Chapter 1 Editing Fix
Chapter 1 Editing Fix
Chapter 1 Editing Fix
A. Background of Study
used by all of people in their daily life. Without the language, someone
cannot socialize and even to meet her daily life. Various thought and
unique and powerful thing. It can unite humans being in the world. English
why many scientists and practitioners’ education try to find the easiest and
mastered the English language yet. Furthermore, we know that the newest
and the most modern technology come from the western world. In order to
the skill in English language. There are four skills in English language
Listening and reading are called ‘receptive skills’ (the reader or listener
receives information but does not produce it); while speaking and writing
practitioners try to find an effective, efficient, easy, and even fun way to
learn and master writing skill. Their effort has begun many years ago by
of the elements who take part in English teaching and learning give a
school are required to master all of English skill include writing as the
most difficult one. The difficulty often experience obstacles and
theme who taken by students , besides that students need a very long time
in arranging paragraphs.
their problems are lack of vocabulary, grammar, and even idea or limited
It can be measured from students written task score and exercise in the
B. Statement of Problems
year 2019/2020?
Numbered Heads Together with Picture Series for the eighth grade
C. Objective of Research
a. For Students
b. For Teacher
strategy of the class, so the students can more easy to try for write.
c. For Researcher
Ungaran is 70. The teacher and the researcher expect that there are at
F. Research Methodology
1. Research Design
method is believed can help the teacher to find the appropriate teaching
their own practical actions and by means of own reflection upon the
First the researcher can take a role as the designer of the teaching
target community to solve the problems in the classroom. In this case, the
A Cyclical Action Research Model by Kemmis and McTaggart(1998)
From the figure 1.1 shows a cycle of action and reflection. It can be
seen that the action research procedures in each cycle covers four main
steps. Those are reconnaissance, planning, action and observation, and
and looks forward to the next. For example, the action phase is
The cycle can begin at any stage, and does not stop after one cycle has
1. Planning
The activities planning are as follow:
a. Preparing the syllabus, making lesson plan, materials, and
designing the steps of doing the action.
3. Reflection
Table 1.1
List of students’ name of eighth grade of SMP N 4 Ungaran
a. Observation
b. Interviewing
writing process.
previous research.