh clean ones. Leave linens on top of beds (0-4 and below
only), as scheduled
Scrub and wax deck or spot-check carpet and remove stains as scheduled
Hold general field day for certain staterooms as scheduled. Stand by for inspection.

Clean as Scheduled
Turn the mattress over and vacuum underneath it on a monthly basis, preferably during linen
Send draperies, curtains, chair covers and bedspreads for dry cleaning (as needed)
Shampoo carpets (quarterly).
The following services are considered of a personal nature and are the sole responsibility of
individual officers O-5 and below:
Bed making and bed linen changing except for O-5 and above
Care, maintenance and orderliness of personal effects that include military uniforms, uniform
accessories and shoes
Sorting and storage of personal laundry.

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EA: “Executive Mess/Flag Mess Operations”, Chapter 3.


Officers’ quarters aboard ship (staterooms) should present maximum habitability. Flag Staff re-
quire the highest standards of service and sanitation in the ship’s staterooms. There is no ship so
lacking in facilities, equipment, or personnel that minimum standards cannot be met. Careful use of
supplies and overhaul funds on allowed items should be exercised within the limitations of funding.
This will achieve the maximum level of habitability.

Care of Heads and Showers

An example of a cleaning bill for Flag Officer/COS stateroom heads and showers are as fol-

Clean washbasins and wipe down mirrors
Refill soap and towel dispensers
Clean utility sink and storage area
Wipe down shower curtains
Scrub down shower stalls
Wipe down glass doors or stainless steel doors
Scrub rubber mats and air dry
Scrub, clean and disinfect/sanitize urinals and commodes (use rubber gloves)
Wipe down partitions or dividers
Sweep and swab deck with hot soapy water and disinfectant
Replenish toilet paper
Empty trash can
Clean and neatly store all cleaning gear in locker.

Scrub down bulkhead
Clean overhead and light fixtures
Scrub down shower curtains; replace as required
De-scale urinals and commodes
Wipe down and polish stainless steel and all other bright work
Sweep, swab and scrub deck with hot soapy water and disinfectant.

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Replace burned-out bulbs as required

Replace missing curtain hooks and rubber mats
Check for water leaks; cold and hot water.

Passageways and Vestibules

Passageways and vestibules are also important parts of the responsibilities of CSs and rota-
tional pool personnel and must be incorporated in both the daily and weekly schedules. An example of
a passageway and vestibule cleaning bill follows:

Sweep down ladders; vacuum if necessary
Sweep, swab and buff passageways and vestibule decks
Wipe down ladder handrails with hot soapy water
Clean around deck combing or hatch openings
Check angle irons and ledges for gear adrift
Clean scuttlebutt.

Spot-check bulkheads and scrub down as required
Sweep, swab, wax and buff decks
Dust overhead, light fixtures and air vents
Clean baseboards and make sure all corners are completely cleaned
Scrub down ladders and dust guards with hot soapy water
Clean knife edges of hatches and ports
Polish brightwork as scheduled.


Strip wax once every 2 weeks or as scheduled

Check nonskid deck treads; replace as required
Check for burned-out bulbs and replace as required
Check quarterly for preservation and paint as required.

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EA: “Executive Mess/Flag Mess Operations”, Chapter 3.

Carpet Care

Overall safety factors and low maintenance costs make carpeting a far more desirable and
flexible environmental control material than any hard surface material that performs only a single func-

PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE—Maintenance time and costs can be greatly reduced and a

good overall appearance of carpets can be maintained by eliminating soil and dirt before they are
tracked into staterooms. Mats placed outside on inside entryways will eliminate most of the soil from
shoes before it can be tracked onto the carpet. High traffic areas, such as hallways and entrance
doors, take the brunt of soiling. Frequent vacuuming and preventive maintenance in the high traffic
areas will reduce the amount of time required to maintain these areas.

MAINTENANCE PROGRAM—Carpet maintenance is directly related to the amount of traffic in

the area.


Clean with vacuum cleaner. Remove spots and stains as they occur, if possible.

As Needed

The pile brush combines a brushing and vacuuming action. It should be used at least once a
week in addition to the regular cleaning and vacuuming. Proper shampooing procedures require the
use of a neutral, synthetic detergent that is specifically designed for cleaning carpets. First, pile brush
the carpet against the lay of the pile, then vacuum the carpet thoroughly.

During the actual shampooing, all furniture should be removed. Shampoo the carpet in circular
strokes, with a uniform application of suds. After the shampooing, spot-clean any stains that remain.
Following this, give the pile a finishing operation by hand-napping. Normally, drying takes 6 to 8
hours. In areas of traffic that must be used before the carpet is thoroughly dry, non-staining paper
should be placed on the carpet to prevent tracking soil onto the fabric. As a final operation, vacuum
the carpet on the following day to remove any fluff and lint loosened by the shampooing process.


Occasionally afloat flag messes will disembark the ship and operate from a shore facility; dur-
ing this period certain procedures must be followed to ensure the food service operation is operated in
a safe and accountable manner.
Strict adherence to food handling rules must be observed.
A system of financial accountability must be established. It is recommended that the CoS draft
a flag mess policy directing the daily operations of the mess. The policy must address the following is-
Establishment of a separate account for mess operations
Establishment of a audit board to oversee the financial management of the mess
Procedures for opening the mess including where the initial start up funds come from
Procedures for closing of the mess and to the disposition of excess funds

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Procedures for ensuring sanitation standards are being met

General rules for operations such as who will be fed and the hours of operation.


Normally, family style is the most popular meal service provided in flag messes afloat. Specific
flag mess space design, number of food service personnel and the desires of the Flag Officer, in
many cases determine the type of service to be used. However, regardless of which style of service is
used, it must be executed properly. The success of the best written menu and preparation efforts de-
pend on how the food is served. There is a proper sequence to be observed in good foodservice.
Good food service begins before the seating of staff members. It depends very much on advanced
planning and proper preparation.

The two basic meal styles are “formal” and “informal,” with variation within each style. Different
aspects of these styles will be discussed along with the peculiarities of each.

Formal Service

Formal meal service includes the semi-formal style and the formal style of “French” service.
This type of meal requires more advanced planning, detailed preparation and elaborate tableware
than any of the other styles. For these reasons, this style is usually conducted only in Commanding
Officers (COs) and flag officers’ messes and is normally used for occasions involving the entertain-
ment of special guests. The reference rules for this meal are covered more completely in the refer-
ence book entitled “Service Etiquette“ and in NAVSUP P486. Interpretation and application of these
rules or guidelines for any officers' mess afloat will usually be done by the senior CS in association
with the mess president and/or treasurer.

Semi-Formal Service - This modification of the formal style service is used much more often.
For example, it may be used daily in COs and flag officers’ messes if there are no guests. The prepa-
ration and service of this meal are not as elaborate as the formal style and require less time, facilities
and personnel. The individual place settings are similar to those used for the informal meal styles.
Few center items are used other than salt and pepper shakers, sugar bowls and creamers.

The method of serving meal items is what distinguishes semi-formal from informal meal styles.
In the semi-formal style, each food item is arranged on a separate serving dish in the pantry and then
offered to each diner. Beginning with the meat or main course, each course is carried into the war-
droom separately. The courses are presented to each diner in turn, starting with the head of the table,
the senior guest, or the individual designated by a buck or placecard. Each diner selects desired
items from the serving dishes and places them on his/her plate while the serving dish is held. Serving
dishes are returned to the pantry after their contents have been offered to all the diners.

Informal Service

Several types of informal service are used in the typical flag messes. Each has its own advan-
tages, but all are faster and more convenient to use than the formal styles. Those currently in use are
called family, American, a la carte, cafeteria and buffet styles.

Family Style - For this style of service, food is arranged in serving dishes, along with the use of
serving utensils. The dishes are then placed on the dining table and diners serve themselves and
then pass the dishes around the table until all diners have been served. The CS replenishes serving
dishes as necessary and provides beverage service. Dessert items may be brought in and placed on
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EA: “Executive Mess/Flag Mess Operations”, Chapter 3.

the sideboard and served by the CS/rotational pool personnel when the main course items have been
removed from the dining table.

American Style - This type of service is used in most restaurants. The main course plate is not
part of the initial place setting. Instead, individual plates are prepared in the pantry or galley and
placed before the seated diners. This form of meal service is often provided in officers’ messes in me-
dium-sized ships and is often combined with other, traditional forms of service. In American service,
food is placed on plates in the galley and taken to the wardroom and served to each diner.

A la Carte (Breakfast) Style - This type of service is usually provided at breakfast. As with the
American style, the main plate is not part of the initial plate setting. Instead, the diner is given a menu
or breakfast order form. After the diner has decided what food he or she wants and how it is to be
prepared, the order is delivered to the pantry or galley and the food is prepared as requested. It is
placed on a plate and served to the diner as the American style of service.

Cafeteria Style - This is the type of service that is used aboard some larger ships (e.g., carri-
ers, tenders). The diner does not normally serve himself/herself, rather, the diner selects the desired
items and the food service attendant places them on his/her plate. For example, salads, desserts and
some side dishes may be apportioned in dishes; and the diner simply takes them from the serving
line. The main course, vegetables, starches and meat, are portioned onto a plate by the food server
as the diner selects them.

Buffet Style (Self-Serve) - Although buffet service is listed under informal style service, it may
also be used on formal occasions. The requirements for formal use, as for all formal service, may be
obtained from the references listed under formal meal style. For both formal and informal use, this
type of service can be used when either space or serving personnel is limited and this is the preferred
method of service to reduce workload. The food is attractively arranged on a sideboard or serving ta-
ble and the diners serve themselves. It is customary to place silverware and other necessary dishes
on the dining table so that the diners do not have to carry them.

Serving responsibilities for buffet service are fewer, but they are no less important. The buffet
and dining table should be watched constantly so items are replenished before they run out; also, to
remove soiled dishes immediately after use. After the diners are seated, the buffet will require con-
stant attention so it remains attractive for latecomers or anyone desiring seconds.

When everyone has finished the main course, the main course foods should be removed from
the buffet table. The dishes and used silverware should be removed from the table. If the dessert is to
be served from the buffet table, the dessert and appropriate serving dishes should be arranged as
soon as the main course foods are removed. Otherwise, the dessert should be served at the table.

Other Service - Several other services are used in the typical Executive/Flag mess (e.g. confe-
rence setup, tray service, carryout service and coffee service). More detailed information can be
found on chapter 6 (Entertaining and Planning).


After setting the individual places, you should then set the dining table center items. These
items include standard items that are typically used at every meal and meal-related items that may be
included on the basis of menu requirements. The standard center items will always be placed on the
dining table when setting up the table.

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EA: “Executive Mess/Flag Mess Operations”, Chapter 3.

Standard Center Items

Figure 3-1 shows standard center setup. The descriptions of these items are as follows:
The sugar bowl is a small, silver, oval-shaped container with a short pedestal stand and lid.
It is always set with a sugar spoon
Salt and pepper shakers may be all silver or they may be glass with silver tops. The salt
should always be kept loose and dry. When placed on the dining table, both shakers should
always be at least three-fourths full
The coffee cream pitcher is similar in size and shape to the sugar bowl but has a spout and
no top
One set of these standard items is provided for every six diners. However, a set of salt and
pepper shakers is provided for every four diners. The standard center items are arranged
with the sugar bowl centered between the salt and pepper shakers on one side of the table
and the creamer on the other side. The salt shaker should be placed on the right side toward
the head of the table
Most ships consider some type of centerpiece as standard. This centerpiece usually consists
of a silver fruit bowl containing either fresh or artificial fruit for breakfast or fresh or artificial
flowers for lunch or dinner. If used, centerpieces should be lined up and arranged across the
tables to present a neat, attractive uniform appearance.

Figure 3-1, Standard center setup.

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EA: “Executive Mess/Flag Mess Operations”, Chapter 3.

Meal-Related Center Items

Cereal cream pitcher. The cereal cream pitcher is shaped like a small beverage pitcher with
a modified hourglass design. It has a handle on one side and a capacity of 16 ounces. It is
set only for breakfast or brunch when cereal is to be served
Syrup pitcher. The syrup pitcher is similar in size and shape to the coffee cream pitcher.
However, the pouring spout is partially enclosed by a metal lip. It is set only for breakfast or
brunch when pancakes or waffles are to be served. It is placed on a coffee cup saucer
Silver fruit bowl. The silver fruit bowl is a large hollow bowl. It is used for serving fresh fruit
for breakfast or brunch. It is often set as a centerpiece containing artificial or real fruit for
breakfast or artificial or real flowers for lunch or dinner
Bread tray. The bread tray is a rectangular silver dish with rounded ends and perforated
sides. It is used primarily for breads, but it also may be used for relishes such as cannot or
celery sticks. When used for breads, an opened napkin is placed in the tray. The bread is
then neatly arranged on the napkin and the edges of the napkin are folded over the bread to
retain freshness and warmth
Cruet and caster. The cruet and caster consist of two stoppered glass bottles placed on a
small tray. The bottles hold oil and vinegar salad dressings when salads are served at lunch
or dinner
Butter dish. The butter dish is a small, rectangular china dish with rounded corners. It is
normally used at all meals for serving butter patties. At breakfast or Sideboard brunch, it can
be used for serving jam or jelly packets.

Meal-related items are selected on the basis of menu requirements. Examine the menu and
identify those menu items for which related center items are normally used, such as jellies and syrup
at breakfast. Pencils are supplied for filling out order forms.

For semiformal lunch or dinner, the bread, if served, is placed on the dining table after the
main course item. For all informal-style lunch or dinner meals, bread is set 5 minutes before the meal.


When assigned to Flag duty, you are responsible for setting the table for meals. Setting a table
correctly helps avoid confusion at meals and allows the table to look neat and attractive. An attractive-
ly set table contributes to the enjoyment of the meal.


Linen is handled when preparing for a meal and when securing from a meal. All linen should
be examined for cleanliness and serviceability before use. When linen is stained, torn, or frayed, it is
not suitable for the table. Linen in this condition should be brought to the attention of the flag mess

Linen Placements

All linen should be in place before the dining room tables can be set. Linen also should be
placed on the sideboard and, sometimes when appropriate, the buffet table. Linen that is worn, but

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clean and without stains, may be used on the sideboard if it can be neatly folded so the damaged
parts are hidden.

Most dining rooms have a waist-high cabinet known as the sideboard. Its storage spaces are
used for storing flag mess linen and tableware. The top forms a counter for the placement of hot and
cold beverage services and extra tableware in preparation for a meal.


When cloth napkins are to be used alongside plate settings, they should be folded flat and set
aside. If napkin rings are to be used, napkins should be folded or rolled and if rolled placed in the


Setting the dining table involves two basic tasks: setting individual place settings and setting
the dining table center items. Steps for selecting and placing individual place settings and dining table
center items are dependent on specific menus and styles of meal service. Variations in the proce-
dures may occur. These variations are based on the way a specific mess maybe equipped and on the
desires of the mess president and/or the flag mess supervisor. For instance, if there is a lack of a cer-
tain type of needed tableware, the flag mess supervisor should be asked to decide what item should
be used as a substitute.

Setting Individual Place Settings

The dishes, silver, glasses and napkin placed in front of one person are called a cover. The
number of dishes and pieces of silver necessary for a cover depends on the occasion and the menu.
Everyday meals require fewer dishes and silver than formal meals. Always check the menu before
setting the table. Figures 3-2, 3-3 and 3-4 are the basic breakfast or brunch cover, the basic lunch or
dinner cover and the cover for an informal meal, respectively.

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Figure 3-2, Basic breakfast or brunch cover.

Individual place settings are traditionally arranged as follows:

Dinner or Service Plate

The dinner or service plate is placed directly in front of each chair. The ideal spacing of plates
for family style or formal occasions is 24 inches from plate center to plate center. This is close enough
to permit easy conversation and provides enough room for each diner. The dinner plate is not placed
on the table when American, cafeteria, buffet, or a la carte style is used.


Silverware is placed about 1 inch from the edge of the table and close to the plate. It is placed
according to the order in which it will be used—the outermost pieces being used first. Knives are
placed next to the plate on the right side with the cutting edge toward the plate. Spoons are placed to
the right of the knives with the bowl up. Forks, except oyster forks, are placed on the left side of the
plate. When the oyster fork is used, it goes to the right of the spoon. Usually, not more than six pieces
of silverware are placed at a cover. During a formal dinner, when additional silver is required, it is
brought in with the course requiring its use.

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Figure 3-3, Basic lunch or dinner cover.

Bread and Butter Plate with Butter Knife

The bread and butter plate with butter knife, when used, is placed to the left of the dinner
plate, above the points of the forks.

Beverage glasses

The water glass is placed to the right of the dinner plate above the points of the knives. The
water glass is set for lunch unless another chilled beverage is to be used. It is a wide, short 10-ounce
glass and is used only for water. The beverage glass is a taller, narrower 10-ounce glass. It is used for
lunch or dinner when milk, iced tea, or other chilled beverages are served. The juice glass is a small
6-ounce glass. It is not set but is used to serve juice when ordered by the diner. It is used only at

Coffee cup

The coffee cup is set on the saucer and is placed to the right of the outer spoon.


The napkin can be either cloth or paper. It is placed either to the left of the forks or on the din-
ner plate.

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Figure 3-4, Cover for a formal meal.

A. Salad Fork

B. Dinner Fork

C. Charger or Base Plate

D. Dinner Knife

E. Salad Knife

F. Soup Spoon

G. Bread & Butter Plate with Butter Knife

H. Salt & Pepper (Salt is always on the right)

I. Dessert Spoon & Fork

J. Water Glass

K. Red Wine Glass

L. White Wine Glass

After all covers are set, check the table once again to see that all covers are alike and that
nothing was omitted. Be certain that spoons are laid with bowls up and that the cutting edges of
knives are turned toward the plate. Place the chairs so the front edge of the seats is just against or
under the drop of the tablecloth.

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Setting Place Cards/Seating Chart

Place cards are usually used for such functions as formal or informal dinner parties when the
persons attending may not know one another. Place cards are prepared to eliminate confusion. When
used, the place card is placed above the individual salt and pepper shakers or above the charger
plate. Seating chart is used in conjunction with the place cards to notify guest and staff seating ar-

Setting Center Items

After setting individual places, you should then set the dining table center items. The standard
center items discussed earlier in this chapter will always be placed on the dining table when setting up
the table.


The sideboard is normally where the hot and cold beverage services are set up for the meals.
Additionally, extra tableware is placed on the sideboard.

Setting Up the Hot Beverage Service

The principal hot beverage used aboard ship is coffee. Hot tea or hot chocolate also may be
used if desired by wardroom members. The hot beverage service should be set up following place-
ment of the linen on the sideboard. The following steps explain beverage service setup.

To set up this service, you should take coffee pots from the sideboard to the pantry and obtain
enough coffee for the meal. You should have one coffeepot for each 10 to 12 diners. Place the pots
on the sideboard coffee warmers. Select at least one coffee pitcher for each dining table and place on
the linen next to the coffee warmers. Coffee servers should be filled just before serving and should
not be placed on the warmers.

To setup hot tea or chocolate, you should put hot water in a coffee pot and set it on the coffee
warmer. Arrange tea serving pots next to the warmer. The number of teapots is determined by the
wardroom supervisor or through experience. Tea bags or hot chocolate packets should be placed next
to the serving pots.

Setting Up the Cold Beverage Service

To setup the cold beverage service, you should take serving pitchers from the sideboard to the
pantry to obtain the cold beverages. Water is always made available even if another beverage is
served. Cold beverages are pre-chilled and placed on the table just before announcing the meal. The
pitchers should be ready on the sideboard for refills.

When fruit juices are included on the breakfast menu, a galley serving pan insert should be
filled with enough ice to cover half the height of the glasses. It should then be placed on the sideboard
and the juice glasses then filled to the bulge with juice and placed in the ice to cool.

Setting up Extra Tableware

The required amount of extra tableware will normally be determined by the wardroom supervi-
sor. Extra tableware should be included for occasional breakage of china during meals and the likelih-

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ood of unexpected diners. If a second seating of diners is required, tableware should be placed on the
sideboard to permit quick resetting of the dining table after the first seating has finished.

Obtain and neatly place the necessary items on the covered portion of the sideboard. Dishes
and bowls may be stacked several high. Cups and glasses should not be stacked, especially during
rough seas. Silverware should be arranged by type and napkins should be pre-folded and stacked
near the silverware.


Buffet service was briefly described earlier in this chapter. However, there are unique sanitary
considerations involved in the setup and operation of buffet- or cafeteria-style serving lines. Open
serving pans and trays provide ideal sites for growth and spread of disease-carrying organisms. Fol-
lowing a few simple rules can reduce the chance of infection:
Always keep hot foods at temperatures above 135°F, Discard the food within 4 hours of the
beginning of preparation if these temperatures cannot be maintained
Display only limited amounts of food on the serving line at any one time. This permits the
balance of food to be kept in the pantry for temperature control. Refill serving pans and trays
only as necessary
Ensure sneeze shields are used.

The principal tasks involved in setting up the buffet serving line are presented next.

The serving line setup tasks should be done in the order listed and completed 5 minutes be-
fore serving time.
Make space for the buffet serving line. A buffet table should be located to allow CSs conve-
nient access to the pantry for filling the serving pans. This also allows the diners to use the
serving line easily without crowding from furniture or other diners
Place the linen on a special buffet table or a selected area on the sideboard. Remove all
nonessential items on the sideboard area when used to setup a buffet serving area
Set up the chafing dish stands. Setup enough stands so there is at least one for each food
item. Place them in the serving area so a diner can have ready access to them without lean-
ing over the table. After the chafing dish pans have been set in place, put 1 inch of water into
those pans that are for hot food. Sterno heating units are then placed below the center of the
pans containing water. Make sure there are no flammable items placed near these units as
the setup continues. Do not light the heating units at this point
Place the sneeze shield now, if one is available. Do this in a way to make sure all food items
are properly protected. Diners should still have ready access to the foods
Determine what utensils will be needed. Then place all necessary eating utensils neatly at
the beginning of the serving line. Napkins and silverware are usually placed on the dining
tables. However, when there are more diners than seats, additional place settings should be
kept on the sideboard. They should be placed on the dining tables after diners finish and
leave, making room for additional diners. There are not always enough CSs to do the reset-
ting. On these occasions, napkins and silverware should be placed on the serving line. They
should be placed next to the china and away from the chafing dishes.

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Set the decorations selected by the wardroom supervisor on the serving table. Decorations
are usually artificial or real flowers arranged around the three sides of the serving area facing
the diner.


In the wardroom where regulations and precedence closely control seating arrangements, of-
ficers are assigned to permanent seats for daily meals. They are seated from left to right, as shown in
Figure 3-5 according to rank and precedence.

Figure 3-5, Wardroom seating.

The flag officer in command, or in succession to command, is the president. He or she sits at
the head of the table or at the head of the senior table when more than one table is used. The flag of-
ficer who regularly eats in the flag mess is the president. However, when the flag officer is invited for
an occasional meal, this officer is considered the guest of honor. In this case, he or she is seated to
the right of the mess president.

The caterer sits opposite the president. The officer next in rank sits in the first seat to the right
of the president. The officer third in rank sits in the first seat to the left of the president and so on down
the table. All line officers of the same grade take precedence with each other according to his or her
respective dates of rank. When they have the same date of rank, their precedence is according to
their lineal numbers as given in the official Navy Register.

Staff officers with the same date of rank as running mates of the line take precedence after
their running mates of the line. However, they take precedence before all line and staff officers who
are junior to the running mate. When officers of more than one staff corps have the same running
mate, they take precedence in the following order: Medical Corps, Supply Corps, Chaplain Corps, Civ-
il Engineering Corps, Judge Advocate General’s Corps, Dental Corps, Medical Service Corps and
Nurse Corps.

When more than one table is in use, the treasurer usually sits at the head of the junior table.

When officers of other service branches have the same relative grade and the same date of
rank, they have precedence according to the time each has served on active duty as a commissioned
officer of the United States Armed Forces. The seating arrangement changes when a guest is present.

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When several guests are to be present, the seating arrangements are normally worked out by the
wardroom supervisor and approved by the caterer.


Meals should begin immediately after the president and the officers are seated. Prompt and
courteous service adds much to the enjoyment of a meal. Serving personnel should be alert. They
should not lean on the sideboard or lounge against the bulkhead when they are not busy. With proper
training, serving personnel will know what their responsibilities are and how they should be met.

The president or the officer in front of whom the buck is placed is served first and then the ser-
vice proceeds counterclockwise around the table.


All meals are served by family, cafeteria, American, buffet, ala carte service, or by a combina-
tion of these, as discussed earlier. Figure 3-6 shows a table setting for an informal meal.

Foods, including soups, are served from the left of the person being served. Beverages are
served from the right.

Soup is normally ladled into the soup plates in the pantry and served rather than offered to the
officer at the table.

The rule of thumb to follow during formal and informal service is to serve the foods from the
left and remove from the right, except beverages.

To avoid overcrowding the table during family-style service, refill the water glasses as neces-
sary instead of placing a water pitcher on the table. In other types of service such as cafeteria, a wa-
ter pitcher maybe placed on the table for those who desire refills.

Coffee should always be available and served piping hot. Be careful when serving coffee and
other hot beverages especially aboard ship when the ship is underway. An accidental spill can cause
a painful burn.

When an officer has finished a course, remove the used dishes. Do not stack the dishes in
front of the officer. With the right hand, remove the plate and silverware used during the course. When
more than one plate is being removed, hold the first in the left hand and place the others on top of it.

When desserts are not picked up from the line, they should be served. Place a pitcher of hot
coffee on the table for those desiring seconds. When guests are present, some changes to the seat-
ing and serving order are necessary. Although some of these changes were mentioned earlier, bring-
ing them together at this point will help you to recognize what routines should be changed.

The buck is not used when guests are aboard. A guest of the ship or the guest of honor sits to
the right of the president and is always served first. Other guests usually sit to the right of their host
officer. When no guest of honor is present and more than one officer has guests, the guest of the se-
nior host officer is served first. In all cases, after serving the guest of honor, the serving continues
from that point counterclockwise around the table. Do not skip around in order to serve all guests first.

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Figure 3-6, Dining room table setup for an informal meal.


The service required for formal meals is more elaborate than for informal meals. However, the
table setting is basically the same as for informal meals. Usually four or five courses are served, but
as few as three or as many as seven maybe served. All food from each course is served to all diners
in prompt succession. For a formal dinner everything is served; nothing is set on the table except the
salt and pepper shakers. Condiments and other seasonings are served at the proper time. A table set-
ting for a formal lunch is shown in Figure 3-7.

Service plates otherwise known as charge plates or chargers are normally used at formal din-
ners. These are large plates that are placed on the table at the time it is set for the meal. They are not
removed until replaced by the heated dinner plate for the first hot course after the soup. They are
used only because it is considered bad form for the diners not to have plates before them throughout
the meal. No food is placed directly on the service plate. Instead, dishes containing the first courses of
the meal are set upon the service for formal dinners in the past, they are frequently used today.

All foods are served from the left and beverages are served from the right. Dishes are re-
moved from the right. An exception to this rule is the replacing of silverware. These pieces of silver-
ware that are placed to the right of the place plate are replaced from the right. In this way it is not ne-
cessary to reach in front of the diner.

When the meal being served uses the table setting pictured in Figure 3-7, the following order
of service would be observed.

As soon as the members and their guests are seated, the first course is served.

When all have finished the course, the plate is removed with the used silverware. The soup
course is served next.

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Figure 3-7, Table set for a formal Lunch.

When all have finished the soup course, the soup plate, service plate and soup spoon are re-
moved. The heated dinner plate replaces the service plate for the main course. The food is brought in
on a platter or in serving dishes. The food is presented to the guest who is seated to the right of the
host. The service then proceeds counterclockwise around the table.

Upon completion of the main course, the dinner plate and used silverware are removed. The
salad plate is then put in its place. To provide faster service, the salad is usually arranged on the sal-
ad plate before it is brought in.

When all have finished their salads, the salad plate and silverware are removed. At this point,
the only items remaining from the original setting are the water and wine glasses. Before the dessert
is served, the crumbs, if any, should be brushed off the table with a folded napkin and tray. The des-
sert course with appropriate silverware is then placed before the diners.

Coffee is served with the dessert course or following it. If cups are placed on the table and cof-
fee offered to those who want it, service is from the right.


The serving of beverages was discussed earlier; however, four general guidelines and several
specific procedures for serving beverages will now be explained.

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Formal Beverage Service

Since the formal style of service is quite elaborate, different beverages may accompany each
course and considerable guidance is needed for this to be done correctly. Guidance should be ob-
tained from the wardroom supervisor or from the reference book entitled “Service Etiquette“ and also
found in the NAVSUP P486.

Informal Beverage Service

The first guideline is that beverages are to be served from the diner’s right if possible. Oth-
erwise, check with the wardroom supervisor about how to serve the beverages in a way that disturbs
the least number of diners.

The second guideline is that the server should never lift the diners’ glasses or cups from the
dining table to refill them. Rather, he or she should pour the beverage into them while they are on the
table. If the cup or glass is not conveniently placed for service, carefully move it to a better location. If
it cannot be reached, politely ask the diner to move it.

The third guideline is that the order of service for beverages is the same as that for the serv-
ing of foods.

The fourth guideline is not to fill serving pitchers to the top when used for filling glasses or
cups at the dining table. A full pitcher is difficult to handle and feels quite heavy after a while. There-
fore, pitchers should be filled between one-half and two-thirds full.

Finally, you must remember that each flag mess may have certain rules for serving beverages.
The flag mess supervisor should be asked about these rules.


You should immediately restore the dining room to its pre-meal condition as soon as possible
after the meal. Some helpful suggestions are as follows:
Clear the table as soon as all officers have finished eating and have left the table
Remove all meal items from the sideboard and return all dishes, silverware to the pantry for
Refill the salt and pepper shakers as needed and store them in the pantry
Remove buffet serving line items
Place the napkin in the laundry. Replace clean napkins in their respective napkin rings (when
they are used) and store in the napkin storage area. Single-service paper napkins are being
used in many private messes for regular meals and cloth napkins are used only for more
formal occasions
Brush the crumbs from the tablecloth. Be careful not to rub food particles into the fabric
Shake the cloth out lightly and refold it along its original creases. Re-roll or refold the silence
pad as appropriate and store it with the tablecloth
Clean tables, sideboard and chairs

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Replace the table cover

Vacuum and/or sweep the deck of the dining room.


Navy commands traditionally sponsor events and ceremonies to acknowledge noteworthy ac-
complishments and achievements of Navy personnel. Command functions recognizing personnel
promotions, reenlistments, retirements, command milestones, changes of command and other similar
events are vital to morale and tradition. These events usually include a reception which provides light
refreshments of some variety.

As a CS, you will probably get tasked to provide your in-rate skill to help plan and prepare for
the event, regardless of the occasion. This is especially so if food is involved. For example, you may
be asked to decorate a special cake for the event. You may be tasked to prepare a special menu,
which includes hors d’oeuvres and refreshments.

Some planning factors you should consider are theme determined by the occasion or event
being planned and the number of guests that will be present. You also should consider the season
and time of day. Arrange for indoor facilities if it is expected to rain or to be cold.

You should make sure the facility chosen is available when needed and that it includes the ne-
cessary space or capacity. You should inquire into the availability of all needed supplies and needed
capable personnel.

Coordinate with other activities on the base to make sure other events are not scheduled that
will conflict with yours.

You can avoid last-minute confusion and delays by preparing a master plan after the event
have been planned in detail. Review this plan with all personnel who will be involved with the prepara-
tion and service. During the review, give personnel specific instructions on all assigned tasks. After
the review, post the master plan where involved personnel can refer to it.
Check all necessity items of equipment to make sure they are functioning properly.
The person in charge should check on chairs, tables, podiums and so on to make sure an
adequate number is available on the scheduled date.
In this chapter, we identified the officers’ quarters afloat and the different services that are performed
while caring for staterooms. We indentified the different positions held by personnel and their respon-
sibilities in an afloat flag mess. We also identified the different types of Flag Mess meal service, set-
ting individual place settings and seating arrangements.

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Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

—Identify cleaning and maintenance requirements for the Flag Quarters daily, weekly and quarterly
cleaning schedule.

—Identify areas of responsibilities in the quarters for Enlisted Aide Staff and family members.

—Describe the care for household furnishings; including furniture, tableware and other household


The quarter's operations are very important day-to-day responsibilities. There are many tasks
to be performed and time management is a must. The Enlisted Aide (EA) is required to clean and
maintain the admiral's quarters while properly preparing uniforms and nutritious meals.

This is guidance taken directly from OPNAVINST 1306.3 (Series).



Per references Department of Defense Directive (DODD) Directive 1315.9 (series) and SEC-
NAVINST 1306.2 (series), you may also find permissible and impermissible duties at OPNAVINST
1306.3 (series), and in connection with military and official functions and duties, Enlisted Aides (EAs)
are permitted to assist with the care, cleanliness and order of assigned quarters, uniforms and military
personal equipment. EAs may be assigned to clean and maintain ALL spaces in assigned flag quar-
ters, including but not limited to ALL living and dining areas, kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, hall-
ways, basements, attics, garages and storage areas. Cleaning is defined as those functions neces-
sary to maintain the appearance and long-term preservation of the public residence. Acceptable du-
ties include but are not limited to dusting, vacuuming, cleaning windows, stripping and waxing floors,
steam cleaning carpets and cleaning of moldings, window sills/treatments, baseboards, railings, etc.
Cleaning does not include making beds, picking up or organizing personal effects, or other duties that
contribute solely to the personal benefit of the flag officer or family members. As a general rule, EAs
are responsible for the maintenance and cleanliness of the public residence; quarter’s residents retain
responsibility for cleanliness, organization and maintenance of personal effects.

Note: Please notice the guidance given by the bold highlighted word ALL. This gives firm direction
for family personal areas. Perform duties as a point of contact in the officer's quarters, includ-
ing receiving and maintaining records of telephone calls, making appointments and receiving
guests and visitors.

As part of the Aides duties they may be ask to perform duties necessary for the upkeep and
maintenance of assigned quarters. They may be assigned minor grounds keeping duties (e.g., mow-
ing, raking, watering and general yard policing) and minor maintenance tasks (e.g. unstopping drains,
changing light bulbs, changing air filters) that are required to maintain a presentable and functional

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EA: “Quarters Operations”, Chapter 4.

quarters. EAs may perform self-help improvements on the quarters if they are qualified to perform
such work, follow government safety procedures and receive authorization from the Flag Officer and
Flag Housing Manager or representative.

Official Duty and Volunteer Pay Services

Flag Officers can employ their EAs during their off-duty hours on a voluntary, paid basis to
perform duties. Payment of such services should be reasonable and commensurate with the service
rendered. Deciding on a reasonable rate can be very complicated. Refer to the Bureau of Labor Statis-
tics web site for further information.
Social Functions - Flag Officers may use EAs to support social functions that are reasona-
bly connected to the officers' military and official duties and responsibilities.
Social functions, even if not official, may satisfy the lower standard of "reasonable connection"
to the Flag Officer's military or official duties. The Flag Officer can augment CS’s from his/her Flag
Mess for events at the quarters. Same rules apply; Official function is the required place of duty, non-
official is on a volunteer pay basis.



This guidance is taken directly from OPNAVINST 1306.3 (series).

EAs are responsible for the maintenance and cleanliness of the public residence; quarter’s
residents retain responsibility for cleanliness, organization and maintenance of personal effects.


Constantly look for damaged or deteriorating surfaces and areas. Check for and report any
places where loose or cracked plaster, missing roof tiles, or leaks in the basement may indicate gen-
eral decay of the foundations. Be sure to scan the ceiling for stains that may indicate a leak from the
floor above or other invasive water problems and report any decay or damage to maintenance per-
sonnel of quarters or authorized personnel. Track these deficiencies using the Work Order Tracking
Form (refer to work order form Chapter 10).



Clean linens (damask napkins, table cloths and doilies) using washer set on a delicate cycle,
or send them to the dry cleaners. Ensure linens are not damaged during cleaning and pressing
process. Linens used for formal meals should be stored separately from those used every day. Only
clean, dry linens should be stored. Keep a linen inventory on hand (locally produced).

Washing Linens
Maintain labels and refer to manufacturer's cleaning instructions
if linen is pre-shrunk wash in HOT water and detergent
If you do not know whether the linen is pre-shrunk, use COLD water and cold water deter-

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EA: “Quarters Operations”, Chapter 4.

Avoid chlorine bleach and enzyme products when washing linens

Sort linens by type and size, stack them and then roll them in a lint free towel.

Pressing Linens
Separate linens by category (napkins, tablecloths and doilies)
Iron damp linens on the back side to keep the embroidery full, one at a time with a medium -
hot iron.

Linen Storage
Separate everyday linens from those that are used for formal meals
Place linens in appropriate storage areas by category
ONLY store clean, dry linens.


Maintain and wash lead crystal using recommended procedure. Handle only one piece of crys-
tal at a time. Wash in warm soapy water using a mild product, rinse in hot water. Dry with one cloth
and polish with another.

Note: Never hold stemware by the stem and twist the bowl, it will likely snap the stem off.

Washing Crystal
Prepare warm soapy water
A rubberized pad may be placed in the bottom of the washing sink
A capful of vinegar may be used in the wash water
Do not use ammonia on crystal that has a decorative trim; it can fade the color
Prepare hot rinse water
Lift crystal by the stem, one piece at a time, to prevent breaking
Wash each piece by holding crystal by its cup and using a lint-free cloth or sponge.

Rinsing Crystal
Dip crystal, one piece at a time in hot rinse water
Place rinsed crystal upside down on a soft cloth to drain to avoid chipping.

Drying Crystal
Use lint-free cloth to dry crystal
Lift each piece of crystal by the stem
Dry crystal one piece at a time by holding its cup firmly to ensure it does not slip out of your

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Place dried crystal on a flat surface.

Polishing Crystal
Use clean, dry lint-free cloth to polish crystal
Polish one piece of crystal at a time
Place on a flat surface after polishing.

Storing Crystal
Separate crystal according to use
Place the crystal in its designated storage area in the upright position
Ensure that crystal is stored in a neat, orderly manner and not touching each other.



Use the appropriate cleaning supplies to remove all spots and dirt from panes and picture
windows. Remove all dust and lint from the frames and window sills.

To clean windows
Spray cleaner on window sills with a sponge and wipe dust and debris
Wipe the glass clean with Windex™ & paper towels or window wipes. Newspaper can be
used for outside windows
Dry glass thoroughly.

WARNING: DO NOT mix any chemicals together; use only one in each washing solution! Ammonia
solutions and solutions containing alcohol or bleach should be handled carefully because they
may damage painted, lacquered and varnished surfaces and will cause severe physical

When cleaning window panes or glass DO NOT:

Scrub glass with dirty cloth or scrub pad
Work on windows when the sun is shining directly on them
Do not use soap ever
Sit on window sill with your body extended outside the window to clean exterior windows.



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EA: “Quarters Operations”, Chapter 4.

Dust and spider-webs present a constant cleaning requirement and inspections for them
should be included in your daily walk through of the quarters. Chair rails, baseboards and window sills
will stand out when regularly maintained.

Ceiling Dusting

Use a cloth-covered broom or other appropriate equipment to dust entire ceiling, especially in
all corners and around light fixtures.

Using a Preservative on Chair Rails, Baseboards, Window Sills

Follow the steps below for adding a preservative to the surfaces:

Carefully apply approved wax, lemon oil or polish
Buff or rub wax or polish in thoroughly
Be sure to wipe up excess wax or polish to avoid dust-catching, slippery surfaces.

Light Fixtures

Follow the steps below to dust and clean light fixtures:

Regularly dust light fixtures
Carefully clean light bulbs by unscrewing them and allowing them to cool and then clean with
an appropriate cleaner, dry completely to get a brighter glow
Periodically remove the parts of fixtures that can be removed for deep cleaning
Wash in warm, soapy water
Rinse fixture parts and dry completely
Replace cleaned fixture parts properly.



The bathroom is part of the community area used by guests. Insure you field day weekly or as
needed. Wipe all surfaces daily. Replace soiled towels and washcloths with clean ones. Empty and
clean wastebaskets. Remove dust from baseboards, windows and draperies. Clean and dust speci-
fied areas with the proper equipment, solutions and techniques. Remove mildew and mineral deposits
from ceramic tile. Ensure toilet paper is full and well stocked, start paper roll with a triangle fold.

Bathroom Accessories
Check for dust on doors, baseboards, windows, window sills and draperies/curtains
Remove dust with damp cloth or other approved dusting/cleaning solution
Check mirrors for smudges, stains and other marks
Spray mirrors with appropriate glass cleaner

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EA: “Quarters Operations”, Chapter 4.

Wipe mirrors with dry, lint-free cloth or paper

Empty waste baskets daily and clean weekly.

Use damp cloth or sponge with an approved commercial cleaner
Rinse the sink thoroughly. If the sink and tub wall area have tile, use a soft scrub liquid with a
soap scum remover
Wear appropriate latex gloves
Dry the sink with a clean (lint-free) dry cloth.

Toilet Bowl
Use damp cloth or sponge with an approved commercial cleaner
Clean the entire area, inside and out. When removing rings from the inside of the bowl use a
calcium stain remover, do not scrub with an abrasive pad as it will remove the enamel. Check
fastener bolts monthly
Rinse item thoroughly
Dry item with clean (lint-free) dry cloth.

Use chlorine bleach (1 cup to each gal of water), or another approved commercial cleaner to
wash mildew areas
Use a small stiff brush to scrub the area
Rinse thoroughly
Dry completely.

Floor Areas
Use soap, detergent, or another approved commercial cleaner mixed with the proper amount
of water to clean floors
Using mop, wet the floors thoroughly with solution
Mop in corners, around doors and around toilet bowls
Change water solution, when necessary
Wring out excess water from mop
Dry mop floor completely
Let the floor air dry.

Tissue Rollers and Dispensers

Check tissue rollers/dispensers. Fill tissue rollers/dispensers as necessary.

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EA: “Quarters Operations”, Chapter 4.


Spray dry paper towel with Windex and wipe dry.



Operate the vacuum cleaner and carpet shampooer according to the manufacturer's instruc-
tions and requirements. Maintain and clean carpets using the appropriate cleaning supplies to remove
any spots, stains or odors.

Note: Oriental carpets should not be vacuumed. Sweep or shake out dirt particles. The beater
brushes of a vacuum cleaner destroy the ornamental frills and pit the delicate fiber of these
custom rugs.

Vacuuming the Carpet

Use slow forward and backward motions, vacuum entire carpet area
Slow movements result in the most effective soil removal
Vacuum slower and more often in "traffic lanes"
Carpet becomes soiled at an uneven rate due to the "traffic lanes" accumulating more soil
than the surrounding carpet
DO NOT – apply carpet freshener powder to the high traffic areas. This will damage the fi-
bers in the carpet. Apply it only along the edges around the room.

Immediate Action for Spilled Substances or Wet Spots

WARNING: Never pour a solvent or undiluted cleaner directly on the carpet/rug.

Blot up any liquid with a paper towel or cloth
Dampen a sponge or cloth in lukewarm water or approved commercial cleaner for the par-
ticular spot or stain
Sponge the stain with the dampened sponge or cloth.

Note: Do not scrub roughly; wipe and pat to avoid disturbing the pile. A soft, bristled brush or finger-
tips may be used to work the cleaning solution into the soiled carpet area

Use another clean, dry cloth; wipe up excess moisture

If necessary, place another clean, dry cloth over the spot and stand on the cloth about 30
Remove the cloth
Repeat these steps until spot is removed from carpet or rug.

Note: Club soda or tonic water used directly on spots and wiped dry will usually remove the spots

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EA: “Quarters Operations”, Chapter 4.

Carpet Cleaning - Room Preparation

Follow the steps below to prepare a room for carpet cleaning:

Remove furniture and area rugs from room, or place to one side of the room until the other
side is vacuumed, cleaned and dried
If furniture must be left in place, protect base of furniture legs by placing small plastic bags
under/around legs and secure in place with masking tape or rubber bands.

Shampooing the Carpet: (If PPV Funds are not available)

Read and follow manufacturer's instructions carefully when using an approved commercial
cleaner and shampooer to clean carpet or rug. (Maintain a file folder with manufacturer's
suggestions for cleaning and maintaining carpets)
Allow the carpet to dry completely
Vacuum the carpet to remove any carpet fibers that may have been loosened
Return furnishings to their original location. Place plastic strips under wood furniture to avoid
staining the carpet.

Finally some Do’s and Don’ts

Place folded wax paper or plastic bags under table and chair legs to prevent stains when
shampooing carpets
Lift and remove furniture that can be moved before shampooing carpets
Turn area rugs around every 2 weeks or so to distribute wear and tear
Air, manageable, rugs in the sunshine occasionally
Snip off fiber ends that may be hanging or have pulled loose.

Wet carpets excessively
Let furniture stand on wet carpet if it can be avoided
Walk on a dampened carpet or rug
Shove furniture across a rug.


Floor Dusting

Dust floors by mopping entire area with dampened mop to remove dust and other loose par-
ticles. A vacuum may be used and is especially helpful with pet hair, but it must be set to its lowest
setting so it will not rise or blow dust. It is preferred to use a push broom or dry mop, to clean the floor,
especially if the area is large.

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EA: “Quarters Operations”, Chapter 4.

Buffing a Wood Floor (If PPV Funds are not available)

It may become necessary to polish/buff the floor to bring back its luster. If you have a buffer
available, read and follow manufacturer's instructions carefully. As you polish the floor, let your mo-
tions follow the grain of the wood. Remove spills promptly with a damp cloth.

Note: Never polish wood floors with furniture polish or bottled floor wax. This creates a slip hazard
and destroys the floors finish. Cleaning solvents are sold that are specially formulated to
clean wood flooring and bring out the wood finish. DO NOT use floor wax on real wood floors.


Note: Before you touch any furniture in the house ask for a special cleaning direction walk-through
of the house. Often personal furniture is mixed into the common areas and might require spe-
cial handling.


All quarter’s residential areas must be cleaned with proper supplies, cleaning solutions and
equipment. The appropriate techniques must be followed in cleaning furniture. Always maintain labels
from furniture and refer to manufacturer's instructions when cleaning. Check with the flag officer/or
spouse for preferences of polishes, waxes or oils to be used on furniture.

Dusting Furniture

Oiled and treated dusters should be used ONLY on furniture polished with an oil polish. Never
spray polish directly on furniture. Use a clean, dry, hemmed duster to remove dust from furniture.

Polishing Wooden Furniture

Select and use the appropriate polish, wax or oil for the particular furniture
Apply polish, wax or oil sparingly; rub with the grain of the wood using a soft cloth
Rub with a soft cotton flannel cloth to polish.

Note: Too much polish (whether oil or wax) makes the polishing job difficult and leaves wet uneven

Furniture Treatment

Check with the Flag officer or spouse, on proper maintenance policies and procedures before
attempting to treat furniture.

Furniture Recommended Treatment

Leather - To keep from cracking, condition with a commercial leather conditioner. Do not use
waxes or mineral oil. For vinyl, clean with a solution of mild dishwashing liquid and warm water. Rinse
with a damp sponge.

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EA: “Quarters Operations”, Chapter 4.


In this chapter, we identified the officer’s quarters cleaning and maintenance requirements, re-
sponsibilities, care and upkeep of household furnishing and equipment for EA Staff and family mem-

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon completing of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

—Define the following: Protocol, Etiquette, Military Customs, Courtesies of Service, Ethical Conduct.

—Identify the Customs and Courtesy’s of service that are commonly used daily.

—Identify the responsibilities of Standards of Ethical Conduct with respect to being an Enlisted Aide.


The military services have a long history. Many military customs and courtesies of service
have been established as a result of this long history. It is important as an Enlisted Aide (EA) to not
only be knowledgeable on these customs, but also conduct themselves to the highest standard of ser-


Practices developed among nations in the course of their contacts with one another define the
essence of protocol. Protocol is the combination of good manners and common sense, which allows
effective communications between heads of state and their representatives. It is not static. Rather, it is
an evolving science that, over the years, has lost much of its traditional pomp and picturesque cere-
mony. Changes in accepted protocol, however, are best left to the highest policy-forming officers in
the Department of State or command protocol officer. Errors in protocol may be mistaken as a signal
of a change in the international climate. Persons using this handbook are cautioned that unauthorized
innovations in protocol, however well intentioned, are improper. If you are unsure of the proper proto-
col & etiquette to use you should define all questions to your protocol office.


Etiquette encompasses the body of manners and forms prescribed by custom, usage, or au-
thority. It is accepted as correct behavior when people deal with one another. Etiquette preserves re-
spect for the rights and dignity of others. In short, etiquette represents good manners. Today, many of
the old established customs are blended with less restricted ways of life when entertaining with little or
no help. The full integration of women and divergent cultures into the services has brought more
changes. Service people now have a more knowledgeable way of life. Still, as in by-gone years, there
are certain rules to be followed in order to reach the goal of easier, gracious living.

As with any rule of the road, a charted course will get you to a specific place at a given time for
a certain occasion. Proper etiquette is not artificial. It is a practical set of rules. When learned, these
rules save time that would be wasted in deciding what is proper. Etiquette helps people proceed with
the more important phases of social interaction.

The intent of this Chapter is to provide you with the basics of proper protocol and etiquette.
Using this information as a foundation, you should feel at ease in such matters as calling cards, intro-
ductions, invitations and responses, official dinners, seating and precedence, forms of address and
arranging visits for important visitors. With practice, protocol and etiquette will not be difficult but will

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EA: “Protocol”, Chapter 5.

be instead a natural, courteous way to properly greet and entertain civilian and military visitors and


If there is any one fundamental rule which underlies all proper social conduct, it is this - con-
sideration for the rights and feelings of others. While some of our social customs seem somewhat in-
volved, all proper conduct originally springs from this fundamental understanding. The knowledgeable
Sailor’s conduct will, at all times, be presented in such a manner that will cause the least embarrass-
ment, discomfort and inconvenience to those around. A Sailor, in social relations, should never forget
this principle of consideration for others.

Three of the most important expressions in your entire vocabulary are “please,” “thank you,”
and “you are welcome.” If you are thinking in these terms, chances are that you are headed in the
right direction, even though you may be a little rusty on the particular rules governing a situation.

There is an old military maxim in the relations between seniors and juniors, “The senior should
never degrade the difference in rank; the junior will never forget it.” This adage is just as true in social
setting as it is in official relations. Adherence to this principle leads to ease and harmony. Violation of it
often leads to unpleasantness and sometimes to outright embarrassment.

During your career, you will meet literally hundreds of people, both officially and socially. The
impression that you make on all these people depends very much on your social conduct in all its as-
pects: politeness, proper clothing, respect for seniors, table manners, courtesy to ladies and correct
correspondence. It is therefore in your best interest to become familiar with these procedures as soon
as possible.

Customs and Courtesies of the Service

A custom is an established usage. Customs include positive actions - things to do and taboos -
things to avoid doing. Much like itself, the customs that we observe are subject to a constant and slow
process of revision. Many of those customs that were common place a generation or two ago have
passed into a period of declining observance. New customs arise to replace those that have declined.
Others live on and on without apparent change. To an astonishing degree, people are eager to follow
established practices. The realization that they are following a course that has been successful for
others in similar circumstances bolsters their confidence, thus encouraging him or her to adhere to
his/her course. Whether a custom is ancient or new, its influence is profound. It follows, that, as a long
established social organization, the Navy observes a number of customs that add appreciably to the
interests, their pleasures and the graciousness of the Navy life. This section is intended to explain and
to help perpetuate those Navy customs that have enriched many lives for many years. In knowing and
practicing these customs you will be rewarded with enjoyable experiences and new friendships
formed, while strengthening the purposeful service in which our mission requires.

Use of Sir or Ma’am

A Sailor, addressing a military superior, uses the word “Sir or Ma’am” as does a well bred civi-
lian speaking to a person whom he wishes to show respect. In the military service, however, the mat-
ter of who says “Sir or Ma’am” is clearly defined: in civilian life it is largely a matter of discretion.

The proper, natural and graceful use of “Sir or Ma’am” is something that comes with training
and experience in the Navy. Some fall into the habit easily; others must work at it.

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EA: “Protocol”, Chapter 5.

It is always used when speaking either officially or socially to any senior. The word is repeated
with each complete statement. “Yes” and “No” should not be used in speaking to a superior without
“Sir or Ma’am.”

Senior’s Place of Honor

Another ancient military custom dictates that you should always walk or sit to the left of your
superiors. During the life of the United States there have been firearms, but this was not always the
case. For century’s men fought with swords and because most men are right handed, the heaviest
fighting occurred on the right. The shield was on the left arm and the left side becomes defensive. Sai-
lors and units who preferred to carry the battle to the enemy and who were proud of their fighting abili-
ty, considered the right of a battle line to be a post of honor. Therefore, when an officer walks or sits
on your right, he is symbolically filling the post of honor.

No Excuses

One of the most firmly established concepts of the military service is the practice of accepting
any task assigned and of accomplishing each task. In the event that some task might not be accom-
plished, it is traditionally expected that the individual assigned that task should not offer excuses to
justify failure.

This concept is founded upon the precept that our Navy exists to defend the Republic and that
any mission or task lawfully assigned contributes directly to that defense. The application of this con-
cept results in training Sailors to focus their efforts and ingenuity on finding solutions to challenges
with which they are presented, rather than on a search for reasons why the task should not be at-
tempted or excuses why it could not be accomplished. This focus on mission accomplishment must
be accompanied by a strong sense of ethical self-discipline which insures that the actions taken are
within the letter and the intent of the appropriate policies, regulations and established procedures.

Within these guidelines, the sailor must realize that there are certain circumstances under
which “No Excuse, Sir or Ma’am” is not an appropriate answer. If the task in question was not accom-
plished for reasons which indicate that some part of “the system” is not functioning properly, then the
sailor has the obligation to point out these flaws in the system, rather than to allow them to remain
unnoticed in a misplaced sense of self attempt to throw up a smoke screen behind which to conceal
your own shortfalls for which there truly is “No excuse, Sir or Ma’am.

Training Points for Standards of Ethical Conduct

On 3 February 1993, the Office Government Ethics published the Standards of Conduct for
EAs of the Executive Branch, 5 CFR 2635. It applies to the Navy and is your primary source of guid-
ance for ethics and standards of conduct. On 12 December 1997, DOD 5500.7-R, Change 3 (also see
DTM-04-002, Change 6, 23 March 2006), was signed by the Secretary of Defense. It supplements the
OGE standards and covers additional topics. This is a punitive regulation applicable to all members of
Department of Defense (DOD). This is only a summary of the provisions in these regulations. If you
have any questions, you should ask your Legal office.

A violation of the regulatory standards may be cause for corrective action or for disciplinary ac-
tion against an EA or UCMJ actions against military personnel. There are criminal penalties for viola-
tions of criminal statutes referred to in the regulations. Enlisted Aides are encouraged to seek the ad-
vice of their Enlisted Community Manager (ECM) Disciplinary action for violations of regulatory stan-
dards will not be taken against an Enlisted Aide who relies on such advice.

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EA: “Protocol”, Chapter 5.

Gifts from Outside Sources

An EA shall not solicit or accept a gift given because of his or her official position or from a
prohibited source. A prohibited source is any person, including any organization more than half of
whose members are persons: Seeking official action by DOD; doing or seeking to do business with
DOD; regulated by DOD; or substantially affected by the performance of his or her duties. The term
“gift” includes almost anything of monetary value. However, it does not include: Coffee, donuts and
similar modest items of food and refreshments when offered other than as part of a meal; Greeting
cards and most plaques, certificates and trophies; Prizes in contests open to the public; Commercial
discounts available to the general public or to all Government or military personnel; Commercial loans
and pensions and similar benefits; Anything paid for by the Government, secured by the Government
under Government contract or accepted by the Government in accordance with a statute; Anything for
which the EA pays market value. Subject to the limitations noted below, there are exceptions which
will permit an EA to accept: Unsolicited gifts with a market value of $20 or less per occasion, aggre-
gating no more than $50 in a calendar year from any one source (this exception does not permit gifts
of cash or investment interest); Gifts when clearly motivated by a family relationship or personal
friendship; Commercial discounts and similar benefits offered to groups in which membership is not
related to Government employment or, if membership is related to Government employment, where
the same offer is broadly available to the public through similar groups and certain benefits offered by
professional associations or by persons who are not prohibited sources. Certain awards and honorary
degrees; Gifts resulting from the outside business activities of EAs and their spouses; Travel and en-
tertainment in connection with employment discussion; Certain gifts from political organizations; Free
attendance provided by the sponsor of a widely-attended gathering of mutual interest to a number of
parties where the necessary determination of agency interest has been made; Invitations to certain
social events extended by persons who are not prohibited sources, if no one is charged a fee to at-
tend the event; Certain gifts of food and entertainment in foreign areas; Gifts accepted by the EA un-
der a specific statute, such as 5 USC 4111 and 7342, or pursuant to supplemental agency regulation.
An EA may not use any of the exceptions noted above to solicit or coerce the offering of a gift or to
accept gifts: For being influenced in the performance of official duties; in violation of any statute; so
frequently as to appear to be using public office for private gain; or in violation of applicable procure-
ment policies regarding participation in vendor promotional training. When an EA cannot accept a gift,
the Enlisted Aide should pay the donor its market value. If the gift is a tangible item, the EA may in-
stead return the gift. Subject to approval, perishable items may be donated to a charity, destroyed, or
shared within the office.

Gifts between Enlisted Aides

An EA shall not: Give or solicit for a gift to an official superior; or accept a gift from a lower-paid
EA, unless the donor and recipient are personal friends who are not in a superior-subordinate rela-
tionship. The term “gift” has the same meaning as above. However, carpooling and similar arrange-
ments are excluded where there is a proportionate sharing of the cost and effort involved.

The term “official superior” includes anyone whose official responsibilities involve directing or
evaluating the performance of the EAs official duties. The term is not limited to immediate supervisors
but applies to officials up the supervisory chain. Subject to a limitation on using any exception to
coerce a gift from a subordinate, exceptions to the ban on gifts include: On an occasional basis, in-
cluding birthdays and other occasions when gifts are traditionally exchanged, items other than cash
aggregating $10 or less per occasion; food and refreshments shared in the office; personal hospitality
at a residence; appropriate hostess gifts; and leave sharing under Office of Personnel Management
regulations may be given or accepted. On infrequent occasions of personal significance, such as mar-
riage and on occasions that terminate the superior-subordinate relationship, such as retirement, per-
mit giving and accepting gifts appropriate to the occasion; and permit voluntary contributions of no-
Rev. FEB 2010 5-4
EA: “Protocol”, Chapter 5.

minal amounts to be made or solicited for gifts of food and refreshments to be shared in the office or
for group gifts on occasions such as marriage or retirement. Gifts may not exceed $300 per occasion
or $10 donation per individual.

Conflicting Financial Interests

Under the criminal conflict of interest statute, 18 USC 208, an EA is prohibited from participat-
ing in an official capacity in any particular matter in which to his or her knowledge, he or she or certain
other persons have a financial interest, if the particular matter will have a direct and predictable effect
on his or her own or that person’s financial interests. In addition to matters that affect his or her own
financial interests, this prohibition applies to particular matters that affect the financial interests of: The
EAs spouse, minor child, or general partner; or any person the EA serves as officer, director, trustee,
general partner, or EA. The prohibition also applies to particular matters that affect the financial inter-
est of a person with whom the EA is negotiating for or has an arrangement concerning future em-
ployment. Disqualification can be accomplished simply by not participating in the matter. An EA should
notify the person responsible for his or her assignment of the need to disqualify. A written disqualifica-
tion statement is necessary only if required by an ethics agreement or requested by the ECM or the
person responsible for the EAs assignment. Disqualification is not required if the financial interest is
the subject of a statutory waiver or if the EA has sold or otherwise divested the conflicting interest.
EAs may acquire and hold financial interests subject only to the disqualification requirement imposed
by 18 USC 208. DOD may prohibit an individual EA from holding financial interests where disqualifica-
tion would impair the EAs ability to perform the duties of this position or adversely affect DOD’s mis-

Impartiality in Performing Duties

Even though his or her disqualification may not be required, an EA should not participate in an
official capacity in certain matters without first obtaining specific authorization if, in his or her judg-
ment, persons with knowledge of the relevant facts would question his or her impartiality in those mat-
ters. The matters covered include a particular matter involving specific parties if the EA knows that it is
likely to affect the financial interest of a member of his or her household or that one of the following
persons is a party or represents a party in the matter: A person with whom the EA has or seeks a
business or other financial relationship; A member of the EAs household or relative with whom the EA
has a close relationship; A person the EAs spouse, parent, or child serves or seeks to serve as officer,
director, trustee, general partner, agent, attorney, consultant, contractor, or EA; A person the EA has,
in the past year, served as officer, director, trustee, general partner, agent, attorney, consultant, con-
tractor, or EA; or An organization, other than a political party, in which the EA is an active participant.
Notwithstanding the EAs determination that his or her impartiality would be questioned, the agency
designee can authorize the EA to participate in the matter based on a determination that the Govern-
ment’s interest in the EAs participation outweighs the concern that a reasonable person would ques-
tion the integrity of agency programs and operations. The authorization permitted by this paragraph
cannot be given, however, if the EAs disqualification is also required as indicated above.

EAs are urged to use the process set forth in this paragraph to decide whether they should or
should not participate in other matters in which their impartiality is likely to be questioned.

An EA is disqualified for 2 years from participating in any matter in which his or her former em-
ployer is a party or represents a party if, prior to entering Federal service, that employer gave him or
her extraordinary payment in excess of $10,000. A routine severance and other payment made under
an established EA benefits plan would not be an extraordinary payment. There is authority to waive all
or part of this disqualification requirement.

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EA: “Protocol”, Chapter 5.

Seeking Other Employment

An EA is prohibited from participating in an official capacity in any particular matter that, to his
or her knowledge, has a direct and predictable effect on the financial interests of a person with whom
he or she is seeking employment. For this purpose, “employment” means any form of non-Federal
employment or business relationship involving the provision of personal services.

The term “seeking employment” includes bilateral negotiations with another, mutually con-
ducted with view to reaching an agreement regarding possible employment. It also includes conduct
short of negotiations, such as sending an unsolicited resume or other employment proposal. It can in-
clude employment contacts by or through an agent or intermediary. It does not include simply: Reject-
ing an unsolicited employment overture; requesting a job application; or sending an unsolicited
resume or other employment proposal to a person affected by performance of the EA duties only as a
member of an industry or other discrete class.

Having once begun, an EA generally continues to be seeking employment until he or she or

the prospective employer rejects the possibility of employment and all discussions end. However, an
EA is no longer seeking employment with the recipient of his or her unsolicited resume or other em-
ployment proposal after 2 months with no indication of interest in employment discussions from the
prospective employer.

Disqualification can be accomplished in the same manner as listed in disqualifying financial in-

If the EAs conduct in seeking employment amounts to negotiations, the EA can participate in
the matter affecting his or her prospective employer only if granted an individual waiver described. If
his or her conduct falls short of negotiations, the EA may be authorized to participate using the proce-
dures set forth in impartially in performing duties.

An EA may not participate in a particular matter that, to his or her knowledge, has a direct and
predictable effect on the financial interests of anyone with whom he or she has an arrangement con-
cerning future employment. In this case, an EA may be able to participate in a particular matter affect-
ing a prospective employer only if he or she has received an individual waiver described in Conflicting
financial interest.

Misuse of position

An EA shall not use his or her public office for his or her own private gain or for private gain of
friends, relatives, or persons with whom he or she is affiliated in a non government capacity, or for the
endorsement of any product, service, or enterprise. In particular, an EA shall not use his or her Gov-
ernment position, title, or authority:
In a manner intended to induce another to provide any benefit to himself or herself or to
friends, relatives, or affiliated persons
In a manner that could be construed to imply that DOD or the Government sanctions or en-
dorses his or her personal activities or those of another
To endorse any product, service, or enterprise except in furtherance of statutory authority to
do so.

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EA: “Protocol”, Chapter 5.

An EA shall not engage in a financial transaction using non-public information, or allow the im-
proper use of non-public information to further his or her own private interest or those of another. In-
formation that is “non-public” includes information the EA knows or reasonably should know:
Is routinely exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of information Act (FOIA) or protected
from disclosure by statute
Is designated as confidential by an agency.

An EA has a duty to protect and conserve Government property. He or she may use Govern-
ment property only for authorized purposes. Authorized purposes are those for which Government
property is made available to the public or those purposes authorized in accordance with law or regu-

Unless authorized in accordance with law or regulation to use such time for other purposes, an
EA shall use official time in an honest effort to perform official duties. An EA shall not encourage, di-
rect, coerce or request a subordinate to use official time to perform activities other than those required
in the performance of official duties or those authorized in accordance with law or regulation.

Outside Activities

In addition, an EAs outside employment and other activities must comply with all ethical re-
quirements set forth in this chapter including the requirement to avoid even the appearance of using
public office for private gain. For example, the prohibition against use of Government property for un-
authorized purposes would prohibit an EA from using the agency photocopier to reproduce docu-
ments for his or her outside organization.

An EAs outside employment and other activities must comply with applicable laws other than
the Standards of Ethical Conduct. Outside activities frequently raise questions about the following:
The restrictions in 18 USC 203 and 205 on EAs engaging in representational activities before
the United States
The constitutional prohibition against accepting any office, title, or compensation from a for-
eign government
The Hatch Act, which prohibits most EAs participation in certain partisan political activities.

An EA shall not engage in outside employment or activities prohibited by statute or by Navy

regulation, or that would materially impair the ability to perform his or her official duties.

In the absence of specific authorization, an EA shall not represent anyone other than the Unit-
ed States as an expert witness in any proceeding before a court or agency of the United States if the
United States is a party or has a direct and substantial interest. The restriction applies even though no
compensation is received.

An EA shall not receive compensation for teaching, speaking, or writing that is related to his or
her official duties. Teaching, speaking, or writing is “related to an EAs official duties” if:
The activity is undertaken as part of his or her official duties
The invitation to engage in the activity was extended primarily because of his or her official

Rev. FEB 2010 5-7

EA: “Protocol”, Chapter 5.

The invitation or the offer of compensation was extended by a person whose interests may
be affected by the EAs official duties
The information draws substantially on nonpublic information.


EAs shall apply the general principles of ethical conduct in weighing conduct not otherwise
addressed in regulations. EAs shall judge whether circumstances will violate the appearance prin-
ciple, from the perspective of a reasonable person with knowledge of the relevant facts.


In this chapter, we defined protocol, etiquette, military customs and courtesies of service and
ethical conduct. We also identified the customs and courtesies of service that are commonly used dai-
ly. We also discussed the responsibilities of standards of ethical conduct for the EA community.

Rev. FEB 2010 5-8


Entertaining and Planning

Learning Objectives: Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

—Describe the basic Planning and Preparation for official events.

—Identify the duties and responsibilities of Protocol.

—Describe the use of maintaining official records and receipts of expenditures for official events and
functions related to the Flag Officer’s Official duties.

—Describe the customs of different foreign countries.

—Describe the different types of table settings and tableware.

—Distinguish between the different types of wine and food pairing.


Completely formal entertaining has practically disappeared from the American social scene
because it requires a well trained staff and expensive table furnishings. For these reasons, informal
dinners have now become the norm. Details of strictly correct service, elaborate table settings and
formal menus can all be studied in general etiquette books. There may be times when the traditional
formality of the past may need to be observed on some occasions, such as White House state din-
ners, senior flag officers quarters or when abroad.

Through calendar meetings, protocol requirements and input from the host/hostess, a great
many social events will appear on the official command protocol calendar. Planning and preparing
menu items, performing as chef, maître d’, waiter and sommelier, preparing final disposition of goods,
receipts & moneys are all vital steps in the grand process that we call ―
Executive Dining.‖



Once there is a clear indication that an event is being planned there are many questions the
Enlisted Aide will need to ask to determine the direction to be taken:
What type of function is it going to be? (e.g. Black Tie, Civilian Informal or Private Dinner,
Breakfast, Luncheon, Tea, Cocktail Reception, Barbecue)
What is the relationship of the guests to the Principal? (e.g. Relatives & family, office person-
nel, subordinate commanders, U.S. officials, foreign dignitaries)
What dietary restrictions are there? (e.g. Vegetarian, kosher, known allergies)
Is there is funding in place and if so, what percentage is covered?

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As the host & protocol answers the above questions the EA will be able to determine what
tone the party will take on. The EA with guidance from the spouse can begin to make determinations
as to the level of grandeur, what type of table setting, which set of china, stem ware, flatware and li-
nens, are required.
Menu development should also begin to take form. Some of the requirements to consider are:
What time of day this function is taking place and how much time is allotted
How much time can realistically be dedicated to food preparation without taking away from
house cleaning, uniform maintenance and military requirements
What are the local specialties of the area and what foods are in season? Visiting guests
usually enjoy a sampling of the local fare
Make a detailed shopping list. Don’t forget to consider every aspect from flowers to cleaning
supplies. Shop as early as possible to ensure availability of goods-- shop as late as possible
to ensure freshness of perishables.

Note: A simple, well-balanced and well-prepared meal is preferable to one that is elaborate but
poorly prepared.


Your Protocol Office will be very helpful in determining official protocol requirements. They will
provide official gifts when needed as well as all the normal printed items. Usually one person from the
protocol office is assigned a specific event and they will coordinate all aspects with you. Some of the
items provided by protocol are:
Menu cards
A Seating Chart
Place cards (first name printed on the back)
Guest book card
Points of contact for entertainment.


The Principal and Protocol should give you specific requirements and instructions on the type
of menu required. The type of function will dictate the menu. The important factors are:
Number of guests attending
Known or perceived dietary restrictions
Cost constraints / funding parameters
Time, Season, Weather.

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Select recipes from reliable sources
Compare recipes with similar recipes from different sources
Determine availability of ingredients
Determine if the recipe can be prepared with existing kitchen facilities
Convert the recipes to the amount of portions that will best be suited to the operation or oc-
Test the recipes
Prepare and cook the food items according to the recipe directions
Evaluate the preparation capability of the equipment, cooking methods used and experience
of the staff
During the evaluation, make notes and corrections in procedures and methods used
Determine if the recipe is cost effective in terms of preparation and cooking time
Evaluate the prepared food item for desired quality and appearance to determine whether the
item can be prepared and served within constraints.

Note: Acquire alternate or supplemental equipment and facilities when existing kitchen facilities are
not adequate. It is a common practice to bring in a folding table for plate up counter space.

Conduct an on-hand inventory of food items and other required items:
Record and make note of items that are "below" stock levels for planned menus
Record these items on your shopping list
Purchase quality items through post or local commissary as is practical before seeking out-
side retail purchases
Shop as early as possible to ensure availability of goods. Shop as late as possible to ensure
freshness of perishables
Keep an inventory of Official Representation Funds (ORF) items & use them in conjunction
w/ official functions only.

Compile a Purchase List

Prepare a complete shopping list of items to be purchased
Determine and select place to purchase items
Maintain an index card listing of particular retailers as a reminder for any future purchases in-
cluding items purchased, quality and timeliness of delivery
When shopping, compare labels for content, freshness and quality
Always check with Principal and Protocol for recommendations.
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Review the seating arrangements

Select appropriate seating arrangements for the particular occasion
Arrange seating for the occasion. Note: Check with Principal and Protocol for preferences,
Protocol can assist with seating arrangements.


Select the appropriate table setting

Review the table settings
Select the appropriate table setting for the particular occasion
Select and place appropriate (matching) table linen, place mats and napkins on the table
Arrange the table setting correctly for the particular occasion
Place utensils in the order of precedence for the meal courses they are to be used. Working
from the outside toward the plate. For instance, if you are serving soup as the first course,
the soup spoon will be placed in the outer most utensil position on the right side.

Note: It is common practice to set the table the night before the event, this allows the Principal and
Protocol to check the table and service area set ups with enough advance time to make any


Ensure that centerpieces conform to the theme of the occasion

Ensure that the colors in the centerpiece or arrangement harmonize with the colors of the ta-
ble service, tablecloth and napkins
Ensure the centerpiece container is as much a part of the picture in quality, texture and color
as the chinaware, crystal and silverware
Place the centerpiece where it contributes to the interest and charm of the complete setting.
The size of the centerpiece depends on the size and shape of the table, but it should not be
so tall or large that guest cannot see over it
Make the arrangement in proportion to the length and size of the table:

- Buffet Table: Use any height arrangement

- Sit-Down Affair: Recommend low arrangement

- Coffee/Tea: Recommend tall arrangement

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Follow the correct procedures for service. Always serve from left, remove from right and serve
beverages from the right side. Never reach across or present your fore arm towards the seated guests
Serving Tips for Plated Service:
Always consult with the Principal and Protocol for any service preferences or variations:
There are many methods for serving but the preferred method is for the waiter to remove the
place settings from the table, two diners at a time, until the table is cleared and then begin
serving, carrying two plates at one time
When using more than one server, one server starts meal service with the person to the right
of the host and the other server starts with the person to the right of the hostess
When using two or more waiters as a team, practice ―
mirror service- the identical serving
style for each waiter‖
Serve food from the left
Never reach in front of the guest
Plan strategy in advance so service will run smoothly
Glasses should be filled or removed from the right to avoid reaching across or in front of the
Use of a Charger – The EA should discuss this with the Principal and Protocol prior to an
event to establish a standard for the house. Normally the place setting should not be left
empty while the rest of the table is being cleared unless it is the dessert course, so the base
plate remains through the main course. Then the entire table is cleared to include salt and
pepper shakers
Remove plates after each course, when all guests have finished eating, with approval of the
host or hostess.

One Server

For up to eight guests - Serve guest to the right of the host. Continue to serve counter clock-
wise around the table, serving the host last.

Two Servers

For eight or more guests – Generally the first server will serve the Guest at the right of the
Principal; second server will start with the guest of honor employing ― mirror service.‖ Continue to
serve counterclockwise around the table serving the host last. Verify with the Principal and Protocol.


After the services are complete and the guests are finished, the area must be cleaned prior to
Remove all tableware to the appropriate area for washing, drying and storing

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Remove linens and napkins to the appropriate location to be laundered and stored
Store and label leftover foods in proper containers in appropriate storage areas
Wash, dry and store tableware, serving dishes, pots, pans and other equipment
Ensure that kitchen, dining and serving areas are restored to a clean and orderly manner
Reposition furniture to its original location.


A brunch is similar to any formal luncheon or dinner. It is usually served between 1000 and
1200 and consists of a combination of breakfast and lunch. Items typically found on a brunch menu
consist of; ham, quiche, fruit compote, muffins or scones, sweet rolls or pastries, fruit juice, coffee or

Quarters coffee service is an informal entertainment that is popular for spouses of a unit and
held on a weekday. It provides an opportunity for spouses to get acquainted informally. A coffee is
usually held between 1000 and 1130 and the menu is similar to breakfast. Items typically found at a
coffee consist of Coffee, Tea, Punch, Pastries, a variety of finger foods, fresh fruit platter, or a special
Executive Mess/ Flag Mess coffee Service is a service of coffee and water set up for the of-
fice and for meetings hosted by the principal.

Most luncheons are official occasions frequently held in honor of a visiting dignitary at your
base, post, or station:
Luncheon usually starts between the hours of 1100 through 1300
Formal luncheons have three or four courses
Informal luncheons can only have two courses
Refreshments are offered approximately 30 minutes before the meal is served
One wine is customarily served at the luncheon table if that is the desire of the host. Light
wines are usually served at luncheons
Menus are simple, such as; quiche with a salad, salads and sandwiches, fruit, or a special
dessert may be served.

A tea is a "get together" given to meet a house guest or a special Occasion:
Teas for a few or many guest usually start at 1400. They may also be held at a time desig-
nated by the host; any time between the hours of noon and 1600 may be appropriate
The tea table is always covered with a lace or an elaborate cloth

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The food served at a tea varies could consist of; tea, punch, dainty finger foods, sandwiches
and small cakes, small rolls or biscuits filled with hot creamed chicken, small tarts, pastries,
cake, nuts and mints.

Formal Dinner

Follow all procedures for formal dining:

Review a formal place setting as described in chapter 3 of this handbook (use Service Eti-
quette book if applicable).
Designate dinner partners and tables by seating charts or escort cards
Put place cards on the tables
Serve several courses by, waiters, waitresses or aides
Serve hors d’oeuvres 1 hour prior to dinner or when guest arrives
Serve dinner between the hours of 1800 through 2000.
Menu for Formal Dinner - Menus for formal dinners vary. The following example provides
courses with the wines that may accompany each course and may be changed to three, four, or five
course menus by omitting certain courses.

Sequence of Courses and Course Wine

First Course
Soup (usually clear) — Sherry
Fish, hot or cold — White wine
Main course of meat and vegetables — Cabernet
Main course of game and vegetables — Burgundy
Salad — No new wine
Dessert — Champagne
Fresh fruit — Champagne.
Formal Dinner Examples:
A five-course dinner could be soup, fish, main course, salad and dessert
A four-course dinner could be soup, main course, salad and dessert
A three-course dinner could be soup or salad, main course and dessert

Note: Red, white and pale wine is appropriate, depending on main meat entrée and on the principal

Serve coffee and Tea after dinner

Serve mints after the final course (optional)
Serve liqueurs, but not at the dining table
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Serve bread to the bread plate after you have served the first course so that the bread is hot
and fresh.

A buffet meal is a favorite form of serving many guests with or without help. Guests serve
themselves from a buffet table and eat at designated locations throughout the house. The Principal
and Protocol may choose to pass the foods again or ask the guests to return for seconds:
The time of the buffet varies depending on the desire of the host or hostess
Buffet menus varies, but may include meat, starch, vegetable, salad and dessert and they
are placed on the serving line in that order. Set the proper serving utensil; in each chafer and
or serving dish
Cold beverages are pre-poured and set at each table setting
Set the plates for guest to use for the buffet at the head of the serving line
Set desserts at the end of the serving line with their own plates and napkins
Coffee and tea is passed or served in the dining area.

Cocktail Receptions
This is a type of party to say hail and farewell, to entertain special guests, or just to visit social-
ly. Cocktail receptions vary in size from a handful to many people. These receptions are customarily
held during or near the close of daylight hours as desired by the Principal. A choice of drinks should
be made available. Finger foods and heavy or light hors d’oeuvres may also be served:
Ensure that within the first few minutes after the host greets them that the guests are offered
a drink
Drinks may be served from a bar or passed around on a tray
At small cocktail Receptions, the host may act as a bartender
Small one bite finger foods will be served with napkin. If serving items with tooth picks make
a return sweep so that guests are not left holding used tooth picks for an extended amount of
Serve half glasses of red wine or any beverages that stain
Appoint one of the staff members to maintain constant service contact with the host for prop-
er service and tempo points
Music should never be louder than normal conversation volume. Guest should never have to
shout to those standing next to them.

Formal and informal receptions are large parties held to honor individuals, couples, or groups.
At formal receptions, such as the ones held by the Principal l, guests go through a receiving line:
Receptions are held at various hours, according to their nature, with less formal affairs fre-
quently held from 1800 to 2000

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Foods served at receptions are as simple or as elaborate as the Principal desires and the
occasion requires
One room is usually set aside for food, but more rooms may be needed at large receptions.


The basic rule in setting any table, formal or informal, is to avoid crowding:
There should be at least 24 inches of table space for each person (24 inches is from plate
center to plate center). Flatware utensil 1 inch from the edge of the table
Place the centerpiece in the middle of the table and balance the other decorations around it
Everything on the table must balance and be aligned with its matching pieces
When silverware is required and guests are already seated, these should be placed in a
serving tray over a napkin
Knives should be set on the right side of the plate with blade facing left, next to soup spoon
When plates are monogrammed, emblem should be centered on upper side of plate. If on
center of plate. It should be placed upright
Replenishing or removing plates from table should always be done to the left side of guest
Beverages should be served to the right of guest and handled by the base of the glass.

Table Linens and Coverings

The traditional formal dinner table is covered with a white or ivory damask tablecloth. The
modern white or pastel colored cloth of damask, lace or linen may be used. Place mats of
the same materials may also be used
The tablecloth should not hang over the table more than 18 inches, nor less than 12 inches. A
silence pad should fit the top of the table, flush to the edges, with the table cloth placed over
the pad. If there is no custom fitted silence pad, a thick felt cloth can be used underneath the
table cloth in place of the silence pad. Ensure the tablecloth hangs evenly on all sides
Matching napkins should be placed for each guest. Lace, linen tablecloth or placemats may
be used for the formal luncheon table. Cocktail napkins are used before the luncheon or din-
ner and may be cloth or paper.

If candles are chilled for several days before use, they will drip less and burn longer.

Place Settings
The place settings are as important, if not more important than the table settings. The dia-
grams will show the preferred method for the place settings for most occasions. As always, check with
the Principal and Protocol for their preferences. Listed below are the most preferred linens and cover-
ings. Always check with host for preferences and recommendations.

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Occasion Linens and Coverings

Breakfast Silence pad under tablecloth linen Tablecloth Colored placemats

Luncheon/Dinner Silence pad under tablecloth linen

(Informal) Linen or lace placemats

Damask tablecloth (always over silence pad)

Sheer tablecloths lay directly over the table top

Placemats with matching napkins

Attractive table runners suitable for the occasion

Formal Dinner White damask tablecloth over a silence pad

Linen tablecloth over a silence pad

Lace placemats with matching napkins

Buffet Tablecloth over a silence pad

Placemats with matching napkins

Floor length tea cloth on a small round tea table (This presents a graceful
appearance for formal teas.)

Tablecloth with matching napkins, matching or harmonizing with the tea


Full service table setting

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Tray Service Setting

1 –Photo (above, left) on the left is complete for full service.

2 – Photo (above, right) on the right is set for stacking for large groups.


The formal meal service is the most important of all the table arrangements. The diagram be-
low depicts the correct place setting for each course at a formal dinner.

Table Settings and utensils

Teaspoons are perfect for coffee, tea, desserts, cereal and soups. You can never have too
many of these spoons. They are considered part of the standard 5-piece place setting.

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(5-6‖ in length)


Place spoons are the most versatile piece of silver available. They can be used as serving
pieces or as individual spoons. Many people call these tablespoons. These pieces are great for
soups, desserts, entrees and cereals.

Place Spoon

(6 ½ -7 ½‖ in length)


Bouillon spoons are great for eating soups that are made from thin broth. They are smaller
than both the gumbo and cream soup spoons. Like cream and gumbo spoons, these pieces generally
have round shallow bowls.

Bouillon Spoon

(5-6" in length)

Luncheon knives are slightly smaller than the dinner knife and are used for meals and gather-
ings before dinner. Also, the luncheon knife can double as a youth or children’s knife and can be used
with the luncheon fork and five o’clock teaspoon.

Luncheon Knife

(7-8‖ in length)


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Dinner knives are among the most versatile pieces in a silver service. Although it is called the
"dinner" knife, it's also great for serving butter and/or spreading condiments.

Dinner Knife (8-9‖ in length)


Iced tea spoons are generally used to stir iced beverages that are served in tall glasses. They
can also be used as dessert spoons for parfaits, sherbets, or ice cream.

Iced Tea Spoon

(7 ½-8 ½‖ in length)


Demitasse spoons are used to stir strong coffees that are served in small quantities, like es-
presso or Turkish coffee. Generally, these spoons look like smaller versions of the teaspoon.

Demitasse Spoon

(4-5‖ in length)


Luncheon forks are slightly smaller than the dinner fork, generally feature straight tines and
are used for meals and gatherings before dinner. Also, the luncheon fork can double as a youth or
children’s fork and can be used with the luncheon knife and five o’clock teaspoon.

Luncheon Fork

(7-7 3/8‖ in length)


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Dinner forks are part of the typical 5-piece place setting. Dinner forks are used for the entrée
course at dinner.

Dinner Fork

(7-8‖ in length)

Salad forks are used for the salad course served before dinner and are part of the typical 5-
piece place setting. The salad fork can also be used for eating hors d’oeuvres, desserts and other bite
size foods.

Salad Fork

(6-7‖ in length)


Dessert forks are designed to look a lot like the salad fork. This piece is placed directly above
the dinner plate or charger and is used for eating cakes, pies and pastries that follow dinner.

Dessert Fork

(5-6‖ in length)


Steak knives are often added to the typical 5-piece place setting. This piece can be made with
a serrated or non-serrated edge and is characterized by its pointed blade.

Steak Knife

(8-9 ½‖ in length)


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Tablespoons are used for serving vegetables. Although tablespoons have a shape similar to
teaspoons or place spoons, they are larger and are reserved for the serving bowls in the center of the
table or buffet.


(8-10‖ in length)


Flat handle butter spreaders are used for spreading butter. Generally, these are used in addi-
tion to the typical 5-piece place setting. The butter spreader is placed on each individual bread and
butter plate at the table.

Butter Spreader - Flat Handle

(5-6‖ in length)


Cake knives are large serving pieces that are used for cutting cake.

Cake knife

(8-10‖ in length)


Cake servers are used to serve slices of cake. They can double as pie servers and are used
to cut and lift the piece that is being served.

(10-12‖ in length)


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Carving forks are used with carving knives. Carving forks are used to serve pieces of meat
while carving knives are used to cut them.

Carving Fork

(8-10‖ in length)


Carving knives are used with carving forks. While carving forks are used to hold the meat in
place, carving knives are used to cut the meat.

Carving Knife

(9-11‖ in length)


Fish forks resemble salad forks and are used for the eating of fish. Generally, this piece is
used with the 5-piece place setting and/or the fish knife.

Fish Fork

(7-8‖ in length) setting

Gravy ladles are the most common ladle size. Generally, this piece is 6-8 inches in length and
can be used to serve gravies or cream sauces.

Ladle - Gravy

(6-8‖ in length)


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Crystal Glassware Handling

Become familiar with the fine quality of glass products, as well as their handling for further
safety and economy. Improving one’s handling of crystal ware means less breakage. There are two
causes for glass breakage: physical impact and thermo shock.
Note: Never pour cold water or ice into a hot glass. The thicker the glass is, the more time it will need
to reach room temperature. Pour out ice and let glass stand five minutes prior to washing.

Wine Glassware and Wine Service Tips

The size and shape of the wine glass can contribute to the enjoyment of drinking wine. Gener-
ally speaking, a glass with a long stem allows wine to be swirled easily (swirling helps bring out the
smells of the wine, which is very important to the tasting process). The long stem also keeps the heat
of your hand away from the wine.
In order to capture the scents, it’s nice to have a glass that is narrower at the top than the area
below. In this way there is a larger surface area of wine in the bottom and the bouquet of the wine can
get trapped by the narrowing of the glass.
Never pour wine to the top rim of the wine glass. Use a napkin wrapped around the bottle to
keep the hand from warming the contents of a chilled bottle of wine and to prevent moisture from
chilled bottles to drip.
Every glass is designed to maximize taste and aroma by delivering the wine to the right part of
the mouth, as well as being shaped properly to catch and concentrate the scents of the wine.


Table decorations should complement the meal service. The following chart provides a guide
in selecting appropriate decorations:
Occasion Considerations for Centerpieces and Table Decorations

Breakfast Simple arrangements of fresh cut or artificial flowers, fruits, vegetables

A combination of these in attractive containers

Figurines suited for the occasion

Small live potted plant

Lunch or Dinner All of the items above may be considered for centerpieces

Balloons to fit the Occasion

A small bowl or cup of artificially arranged plants

Formal Dinner Candelabra with candles (15 to 18 inches high)

Ornaments that blend with the table settings

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Centerpiece of a china, silver, or porcelain bowl or pot filled with flowers:

flanked by silver candelabra placed midway down each side of the table.
Both sides must look the same

Tea One candelabrum is sufficient

Arranged flowers in bowl or vase. The height of the flower arrangement

may be at the discretion of the host or hostess.

Buffet Flowers, fruits or vegetables in bowls, vases, or baskets

Attractive ornaments

Candelabra with lighted candles for evening activities

NOTE: If candles are chilled for several days before use, they will drip less and burn longer.


For the purpose of official entertainment, it may be necessary to stock and set up the bar. If
required to stock the bar, the EA will always check with the host or hostess to determine preferences.
It is prudent for the EA to establish an official inventory of necessary items and those items can be
procured through use of ORF funds. The following checklists are useful in determining specific bar

Since every drink requires a special glass, there are a variety of glasses used. A minimum of
eight glasses by type should be stocked. The glasses should be of a style that matches the host's
taste or is in keeping with the bar theme or surroundings.

Glass Description

Pilsners Tall and have a round pedestal for a base and used solely for beer

Wine Glass Usually tall and stemmed, the larger glasses are usually for red wine

Highball Tall, cylindrical, non-stemmed glass, for basic drinks (rum & coke, gin & ton-

Rock Glass Short with a wide rim and used for single order drinks on the rocks

Snifter Stemmed bowl used for drinks served ―


These items consist of, but are not limited to, liquor, wine, beer and after dinner liqueurs.
There are some basic items used at a bar. Check with the Principal and Protocol for preferences but it
is always prudent to plan to serve:

Basic Liquor stock

Whiskey, Rye or Canadian such as Crown Royal™

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Scotch, single malt or blended such as Glen Fiddich or Chivas Regal™

Bourbon, such as Makers Mark™ or Jack Daniels™
Rum, light or dark such as Bacardi Superior™ or Myers Dark Rum™
Gin has many variety’s, such as Tangueray™, Bombay Sapphire™ or Beefeaters™
Vodka, a standard, such as Smirnoff™, Stolichnaya™, Skyy™ or Absolute™.

Red wine should be stored at 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
Red wine should be served at room temperature.
White and Blush wine should be served chilled.
Champagne should be chilled quickly in an ice bath; 30 minutes before service.
Open red wines 30 min. prior to service. this allows the wine to breath.

After Dinner Liquors

Cognac such as Courvoisier™ or Remy Martin™
Cordials such as Grand Marnier™, B&B (Bourbon & Benedictine) and Drambuie™
Kahlua™, Bailey’s Irish Cream™, Crème de Menthe™ and Frangelico™
Port wine, Tawny port is stronger in flavor profile then regular.

Beer should be placed in an ice chest and iced down at least 4 hours prior to the start of the
function. A selection of Light and Full Bodied Brews should be considered.

Non-Alcoholic Beverages
Non-alcoholic beverages consist of:
Sodas- Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, etc
Juices- Orange, grapefruit, cranberry, pineapple and tomato
Club soda
Tonic water
Sparkling mineral water.

Garnishes are vital to flavor and eye appeal of the drink. Generally the kinds of garnishes used
are lemon and lime wedges, cocktail onions and olives for martinis and mar chinos cherries. Cut the
lemon or lime in half lengthwise. Cut into ¼ -inch slices and then cut those slices in half. Make sure
you remove excessive seeds and labels from lemons and limes.

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Maintenance and Service Items

You should have the following items when maintaining your bar and serving your guests:
Bar towels
Trash cans
Trash bags
Beverage napkins
Bar spoon
Measuring devices
Ice scoop
Bottle opener, corkscrew and can opener
Cocktail napkins
Good supply of glasses
Large cooler

Placement of Items
The trick to running a smooth bar operation is the placement of the items being used. The ta-
ble below lists the items and placement for a smooth operation. The location of the bar must be taken
into consideration; it should be accessible to the guests but away from the food table. It should not be
so large for the room that it dominates the area.

Item Placement

Bar Centered, but out of the congested area

Tables Directly behind the bar, but leave enough walking space

Glasses Wine glasses – On the top shelf inside the bar

Highball On the second shelf inside the bar

Rock glasses Next to the highball glasses inside the bar

Pilsners On the third shelf, inside the bar

Liquors Place on top of the bar, to the left or right

Wine Decant into carafes, on top of the bar opposite the liquors

Beer Place in ice chest with ice, set on table behind the bar

Sodas Place on table behind the bar and place one can of each soda on
the top of the bar to allow guest to see the selection

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Juices, sodas Place one of each on top of the bar and then place the extra sup-
plies on the table behind the bar

Garnishes Place on top the bar next to the liquors

Service Items Place on top the bar, in an area where they are accessible

Trash cans Place on both sides of the bar, with a tablecloth wrapped around it

Scoop Place with ice

Bar Equipment - The checklist below is only a guide; items may be added or deleted to suite
your needs:

Cocktail shaker with top Lemon-lime squeezer

Bottle opener Stainless-steel knife

Corkscrew Ice bucket

Set of ice tongs Long handled mixing spoon

Bar strainer Cutting board

Large mixing picture Coasters

Jigger (1 ½ ounces) Stirrers

Muddler (stir sticks) Napkins

Bar Stemware

1.5 oz Shot glass 4 oz 5.5 oz 6 oz

Cognac Champagne Brandy Snifter

Rev. DEC 2010 6-21

EA: “Entertaining and Planning”, Chapter 6.

10 oz Pilsner 10 oz Rock Glass Pilsner 12 oz Beer Mug

11 oz Wine Cocktail/Martini Glass 8oz Highball


You must maintain official records and receipts of expenditures for official events or functions,
related to the Principal’s official duties. Record entries accurately in a ledger and annotate required
forms to show proper use of funds. Spending funds from an official account must be approved by your
local Protocol Office and reconciled by their designee immediately following (or at least by the next
day) any event using those funds. Receipts must accompany the Official Entertainment Balance
Sheet (sample provided in Chapter 10). If official liquor inventories are used, the Liquor Inventory
Control Sheet must accompany the package.
Receipts - Submit official expense records to designated office for accountability. Organize the
official expenditure documents, party expense sheet, store receipts and/or store purchase itemized
Add each subtotal on the party expense sheet to gain an overall total
Attach all originals, copies and receipts of purchases.
Recheck all figures to ensure the receipt totals equal the total amount actually spent so that
the balance to be turned in is accounted for. Assemble completed documents in logical order and an-
notate for clarification and justification as necessary. Forward documents to designated office or indi-
vidual as required.

Rev. DEC 2010 6-22

EA: “Entertaining and Planning”, Chapter 6.

Official Records
Maintain duplicate copies of all official expenditures and receipts
Establish files according to directives received from your local Protocol Office, Budget Analyst
Copies of all paperwork submitted are not required but are recommended.


In this chapter, we identified the basic planning and preparation for official events; the duties
and responsibilities of protocol; proper maintaining of official records and receipts of expenditures for
official events; customs in foreign countries and different types of table settings and tableware.

Rev. DEC 2010 6-23

EA: “Entertaining and Planning”, Chapter 6.

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Learning Objective: Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

—Prepare Flag Officer Uniforms.

—Describe the proper placement of Ribbons, Decorations and Rank Insignia.

—Describe the uniform for wear.

—Describe instructions for trip preparations and staging of uniform.


One of the most important tasks performed as an enlisted aide is preparing the flag officer’s
uniform. This section will cover some of the regulations pertaining to the flag officer’s uniform.
Assist with the care, cleanliness, and order of assigned quarters, uniforms, and military per-
sonal equipment OPNAVINST 1306.3 (series).
In guidance, this covers uniforms and military personal equipment. The term uniforms include
all uniform components from shirts and jackets, to under garments and ties. Military personal equip-
ment is classified as swords, medals, helmet, body armor, weapon and civilian clothing used for offi-
cial functions and P.T. gear. Simply stated, at the flag officer’s discretion, Enlisted Aides (EAs) are re-
sponsible for the care and cleanliness of the flag officer’s personal civilian clothing.



Perform the following steps when caring for the flag officer’s shoes/boots:
Remove sand, dirt and grit from shoes after each wear
Clean shoes with a clean cloth if necessary, use warm soapy water
Select and use a good brand of shoe polish for shining shoes. In addition, a very soft cotton
cloth is necessary for this step
Place shoe trees in the shoes to retain their shape and absorb moisture
Position shoes neatly in appropriate storage area.
One of your primary functions will be to prepare the flag officer uniform to include appropriate
cover and shoes.


Place ribbons, and rank insignia per uniform regulations

Inspect items for torn, worn, or soiled areas

Rev. DEC 2010 7-1

EA: “Uniform and Components”, Chapter 7.

With the flag officer’s approval, repair or if necessary, replace torn/worn, items with new ones
With flag officer’s approval clean/buff silver and brass accoutrements and awards.

Note: It will not be necessary to break down a uniform and send it to the cleaners each time it has
been worn. Most times you will be able to steam or press the uniform and perform a spot
check of the ribbons and accoutrements. Always check with the flag officer before removing
items. As a back-up plan, check with the Flag Aide to ensure there are no scheduling conflicts
before breaking down a uniform.


Because of less frequent wear and cost of replacement, use particular care when cleaning or
storing dress uniforms.
Clean uniforms according to manufacturer's label instructions
Gold lacing on dress uniforms may deteriorate if improperly handled; special care must be
taken to ensure these surfaces do not endure rough treatment
High humidity or sharp temperature changes will also cause tarnishing of gold lacing and
shoulder boards if the uniform is not adequately protected
With a packet of desiccant drying agent. This will give the greatest protection; use the dry
cleaners plastic sleeve at a minimum
Place the uniform carefully on a substantial hanger and store in a dry, cool, well-ventilated


Working uniforms use the same care required for dress uniforms. However, due to more con-
stant use, some additional measures may benefit. As heat, friction and pressure have a deteriorating
effect on materials, working uniforms generally show more wear at creased areas. This may be par-
tially offset by investing in a steamer which can rid the article of wrinkles and not press the crease
needlessly. Sleeve cuffs and trousers/slacks/skirt hems should be periodically examined for loose but-
tons and torn hems. Dry-cleaning preserves the original appearance and finish of wool, polyester and
polyester/wool garments and is recommended over laundering.

Note: Follow manufactures label for proper laundering.

Undergarments follow manufactures label for proper laundering.

Accessories and rank insignia must be placed in the appropriate places as per uniform reg-
Preparing the uniform for wear
Take a picture to digitally document the placement of the accoutrements
Attach rank, medals and or ribbons to the uniform paying close attention to detail. Use a ruler
to ensure the greatest accuracy for spacing and placement

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EA: “Uniform and Components”, Chapter 7.

Double-check the retaining clasps, ribbons, medals, badges, name tag, collar devices and or
shoulder boards to ensure proper placement and solid attachment to the uniform. Final in-
spection should include the use of a lint brush, stray strings and hair.


Verify the flag officer's itinerary and determine what uniforms, accessories and clothing items
are required for the travel. Prepare a packing list of clothing and present the list to the flag officer for
approval. If time permits, pack the day prior and leave the list out for inspection. An example of a
packing list is shown in chapter 10. Make requested changes received from the flag aide and or flag
Pack electrical adapters/transformers if possible when traveling to a foreign country
Check availability and quality of comfort items to include towels, pillows and bathroom tissue
Select the luggage needed and pack in such a manner as to prevent wrinkling but insure as
little movement within the bag as possible.


Organize clothing in categories (i.e., shirts, undergarments, trousers, shoes, socks):

Count items to ensure the appropriate quantities for the number of days traveling
Check for tears, missing buttons, and worn socks. Replace items as necessary
Suggestions for packing clothing
Fold or roll clothing neatly to keep wrinkle free
Place uniform sets separately and use tags to easily identify them without having to open
garment bags. Use a rubber band or twist tie to secure all hangers in the garment bag to-
gether to prevent them from falling to the bottom of the bag
Place shoes in shoe bags with shoe trees in them
Pack a lint roller, iron, sewing kit, shoe polish, brushes, and extra buttons
Label the luggage with the flag officers’ name and office information.

Note: DO NOT pack glass bottles that contain fluids with clothing. If you must carry breakable items,
wrap them very carefully and place them in a separate plastic bags. Follow airport security

Note: Figure 7-1 delineates a comparison of equivalent uniforms across the services.

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EA: “Uniform and Components”, Chapter 7.

Figure 7-1, Table of Service Equivalent Uniforms.

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EA: “Uniform and Components”, Chapter 7.


Rigging Warfare pins will be set ¼ inch above the three ribbon bar

The above picture is the proper placing for the command badge. For the working khaki uniform
the small command badge is used. For males, the badge is centered on the left pocket 1 inch from the
lower seam of the left pocket. For females, the badge is placed above the Warfare pin centered 1 inch

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EA: “Uniform and Components”, Chapter 7.

For one and two star placement collar tip can be folded over and should measure 1 inch.

NOTE: This will not work for three and four star placement.

For three and four star placement it is impossible to position the stars 1 inch centered. In this
case they should be triangular centered with the top seam of the collar.

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EA: “Uniform and Components”, Chapter 7.

At Sea Long Sleeve Khaki Uniform

Star placement for the long sleeve khaki uniform is centered between top and lower seam of
collar, 1 inch in from the front seam of the collar.

NOTE: No Ribbons are worn with this uniform. Warfare pin will be placed ¼ inch centered above the
left pocket.

Cover and shoe sample rigging.

White dress shoes: Wear w/ summer white and Service dress whites.

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EA: “Uniform and Components”, Chapter 7.

Hard Shoulder Board Placement

The surface is covered with gold lace showing a 1/8 inch blue cloth margin on each of the long
sides. The end of the anchor chain must point up on both shoulder boards.

Rev. DEC 2010 7-8

EA: “Uniform and Components”, Chapter 7.

Large Medal Placement

Large medals are worn on the left breast of the service coat or jumper of Full Dress Blues and
Full Dress White. When wearing more than one medal, suspend them from a holding bar that sup-
ports the medals' weight. Place the holding bar of the lowest row of medals in the same position as
the lowest ribbon bar. The bars measure 4-1/8 inches wide, and each row of medals is 3-1/4 inches
long from the top of the suspension ribbons to bottom of medals, so that bottom of medals dress in a
horizontal line. Multiple rows of medals should be grouped with the same number of medals in each
row, with the lesser number in the top row if necessary. A maximum of three medals may be worn
side by side in a single row with no overlap. Arrange four or more medals (maximum of five in a single
row) overlapping shall be proportional and the inboard medal shall show in full. Mount the medals so
they cover the suspension ribbons of the medals below.

Rev. DEC 2010 7-9

EA: “Uniform and Components”, Chapter 7.

Miniature Medal Placement

Wear miniature medals with all formal dress uniforms and dinner dress uniforms. Each row of
miniatures is 2-1/4 inches long, from top of the suspension ribbons to bottom of medals, so the bottom
of medals dress in a horizontal line. Position medals so they cover the suspension ribbons of the
medals in the rows below: on dinner dress jackets, place the holding bar of the lowest row of miniature
medals 3 inches below the notch, centered on the lapel, parallel to the deck. On blue and white ser-
vice coats, center the holding bar 1/4 inches above the left breast pocket parallel to the deck. Wear up
to five miniature medals in a row with no overlap. Arrange six or more miniature medals following the

Rev. DEC 2010 7-10

EA: “Uniform and Components”, Chapter 7.

Formal Dinner Dress Jacket

Wear miniature medals with all formal dress uniforms and dinner dress uniforms. Each row of
miniatures is 2-1/4 inches long, from top of the suspension ribbons to bottom of medals, so the bottom
of medals dress in a horizontal line. Position medals so they cover the suspension ribbons of the
medals in the rows below. On formal and dinner dress jackets, place the holding bar of the lowest row
of miniature medals 3 inches below the notch, centered on the lapel, parallel to the deck. On blue and
white service coats, center the holding bar 1/4 inch above the left breast pocket parallel to the deck.
Wear up to five miniature medals in a row with no overlap.

Rev. DEC 2010 7-11

EA: “Uniform and Components”, Chapter 7.

Formal Dress Shirt

The formal dress shirt requires gold shirt studs and gold cuff links.

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EA: “Uniform and Components”, Chapter 7.

Distance Between Medals and Warfare Pin

Rev. DEC 2010 7-13

EA: “Uniform and Components”, Chapter 7.

Proper Hangar Presentation

Plain, pleated or rear fastening cummerbunds are gold for officers. Wear a wraparound style
with Tropical Dinner Dress Blue uniform. An adjustable cummerbund is authorized with Formal Dress
and Dinner Dress Jacket uniforms. Correct Wear. Wear with pleats up, around the waist overlapping
the skirt/trouser top at least 1 Inch.

Rev. DEC 2010 7-14

EA: “Uniform and Components”, Chapter 7.

In this chapter, we identified the variety of uniforms worn by Flag Officers. We explained in de-
tail how to prepare the uniforms, the proper procedures of Ribbons, Decoration and Rank Insignia
placement on those Uniforms and the proper care and we discussed the instructions for trip prepara-
tion and staging requirements.

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EA: “Uniform and Components”, Chapter 7.

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Chapter 8

Special Household Equipment

Learning Objectives: Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

—Describe the provision of household equipment.

—Describe the procedures for the up-keep and maintenance of resident-owned equipment.

—Describe the special furnishings in your residence.


The purpose of this chapter is to familiarize you with the provision of household equipment,
procedures for the upkeep and maintenance of resident owned equipment and describe the impor-
tance of special furnishings within your residence. For further information refer to The Management of
General and Flag Officer Quarters.


A position designated by the Director of Administration and Management, Office of the Secre-
tary of Defense, if filled by an Admiral or flag officer, or civilian or comparable grade, with public enter-
tainment responsibilities requiring the incumbent to represent the interests of the United States in offi-
cial and social entertainment activities involving foreign or U.S. dignitaries of high governmental or
military rank and outstanding members of the business, industrial, labor, scientific and academic


Enclosed porches, dens, libraries and family rooms (unless integrated) (See figure 8-1) are not
normally considered as part of the public entertainment area. Upstairs hallways (unless there is no
bathroom available for guests to use on the first floor) and other areas of the Distinguished Visitors
(DV) are not considered as a part of the public entertainment area. Guest bedrooms in DVs of special
command positions may be included if overnight accommodation of official visitors will be required.

Rev. DEC 2010 8-1

EA: “Special Household Equipment”, Chapter 8.

Figure 8-1, Example of Public Entertainment Area.


Family housing residents will be issued national flags to be displayed. Flags will be affixed to
houses and displayed per installation directives.

Installation housing offices will establish procedures for issue and accountability of flags and
requests for replacements.


Ranges and Refrigerators

Government-procured ranges and refrigerators will be provided in Navy-controlled family
housing and in private rental housing in foreign areas occupied by eligible personnel
Ranges not conforming to sizes authorized may be procured only when space is inappro-
priate for the specified sizes
Refrigerators will be free standing
Clothes washers and dryers will not be provided in Continental United States (CONUS) family
housing except for CONUS housing occupied by foreign personnel who are in this country on
an exchange basis and for special command positions
In overseas areas, clothes washers and dryers are authorized for Navy-controlled housing
and private rental housing occupied by eligible personnel when determined by economic
analysis to be more cost effective than shipment of personally-owned washers and dryers.
Commercial-type washers and dryers will be procured for use in structures having common
laundry rooms. Stacked washer/dryers or dryers may be procured and installed in those
laundry rooms where space is restricted
Portable dishwashers. Portable dishwashers may be provided in housing instead of installed
dishwashers where it is considered impractical to provide permanently installed dishwashers

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EA: “Special Household Equipment”, Chapter 8.

Items of household equipment currently in use but not authorized under the above criteria
may be retained until no longer serviceable but will not be replaced
Ancillary items for utility support in foreign areas
When not provided by the landlord, issue and installation of necessary light fixtures and other
components of utility systems are authorized for leased housing (government or privately-
leased) occupied by eligible personnel. Costs associated with the procurement, installation,
removal and maintenance and repair are chargeable to Armed Forces Housing maintenance
or leasing funds, as appropriate. These costs include expenses for installing and removing
light fixtures provided by eligible personnel
Portable electrical transformers necessary to allow the operation of personal appliances on
foreign electrical power systems will not normally be provided by the government. However,
they may authorize their provision in hardship cases subject to the availability of funds.

Draw curtains
Draw curtains, with or without valance, may be provided for windows as an alternate to win-
dow shades or Venetian blinds and may be used on sliding glass doors. If, when providing
draw curtains for a sliding door, there are one or more adjacent windows, matching curtains
may be provided for the windows
Draw curtains will be unlined and made of fire retardant synthetic cloth. They will be washa-
ble, shrink-safe and designed to control radiant heat, light and glare. Material should be
heavy enough to provide privacy when closed, day or night
Draw curtains may be cleaned at government expense every 12 months or upon change of
occupancy. Draw curtains may be replaced when they become unserviceable
Cost of material, fabrication and installation of draw curtains should be comparable to that
normally expended for Venetian blinds or shades
Draw curtains when installed to replace existing window coverings which are beyond eco-
nomical repair are chargeable to maintenance funds. In cases where there is no existing
window covering, installation of draw curtains is categorized as an improvement to the dwel-
ling unit and the cost of installing draw curtains may be charged as incidental improvements
or construction improvement.

Wall-to-Wall Carpeting
Carpeting installed as a prime floor finish is classified as installed real property. As such, ini-
tial procurement and installation may be done with construction funds. Replacement may be
done with construction improvements or maintenance funds
Carpeting will be suitable for the level of traffic expected. It will be of a neutral shade. Bright
colors, prominent patterns, white, off-white, pile and shag carpeting will be avoided
Carpeting placed over another prime floor in good condition is classified as Equipment in
Place (EIP). Its use in this manner is reserved for the public entertainment areas of Flag
Carpeting may be placed over another unserviceable prime floor when an economic analysis
justifies this use.

Rev. DEC 2010 8-3

EA: “Special Household Equipment”, Chapter 8.

Resident-Owned Equipment
Residents will not replace government ranges and refrigerators with personal equipment
without specific approval of the installation commander
Where government equipment is provided Outside Continental United States (OCONUS), the
overseas shipment of similar personal items of household equipment is prohibited
Requests for installation of resident-owned equipment must contain information on the type
of equipment, make, model and characteristics pertinent to installation. Requests will be
submitted in writing to the housing office
Resident-owned items will be installed, maintained and removed and the premises restored
to their original condition at the expense of the resident and subject to inspection by the
housing office
The installation of resident-owned equipment will not be used as justification for improve-
ments to the utilities distribution systems
All work necessary for the installation of resident-owned items will be approved by the instal-
lation commander.

The following items will not be installed by or for residents:

Air conditioning units which require duct work or fixed water or drain connections
Attic or wall-type fans requiring permanent attachment to the building and structural modifica-
Evaporative coolers requiring duct work
Domestic water heaters
Electric or gas wall heaters
Water beds - Permission must be obtained from the housing office before a resident may in-
stall a water bed. Normally, water beds will be installed only on slab-on-grade floors
Hot tubs - Permission must be obtained from the housing office before a resident may install
a hot tub inside or outside. Hot tubs may be installed at resident expense when installation
would not create a significant increase in utility costs to the government. The Department of
Public Works will ensure installation of the hot tub meets all building and safety codes.


In this chapter, we identified the provision maintenance and care of government owned, resi-
dent owned household equipment and special furnishings in your residence.

Rev. DEC 2010 8-4

EA: “Security Crime Prevention, Counter-Terrorism”, Chapter 9.


Security Crime Prevention, Counter-Terrorism

Learning Objectives: Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

—Describe the proper telephone etiquette procedures.

—Describe the proper handling of a bomb threat.

—Describe security measures for Flag Quarters.

—Describe the procedures for obtaining a security clearance and official Passport.


Security, Crime prevention and counter terrorism is everyone’s business and everyone should
be able to identify risks and use common prevention techniques to secure the Flag mess and Flag
quarters to which you are assigned.


As an Enlisted Aide (EA) you will be the primary point of contact for the Flag Officer’s quarters
and flag mess. While it is important to be polite and professional is equally important to safeguard the
privacy of the admiral, his/her family and command. By the same token, just as important is the do-
cumentation and delivery of messages. It is recommended to establish a Standard Operation Proce-
dures (SOP) for these actions. We have been trained to answer the telephone with a greeting that
leaves little doubt as to whom the call has come. In some instances, this could be viewed as a securi-
ty breach:

“Good morning, Admiral Smith’s quarters, Petty Officer Jones speaking, may I help you sir or
ma’am? -- I’m sorry; the admiral went to do some Christmas shopping, but he should be back before
noon. May I take a message?”

How much information was just put out? To start, a good greeting would be something like,
“Good morning, Petty Officer Jones, this is a non-secured line, may I help you sir or ma’am?”

This greeting would not give the caller any more information than to whom he is speaking. So
far the caller does not know if he reached an office or a private residence. From here you will need to
use your best judgment to answer the caller’s questions without giving away personal or sensitive in-
formation. Taking a message is always an appropriate course of action. In a message you should cap-
ture: who called; when (time and date); the message; and what action is requested -- no action,
please call back or they will call again. It is also necessary to extract as much information as possible,
sometimes a caller may not want to be a bother, but you need to document each call with all pertinent
information. Never assume the admiral has the caller’s number, writing it down puts the number right
where they can find it. Establish a specific place for posting messages so they can be easily seen.

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EA: “Security Crime Prevention, Counter-Terrorism”, Chapter 9.

If a caller needs to speak to the admiral and they are unavailable, you will need to know where
to refer the caller. In some instances it may be best for the caller to call the admiral’s office, while oth-
er callers may need to be referred to call the Public Affairs Office (PAO). Always be on guard for relin-
quishing too much information. A caller may claim to be a relative, be polite and professional. Take
their message and do not relay any personal information. Deliver the message promptly and once that
person is correctly identified you may provide any information deemed appropriate by the admiral or

Handling a Telephone Threat

You must be aware of types of threats that may come into quarters by telephone. Respond
calmly and attempt to record all information concerning the individual that is calling. Use the format
provided to assist you. Check with local/base military police, crime prevention section and local secu-
rity manager to ensure that you adhere to the correct procedures, or for more information regarding
additional procedures available.

Make a Record - Attempt to keep verbatim records of the conversation.

Stay calm, be courteous and listen
Do not interrupt the caller
Make a written record of the conversation using figure 9-1.

Recording the Information

Listen for and determine any code words used, if appropriate. Figure 9-1 can be duplicated
and placed under or near your telephones for use, if necessary.

Bomb Threat Sheet


Questions to ask:

When is the bomb going to explode?

Where is it right now?

What does it look like?

What kind of bomb is it?

What will cause it to explode?

Did you place the bomb?


What is your Address?

What is your name?

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EA: “Security Crime Prevention, Counter-Terrorism”, Chapter 9.






Gender of Caller____ Race_____ Age______ Length of call____ Number at which call is re-
ceived _____________________

Time_____ Date____/_____/_____



____Calm _____Nasal ____Angry ____Stutter ____Excited ____Lisp ____Slow

____Raspy ____Rapid ____Deep ____Soft ____Ragged ____Loud ____Deep

____Crying ____Raspy ____Normal ____Disguised ____Distinct _____Accent

____Slurred ____Familiar ____Whispered ____Muffled

If the voice sounds familiar, whom did it sound like?


____Street Noise ____Factory machinery ____Crockery ____Animal noises

____Voices ____Clear ____P.A. System ____Static ____Music ____Local

____House Noise ____Long distance ____Motor ____Office machinery ____Other


____Well spoken ____Incoherent ____Foul ____Taped ____Irrational

____Message read by threat maker


Report call immediately to:



PHONE NUMBER:_____________________

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EA: “Security Crime Prevention, Counter-Terrorism”, Chapter 9.

Fig 9-1, Telephonic Threat Complaint.

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EA: “Security Crime Prevention, Counter-Terrorism”, Chapter 9.


Today’s Operating Tempo (OPTEMPO) requires that we are all cognizant of the current threat
level. It is important to know the precautions to be taken and the procedures that are in place to deal
with the potential for becoming a terrorist target. Most of the security procedures mentioned in this
chapter are concentrated to the EA of the flag quarters since you are the first line defense. As for the
flag mess, security procedures will be dictated by the command security protocol.

Develop a Code Word in Flag Quarters

You and the admiral, spouse and family members should use a code word known only to the
family and the EA. In situations of threat or intrusion you should never have to divulge one of the fami-
ly members names by calling out to them by name. Use of words like; what time is it, big tree, foul
weather can be replied to with “I’m O.K”.

Nothing is more important to us than the security of our family and home. As an EA you are
the first line of defense in the security of the admiral’s home. It is imperative that you have a working
relationship with the Physical Security Manager and the Military Police at your duty station. These are
the people who can assist with enhancing the level of security at the admiral’s quarters and who you
will need to coordinate safety procedures through. There will undoubtedly be a combination of proper-
ty managers and owners within the admiral’s quarters. Securing that property and maintaining accu-
rate record of its disposition will prove to be a beneficial exercise, most importantly in the mainten-
ance and repair or replacement of government property.

Possible Indicators

Identify and be cautious of possible intrusion of government quarters or facilities. The informa-
tion included in this section will identify likely intrusion or crime indicators to be aware of in and around
public quarters. You must become thoroughly familiar with established local policy covering threat and
crime prevention:
Location of unknown/unauthorized automobiles around the quarters
Alarm system - Become thoroughly familiar with instructions and follow operating procedures.
Read manufacturer's guide and seek assistance from your Security Manager on operating
Grounds around quarters - Scan the area for obvious signs of intrusion (disturbed mulch,
trampled bushes, shrubs, footprints in flower beds or loose or disturbed crawl space doors)
Report actual or suspected incidents to proper authority.

Prevention Measures

You should be knowledgeable of crime prevention measures and consciously demonstrate an

anticipation, recognition and appraisal of a crime risk. Take necessary action that would tend to re-
move or reduce that risk:
Collect and turn in keys, papers and tools found on grounds
Keep windows and doors locked
Remove mail and newspapers promptly from their boxes or yard/porch. Never leave these
items in their boxes overnight. Check address for correctness or suspect of tampering

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EA: “Security Crime Prevention, Counter-Terrorism”, Chapter 9.

Keep storage sheds, garages and outbuildings locked and check areas daily/weekly to en-
sure items have not been disturbed
Ensure shrubs covering windows are trimmed regularly
Avoid discussing VIP functions with unauthorized personnel
Do not violate the right to privacy of VIP functions by admitting to or discussing household
matters or your job position with anyone
Inspect refuse (trash) before discarding for sensitive information
Dispose of sensitive information according to regulation and local SOPs
Ensure backup lighting meets the needs of the quarters
Maintain interior safe room, if applicable and stock with emergency supplies and communica-

Screen Contractors:
Ensure workers have appointments in the particular quarters
Check the person's identification card or badge before admitting
Do not allow the person to wander around the quarters unescorted
Remain with the person until the work is completed
Do not admit the person into the quarters, should a situation arise casting doubt
When in doubt, notify facility engineer or military police
Always follow local established crime prevention procedures.


Personal Information

Where and when was your mother born? What is the address of your residence five years ago
and who can you identify as a reference now that knew you well then? On the SF 86, Questionnaire
for National Security Positions, these are the easy questions. As an EA you may be exposed to items,
equipment and information that is sensitive in nature and therefore may be required to obtain a securi-
ty clearance.

Necessity of a Passport

Additionally, it may become necessary for you to travel in support of the operations the Admiral
Officer is participating in. For OCONUS travel it may be necessary for you to obtain an Official Gov-
ernment Issued Passport. For travel into some countries you may need additional clearance in the
form of a Visa and need to be cleared medically, necessitating updated vaccinations.

Rev. DEC 2010 9-6

EA: “Security Crime Prevention, Counter-Terrorism”, Chapter 9.


In this chapter we discussed the proper telephone etiquette procedures, the proper handling of
a bomb threat the proper Security measures for Flag Quarters and the procedures for obtaining a se-
curity clearance and official Passport.

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EA: “Security Crime Prevention, Counter-Terrorism”, Chapter 9.

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Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

—Identify the guidelines for completing the Decentralized Mess Financial Statement.

—Identify the different forms used by the Enlisted Aide to perform tasks in shopping, work schedules,
inventories and packing lists.

—Identify monthly household cost reports and entertainment balance sheets.

—Identify the request for outside employment form.


These guidelines are intended to establish uniform procedures for ashore flag messes neces-
sary for the completion and submission of the Decentralized Mess Financial Statement (NAVPERS
FORM 1746/14) by all activities maintaining a Decentralized Mess but not reporting financial data un-
der Recreational and Mess Central Accounting System (RAMCAS), BUPERSINST 1710.11 (series).
These procedures represent a single-entry cash basis system of accounting and will enable each ac-
tivity to reflect its financial transaction during a specified period, as well as accurately representing its
current financial condition.


FORM 1746/14)

Decentralized Mess Financial Statement must reflect ALL income and expenses incurred by
the mess during the reporting period. All entries shall be recorded in U. S. dollars. Do not include in-
come, which is due but not received, or expenses, which are owed but not paid at the end of the pe-

Line titles/descriptions must be adhered to whenever possible. Those items of income and ex-
penses, which are not listed on the financial statement, will be shown under the sections Other In-
come (Line 3) and Other Expenses (Line 11), with a breakdown included as an addendum to the fi-
nancial statement.

Preparation of the Ashore Flag Messes Decentralized Mess Financial Statement

The headings on the financial statement will be filled out as follows:

Reporting Activity: Decentralized Mess-Identify by command designation and geographic loca-

tion (mailing address, e. g. Commander Operational test and Evaluation Force, Norfolk, VA 23511-
6388). Include the appropriate Unit Identification Code (UIC) in the space provided.

Period Ending: Enter 30 September 20__ or date of disestablishment of the mess, as appro-
priate. (For interim statements, reflect the appropriate statement preparation date).

Rev. DEC 2010 10-1

EA: “Official Forms”, Chapter 10.

The Income and Expense Statement will be completed as follows:

Line 1: Net Worth (Cash) brought forward beginning of period. Enter the net worth (cash) fig-
ure brought forward from the end of the period financial statement (Net worth figure would not change
between the end of one fiscal year and the beginning of another). Activities reporting for the first time
will fill in a “zero” on this line.

Line 2: Resale Operation Income. Enter revenue derived from food and beverage sales.

Line 3: Other Income. Enter the income received in the mess which is not included in the re-
sale operation income account. A breakdown description and dollar amount of all items reflected in
this category must be included as an addendum to the Decentralized Mess Financial Statement.

Line 4: Total cash Receipts: Show the total of lines 2 and 3. The total must represent the total
income received from all sources during the period.

Line 5: Resale Merchandise Purchased. Enter the total dollar value, at cost, of all merchan-
dise purchased for resale.

Line 6: Salaries and Wages expenditures. Enter total of all salaries and wages (Direct, Gen-
eral and Administrative and Maintenance), employee benefit costs, employer FICA, other contribu-
tions, other payroll taxes, employee incentive awards actually paid during the period.

Line 7: Repair and Maintenance Expenditures. Enter the total disbursements in the mainten-
ance; repair and servicing off all Decentralized Mess equipment and vehicles during the period.

Line 8: Laundry. Enter the total amount disbursed for laundry expenses in the Decentralized

Line 9: Expendable Property/supplies Expenses. All property and supplies with a unit cost of
less than $300 which were purchased during the period will be reflected in this line. Do not include
resale items (which are reported on line 5).

Line 10: Non Expendable Property Expenses. Enter the total disbursements for property pur-
chased during the period with an acquisition value of $300 or more. Expenses related to transporta-
tion/shipping/freight charges associated with such property purchases should be included on this line.
Transportation charges incident to “no cost” equipment/property (i.e., Property acquired where no ac-
quisition cost was incurred by the Decentralized Mess) should be reflected on the line 11, Other Ex-

Line 11: Other Expenses. Enter all expenses paid during the period, which are not included in
other expense liens. A breakdown by description and dollar amount of all items reflected in this cate-
gory must be included as an addendum to the Decentralized Mess Financial Statement.

Line12: Total Cash Expenditures. This line reflects the sum of lines 5 through 11 and includes
all cash expenditures by the decentralized mess during the period.

Line13: Net Worth (Cash) at end of Period. The amount reflected on this line is derived by
subtracting line 12 from the sum of lines 1 and 4. This total must represent the actual cash position of
the decentralized mess at the end of the period and will be shown on line 1 of the succeeding period
statement (If this total does not agree with the end of period cash position of the decentralized mess

Rev. DEC 2010 10-2

EA: “Official Forms”, Chapter 10.

(line 18), either a computation error exists on the statement or erroneous records were maintained
during the period).

Line 14: General Checking Account. Report the amount of non-appropriated funds of the de-
centralized Mess on deposit in a regular bank checking account or a special bank checking account
as of the day of the period.

Line 15: Saving Account. Report the amount of non-appropriate funds of the decentralized
Mess on deposit in bank savings account (s) and/or other interest-bearing account.

Line 16: Petty Cash Fund. Report the amount of cash on hand in the petty cash fund as of the
last day of the period. This fund will be maintained per paragraph C050502 of DOD 7000.14-R (DOD
Financial Management Regulation – Volume 13).

Line 17: Undeposited Checks/Cash on Hand. This line will reflect the amount of cash on hand
by actual count on the last day of reporting period.

Line 18: Total Net Worth (Cash) Carried Forward. The amount reflected under this caption
must accurately represent the total cash position of the Decentralized Mess at the end of the period
and is derived by adding the totals of lines 14 through 17. The total in this line must equal the figure
shown on both lines 13 and 22, NET WORTH (CASH) AT END OF PERIOD.

Line 19: Net Worth (Cash) Brought Forward Beginning of Period. Enter the net worth (cash)
figure, which appears, on line1.

Line 20: Total Cash Receipts from line 4. Enter that number which equates to the sum of lines
2 and 3.

Line 21: Total Cash Expenditures. (From line 12) Enter that number which equates to the
sum of lines 5 through 11.

Line 22: Total Net Worth (Cash) at end of Period (Line 19 plus line 20, minus line 21). This to-
tal represents the actual cash position of the decentralized mess at the end of the period. This total
verifies the amount calculated for line 13 and will also provide a check on the accuracy of the amount
calculated for line 18, Total Net Worth (Cash) Carried Forward.

Line 23: Military Paid from Non-appropriated Funds. Reflect the total number of part-time mili-
tary (off-duty) personnel receiving remuneration from the decentralized mess as of the last day of the

Line 24: Civilians Paid from Non-appropriated Funds. Reflects the total number of civilian per-
sonnel (full-time/part-time) employed by the decentralized mess as of the last day of the period.

Line 25: Total Nonexpendable Property. Reflect the total dollar acquisition cost of all nonex-
pendable property (property acquired with a unit cost of $300 or more) procured from non-
appropriated funds of the decentralized mess in both the current and prior fiscal year which is held at
the end of the period. This amount must equal the total value of property on hand as shown on the
property/Equipment Inventory Record prescribed in “Financial Management policies and Procedures
for Moral, Welfare and Recreation Programs”.

Rev. DEC 2010 10-3

EA: “Official Forms”, Chapter 10.

Line 26: Total Operating Target (OPTAR) Funds Disbursed for the Decentralized Mess during
current fiscal year. Reflect the total dollar amount of OPTAR (Appropriation Fund) funds the com-
mand has disbursed in the current fiscal year for the decentralized mess.

Completion of the certification requirements on the Decentralized Mess Financial Statement

must be met before the statement can be accepted or retained as an official document. Undated or
unsigned statements will be returned to the originator for appropriate corrective action.

Guidance contained herein is not all-inclusive. In the event assistance is required, questions
may be addressed to Commander Naval Installations Command (CNIC)

Below is a sample of the Decentralized Mess Financial Statement (Figure 10-1).

Figure 10-1, Decentralized Mess Financial Statement.

Rev. DEC 2010 10-4

EA: “Official Forms”, Chapter 10.

Figure 10-1, Decentralized Mess Financial Statement (Cont’d).

The following pages contain forms or examples of forms used by EAs to perform many of the
tasks described in this handbook:

Rev. DEC 2010 10-5

EA: “Official Forms”, Chapter 10.

Sample Work Schedule

Rev. DEC 2010 10-6

EA: “Official Forms”, Chapter 10.

Work Order Tracking Form

Rev. DEC 2010 10-7

EA: “Official Forms”, Chapter 10.

Shopping List

Rev. DEC 2010 10-8

EA: “Official Forms”, Chapter 10.

Packing List

Rev. DEC 2010 10-9

EA: “Official Forms”, Chapter 10.

Additional Female Flag Officer Uniform Requirements

Navy Working Uniform (NWU)

____ Blouse ____Trousers ____ Khaki Belt and Buckle

____ Boots _____ Blue T-Shirt _____ NWU Cover _____ Black Socks

Rev. DEC 2010 10-10

EA: “Official Forms”, Chapter 10.

Rev. DEC 2010 10-11

EA: “Official Forms”, Chapter 10.

Official Entertainment Sheet

Rev. DEC 2010 10-12

EA: “Official Forms”, Chapter 10.

Liquor Inventory Control

Rev. DEC 2010 10-13

EA: “Official Forms”, Chapter 10.

Sample Furniture inventory

Description Inventory #

Chair, wing 5551212

Sofa, white 5551213

Table, dining 5551214

Sample Silverware inventory

Description on hand Authorized

Dinner Fork 6 36

Salad Fork 4 36

Breakfast Fork 4 36

Sample Glassware inventory

Description on hand Authorized

Water glass 6 36

White wine 4 36

Red wine 4 36

Rev. DEC 2010 10-14

EA: “Official Forms”, Chapter 10.

Below is sample of the Request for Permission to Engage in Off-Duty Employment.

Figure 10-2, Request for Permission to Engage in Off-Duty Employment.

Rev. DEC 2010 10-15

EA: “Official Forms”, Chapter 10.


In this chapter, we identified the duties and responsibilities of the records kee-
per in completing the Decentralized Mess Financial Statement. We also discussed the
different forms used by the EA Performing tasks for shopping, work schedules, inven-
tories and packing lists. Identified monthly household cost reports and entertainment
balance sheet also provided is a sample request for outside employment form

Rev. DEC 2010 10-16



ACOS Assistant Chief of Staff
COMNAVSUPSYSCOM Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command
COS Chief of Staff
DOD Department of Defense
DV Distinguished Visitor
ECM Enlisted Community Manager
FSO Food Service Officer
ORF Official Representation Funds
POC Point of Contact
PPV Protocol Office and public/private venture housing
ACOS Assistant Chief Of Staff
BUPERS Bureau of Naval Personnel
CNIC Commander Naval Installations Command
COMNAVSUPSYSCOM Commander Naval Supply Systems Command
CONUS Continental United States
COS Chief Of Staff
CS Culinary Specialist
DCUs Desert Camouflage Uniform
DOD Department Of Defense
DV Distinguished Visitors
EA Enlisted Aide
ECM Enlisted Community Manager
EIP Equipment in Place
FSO Food Service Officer
HAACP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points
IAW In Accordance With
IFSEA International Food Service Executives Association
JAG Judge Advocate General
NPC Navy Personnel Command
NWUs Navy Working Uniform
OCONUS Outside Continental United States

Rev. DEC 2010 Appendix I-1

CS: Appendix I, Acronyms used in this TRAMAN.

OPTAR Operating Target

OPTEMPO Operating Tempo
ORF Official Representation Funds
PAO Public Affairs Officer
POC Point of Contact
POV Privately Owned Vehicle
PPV Public/Private Venture
RAMCAS Recreational and Mess Central Accounting
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
TDY Temporary Duty
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice
UIC Unit Identification Code
VIP Very Important Person
RAMCAS Recreational and Mess Central Accounting System

Rev. DEC 2010 Appendix I-2



BUPERSINST1710.11 (series) Recreational and Mess Central Accounting

System (RAMCAS)
Department of Defense DOD 5500.7 (series) Joint Ethics Regulations
DOD Directive 1315.9 (series) Utilization of Enlisted Personnel on
Personal Staffs of General and
Flag Officers
NAVMED P5010 Bureau of Medicine and Surgery’s Manual
Of Naval Preventive Medicine
NAVPERS 15665I Navy Uniform Regulations
NAVSUP P486 Food Service Management
General Messes
OPNAV INSTRUCTION 1306.3 (series) Guidance for use of Enlisted Aides
SECNAVINST 1306.2 (series) Utilization of Enlisted Aides on Personal
“Service Etiquette“Fifth edition, Author: Conetsco / Hart, ISBN:

Rev. DEC 2010 Appendix II-1

CS: Appendix II, References used in this TRAMAN.

(This page was left blank intentionally).

Rev. DEC 2010 Appendix II-2


Textbook Assignment: “Enlisted Aide Overview”, Chapter 1; “Duties and Responsibilities”, Chapter 2.

1-1. What is the first requirement needed to be 1-5. Who would you contact to find out who is
assigned as an Enlisted Aide? the Senior Enlisted Aide Advisor in my area
of operation?
1. 5.0 on my last 3 evaluations
2. Letter of recommendation from your CO 1. Commander of Naval Personnel
3. Have a chef certification Command
4. Have a Special Programs Screening 2. Culinary Specialist Detailer
3. Special Programs Detailer
1-2. What is my primary job while working as an 4. EA/Flag Mess Detailer
Enlisted Aide.

1. Provide support and assistance to 1-6. Which billet assignment is not available for
assigned Flag Officer Enlisted Aides?
2. Cook Meals 1. Flag House
3. Wash clothes and iron 2. Flag Mess
4. Travel before the Flag Officer to 3. Flag afloat
correctly set up his meetings
4. Field Mess
1-3. What is the minimum type of security
clearance required to be an Enlisted Aide? 1-7 . While in Quarters, what household
maintenance is assisted by Enlisted Aides?
1. Confidential
1. Provide care of government furnishings
2. Secret
2. Does lawn care
3. Top Secret
3. Walks pets
4. No Clearance
4. Repair personal furnishings
1-4. All are duties of the Enlisted Aide except:
1-8. Which duty is not a requirement for the
1. Maintain Flag Officer Uniforms Enlisted Aide Community Manager?
2. Care and Feeding of Flag Officer’s pets 1. Recruits candidates for the EA program
3. Daily Food Service Operations 2. Orders new items for Quarters
4. Preparation of Official Events 3. Briefs Flag Officers and their spouses
4. Takes care of all official social events

Rev. DEC 2010 AS 1-1

EA: “Enlisted Aide Overview”, Chapter 1; ”Duties and Responsibilities”, Chapter 2, Assignment 1.

1-9. Payment must be provided by the Flag 1-14. Which form is the enlisted personnel action
Officer to the EA for personal services to request?
comply with all ethnical rules found in what
publication? 1. NAVPERS 1306/92
2. NAVPERS 1306/7
1. DOD.5500.7
3. NAVPERS 1315.9
2. NAVPERS 5500.7
4. NAVPERS 1070/613
3. DOD 1315.9
4. OPNAVIST 1306.3
1-15. How many hours make up a standard work
1-10. What is the SEA/SHORE Flow for EA’s?
1. 8
1. 4 years sea / 3 years shore
2. 12
2. 3 years sea / 3 years shore
3. 10
3. 2 years sea / 3 years shore
4. 9
4. 5 years sea / 2 years shore
1-16. In the Washington DC area, which facility
1-11, Which of the following references provide is available to provide informal “hands-on”
guidance for EA’s? training to EAs?

1. OPNAVINST 1306.3 (series) 1. The White House

2. SECNAVINST 1306.3 (series) 2. The SECNAV Executive Dining Room
3. DOD Directive 1315.9 3. Camp David
4. NAVPERS 1306/7 4. Chairman Joint Chief of Staff

1-12. Which of the following can be authorized to 1-17. What is the policy regarding restrictions on
compensate for working extra hours? the use of EAs?

1. Overtime pay 1. NAVPERS 1070/613

2. Special Liberty 2. OPNAVINST 1306.3
3. Uncharged Leave 3. DOD Directive 1315.9
4. Special Duty Assignment Pay 4. NAVPERS 1306/92

1-13. Which of the following tasks are authorized 1-18. Which is the Enlisted Aide Acceptance
to be performed by EA’s? Form?

1. Receiving and maintaining records of 1. DOD Directive 5124.02

telephone calls
2. SECNAVINST 7042.7
2. Acting as a chauffeur for dependents
3. NAVPERS 1070/613
and others for personal benefit
4. NAVPERS 1306/7
3. Purchase food for pets
4. Planting a large tree
Rev. DEC 2010 AS 1—2
EA: “Enlisted Aide Overview”, Chapter 1; ”Duties and Responsibilities”, Chapter 2, Assignment 1.

1-19. The EA/Flag Mess CS will employ 1-21.During official social events, the flag mess
sanitation handling and storage techniques will assist the scheduling of events by
based on what publication? coordinating with which of the following?

1. NAVSUP 335 1. Flag Officer and his spouse

2. NAVMED P5010 2. Protocol Officer and the Flag Aide
3. NAVMED 1090 3. Flag Secretary and the Protocol Officer
4. NAVSUP 1059 4. Enlisted Aide and the Officer Aide

1-20. The Consolidated Afloat Requisitioning

Guide Overseas (CARGO), NAVSUP P-
4998, is issued annually through what
office or organization?

1. Defense Logistics Agency

2. Defense Personnel Support Center
3. Fleet Material Support Office

Rev. DEC 2010 AS 1—3

(This page intentionally left blank).

Rev. DEC 2010 AS 1-4


Textbook Assignment: “Executive Mess/Flag Mess Operations”, Chapter 3; “Quarters Operations”,

Chapter 4; “Protocol”, Chapter 5.

2-1. What person is responsible for service, 2-5. Which Semi-Formal Service is usually
care and maintenance of quarters afloat? provided for breakfast?

1. Leading Culinary Petty Officer 1. Buffet Style

2. Stateroom Supervisor 2. A la Carte Style
3. Mess Caterer 3. American Style
4. Chief of Staff 4. Family Style

2-2. What person overseas the daily flag mess 2-6. What is the ideal spacing from center plate
operations? to center plate on a family style seating?

1. Mess Caterer 1. 24 inches

2. Mess Treasurer 2. 36 inches
3. Chief of Staff 3. 12 inches
4. Leading Culinary Petty Officer 4. 15 inches

2-3. What paygrade requires making beds and 2-7 How far from the edge of the table is
change of linen? silverware placed in a setting?

1. O-4 and above 1. 0.5 inch

2. O-5 and above 2. 1.0 inch
3. Flag Officer only 3. 1.5 inches
4. All Flag Staff Officers 4. 2 inches

2-4. Which service is often used in the Flag 2-8. Which piece of silverware is placed on the
Mess when there are no guests available? left of the plate in a setting?

1. Formal Service 1. Fork

2. Semi-Formal Service 2. Knife
3. Family Style Service 3. Tea Spoon
4. Cafeteria Style Service 4. Table Spoon

Rev. DEC 2010 AS 2-1

EA: “Executive Mess/Flag Mess Operations”, Chapter 3; “Quarters Operations”, Chapter 4; “Protocol”, Chapter 5, Assignment 2.

2-9. Where is the Oyster Folk Placed in a 2-14. When serving guests, what is served from
setting? the right?

1. Left side next to the folk 1. Soup

2. Top side of the plate below the salt and 2. Salad
pepper shakers
3. Main Course
3. Right side next to the spoon
4. Beverages
4. Right side next to the knife
2-15. What item is served from the left?
2-10. Where is the bread and butter plate
w/butter knife placed in a setting? 1. Dessert
2. Water
1. Left of the dinner plate
3. Tea
2. Right of the dinner plate
4. Coffee
3. Left of the folks
4. Top of the dinner plate
2-16. Which side of the guest do you pick up
2-11. What is the purpose of a place card?
1. Left
1. To count how many settings
2. Right
2. Used as part of a centerpiece
3. Across the table
3. To eliminate confusion in seating
4. Wait until guest leave the seating area
4. To tell the guest who they are
2-17. What space in the Flag House is EAs
prohibited from cleaning?
2-12. What temperature should hot foods be in
Buffet Service? 1. Dining Room
2. Common Bathroom
1. 160 degrees and above
3. Children’s Bathroom
2. 135 degrees and above
4. Sitting Room
3. 150 degrees and above
4. 110 degrees and above
2-18. What duty is the responsibility of the EA?

2-13. Where does the Guest of Honor be 1. Cleaning and maintaining quarters
2. Cleaning attics/basements
1. To the left of the Host 3. Cleaning Spouse/Children’s Bathrooms
2. To the right of the Host 4. Cleaning Garages
3. To the right of the Mess Caterer
4. Across from the Mess Caterer

Rev. DEC 2010 AS 2-2

EA: “Executive Mess/Flag Mess Operations”, Chapter 3; “Quarters Operations”, Chapter 4; “Protocol”, Chapter 5, Assignment 2.

2-19. Which of the following is not a permissible 2-23. What is the best way to coordinate
task for an EA to perform? cleaning?

1. Steam clean carpets 1. Wait for the residents to complain

2. Clean Chandeliers 2. Create a weekly cleaning bill
3. Stripping and waxing floors 3. Call your regional coordinator daily for
4. Washing the Flag Officer’s private
vehicle 4. Ask the residents what needs to be
2-20. Which should be used to dry crystal when
polishing? 2-24. Protocol is a combination of what of the
1. A sham wow
1. Customs and Traditions
2. Paper towels
2. Safety and Security
3. Cotton towels
3. Good Manners and Common Sense
4. A lint free cloth
4. Order and Discipline
2-21. When polishing wooden furniture what is
the proper buffing method? 2-25. Etiquette represents which of the
1. With the grain of the wood
1. Stability
2. Against the grain of the furniture
2. Education
3. In a circular motion
3. Status
4. Against the grain of the wood
4. Good Manners
2-22. What is the first thing an EA should do
before cleaning and caring for furniture in 2-26. Which of the following is not the most
quarters owned by the residents? important expression when in a social
1. Read the manufactures instructions for
care on antique pieces. 1. What’s up?
2. Google furniture care on your laptop 2. Please
3. Clean with cleaning supplies already on 3. Thank you
4. You are welcome
4. Ask the residents for guidance

Rev. DEC 2010 AS 2-3

EA: “Executive Mess/Flag Mess Operations”, Chapter 3; “Quarters Operations”, Chapter 4; “Protocol”, Chapter 5, Assignment 2.

2-27. What is traditionally expected from military 2-30. When terminating a superior-subordinate
personnel when assigned a task? relationship, what is the maximum total
value of a gift that can be given?
1. Complete task at their own pace and
timeline 1. $500.00
2. Should not offer excuses to justify 2. $300.00
3. $200.00
3. Pick the only task they want
4. No limit
4. Pass the task to subordinates
2-31. Which one of the following statements is
2-28. Who established the Standard of Conduct not a violation of the Criminal Conflict of
for the Enlisted Aide of the Executive Interest Stature?
1. An Enlisted Aide can use his/her
1. Office of the Department of Labor position to obtain future employment
2. Office of Government Ethics 2. An Enlisted Aide can use his/her
position for financial gain
3. Secretary of the Navy
3. An Enlisted Aide is prohibited in using
4. Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff
his/her position for the financial gain of
his/her spouse, child, or general partner
2-29. Which is a true statement for an EA?
4. An Enlisted Aide is exempted from the
stature due to his/her military service
1. Shall not solicit or except a gift given
because of his/her official position or
from a prohibited source 2-32. An EAs outside employment and other
activities must comply with which of the
2. Accept monetary gifts from contractor
following regulations?
dealing with DOD
3. Accept gifts for a lower paid EA 1. 5 USC 4111
4. Give or solicit a gift for an Official 2. 18 USC 203 and 205
3. 5 USC 7342
4. NAVSUP 486

Rev. DEC 2010 AS 2-4


Textbook Assignment: “Entertaining and Planning”, Chapter 6.

3-1. What person is responsible for menu cards, 3-4. When should you remove dishes from the
seating charts and place cards for Official table after each course?
1. After a discussed time limit
1. Flag Secretary
2. When all guests have finished
2. Executive Assistant
3. When the Host has finished
3. Protocol
4. When the Guest of Honor has finished
4. Flag Writer
3-5. How many courses are usually served
3-2. When producing a menu for an Official during a formal meal?
Event which factor does not apply?
1. 2-3
1. Number of Guests
2. 3-4
2. Known of perceived Dietary
3. 4-5
4. 6-7
3. Time, Season, and Weather
4. Color of Linens
3-6. What is the normal time a Tea Service
would be served?
3-3. When using more than one server during a
plated service, one server starts meal 1. 1200-1600
service with the person to the right of the
2. 1600-2000
host, where does the second server start
their service from? 3. 0600-1000
4. 1000-1400
1. Left of the Hostess or Guest of Honor
2. Right of the Hostess or Guest of Honor
3-7. Cocktails are often offered how long before
3. Right of the next senior person at the Luncheons and or Dinners?
4. Left of the next senior person at the 1. 15 minutes
table 2. 30 minutes
3. 45 minutes
4. 60 minutes

Rev. DEC 2010 AS 3-1

EA: “Entertaining and Planning”, Chapter 6, Assignment 3.

3-8. For a formal dinner, where are the place 3-13. What are dinner folks used for during a
cards placed in the setting? formal service?

1. Above the salt and pepper shakers 1. Hold meat while carving
2. Above the salad folk 2. Entrée course during dinner
3. Above the dinner knife 3. A secondary salad folk
4. In front of the salt and pepper shakers 4. A secondary desert folk
above the charger
3-14. What is the cocktail fork used for?
3-9. What wine would be recommended for a
seafood course with a cream sauce? 1. Making tartar sauce
2. Making cocktail sauce
1. Sherry
3. Appetizers and shrimp
2. Merlot
4. Stir Cocktails
3. Semillon
4. Pinot Noir
3-15. A description of a sugar spoon includes
which of the following?
3-10. What wine would be recommended for a
beef course? 1. Resembles a teaspoon or cream soup
1. Pinot Gris
2. Made of sugar
2. Merlot
3. Resembles a tablespoon
3. Sauvignon Blanc
4. Resembles an iced tea spoon
4. Viognier
3-16. What are the two causes of glass
3-11. What would be the best wine to serve with breakage?
a dessert course?
1. Clumsy servers and dishwashers
1. Syrah
2. Poor quality glass and untrained glass
2. Merlot makers
3. Late Harvest Riesling 3. Physical impact and thermo shock
4. Chardonnay 4. Receiving and Stowage

3-12. What is the demitasse spoon used for? 3-17. Which is a suitable table arrangement for
1. Serve sugar
1. An ice craving
2. Stir espresso/Turkish coffee
2. Simple arrangement of flowers
3. Stir Iced Tea
3. A plate with parley and tomatoes
4. Serve Soup
4. A fountain

Rev. DEC 2010 AS 3-2

EA: “Entertaining and Planning”, Chapter 6, Assignment 3.

3-18. At a minimum, how many glasses, by type, 3-22. What can be done to candles to make
should be stacked at a standard bar? them drip less and burn longer?

1. 6 1. Microwave 15 minutes prior to use

2. 8 2. Dip wick in vinegar prior to lighting
3. 10 3. Chill several days prior to event
4. 12 4. Chill for 1 hour prior to use

3-19. Red Wine should be stored at what 3-23. What should be the maximum height of a
temperature? center piece?

1. Storeroom temperature 1. 10 inches

2. 72 degrees F 2. 8 inches
3. 55 degrees F 3. 6 inches
4. 90 degrees F 4. 4 inches

3-20. How should beer be stored prior to 3-24. How many inches of table space should
service? there be for each guest at a dining table?

1. Put in garage 1. 14 inches

2. Placed in ice chest four hours prior 2. 12 inches
3. Stack behind bar 3. 24 inches
4. Stacked under bar 4. 26 inches

3-21. How long after the host greets the guest 3-25. When setting a table what is placed on the
should they be offered a drink? table before applying the tablecloth?

1. Never, they can walk to the bar 1. Lace placements

2. Within 2 minutes 2. Silence pads
3. Within 5 minutes 3. Pledge
4. Within 7 minutes 4. Place mats

Rev. DEC 2010 AS 3-3

EA: “Entertaining and Planning”, Chapter 6, Assignment 3.

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Rev. DEC 2010 AS 3-4


Textbook Assignment: “Uniforms”, Chapter 7; “Special Furnishings”, Chapter 8.

4-1. How many inches is full dress medals 4-5. What is the maximum amount of miniature
mounted from the left side pocket? medals that can be worn without
1. 1/8 inch
2. 1/4 inch 1. 3
3. 1/2 inch 2. 4
4. 1 inch
3. 5
4. 6
4-2. What devices, if any, should be worn on the
ride side in full dress uniform?
4-6. If wearing warfare devices, how far above
1. Large medals should they be placed above the full dress
2. Warfare device
3. Ribbon Bar 1. 1/4 inch
4. None 2. 1/16 inch
3. 1/2 inch
4-3. Where is the command badge placed on a 4. 1/8 inch
female uniform?

1. Left center pocket 4-7. What medals can be worn on both formal
dress and dinner dress?
2. Left side 1 inch above warfare device
3. Right side above name tag 1. Large medals
4. Right center pocket 2. No medals
3. Miniature medals
4-4. What is the maximum amount of large 4. Either Large or Miniature medals
medals in an overlapping row?

1. 3 4-8. How far from the bottom of the left pocket

center seam are command badges worn?
2. 4
3. 5 1. 1/4 inch
4. 6 2. 1/2 inch
3. 3/4 inch
4. 1 inch

Rev. DEC 2010 AS 4-1

EA: “Uniforms”, Chapter 7, “Special Furnishings”, Chapter 8, Assignment 4.

4-9. How far is the command badge from the 4-13. How is wall to wall carpeting, when
bottom of miniature medals on a dinner installed as a primary floor finish,
dress jacket? classified?

1. 1/4 inch 1. Real property and paid with

2. 1/2 inch construction funds

3. 3/4 inch 2. Official property and purchased with

ORF funding
4. 1 inch
3. Personal property and billed to the
4-10. When placing the officer’s shoulder
boards, the end of the anchor chain is in 4. Command property and billed to the
what position? installation

1. Pointing up on both shoulder boards 4-14.When residents want to replace

2. Pointing down on both shoulder boards government owned ranges and
refrigerators with personal equipment, who
3. Pointing left on both shoulder boards is the approving official?
4. Pointing right on both shoulder boards
1. The Housing Liaison

4-11. National Flags will be issued to the 2. The installation Commander or a

residents by whom? person that has been delegated
3. The Maintenance Supervisor
1. The installations Commanding Officer
4. The Enlisted Aide Regional Coordinator
2. The Housing Office
3. The Chaplain’s Office
4. Purchased by residents from an 4-15. When are waterbeds authorized for
residents use?
authorized vendor
1. Special permission from the Housing
4-12. How often may draw curtains be cleaned Office
at government expense? 2. Frame is constructed of Oak or Cherry
1. Every 12 months or at change of
occupancy of quarters 3. Mattress is made of organic recycled
2. Semi-annually
4. Medical documentation requiring the
3. Replaced never cleaned use
4. Monthly

Rev. DEC 2010 AS 4-2

EA: “Uniforms”, Chapter 7, “Special Furnishings”, Chapter 8, Assignment 4.

4-16. Hot tubs are for use in quarters only if: 4-19. Who are Special Command Positions
designated by?
1. The base pool does not have one in
operation 1. President of the United States
2. There is a heavy amount of official 2. Secretary of Defense
entertaining at those particular quarters 3. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
3. Authorization is received from the 4. Director of Administration and
Housing Office Management Office of the Secretary of
4. There is documented medical necessity Defense

4-17. When may carpeting be placed over 4-20. Which of the following carpets should be
another unserviceable prime floor? avoided when purchasing or replacing?

1. In warmer temperature seasons 1. Gray

2. Wool carpet is available at any home 2. Brown
improvement store 3. Blue
3. Justification from economic analysis 4. White or off white
4. Red and rolled out for dignitaries

4-18. Public entertainment areas include the

following except:

1. Formal Dining Room

2. Downstairs Parlors
3. Guests Bathrooms
4. Family Rooms

Rev. DEC 2010 AS 4-3

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Rev. DEC 2010 AS 4-4


Textbook Assignment: “Security Crime Prevention and Counterterrorism”, Chapter 9; “Official

Forms”, Chapter 10.

5-1. Security crime prevention and counter 5-5. What question should be asked to the
terrorism falls under whose responsibility? caller if there was a telephone bomb
1. Security Force
1. When is the bomb going to explode?
2. Enlisted Aide
2. What time is it?
3. Flag Officer
3. Why are you calling me?
4. Everyone
4. Is this a prank call?
5-2. An Enlisted Aide is the primary point of
contact for which of the following? 5-6. What communication from the Enlisted
Aide, to the Flag Officer, his spouse, and
1. Admirals quarters family members should be used in case of
a threatening situation?
2. Admirals Aide
3. Flag Secretary 1. Listening Device
4. Security 2. Code word
3. Hand shake
5-3. If you receive a phone call for a Flag
4. Cell phone
Officer, and he/she is not available what
are the proper procedures?
5-7. When it comes to security in quarters, what
1. Take a message things should you be familiar with?
2. Tell the caller where the Flag Officer is
1. Alarm systems
2. Light are turned off
3. Give any information they are
requesting 3. Cleanliness
4. Tell the caller to call back another time 4. Pool Repair

5-4. When handling a telephone threat you 5-8. If a contractor arrives at quarters, which of
should do all of the following except? the following should be done?

1. Be courteous 1. Ensure they have an appointment

2. Interrupt the caller 2. Let them in
3. Take a written message 3. Make sure they have coffee
4. Keep a verbatim record of the 4. Let them go and repair what they came
conversation for.

Rev. DEC 2010 AS 5-1

EA: “Security Crime Prevention and Counterterrorism”, Chapter 9; “Official Forms”, Chapter 10, Assignment 5.

5-9. What form is used for ashore flag nesses 5-14. How many line entrees are on the
for accounting and will enable each activity Decentralized Mess Financial Statement?
to reflect transactions during a specific
period? 1. 22
2. 24
1. NAVSUP Form 1359
2. NAVSUP Form 1746/14 3. 26
3. NAVSUP Form 338 4. 28
4. NAVSUP Form 1336
5-15 Who is the final approval signature on the
5-10.What is the noun name for the NAVSUP Decentralized Mess Financial Statement?
Form 1746/14?
1. Commanding Officer
1. Decentralized Mess Financial 2. Food Service Officer
3. Leading Culinary Specialist
2. General Mess Summary Document
4. Flag Aide
3. Flag Mess Ashore Summary Document
4. General Mess Control Record 5-16. Who certifies that there are no unreported
receipts or expenditure on the NAVSUP
5-11. What will not be included on the Form 1746/14?
Decentralized Mess Financial Statement?
1. Food Service Officer
1. Cash brought forward 2. Leading Culinary Specialist
2. Laundry expenses 3. Records Keeper
3. Income which is due but not received 4. Senior member of the audit board
4. Total cash expenditures
5-17. What is the last line on the Decentralized
5-12. When is the last day of the fiscal year? Mess Financial Statement by?

1. December 31st 1. Total Cash Receipts

2. October 31st 2. Total Un-deposited Checks
3. January 1st 3. Total Petty Cash Fund
4. September 30th 4. Total OPTAR funds during current
fiscal year

5-13. What is money used for from the

Operating Target Funds (OPTAR)?

1. Food supplies
2. Office supplies
3. Computer repairs
4. Parts for Aircraft

Rev. DEC 2010 AS 5-2

EA: “Security Crime Prevention and Counterterrorism”, Chapter 9; “Official Forms”, Chapter 10, Assignment 5.

5-18. What will not be shown on the NAVSUP

Form 1746/14?

1. Cash Receipts
2. Income due/not received
3. Cash Expenditures
4. Repairs and Maintenance

Rev. DEC 2010 AS 5-3

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Rev. DEC 2010 AS 5-4

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