Star Challenge 01 - Planets in Peril
Star Challenge 01 - Planets in Peril
Star Challenge 01 - Planets in Peril
Christopher Black
Illustrations by Maelo Cintron
Christopher Black
Illustrations by Maelo Cintron
Published by RED ALERT!
Dell Publishing Co., Inc.
1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
New York, Mew York 10017 You must not read this STAR CHALLENGE™
Copyright © 1984 by Megabooks, Inc.
ADVENTURE in the ordinary human way.
Star Challenge™ is a trademark of If you read the pages in order, the story will
Dell Publishing Co., Inc., New York, New York.
not compute. Instead, follow the directions on
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be the bottom of each page. Everything will depend
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording on the choices you make—each choice can
or by any information storage and retrieval system, lead you to a different STAR CHALLENGE™
without the written permission of the Publisher,
except where permitted by law. adventure.
Yearling ® TM 913705, Dell Publishing Co., Inc.
To help you along the way, you have a Task/
Operational Robot, Model 2. (Call him 2-Tor.)
ISBN: 0-440-46892-2
He can do amazing things—from warping you
Printed in the United States of America through space faster than the speed of light
First printing—July 1984 to talking with you through your mind.
Each time you and 2-Tor complete a mission,
warp to page 115 to find out how you rate as
a Space Ace!
To begin your adventure, GO TO PAGE 1.
Published by RED ALERT!
Dell Publishing Co., Inc.
1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
New York, Mew York 10017 You must not read this STAR CHALLENGE™
Copyright © 1984 by Megabooks, Inc.
ADVENTURE in the ordinary human way.
Star Challenge™ is a trademark of If you read the pages in order, the story will
Dell Publishing Co., Inc., New York, New York.
not compute. Instead, follow the directions on
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be the bottom of each page. Everything will depend
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording on the choices you make—each choice can
or by any information storage and retrieval system, lead you to a different STAR CHALLENGE™
without the written permission of the Publisher,
except where permitted by law. adventure.
Yearling ® TM 913705, Dell Publishing Co., Inc.
To help you along the way, you have a Task/
Operational Robot, Model 2. (Call him 2-Tor.)
ISBN: 0-440-46892-2
He can do amazing things—from warping you
Printed in the United States of America through space faster than the speed of light
First printing—July 1984 to talking with you through your mind.
Each time you and 2-Tor complete a mission,
warp to page 115 to find out how you rate as
a Space Ace!
To begin your adventure, GO TO PAGE 1.
12 13
You pick up the Cube in your claws and wing back A week passes. Nearly one hundred troops assem-
through the energy field. 2-Tor doesn't recognize you ble in the programming compound to try out their
in your new shape, but luckily, he sees the Cube. That new battle suits. As soon as the suits are on, you give
gives the robot a hint that you and the winged crea- them the signal to attack. They turn on the surprised
ture are connected. Then he makes a detailed scan of guards, overpowering them.
his language banks till he turns up one you both can Then you send your controlled cyborgs outside the
speak. compound. They march forward to destroy Slee's
Together you race out of the Forbidden City. The battle suit factory. The Zardian defense forces run.
waiting mutants are overjoyed. They take the Cube When that battle is over, you contact the Nebula for
and use its knowledge to turn you back to your reinforcements. Meanwhile your troops are busy de-
former self. "We're grateful to you for the Crystal ploying the orbital defense control bases.
Cube," they say. By the time Nebula Attack Teams arrive Zard is
"And I'm grateful for the knowledge in the Cube." defenseless. And Slee is a prisoner in his palace. All it
Even as you speak, your wings wither away to be cost you was four sleepless days and nights, control-
replaced by your familiar arms. ling your cyborgs.
In a brief ceremony the mutants make you and You look forward to a rest, but Captain Polaris has
2-Tor heroes of their new republic. other ideas. "We want you back on duty as soon as
2-Tor manages a subspace link with Nebula control. possible," he says.
You're heroes there, too. "1 guess we won't be getting much of a break," you
"Thought we'd lost you!" Captain Polaris says. "1 say to 2-Tor.
sent you some backup. They saved the Graviton, but He gives a happy whistle. "I wonder what kind of
couldn't find any trace of you. Sit tight We're organiz- adventure Polaris has waiting for us next, boss."
ing the rescue party right now."
14 15
The only thing you want to do on Zard is destroy You float silently through the airlock. Ahead is a
Slee's factory. Unfortunately that's not a job currently hatch, which you open. You step into a room with a
being offered. "We'll choose the chip room, whatever high silver dome. It's bare except for a single control
bank in the center of the room.
that is," you say. You turn to 2-Tor. "We got in slick as a Vegan
The cyborg guard leads you into a small room. He
prat-beast," you whisper.
points a strange-looking gun at you.
"We're making micro-microchips here," he says. Then you hear a booming voice. "Kneel down,
"So we need micro workers. Prepare to be shrunk!" Nebula slime. Prepare to meet the great and mighty
Before you can say a word, the cyborg sprays you Cypor Scarp."
and 2-Tor with the gun. You begin to shrink away like
a balloon with a slow leak.
Go to page 83,
16 17
With Darkstar's commander in your sights, all "I don't like the idea of giving up," you tell 2-Tor.
you can think of is trying to finish him off. You zero in "But in this case it could work to our advantage."
2-Tor whistles. "I hope you're right, boss."
on the battle cruiser's bridge. "Fire one!" A round of
You send out a white surrender flare and cut your
negatron missiles flashes at the battle cruiser.
But Scarp is not meekly sitting by. He's firing, too. engines.
His huge quark cannons are locked on your little ship. Before long the ugly face of Slee from Zard fills
your screen.
2-Tor's lights flash red. "There's no way we can slip
through this kind of firepower!" The ship's energy "I'm warping in to take over your ship," he says.
"And I'm bringing a squad of cyborg guards with me.
shields flare. They're heavily armed. So no tricks."
Your assault is doomed to failure. And you are just
"Everything is going our way," you say.
plain doomed. "It is?" 2-Tor squeals.
Go to page 83,
18 19
A panel at the rear of the room slides open. Cypor
Scarp walks in. He's hardly the frightening creature
you were expecting. In fact, he's only three feet tall.
The only upsetting thing about him is his head. It's
egg-shaped, and half of it is nothing but scar tissue.
Somewhere in his career he met an unfriendly laser
"I'll take the Graviton now," he says. "Bring it to
You grip the Graviton tightly. Suddenly you're taught
that size isn't everything. A beam of purple light, nearly
ultraviolet, flashes from Scarp's eye. The light somehow
snatches the Graviton right into Scarp's arms.
"Mice trick, eh?" Scarp removes the patch from his
other eyes. "Now feel the wrath of my eyes displacer."
You remember the nearby control bank.
You have completed your mission. You have completed your mission.
Report to the Nebula on page 115 Report to the Nebula on page 115
to find out how you rate as a Space Ace. to find out how you rate as a Space Ace.
24 25
"Fine," you say. "The faster she's coming in, the "By the asteroids of Katar ...!" you exclaim. Then
better." you freeze. A mysterious force has invaded your mind.
You jam your engines into reverse. In less than a Sight, hearing, touch disappear as the force moves
second the enemy craft passes over you. It couldn't along your brain paths. Even your memories are in-
even get off a shot. vaded and probed.
"Fire!" Your negatron missile catches the enemy At last the voice speaks again. "You may pass and
fighter from behind. A bright flash, then it's gone. claim the Crystal Cube. I know you will use it wisely."
Now you attack the Darkstar itself. Your shots knock You leave the city with the Crystal Cube. The mu-
out the battle cruiser's maneuvering jets. Darkstar is tant citizens greet you as a hero. "Stay and help us
helpless to defend herself. rebuild our world!" they beg.
In moments a surrender flare shoots from the bridge All this flatters you, but you refuse. You and 2-Tor
of the ship. Your skill and bravery has defeated Scarp's must return to the Nebula. First and foremost, you're
dreams of conquest. Nebula operatives. Your destinies lie with the stars.
You smile at 2-Tor. Yellow lights flicker on the
robot "Good work, boss. What next?"
You have completed your mission. You have completed your mission.
Report to the Nebula on page 115 Report to the Nebula on page 115
to find out how you rate as a Space Ace. to find out how you rate as a Space Ace.
26 27
"1 think the squares with the vertical stripes are You ready your suit's thrusters and make the leap
solid," you say. through the firestorm. The next to last thing you hear
"I'll take your word for it, boss." 2-Tor gives two is 2-Tor's voice. "Too thick, boss!" he says.
clicks and a buzz. "I just hope you have a good The last thing you hear is this sound: SIZZLE!
Fortunately you do. The squares hold. You hop to ZAP!
safety on the far side of the checkerboard.
Later you channel the rest of 2-Tor's energy into
his transmitter and send a message to the Nebula.
"I'll tell them our coordinates. Then they can come
and rescue us," says 2-Tor.
"Let's not forget to tell them about Mindor-6. That
way, we can defeat Slee's plans too," you add.
Captain Polaris himself gets on the communica-
tions link. "We'll take care of Slee," he says.
"Good," you say. "Just don't forget to take care of
us too."
"Don't worry about that," says Polaris. "We'd never
leave top aces like you and 2-Tor stranded. See you
"Very soon, I hope," you say. "I'm ready to get
Go to page 58.
30 31
Send a message to the Nebula. "Someone is in big The terrible force pressed down on your head with
trouble," you shout at 2-Tor. You both dash for the blinding pain. "I'm a Network operative. You'll not get
silver hatch.
a word out of me, Slee from Zard!"
"I hope we're in time to save the day." 2-Tor's red Unfortunately no one will ever get anything out of
lights flash. you, ever again. The force increases pitilessly until
Inside, you can't believe your eyes. An eight-foot you black out, never to awaken.
creature with bristling neon hair struggles with a terri- Later, some may applaud your stand. They'd call
fied human in a white lab coat. The creature's toothy you brave and defiant. Others are less generous. They
jaw juts out as it strangles the man. They're both bent would call your actions stupid and stubborn. You
over a portable teleporter device. won't care. You'll never hear the praises—or criticism.
"Stop him! Stop him!" screams the man. "We can't
let him get control of the teleporter! He'll beam the ZAP!
rest of Scarp's men onto the station!"
Go to page 58.
32 33
"Slee wants our kronium," says the woman. "Mindor
-6 has the galaxy's richest deposits. Slee seized our
mines. He beams the kronium back to his home
planet, Zard, to make computerized battle suits for his
soldiers. Then he plans to use them to conquer the
"We have to get word to the Nebula," you tell
"Right, boss." The robot whistles. "Slee must be
stopped, and soon. We can't let him assemble that
battle force."
Just then you hear the sound of marching feet.
2-Tor's red lights begin to flash.
"Hurry," says the woman. "Come with me. I'll take you
to the rebel base. With your help, we can defeat Slee."
If you choose to turn and run, turn to page 68. If you'd rather take your chances in the cell
with the Aflame Hyrex,
If you want to stand and fight, turn to page 90. turn to page 76.
40 41
Your vidscreen suddenly fills with the slick, scaly The two bubble-headed guards lead you away.
face of Slee from Zard. 2-Tor turns to you, his volume low. "I've beamed an
"So, you've been spying on me." He scowls. "The SOS to the Nebula. They should be on their way soon."
game is up. And you're going down." "It had better be faster than soon," you whisper.
You see a starblaster being lowered beneath his "I'm not looking forward to meeting Scarp's Rorvian
ship. "We've got to get out of here, boss," 2-Tor Pest."
squeals. His red lights flash like mad. "Our shuttle "Don't want to meet it?" One of the guards starts
doesn't stand a chance against that blaster." laughing. "Maybe you'd rather share a room with the
Aflame Hyrex. It's in the cell over there."
"We're feeling generous. Take your choice," says
the other guard. "The Hyrex or the Pest? The Pest is
in the cell down the hall."
If you choose to turn and run, turn to page 68. If you'd rather take your chances in the cell
with the Aflame Hyrex,
If you want to stand and fight, turn to page 90. turn to page 76.
42 43
You grasp the force-rope and yell, "Haul away!" You walk over to the main building. "Let's go for
The hooded stranger gives a jerk. Moments later the teleporter control center," you say. You try the
you arrive at a low-ceilinged room high in the tower. door, but it won't slide open.
A dozen fanged, snout-nosed creatures sit against "We could knock on the panel and pretend to be
the back wall. Each one of them is smiling. 2-Tor is some of Slee's cyborgs," suggests Calix. "That will
nowhere to be seen. get us inside. Then we can take them by surprise."
You get a creepy feeling that something is about "Why not blast our way in?" you say. "1 admit it
to go terribly wrong. may be crude. But it might be effective."
Go to page 51. If your attack is to the ship's belly, turn to page 10.
50 51
You and 2-Tor scurry through the duct. Your robot Before long you're at the familiar controls of the
friend finds a maintenance hatch which leads to the Challenger. You prepare your shuttlecraft for battle as
outside of the ship. Yanking open the hatch, you the rest of the Nebula force engages the Darkstar.
allow yourself to be pulled into the vacuum of space. "They're no match for the Darkstar's quark can-
A few blasts from your suit thrusters take you be- nons!" you exclaim. The enemy battle cruiser has
neath the Darkstar, near the huge ship's lifting struts. already picked off three Nebula starfighters.
"Look!" 2-Tor points a claw. A fleet of gull-winged You focus your scanners on the Darkstar's bridge.
fighters streaks toward you. "It's the Nebula Attack Cypor Scarp, now in armor, directs the battle. "I'm
Team 1 called for." tempted to dive-bomb that bridge," you tell 2-Tor.
"Good work, Tor. They've brought the Challenger," "The Darkstar's underbelly is exposed." 2-Tor's green
you exclaim. "Have them warp us aboard. I'd like lights flash on and off. "It offers an excellent target."
another chance at Mr. Scarp."
Go to page 51. If your attack is to the ship's belly, turn to page 10.
52 53
"Now, class," says the hooded figure. "I told you "A lot has happened since I was here last," you say.
finding specimens for our medical experiments would "But if my memory is correct, we should try the
be easy. Just throw a rope out the window and haul squares with the horizontal stripes."
them in." "Are you sure?" asks 2-Tor. His blue lights flash.
"Like sea shrikes," one student giggles. "Pretty sure." Both of you move to a square with
You step away from the man with the rope. He horizontal stripes. "But then, nobody's perfect."
obviously doesn't have your best interests at heart. "You're right!" shouts 2-Tor, dropping into the black,
Right now you need a way to escape. But there are no bottomless void.
doors. Even the window you came in through has "Oh, noooooo!" you scream, dropping beside the
vanished. robot.
The students rise. Looks like you'll make medical
history on this planet. Whether you like it or not. ZAP!
52 53
"Now, class," says the hooded figure. "I told you "A lot has happened since I was here last," you say.
finding specimens for our medical experiments would "But if my memory is correct, we should try the
be easy. Just throw a rope out the window and haul squares with the horizontal stripes."
them in." "Are you sure?" asks 2-Tor. His blue lights flash.
"Like sea shrikes," one student giggles. "Pretty sure." Both of you move to a square with
You step away from the man with the rope. He horizontal stripes. "But then, nobody's perfect."
obviously doesn't have your best interests at heart. "You're right!" shouts 2-Tor, dropping into the black,
Right now you need a way to escape. But there are no bottomless void.
doors. Even the window you came in through has "Oh, noooooo!" you scream, dropping beside the
vanished. robot.
The students rise. Looks like you'll make medical
history on this planet. Whether you like it or not. ZAP!
54 55
"Tor! Hurry! Please!" you beg. "I'm helpless without 2-Tor's energy field reappears.
you!" You want to get away from here more than anything.
But 2-Tor can't hear you. Nor can 2-Tor help you, Your wings spread preparing for a quick flight through
All the while, the stinger pumps a molecular alter- the hole in the wall of fire. If you succeed, you'll be
ing agent into your veins. Your body becomes tiny, back with 2-Tor.
glowing, slick-winged. You're the twin of the creature Suddenly you remember the Crystal Cube of
that stung you. Knowledge.
If you decide to rush into the corridor, If you won't stand for the mind probe, grab the Cube
turn to page 87. and turn to page 108.
If, instead, you try to defeat the creature, If you will let your mind be probed,
turn to page 60. turn to page 25.
58 59
You freeze, astonished, as the creature turns its 2-Tor begins to vibrate as he delivers the low note.
attention to you. It roars and grabs a chair of har- The blast annoys the snouted creature. Its teeth rattle
dened quasidium. and it quivers. Finally it lets out a howl. You see it run
Suddenly you hear sounds of fighting. They come off, hairless tail tucked tightly between its skinny legs.
from the corridor you just left. Now for the Crystal Cube! But a deep voice makes
"The Graviton!" someone yells. "They've got the you stop short.
Graviton!" "Halt or be vaporized! The Crystal Cube of Knowl-
The neon creature raises the chair. It's aiming for edge is only for those with the virtue to use it wisely.
your head. You must act now, and act quickly. Stand while 1 probe your mind. 1 must be sure you are
If you decide to rush into the corridor, If you won't stand for the mind probe, grab the Cube
turn to page 87. and turn to page 108.
If, instead, you try to defeat the creature, If you will let your mind be probed,
turn to page 60. turn to page 25.
60 61
The big fellow looks tough, but not unbeatable. You dive behind the control bank. But Scarp sends
"Distract it, Tor!" you say. And when your robot out another ultraviolet flash which moves the console
friend lets off a high-pitched wail, you hurl yourself at clear across the room. You're in danger again.
the thug's knees. You've played a lot of moonball on "1 see you and your friend do not give up easily,"
the Nebula. You know just where to strike. he says. "Perhaps you can provide me with a bit of
The blow sends it backward. As it falls, it smashes amusement. Guards!"
against the teleporter controls, tripping a circuit. Red At once, two bubble-headed creatures appear. They
lights flash on the machine. have eyes the size of Trotops eggs. The guards seize
"Cratz alive!" shouts the man in the white coat. "It's you and 2-Tor.
activated the teleporter. Hold on!" "Take these two below," Scarp orders. "We'll see if
they enjoy the company of the Roman Pest!"
Go to page 32.
64 65
"We don't mean to harm you," you say.
"I know that," says the woman. "But that cyborg
behind you does. Duck!"
You spin around to see a huge, square-headed cy-
borg about to club you with a stun-bar. You dive for
the ground. The woman blasts the creature through
its battle armor.
"Thanks," you say, getting to your feet. "Who was
"A soldier." The woman spits. "Commanded by
Slee from Zard. He and his troops have overrun Mindor.
Most of our people are enslaved."
You know all about Slee—one of the most brutal
creatures in the galaxy. His ruthlessness is known on
a hundred planets. In the last year, he's totally de-
stroyed more than a dozen worlds.
"What does Slee want with Mindor?" you ask.
Go to page 32.
66 67
You take a deep breath, then step onto a square "I'll need all the help I can get!" You gulp down the
with horizontal stripes. "Hope I made the right choice. blue liquid. "You said this will make me strong, right?"
Otherwise I'll fall into the v "I did?" says the man.
o You feel strange. "You said it was for strength."
i The old man puts a hand on your shoulder. "You
d!" didn't understand," he says. "I meant it would give
me your strength. You see, I must have your energy
ZAP! to defeat Andron-Poc."
You feel your strength flowing away. It goes right
into the old man's hand. You try to pull free, but you
can't. You're already too weak. You can hardly keep
your eyes open.
But you notice the man is no longer old and
wrinkled. He looks young and strong. You can only
wonder how you must look. But not for long.
66 67
You take a deep breath, then step onto a square "I'll need all the help I can get!" You gulp down the
with horizontal stripes. "Hope I made the right choice. blue liquid. "You said this will make me strong, right?"
Otherwise I'll fall into the v "I did?" says the man.
o You feel strange. "You said it was for strength."
i The old man puts a hand on your shoulder. "You
d!" didn't understand," he says. "I meant it would give
me your strength. You see, I must have your energy
ZAP! to defeat Andron-Poc."
You feel your strength flowing away. It goes right
into the old man's hand. You try to pull free, but you
can't. You're already too weak. You can hardly keep
your eyes open.
But you notice the man is no longer old and
wrinkled. He looks young and strong. You can only
wonder how you must look. But not for long.
68 69
"Sometimes an orderly retreat is the best offense," You're no doctor, but it's plain that you should get
you tell 2-Tor. "Hold on. We're going to give your the stinger out. You yank it free so it can't pump any
tachyonic booster a real workout." more poison into your veins.
You blast away nearly at light-speed, catching Slee 2-Tor's energy field reappears. You grab the Crystal
by surprise. But he's not about to let you get away. Cube of Knowledge and dash to safety. Both of you
The Firebolt pours on thrust and catches up to you in race from the Forbidden City.
no time. Outside, you present the Cube to the grateful
You wait until Slee is right on your tail, then hit the
top-board thrusters. Your craft drops away at 90 "At last we can rebuild," says the mutant female.
degrees. Slee's heavy ship can't match the turn. It "Soon we will again be a glorious civilization."
flies straight on, unable to slow down or turn back. The cube also gives you the coordinates you need.
Now you have Slee right where you want him. Now you can return to the Nebula.
2-Tor had already called for a Nebula Attack Team You make your report. Polaris nods. "A job well
and Slee is rocketing straight into their teeth. done. Your warning from Cosmos came just in time.
You contact the Nebula commander. "Slee from We were able to wreck Scarp's raid. And you found a
Zard is aboard that gold ship," you report. new planet. Do you think the mutants will restore their
"Job well done," the commander says. "You're get- civilization?"
ting to be the best pilot in the fleet." You feel confident they will achieve their goal. Per-
You smile at the compliment. Then you reignite haps they'll even join the Network of Worlds, which
your engines, and streak off into the twinkling cosmos. you and 2-Tor proudly serve.
You have completed your mission. You have completed your mission.
Report to the Nebula on page 115 Report to the Nebula on page 115
to find out how you rate as a Space Ace. to find out how you rate as a Space Ace.
68 69
"Sometimes an orderly retreat is the best offense," You're no doctor, but it's plain that you should get
you tell 2-Tor. "Hold on. We're going to give your the stinger out. You yank it free so it can't pump any
tachyonic booster a real workout." more poison into your veins.
You blast away nearly at light-speed, catching Slee 2-Tor's energy field reappears. You grab the Crystal
by surprise. But he's not about to let you get away. Cube of Knowledge and dash to safety. Both of you
The Firebolt pours on thrust and catches up to you in race from the Forbidden City.
no time. Outside, you present the Cube to the grateful
You wait until Slee is right on your tail, then hit the
top-board thrusters. Your craft drops away at 90 "At last we can rebuild," says the mutant female.
degrees. Slee's heavy ship can't match the turn. It "Soon we will again be a glorious civilization."
flies straight on, unable to slow down or turn back. The cube also gives you the coordinates you need.
Now you have Slee right where you want him. Now you can return to the Nebula.
2-Tor had already called for a Nebula Attack Team You make your report. Polaris nods. "A job well
and Slee is rocketing straight into their teeth. done. Your warning from Cosmos came just in time.
You contact the Nebula commander. "Slee from We were able to wreck Scarp's raid. And you found a
Zard is aboard that gold ship," you report. new planet. Do you think the mutants will restore their
"Job well done," the commander says. "You're get- civilization?"
ting to be the best pilot in the fleet." You feel confident they will achieve their goal. Per-
You smile at the compliment. Then you reignite haps they'll even join the Network of Worlds, which
your engines, and streak off into the twinkling cosmos. you and 2-Tor proudly serve.
You have completed your mission. You have completed your mission.
Report to the Nebula on page 115 Report to the Nebula on page 115
to find out how you rate as a Space Ace. to find out how you rate as a Space Ace.
70 71
You take 2-Tor's claw as the room fills with rippling You and 2-Tor race to opposite sides of the mighty
violet light. The light wraps around everything—the Scarp. Since he only has one eye, he can't get both of
kronium, you, and 2-Tor. It sinks into your body. you. Worse for him, he came into the room with no
Every cell, every atom tingles. Your consciousness guards.
dims as you're fed piece by piece into the teleporter. Scarp turns and stuns 2-Tor. Before he can wheel
Next thing you know, you've been reassembled in about and blast you, you attack. You're a star at
an identical room. "Guess we made it to Zard," you zero-g unarmed combat. One chop to the side of his
head, and Scarp sprawls on the floor.
Two stone-faced cyborgs march in. They grab you You waste no time patching 2-Tor's circuits. "Let's
and 2-Tor.
warp for home," you say. "We've saved the Graviton.
"More workers for Slee's battle suit factory," one And we have one of the most wanted outlaws in the
guard drones.
galaxy as well!"
The other cyborg looks at you. "Where would you
like to work? In the chip room or in the programming
Go to page 89.
72 73
You take the left passageway down a damp hall. "Come on, Tor!" you whisper. The door is nearby.
You travel for hours as the passageway snakes back Just as you open it, your co-workers see what you've
and forth. You keep reaching dead ends. Finally the done. "No! No!" they scream. "You'll release the
tunnel narrows. At last it gives out altogether. Zardian arthropod!"
"2-Tor, we've got to get back to the entrance. Use You try to slam the door. But it's too late! A big,
your sensors to find us the way." brown, hairy leg sticks out the bottom of the door.
The robot stands, buzzing and hooting. "I've been And a huge, twitching antenna sticks out the top.
trying that for the last hour," he finally says. "These
walls all conduct weird energy flows. My sensors are
Your mouth goes dry. Now you remember the
warning you heard earlier. "Follow the authorized path
or you will wander forever."
"Forever," you say to yourself. "Forever sounds like
such a long, long, time."
Go to page 89.
74 75
You don't want to go inside—but you can't let
Bishra get hurt. You set your micro-pulser on STUN
and climb to the roof.
2-Tor is stationed outside the entrance below. The
robot imitates the voice of Slee's soldiers.
"Great Leader," he calls. "Come look. We've cap-
tured the rebels."
Slee rushes from the dome. Behind him shambles
the warty blob known as the Hage. As soon as Slee
spots 2-Tor, he knows he's in a trap. In panic, he
turns back. Now he finds himself staring up at you on
the roof.
You smile, and squeeze off a burst from your micro-
pulser. The tyrant drops to the red soil of Mindor-6.
The dim-witted Hage take one look at your weapon
and scurries off.
Bishra emerges from the dome, unhurt.
"Slee will soon be on his way to a star prison," you
say. "Mindor is free."
"Mindor will never forget you," she says. "You are
very brave."
"Only doing my job," you say. "Glad we could
help." 2-Tor flashes yellow and whistles.
If you head for the source of the scream, Report to the Nebula on page 115
turn to page 30. to find out how you rate as a Space Ace.
78 79
You and 2-Tor materialize in a bright corridor of As you face the slim Firebolt, four energy pulses rip
Cosmos Station. Plastak-coated ports and hatches lead from your ship. Every one of them misses.
off in all directions. You hurry down the deserted "We should have attacked from the side, boss.
corridor. Finally you find a hatch marked Graviton: Then we'd have had a chance," 2-Tor says. "But
Top Secret. straight on, she's as hard to hit as the point of a pin."
"In here, 2-Tor," you say, as you reach to open the Unfortunately, you're a much easier target. Slee's
hatch. Suddenly, a scream comes from behind the starblaster beams slams into the Challenger. Off you
shining titanium hatch down the corridor. go, tumbling at hyper-light speeds. 2-Tor's red lights
flash. "We're doomed!" he cries.
Your shuttle suddenly comes to a bruising halt,
throwing you against your seat straps. "What the nyx?"
you say.
An image forms on your scanners. It's a Network
Attack Squad. Then a face appears on your vid screen.
"Managed to catch you with tractor-beams," the
squad leader says. "And just in time, too. We'll take
care of Slee from here on. Better head back to the
If you head for the source of the scream, Report to the Nebula on page 115
turn to page 30. to find out how you rate as a Space Ace.
The creature whirls, ears flapping. You can't risk You and 2-Tor crawl through the tube, which
letting it your pulse.
outlooseofan energy sight.It knocks
Aiming leads to an underground passageway. Spying a rusted
carefully, you let the moving staircase, you head down. 2-Tor flicks on his
creature senseless. photon floods to light the way.
You go to the alien's side. It's trying to speak At the base of the stairs the tunnel branches. "Which
way?" you ask. Then a dim hologram materializes
I'm of the development
a Nebula team
here. We Itmustgasps.
the before you. It shows a badly scarred humanoid, who
the Graviton to safety." speaks.
"Warning! You are entering a security maze," says
the hologram. "Follow the authorized path or you will
wander forever."
You have no idea which branch is the authorized
path. Nor do you intend to turn back. The mutant
community is counting on you.
The creature gives the opened door a shove. You
and 2-Tor topple to the floor. Then the arthropod
advances. It has a glazed, hungry look in its faceted
All around you the factory is in chaos. The tiny
workers try to scramble to safety. When the arthropod
is through, it will have ruined the factory. You won't
be around to witness it, though. It will have ruined you
90 91
"Ready the mini-pulser," you tell 2-Tor. "We'll blast You come to, finding yourself in a small white-
him out of the cosmos." walled room. It's very bright, but you can't find a light
"It's ready." 2-Tor clicks and whistles. "But it's not source. You shake your head to clear it, wondering
powerful enough to knock out that ship. This is not a how you got to this strange place.
fair fight. I recommend surrender. It may be the only "Hey, Tor." You look over at the robot. "Where are
way to save our lives."
"In the custody of Slee from Zard." The answer
comes from outside the cell. "I'd like to know the
details of your mission here."
Slee from Zard! The very name sends a shudder
through you. Slee rules a slave planet on the fringes
of the galaxy. Lately he's attacked and looted planets
in this sector. Nearly a dozen worlds have felt his
wrath. He has no idea of mercy. If he rules Mindor,
you're in deep trouble.
A powerful, invisible force suddenly squeezes your
head. You fear your skull may explode.
"1 don't hear you talking," Slee hisses. "Tell me the
Nebula's plans and I'll turn off the mind compressor."
Quickly now. Will you reveal Nebula's secrets? Or
do you want to test the limits of the mind compressor?
If you choose to ride the teleporter beam to Zard, If you choose to let the cyborg fire at the man,
turn to page 70. turn to page 6.
If you elect to risk using your own warper, If, instead, you want to stun the cyborg with a blast
turn to page 46. from your mini-pulser, turn to page 38.
102 103
The cyborgs open the door and toss you through. You shuttle to the far side of Mindor-6. The power
You and 2-Tor land in a room full of green powder. source 2-Tor detected isn't hard to spot. A thick
"Tor," you say. "Can you beam us out of here?" beam of blazing light shoots heavenward. The source?
"I could try, boss. It might be dangerous." Lights A massive generator, a kilometer wide.
flash as 2-Tor uses his sensors. "Slee's teleporter is "What do you suppose that is?" you wonder.
already on-line. If I activate my warper, there's no "It's a giant teleporter." 2-Tor clicks. "Somebody is
telling where we'll be dumped out" moving an awful lot of stuff. That's for sure."
You fire retros and bring the Challenger down on a
sandy plain. It's not far to the generator.
As you step outside, you see a square-headed cy-
borg chasing a tall man in a white robe. The cyborg
halts, aiming a blaster at the man.
"Help me!" cries the man.
"Stay away from him!" shouts the cyborg. "He's a
dangerous criminal!"
If you choose to ride the teleporter beam to Zard, If you choose to let the cyborg fire at the man,
turn to page 70. turn to page 6.
If you elect to risk using your own warper, If, instead, you want to stun the cyborg with a blast
turn to page 46. from your mini-pulser, turn to page 38.
104 105
At the top of the stairs you find a diamond-shaped You bid farewell to the mutants and head for the
panel. Touching the panel makes it slide open instantly. Forbidden City. Soon you reach the base of the high
You step into a circular room, lit only by the dim light crumbling wall which surrounds it.
from the window. The snow still swirls outside. You find two ways to enter. One leads through a
A tiny beep turns your attention to the shadows. jagged hole in the wall. The other way is a scorched
There's 2-Tor. steel tube. It juts out of the ground near the base of
"Am I glad to see you," you say, rushing to his side. the wall. The tube, you reason, could let you sneak
"Where is Andron-Poc, the one who locked you in into the city unseen.
here?" "What do you suggest?" you ask 2-Tor.
"Gone," says 2-Tor. "But only for the moment. "Can't say," the robot says. "1 have no input on
Soon he'll be back to drain the rest of my energy." either entrance. You choose, boss."
You hear footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Quickly!" says 2-Tor. "We can't let Andron-Poc
find us here!"
In desperation you look about the room. You have
only two choices.
If you choose to grab 2-Tor and leap from the high If you elect to go into the tube, turn to page 81.
tower, turn to page 92.
If, though, you want to enter through the wall,
If you choose to face Andron-Poc, turn to page 110. turn to page 63.
104 105
At the top of the stairs you find a diamond-shaped You bid farewell to the mutants and head for the
panel. Touching the panel makes it slide open instantly. Forbidden City. Soon you reach the base of the high
You step into a circular room, lit only by the dim light crumbling wall which surrounds it.
from the window. The snow still swirls outside. You find two ways to enter. One leads through a
A tiny beep turns your attention to the shadows. jagged hole in the wall. The other way is a scorched
There's 2-Tor. steel tube. It juts out of the ground near the base of
"Am I glad to see you," you say, rushing to his side. the wall. The tube, you reason, could let you sneak
"Where is Andron-Poc, the one who locked you in into the city unseen.
here?" "What do you suggest?" you ask 2-Tor.
"Gone," says 2-Tor. "But only for the moment. "Can't say," the robot says. "1 have no input on
Soon he'll be back to drain the rest of my energy." either entrance. You choose, boss."
You hear footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Quickly!" says 2-Tor. "We can't let Andron-Poc
find us here!"
In desperation you look about the room. You have
only two choices.
If you choose to grab 2-Tor and leap from the high If you elect to go into the tube, turn to page 81.
tower, turn to page 92.
If, though, you want to enter through the wall,
If you choose to face Andron-Poc, turn to page 110. turn to page 63.
106 107
"We'll take the tunnel to the right," you say to "Okay, 2-Tor. Let's go for the Darkstar's quark
2-Tor. cannons." You fire the Challengers pulsers. They don't
The two of you travel for nearly an hour, until at last have the firepower to destroy Scarp's guns, but they
you round a corner and spot sunlight ahead. You do knock out the guidance controls.
quicken your pace. The tunnel lets you out in the Now you're free to dive toward the ship's bridge.
center of a rubble-strewn city. Another blast of your guns wrecks Scarp's naviga-
"My sensors have located the Crystal Cube of tional equipment. The Darkstar rolls on its side like a
Knowledge," 2-Tor says suddenly. You follow the ro- dying perth-bloat worm. Moments later Scarp broad-
bot down a narrow alleyway. Then you turn right. A casts a surrender message. You warp him aboard the
huge, hairless, snouted creature looms before you. It Challenger.
pulls back and snarls. You see a row of teeth that look By day's end both you and Scarp are heading back
sharp enough to cut protanium. to base. Once there, though, your destinations will be
far different. Scarp will head for the Nebula star prison.
You, mission completed, will...