Official Document

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Founded in 2023
Aushmita Ghosh | Basma Zaman | Ekramul Haque Khan | Rehnuma Rahman | Rishij Saha | Tanzeem Redwan

Above all else, we have made the betterment of our institution the greatest priority. As such,
we wish to implement these structures in an attempt to foster creativity and develop various
skills among the student body, thereby further bolstering HURDCO’s reputation as one of the
top schools in Dhaka. Participants will be privy to a wide variety of experiences which will
broaden their knowledge and hone their problem-solving skills, in the form of workshops,
competitions, etc. Additionally, as a grading system is not implemented, members are not
faced with the risk of failure and so may show more enthusiasm regarding participation.

We, the student body, are very fortunate to have the environment that HURDCO provides us
with, wherein we are encouraged to think independently and ‘outside-the-box’. In a similar
vein, another aim of ours is to further develop this system of unconventional thought by
conducting events which the students do not regularly experience. Essentially, we wish to free
students from the restraints of their academic curriculum and explore the vast world of
knowledge beyond it, such as financial literacy games.

Furthermore, although the seniormost batch will bear the responsibility of management for
most committees or clubs, we plan to also involve juniors in certain management roles, in
order to provide them with the space to learn invaluable skills but without the ability to cause
substantial harm by making errors in judgment.

The Student Council is formed to assist in the organization of extracurricular activities

and events. It will not interfere with any affair beyond that.
This applies to each member of the student council & board.
1. All members of the student council must:
a. Act with honesty & integrity
b. Not put themselves in a position involving a conflict of interest
c. Demonstrate accountability for their action
d. Accept responsibility for their decisions
e. Make decisions based on the best interests of the student body
f. Not engage in activities that may disrepute themselves or the school
2. All council & board members are expected to avoid biases and discrimination.
3. It is important for all council members to be respectful of others and act
professionally wherever needed.
4. All council members must use their position appropriately, meaning that they are
expected to not take advantage of their position, or use it for unethical purposes.
5. All student council members will be held responsible for all the school resources that
will be used by them.

Council members are expected to respect the need for confidentiality and privacy with
regard to any sensitive matters that might arise at council meetings.

Student council members should only use the school/council email safely as part of their
official responsibilities, respecting all school policies. Use of council resources for private
interests will not be tolerated.
The council will fully abide by all the rules and regulations of the school and will keep the
teacher in charge constantly updated, and communicate any potential changes or decisions.

All members must be aware that any breach of rules will result in an immediate suspension of
membership, pending further action by the school authorities.


Similar to all other extracurricular school organizations, a President will be appointed who
will have supreme authority over the entire structure as a whole. They will reside over the
meetings of the Student Council. Additionally, a Vice President will help aid the process. The
Vice President also serves as an alternate President, in the instance of an emergency leaving
the President incapable of fulfilling their duty.

The President and Vice President will be chosen from the Council Board - consisting of
students who will assist them in overseeing the smooth operation of the Council and its
activities. The Council Board members will be under the obligation to carry out the following
1. Synchronize the work of the council through the other clubs and committees.
2. Be responsible for coordinating the interviewing, selection and functioning of
committee members.
3. Supervise the efficiency of the Club Leaders.
4. Maintain frequent contact with school faculty and administrators and present proposals
for activities/events.
5. Take initiatives to ensure the student body's well being.

Junior students must be kept as involved as possible so that they may gain experience in
arranging extracurricular activities, and thus be prepared for their time in charge. Therefore,
two secretaries are going to be appointed who will observe the Council Boards’ actions and
assist the board with minor matters.
These matters may include-
1. Assist in creating monthly plans for the clubs & committees.
2. Assist in maintaining the register and the audit.
3. Communicate, on behalf of the board, with club leaders and committee members.

A designated Treasurer will record transactions and provide a detailed account to the faculty
in charge of monitoring our structure. Additionally, they will create budgets during event
planning and be held responsible for adhering to it.

Good communication with the student body is crucial for effectively running the council. As
students may feel more comfortable expressing concerns to their peers, we plan to appoint
class ambassadors from each grade. Designating class ambassadors will also ease the process
of recruiting club/committee members and volunteers.

Per our structure, we have decided to create Committees (that will be under the Council) to
divide the responsibilities we will undertake amongst additional members according to the
nature of the task in hand. Committees have a wide range of interests which they will develop,
but will not have such official positions (i.e. President). Instead, the workload will be divided
amongst its members based on an individuals’ strengths and weaknesses. It will prioritize
flexibility as well as consist of a minimum work force.
The committees we plan to form include:

1. Program Committee - This is specifically designed to aid the overall development

and management of events & committees, including recruiting volunteers and sponsors
and creating event plans. It will also be responsible for accepting or declining all
funding plans in advance of any expenditure, with the appointed Treasurer of the
council. The committee will collaborate with the respective club that the event in
question is related to.

2. Media Committee - This committee is in charge of advertising club activities and

events in the form of regular social media posts mainly. It will also be responsible for
publishing a newsletter, in which current school matters will be updated.

3. Counseling Committee - In order to provide students with the guidance they require
for university applications, senior students will volunteer to advise juniors regarding
such matters. Additionally, certain faculty members may wish to host workshops in
which necessary tips and tricks for applicants will be shared.


Our seniors have passed on various clubs to us, and since we do not wish to undermine their
hardwork and dedication, we have done our best to continue their legacy. As such, we have
attempted to integrate these clubs into our system. The council will also be responsible for
monitoring the activities of such clubs. By ensuring that the clubs keep thriving, the Student
Council aims to further enhance the students talents by being able to practice their craft on a
regular basis; a frequency otherwise improbable.

As per tradition, club Presidents and Vice Presidents will be designated to monitor all the
intraclub operations. Furthermore, they will plan weekly routines and workshop schedules.

There will be an official registration process for students interested in joining a specific club,
all managed by its respective authorities. Each club will contribute to their respective field of
operation during seasonal events under the guidance of teachers. Initially, only high school
students from and above the ninth grade will be eligible for membership. Students will be
highly encouraged to join clubs associated with the events, fundraisers and campaigns they
would be interested to participate in.

The pre existing clubs include:

1. Drama & Film Club:
Founded by Warisul Ahnaf in 2022, the Drama & Film Club intends to act as a
platform to identify and hone the inborn artistic talents of students through theater
productions, recordings, workshops etc.

2. Environmental Club:
Sajid Abdur Rahman created the Environmental Club in 2022 to create awareness
regarding environmental issues, such as protection, conservation, preservation, and
restoration, with an emphasis on educating and empowering students.

3. Literary Club:
The literary club, formed in 2022, was established by Rifat Amin and Shamanta
Ayesha with the aim of developing a community of students who share the same
profound enthusiasm when it comes to interpreting literature, and to develop oratory
skills alongside enhanced communication skills within its members.

Additionally, the Council will take initiative to establish a few other clubs as per students'
request, and in their best interests. This may include:
1. A Debate & Speech Club to improve students' critical thinking and confidence in
public speaking.
2. A Sports Club to encourage participation in athletic events among students, and create
an official athlete’s association consisting of both the Girls’ and Boys’ team members
of the school, who will play a part in executing all the school tournaments.
3. An Honors Society aspiring to help students excel beyond their curriculum's potential
and practice in-depth research on relevant science, commerce or IT topics.

Participation in clubs and committees are completely voluntary and will not place any extra
pressure on members that would impede their day-to-day studies.
We believe that this system will help students to focus on the subject they are most passionate
about, and hone their skills accordingly.

A Treasurer will be appointed to oversee and monitor all transactions and money balances. To
maintain communication with the faculty, the Treasurer will meet with the designated faculty
member to provide regular updates regarding the financial position of the committees and
clubs. These meetings will be arranged according to the convenience of the faculty member

Transparency regarding our finances will be strictly maintained, and it is crucial to appoint a
trustworthy Treasurer. They will carry the additional responsibility of safely storing any funds
collected. On occasions leaving the Treasurer incapable of doing so, the President or the
school’s accounting sector will be requested to keep the funds under their supervision
(particularly in the instance of large sums of money).
Signature of Md. Mahmud Islam
Vice Principal

Signature of Dr. M. Jinnat Ali


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