Sword World 2.0 - Tour Luferia
Sword World 2.0 - Tour Luferia
Sword World 2.0 - Tour Luferia
Luferia Guide
Welcome to the world of “Sword World 2.0”! The Sample Characters are six pre-created characters
Now you have opened the door to adventures! that can be used immediately when playing the scenarios
In Raxia, the world of Sword World 2.0, everyone can in this book. Each sample character also includes a
become an adventurer and enjoy exciting adventures. description of how to use and develop the character.
This book is a world guide and collection of scenarios Scenarios 1-3 are adventure scenarios set in Luferia.
for Sword World 2, so you can play even more interesting Whether you are a GM or a player, these adventures will
games and campaigns. provide you with plenty of fun.
Therefore, Sword World 2.0 Core Rulebook I, Core The Scenario Ideas contain the original ideas for the
Rulebook II, Core Rulebook III, and supplement 10 scenarios. These are not complete scenarios that can
Alchemist Works are required to play this book. Also, be played with as is, but they allow the GM to create
please prepare dice, writing utensils, and character sheets. scenarios based on them.
These are important items for you to become a hero in Monsters contain widely known monsters of Luferia.
Raxia or to weave a story of heroes as a GM. Some of these monsters appear in scenarios.
“Tours” are intended to introduce you to Raxia's The “Raxia Travelogue” is a travelogue of the various
many fascinating and unique regions and countries, their cities and places of interest in Luferia, written by some
cities and people, and the many adventures that await you adventurers. By reading it, you can experience what
there (Translator Note: Only two such Tour books were Luferia is like from an adventurer's point of view, what
released and were replaced later by Region Books). kind of country it is, what kind of cities it has, and what
Through these adventures, you will be on your way to kind of people live there. It will greatly help you when
becoming a hero. Eventually, your tale of heroism will be you play or create scenarios set in Luferia.
passed on to the people of the regions and countries
mentioned in this book. Thus, the book is divided into several parts.
If you are a GM, you must read this manual carefully
Now that you have reviewed the rules of Sword and understand the scenarios. However, if you are a
World 2.0 in your respective rulebooks, you are ready to player, please do not read the scenarios before you play
embark on your adventure with this book in hand! them. Knowing the scenario in advance can spoil the
surprise and excitement of playing the scenario and make
This book is organized as follows. it less interesting. The same goes for scenario ideas.
However, this does not apply to the Luferia Guide
• Luferia Guide and the Raxia Travelogue. If you read them, you will
• Introduction to Scenarios and Sample understand the country better, and your enjoyment of the
Characters game will increase.
• Sample Characters Suppose it is after you have played the scenario at
least once. In that case, you are free to read the scenario
• Scenario 1
and the scenario ideas. Reviewing the scenario and
• Scenario 2
considering what other actions were possible in addition
• Scenario Ideas
to the one you chose and how the scenario would have
• Scenario 3 played out, in that case, will help you create your own
• Monsters future scenarios. It will also give you more options for
• Raxia Travelogue your actions when you play other scenarios.
The Luferia Guide provides basic information about As mentioned above, this book is filled with elements
the history and geography of Luferia, the country in which that will expand your enjoyment and adventures in the
this book is set, and the famous people who live there. world of Sword World 2.0 many times over. We hope
The information in this section will not only help you play you will try the various adventures that this book has to
with the scenarios and ideas in this book but will also be offer.
useful to you when you create your own scenarios set in
Introduction to Scenarios and Sample Characters is a
brief introduction to the contents of the three scenarios
in this document, as well as a description of how to use
the scenario ideas and sample characters.
Luferia Guide
History of Luferia
Several beautiful girls from around the country were
The End of the Kingdom of Izmar gathered and sacrificed to summon the daemon. The
summoning ritual was successful, and a giant daemon
In the southern part of the Terastier continent in the appeared in the lake and swept away the barbarous who
Feidan region is located the Kingdom of Luferia, also had besieged the country. The royal family of Izmar was
known as the “Tears of the Goddess.” It is a rich lake enjoying a moment of repose. However, control of the
country that was once known as the Kingdom of Izmar. powerful daemon lasted only a short time.
Izmar was a prosperous country with local products The daemon, having shaken off its contract, first of
from other countries coming across from the northern all, quickly reduced the city of Canaris, where the
prairies and livestock from nomadic tribes. The lake in summoning ritual took place, to ashes. In this tragedy
the center of the kingdom was its main resource of known as the “Destruction of Canaris,” the public
prosperity. The “Blue Jewel” Izmar ended 300 years ago attributed it to a barbarous ambush since there were
with the Diabolic Triumph. virtually no survivors.
During the Magitech Civilization Period, the
barbarous were driven out of the lands. They went
underground near the Kingdom of Izmar. They united Awakening of the Goddess
with local barbarous. Smaller surrounding countries were
destroyed or occupied, and the barbarous were besieged The people of Izmar, hearing of the tragedy of
with no end in sight. Canaris, were in despair and seemed to have no choice
Unable to coordinate with other neighboring but to wait for their doom when the Knight God, Zaiya,
countries in the Feidan region, the then King of Izmar, showed his mercy. One of the sacrificed girls was
Malchifos IV, decided to lay siege to the barbarous resurrected as a Minor God under the guidance of Zaiya
region. at the site of the daemon summoning ceremony in the
He wanted to annihilate the barbarous with the help destroyed Canaris.
of the daemon. It is said that the sacrificial girl Luferia's desire to
protect her hometown, family, and friends moved the
Land of Luferia
Because it has been cut off from the rest of the region
Overview for so long, the cities are not yet fully developed, and the
road around the lake only surrounds part of it. However,
Tears of the Goddess Luferia is a small mountainous the lake's sea routes compensate for this inconvenience.
country located in a rather cold region to the east of the Canaris, the capital of Luferia with its main temple,
Feidan region, south of the Terastier continent. Luferia and Aedon, the city with its royal palace on the water, are
was created during the Diabolic Triumph and is united the two largest cities in Luferia.
with the state religion of Minor Goddess Luferia, who has A vast countryside and rich granaries are on the south
protected the land, and 90% of the people pray to Luferia side of the lake. It is no exaggeration to say that the area's
in some form. fertility and the lake's bounty have sustained Luferia in
It has a beautiful lake, Lake Erlute, in its center and isolation for 250 years.
lush greenery. Several temples have been built along the The population ratio is roughly 6 humans to 3 elves
border, serving as lookouts in case of barbarous attacks. and 1 other, but runefolk and grassrunners are rarely seen
Luferia Guide
in Luferia. Here it is very natural for humans and elves to While confined with the help of the dome and
have a relationship, with elves feeling the joy of having the Swords of Protection, the paladins are prepared to make
other person's life to themselves and humans feeling the a decision to go on the offensive or continue defense.
joy of having one connected to them for their life. Because of these circumstances, competent paladins
However, some human women are hesitant to marry an are preferentially assigned to the border temples. For
elf man because they do not want to be seen by their still children, the border temples are perceived as a place of
young partner in their old age. heroes, and sometimes children from around try to break
The current king is Kaunus Ael (Human / Male / 85 in into those temples for fun.
years old). The forests outside the borders are home to a large
However, it is said that the real power is in the hands number of Kyploxes, some of which have been observed
of the Archbishop of the Temple of Luferia, Batelden to be very large. Sometimes they serve as a natural barrier
Erra (Elf / Male / 321 years old), who has left most of his against barbarous invasions.
affairs to his sons and is now enjoying the rest of his life.
The state religion is Luferia, but due to its origins, Towns and Places in Luferia
there are also temples of Zaiya and Lyphos, which are
also respected. There are also some priests in Kilhia,
which was the state religion during the Kingdom of Izmar. ①Capital Canaris
Since the percentage of elves in the country is high, Canaris is the capital of Luferia, with a population of
temples of Asteria can be found in various places, but approximately 6,000.
they are not very large. The main temple of Luferia stands on the shore of
Luferia, being a rich country, is still subject to the lake. The city was once destroyed in the “Destruction
occasional barbarous invasions, both large and small, to of Canaris,” so the capital was rebuilt, and little was left
this day. from the Kingdom of Izmar era.
In that case, the priests of the border temples will The city is more than streets, but rather a rich network
evacuate the people to Canaris, where the main temple is of waterways that run the length and breadth of the city.
located, and protect them with the [Ice Dome]. If on the Gondolas are the most popular means of transportation,
other side of the lake, they will be invited to evacuate to and clear, fish-filled water flows throughout the city. The
the royal palace which is protected by the Swords of city has underground sewage canals to prevent sewage
Luferia Guide
②Royal Capital Aedon See page 19 of this book for Kelpie stats.
Luferia Guide
of the ruins themselves was, as they are ruins of the Magic ⑮Forimer, City At the End of the Road
Civilization Period that were modified by barbarous.
In the underground city led by the Filgen, Terror Luferia has been steadily extending its roads since the
Drake Viscount, many barbarous are still targeting opening of the country, and this new town is a temporary
Luferia. In Zallbrith, humanoids are also hunted and terminus of the road, with many artisans living there.
taken as slaves, as some escaped humanoids told. Originally, it was a village that made a meager living as a
Barbarous are disorganized, but they are always producer of medicinal herbs. Previously there were living
scheming and planning to invade Luferia. ingenious people who were contracted to work here, and
after their contracts ended, for some reason, they
remained in this village.
⑬Grand Gorge and Werewolf Village
The local men often went to the bustling cities of
It is a large valley separating Aedon and Zallbrith. Canaris and Aedon to work or as mercenaries, leaving the
It has become a natural fortress that prevents village with many women and children. The village was,
barbarous invasions. The labyrinth of crevices, which was therefore, poorly maintained and desolate, and with the
created during the Diabolic Triumph, occasionally help of outside, ingenious people, it quickly developed
collapses or rises up, making it impossible to determine into a new town.
the route to take. Those who have lost their lives here One theory of why contracted men stayed is that the
wander around as undead, regardless of whether they are village's women were all so beautiful. Forimer is also
barbarous or humanoid, and noxious mists sometimes famous because of its medicinal herbs, so it has been
erupt, making it difficult for anyone other than flying wickedly speculated that they are used as love potions, but
barbarous to cross them. the truth is not yet known.
It is said that only the clan of werewolves, who know The town is small but lively, as it serves as a base for
the geography of this canyon inside out, are able to pass adventurers who venture out to explore the Great Sluice
through it unscathed. Gate.
Werewolves, despite being barbarous, have been
secretly communicating with the humanoids and have
sometimes passed on information about barbarous Luferia Festivals
movements to Aedon in exchange for food and other
supplies. Recently, however, Zallbrith has been Luferia hosts festivals of all sizes. Some are
requesting more and more directions for their offensive, traditional, and some are newer.
and it appears that werewolves are having difficulty
deciding between the humanoid and the barbarous. Festival of the Water Goddess
The truce is now in place, but werewolves are trying
to relocate their village to avoid the end of the war. This festival was originally a harvest festival.
However, from Zallbrith's point of view, werewolves are Once a year, at the end of autumn, there are 10 days
valuable guides for the invasion of Luferia, so it seems of festivities in thanksgiving for the harvest within Luferia.
that they will not let go of them so easily. Luferia Temples and the various influential figures
celebrate the year of peace by releasing food and drink
supplies from their stores, eating, drinking, and singing.
⑭Old Oguni Ruins
The drunken public is a usual occurrence, and rumors
These are the ruins of a small country that once had that one may even encounter a scene where the
perished during the Diabolic Triumph. The entire archbishop is giving a kick to a hard-headed regent.
country is in ruins, and neither its history nor its name Although the truth is not known for certain, this is a very
remains. liberating festival where ranks and titles are erased, and
The ruins of the ruined city continue to be swallowed only fun and joy remain.
up by the forest. On the one hand, it is a period of annual indulgence
However, it seems to have been a country of valiant for the general public. On the other hand, this is the time
warriors, and the magic swords of many heroes who when old emergency rations are replaced by new ones for
fought in this country have built sword labyrinths to gain another year, so those in key positions are busy with new
new owners. bookkeeping and inspection work.
Some of these swords actively search for new wielders The streets are lined with various food stalls, and
and drag unsuspecting travelers into the labyrinth, so ordinary people do not hesitate to serve their own home
adventurers should be careful when exploring these ruins. cooking to others.
It's that time of year when delicious food is in the air
all over the country.
Luferia Guide
“I wonder if this sunset-colored stone is the right one for “It's nice. The waves along the lake are calm again today.”
your gate…”
He is the current King of Luferia. However, due to
She is a countess with a domain in Mount Hakuryu. his old age, he now devotes himself to growing aquatic
She values the traditions that have been in place since roses in his water palace in Aedon, leaving the kingdom's
the days of the Kingdom of Izmar and treats those who administration to his two princes.
are courteous, and expels those who are disrespectful In his youth, he is said to have been the symbol of the
with impunity. barbarous war in the north of Aedon and to have led the
She is devoted to the royal family of Izmar and does army, but now he is a kind, good-natured old man.
not attend social gatherings. However, she knows how to
negotiate with the fairies of Mount Hakuryu better than
anyone else and is immensely popular among the people. “Gale Maiden” Keira
Human/Female/18 years old
Oscar the Werewolf “Can you keep up with me? I’m faster than the wind!”
Werewolf/Male/52 years old
She is a jockey who has won the “Meadow” division
“Plenty of poison clouds, and cannibalistic plants are all of the Kahala mount competition for three consecutive
over the place. Now, what should we do?” years. Her mount has been Unicorn Kirche since she was
a child, so she is very confident in her mount handling.
He is the young chief of the clan of werewolves, which Keira has an extraordinary love and cares for the
has a village in the canyon leading to Zallbrith. Although mounts raised in his village. She dreams of seeing her
until recently he worked in Zallbrith, he now travels back family's homeland in the desert.
and forth between the canyon hideouts and Aedon,
negotiating with the humanoids.
He has not completely rebelled against Zallbrith but ”Rootless” Groud
seems to be trying to make a balance between humanoid Dwarf/Male/240 years old
and barbarous. His mother is rumored to be a humanoid,
and it is said that he is afraid of cracks in the community “How's it going? How about a job?”
because there are not so many former humans among the
clan. He is the owner of a mobile adventurer's guild.
Instead of working in the building, he carries his large tent
on a horse-drawn wagon, stopping at small villages and
”The Quiet Prince” Orifice Cam Ael settlements that do not have an adventurer's guild to
Human/Male/28 years old collect requests.
Many of the adventurers who travel with him in his
“I want to protect this majestic view of the Blue Lake” lively and friendly store are sometimes mistaken for a
band of mercenaries. It is rumored that they are in fact,
He is the first prince of Luferia. And the old King on a mission to track down unscrupulous adventurers at
Kaunus is loved and cherished by everyone around him, the behest of the local adventurer's guilds.
making him calm and gentle. Perhaps because of the
generous love he receives from those around him, he
secretly hopes to serve God (becoming a priest if
possible) and protect his country through prayer rather
than on the battlefield.
He has a good relationship with his brother, although
he has a bit of a complex about his fighting skills.
“To teach people, you “Wait a minute. That's at odds with the records.”
must learn from them as
well.” He is one of the rare Lildraken priests in the Luferia
Temple who is involved in the management of the history
Simunis is a priest in and records of the past. He loves to keep records of
the service of the Luferia everything and always checks the account books for
Temple, an aging man supplies and equipment. He is a competent and
who always has a knowledgeable record-keeper, but his shortcomings are
thoughtful and gentle that he is rigid and inflexible.
smile on his face. People He often hires adventurers to make sure things are on
around him say that they track because he can't stand fuzzy records and slapdash
have never seen him bookkeeping.
angry. He is also trusted by Archbishop Batelden as a fair-
minded adviser. In the temple, he is in charge of teaching
the priest apprentices. ”Mistress'' Francole Sylvarie
A native of Canaris, he lives in his home in the Old Human/Female/45 years old
Canal District.
“I'm so busy. I wonder if I'm going to lose weight because
of that.”
Batelden Erra, Archbishop of Lake
Elf/Male/321 years old She is a widow who took over the business after the
death of her husband, a netter who ran part of the fishing
“Wait... Is this really my operation in Canaris. She is a devout Luferia follower but
job?” is always on a diet because of her plumpness, and she
follows precepts that forbid extravagance. She is frugal but
He is the archbishop spares no expense when it comes to weight loss.
of the main temple of Recently, we have been struggling with some of the
Luferia in Canaris. He is foreign vicious fish being released into Lake Erlute and
one of the few people have asked adventurers to eliminate them.
who have witnessed the
entire Diabolic
Triumph, from the “Silver Wave” Primera Regazzo
cataclysmic events of the Elf/Female/78 years old
Diabolic Triumph to the
coming of the goddess, “Yeah, it's a nice breeze. Mixed with the smell of gold.”
and even today, he often leads the paladins to the front
lines during large-scale attacks by the barbarous. She is the female chieftain of the Red Wave Heads, a
He and Luferia were childhood friends when she was pirate band with a stronghold in the western seas, and
a human, and still occasionally listen to her whims. often hides out in Laise, up the Setajid River.
He is also involved in diplomacy, as the opening of She dislikes the powerful and wealthy and actively
Luferia to foreign immigration has recently increased target rich people's vessels, but she takes gold for herself.
foreign immigration. However, he has begun to think that For a fee, she will sail into dangerous waters where
it is time for him to hand over his work to the next ordinary sailors are unwilling to go, so she is often
generation and focus solely on the temple. It is said that working with adventurers. She is rarely seen on the
he was a priest of Zaiya in his younger days. lakeside, but you can see her occasionally on the market
in Ormi.
Luferia Guide
Luferia Guide
Additional Mounts
Here are the stats of Kelpies who are trained as
mounts in the village of Kalaha, along with the stats for 3 Kelpie
Kelpies appearing as a monster. Int: Low Loot
When adventuring in Luferia, Rider PC can get Perc: Five Senses 2–5 None
Kelpie as a mount. Kelpie is currently not trained as a Lang: Sea Animal Fine Scales (1d x
mount in any other kingdom. Please ask the GM for Hab: Feidan region 6+
140G/Red A)
permission if you want to make Kelpie a mount. Disp: Friendly
Translator’s Sidenote: Required Stunts were removed Rep / Weak: 9/13
in Revised Core Rulebooks. So you can ignore this field. Initiative: 10
Movement Speed: 9/18
Kelpie Price: 10,000G (Swimming)
[Water Fortitude: 5 (12)
App. Lvl 3-5 Required Stunts Willpower: 5 (12)
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
Mount Data
Slam 5(12) 2d+1 5(12) 2 28 10
Int: Low Perc: Five senses Lang: Sea Animal
Hab: Lakes Disp: Friendly Rep/Weak: 9/12 Weak Point: Lightning damage + 3 points
Weak Point: Lightning damage +3 points Unique Skills
Initiative: - Movement Speed: 9/18 (Swimming) [Underwater Specialization]
A Kelpie can breathe and vocalize while
Scenario 2: Jade and Blue Lake In the Introduction, you will find a description of the
This scenario is designed for 3-5 PCs at 2-3 levels who appropriate level and number of PCs to play the scenario
have just completed one successful session.
and the required classes, language, and other
In the scenario, PCs are asked by a historian named
Dorvan to search for the Jasper of Hulifane. However, information. If the level of the PCs is lower than
not knowing what the Jasper of Hulifane is, and with a expected, or if the number of PCs is small, the scenario
band of thieves, PCs travel around the country in Ormi, will be difficult to complete. On the other hand, if the
Forimer, and Aedon and finally embark on an adventure PCs’ level is higher than expected or if there are too many
to Lake Erlute. PCs’, the scenario may be too easy. In such cases, the GM
should change the scenario content, target number of
Scenario 3: Garden of Truth
checks, enemy strength, etc., according to the level and
This scenario is designed for 3-5 PCs of 5-6 levels who number of PCs.
have experienced about 12 sessions.
In the scenario, the Magitech Civilization Period The Scenario Overview is a summary of the scenario.
sorcerer Larkan's labyrinth challenges PCs. In the
The GM should have a general idea of what the scenario
labyrinth, a magical device created by Larkan has gone is about.
out of control, causing daemons summoned to protect
the device to start acting on their own and fairies living in
The Scenario Flow is the general flow of the scenario.
the cave to become mad. With the help of the still sane
fairies, the PCs will stop the magical device from going The Main Scenario is a detailed description of the
haywire and protect the Yggdrasil Sapling that is growing scenario, from the introduction to the ending. First, it is a
in the depths of the cave. good idea to skim through it and see how the scenario will
progress, what events will occur at what point, and what
NPCs will appear. Also, if possible, please check the
relevant data for each monster or item that appears in the
About Scenario Ideas scenario in advance, for example, in the rulebook. This
will make the scenario run more smoothly.
Scenario Ideas are synopses of scenarios. This book
However, in this book, the scenario can be advanced by
contains 10 Scenario Ideas set in Luferia. reading the text in the enclosure and allowing PCs to
These scenario ideas are designed to be played select one of the options indicated by “>“. Thus, if you do
between Scenario 2 and Scenario 3 with PCs about the not have time to read the scenario in much detail, you can
3rd to 5th adventure level.
Sword World 2.0 Tour ① Luferia 021
proceed by having the PC select from the options while For convenience, the sample characters have names,
reading the further text. backgrounds, and work skills. You may use these when
However, the text outside of the scenario enclosure is playing with the sample character or change them as you
information for the GM to react to the actions of the PCs.
wish. This is why the attached character sheets do not
Also, if the GM is still unfamiliar with the system, it is
recommended to use fixed values for monster stats. Using include names or genders.
a fixed value will prevent monster attacks from Each sample character is also accompanied by a
unexpectedly hitting the PCs in rapid succession or, description of how the character should be used in the
conversely, missing in rapid succession. However, game and how it can grow. But the player is free to grow
suppose the GM desires more thrilling combat. In that the characters as they see fit and play them as they wish.
case, they may choose not to use a fixed value and roll 2d
for each Accuracy or Evasion check.
The work skills introduced in Alchemist Works may
only be used with the GM's permission. However, they Recommended Party Composition
cannot be used in battle, so GMs should be careful in
their use. The following is a list of recommended party
compositions for playing with the sample characters in
The Ending section describes how the PCs’ adventure this manual. Players should consult with the GM to
ended and may reveal some spoilers. It also describes the determine which sample character to use.
experience points, and rewards PCs will receive after
completing the scenario.
When there are 3 PCs
In addition to this, only Scenario 1 has new monster • Til (Elf Fairy Tamer)
stats, which appear at the end of the scenario. • Aria (Elf Fist Fighter)
• Cecily (Human Priest)
Sample Characters Aria will be in front, protecting Til and Cecily in battle.
Aria's Scout class will be useful in various situations, such
On the next pages of this book, you will find six as Search checks and Disable Device checks, in addition
sample characters that have already been created and to performing Initiative checks during combat.
already have the equipment and other items. Therefore, Til can read magitech, which is useful when playing
you can use them to play Scenario 1 right away without Scenario 1, and a fairy tamer is useful in Scenario 3,
having to go through the trouble of creating the where fairies will appear. He can also use Fairy Magic,
which is useful in combat, and the Sage class is helpful in
characters. To Scenario 2 or 3, add experience points and many situations.
money as follows to grow them. Cecily can heal allies and can also assist in combat with
the Conjurer class.
When playing Scenario 2
Additional experience points: 1000 When there are 4 PCs
Number of growths: 1 Money: 500 Gamels Same composition for 3 PCs and
Reputation Gained: 7 points. • Gabargin (Dwarf Warrior)
Gabargin can share the frontline with Aria. It will also
When playing Scenario 3 allow the party to strand more enemies in front of them.
Additional experience points: 12000
When there are 5 PCs
Number of growths: 12 Money: 20,000 Gamels
Same composition for 3 PCs and
Reputation Gained: 200 points.
• Guy (Nightmare Magic Warrior)
Guy can step forward to support Aria and Gabargin or
In Scenario 3, there are rules that make it easy to attack from behind with Truespeech Magic. Truespeech
create a character of the appropriate level. When playing Magic also has spells that are useful in situations outside
Scenario 3, you can use these rules to create a character of combat. Its strength is its ability to adapt to any
more quickly. situation.
He is a young elf who has longed to be an adventurer.
Although he has already been an adult for a good number
of years, he still has a childish side to him. Since then, he
has been preparing to become an adventurer by learning
Fairy Magic and other classes. Recently, he has become
more confident in his magical abilities and has finally
decided to take his first step as an adventurer by knocking
on the door of the Pavilion of Crystal Pieces.
He can fill various roles as a fairy tamer while
watching his remaining MP. He has also mastered the
Ranger class and can heal his allies with herbs and
Growth Guideline
For ability score growth, give priority to Vitality and
Spirit, which may not be a concern at low levels, but as
levels increase, HP and MP will tend to be in short
supply. Ranger.
Prioritize Fairy Tamer class with Ranger and Sage's
classes following. For combat feats, [Metamagic/Targets]
and [Metamagic/Distance] are recommended.
She is Til's childhood friend, an elf girl who worked
as a dancer in a tavern. She couldn't leave Til alone
because of her caring nature and decided to go with him
on his journey as an adventurer. She is friends with
Cecily, who is mentioned below. They met at the temple
and sometimes went out for dinner or shopping together.
She can use [Throw Attack] to make the opponent
fall prone and let others hit the fallen enemy. In the
beginning, you may feel that she has a weak attack, but
this can change with growth.
Growth Guideline
First, level up the Grappler class. If you want to focus
on the offensive, learn [Improved Throw] when acquiring
the combat feat at 3rd level, and if you want to focus on
defense, learn [Evasive Maneuvers]. Furthermore, at the
5th level, you can choose between [Trample], [Tenacity],
or [Armor Proficiency/Nonmetallic Armor].
Enhancer class can help improve Aria’s weaknesses.
She is a human female priestess serving in the Canaris
Temple. Although she is still just a novice, she is a devout
believer, actively involved in temple affairs, and
enthusiastic about speaking with temple visitors. She
loves all beautiful things, especially elven women and
Lake Erlute. Naturally, she has a soft spot for her friend
Aria as well, and when she hears that she has become an
adventurer for Til, she decides to become one herself.
She can support her allies with many Divine Magic
skills, such as [Cure Wounds], which recovers HP. She
has also mastered Spiritualism Magic, so he can use
[Spark] for offense and [Protection] to support in battle.
Although she can use many kinds of magic, they
consume a lot of MP, so always pay attention to how
much MP you have left, and be careful to save MP for
important spells.
Growth Guideline
As a magician, intelligence and Spirit are the main
ability scores to grow. You can grow any of the Wizard-
Type Classes by referring to the spells that will be
available at the next level you want.
He is a dwarven warrior from Lios, a city south of
Luferia, who, believing that the loss of his friends’ fortune
was due to his own failure, ran away from the city and
ended up in Luferia. He dreams of getting rich to
reimburse his friends for their losses.
He is an attack-oriented heavy warrior. In battle, use
the [Beetleskin] technique to reduce damage while taking
advantage of his high attack power to finish off the
His low movement speed is compensated because of
his mount. You will need to pay to get a mount, but it is
worth it, so try to get one whenever possible.
Growth Guideline
For ability scores, prioritize Dexterity and Strength.
As for the class, it is advisable to give priority to the
Fighter class, which will lead directly to an increase in
combat power.
As for combat feats, get [Weapon Proficiency/Axe] or
[Armor Proficiency/Metal Armor]. If you like mount,
you can learn stunt [Elevated Attack] and [HP
He was born into a noble family in Luferia, but after a
series of deaths due to accidents and sudden illnesses in
the family, Guy was not allowed to take over the title
because he was a nightmare and was cut off from his
family. For a time, Guy was taken in by relatives, but he
felt neglected because of his nightmare background, so he
left home and became an adventurer.
Basically, he is a warrior with a spear. [Mana Strike]
can help you deal large amounts of damage. If you cast
Truespeech Magic, you will normally receive a -4 penalty
if you are in metal armor, but this penalty will be
eliminated if you use the racial ability [Alternate Form].
Growth Guideline
Grow his lowest ability scores. If you like fighting with
weapons, you should level up the Fighter class, and if you
like casting spells, you should level up the Sorcerer class.
It is also a good idea to develop both classes equally to
create a versatile magic warrior.
She is an artificer tabbit. Shacki is small in stature, carries
a long gun on her back, and wears pretty, feminine
ornaments and fabrics. She came to Luferia after a long
journey from another part of the region, exploring Luferia,
which looks interesting. She is planning to stay in Canaris
for a while as an adventurer, and when she gets tired of it,
she will go on another trip.
She uses a gun to attack enemies. Damage with guns is
quite powerful because it ignores Defense. However, since
it consumes both MP and bullets, it is necessary to pay
attention to that.
Growth Guideline
For the ability score, increase Intelligence if you value
Artificer's Magic Power and the gun's damage, increase
dexterity if you want to improve the gun's Accuracy check,
and increase Dexterity, Agility, and Intelligence if you value
your Scout skills.
It is recommended that you keep leveling up Artificer
and Marksman to the same level. The Scout class should
follow them a few levels below.
Scenario 1
Scenario 1
This scenario is designed for 3 to 5 PCs, assuming that guide in order to play this scenario. If you don't have
the sample characters from previous pages of this book much time before playing, simply reading the description
are used. Also, since magitech language appears in the is enough to enjoy the game. We hope you enjoy your
scenario, at least one PC in the party must be able to read adventure in Canaris.
PC and a boy named Roland will be on a treasure Scenario Overview
hunt in Canaris, the capital of Luferia.
At the beginning of the scenario, the PCs start at the PCs start inside the Pavilion of Crystal Pieces in
adventurer's guild Pavilion of Crystal Pieces, located in Canaris.
Canaris, the capital of Luferia. It is appropriate to assume One morning, the Luferia priestess Simunis (see p.
that the PCs are from Canaris or a settlement near Luferia 15) arrives at the Pavilion of Crystal Pieces and makes an
and have just started working for the “Pavilion of Crystal unusual request to PCs. He asks PCs to work with a boy
Pieces” in order to become adventurers. If the PCs named Roland for the rest of the day.
desire, they can describe their reasons for becoming an Roland tells the PCs that they are actually going on a
adventurer. This will help in role-playing. treasure hunt today and shows them a piece of paper that
This scenario includes two maps of the Canaris’ Old contains a clue to the location of the treasure. The door
Canal District, one for the PCs and one for the GM. The to the treasure trove closes at 21:00 today, so the PCs
PCs should be looking at the “Map of Canaris Old Canal must reach the treasure trove before then.
District (for PC)” as they proceed through the scenario. Eventually, the PCs fight off the mysterious men who
The amount of text in this scenario is larger than in stand in the way of Roland's treasure hunt and arrive at a
most scenarios because it includes a guide to the Old secluded palace. There, PCs learn that Roland's treasure
Canal District, the western half of the city of Canaris, is Anne Laura, the princess of the former Izmar royal
where the adventure takes place. GMs may use this guide family, who was secretly hidden by the Luferia Temple.
when creating their own scenarios set in Canaris. Roland met Anne Laura by chance in the temple of
However, it is not necessary to understand the entire Luferia and fell in love at first sight. Roland confesses his
love for her, and Anne Laura put him through this ordeal
Main Scenario
Encounter With a Boy and daily necessities for her on the condition that she pays
for PCs’ meals and lodging for tonight.
The scenario begins one afternoon in the Pavilion of The shopping trip was uneventful, and the PCs
Crystal Pieces. returned to the Old Canal District that evening. With
PCs were spending their free time in the Pavilion of heavy luggage, the PCs are approaching A-7 on the Map
Crystal Pieces. Although they were happy to knock on the of Canaris Old Canal District when they notice a boy
door of the Pavilion of Crystal Pieces to become kneeling by the waterway, peering frantically into the
adventurers, there were no suitable requests for them. At water. He seems to be looking for something. The boy is
this rate, they would soon be unable to pay for a human, about 10 years old, with dull blond hair and
accommodation. green eyes. He is well-dressed, and they can imagine that
Rita, the owner of the Pavilion of Crystal Pieces, who he must be from a wealthy family.
was worried about PC's condition, asked PCs to go to her >Call for a boy → “1) Calling Out to the Boy”.
favorite store in the New Temple District and buy food
>Just pass by → “3) Pass By”.
Scenario 1
1) Calling Out to the Boy “What kind of ring? A ring with a small green gem in
If the PC asks what is going on, the boy responds as it. Someone important gave it to me, and it is very
follows: precious.”
“What am I doing? Well, I lost something when I “My name? I'm Roland, and I'm studying to become
bumped into someone. It was a ring, but it rolled around a priest at the school in the Luferia Temple while staying
and ended up here in the water. I've been looking for it at the home of the Luferia priest, Simunis.”
for a long time, but I can't find it.” “What is my relationship with Simunis? Simunis is a
friend of my father, who is a shopkeeper in Aedon. My
Scenario 1
Scenario 1
“person who gave him the piece of paper” is someone Roland (Human/Male/10 years old)
who is just like Roland. She doesn't tell the PCs this, of “I'm going to make it happen! I heard a great man
course, and gently persuades them to trust Roland. once say, “If you don't believe in yourself, you will never
>Off on a Treasure Hunt! → “Before Departure.” be able to do anything.”
Before Departure
When the PCs are about to leave, Rita stops them. Passage of Time and Movement
She then hands the PCs a pendant with a blue crystal
shard and says: About the Map
“It's proof that you are an adventurer of the Pavilion The map shows the city center and two islands,
of Crystal Pieces. I only give them to adventurers who Mildao Island and Melib Island. The city center is the
have successfully completed several requests, but I'm Old Canal District.
giving them to you because I think you'll need them for The New Temple District, where the Luferia Temple
this request. If you need money when you don't have any, is located and which is now the main part of Canaris, lies
you can show this pendant, and the Pavilion of Crystal to the east of the eastern edge of the map.
Pieces will reimburse them. But please keep in mind that Of these, the Old Canal District urban area is divided
the money will be deducted from your reward later.” into six north-south (A-F) and seven east-west (1-7)
“Why do they need so much money? The city of squares, for a total of 42 squares.
Canaris has waterways that run the length and breadth of
the city with Water Birds flowing them...Oh… “Water About the Passage of Time
Birds” is the nickname for the gondolas used on the city's Please record the passage of time in the scenario using
waterways. In this city, you can get to your destination the “Time Progress Sheet” on the next page of this book.
much faster by taking a gondola than by walking. All PC actions are divided into 10-minute segments.
Especially since there seems to be a time limit on this The Time Progress Sheet is lined with boxes marked “▢”
request, I think it would be better to use the gondola. But and “☆”, each representing a 10-minute period.
it costs money to use the gondola. Considering your If the time has elapsed due to the PC moving or
financial situation, you'll need all the help you can get, performing an action, the GM checks the box for the
aren't you?” amount of time that has elapsed.
Rita gives the PCs a Pendant of the Pavilion of Crystal The GM should record the passage of time by
Pieces. Whenever they pay for something from now on, checking a box when the PCs have finished their move or
if they show this pendan, moneyy will be paid by the action and before the next move or action is taken. If the
Pavilion of Crystal Pieces. However, please note that the ☆ box is checked, a “Time Lapse Event” will occur. See
same amount of money will be deducted from their “About Time Lapse Events” below for more information
reward later. about them.
At this point, the GM should give the PCs a “Map of
Canaris Old Canal District (for PCs)” and explain the
“Passage of Time and Movement” below.
Note that the PCs may perform one of the following Special Passage of Time
actions during the 10-minute period. Time Does not Elapse when Talking
As a rule, time shall not pass simply by listening to
Move on Foot 1 Square on the Map people in town, thinking about hits, and discussing within
Although not depicted on the map, there is a bridge the group what to do.
across the narrow channel. Therefore, they can be However, if the GM determines that it will take time for
crossed on foot. However, the river that divides the city the PC to perform discussed action, they should remind
from east to west cannot be crossed on foot because there the PC, “If you perform that action, XX minutes will
is no bridge over it. Also, even if PCs are on a mount, elapse. Is that ok?” and warn the PC. If the PC still
they can move only one square in the city because of the decides to take action, let as much time as specified pass.
danger of bumping into people in the way.
Specified Passage of Time
Move up to 3 Squares on the Map by Gondola In some events, it may be stated that “XX minutes will
PCs can move up to 3 squares on the waterway. elapse” for moving to a certain location or performing a
However, even if they stop moving after one or two certain action. In this case, you should also warn the PC,
squares, it is treated as if 10 minutes have passed. “If you perform that action, XX minutes will elapse.” If
When using the gondola, each person must pay 1 gamel the PC still performs the move or action, as much time as
per square (e.g., if 5 PCs travel 3 squares in the gondola, specified will elapse.
they must pay 15 gamel; Roland pays his own share).
If PCs wish to place a mount on a gondola, they must Note on Movement
pay a fee of 3 gamel per mount per square. If a mount is Can Only Move Vertically and Horizontally
reduced in size using the Mount Reduction Tag, it will be Whether traveling on foot or by gondola on a waterway,
treated as luggage and will not be charged. PCs can only move vertically or horizontally to adjacent
squares on the map. They cannot move diagonally.
Perform 1 Check that takes 10 Minutes
PCs can redo 1-second check twice and 1 minute check Caution when Moving through Waterways
once with these rules. When traveling by gondola, follow the merging of the
Checks that take 10-minute are: waterways.
Conceal, First Aid, Disguise, Set Trap, Hide, Follow, For example, if you take a gondola from C-7 to C-6, you
Engineering, Search, Cartography, Pathology, Literature, can move to D-6 but not to C-5 or B-6. This is because
Appraise, Climb. the waterway from C-7 does not lead to C-5 or B-6.
Scenario 1
4) “Meeting place of Chatting Water Birds that Stayed in 9) “Guardians of the Golden Hills. The Shining Helmet
Blue Overnight Trees” of the Little Brave”.
Water Bird is a nickname for the gondola. The Water The “Golden Hill” represents the Hill with the wheat
Birds Meeting Place represents the Remains of the Dock field (D-1). The “Guardians of the Golden Hill” are the
(C-3). The “Chatting Water Birds that Stayed in Blue five windmills at Windmill Hill (E-1). The windmills are
Overnight Trees” means that of the many gondolas that all of different sizes, and the smallest of them is the “Little
remains, the blue mooring is the one that contains the Brave.” The “shining helmet” is the metal cap attached to
next clue to the group. the apex of the roof of this windmill.
The next clue is hidden in the blue mooring pile. The next clue is hidden inside this metal cap.
5) “The Garden of Knowledge. The Book Lover's Little 10) “The White Egg. The World Led by the Golden
Bird Reading Club”. Sun”.
The Garden of Knowledge represents the Temple of The “White Egg” refers to the white-domed theater
the Wise God Kilhia (B-5), where the library is located. ruins in the Mallard Canals (E-3). The “Golden Sun”
In the temple's backyard are several statues of scholars, refers to the chandelier in the hall, which was once
Scenario 1
covered in gold foliage. The chandelier can be raised and The next clue is the name of the pastry store's signature
lowered by a device, and there is also a place where cake, “Sigh of Rose Fairy,” and the words “Kiss the
people can climb on it. The “The World Led by the Prince” written on the plate on which the cake is placed.
Golden Sun” indicates that the chandelier can be used to
examine the ceiling. Fixed 2 “Sigh of the Rose Fairy. Kiss the Prince”
The next clue can be found by reflecting light onto the The “Sigh of the Rose Fairy” refers to the story of the
mirror behind the window. The mirror is special so that Rose Fairy Sferrareel, who once fell in love with Prince
letters appear on a wall or other surface when the Serdi of the Kingdom of Izmar. The Ruins of Rose
reflected light is projected onto a wall or other surface! Garden, named after this story, is located on Mildao
When this clue is given, Roland says, “Speaking of Island. The “Kiss the Prince” is a symbol of the Sferrareel
white eggs, I know a building that is as white as an egg,” statue in the Ruins of Rose Garden, which, when moved
and Roland will lead to the theater ruins. and kissed by the statue of the prince, opens an entrance
to an underground passageway. Once PCs pass through
Fixed 1 “Marching Down the Path, Shoes Clacking. this passageway, they will finally reach Anne Laura's
When you Get to the Plaza, Take a Break.” palace on Melib Island, where she is waiting for Roland.
The phrase “Marching Down the Path, Shoes Note that in order to move the statue of Sferrareel, a
Clacking” refers to Shoemakers Street (B-1). The phrase plate with letters must be fitted into the frame below the
“When you Get to the Plaza, Take a Break” indicates a statue to complete her name.
stop at the Sferrareel Pastry Store in the square on
Shoemakers Street.
Waterway Bridges
Finally, it is time to embark on an adventure to find
the hidden treasures of the Kingdom of Izmar.
Initially, the PCs will work with Roland to decipher
the clues and find the location of the treasure. Perhaps
the PCs will discover the truth of this treasure hunt by
speaking with Roland along the way.
In any case, Roland's love affair depends on the work
of the PCs.
Roland's Guide of Canaris A ferry boat is anchored near the pier. Beside it is a
“This is The Pier of Maiden. It is called so because of hut that appears to be a resting place for ferrymen.
the statue of the maiden. I heard you can buy leather A statue of the five girls was also erected nearby.
goods and textiles here.”
“The origin of the statue of the maiden? Hmmm. I Roland's Guide of Canaris
never paid attention to that kind of thing, so I don't know. “In Canaris, when a person dies, they are supposed to
Sorry.” be buried in the cemetery on Mildao Island, so this is the
place where people other than family members who are
Overview present at the burial say goodbye to the dead person. So,
This is the pier where leather goods and textiles are Pier of Sorrows is the place to say goodbye to the dead.
mainly sold: leather, cotton threads, silk threads, etc., That is why it is called The Pier of Sorrows.”
brought by boat from Luferia are turned into shoes, bags, “The Statue of the Five Girls? They are said to have
clothes, etc., in the workshops located on Shoemaker cared for the sick in Canaris during an epidemic once
Street and Loud Street. upon a time, sacrificing their own lives. In the end, they
An underwater light is also decorated with Undine on all died. The Sanatorium where they nursed the sick is
the bottom of the river that runs nearby. If PCs look into near the Mildao Island cemetery. I heard that the place
the river, you will see a row of lanterns with small Undine where they buried the dead was later turned into a
statues attached. These are underwater lights. For more cemetery.”
information on underwater lights, please refer to “
Underwater Lights” (see p. 47). Overview
>Ask to speak to someone → “Talk to a Sailor.” This is the pier where the ferry boats to Mildao Island
>Examine the Statue of the Maiden → “Examine the depart and arrive. It is used for funerals and by people
Statue of the Maiden.” who go to the cemetery on Mildao Island to visit the
cemetery. The boats are not regularly operated, but only
when requested, and can be used anytime between the
Talk to a Sailor
hours of 7:00 and 19:00 by paying the required fee.
Here PCs can talk to the sailors. The sailors will tell
The round-trip fee to Mildao Island is 5 gamel per
them the following stories:
person, and transportation of mounts is also available at
“You mean the statue of the maiden? It's a replica of
15 gamel per head. The trip to Mildao Island takes 20
the Undine underwater lamp in the nearby river because
minutes each way.
Undine is a water fairy. It’s sailor’s guardian angel.”
>Crossing to Mildao Island → “Crossing to Mildao
“Underwater Lights? (see “ Underwater Lights” (see Island.”
p. 47) for more details)” >Talk to the ferryman → “Talk to the Ferryman.”
“Rain Maiden Welcomes You (Clue #1)? Then, it must >Examine the statues of the girls → “Examine the
be Celine. (Please refer to “ The Legend of Celine” for Statues of the Girls.”
an explanation (see p. 48)).” >PCs stop here after 19:00 → “Gondola Girl”.
Scenario 1
succeed, the PC does not get sick and does not receive
Crossing to Mildao Island any damage.
If PCs ask the ferryman at the hut, he will take them to If one of the PCs is not feeling well, the girl will look
Mildao Island. worried.
“It takes about 20 minutes one way to get to Mildao “Please take the gondola. It may be a terrible disease.
Island. The fare is 5 gamels per person round trip, or 15 But don't worry. We take care of people who have a
gamels per mount’s head if you take them on board.” disease. If you come to us, you will get well.”
“If it takes more than an hour, I'll return to pick you up When the girl says so, the PCs, who failed to
at the designated time. In that case, I will take 5 gamel as Willpower earlier, feel that it might be better to do as the
a commission.” girl says. However, there is no compulsion. It is up to the
“It takes 10 minutes to walk from the Mildao Island pier PCs to decide whether or not to take the girl's gondola
to the cemetery. The Ruins of Rose Garden on the other ride.
side of the cemetery is also a 10-minute walk from the If the PCs ask, “Where is your home?” the girl points
landing.” to Mildao Island and says, “It's on that island.” If the PC
asks, “Who else is there beside you?” she replies, “I have
Talk to the Ferryman four other friends who will be there to welcome you.”
The ferryman tells the following. If the PCs say, “The gondola is too small for all of us
“The statues of the girls? It is a statue of five girls who to ride in,” the girl will reply, “That's ok… See?” and the
sacrificed themselves to nurse the sick when a plague next thing PCs know, the gondola is big enough for all the
spread through the city of Canaris many years ago. (see “ PCs to ride in comfortably! If they have a mount with
them, it will also be big enough to carry it.
The Legend of the Five Girls” on page 40 of this book >Monster Knowledge check → “About the Girl”.
for an explanation).” >Riding the Gondola → “Riding the Gondola”.
“Rain Maiden Welcomes You (Clue #1)? Then, it must
>Refuse the ride → “Refuse the Ride”.
be Celine. (Please refer to “ The Legend of Celine” for >Run away → “Run Away”.
an explanation (see p. 48)).”
In addition, ferrymen can answer about The Pier of About the Girl
Maiden (A-1), The Pier of Dolphin (A-4), Shoemakers The PC can make a Monster Knowledge check
Street (B-1), Loud Street (B-2), Mosaic Street (B-3), (Reputation 16 / Weakness 22). If successful, the girl is
Taverns (C-4), and the Sluice Gate (D-2), and he will tell identified as an Ancient Ghost (see p. 71).
PCs what is written in their “Overview”. This Ancient Ghost is a ghost that was created from
the memories of five girls who died while taking care of
Examine the Statues of the Girls sick people in the past. Therefore, she is driven by the
It is a statue of five girls. All are facing the lake, and at thought, “I must isolate the sick to Mildao Island and take
the end of their line of sight is Mildao Island. care of them.” However, she has no intention to harm
A stone monument near the statue is inscribed with even healthy people. However, the power of the ghosts as
distorted beings influences them and even deteriorates
legends about the five girls. See “ The Legend of the
the physical condition of healthy people against their will.
Five Girls” on page 40 of this book for an explanation.
Therefore, PCs can make the Ancient Ghost go away
by telling them keywords that indicate that they are
Gondola Girl healthy, such as “We are healthy” or “We are fine, so we
This event will only occur if PCs stop by The Pier of do not need your help.”
Sorrows after 19:00. Please note that this event does not When one of the PCs says the similar world, the
occur just by passing through. Ancient Ghost will say, “Oh, I see. Then you don't need
us. But please be careful and take care of your loved ones.
“Excuse me.” It's never too late to take care of your loved ones,” she
A girl's voice stops you. When you look in the direction smiles and disappears.
of the voice, you see a white gondola docked at the wharf, If a battle occurs, please refer to the data on page 71
with a white, clothed girl on it. of this book. However, the Ancient Ghost is an extremely
“Are you feeling a little down? If so, please rest at our powerful enemy, and the PCs will almost certainly be
place,” the girl says. defeated in battle. The GM should guide the PCs to avoid
combat if possible.
PCs need to make a Willpower check (Target
Number 24). If the PC fails, they suddenly become ill and
suffer 3 points of curse magic damage to their HP. If they
Scenario 1
Passage of Time due to Encounter with Ancient Ghost In memory of the five girls, a statue has been erected
When encountering the Ancient Ghost, time will at The Pier of Sorrows (A-2). A white flower bed has been
elapse as follows, depending on the situation. placed around the remains of the sanatorium in the
•If PCs do not ride the gondola, 10 minutes will elapse. cemetery on Mildao Island (Mildao Island 1).
•If PCs take the gondola to the landing at Mildao Island,
20 minutes will elapse. Only if PCs ask the ferryman at The Pier of Sorrows
•If PCs take the gondola to the cemetery on Mildao (A-2) about this legend will he tell them the following
Island, 30 minutes will elapse. additional story.
•If a battle is fought, an additional 10 minutes will elapse “The Pier of Sorrows is also rumored to be haunted
for the battle in addition to the above. by the ghosts of young girls. A girl dressed in white comes
riding in a white gondola and stops people as they pass
by, and she asks them if they are feeling unwell. Then,
The Legend of the Five Girls
strangely enough, they would start to feel sick. The girl
About 500 years ago, there was an epidemic in the
would then beckon to them, saying, “If you are feeling
neighborhood of Canaris. It is said that many people
unwell, please come and rest with us.” If you get on the
died, and the city was filled with corpses. The royal family
gondola, you will never come back. I've been a ferryman
of Izmar, who ruled Canaris at that time, built a
for many years, but I've never seen him.
sanatorium on Mildao Island and tried to prevent the
spread of the disease by isolating the sick there. Five girls
volunteered to care for the sick in the Sanatorium.
Like many others, the girls became ill and never left
A-3. Wharf
the island. However, it is said that the girls' actions gave The wharf is laced with stones.
people the courage to live.
It is said that those who died at the sanatorium were
buried on Mildao Island, which is why the site is now used
It is just a wharf.
as a cemetery. Near the cemetery, the sanatorium where
No information can be gathered here because there is
the girls cared for the sick remains and a bed of white
no suitable person.
flowers has been made around it in memory of the girls.
Scenario 1
Scenario 1
trade common. The man and woman in the design are Overview
Prince Serdi and the fairy Sferrareel with roses.” This is a street lined with workshops of weavers and
Hearing this, Roland suddenly remembered that there dressmakers. You can always hear the sound of weaving.
was a statue of a prince and a fairy in the Ruins of Rose Some of the weavers work for Luferia Temple and the
Garden on Mildao Island. Luferia Royal Household, and the area is known for its
In fact, the words “Sigh of the Rose Fairy” and “Kiss the old-fashioned artisans who make no compromises.
Prince” are hints for what is to come next. >Talk to Someone→ “Talk to the Locals”.
If the PCs don't notice this after the clue “Fixed 1:
Marching Down the Path, Shoes Clacking. When you Talk to the Locals
Get to the Plaza, Take a Break”, Roland will say, “Hm, People in town may be busy, but if the PCs call out to
remember we had cake with the same name?”. If the PC them, they PCs with a smile.
still doesn't notice the clue, Roland will say, “I feel this Locals can answer about The Pier of Maiden (A-1),
clue might be connected to the Ruins of Rose Garden. Shoemakers Street (B-1), Mosaic Street (B-3), Lenna
Let’s go there and see what's there.” Canal (C-2), Remains of the Dock (C-3), and Taverns (C-
4), and they will tell PCs what is written in their
The Legend of the Prince and the Rose Fairy “Overview”.
It is the story of the rose fairy Sferrareel, who is in love
with Prince Serdi of the Kingdom of Izmar. The synopsis B-3. Mosaic Street
of the story is as follows:
The cobblestone street is decorated with evenly
spaced mosaics of animals, birds, fish, etc., and trees are
The story begins one day when Sferrareel rescues Serdi
planted along the streets, creating a festive atmosphere.
from a monster in the woods where Serdi is out hunting.
On either side of the street are stores selling gems and
When the father king learns of Sferrareel, he believes that
his son is being mesmerized by the evil fairy, and he tries
to defeat Sferrareel. Serdi learns of this and risks his life
to save Sferrareel, who accepts him after learning of Roland's Guide of Canaris
Serdi's deep love for him, but his father is unwilling to “This is Mosaic Street, where there are workshops
allow them to be together. Serdi has no choice but to give and stores for gems, precious metals, and glass. 20 to 30
up his prince status, and he disappears into the forest, years ago, it was a lonely place with only a few glass
choosing to live with Sferrareel. No one knows what artisans running their studios. But recently, Simunis says,
happened to them after that. the area has been transformed in no time, thanks to the
increase in the number of wealthy shopkeepers and
The most famous story in the Kingdom of Izmar is said artisans, who can now sell expensive jewelry.”
to have been the subject of popular plays, operas, and “How did Mosaic Street get its name? It's a mosaic of
novels, and there is a rose garden and two statues erected cobblestones. It's a mosaic of cobblestones from the time
on Mildao Island based on the tale. of the Kingdom of Izmar that was restored years ago with
It is said that Prince Serdi lived about 500 years ago, but the help of local artisans.”
no detailed records remain. The rose garden was
neglected for a long time after the Destruction of Canaris Overview
300 years ago and is now in disarray. This is a street where artisans make jewelry and
glassware. Stores line the street, and the workshops are
B-2. Loud Street located behind the stores. The mosaics and trees along
the street make it a very colorful street.
A narrow cobblestone street continues. The sound of Underwater lights are decorated as Kamawet on the
spinning and weaving can be heard from the houses on bottom of the river that runs nearby. If PCs look into the
either side of the street. river, they will see a row of what looks like lanterns with
small Kamawets statues attached. See “Underwater
Roland's Guide of Canaris Lights” on the next page for more information on
“This is Loud Street. It is called that way because you underwater lights.
can always hear the sound of weaving. There are many >“Rolland Called Out”
weavers and sewers here, and even the priest clothes of >Talk to Someone→ “Talk to the Locals”.
the Luferia Temple are made here.”
Scenario 1
the same as the clue on the piece of paper Roland showed consolidate more knowledge, the temple is diligently
PCs at the beginning. collecting books from home and abroad.
In addition, temple scholars are also working on
Determine New Clues researching old documents that have been damaged and
The GM should determine the new clue by referring collecting old documents that may be of interest to them.
to the “Selection of Clues” (see p. 37). After that, the GM The library is open from 7:00 to 18:00 and is available
should check the correct answers to the new clues in for a donation of 5 gamel per person per hour.
“Correct Answers to the Clues” (see p. 37). >Talk to a Priest → “Talk to a Priest”.
>Use the library → “Use the Library”.
Other underwater lights have nothing of interest. >Go to the backyard → “Backyard”.
Talk to a Priest
Underwater Lights
If PCs are talking to a priest, roll 2d, and if you get an
Underwater lights were built during the Magitech
8 or higher, the priest can answer the PC's question.
Civilization Period to help ships navigate by providing
However, it will not tell them the correct answer itself but
light at night. The fantastic beauty of the lights reflected
only give them a clue to arrive at the correct answer.
on the surface of the water was one of Canaris' famous
For example, when PCs ask him about 1st clue, he
can reply, “Well, there is a story about a woman who once
The underwater lights were decorated with Undines
upon a time predicted heavy rain and saved the people of
(A-1), Kamawets (B-3), Dolphins (B-4), Barracudas (C-
a town. If you want to know the details, look it up yourself.
4), Turtles (D-2), Dugongs (D-3), Kelpies (D-4) for each
Knowledge is not something that can be taught; it is
route and each had a different colored light. However,
something that can be nurtured.”
the lights were destroyed by the Destruction of Canaris
GMs should refer to the “Correct Answers to the
300 years ago, so today, they are dark.
Clues” (see p. 37) to answer the questions.
However, only when asked about the 5th clue the
B-5. Temple of Kilhia priest will reply, “Speaking of the Garden of Knowledge,
Trees are planted on both sides of the wide there is a small garden behind the temple. The garden
cobblestone street, and the Temple of Kilhia can be seen was built with the temple, so it has been there for
between tightly packed buildings. hundreds of years. There are statues of wise men in the
garden, and I often see little birds perched in the garden.
It is a good place to calm the mind and enjoy
Roland's Guide of Canaris
“The Temple of Kilhia has a library, where many The priest also can guide PCs to Lynette at Sluice
books are stored, from precious documents from the Gate (D-2) as someone who might know something
time of the Kingdom of Izmar to more recent books, helpful about clues. She is a regular visitor to this library.
Simunis said. He also said it is a pity that most of the old She adds, however, that “her stories are long ones, so be
books are damaged due to the Destruction of Canaris 300 prepared.”
years ago.”
“How to use the library? Sorry, I don't know. I've
Use the Library
never used it.”
There are two types of libraries: general collections,
which consist mainly of new books collected only
Overview recently, and archives kept in temple libraries for many
The Kilhia Temple stands quietly among the crowded years.
buildings. However, it is not a very popular part of the Books in the library can be checked out for 5 Gamel
district. Many of the buildings have been abandoned and per person per hour. However, PCs cannot take books
uninhabited for many years. out of the library. Most of the books in the library are
The Kilhia Temple itself has been in this location for written in the Trade Common.
many years but was destroyed by the Destruction of The books from the archives are not available for
Canaris 300 years ago. At the same time, many of the viewing unless PCs know a high-ranking Kilhia priest or
books in the temple's library were destroyed by fire, and have a significant magnate referral. Note that if PCs have
most of what remains are severely damaged. a referral, there is no fee for reading. In addition, many
The present building of the Kilhia Temple was of the books from the archives are damaged, so only
reconstructed after the disaster. In addition, many of the fragmentary information is available. Most of the books
books in the library were brought in from outside after are written in magitech or arcana.
the country was opened. Therefore, in order to
Scenario 1
This is where the gondolas used to be moored. The
piles peeking out of the water are mooring piles that moor
the gondolas and are decorated with colorful decorations.
The “■” is an unrelated mooring, and the “□” is a
Today, the moorings are weathered, the paint has peeled
blue mooring.
off, and there is not a trace of their former beauty.
If PCs want to check the mooring, they must be on
No information can be collected here as there are too
the gondola or successfully complete the Swim check
few people here.
(Target Number 7). If they fail the check, they will not
>Entering the Spire → “Spire”.
drown but will be pulled up by the gondola. They must
>Check Mooring Piles → “Check Mooring Piles”.
wait for the next 10 minutes to retry while the gondola will
be again in position. Note that the elves will automatically
Spire succeed on the Swim check.
On the sidewall of the spire jutting out in the center There are two ways to examine mooring piles: one by
of the water plaza is a door near the surface of the water. one or row by row.
The door has no lock or trap, and PCs can enter it. If PC wants to check them one at a time, it will take 5
The spire is hollow, with a staircase attached to the minutes for each one. In this case, without doing a check,
Stairs lead up to the top of the spire, which houses a they will know that “■” is an unrelated mooring and “□”
clock device. A successful Insight check (Target Number is a blue mooring.
10) will reveal that this is a large magical device from the If PC wants to examine each column, they will have
Magitech Civilization Period that requires a high Artificer to do a cursory examination of each column, either
class to repair. vertically or horizontally. In this case, it will take 10
There is nothing else here of interest. minutes per row. The PC to be searching will need to
If PCs go up to the spire, 10 minutes will elapse. make a Search check (Target Number 8). On a successful
check, GM should tell whether the blue mooring is in the
Check Mooring Piles searched row or in the adjusted rows (top, bottom/left, or
These are decaying mooring piles. PCs can barely tell right). Based on this, if PCs can eventually identify the
that they were once beautifully decorated, thanks to the pile.
few traces of paint that remain. Touching one of the piles, Some PCs may insist on removing the lids of all the
the PCs notices that the top of the pile is like a lid that can mooring piles without checking the color, but this is
be removed. If they remove the lid of the appropriate handled in the same way as checking one by one. The
pile, they will find a rotting piece of paper inside. On the GM should explain this to the PCs before they act.
piece of paper is written in magitech “4 Locus's at 10:00 / >Found Blue Mooring Pile → “Blue Mooring Pile”.
2 Miralda's at 13:00” and so on. Roland cannot read it but
asks, “What does it say?” If PCs tell Roland what the note
says, he will say, “Well... This must be an ancient
gondolier schedule.”
Scenario 1
Scenario 1
Parchment further states, “Well done. But don't let sheds installed, which pump water into the fields and
this get the better of you.” thresh the crops.
Looking south, PCs can see five windmills erected on
Windmill Hill (E-1).
The Legend of Celine
Note that the only way to get down to the bottom of
Celine is the fabled girl who saved people by
the hill in the direction of (D-2) from here is to use the
predicting heavy rains and the floods that would follow.
sluice gate. It is not possible to move to (D-2) in any other
She foresaw the coming heavy rains when she saw her cat
glaring at the sky and meowing fiercely. At first, people
No information can be collected here as there are too
did not believe Celine's warning that heavy rains would
few people here.
cause flooding and submerge the city. But when the rain
began to fall and continued for three days and three
nights, people finally began to believe Celine's words, and
D-2. Sluice Gate
on the fourth day, they abandoned the city and began to The channel breaks off at the end of a large tower
flee. Then, on the sixth day. Finally, the lake overflowed, built into the slope of a hill. The tower has a sturdy iron
and the city was submerged. It is said that the city door that looks like a sluice gate, and an elf woman peeks
remained submerged for a month after the rain stopped out of a window in the tower, looking toward gondolas
on the seventh day. approaching the channel.
Thus, Celine came to be known as the “Rain Maiden”
as the girl who saved people. Some people believe that
Roland's Guide of Canaris
the cat that told Celine of the coming heavy rain was not
“It's a sluice gate. It's used to bring the gondolas up
her own cat but a black cat is guarding the Black Cat
the hill and vice versa.”
Street (B-7).
“That woman? I don't know. Maybe she's the one
who manages the sluice gate.”
C-7. Waiting Street
After walking along a deserted street, you come to an Overview
abandoned square. There seem to have been a number The Sluice Gate, built during the Magitech
of stone pillars that once stood in the square, and their Civilization Period, is a massive tower reaching from the
remnants can be seen lying in the grass. hill's foot to its summit. At the base and top of the tower
are sturdy steel doors that lead to a conduit. When a
Roland's Guide of Canaris gondola enters the tower from the canal, the door closes,
and water is filled in to raise the water level from the
“It is said that this street was called Waiting Street.
bottom and drained out to lower the water level from the
People used to wait in this square for their family and
top. In this way, the force of the water is used to carry the
friends to return from prison. But now it is a desolate
gondolas up and down the hill. To use the sluice gate, 10
place with few people stopping by.”
gamels are required per gondola per trip (up or down).
The sluice is available from 6:00 to 20:00.
The sluice is powered by a magical device. At its heart
The square is covered with grass and in ruins. Stone
is a magical core managed by the Ferdin family, who has
pillars and other debris lie among the grass. Not a soul is
lived near the sluice gate for generations. They have
to be seen, and it is a quiet and lonely place.
inherited the knowledge of how to operate and maintain
No information can be collected here as there is no
the magical device of the Elevating Sluice Gate.
one around.
Therefore, most of the Ferdin family members are
D-1. Wheat Field The elf woman peeking out of the window is Lynette
At the top of the hill are wheat fields all around, and Ferdin (Elf/Female/133 years old). Lynette has at least
you can feel a pleasant breeze. A water mill house on the Artificer 5 and Sage 5. She is also known for her love of
waterway runs between the fields, and you can see the storytelling and spends her spare time in the library of the
watermill slowly turning. Temple of Kilhia reading books. Other members of the
Ferdin family include Lynette's parents and sister.
Underwater lights are also decorated with turtles on
the bottom of the river flowing nearby. If PCs look into
This is a wheat field on a hill. Waterways are used for
the river, they will see a row of lanterns with small turtle
farming as well as for transporting farm implements and
statues attached. These are underwater lights. For more
harvested wheat. There are also more than 10 waterwheel
Scenario 1
Under the Hill
It is just a field. No dangerous animals live here, and
A river flows at the foot of the hill.
no people can be found to ask questions.
D-7. Prison Ruins
There stands a large building surrounded by a stone On the Hill
wall. However, it seems that many years have passed since
Scenario 1
Five windmills stand in a row. The windmills are used the letters are new, and the handwriting is the same as that
for threshing and milling as well as for pumping river of the clue on the piece of paper Roland showed PCs at
water into waterways on the hill. the beginning.
All five windmills are different sizes. The smallest of Determine New Clues
the five is covered with a metal cap on the apex of its roof, The GM should determine the new clue by referring
which glistens in the sunlight during the daytime. to the “Selection of Clues” (see p. 37). After that, the GM
>Examine a small windmill → “Small Windmill”. should check the correct answers to the new clues in
Small Windmill “Correct Answers to the Clues” (see p. 37).
No matter how much PCs look inside the little
windmill, there is nothing. Parchment further states, “The view from there is a
If PCs are trying to get up to the roof, they will notice treat. But the real treasure is yet to come.”
that they can get to the roof through the skylight. The only
way to get from the skylight to the metal cap at the apex E-2. Temple of Lyphos
is to climb up the roof. The height of the windmill is 15
meters. Two rivers merge into one and flow toward the city.
PCs going up the roof need to roll 2d + Scout level + The Temple of Lyphos can be seen perched on a rock
Agility modifier (Target Number 7). If successful, the PCs wall at the confluence of the rivers.
can go up to the metal cap. If the check fails, the PCs will
slip and fall off the roof and suffer fall damage from 15 Overview
meters fall. The Temple of Lyphos has retained much of its
Since thick columns and beams are inside the former grandeur and magnificence. It is located far from
windmill, a rope can be tied to the windmill as a safety the city's center, so it suffered less damage from the
rope. If PC wears a safety rope, they will not suffer fall Destruction of Canaris 300 years ago.
damage even if they fall from the roof. There is a landing under the rock wall on which the
A clasp holds the metal cap in place but can be temple stands, and from here, one must climb the stairs
removed. When the clasp is removed and the cap is to reach the building.
lifted, a circular depression is revealed. The depression >Talk to Someone → “Talk to the Priests”.
houses a small box.
10 minutes will elapse when PCs get to the roof. Talk to the Priests
>Pick up a small box → “Small Box”. To talk to the priests, PCs must go to the Temple of
Lyphos. It takes 10 minutes each way up and down the
Small Box stairs on the quay. Still, if PCs want to talk to the priests,
The small box is not locked; however, there is a trap. they are willing to help them.
If the Search check (Target Number 8) succeeds, the Priests can explain about Underwater Lights, refer to
trap is found. To release the trap, the player must
successfully complete a Disable Device check (Target “ Underwater Lights” (see p. 47). They will also gladly
Number 8). If the PC attempts to open the small box answer their questions about Wheat Field (D-1), the
without disarming the trap, the trap will be triggered. In Sluice Gate (D-2), the Temple of Tidan (D-4), the
this case, the PCs attempting to open the small box need Windmill Hill (E-1), the Mallard Canals (E-3), the Oath
to make a Spot Trap check (Target Number 12). If they Canal (E-4), Lion's Market (E-5), and Temple of Sien (F-
succeed, they realize the trap's existence and can stop 4), and they will tell PCs what is written in their
opening the box. “Overview”.
When the trap is triggered, a yellow liquid is sprayed
from inside a small box. PCs who are exposed to the E-3. Mallard Canals
liquid will have their faces smeared with the paint, but
Several beautifully and exquisitely carved bridges
they will not be poisoned. However, if the trap is triggered
cross the narrow waterways like a net. The streets that
on the roof, the PCs may be startled, lose their balance,
weave between buildings are also narrow and intricate.
and slip.
Eventually, a spherical white building catches your eye.
PCs exposed to the liquid on the roof need to make
a 2d + Scout class level + Agility modifier (Target Number
9). If successful, the PCs manage to keep balance. Roland's Guide of Canaris
However, on fail, they will lose balance, slip, fall off the “These narrow canals are called the Mallard Canals.
roof and suffer fall damage from 15 meters fall. Because it is narrower than ordinary canals, they use
Inside the small box is a parchment with a new clue much smaller gondolas than usual. The small gondolas
written in trade common. The ink on the parchment and
Scenario 1
Scenario 1
E-7. Karim Farm and he wishes he could move closer to the temple, but he
is very attached to the house where he was born and
The house is built on top of a hill. Behind the house raised. Well, as you might expect, he stays at the temple
are orchards with red and yellow fruits. on days when he has to work late.”
“Me? I'm going to the temple with Simunis. But
Overview school finishes around 15:00, so I'll be home in time. Just
This is the home of the Karim family, who run an to let you know, it's my day off today. I'm not skipping
orchard. The Karims consist of an old woman, her son school.”
and his wife, and two grandsons.
The north side of the house is a cliff, and PCs cannot Overview
move in the direction of the Prison Ruins (D-7). This is Simunis's house.
>Visit the Karim family → “Karim Family”. Simunis are usually at the Temple of Luferia, so there
is no one home. Simunis usually leaves at 5:00 and
Karim Family returns home at 20:00.
When the PCs visit them, they see an old woman If the PCs want, Roland will let them in the house.
come out and say, “Yes, yes, yes. Who is it?”. The old Inside the house, Roland will cook for them, and they can
woman looks at Roland and says, “Oh? Is that you, eat for free. If PCs want to eat, 30 minutes will pass.
Roland?” Roland nods, puzzled. She pulls out a small key
from her apron pocket, saying, “In that case, take this with F-2. Field
you. It might come in handy.” This small key is the
Pedestal Key needed to open the door to the pedestal of A pathway leads through a meadow.
Celine's statue in Celine Canal (C-6). So, the party gets
Pedestal Key. Overview
When Roland receives the key, the old woman adds, It is just a field. No dangerous animals live here, and
“But give it back to me when you're done using it. I'm in no people can be found to ask questions.
no hurry,” she adds.
The old woman, in response to the PCs' question, F-3. Rider’s Guild
says the following:
“How did I know Roland was coming? Someone On the banks of the river stands the Rider’s Guild.
asked me to lend him the key to the pedestal if a boy Behind it are the stables, where you can hear the mounts.
named Roland came along.”
“What is this key for? Oh. Didn't you know? This is Overview
the key that opens the door to the pedestal of the statue This is a Rider’s Guild. There is a guild building and
of Celine. The statue of Celine is in the Celine Canal.” stables for mounts. The meadow behind the guild
“Story of Celine? Well, it is… (see The Legend of building is used as a pasture. Occasionally, the guild's
Celine on p. 54 for details.” animal trainers can be seen running their mounts.
The old woman can tell PCs about “The Legend of the >Talk to Someone → “Rider’s Guild”.
Five Girls” (see p. 40), “The Legend of the Prince and
the Rose Fairy” (see p. 45), “Legend of the Golden Lion” Rider’s Guild
(see p. 63) and also about Black Cat Street (B-7), Celine The Rider Guild offers mounts for rent and riding
Canal (C-6), Waiting Street (C-7), Temple of Tidan (D- equipment for sale.
4), Prison Ruins (D-7), Mallard Canal (E-3), Oath Canal Guild members can be asked about the Temple of
(E-4), Lion's Market (E-5), Temple of Sien (F-4), and Tidan (D-4), Temple of Lyphos (E-2), Mallard Canal (E-
Kokori Farm (F-5), she will tell PCs what is written in their 3), Oath Canal (E-4), Lion's Market (E-5), Temple of
“Overview”. Sien (F-4), and Kokori Farm (F-5), they will tell PCs what
is written in their “Overview”.
F-1. Simunis Family
A small house stands by the river. It is a quiet place
with few other houses around.
Scenario 1
should check the correct answers to the new clues in After 18:00, there is no one here.
“Correct Answers to the Clues” (see p. 37). >Talk to Someone → “Talk to the Kokori Family”.
Mildao Island
Scenario 1
will slide backward, revealing a staircase to the staircase. After climbing this staircase, PCs will eventually
underground passage. come to a stone door. The door is not locked or trapped.
After the puzzle is solved, if PCs go down the stairs, The door opens into the “Room of the Gods of the
please proceed to the “Underground Passage – Melib Melib Royal Palace.”
Royal Palace.” Note that it is dark in the underground >Open the Door → “Room of the Gods of the Melib
passage, so the GM should warn PCs that they will need Royal Palace”.
>Entering the underground passage → Room of the Gods of the Melib Royal Palace
“Underground Passage – Melib Royal Palace”. When PCs open the door, they will find themself in a
large stone room. The walls are hollowed out, and statues
Underground Passage – Melib Royal of gods belonging to the First Sword of Lumiere are
Palace placed in them, such as Lyphos, Tidan, and Sien.
And in the room lit by the fire from the candelabra in
A staircase leads to the darkness. The stone walls and front of the statues of the gods, men stand as if they have
ceiling were clearly built by humanoid hands. Eventually, been waiting for the party.
the staircase ends, and a straight passageway emerges. “At last, you've come this far... I prayed that you
would give up on the way, but apparently, the gods want
Overview to test me. Very well! If the gods wish that, I will fight them
It is an underground passage leading from the Ruins too! I swear I will defeat you and protect my treasure with
of the Rose Garden to the Melib Palace. It was built as an all my might!”
escape route in case of emergency. Obsidian Dogs roam One of the men - an old-fashioned man dressed in
the tunnels. fine clothes that appear to have been made by the finest
Following the underground passage, PCs eventually craftsmen - shouts and raises a staff in his hand. As if on
come to an ascending staircase. These stairs lead to the cue, the black-robed figures start their move.
Melib Palace. >“The Last Battle”
It takes 20 minutes to go from the entrance to the exit >If it is after 24:00 → “After 24:00”.
of the underground passageway, not including the time
spent in combat. The tunnels are large enough to allow The Last Battle
for a mount to be used for combat. PCs just came out of a hidden door in the wall
>Proceeding the Underground Passage → “Keepers between Tidan and Sien.
of the Underground Passage”. The men waiting for them are one man in fine clothes
and two men in black. However, if there are three PCs,
Keepers of the Underground Passage there will be only one man in black.
Obsidian Dogs (Core Rulebook III, p. 362) are PCs need to make two Monster Knowledge checks,
guarding the tunnels. If the PCs proceed through the for one on the man in the fine outfit (reputation
tunnels, an encounter with the Obsidian Dog is 6/weakness -) and the second for black-robed figures
inevitable. (reputation 5/weakness). If the first check is successful,
PCs will need to make a Monster Knowledge check the man in fine clothes is identified as the Noble Wizard
(reputation 10/weakness 14) and then engage in combat. (see p. 71). After the second successful check, the men in
black are identified as the Fistmaster Bodyguard (see p.
⬤2 x Obsidian Dogs (Core Rulebook III, p. 362). If
there are 3 PCs, then the 1 x Obsidian Dog will be
present. ⬤ 1 x Noble Wizard (see p. 71) and 2 x Fistmaster
Bodyguard (see p. 71). If there are 3 PCs, then the 1 x
If the PCs have Roland's Ring, the Obsidian Dog will Fistmaster Bodyguard will be present instead.
not attack them. In fact, this ring was given to Roland by
Anne Laura and is an item that identifies one who has the In combat, the Fistmaster Bodyguard will [Throw] the
right to pass through this underground passage - that is, PC's frontline and knock them down, and the Noble
one who belongs to the royal family of Izmar. Wizard will put the PCs that have not been knocked
Since it is dark in the tunnels, any action taken without down to sleep with a [Sleep]. The Noble Wizard has five
light will incur a -4 penalty on all Skill Checks. 5-point mako stones, which he sparingly uses one after
After the Obsidian Dogs, PCs continue down the
underground passage until they come to an ascending
Scenario 1
Victory End of Scenario
When Roland finishes telling the truth, the men's PCs
A man in fine attire bends the knee and says to had to fight have recovered from their wounds.
Roland: A man in fine cloth (Noble Wizard) sees Roland
“Well... A man's worth is determined by the number holding hands with Anne Laura and says, “Hey! Just
of friends he has who are willing to risk their lives for him. because you made it through the ordeal doesn't mean
At this point in time, it is no longer a question of whether you're ready for it! I won't let you call me father-in-law
you should or should not. Now go! Go and take the until you are married!” Anne Laura says, “You are
treasure of the Royal House of Izmar!” wayward, Father!” He is Anne Laura's father, Sergio, the
“Thank you!” current head of the Izmar royal family. The man who had
Roland says this and rushes out of the room. been called “wayward” by his daughter choked on his
If PCs follow Roland, he runs down a hallway with a words, slumped his shoulders, and stumbled away. The
soft red carpet and onto a balcony overlooking the lake. men in black who had been escorting him hurried after
On the balcony is a fiery red-haired girl gazing out at him.
the lake, reflecting the moon. After seeing them off, Anne Laura says to the PCs,
“Anne Laura!” “Thank you for helping Roland. This is just a small token
Roland shouts, and the girl turns around. She then of my appreciation,” and gives the PC 4 sword shards.
looks at Roland and says, “Roland! You're late. I'm tired The scenario ends with Roland saying goodbye to
of waiting,” her cheeks puff out. However, her expression Anne Laura and taking her back to the Pavilion of Crystal
soon changes to a smile, and she says, “But. I'm glad you Pieces. Anne Laura has arranged for a boat to take all
made it this far, Roland. Very well, according to the back to the Pavilion of Crystal Pieces in 30 minutes.
ancient traditions of the royal family of Izmar, you have Simunis is anxiously waiting for Roland in the Pavilion
overcome your ordeal, and I will allow you to love me.” of Crystal Pieces. If PCs make it back by 24:00, they will
Roland is delighted and hugs the girl. Then he turns be rewarded with 500 gamels per person, as promised.
to the PCs and says, “Thank you! Thanks to all of you. I They will also receive 1000 experience points (+
have found the most precious treasure of all!”. experience points from defeated monsters + 50 points for
Roland then tells PCs the “Truth about the Treasure each clue solved).
Hunt.” If it is after 24:00, the reward will be 450 gamels per
person (50 gamels will be donated to the Luferia
Truth about the Treasure Hunt Temple). However, since Roland's objective has been
Her name is Anne Laura (Human/Female/12 years achieved, he will receive 1000 experience points (+
old), and she is the youngest princess of the old Izmar experience points
royal family. She has been hidden in the Luferia Temple from defeated
and has kept her lineage secret. monsters + 50
Roland, a student at the Luferia Temple School, points for each
happened to meet Anne Laura in the back of the temple, clue solved).
which was forbidden to enter. Since Anne Laura was
rarely allowed to leave the temple and had never seen the
outside world, Roland told her stories about the goings-
on in the city. In the process, the two became close
Then one day, Roland confessed his feelings to Anne.
She said, “If you love me, you will have to undergo a trial.
It is a test every man must undergo if he proposes to a girl
born to the royal family of Izmar. It is, so to speak, a
marriage proposal ritual. Are you willing to undergo the
ordeal for me?”. Of course, Roland's answer was obvious.
Thus, Roland was to undergo the Izmar royal family's
traditional trial.
This time, the “treasure hunt” was a trial that the
suitor to the Izmar royal princess had to undergo.
3 Blue Killers Swarm
Int: Animal Loot
1 Filthy Rat Perc: Five Senses 2–5 None
Lang: None Fine Scales
Int: Animal Loot Hab: Feidan region 6+
(140G/Red A)
Perc: Five Senses 2 – 10 None Disp: Hostile
Lang: None Dirty Teeth Rep / Weak: 8/12
Hab: Feidan region 11+
(50G/Red B) Initiative: 9 Movement
Disp: Hostile Speed: 15 (Swimming)
Rep / Weak: 6/9 Fortitude: 5 (12)
Initiative: 9 Willpower: 4 (11)
Movement Speed: 12
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
Fortitude: 3 (10)
None - - 5(12) 3 29 5
Willpower: 2 (9)
Weak Point: Lightning damage +3 points
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
Bite 2(9) 2d-1 2(9) 0 10 1 Unique Skills
Weak Point: Accuracy +1 [Underwater]
The Blue Killers Swarm doesn't receive penalties
Unique Skills for moving or taking action in the water. However, it
[Disease Bite / 2(9)/ Fortitude / Neg] can't perform any Action without water.
If a character is hit with a Bite attack that inflicts 1 [Swarming/Can’t]
or more applied damage, this character gains a -1 As a Major Action, Blue Killers Swarm bites a
penalty to their Willpower. This effect is of the target. They deal 2d+3 physical damage to any enemy
disease type. It is permanent unless healed, and it is in the same skirmish it is in.
not cumulative. [Swarm]
[Nimble] A Blue Killers Swarm is immune to criticals. In
This unique skill is always active. Filthy Rat gains a addition, Throw or similar attacks have no damage
+2 bonus to the Evasion check against ranged attacks. or effect.
When targeting the Blue Killers Swarm or another
character in the same skirmish, the Combat Feats
These rats are about 40 cm long and can be found [Precise Shot], [Guided Magic], and [Magic Control]
in ruins and archaeological sites in the Feidan region. cannot be used.
They breed in ditch water systems and underground [Lightning Weakness]
cemeteries. They are hated by people because they When Blue Killers Swarm takes lightning damage,
spread diseases. They are very fertile, and if you see they take extra 3 damage.
one, it is safe to assume that there are many more
around. Description
They are small fish that inhabit the waters and lakes
of the Feidan region. Although they are not large in
size, they work in large swarms and attack even large
animals to feed on them.
Scenario 1
Undead [2 Actions]
Ancient Ghost can perform two Major Actions in
15 Ancient Ghost one round.
Int: High Loot
Perc: Five Senses This monster is a powerful undead was created
with magic from the grudges of the dead from before
Lang: Trade Common,
the age of magic civilization. It is really hard to
Regional dialect, Arcana encounter them as they are few and buried inside
Hab: Various deep dungeons and ruins.
Disp: Neutral Like the Ghost, some of them have past knowledge
Rep / Weak: 16/22 and memories, but their memories are of so long ago
Initiative: 22 that even the source of their hatred often is unclear.
Movement Speed: 16 Their goals are fuzzy and may appear and disappear
from time to time.
Fortitude: 19 (26)
Willpower: 18 (25)
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
Smash 17(24) 2d+15 17(24) 0 184 184
Weak Point: Magic damage + 2 points
Unique Skills
[Tempting Lure / 17 (24) / Willpower / Neg]
As a Major Acton, an Ancient Ghost whispers to a
target within “Range: 10m” and “Area: Target,”
attempting to lure it under its control. If the target
fails to resist, the Ancient Ghost may have that
character move according to the Ghost's whim.
Affected characters cannot move very quickly and
cannot use magic or attack. If the Ancient Ghost
does not order the character to move, the character
will stand in position stunned. This effect is treated
as a psychic type and will be removed if the target
takes any damage to HP, MP, or with the [Sanity]
[Fear Aura / 18(25) / Willpower / Neg]
As a Minor Action, Ancient Ghost spreads a fear
aura within Radius 50m around itself, causing all
targeted characters to cower in fear. Targets that fail
Willpower take a -2 penalty to its melee, ranged, or
casting spell checks against this monster or while in a
skirmish containing this monster. Also, if the
Willpower check was 21 or less, affected characters
must move as far as possible to get out of range of
this unique skill. This effect is treated as a psychic
[Normal Weapon Immunity]
An Ancient Ghost is immune to damage from
normal weapons and can only be harmed with silver
or magical weapons.
[No-Type Immunity]
An Ancient Ghost is immune to magical damage that
doesn’t have a type.
Scenario 2
Scenario 2
This scenario is designed to be played with 2-3 level The PCs discover that to make the pudding, they
PCs who have just successfully completed one session. need the eggs of a special water bird that nests in the reeds
If you want to create a new PC to play with, create it of the lake, so they head to the reed colony.
with 1000 extra experience points, 1 growth, 500 extra Once PCs have the eggs and the recipe, they can ask
money, and 7 extra reputations. If there are too many Marko of the Sferrareel Pastry Store in Canaris (see p.
PCs or the level is not applicable, adjust the number and 45) to make the desired pastry for them. Finally, the
strength of enemies. scenario ends with the client receiving the pastry.
This scenario includes two types of “Map to Floating
Grass Island” (see p. 82), one for the PCs and one for the Scenario Flow
GM. Since the PCs will be looking at the “Map to Floating
Grass Island (for PCs)” from the beginning of the
scenario, the GM should prepare the map by copying it
Scenario Overview
The PCs are asked by Dorvan, a man researching the
history of Luferia, to find a “Jasper of Hurifane.” One is
a jade gem, and the other is a jade-colored pudding. After
talking to a group of thieves who think they are looking
for the same thing and the person who rescued them
from being attacked, the PCs will be convinced that they
are looking for the sweet.
Scenario 2
If you find that the Pavilion of Crystal Pieces, and they will put it on your
Jasper of Hurifane is tab. Normally, the amount of the charge would be
something you just deducted from your fee, but in this case, we’ll charge it to
can't get, please report Mr. Dorvan, so don't waste it. It's a matter of trust for us.”
what it is and why you PCs received a Pavilion of Crystal Pieces pendant
can't. If it is something from Rita. Whenever the PCs pay for something from
that can be obtained now on, it can be charged to the “Pavilion of Crystal
with money, I will Pieces” by showing this pendant. The PCs do not need to
consider negotiating worry about it, as the amount paid will be charged to
directly with the other Dorvan.
party, and I want you to This is to take away the PCs' financial concerns. This
report that to me. should allow the PCs to focus on how to use their time
Either way. As long as efficiently and accomplish their requests quickly.
you report it to me, I Once the PCs have accepted the request, Dorvan will
will pay you 700 gamel. prepare a 10-day supply of preserved food for everyone.
If you use a “Then, I’ll be waiting for you. I await good news.”
gondola or a boat to Dorvan then leaves the Pavilion of Crystal Pieces.
move around and do Upon receiving a request to find Dorvan's Jasper of
research, you can charge me for that as a necessary Hurifane, the PCs will embark on an investigation. The
expense. I'll reimburse you for those expenses when I pay first step will be to visit an antiquarian book collector
you your fee.” named Hans, who lives in Ormi.
The GM should tell PCs that Dorvan is wealthy and If the PCs want to see Dorvan during the scenario,
does not mind spending money on truly necessary they can ask Rita about his home.
expenses. However, PCs will not get additional money for In addition to going to Hance's house, PCs can also
expenses right away. do a Literature check (Target Number 9) at the library in
Rita gives the PC a pendant with a blue crystal shard the Temple of Kilhia in the capital city of Canaris (see p.
and says: 49) and, if successful, obtain information on “About
“It's proof that you are the adventurers of the Pavilion Princess Hurifane” (see p. 76).
of Crystal Pieces. When you use the ship, you show it to >Visit Hans → “Post Town Ormi.”
Upon knocking on the door, the PCs are greeted by About Princess Hurifane
tabbit, a male with dark brown fur and a striking monocle. PCs need to make a Literature check (Target Number
He is Hans. When PCs say they have come to talk about 8). If successful, they will find the following information:
the Izmar royal family, he proudly begins to talk to PCs.
“Hmmm, have you come to see my collection? No • She had rich honey-blonde hair and beautiful
problem, I'll show you. There aren't many people who green eyes that could have been jade. She was a very girly
have as many books of the royal family as I do.” princess who loved jewelry and sweet treats.
“Hurifane? Ah, there was someone like that.” • She was very pleased with the gifts, such as
At this time, the PCs need to make a Danger Sense dresses and green jewels that shone in her hair.
check (Target Number 8). If they succeed, they become • She gave the honor of bearing her name on
aware of someone looking at them. Turning around, they anything she liked, whether it was jewelry, a horse, or a
notice a suspicious elven man on horseback staring at flower, as in “… of Hurifane” or “Hurifane’s …”.
them on the doorstep of Hans' house. It seems that he is However, this was not limited to her alone; it seems that
eavesdropping on PCs. some members of the Izmar royal family often also did
He looks somewhat ominous, and when PCs so.
approach him to talk to him, he moves quickly away. PCs
cannot catch him here. If they pursue him further, he will About Jasper of Hurifane
abandon his horse at the bridge and jump into the river PCs need to make a Literature check (Target Number
to escape. 8). If successful, they will find the following information:
If PCs ask Hans if he knows anything about the elf,
he will nod his head and say, “I don't know? I don't • Among the royal family's treasures were a few
know,” he would tilt his head slightly. Hans doesn't really magnificent cabochon-cut jade pieces (a method of
know anything about the elf. cutting gemstones with a convex, rounded surface that is
>Ask about Hurifane → “Hans's Study”. polished but unfaceted).
• It is not known if there was a jade named “Jasper
Hans's Study of Hurifane” or not. However, jade named after a royal
When the PCs ask him to tell them about Princess family member did likely exist.
Hurifane, Hans shows the PCs to his studies. • When the Izmar dynasty fell, its beneficiaries,
“I have a collection of books on women around here, the prosperous nobles and merchant families,
so check them out. Which one are you interested in? I simultaneously lost power. Some of the jewelry they
am not psychic and cannot read your mind.” owned was sold and passed into the open market and has
since disappeared.
Scenario 2
Capital Canaris
It takes 1 day by carriage and half a day by boat to >Go to Dorvan's House → “Dorvan's House”.
reach Canaris from Forimer.
In Canaris, PCs can visit the Pavilion of Crystal Pieces Dorvan’s House
and the client Dorvan's house to gather new information.
Whether they visit the Pavilion of Crystal Pieces or/and When the PCs visit, Dorvan is happy to welcome
Dorvan's house, PCs will need half a day to collect them. He offers them cream puffs and tea, which he
information in Canaris. bought at a long-established pastry shop on Shoemakers
After listening to the report, Dorvan nods his head.
Pavilion of Crystal Pieces
Then, with a puzzled look on his face, he pulls out
Rita and her employees, the Kobolds, are busy another book.
working in the Pavilion of Crystal Pieces. If the PCs don't
talk to her, Rita will notice and talk to them. “I found a new description at... Look at this page.
Believe it or not, I'm pretty sure it refers to Jasper of
Oh, welcome back. Did you find what you were Hurifane.”
looking for? Yes, Mr. Dorvan said he found something
new and would love for you to come by his house. The page shown by Dorvan reads:
Rita gives a detailed description of Dorvan’s House. The fragrance of jasper. Its fragrance is reminiscent of
If you ask Rita about the mustached man and the the nectar of flowers.
elven man or examine the wanted posters on the wall, you Jasper is good for the throat. The smoothness of
will see that they bear a striking resemblance to a member jasper is as smooth as silk.
of a three-man bandit gang that has been in trouble
recently. The mustached man appears to be the leader of Dorvan says, unable to hide his surprise.
the bandits. The bandits recently attacked a merchant on “It has a honey aroma and a good for the throat... I
the street and took his goods, including old literature. thought Jasper of Hurifane was a gem, but I was
The stolen literature was on the subject of jewelry.
Scenario 2
completely wrong. It seems to be a drink or food, what The ship leaves immediately after the PCs board, and
do you think? Any ideas?” since it is a one-day trip to Aedon, for example, if the boat
“(When PCs say, “It might be sweet...”) I see. If this leaves first thing in the morning, it will arrive just before
is the case, I guess you'd better talk to an expert on this sunrise. If the boat leaves around noon, it will arrive
then.” around noon the next day.
“(About cream puffs) I heard that this pastry store >“Boat Trip Events”
makes pastries based on old traditions. The owner of this
store may know something about traditional food. Please Boat Trip Events
ask him. Please continue your research. I will continue The voyage was about halfway through.
my research as well.” All PCs must do a Listen check (Target Number 9).
Dorvan tells PCs where he bought the cream puffs. If successful, they notice a man on the bow of the ship
The Sferrareel pastry store on Shoemakers Street looking toward Aedon and muttering, “I can't wait to get
appears in “Scenario 1: The Boy and the Treasures of the there. The boss will be furious.” If the success value is 12
Kingdom of Izmar” (see p. 45). or more, PCs know that the man is the suspicious elf they
>Visit the Sferrareel Pastry Store → “Sferrareel Pastry met earlier in Ormi, although he is in disguise.
Store”. They can make a Monster Knowledge check
>Go to Aedon → “Canaris’ Pier”. (reputation 5/weakness -) if they succeed. If successful,
they find that the man has the same abilities as the Bandit
Sferrareel Pastry Store Trooper (Core Rulebook II, p. 406). However, since he
is an elf, he has modified stats (see “Humanoid
Continue down Shoemakers Street, and you will Monsters” Core Rulebook II, p. 412).
eventually come to a small square with a fountain. The If PCs call out to him or try to catch him, the elf man
Sferrareel pastry store is a small store facing the square. will jump into the lake and try to escape. They will have
The sweet aroma wafts through the air, and the store is to engage in underwater combat if they still pursue him.
filled with cream puffs and a variety of other baked and See page 34 of Core Rulebook II for information on how
fresh pastries. to combat underwater.
When PCs enter the store, Elsa (Elf/Female/53 years
old) smiles and welcomes them. If they explain the ⬤ 1 x Bandit Trooper (Core Rulebook II, p. 406)
situation, she will gladly tell them the following.
“Well, a sweet with a girl's name on it? We have some There are no remaining members of the gang on this
of those in our original sweets at..., but we don't have any boat. If PCs interrogate the captured elf man, he will
sweets with the name Hurifane.” confess to the following.
“If you are looking for sweets related to the Izmar “I was going to meet up with the boss waiting for me
royal family, there is a store in Aedon called “Rourke’s” at Aedon to rob the treasure... Damn!”
that knows more about it than we do. It's a small store; it The treasure is said to be a ridiculously expensive
used to be the official confectioner of the Izmar royal jade. We heard that a tool dealer named Russo has it.
family.” I missed the boat and was way behind schedule.
>Go to Aedon → “Canaris’ Pier”. Maybe the boss will get tired of it and will take the
treasure without me.”
Canaris’ Pier If PCs give this elf man to Aedon's guards, they will all
receive 200 gamel per person.
One day takes for PCs to reach Aedon by boat from
>Arriving at Aedon → “Aedon, Royal City”.
When the PCs arrive at the pier, the boat to Aedon is
just leaving. If the PCs want to be extra rowers, please
refer to “ About the Regular Boats” (see p. 75).
Scenario 2
an elf, so he has modified stats (see “Humanoid “Jasper of Hurifane? That's not a gem. It's the name
Monsters” Core Rulebook II, p. 412). of a famous sweet from a pastry shop next door, but they
don't make it anymore.
⬤ 1 x Bandit Chief (Core Rulebook II, p. 409), 2 x Yeah, it sure bears a striking resemblance to jade in
Bandit Trooper (Core Rulebook II, p. 406). name and shape.”
Note that if PCs have already captured the suspicious At this point, a voice from outside the store says,
elven man, only one Bandit Trooper will be present. “Indeed. It sure looks just like our green pudding!”
When PCs turn around, they see an elf girl standing
If PCs defeat all the enemies, they will hear from the in the doorway, who seems to have heard the commotion
leader. and come to check. She is staring at the Jade of Muri
>Interrogate the robbers → “Leader’s Story”. Aane. Seeing this, Russo says, “She is working in the
pastry shop next door.”
Leader’s Story If the PCs have already visited Rourke's House of
When PCs interrogate the robber's leader, they will Sweets, go directly to “The Old Woman's Story” (see next
get the following story. page).
“We were looking for the treasure of the Izmar royal >Go to Rourke's → “Rourke’s House of Sweets”.
family, the Muri Aane jade, and recently, after studying
the documents we have obtained, we found that it was Rourke’s House of Sweets
given to the ancestor of the owner of this store, who
The third store on the left as you enter Shady Street
served the royal family as an apothecary.
is a cute little store decorated with wreaths of dried
We finally got a clue, but then we saw that other
flowers and other decorations, albeit simple. The
people were looking into the same thing. We broke in
signboard, in the shape of a waterfowl, reads, “Rourke’s
here in a hurry, but we... made a mistake. Damn!”
House of Sweets”.
“What the hell! Are you guys looking for “Jasper of
Hurifane” and not “Jade of Muri Aane”? What the hell?
What a mistake!” If PCs get there before nightfall, the store will still be
While PCs were listening to them, the city guards open. They will not open until the next day if the sun goes
heard the commotion and came to the story. If PCs hand down.
over the robbers, they will be rewarded with 200 gamels Behind the door that opens with a clang, PCs see a
per person. cozy shop. On the counter are cookies and chiffon cakes,
The robbers are taken away by city guards. sold by weight in wooden totes. The store is operated by
an elf girl (Elf/Female/187 years old), who greets the PCs
>Hear from Russo → “Russo's Story”.
with a smile and a friendly smile. In the corner of the
counter, a short old elf woman (Elf/Female/486 years old)
Russo's Story
is sitting and drinking tea.
Russo (Human/Male/38 years old), the store owner
As the PCs are looking around the store, the younger
who was attacked, is safe. When the PCs check with
elven woman says to them, “Welcome! Do you want
Russo, they find out that the name of the jade he is
something sweet?”
carrying is Muri Aane as the leader of the robbers said.
“Jasper of Hurifane? I think we used to serve a pastry
Russo speaks as follows.
by that name, but I don't know much about it. Maybe
“In fact, this jade is not so much a hidden treasure. It
Grandma would know.”
was probably named by a royal family member at that
The girl at the counter said to the old woman sitting
time as entertainment at a banquet, and our ancestors
at the counter, “Jasper of Hurifane? Do you know it?”
received it. But somewhere along the way, the story got
The girl introduces her to the PCs and says, “She is the
bigger and bigger, and it may have been passed down as
owner of the store and my grandmother.”
a hidden treasure. However, I cannot be sure when I will
Asked, the old elf woman replied with a laugh.
be attacked again by misunderstood bandits if I keep such
“Oh, don't you know that? It is a green pudding that
a thing. I would like to take this opportunity to part with
can only be made at this time of year.”
it, and if you don't mind, would you accept it in return for
If the PCs have not yet been to the “Russo's Tool
saving my life?”
Shop,” an event will occur there.
Russo offers the PCs the jade that, according to his
> PCs have not yet been to the “Russo's Tool Shop”
words worth about 300 gamels if sold.
→ “Russo's Disaster”.
If the PCs were to ask about “Jasper of Hurifane,” he
>PCs have already been to the “Russo's Tool Shop”
would respond as follows:
→ “The Old Woman's Story”.
Scenario 2
woman said that the old man told her, “♦” are dangerous,
Northeast Waters of the Lake and “★” are especially dangerous.
PCs will be sailing in a northeasterly direction from There are two entrances to the surrounding waters on
Aedon. It will take one day to arrive there. the map: the “North Entrance” and the “West Entrance”.
The place in question is reached without incident. Please ask the PCs to decide from which entrance they
> “Floating Grass Island” enter the water area. If they cannot decide, GM can
decide at random.
> “Movement on the Map”
Floating Grass Island
The GM should hand the “Map of the Floating Grass Movement on the Map
Islands (for PCs)” to the PCs. GM should follow the The waters in this area are shallow and dangerous,
scenario using the “Map of the Floating Grass Islands (for with reefs and monsters. However, it is not difficult to
GM)”. maneuver the boat because of the water currents that
> “Map of the Floating Grass Islands (for PCs)” surround the island and the wind that often blows. For
this reason, checks are not required to advance through
Map of the Floating Grass Islands (for PCs) the squares on the map.
The map shows one large island and two floating grass As the party moves through the waters, various
islands. The middle island is a normal island. The eggs of unexpected events may occur; each time the PCs move
the desired waterfowl are located on the two Floating through a square on the map, the GM should check the
Grass Islands. “Map to Floating Grass Island (for GMs)”. If the square
The island in the center of the map has three harbors to which the PCs are moving is marked “Event (+0 to
that can be entered from adjacent squares vertically and +2)”, then one representative of the party or GM needs
horizontally. Because the island is surrounded by cliffs, it to roll 1d + (the number written on the square) and GM
is not possible to enter from squares other than the should refer to the “Lake Adventure Event Chart” to
harbor squares. determine the event encountered.
Floating Grass Island can be accessed from adjacent If PCs move into a “Fixed/Rocks” or “Fixed/Flow”
squares without any problems. There are squares marked square, the event designated for each will occur.
with “♦” or “★” in the surrounding water. The old If nothing is written on a square, nothing will happen.
Scenario 2
Scenario 2
Scenario 2
Scenario 2
Introduction of Rita's heart. Rita sends the PCs on their way, saying,
“Make sure you help the people in the village.”
One hot summer day, a 14-year-old girl runs into the
Pavilion of Crystal Pieces. Her name is Pale, and she lives
in a village by Lake Reed.
“In my village, there is an epidemic of a strange The PCs will be heading to a mountainous area east
disease that causes tree branches and roots to grow on the of Luferia. The destination can be reached by horse-
villagers’ bodies. I need you all to go and gather the drawn carriage via Ormi to Cattava, which takes about 3
ingredients for a cure!” days, and then by foot, which takes about another 3 days.
According to Pale, the disease occurs in her village However, depending on the route, it may take longer, as
about every 10 years. Pale, who is only 14 years old, came PCs will have to go near the top of the mountain.
as a messenger because the adults in her village had fallen Pale will accompany the PCs to Cattava, where they
ill, and Pale was the oldest of those who could move. It will part ways, and she returns to the village.
seems that this disease progresses more quickly in adults. PCs may be concerned about the Pale’s possibility of
“When the disease first broke out, a scholar who contracting the disease. In that case, Pale explains that the
visited the village and was knowledgeable about medicinal disease is caused by a mutation of an insect that lives
herbs found a special remedy. If the herb was made into around the village, so it cannot be transmitted from
incense and smoked, it would cure the disease in a few person to person. However, if infected, the disease will
days, but the incense had to be smoked continuously until progress even after leaving the village. Therefore, she
the disease was completely cured. However, even those says, Pale will probably develop the disease shortly.
who have been cured once will get it again unless the The PCs will head east from Cattava into the
incense is kept smoked until the disease is completely mountains.
cured. But the last outbreak was five years ago, so we don't In the mountains, they may encounter attacks by
have enough herbs in stock. animals, plants, and mythical beasts. They may also
That medicinal herb doesn't like the heat, so it's hard encounter undead, those who have died in distress, or
to find it this time of year. However, they may grow near barbarous, who live in hiding. The GM should prepare a
the top of the mountain range to the east of the lake, map of the mountain, set up where events will occur, and
where it is cold even in summer. However, I have heard let the PCs enjoy their adventures in the mountains.
that dangerous animals and mythical beasts live in that PCs will find a place near the summit where trees are
area. It is not a place where villagers can go. So, we lined with snow-clad trees that have turned into ice. This
decided to ask the adventurers to help us.” area is much cooler than the plains but not as cool as the
Pale bows and says that when PCs get the medicinal snowy top. They do not know at this stage why it is
herbs, she would like them to be brought directly to the snowing. However, the desired medicinal herbs are
village. The situation is that tight. Of course, if PCs go to growing around the tree line. However, the quantity is
the village, they may also become ill. Therefore, PCs insufficient, and the PCs have to search around and
need to stay in the village for about a week after delivering collect the medicinal herbs. Soon after, the PCs find the
the medicinal herbs and wait for the disease outbreak to body of Grey Lynx, who seems to have frozen to death.
subside. Pale promises to provide lodging and meals Moreover, the corpse shows signs of having been eaten
during that time in the village. by a large beast-like creature.
When the PCs receive the request, Pale gives them a Eventually, the PCs arrive at a patch of medicinal
picture of an herb that the village chief had given him, the herbs. But then they hear something flapping its wings
actual dried herb, and a map showing where the herb had above their heads: it is the Frost Wyvern. There was a
previously been found. Rita also gives each person a 20- Frost Wyvern lair near the herbs. The medicinal herbs
day supply of preserved food. This is out of the goodness
Scenario 2
that like the cool air were growing in colonies because of herbs are delivered to the village of Pale, the request is
Frost Wyvern. complete. After that, the PCs will spend a week in the
village before returning to Canaris. If they don't have
Ending enough food, Pale will prepare it for them.
In any case, the reward can be received from Rita
Once Frost Wyvern has been defeated, a sufficient upon return to Canaris.
quantity of medicinal herbs can be collected. Once the
One day, Rita approached the PCs.
Near the village are the villas of nobles and wealthy
“I have a request from the village head. It involves the
merchants. The nearby lakeshore protected by Kamawet
village's secrets, so I can't entrust it to careless
is used as a summer resort because it is very safe
(however, only the villagers know about Kamawet). The
“The village is located on the western shore of Lake
village chief says, “Maybe one of those people who come
Erlute and has long been in contact with the Kamawet
to the summer resort is the culprit.”
who live in the nearby lake. Recently, however, someone
If the PCs ask him about the red shoes, they will find
seems to have stolen some of the Kamawet's treasures,
them in the Kamawet's Cave in the Manchurian Rift. He
and the villagers are under suspicion. So, the village chief
will tell them that a girl named Sula, who visits the villa,
asked us to find out who stole the treasure and return it
was wearing them. When the PCs go to Sula's villa, the
to it. Are you up for the task?”
steward will meet them. He will tell PCs that Sula was
When the PCs receive a request, Rita provides a map
kidnapped seven days ago and that kidnappers are
of the village, a letter of introduction to the village head,
demanding five uniforms from the Luferia Temple if they
and 10 days' worth of food for each person.
want to spare Sula's life. Of course, they threaten to kill
Sula immediately if they inform the temple or others
Development about this. For this reason, Sura's father is now going to
It takes one day to get to the village by horse-drawn Canaris to procure the uniforms.
carriage to Forimer and half a day on foot from there. In Sula's father is a merchant who does business with the
the village, they will hear from the village head. Temple and stores the uniforms in the Temple. The
“We have been friends with Kamawet for a long time. uniforms are made by specialized craftsmen at the
They help us with fishing and protect our boats. In return, request of the Temple, and their number is strictly
we provide it with vegetables.” controlled. This is to prevent the appearance of anyone
“Four days ago, however, Kamawet appeared before impersonating a Luferia Temple official.
the villagers while they were fishing and demanded that Given that Sula was kidnapped 7 days ago, and the
they return what he had stolen from it. When I went to treasure was lost 5 days ago, it is possible that Sura is being
ask him what had happened, he told me that a shining held captive near where the treasure was hidden!
blue jewel had been stolen that had been given to him If PCs don't have red shoes, they will not get the
long ago by a monkey princess. Moreover, he said that steward’s story.
the villagers must be the culprits because shoes belonging
to a humanoid had fallen on the ground where the jewel Kamawet's Cave
had been kept. But! I can't believe that one of the villagers Kamawet lives in a cave somewhere at the bottom of
could be such a reckless person. Please. Find out who the the lake, the location of which is unknown to the village
culprit is, retrieve the treasure, and clear our name.” head. However, PCs can talk with Kamawet in a small
PCs can stay at the village chief's house while they cave at the bottom of the cliff. If they tap a rock in the
conduct the investigation. Meals are also prepared by the cave three times, Kamawet will hear and come to PCs.
village head. However, they are told, “Kamawet has asked If PCs meet with Kamawet, they will hear the same
us to return the treasure within two weeks. So I want you story that the village head told you. He will also show PCs
to solve the problem by then”. Since four days have a pair of shoes that it says fell into the treasure trove's
already passed, 10 days are left. hiding place. It turns out to be a pair of children's red
shoes, a luxury item for girls.
Introduction Development
One day, a middle-aged man named Barrie comes to The PCs will be heading to Ormi; it will take a day to
the Pavilion of Crystal Pieces. He is a successful merchant get to Ormi by horse-drawn carriage. After they have
who trades with Cain Gara from a company based in spoken to locals, they learn that Sheeda often shows up
Ormi. by the lake.
“I was married to a woman named Sheeda. She was a When the PCs go to the lakeside, they find the
former adventurer, and I met her when I asked her to sorcerer doing something. He is experimenting with a
escort me to Cain Gara when I was just starting out in magical device found in the ruins of the Magitech
business. However, she suddenly disappeared seven Civilization Period to create a mako stone, but it always
years ago. Rumor had it that she was living elsewhere with explodes in the end. If PCs ask him about it, he replies,
her former adventurer friends. I kept waiting and “I have experimented here many times and never
believing that she would come back, and before I knew succeeded”. If they ask him about Sheeda, he says, “I'm
it, seven years had passed. so preoccupied with the experiment that I never pay
I, too, am getting old. I began to think that it was time attention to the details of who was around. Of course, for
to retire from business, and I immediately felt lonely safety reasons, I do my experiments when there are few
being on my own. So, I decided to remarry Lucia, the people around.”
woman who lives next door, who has been a great help to Here, the PCs notice a man sneaking. If they call out
me ever since my wife left me. to him, they will find that the man saw Sheeda. The man
But recently, people have been saying that they have testifies that he saw a translucent Sheeda and says that she
seen Sheeda. However, she has not come back to the is a monster. He says in a frightened tone, “Sheeda must
house. I want to have a proper talk with her because of have gone back to the adventurers and died somewhere,
my remarriage. Please find her and bring her to me.” then came out of the dead when she got word that Mr.
When PCs ask Barrie if he knows what she does as Barrie was getting remarried.” Once more, when PCs
an adventurer, he replies, “I heard that she scouts and check with witnesses other than the man, they are able to
takes out traps”. When they ask him if he knows what she elicit stories that “I think her eyes were glowing red” and
is going to do because of his remarriage, he replies “her skin was yellow,” although they are not willing to
angrily, “She is not that kind of person,” indicating that share their stories. Their features closely resemble those
he still has feelings for her. of Ghost and Wight. The witnesses were concerned
When the PCs receive a request, Barrie lends them a about Barrie's feelings and refrained from talking about
small portrait of the Sheeda. As a preparation, he also possible undead Sheeda.
gives us 10 days' worth of preserved food per person.
When PCs examine the sightings of Sheeda, they find
that transparent Sheeda was only seen at night by the
Scenario 2
lakeside, and Sheeda with red eyes was seen in the woods The Ghost also pleads, “The experiment has brought
after being seen by the lakeside at night. They puzzle together not only mana but also souls that have been
together that transparent Sheeda was sighted only at night soulscarred, and they possessed my corpse, which was
when the sorcerer was conducting an experiment. PCs sunk to the bottom of the lake, and made it a Wight.
can assume that the mana concentration temporarily Wight is motivated by the hatred for Lucia that she felt at
increased under the influence of the experiment and that the time of her death and wants to kill her. However,
the Ghost became visible. Wight has no love for Barrie, and he is in danger because
If they ask the sorcerer, he will do the experiment of this. Please help him.”
again two nights later. Also, if they want to examine the
forest, they will be attacked by Wight Animals in several Ending
places (add [Poison Claw] and [Wight Curse] abilities to
the Animal's stats). If PCs check the bottom of the lake When the PCs go to Barrie's house, they find him
near where the Sheeda was spotted, they will also find a with Lucia, who has just been attacked by Wight, and if
huge stone and the remnants of a soggy, melted rope that the PCs fight off Wight, uncover Lucia's true motifs, and
is entangled with it. capture her lover, they will have completed their mission.
Barrie does not believe Lucia is evil at first but is
Later, when the sorcerer experiments at night, convinced by having her meet and talk to Sheeda’s Ghost.
Sheeda's Ghost appears; the Ghost says that Barrie is in Lucia's lover was a man PCs met by the lake. When Lucia
danger. In fact, Sheeda was killed by Lucia, a woman finds out that he is the one who informed the PCs of the
whom Barrie is about to remarry, and her lover. Lucia existence of the Ghost, she spits out, “You’re an idiot,”
had intended to remarry Barrie and take his fortune from showing her true nature.
the beginning.
Introduction Development
It is summer, and Canaris is bustling with activity as As declared, the Zazin trains the PCs rigorously. They
the Luferia Temple hosts a boat race in one week. Then, are made to carry logs back and forth across the street and
the PCs receive a request from Rita. cross a rope stretched several meters above the ground
“This year, the Crystal Pieces Pavilion will participate with only their arms, starting with pushups, pull-ups, and
in the boat race. We'd like to have you guys as repeated side jumps. “Listen up. The key is basic fitness.
competitors.” Endurance to keep rowing for a long time. The ability to
The reward is half the normal amount. However, if make a decisive attack at a critical moment. Without
they place high enough, they get a cash prize, which she either of these, it is impossible to win the championship.”
says can all be split among the PCs. And if they win, their The GM should have the PCs perform the appropriate
total reward will be about double the normal amount. checks.
The boat race will be held on the lake in front of the On the third day, a middle-aged man comes to talk to
Temple of Luferia, and Archbishop Batelden will be Zazin during special training. Zazin turns the man away,
there to watch the race. saying, “I told you no to you.” When asked what is going
When the PCs accepted the request, Rita was on, Zazin simply says, “It's none of your business.”
delighted and said, “Since you are participating, of course, If the PCs ask, they can learn about Zazin's past from
your goal is to win. To that end, I have invited a special Rita. He was a key player on a team that won the boat
mentor to help you,” she said, introducing an elf. His race three years in a row. However, he was more
name is The Jinn. His name is Zazin, a Fisherman who demanding and uncompromising than anyone else,
has won a boat race in the past. The Zazin says, “You may which led to fights with the other rovers and the team's
be a bit of a known adventurer, but as a rower, you are no dissolution. Rita says, “His passion for boating was real,
better than Zazin. My job is to make you a little better, just a little misplaced. But over the years, he changed. He
rowers. The race is only a week away.” Rita says, “The got married and had a child, but the child was born weak.
boat is supposed to be rowed by (the number of PCs + That may be unfortunate, but he learned to be kind to
1), so Zazin will also be your rower. You will have to work others by being with his own child. That's why I decided
together and do your best.” to entrust you to him.”
Introduction Development
One day, a female elf adventurer arrives at the It takes one day by boat to reach the labyrinth. There
Pavilion of Crystal Pieces. She is a fairy tamer named Pia, are no regular boats, so PCs will have to rent a fishing boat
and as the PC's, she is also an adventurer in the Pavilion or something similar, and Rita will introduce PCs to a
of Crystal Pieces. The PCs had heard that her party had boat owner she knows, who will rent them a boat. Rita
obtained information about the Sword Labyrinth some will also provide a week's worth of food for each person.
time ago and had gone to explore the labyrinth. They are At the site, PCs will first explore the bottom of the
2 levels below the PCs. lake to find the sunken ship. There are five sunken ships
“Oh, please… Help all!” at the bottom of the lake, each with a statue of a lion,
Hurt and exhausted, Pia is not sure what to do. swan, dragon, cat, and maiden on the bow. The sunken
According to the story, the girls were exploring a sunken ship of interest is the Lion ship. The other ships are
ship that had turned into a Sword Labyrinth when they similar when examined at this stage.
encountered a powerful daemon named Valbravers.
They escaped but lost their way and found themselves Labyrinth of Sunken Ships
separated from the rest of the group. Pia pleads with Rita From here, the PCs will explore the labyrinth. The
to help her friends by paying them a reward for her entire labyrinth has air, so it can act as it would on the ground.
fortune, which she has deposited with Rita. The amount In fact, the interiors of the five sunken ships are
is the same as the standard reward for PCs. connected by the power of the magic sword. Moreover,
When the PCs receive a request, Pia will give them a the connection is not only random but also changes over
Map of the Labyrinth and a Map of Labyrinth. The Map time. Therefore, the Map of the Labyrinth given by Pia is
of the Labyrinth contains detailed information such as useless. This is the reason why they were lost.
where the monsters are and what kind of traps they have The GM is free to create a labyrinth for 5 sunken
found. ships. The rooms will then be numbered for each ship.
After entrusting the PCs with her friends, Pia passes For example, “Lion 1,” “Dragon 1,” and so on. However,
out. Rita says, “Take care of them,” and carries Pia to her do not number the hull of the lion ship, where the boss
room. will be waiting for PCs.
Scenario 2
Inside the labyrinth, the floors and walls are made of doors open and visit all the rooms. Then a staircase
wood, just like the inside of a ship, but they are leading to the hull of the last remaining lion ship will
maintained by the power of a magic sword and cannot be appear.
broken. In addition, all passages and rooms are separated In the hold is a Valbravers with a magic sword. Also
by doors. in the back are several piles of corpses, among which are
On the door are the figures and numbers lion, swan, some of Pia's friends.
dragon, cat, and maiden. Corresponded to each room. In Valbravers is empowered by a magic sword. GMs
other words, when PCs open that door, they can enter the should give monster bonuses to Accuracy checks and
corresponding room. Damage or new unique skills to match PCs' strength.
The GM randomly determines which doors lead to
which rooms. Once a door is closed, its link is randomly Ending
changed again. However, if the door is left open, it will
not change. If PCs defeat Valbravers, they will get the magic
In order to make the PCs aware of the above tricks, sword. They will also find that Pia's friends are just
give them hints such as the information on the map given unconscious. Of course, they would have been in danger
appears to be not correct, the design or number changes if they had been left there. Pia's action and the work of
when the door is closed, or this room looks familiar (if the PCs saved their lives.
PCs have entered the same room more than once). GM The GM should design what abilities have the magic
can also lay for PCs records left behind by adventurers sword. Perhaps “+1 bonus to Accuracy checks and Extra
who died trying this labyrinth long ago. Damage against Daemons” or “Can breathe underwater”
would be a good choice.
In any case, the PCs will eventually reach the hull of
the lion ship. To get there, the PCs must leave all the
Introduction Development
One winter day, an older man comes to the Pavilion Towie threw herself to his death from the top of a high
of Crystal Pieces. His name is Fikubrik, and he is one of cliff overlooking a lake on the outskirts of Canaris.
Canaris' most famous residents. Fishermen saw Towie jump to her death, and the guards
“Our daughter, Towey, died three days ago. We were ruled it a suicide. If PCs talk to the witnesses of the day,
told that she threw herself into the lake and took her own they all say that she certainly jumped down by herself.
life. However, I cannot believe that she committed There is no doubt about it. They are all people who have
suicide. So, I would like you to investigate the cause of nothing to do with Fikubrik or Towey. If PCs were to
her death.” explore, for example, under a cliff, they would discover a
Naturally, Fikubrik asked the guards to reexamine the cave under the surface of the water. When PCs ask the
case. However, he said that the guards had ruled it a fishermen about the caves, they will tell them that the
suicide from the start and would not take it seriously. bodies of those who jumped off the cliffs usually washed
“If it was indeed a suicide, please clarify why. Thank up in those caves. Towie's body, of course, was found
you in advance.” there.
The reward is the usual amount. There are no specific If PCs meet with the guard who was in charge of the
deadlines. case, he will tell them about this suicidal place.
When the PCs receive the request, Fikubrik tells Towie's friends will say, “I can't believe she killed
them where Towey committed suicide, who is a guard in herself,” “Towie was a strong-minded girl. If she
charge of the case, Towey's friends, and the store where committed suicide, she must have had a very good
Towey worked. Note that Towie's remains have already reason...” and “She was a nice girl with a nice smile.” One
been buried. of her friends will say, “I saw Towie walking with a
gentleman I didn't know the day before she committed
suicide. He was wearing a black coat that I had never seen
before. And he shared the cloak with Towey.”
Scenario 2
provide food and lodging at the village chief's house. bottom. PCs can see constructs attacking the Poison
However, the investigation period is one week from the Toad. Poison Toad and the surrounding frogs are startled
time PCs arrive at the village. by the attack and flee toward the village. This is the reason
why so many frogs are coming to the village.
Stone Monument
To get to Jose's village, PCs will need to take a one-
It is a stone monument carved by an old artificer. It is
day horse-drawn carriage ride to Forimer and then a one-
written in magitech that he created a bottomless swamp
day walk along the lake.
with magic stakes and dumped constructs into the swamp.
Upon arrival at the village, the PCs see a village filled
with so many frogs that there is no room to step on them.
Frog Breeding Ponds
Jose takes the PCs to the village chief's house. The chief
It is located at the end of a cave in the deepest part of
says, “As you can see, the situation is as you see. We can't
the swamp. There is a large hole in the ceiling through
continue to live like this.”
which the sky can be seen. There are traces of frog eggs
If the PCs ask about the swamp, the village head says,
that were laid all over the walls surrounding the pond. It
“There is a bottomless swamp there, and it is dangerous,
seems that the frogs living in this area are a special species
so the villagers don't go near it. So, I don't think anyone
that laid their eggs on the walls. In addition, there are old
knows much about it. However, I don't know who put it
bird feathers, and other debris stuck to the wall. Also, the
there, but there are stone stakes, and it seems safe to walk
moss has reached a higher level, indicating that the water
between them. However, since the stakes are quite old,
level is usually higher.
some of them are covered with soil and grass and are no
In fact, frog eggs were eaten by crocodiles and other
longer recognizable. Besides, dangerous animals are
species. However, in years with little rainfall, the water
living in the area.”
level would drop, and many eggs would survive.
In addition to the Poison Toads, the swamps are
However, the number of frog eggs was controlled by
home to a variety of animal and plant monsters. There
vultures that came in through the holes in the ceiling and
are also undead ones that have died after falling into the
ate the eggs. This year, however, the vultures were
bottomless swamp. In addition, the following dangers and
eliminated early in the spring, and more eggs survived
tricks await the PCs.
than usual, leading to the outbreak.
The above can be deduced from such events as the
Bottomless Swamp
encounter with the Crocodile, the water level in the
It can be detected with the Danger Sense check. If
breeding pond is usually high, and the Vulture's feathers
PCs fail, they will sink after about 5 rounds. PCs can use
were stuck to the wall, etc. GM can allow the Sage class
a rope or ask a friend to pull them up. PCs can avoid the
check if the PCs cannot think of anything else.
bottomless swamp by walking between the stone piles.
Stone Piles
These stone stakes mark the path through the If the constructs are defeated, the number of toads
bottomless swamp. If PCs observe carefully, they will see coming to the village will be drastically reduced.
that they are placed around the bottomless swamp. In Furthermore, the request will be completed when the
fact, the stakes are enchanted, and this is how the cause of a large number of frogs in the breeding pond is
bottomless swamp was created. At the bottom of the identified and reported. Thereafter, the village will
swamp are sunk dangerous constructs such as DOOM protect the surviving vultures and control the breeding of
and Queen DOOM. frogs.
Some parts of the bottomless swamp have dried up
due to lack of rain, and constructs emerged from the
This scenario is designed for 3 to 5 PCs, assuming the Simple Creation of a Character of the
use of 5 to 6 adventure level characters. If the level is
Appropriate Level
lower or the number of players is smaller than this, the
scenario will be difficult to accomplish. If players or GM cannot immediately prepare 5-6
The GM should adjust the number and strength of level characters suitable for this scenario, you can create
the enemies to take into account the level of the PCs and characters according to the following guidelines.
the number of players. Suppose a character of the
appropriate level is not immediately available. In that Additional XP: 12000 points
case, the GM may use a sample character from page 22 PCs can gain class by combining additional
of this book or create a character according to the experience points and experience points obtained from
guidelines in the “Simple Creation of a Character of the the background. The following model case may be used
Appropriate Level” section of the scenario. to determine classes:
Also, in this scenario, there will be situations where
PCs will be communicating with the Fairy. The scenario Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 XP Left
will run more smoothly if a Fairy Tamer is in the party. If Major 6 Minor 5
1 0
this is not possible, having a PC with Sage that knows (9500) (5500)
Sylvan is a good idea. Major 6 Major 4
2 500
This scenario includes two maps of Waterfall Cave, (9500) (5000)
one for the PCs and one for the GM (see p. 106). Since Major 6 Minor 3 Minor 3
3 500
the PCs will be looking at the Map of Waterfall Cave (for (9500) (2500) (2500)
PCs) during the scenario, the GM should prepare a copy Major 5 Major 5
4 1000
of the map in advance. (7000) (7000)
Major 5 Minor 5 Minor 3
5 0
(7000) (5500) (2500)
Scenario 3
Request from Forne Village The reason for the change in the volume of the
waterfall is that there is a crack in the ground upstream of
The scenario begins in Canaris, the capital of Luferia, the water source, and the water is flowing into the cave
the Tears of the Goddess. behind the waterfall. But if the water is not flowing out of
PCs are staying at the adventurer's guild Pavilion of the cave, something may be inside.
Crystal Pieces in Canaris. They may choose to base their I heard that the dead daemon that washed ashore was
activities here, or they may just happen to drop by. In any an Aetherbeast (Core Rulebook II, p. 395). I thought that
case, they are close friends with the owner, Rita even the children who had gone before could handle a
(Elf/Female/326 years old). monster of that size, but it seems that there were stronger
There is only one other party of high-level monsters in the cave.”
adventurers in the Pavilion of Crystal Pieces. The party is “The ones who went before? They've been treated at
led by a magic warrior named Zeke (Human/Male/17 the Luferia Temple, and they're safe now. If you want to
years old), but they are currently out of Canaris. So, for talk to them, I will call them.”
now, the PCs are the most skilled adventurers in Canaris. “The request is to investigate the cave behind the
One day, while the PCs are having breakfast at the waterfall, exterminate any daemons there, and ensure the
Pavilion of Crystal Pieces, Rita approaches them. village's safety. The reward is 4,000 gamels per person. If
you can restore the waterfall to its original level, you will
Hey, guys. I’ve got a little request. Can you do me a be rewarded with an additional 2,000 gamels per person.”
favor? “If there are monsters out there that even you can't
handle, or if things are out of control, report it to us. If
According to Rita, the request came from the villagers you keep us informed, we will pay you accordingly.”
of Forne, a village two days' walk south of Canaris, where “As for this request, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have
there was a major earthquake about two weeks ago to give you a deadline. We can't afford to take too much
(Canaris also felt the tremors). Since then, the water time on this request since it has already failed once. So,
volume of the waterfall, which is used as a water source we will wait for half a month (15 days) after your
for the village, has dropped. departure. If you haven't returned after that time, we will
Villagers who went to check on the situation found a assume that you have failed, too, and we will contact
cave opening behind the waterfall where the volume of another adventurer.”
water had fallen. Since the waterfall was considered Upon hearing Rita's story, the PCs can make a
sacred in the village, no one had ever checked there Monster Knowledge check (Reputation 12/Weakness
before, so the existence of a cave was unknown. That in 15) on Aetherbeast.
itself was not a problem. The problem came later. If the PCs accept the request, Rita will provide a
A few days after the earthquake, the corpse of detailed map of the village of Forne and a week's worth
something unidentifiable washed up near the village. of food for everyone. She will also call an adventurer who
Upon investigation, it turned out to be the corpse of a has received the same request before so that PCs can talk
lowly daemon. to them before they leave for Forne.
After consulting with each other, the villagers decided >Gathering information → “Prior Information
to request an adventurer to investigate. Pavilion of Crystal Gathering.”
Pieces accepted the request and dispatched a 3rd level >Ask Rita about Forne Village → “Prior Information
adventurer in front of the PCs. However, when they Gathering” “About Forne Village”.
entered the cave, they were attacked by a monster and > Go to Forne village → “Forne Village” (see p. 103).
barely escaped with their lives. According to their story,
they did not think they could handle it. Rita, therefore,
Prior Information Gathering
approached the PCs with a new request.
Rita shares the following. If the PCs ask Rita to call an adventurer for them, the
“We were in trouble, too, because our credibility leader of the party of adventurers who received the same
would be at stake if we repeatedly failed requests. And request will soon arrive in front of the PCs. He is a fairy
just then, you guys were there. This must be a sign from tamer named Strue (Male/Elf/156 years old), and he will
Goddess. tell them about the village of Forne and what happened
in the cave.
Scenario 3
>Hear what happened in the cave → “What injured. There was a rocky shelf-like passageway, and
Happened in the Cave”. water, which seemed to have flowed from a crack in the
>Ask about Forne Village → “About Forne Village”. ground, was flowing down like a waterfall. I saw Undine
>Go to Forne village → “Forne Village”. (Core Rulebook II, p. 391) there, who was in the same
frenzied state as Sylph, so we gave up on exploring further
What Happened in the Cave and returned to the Pavilion of Crystal Pieces.”
Strue tells PCs the following story. Strue's party consists of an average of 3rd-level
“We went to Forne village about 10 days ago. Like adventurers. They are reasonably competent and trusted
many of you, we were asked to investigate a waterfall by Rita. Strue can also tell PCs the exact location of the
whose water volume had decreased after the earthquake. two cave entrances, as well as the abilities of Sylph and
In the village of Forne, we saw the corpse of a dead Undine. However, PC won’t know their weak points.
daemon that had drifted down. It looked like a large wolf-
like four-legged beast, an Aetherbeast, and it was already Forne Village
dead. It appeared to have drowned. We burned the body Strue will tell you the following story. The same
and delivered the ashes to the Luferia Temple for information will be given to Rita when she is asked.
disposal. “Forne is a small village with a population of about
The waterfall flowed down from the top of a rocky hill 100, located about two days' walk south of Canaris. There
near the village to the foot of the mountain. There was a are no roads leading to the village, so you have to walk
crack in the ground on top of the rock pile, and we along a narrow path through the forest to get there.
observed that a small amount of the water that was The village is surrounded by forest. They have never
supposed to flow to the waterfall was flowing into it. The had monsters in the vicinity.
inside of the rock pile seems to be a large hollow, and the The villagers are self-sufficient. Occasionally, they
water must have flowed out of another place or gone bring vegetables, fruits, and handicrafts to Canaris to earn
straight underground! a small amount of money.
We entered through an entrance hidden behind the The river flows by the side of the village, and the
waterfall. We saw that there were two entrances, one waterfall in question is located upstream of the river. The
much higher up and one at a lower level, but the higher river water is used for agricultural purposes. However,
level seemed difficult to reach, so we entered from the there are several wells, and the water is plentiful, so even
lower level. if the river's water supply decreases, it does not seem to
Inside the rocky mountain was a natural cave leading be as serious as a life-and-death problem. Rather, the fact
towards the back. It seemed quite long. Naturally, we that dead bodies of daemons have washed into the river
tried to go on, but then Sylph (Core Rulebook II, p. 394) is a bigger problem for the villagers.
suddenly attacked us. The village has a history of about 200 years, and
Sylph is not a fairy with a bad temper, but she was although there are many followers of Luferia, there is no
crazy and attacked me, yelling things I didn't understand. temple or priest.
I tried to convince her that I was a fairy tamer, but she There are no big stores in the village. Therefore, you
wouldn't listen. We were no match for her, so we had no should buy your armor and magic items before leaving,
choice but to run away. Once outside the cave, Sylph did as they are unavailable in the village. Simple consumables
not follow us that far. such as torches, oil, and preserves can be bought at the
In order to gather as much information as possible, I one small store in the village.”
went to the higher entrance with a friend who was slightly
Forne Village
It takes two days to reach the village of Forne on foot. some reason, PCs left Canaris in the evening or at night,
There are no roads leading to the village, and there are they would arrive at the village three days later in the
no regular horse-drawn carriages or other vehicles that go morning if on foot or two days later in the morning if by
there. horse-drawn carriage.
Whichever way PCs head to the village of Forne, PCs should reduce the amount of preserved food
nothing happens on the way. from their belongings by an amount equal to the number
If PCs were heading there on foot, the PCs would of days it took to travel.
reach the small hamlet with its long, quiet atmosphere in >Arrive at Forne Village → “Information Gathering
the forest around noon two days later. If by horse-drawn in Forne Village”.
carriage, it would arrive around noon the next day. If, for
Scenario 3
There is no way to get to the bottom of the waterfall Going Down the Cliff
from the top of the rocky hill. The only way to get to the The cliff is almost vertical, but there are many
bottom of the waterfall is to go down the cliff or go back overhangs that could be used as handholds or footholds.
through the forest and return to the village of Forne, from There is also a tree nearby where a rope could be tied.
where PCs can reach the waterfall.
>Examine the crack in the ground → “Crack”. If the PCs wish to descend the cliff, they need to make
>Head for the Upper Entrance → “To the Upper a Climb check (Target Number 10) with a -10 penalty (10
Entrance”. because the distance to the ground is 30 meters). The
>Heading down the cliff to the bottom of the waterfall GM should give a bonus to the success value according to
→ “Going Down the Cliff”. the ingenuity of the PCs.
>Return to Forne Village for the waterfall → If the check succeeds, they can move to Waterfall
“Waterfall Cave”. Cave. If it fails, they will receive fall damage. After that, if
PCs are still alive, please refer to “Waterfall Cave”.
>Down the Cliff → “Waterfall Cave”.
Scenario 3
Refer to “Inside Waterfall Cave” (see this section), To climb from the bottom of the cliff, PC needs to
then proceed to “Waterfall Cave - 1st Floor”. make a Climb check (Target Number 10) with a -6
>Enter → “Waterfall Cave - 1st Floor”. penalty (-6 since the distance is 20 meters).
If the check succeeds, the PC will reach the Upper
Entrance. If they fail, they will fall 10 meters to the ground
and receive fall damage.
Scenario 3
Scenario 3
Scenario 3
⬤ The Sylph appears in the 1F-1. Cave with Sylph. Sylph Once the PCs have passed through the side of the Big
attacks those who enter the cave. Archer, they may continue up the stairs. Once up the
⬤ The cracked ceiling in the 1F-2. Cavern at the Bottom stairs', the PCs are considered to have left the combat.
of the Pit. As usual, PCs in the melee with Big Archer can
escape it with retreat actions.
⬤ Grunel is not in the 1F-5. Daemon’s Room. Also, the
Once Big Archer is defeated, it will not appear again.
north wall has collapsed and is blocked by a wall of earth.
Also, its HP and MP will not be restored even if left
⬤ 1F-9. Room with Stairs (1st floor) has collapsed and is unattended. However, if it is still alive, it will attack the
connected to the outside. Also, Big Archer is there. same way no matter how many times the PCs set foot in
⬤ 1F-10. Cavern of Earth Magic Circle is covered by a this room.
wall of earth. PCs can examine this room only if they have defeated
⬤ The water flows into the 1F-11. Cavern of Large Magic Big Archer.
Circles. Also, that Grunel is lurking there. >Up the Stairs → “2F-7. Room with Stairs (2nd
⬤ Undine appears in the 2F-1. Rock Ledge Passage. floor)”.
Undine also attacks those who enter the cave. >Examine the room → “Examine the Room”.
⬤ The cracked floor in the 2F-3. Cracked Cavern.
⬤ Everything about the 2F-8. Gas Cavern (Larkan didn’t Examine the Room
even know this cavern exists). PCs need to make a Search check (Target Number
11). If they succeed, they will see several large beast-like
⬤ The entrance to 2F-11. Yggdrasil’s Cavern must be
footprints leading up the stairs; if they succeed in the
Monster Knowledge check (reputation 12/weakness 15),
they will know that these footprints are those of an
1F-9. Room with Stairs (1st floor) Aetherbeast. PCs do not know the exact number but can
It is a square stone room 5 meters across. At the back have an idea that there are two or three of them.
of the room, there is a staircase leading to the second >Up the Stairs → “2F-7. Room with Stairs (2nd
floor of the cave. The walls around it have collapsed, and floor)”.
earth and sand are pouring in from the outside. There is
a gap above the earth and sand, through which one can 1F-10. Cavern of Earth Magic Circle
see the trees of a dense forest. The gap is wide enough
It is a dome-shaped cavern with a radius of about 3
for a person to pass through.
meters. A magic circle is painted on the floor, emitting a
strong light. Surrounded by earthen walls, there are no
If PCs go through this gap, they can get out of the cave.
entrances or exits other than a passageway facing south.
However, it is in a deep forest, and the way to the village
of Forne is not clear at all.
>Examine the magic circle → “Magic Circle”.
>“Big Archer Attack”
>Examine the wall of earth → “Wall of Earth”.
>Return to the south corridor → “1F-7. West
Big Archer Attack
In the center of this room is the Big Archer (Core
Rulebook II, p. 342). Also, a dead Big Archer and two
Aetherbeasts lying on the floor next to Big Archer. Magic Circle
If even one PC enters the room, Big Archer will A successful Insight check (Target Number 12)
attack, and a battle ensues. indicates that the magic circle is emitting strong earth-
PCs can make a Monster Knowledge check related magic power. PCs who have mastered the Fairy
(reputation 10/weakness 15). If successful, the monster is Tamer class will automatically succeed in this check.
identified as Big Archer.
Wall of Earth
If PCs want to examine the surrounding wall of the
⬤ 1 x Big Archer (Core Rulebook II, p. 342)
earth, they need to make an Engineering check (Target
Number 12). If successful, they will see that this wall is
Big Archer's movement speed is 0 and will not move
very sturdy, with plant roots growing inside.
from its spot. It can start a melee to stop two PCs from
Check also shows that it was not formed by natural
moving forward, but it cannot stop the other PCs from
running by it.
Scenario 3
Scenario 3
The floor of this cavern is mostly collapsed, except for addition, all PCs except for the dwarves, grassrunners,
a few narrow passages along the walls. 10 meters below and tabbits must bend over to get through.
the 1F-2. Cavern at the Bottom of the Pit is visible. >Go north → “South Three-Way Junction”.
Passages are safe to pass through. >Go south → “2F-9. Gnome’s Cavern”.
If PCs wish, they can climb the wall and descend into >Through crack → “2F-8. Gas Cavern”.
the cavern below.
To descend into the cavern below, PCs must make a 2F-5. Dark Passage
Climb check (Target Number 10) with -2 penalty (-2
because the distance to descend is 10 meters). The moment you step into the passageway, it is pitch-
>Down into the cavern below → “1F-2. Cavern at the dark and you can't see anything.
Bottom of the Pit”.
>Go north → “2F-2. Plateau”. The passage is surrounded by magical darkness.
>Go south → “2F-10. Dryad’s Cavern”. Normal firelight, such as torches and lanterns, are
blocked by this darkness. Magic lights such as [Light] and
2F-4. Safe Passage [Flashlight] still work. PCs with [Darkvision] can also see
through the darkness. If not using a magic light, the PC
It is an L-shaped stone passageway. The east-west without [Darkvision] takes a -4 penalty on all checks.
passage is downhill toward the east. The passageway extends straight east-west for about
20 meters.
There are no traps here, and nothing can be found in The walls, floors, and ceilings are painted black.
the search. >Proceed along the passage → “Stone Door on South
>Go west → “North Three-Way Junction”. Wall”.
>Go east → “2F-2. Plateau”. “Ascent”.
Stone Door on South Wall
North Three-Way Junction On the south wall in the middle of the passage is a
This is a three-way junction where a passage is stone door of the same material as the wall.
heading south branches off from a stone passage leading PCs who pass through the passage can make a 2d +
east and west. The passage heading west turns south after Adventurer Level + Intelligence modifier check (Target
a short distance. Number 10). This check is treated as a Skill Check,
penalizing the PCs by darkness.
>Go east → “2F-2. Plateau”. “Ascent”. If successful, they will feel a difference in the wall
>Head west, then turn south → “South Three-Way around the door. They can make a Search check (Target
Junction”. Number 11). If they are successful, they will find a stone
>Go south → “2F-5. Dark Passage”.
>Examine the stone door → “Hidden Stone Door”.
>Go east → “2F-2. Plateau”. “Ascent”.
South Three-Way Junction
>Go west → “2F-4. Safe Passage”. “North Three-
This is a three-way junction where a passageway is
Way Junction”.
heading west branches off from a stone passageway
leading north and south. The passage heading north turns
Hidden Stone Door
east after a short distance.
It is a thick stone door. There is no trap in this door,
but it is locked. PCs cannot hear anything if they listen.
>Turn north then east → “North Three-Way
To unlock the door, they must successfully make a
Disable Device check (Target Number 12).
>Go south → “Cracked Passage”.
>Open the door → “2F-6. Library (2)”.
>Go west → “2F-7. Room with Stairs (2nd floor)”.
Scenario 3
as long as it takes to pass through. In that case, they don’t Aetherbeasts Attack
need to make Fortitude checks. Five Aetherbeasts are roaming in this cavern, and they
However, if they are doing time-consuming activities will attack without question once the PCs set foot in the
such as searching, this method will not spare them from cavern.
the effects of gas, and they will need to make checks. PCs can make a Monster Knowledge check
There is nothing here. (reputation 12/weakness 15). If successful, the monsters
>PCs have touch or other firelit items → “Gas are identified as Aetherbeasts.
>Back to the passage → “2F-4. Safe Passage”. “South ⬤ 5 x Aetherbeast (Core Rulebook II, p. 395).
Three-Way Junction”.
>Aetherbeasts defeated→ “The Gnomes' Story”.
Gas Explosion
If the PCs bring a torch, lantern, or other firelit items
The Gnome's Story
into this cavity, it will cause an immediate explosion.
After defeating the Aetherbeasts, the unnaturally
However, a Hu Lamp will not cause an explosion.
raised ground around the southwest corner collapses.
All PCs in the cavern will receive a Power 20 +5 fire
Gnome and Swarm of Muryans will appear from there.
magic damage. They need to make Fortitude checks
PCs can make two Monster Knowledge checks, the
(Target Number 13). If they succeed, the damage is
first on a Gnome (reputation 11/weakness 16) and the
halved (rounded up).
second on a Swarm of Muryans (reputation 8/weakness
The item that caused the explosion will be destroyed.
14). If successful, they will find that each is a Gnome
Magic items, however, will not be destroyed.
(Core Rulebook III, p. 386) and a Swarm of Muryans
When the explosion occurs, the perimeter of the
(Core Rulebook III, p. 382), respectively.
cavern's entrance collapses and widens, allowing easy
The Gnomes show no hostility toward the PCs and
passage for PCs other than dwarves, grassrunners, and
talk to them. Gnomes can only speak sylvan, but the
tabbits. In addition, the north wall reveals a room lined
Swarm of Muryans can speak both sylvan and trade
with bookshelves on the other side.
common. The conversation can take place in the form of
The explosion will occur only once. If the crack is not
Gnome speaking and the Swarm of Muryans interpreting.
sealed, flammable gases will continue to escape, but they
The Gnome is overjoyed to see the PCs defeat the
will no longer fill the cavern due to the wider entrance.
Aetherbeast. The Gnome then speaks to them as follows:
Therefore, they will no longer affect humanoids, and
toxicity levels will be lower.
“Oh! Thank you for defeating daemons. From the
>Through the newly created crack → “2F-6. Library
looks of it, you are sane people. Please help us.”
When the PCs ask him what is going on, Gnome tells
2F-9. Gnome’s Cavern them the following:
It is a wide natural cavern about 15 meters long and
20 meters wide. “This cave was originally a cavern behind a waterfall
The eastern half of the cavern has no ground and that was modified by sorcerer Larkan.
appears to be a cliff. Thus, the ground in the cavity is 15 Mr. Larkan is a fairy tamer in the service of the royal
meters long and 10 meters wide. Also, part of the south family of Izmar and a scholar who is also an expert on
wall has collapsed, and water can be seen flowing down plants. He has been studying how to create an ideal
the other side. (If it is daytime) You can tell it is daytime environment for plants to grow, and as the culmination of
because sunlight is shining through the other side of the his research, he has completed a magical device in the
water curtain. In that case, you can assume that the water basement of this cave. The magical device has the ability
flowing down is the waterfall and that this cavity is just to regulate the mana around it by collecting the power of
behind the waterfall. Furthermore, the ground around water, earth, wind, and light in several magic circles.
the southwest corner of the cavity is unnaturally raised. In fact, there is a Yggdrasil Sapling taking root in this
A passageway leads north from the cavern. cave. It is just a baby tree that has just sprouted and can't
protect itself. That's why Mr. Larkan made a magical
>Entering the Cavern → “Aetherbeasts Attack”. device to help the young tree grow. Well, whatever it is.
It was a very comfortable place for us fairies to live.
But after the big earthquake, things started to go
wrong. After investigating, we found that the ceiling of the
cavern where the magic circle is located collapsed, where
Scenario 3
Ignore the Gnome As I am sure you have heard from Gnome, we are in
If the PCs ignore the Gnome and do not follow them, a bind due to the outburst of the magical device. It is a
they will no longer be able to get the fairies' cooperation. shame that Sylph and Undine have lost their minds. We
Therefore, with the help of the fairies, it is no longer have managed to keep our sanity for now, but I don't
possible to close the crack in the lake (the hole in the know what will happen to us if the magic device continues
ceiling in the 1F-11. Cavern of Large Magic Circles). to run amok. If all the fairies in the cave lose their sanity,
Therefore, they will not be able to restore the water levels it will cause trouble for the neighboring villages.
in the river. However, with the loss of Mr. Larkan, it is no longer
The GM should then inform the PCs when they have possible to stop the outburst by adjusting the magic
defeated all daemons (2 x Grunels (1 if there are 3 PCs) device. The only thing left to do is to plug the hole in the
and 9 Aetherbeasts) in the cave, saying, “There seem to ceiling of the cavity where the magic circle is located by
be no more daemons”. the earthquake and block the incoming water. However,
However, because fairies have a different sense of there is Grunel in that cavity, blocking us from
time than humanoids, Gnome and Swarm of Muryans approaching. Perhaps they have broken the contract with
are still waiting for the PCs to come to them when they Mr. Larkan and intend to summon their friends one after
later go down the stairs to the 2F-10. Dryad’s Cavern. For another, using the huge amount of mana they can get
them, it is just a “wait a minute”. Therefore, the scenario from the unstable magical device. We do not know what
proceeds as usual. they intend to do, but they are probably planning
>Killed daemons and returned to the village → something terrible. In any case, in order to stop the
“Ending”. “If PCs Haven’t Fulfilled Dryad's Request”. magical device from going out of control, Grunel and the
>Later PCs go downstairs → “2F-10. Dryad’s other daemons must be defeated. Can you do that for
Cavern”. us?”
>Go to the north corridor → “2F-4. Safe Passage”. Dryad answers the PCs' questions as follows:
“South Three-Way Junction”. “Are you asking where the magical device itself is
located? It is deep in the earth, sealed and accessible only
by Mr. Larkan, and now that he is dead, no one will be
2F-10. Dryad’s Cavern
able to get to it.”
It is a wide natural cavern about 15 meters long and “How do we plug the hole in the ceiling? Fortunately,
20 meters wide. our power is growing due to the huge amount of mana
The west wall is a steep cliff, 10 meters high, that rises the magic circle releases. Now we can work with Gnome
vertically. The east wall is covered with dense vegetation. to seal the hole in the ceiling with the power of earth and
From the cavern, a passage leads north. nature.”
”If you defeat Grunel, will we lose our sanity when we
When this cavity is examined, nothing can be found. approach the magic circle cavern to plug the hole in the
>When accompanied by Gnome and Swarm of ceiling? I don't think that we would immediately lose our
Muryans → “Dryad’s Story”. sanity just because we approached the magic circle. We
did not approach the cave before to avoid fighting with
Dryad’s Story Grunel and their daemons, and we might lose our sanity
If the PCs are with Gnome or Swarm of Muryans, in the process. So, if you can defeat Grunel and their
Gnome calls Dryad when they come to the cavity. Then, daemons, we will be
the fairy Dryad appears among the plants growing all over able to plug the hole
the east wall, looking like a beautiful maiden. before they lose our
When Gnome tells the PCs that Larkan is dead and sanity.”
that the PCs defeated Aetherbeasts, Dryad speaks to the “You ask where
PCs as follows. Note that Dryad can only speak sylvan. If Yggdrasil Sapling is
no PC in the party can speak sylvan, Swarm of Muryans located? (Pointing to
will act as an interpreter. the east wall) It is
“I heard that you helped Gnome and Muryans. We growing healthily in the
thank you. cavity behind this wall.
I was really surprised to hear that Mr. Larkan had However, if this
passed away. Fairies like us are not familiar with the situation continues, it
concept of time. It seems as if it were only yesterday that could be bad for it. For
we met and talked with Mr. Larkan the other day. the sake of that child, I
would very much like to
ask for your help.”
Scenario 3
sunlight, a young tree with fresh yellow-green leaves protect and that we are protecting. In your sense of the
grows. And light is flying around the young tree as if it time, it will grow into a great tree in a few thousand years
were protecting it.” or so. It may die if we do not defeat the Grunels and stop
the magical device from running amok. Or it may grow
The young tree is Yggdrasil Sapling. The light flying distorted and become an entity that distorts the world.
around is Sprite. Please help us to protect it.”
PCs can make 2 Monster Knowledge checks. If the PCs attack the Dryads, there will be a battle with
The first is Yggdrasil Sapling (reputation 18/weakness 1 x Dryad, 1 x Gnome, 1 x Sprite, and 1 x Swarm of
23), and the second is Sprite (reputation 11/weakness 15). Muryans. Yggdrasil Sapling does not participate in the
Upon success, they see they are Yggdrasil Sapling (Core battle. The GM should refer to the “Combat with the
Rulebook III, p. 344) and Sprite (Core Rulebook III, p. Gnome” in the 2F-9. Gnome’s Cavern. If the PCs win,
385), respectively. they will receive a Yggdrasil Leaf (worth 5000 gamel),
Seeing Dryad coming, Sprite approaches. But when which can be obtained automatically from the Yggdrasil
he sees the PCs behind her, he asks in sylvan alarmed, Sapling and can make a loot check only once on it.
“What are these guys? What are they?”. However, since the young tree has not grown yet, they will
Dryad says: only get a “Yggdrasil Branch (equivalent to 15,000
“It's all right. These people are on our side, and we gamel)” even if they get 13 or more.
are asking them to help us defeat Grunel and daemons >Help Dryad → “2F-10. Dryad’s Cavern”. “Going to
and stop the magical device from going out of control.” Defeat Grunel”.
As Dryad explains, Sprite sniffs and spins around the >Decline Dryad's request → “2F-10. Dryad’s
PCs. Cavern”. “Decline Request”.
Dryad speaks to the PCs as follows
“(indicating Yggdrasil Sapling) That is the Yggdrasil
Sapling, the precious child that Mr. Larkan is trying to
Once the cracks in the ceiling are sealed, and water class and PCs who have successfully completed a
no longer flows into the magic circle, the magic device will Monster Knowledge check against Dryad or Gnome may
resume normal functioning. Thus, both the environment assume that they were aware that the power was much
of the cave within the waterfall and the volume of water greater than Dryad and Gnome should have had.
in the waterfall will return to normal. “Originally, we do not have that much power. We
Dryad leads the PCs to 2F-11. Yggdrasil’s Cavern. were only able to temporarily use that kind of power due
It is a large natural cavity with a radius of 5 meters and to the outburst of a magical device. But now that the
a height of 20 meters. The center of the cavity is a slightly magical device has stopped running amok, that power is
elevated rocky area where the Yggdrasil Sapling is rooted. probably gone. But we don't think that's a
The young tree is about 50 centimeters in diameter, and disappointment. Excessive power only hurts and destroys
its entire body is covered with a pale light. itself. You can understand this when you consider that the
Dryad shows Yggdrasil Sapling and says to the PCs: civilizations you have created have perished time and
time again. We are happy just to live here in peace.”
“I am so grateful to all of you for helping us to protect Dryad then asks PCs, “Please don't tell anyone about
that child. Larkan said that he wanted to protect the child us or that Yggdrasil Sapling is here. Please.”
to preserve the correct history for future generations. He The PCs are free to accept or reject her wish; if they
was saddened that so many countries had emerged and reject, Dryad and others will simply be saddened and do
civilizations had flourished, but each time they had been nothing.
destroyed, the correct history had been lost. I believe that Finally, Dryad thanks the PCs for their cooperation
he was also saddened by the fact that the history of the and gives them a Gem (worth 1,000 gamels) and a
royal family of Izmar, whom he had served, would also Yggdrasil Leaf (worth 5,000 gamels). If PCs have already
be lost. I think we have now protected Mr. Larkan's been promised a reward in the form of a Gem, PCs will
wishes.” get 2 Gems.
If the PCs were to ask about the nature of power that “Yggdrasil Sapling will remember your cooperation
the Dryads showed in plugging the hole, they would with us as true history. Even after you and we are gone
answer as follows. Note that PCs with the Fairy Tamer from this world, forever.”
Add'l Dmg
base monster, increasing its strength, so its monster level
Crit Rate
is about 1 or 2 higher than the original. Name ③④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
All of these monsters have been enhanced with Sword
Shards. The number of sword shards they have is the
same as their level. The HP and MP for each monster
Magic 1H 25 +1 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ +1
have already been strengthened. If PCs defeat the unique
monster, they will get the same number of Sword Shards
as the level of this monster.
Wind Dragon Necklace Base Price: 40,000
Necklace made in
Exceptional Pop. 16 App. the shape of a Equip Head
Unique monsters are exceptional, and no other dragon
monster has the same abilities. If these monsters have Gives immunity to wind Magitech
Sum. Era
been defeated once, and you want to make them damage and effects Civilization
reappear in your campaign/setting, you will need to think Effect
of a reason for their return. You can think of many The wearer becomes immune to any damage or effect
reasons, such as “they are like twin brothers” or “they of the wind type.
were revived”.
Blood Rain Base Price: 36,000 (Not for Sale)
Jet-black Category Metal
Gaining a High Reputation Pop. 14 App.
metal armor Rank Armor A
If PCs kill the unique monster, they will get a higher Turns red and creates a
reputation than usual. In addition to the reputation from barrier in response to the Magic
Sum. Era
Sword Shards, they will gain a reputation written in damage to the equipped Civilization
Additional Reputation listed in the description of each person
monster. This Additional Reputation will automatically Effect
be used to gain the associated title. Therefore, only the Rank Effect
total reputation will be increased, and the current This metal armor changes color from black to red
reputation will not be affected. whenever the wearer's HP decreases. The color of the
armor turns crimson when the current HP is less than
1/5 of the maximum value.
Increase Money Rewards Whenever the current value of HP is less than half of
When someone requested to kill a unique monster, the maximum value, the physical and magical damage
the amount of base rewards and completed the mission suffered by the equipped person is reduced by -2 points.
should be increased than usual. It should be two to three Whenever the current value of HP falls below one-
third of the maximum value, the physical and magical
times the amount of the total reward per person (see Core
damage suffered by the equipped person is reduced by -
Rulebook II, p. 255). GMs should take this into account 3 points.
when calculating the rewards to be given.
●Upper Body
[Ice Breath / 15(22) / Fortitude / Half]
As Major Action, Yarlitsbek spits an icy blast from
its mouth. It is treated as “Range/Area: 20m/Shot”
and “Target: 4m Radius/10”, and deals 2d+18 ice
magic damage. This unique skill cannot be used on
consecutive turns.
[Double Bite]
When dealing damage with a Bite attack, the
damage is rolled twice and added during damage
●Upper Body
The Upper Body receives a +4 bonus to Evasion
checks against melee attacks.
This effect disappears when the Lower Body falls
to 0 HP or lower.
Raxia Travelogue Aine's Travels “Luferia’s Edition”
Raxia Travelogue Aine's Travels “Luferia’s Edition”
He told us about a huge tower called the Crystal It seems that this village was one of the most popular
Tower. tourist destinations in Luferia. The flower season, the
It is said to be the hilt of a spear given to the goddess village's specialty, was already over, but the sake here was
Luferia by the knight god Zaiya. said to be a local specialty. The bar was filled with a wide
“Then why is it called tower instead of the spear?” variety of high-quality sake made by combining rice,
The young elf laughed at Lutz, who sobbed his nose wheat, sweet potato, and spring water, and I was tempted
in amusement. to taste a few and got carried away a little. The most
“Could it be that being called a tower means that we popular “Pure Spirits” was a good choice for my taste, but
can enter it? If God gave it to the Luferia, isn't it really a I made a vow to abstain from drinking for a while the next
Sacred Treasure? Was it used to repel the barbarous day.
attackers?” --Various questions arise. “I don't want to see any more alcohol in my...
I would love to get closer and check it out. But the luggage.”
young elf stopped me and warned me not to get closer. “Don't worry, you won't feel that way after three days.
The area around the tower is said to be full of ferocious That's why they call it a hangover.”
aquatic monsters, and even local experts do not like to go Roads are almost non-existent in the village. The elves
near the tower. who live in the village mostly use the waterways to visit the
I would love to try to solve this mystery when we are houses built on them. It was a bit disconcerting to see the
stronger. elves, who appear with fish in the water that flows through
the village, but they just flow from the waterways and chat
with the people like it was a routine thing, at it probably
Cattava, a Village of Spring Water was. Incidentally, we humans and tabbits, who have
difficulty moving through the water, were carried around
The village at the end of the road east of Luferia is in a small boat.
called Cattava. It was a long, narrow village with wide, Perhaps due to the lack of human intervention, wild
tiered fields stretching from the mountains to their birds and insects are abundant in this quiet village, and
foothills and the edge of the lake. the sound of running water and their songs echo
The elves who live in this village are very friendly, and constantly. This quiet scenery seems to be a favorite
they welcomed us with open arms when we came here. among travelers, and there seem to be many travelers with
bird feed on their shoulders.
Raxia Travelogue Aine's Travels “Luferia’s Edition”
Raxia Travelogue Aine's Travels “Luferia’s Edition”
“Aine, I will give you a large jasper gem. You may The white temple was majestic and breathtaking. It
worship me as a god.” stood tall against the blue of the lake, and the lush
“Tell me when you become a god.” greenery in the front yard seemed to calm. Water was
I'm starting to understand Lutz's nonsense in my own generously drawn from here and there, flowing like a
way. fountain, creating small channels within the temple.
Perhaps that is why the air was so cool and pleasant.
Although there was a paladin guard at the door
Rural Area – Capital Canaris leading to the inner part of the temple, it seemed that
access to the sanctuary and the reference room was
We walked through the countryside with Lutz's relatively free. The statue of the goddess in the warmly lit
follower, Kruselka. sanctuary was of a beautiful young girl praying, and it was
The wheat rippled in the wind like a sea of sand and painful to think that she had been sacrificed to the
greens. Occasionally, a water crow would float by, barbarous goddess.
squeaking in the canals. And even today, the goddess Luferia continues to
It will soon be harvest season. Looking at this vast protect the country.
granary, I felt like running for no reason at all. Small As we were leaving the temple, filled with a strange
villages dot the landscape, and people watching the crops feeling of emotion... we encountered an unexpected.
notice us and smile at us from time to time. We passed the figure of a hurried messenger at the
This granary supplies most of Luferia's grain. Looking entrance to the temple. At about the same time, I
at the tender ears, I felt like eating soft, fluffy bread. Most remember that the priests were in an uproar.
of the bread in this country is baked hard so that it will
keep for a long time. Many of them are so hard that they The great barbarous invasion against Luferia.
might chip your teeth if they are not eaten with stews or
Later, I learned that information about the sighting of
After passing through several villages and eventually
many barbarous came from the border temples one after
reaching the city streets, the last stop was the capital,
Aedon, Ormi, Cattava, Forimer, Kalaha.
The largest city in Luferia.
The barbarous were approaching from various sides.
The city was so vibrant and bustling that it seemed to
As soon as I saw it, the city of Canaris became hectic.
be a blur.
The [Oracle] from the temple of Luferia was said to
It was a bit similar to Cattava in that it was lined with
have flown throughout the country. We non-believers
waterways in all directions, but the streets here were well-
were puzzled, not knowing what it was.
Even in large cities, very few priests can cast [Oracle].
Soaring in the distance would be a flying ship. I had
I was a little disappointed that I could not hear it because
heard that they had recently started exchanges with
it was a miraculous technique that was rarely seen, but
northern countries.
when I mentioned it, fiercely Lutz stared at me.
The city of Canaris looked prosperous.
During the two days, people from other villages,
The white-walled houses are, without exception, so
escorted by boats and paladins, began to arrive in droves.
large that it was more difficult to find a small, cozy house.
Paladins in full armor formed a line to stand guard at the
The walls of the houses are lined up tightly against each
border of the city.
The information that reached the temple was spread
If you peeked into the canal, you would see that the
by the [Oracle], and in response, the paladins gathered in
water was as clean and clear as Lake Erlute, and small fish
Canaris, escorting the inhabitants of the villages.
were swimming gracefully in schools. I wondered why...
The people gather in Canaris, the capital of Luferia,
the amount of sewage in such a large city must be
or in Aedon, the royal capital, to seek shelter. Of course,
extraordinary, and the fisherman pulling up the fish from
there are some residents who have the backbone to
their fishhook in the canal looked so healthy.
protect their families and property on their own, but most
In Canaris, the canals and sewers for sewage are
of the women and children are said to be sheltered in one
separate, they explained.
city or the other.
I was surprised.
In no time, the population of Canaris multiplied
Waterway cities may not be uncommon, but how
several times.
many cities on this continent are firmly distinguished in
Some of the refugees had brought some of their
such a way?
belongings, but most were on their own. We had no idea
After coaxing Lutz out of his godly aspirations, we
how many barbarous were besieging the country, and we
went to the main temple of Luferia to pay our respects.
Aedon .................................................................. 11 Keira..................................................................... 15
Ancient Ghost ..................................................... 71 Kelpie ................................................................... 19
Aurelia Rosbert ................................................... 15 Laise ..................................................................... 11
Batelden Erra ...................................................... 16 Lake Erlute .......................................................... 11
Belle Farr Arendal .............................................. 17 Leah ..................................................................... 17
Birdwung ........................................................... 130 Leonville Serra Ael .............................................. 18
Blood Rain ........................................................ 126 Mithril Chain ..................................................... 127
Blue Killers Swarm ............................................. 70 Mount Hakuryu ................................................... 12
Canaris ................................................................... 9 Noble Wizard ...................................................... 72
Cattava ................................................................. 12 Old Oguni Ruins ................................................. 13
Crystal Tower ...................................................... 11 Orifice Cam Ael .................................................. 15
Festival of the Water Goddess ........................... 13 Ormi .................................................................... 12
Fierce Winds Festival ......................................... 14 Oscar the Werewolf ............................................ 15
Filgen ................................................................. 127 Pentreus ............................................................. 133
Filgen's Magic Sword......................................... 126 Primera Regazzo .................................................. 16
Filthy Rat ............................................................. 70 Rerun G2 ........................................................... 132
Fistmaster Bodyguard ......................................... 72 Rita Harmonia ..................................................... 18
Forimer ................................................................ 13 Rye ....................................................................... 17
Francole Sylvarie ................................................. 16 Sferrareel............................................................ 134
Freya .................................................................... 17 Simunis ................................................................ 16
Goddess Advent Festival .................................... 14 Torgis Zegain ..................................................... 135
Grand Gorge ....................................................... 13 Well Dragon Festival........................................... 14
Great Sluice Gate ................................................ 11 Werewolf Village ................................................. 13
Groud .................................................................. 15 Wind Dragon Necklace .................................... 126
Hank Driesen ...................................................... 16 Yarlitsbek ........................................................... 131
Kalaha .................................................................. 11 Zallbrith, Ruined City .......................................... 12
Kaunus Wende Ael ............................................ 15
Sword World 2.0 Tour ① Luferia 147