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The dark period of ignorance (before Prophet’s


Every period of human history characterized by associating

partners with God, whether by worshipping idols, deifying
individuals, or attributing creativity to nature and material
causes, is wholly dark. When belief in God's Unity is removed
from people's hearts, their minds and souls darken, standards
change, and things and the world are judged from false points
of view.
The Qur'an defines this moral, spiritual, social, and even
economic and scientific state as jahiliyya (ignorance): Or like
darkness on a deep sea obscure, covered by a wave, above
which is a wave, above which is a cloud. Layers of darkness one
upon the other. When he holds out his hand, well-nigh he
cannot see it.

”And he for whom God has assigned no light, for him there
is no light” (24:40).

Pre-Islamic era (Age of Jahiliyya):

Prophet Muhammad appeared at a time when people had lost

their knowledge of the true religion and had reverted to
worshipping idols of stones, earth, bread, and even cheese. As
stated in the Qur'an:

“They were serving, apart from God, what hurts them not,
neither profits them, and they say: "These are our intercessors
with God" (10:18).

They were so degraded in thought and morals that, as reported

by Abu Dhār al-Ghaghara, they would cut their idols into pieces
and eat them. The only excuse offered was that they were
following in the steps of their forefathers: When it is said to

"Follow what God has sent down" they say: "No. We follow that
wherein we found our fathers" (2:170).

Women were despised, not only in pre-Islamic Arabia but also

in the Roman and Sassanid lands. The Qur'an openly declares
that men will be questioned concerning this:

“When the female (infant) buried alive is questioned—for what

crime was she killed?” (81:8-9).

Under the customary tribal law existing in Arabia before the

rise of Islam, women, as a general rule, had virtually no
legal status; fathers sold their daughters into marriage for a
price, the husband could terminate the union at will,
sometimes killed after their birth and women had little or
no property or succession rights.

This dark period was followed by Islam, which was lighten up by

the birth of a kid named Muhammad in the tribe of Quraysh.

And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: "O Children of

Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the
Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a
Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad."
But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, "this is
evident sorcery!" (61:6)

Birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

Muhammad (Arabic: ‫ )ُم َح َّمد‬was an Arab religious, social, and
political leader and the founder of Islam. According to Islamic
doctrine, he was a prophet divinely inspired to preach the
monotheistic teachings of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus,
and other prophets. He is believed to be the Seal of the
Prophets within Islam, with the Quran as well as his teachings
and practices forming the basis for Islamic religious belief.
Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was born in approximately 570 CE in
Mecca. He was the son of Abdullah ibn Abd al-
Muttalib and Amina bint Wahb. His father, Abdullah, the son of
Quraysh tribal leader Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim, died a few
months before prophet's birth. His mother Amina died when
he was six, leaving prophet an orphan. He was raised under the
care of his grandfather, Abd ul Muttalib, when He was only 8
years old then He was raised under His paternal uncle, Abu

Signs and Miracles Surrounding His Birth

1.The Light of His Mother:

According to Islamic tradition, Amina experienced a radiant
light during her pregnancy with Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
This light was said to illuminate the palaces of Syria, indicating
the divine nature of the child she carried.
2.The Seal of Prophethood
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born with the seal of
prophethood, a distinct mark on his back. This was considered a
miraculous sign, foretelling his role as the final messenger of

3. Recognition by People and Nature

Various accounts describe extraordinary events surrounding his
birth, such as the prostration of idols in the Kaaba and the
spontaneous opening of the palace gates in Persia. These
occurrences marked the beginning of a series of signs affirming
the divine mission of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Early Childhood:
1.Nursed by Halima
After the death of his mother, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was
entrusted to a Bedouin woman named Halima. His early years
in the desert played a crucial role in shaping his character and
instilling noble qualities.

2. Childhood Traits and Honesty

Even in his early years, Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
demonstrated remarkable traits of honesty, kindness, and
integrity. His reputation as "Al-Amin" (the trustworthy) and
"AsSadiq" (the truthful) was established among the people of

Journey to Syria:

When young boy, unlike other kids he worked as a shepherd to

help pay his keep (his uncle was of modest means). In his teens
he sometimes traveled with Abu Talib, who was a merchant,
accompanying caravans to trade centers. When Muhammad
was about 12 years old, he accompanied his uncle Abu Talib on
a trade journey to Syria (which was a part of the region known
as 'Sham'). During the journey, Hazrat Muhammad and Abu
Talib stayed at Busra with ‘Baheera’ who was a monk. As the
monk was aware of the signs of the Last Nabi Prophet (PBUH)
mentioned in Tawrat and Injeel, he recognized the Greatest and
Noblest Prophet as soon as he saw him. With great respect and
reverence, the monk invited the members of the caravan of the
Holy Prophet for a meal and said to Abu Taalib, ‘Your nephew is
the sovereign of the entire world and is the Rasool of the Lord
of the universe. The Almighty has sent him as mercy for all the
worlds. I have seen trees and stones performing Sajdah in front
of him and a cloud providing him with shade. In between both
of his blessed shoulders is the seal of Nubuwwah. You’d better
sell your goods here and go back to Makkah with your nephew
without delay. It is safer for you and for him. If he reaches Syria,
the Syrian Jews will martyr him because they are bitter enemies
of him.’

Listening to it, Abu Taalib felt unsafe. Hence he sold his goods
there and returned to Makkah without delay along with the
Holy Prophet. At the time of departure, ‘Baheera’ monk
respectfully provided them with some things to be used during
the journey.

It is known that he became a merchant and “was involved in

trade between the Indian ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.”
Due to his upright character during this time, he acquired the
nickname “al-Amin,” meaning “faithful, trustworthy,” and “al-
Sadiq,” meaning “truthful.”

Before the spread of Islam, Arab tribes were always fighting
amongst themselves for the smallest reasons. When Hazrat
Muhammad was 15 years old, a war broke out between the
quraysh and another tribe. There was much killing and
bloodshed. Many good and brave people lost their lives and a
lot of property was destroyed. Everyone was sad to see this,
then wise men of tribes sat and decided to make peace and
also that they would protect travellers and caravans, and help
the weaky and needy. This is called Hilf-ul-Fuzool. Hazrat
Muhammad was was very active in keeping the peace and
helped in every way he could.
“And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not
become divided” (3:103)

In later years, he would periodically seclude himself in a

mountain cave named Hira for several nights of prayer. When
he was 40, circa 610 CE, He reported being visited by Jibrael in
the cave and receiving his first revelation from God. Which
"Read (O Prophet), in the name of your Lord, Who created:
created man from a clot of congealed blood”(96:1-2)

In 613, He started preaching these revelations publicly,

proclaiming that "God is One", that complete "submission"
(Islam) to God (Allah) is the right way of life ( n), and that
he was a prophet and messenger of God, similar to the other
prophets in Islam.

The birth of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) marked the beginning
of a life that would transform the course of history. His
upbringing, marked by divine signs and extraordinary events,
set the stage for the prophetic mission that would unfold later
in his life. Understanding the context of pre-Islamic Arabia and
the unique circumstances surrounding his birth provides
valuable insights into the foundations of Islam and the
character of the final messenger.

This overview provides a condensed exploration of Prophet

Muhammad's (SAW) birth, emphasizing the historical, cultural,
and miraculous aspects that contribute to the significance of
this event in Islamic tradition.


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