D20 D200 Specsheet
D20 D200 Specsheet
D20 D200 Specsheet
Digital Energy
The Ultimate in Field-Proven Reliability communication ports which provide the data concentration,
protocol conversion, and customizable local automation
D20 Main Chassis functionality.
The D20 main chassis comes in three distinct types tailored
to meet the varying size and communication requirements of D20ME II CPU Board
different automation projects from a few hundred points to over
The D20ME II is the sixth generation main processor for the D20
75,000 SCADA points.
platform. This 32-bit main processor module handles data
D20 – Non-VME • 19" wide, 5.25" high, 8.1" deep
(Single Slot) • 1 CPU Board
collection and delivery to host computers, runs local automation
• 7 RS-232/485 ports algorithms and maintains I/O and device data in the system
• 1 D.20 I/O port
• Supports up to 120 D20 I/O modules database.
• Optional display
IEC 61000-4-5 Surge Immunity
D20 Power Supply Input Options IEC 61000-4-6 Immunity to RF Conducted/Induced
D20 20-60 VDC IEC 61000-4-8 Magnetic Field Immunity
100-300 VDC/85-264 VAC IEC 61000-4-11 Voltage Dips and Interruptions
D200 48 VDC nominal (AC power supply)
115/230 VAC nominal IEC 61000-4-12 High Frequency Oscillatory
Auxiliary power supplies are available to accommodate other IEC 61000-4-16 Immunity to Conducted Common Mode
voltage ranges. Disturbances
IEC 61000-4-17 Immunity to Ripple on DC Power Port
D20EME Ethernet/Memory Board IEC 61000-4-29 DC Supply Interruptions
D20EME modular Ethernet/Memory cards can be applied at time EN 61010-1 Product Safety
of purchase or as an upgrade when you need them to increase
Safety &
• 0 MB, 8 MB, or 16 MB battery-backed SRAM IEEE C37.1-1994 IEEE Standard Definition, Specification
and Analysis of System used for
Standards Compliance Supervisory Control, Data Acquisition,
and Automatic Control
All D20 components have been carefully designed to function
ISO® 9000 Quality Systems – Specification for
reliably in demanding substation environments. Design, Manufacture and Installation
IEC 60297 Dimensions of Mechanical Structures of
Standard Description 19 Inch Rack
IEC® 60068-2-1 Cold (0°C) DNP 3.0 Communication Protocol
IEC 60068-2-2 Dry Heat (+55°C) IEC 60870-5 Communication Protocol
IEC 60068-2-6 Vibration
GEA-14496A (07/10)