2021discrimination of Diabetic Retinopathy From Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Images Using Machine Learning Methods
2021discrimination of Diabetic Retinopathy From Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Images Using Machine Learning Methods
2021discrimination of Diabetic Retinopathy From Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Images Using Machine Learning Methods
April 9, 2021.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3056430
ABSTRACT The goal was to discriminate between diabetic retinopathy (DR) and healthy controls (HC)
by evaluating Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) images from 3 × 3 mm scans with the
assistance of different machine learning models. The OCTA angiography dataset of superficial vascular
plexus (SVP), deep vascular plexus (DVP), and retinal vascular network (RVN) were acquired from 19 DR
(38 eyes) patients and 25 HC (44 eyes). A discrete wavelet transform was applied to extract texture features
from each image. Four machine learning models, including logistic regression (LR), logistic regression
regularized with the elastic net penalty (LR-EN), support vector machine (SVM), and the gradient boosting
tree named XGBoost, were used to classify wavelet features between groups. The area under the receiver
operating characteristics curve (AUC), sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of the classifiers were
obtained. The OCTA image dataset included 114 and 132 images from DR and HC subjects, respectively.
LR-EN and LR using all three images, SVP, DVP, and RVN, provided the highest sensitivity of 0.84 and
specificity of 0.80, the best diagnostic accuracy of 0.82, and an AUC of 0.83 and 0.84, respectively, which
were slightly lower than that of LR using one image SVP (0.85) or two images DVP and SVP (0.85). The
LR-EN and LR classification algorithms had the high sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy in
identifying DR, which may be promising in facilitating the early diagnosis of DR.
INDEX TERMS Diabetic retinopathy, machine learning, logistic regression, logistic regression regularized
with the elastic net penalty, support vector machine.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
VOLUME 9, 2021 51689
Z. Liu et al.: Discrimination of DR From OCTA Images Using Machine Learning Methods
In ophthalmic research, the application of AI systems has were treated according to the Declaration of Helsinki. Written
led to robust diagnostic accuracy for several ocular conditions informed consent was obtained.
such as DR [7], age-related macular degeneration (AMD) [8], Nineteen patients with DR were recruited from Bas-
cataract [9], glaucoma [10], and keratoconus [11]. com Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami, from
Machine learning models using fundus images have been August 2017 to June 2019. These patients underwent a com-
developed by researchers for retinopathy staging as well as plete fundus examination and were diagnosed by a retinal
identifying multiple ocular diseases. However, it is difficult specialist (JT). Twenty-five age and sex-matched healthy
to detect micro-vasculature alterations in different retinal control (HC) subjects were recruited.
layers and the area around the foveal avascular zone using
fundus images. Additionally, a large and well-documented B. OCTA, IMAGE SEGMENTATION, AND DATA
database of fundus images is needed to train and optimize ACQUISITION
convolutional neural networks. It is also extremely difficult
The angiograph dataset of the 3 × 3 mm scans was acquired
to provide strong accuracy metrics because of the database
using the Optovue OCTA device (Optovue, Fremont, CA,
variances from different imaging centers [7], [12].
USA), which consists of 70,000 Hz A-scans rate, an 840 nm
A deep learning system (DLS) is a branch of machine
central wavelength, a 5 µm resolution, and a 22 µm
learning using AI and representation learning methods
beamwidth. Each scan of retinal angiography included a
to process large data and extract meaningful patterns
raster scan with 304 (A-scan) x 304 (B-scan). The OCTA
that contribute to the excellent performance for discov-
image quality was quantified with the scan quality score
ering the intricate structures of high-dimensional data.
metric provided in the Angiovue’s software interface. Any
Currently, DLS for the automatic classification and seg-
OCTA image with a scan quality score of less than 5 was
mentation of optical coherence tomography angiogra-
excluded. The SVP was segmented from the inner limited
phy (OCTA) images in ophthalmology affords excellent
membrane layer (ILM) to the inner plexus layer (IPL); the
results. In DLS, convolutional neural network (CNN), and
DVP was segmented from the IPL to the outer plexus layer
multi-scaled encoder-decoder neural network (MEDnet) have
(OPL), and RVN was segmented from the ILM to the OPL.
been utilized to classify referable DR on optical coher-
ence tomography angiography datasets with high predictive
Abramoff and associates conducted a pivotal trial in which EXTRACTION
an autonomous AI-based diagnostic system detected DR, The first step of applying a machine learning model to pre-
and that system has now been authorized by the Food and dict DR from images is to extract useful features from the
Drug Administration for use by health care providers to images. It has been shown that wavelet transform can capture
detect mild DR and diabetic macular edema [19]. Alam et al. texture features of an image at multiple resolutions and that
presented the feasibility of a supervised machine learning such features can be used to classify images with high accu-
method to detect DR with excellent diagnostic accuracy using racy [22], [23]. Wavelet transform has also been applied to
6 × 6 mm OCTA images from small datasets [20]. Recently, fundus images for the diagnosis of glaucoma [24], [25].
Sandhu et al. introduced a new automated system for detect- We first applied the two-dimensional discrete wavelet
ing DR using OCTA. The system demonstrated a high degree transform (DWT) [26] to images to extract features in
of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in analyzing vessel different frequency bands. Specifically, we employed the
density, vessel caliber, and FAZ area [21]. wavedec2 function in Matlab to implement the 2-dimensional
In the present study, we applied different machine learn- DWT with the biorthogonal wavelet bior1.1. Of note, DWT
ing models to discriminate between healthy individuals and had also been employed to extract features for the classifica-
DR by evaluating OCTA images from the 3 × 3 mm scans tion of fundus images of glaucoma [24], [27]. Since images
of superficial vascular plexus (SVP), deep vascular plexus were of size 304 × 304 pixels, we performed the 8-level
( log2 (304) = 8 ) DWT. As shown in Figure 1, at the ith
(DVP), and retinal vascular network (RVN). We use sensi-
tivity, specificity, and accuracy as metrics to compare the level (i = 1, 3,. . . , 8), we used biorthogonal wavelet bior1.1 to
performance of different methods. Sensitivity is the ability decompose the image in the LLi−1 band into four images
of a method to correctly identify those with the disease (true in four frequency bands: HHi, HLi , LHi , and LLi , where
positive), whereas specificity is the ability of the method to LL0 was the original image. Therefore, each image yielded
identify those without the disease (true negative) correctly. 25 images of different resolutions with a total of 25 frequency
Accuracy is the proportion of true results, either true positive bands. For each image, the energy in each of 25 frequency
or true negative, identified by a method. bands was calculated and standardized using the z-score,
which generated 25 features that would be further used to
II. METHODS classify images. Specifically, the image of the ith individual
A. STUDY DESIGN, SETTING, AND POPULATION in the jth frequency band was represented Pas a p×q matrix Dij .
p Pq
This study was approved by the institutional review board for The energy of the band was Eij = 1 2 l=1 k=1 D2ij (l, k),
human research of the University of Miami. All participants where Dij (l,k) was the entry of matrix Dij on the lth row
The OCTA image dataset included 114 images from 38 eyes
of 19 DR patients and 132 images from 44 eyes of 25 HC
subjects. Tables 1 and 2 show the performance of the four
machine learning models in predicting DR from one, two,
or three images. As shown in Table 1, LR-EN and LR using
the three images (DVP+RVN+SVP) offered the highest sen-
sitivity (0.84) and specificity (0.80). As shown in Table 2,
the AUCs of LR-EN and LR using the three images are
0.83 and 0.84, respectively, which are slightly lower than the
AUCs of LR using one image SVP (0.85) or two images DVP FIGURE 3. Receiver operating characteristic curve of four machine
learning methods using three images (DVP+RVN+SVP) to predict DR.
and SVP (0.85), but are higher than or equal to the AUCs of LR-EN and LR have almost the same performance, and they outperform
LR-EN and LR using other images, and the AUCs of SVM SVM and XGBoost.
and XGBoost. Table 3 shows that LR-EN and LR using the
three images provided the best diagnostic accuracy (0.82) 3 × 3 mm scans of optical coherence tomography angiogra-
among all four classifiers. phy (OCTA) images. Subtle retinal microvascular alterations
Figure 2 depicted the receiver operating characteris- due to DR can be analyzed quantitatively based on OCTA
tic (ROC) curves and AUCs of LR-EN using different images. images. The LR-EN and LR classifiers demonstrated the
It was seen that the LR-EN using the three images offers best diagnostic performance in all classification tasks in our
almost the same performance as using one image, the SVP, current study. The LR-EN or LR algorithm would provide
and better performance than LR-EN using other images. an effective strategy for clinicians to diagnose early stages
Figure 3 showed the ROC curves and AUCs of LR-EN, LR, of DR.
SVM, and XGBoost using the three images. It is clearly seen Generally, in our current dataset, using all three images
from Figure 2 that LR-EN and LR have almost the same improved the performance in terms of diagnostic accuracy
performance but outperform SVM and XGBoost. and sensitivity when compared to the cases using only one
or two images. However, using three images did not neces-
IV. DISCUSSION sarily improve the performance in terms of the AUC when
We herein clarified the applicability of machine learn- compared to the cases using the one image of SVP, or two
ing algorithms to predict diabetic retinopathy (DR) using images of DVP and SVP. This implies that the SVP image
TABLE 2. AUC of four machine learning methods for predicting DR. image at multiple resolutions, which provides more informa-
tion and improves discriminative power. Second, the machine
learning models were designed based on certain optimal-
ity criteria to discriminate images in the vector space of
features, which can exploit the discriminative information
appropriately [23], [24], [42]. XGBoost is a very efficient
implementation of the gradient boosting tree [29]. Instead
of fitting a tree to the gradient of the loss function at each
iteration, as normally done by gradient boosting, XGBoost
uses the second-order approximation of the loss function to
build trees. The hyperparameters of XGBoost include the
maximum depth of each tree, the number of trees, and the
learning rate. In this work, the LR-EN and LR have almost the
TABLE 3. Diagnostic accuracy measured in four machine learning same performance, and they outperform SVM and XGBoost.
Although our findings indicated the LR-EN and LR clas-
sification algorithms had high sensitivity, specificity, and
diagnostic accuracy in identifying DR, there are several limi-
tations in this study. Firstly, the sample size is relatively small
for each cohort. In future studies, we plan to include multiple
imaging centers and a much more extensive OCTA database
to test our AI screening algorithm for practical performance
in retinal clinics. Additionally, we did not use retinal
images to test the availability of our algorithm for detecting
DR. There are many important components that should be
contains the most information that can help discriminate DR included in the grading system for detecting DR using retinal
from normal tissue, and can explain why adding the other two images, such as microaneurysms, hemorrhages, hard and soft
images did not significantly change the performance of the exudations, as well as blood vessel morphology [43]–[45].
classifier. Thirdly, we only analyzed the 3 × 3mm OCTA images from
Sensitivity is an important criterion for any screening and mild DR patients. Patients with moderate and severe DR
diagnostic prediction system [15]. Studies have shown that were not included. Since mild DR is hard to distinguish from
the sensitivity of automatic DR screening ranges from 75% to normal individuals, the sensitivity and accuracy for detecting
97.5%, and the accuracy is comparable [7], [12], [19], [20], DR may have been found to be relatively lower. Future studies
[39], [40]. The 84% sensitivity of our system represented should enlarge the sample size and include moderate and
the capability to identify individual eyes with DR from a severe DR patients. Finally, we did not use other data such as
healthy control. Similarly, specificity is also an important thickness maps of intra-retinal layers and retinal angiography,
factor because it will represent the capability of detecting which, if incorporated into the machine learning process, may
subjects that do not require a referral to an ophthalmologist. further improve the diagnostic accuracy and applicability.
Our study indicated that LR-EN and LR algorithm could
achieve the best performances for maximum diagnostic accu-
In summary, in this evaluation of the 3 × 3 mm scans of
racy in all classification tasks. As supported by the results
OCTA angiography images from DR patients and healthy
from Table 3, we can observe that, in all performance metrics,
individuals, the LR-EN algorithm had high sensitivity and
the LR-EN and LR algorithms demonstrated better diagnostic
specificity in identifying DR, which may be promising in
proficiency than SVM and XGBoost algorithms.
facilitating the early diagnosis of DR. Further large scale and
Machine learning models for analyzing angiography
multicenter studies are necessary to assess the applicability of
images did not require alignment since the wavelet features
LR-EN algorithm in DR and related eye diseases to improve
were directly processed from the raw angiography images.
vision outcomes.
The machine learning models, particularly LR-EN and LR,
provided better performance than the traditional vessel den- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
sity analysis (Dbox). The traditional vessel density analysis All authors have no proprietary interest in any materials or
provided a sensitivity of 0.70 and specificity of 0.65 and methods.
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