Sword World 2.0 - Fortuna Code
Sword World 2.0 - Fortuna Code
Sword World 2.0 - Fortuna Code
Sword World 2.0 Supplement
Fortuna Code
Introduction ................................................................. 11 Episode 3 (Idea) “The Book of Red”, Quargnail .... 102
Part 1 Characters .............................................. 12 Introduction............................................................... 102
Characters Coming Closer to Gods ............................ 13 Epilogue “The Consolidation of the Four Colors” .. 104
Sword Hero .................................................................. 14 Sample Campaign 3: “The Epitome of Havoc”
Punching Titan ............................................................. 15 ...................................................................................... 105
Invisible Assassin ......................................................... 16 Introduction............................................................... 105
Legendary Wizard ....................................................... 17 Campaign Setting and Overview ............................... 105
Lunar Piercer ............................................................... 18 About PCs ................................................................. 105
Prophecy Bringer ......................................................... 19 Episode 1 "The Chaotic World of Fairies" ............... 107
Determining Reasons to Transcend ............................ 20 Introduction............................................................... 107
Growth and Benefits at the 16th level ......................... 21 Episode 2 "The Fury of Sand and Storm" ................ 110
16th level Racial Ability Enhancements ...................... 23 Introduction............................................................... 110
Additional Rules: Transcendent checks and Super Scenario Introduction ............................................... 110
Success ............................................................................ 25 Future Developments and Ultimate Goal ................ 116
Trancendental Combat Feats ...................................... 27 Campaign Development ........................................... 116
Transcenendental Spells .............................................. 29 Ultimate Goal and Conclusion ................................. 117
Transcendental Non-Magical Skills............................. 33 Sample Campaign 4: “Ressurection of the Evil
Transcendental Mounts ............................................... 38 Goddess” ...................................................................... 118
Mount Item List ........................................................... 40 Introduction............................................................... 118
Recommended Items List ........................................... 41 Campaign Setting and Overview ............................... 118
Optional Rule: Reputation Business ........................... 44 Symbiotic Goddess Luifa .......................................... 120
Part 2 World .................................................... 56 About PCs ................................................................. 121
Fortuna Code, a Code Changing Fate ......................... 57 Major NPCs............................................................... 122
Path to Godhood ......................................................... 59 Episode 1 (Idea) "The Guidance of Lyphos" ........... 122
Those who Transcend ................................................. 60 Introduction............................................................... 122
Campaign Development (Idea) ................................ 124
Part 3 Campaigns ............................................. 64
Final Scenario "The Innermost Depths of the Well Of
Sample Campaign 1: “Fallen Dragons Threat”
Wisdom" ...................................................................... 126
......................................................................................... 65
Future Developments and Ultimate Goal ................ 130
Introduction ................................................................. 65
Subsequent development of the campaign .............. 130
What is Dragon Raid? ................................................. 65
Ultimate Goal and Conclusion ................................. 130
Overview of the Campaign Setting .............................. 66
Ultra-High-Level Scenario Creation and GMing, Player
About PCs .................................................................... 67
Guidelines .................................................................... 131
Major NPCs ................................................................. 68
Unstoppable PCs....................................................... 131
Episode 1 “Power to Awaken” .................................... 69
The Other Way Around. “Just run” ........................ 132
Overview....................................................................... 69
Combat Readiness .................................................... 134
Introduction ................................................................. 70
Players Should Keep in Mind ................................... 136
Future Developments and Ultimate Goal ................... 74
Campaign Development .............................................. 74
Part 4 Monsters ............................................... 138
Ultimate Goal ............................................................... 76 How to Read Monster Data ...................................... 139
Abilities of Fallen Dragons and Damned .................. 78 Barbarous .................................................................. 140
About Fallen Dragons .................................................. 78 Animals ...................................................................... 148
Fallen Dragons Features .............................................. 78 Plants.......................................................................... 151
Damned ........................................................................ 80 Undead ...................................................................... 153
How to Create Fallen Species Data............................. 82 Constructs .................................................................. 157
Sample Campaign 2: “The Barbarous King and Four- Mythical Beasts .......................................................... 160
Colored Books”.............................................................. 87 Fairies ......................................................................... 162
Introduction ................................................................. 87 Daemons ................................................................... 166
Campaign Setting and Overview ................................. 87 Daemon Summoning Table For This Book ........... 171
About PCs .................................................................... 88 Humanoids ................................................................ 172
Episode 1 “The Book of White”, Ag.......................... 89 Divine Beings ............................................................ 174
Introduction ................................................................. 89 Appendix ........................................................ 176
Episode 2 “The Book of Blue”, Sicinus and “The Book How to use the Sheets in the Appendix ................... 177
of Red” N’Dal................................................................. 94 Sword World 2.5 Homebrew ................................... 180
Introduction ................................................................. 94 Designer's Notebook ................................................. 184
Welcome to the new world of Sword World 2.0! This book is divided into four parts, plus an appendix.
This book is a rule and data book to expand the world of Part 1, "Characters," describes the rules and data that are
"Sword World 2.0" and to provide new experiences and enhanced when a character reaches level 16. It also includes
adventures. sample characters of higher levels that can be played
In this book, it is possible to grow to the 16th level or immediately, as well as a "Recommended Items List" that is
more, which is beyond the limit of the 15 level. 16th level or useful for creating higher-level characters.
more characters are called "Transcendent" and are enhanced Part 2, "World," explains how adventurers can become
by new racial abilities, Combat Feats, spells, and other Transcendent and how Transcendents are recognized in
powerful data that go beyond the limits of previous levels. Raxia.
Then, these characters confront the "Fortuna Code" and Part 3, "Campaigns," introduces the enemies and forces
see the world in a new light. It may be a sign of the that Transcendents will face. The book presents the four
resurrection of the Barbarous King or a sign of a visitor from world crises (Fallen Dragon, Barbarous King, Natural
another world, or caused by abnormal weather, and so on. Disaster, and Evil God) as separate campaigns in the form of
In this book, we describe how the characters who became Scenario Ideas. By starting these campaigns with 15th-level
Transcendent are involved in the world crises from their characters and clearing the scenarios of each of them,
inception to their resolution. characters can become Transcendent.
The book also includes "Reputation Business Rules" that Part 4, "Monsters," lists the monster data that 16th level
can be implemented in a long campaign. This is a way for or higher characters will face as obstacles. It also lists
adventurers who are trying to gain Reputation and become Constructs, Fairies, and Daemons that can be used by
famous to invest their money in a store or a business and get characters above 16 levels at the same time.
a portion of the profits back. This is a fun element in the
campaign that can be introduced in between sessions.
In this book, references to some terms are given in the form (see XX, p. YY): where XX might be an abbreviation for:
of (see XX, p. YY). These should be handled as follows. “EX”: “Core Rulebook EX”
(see p. YY): If there is no abbreviation and only the page is “AW”: “Alchemist Works”
indicated, it is a reference within this book. “BT”: “Barbarous Tales”
(see CR I/II/III, p. YY): See the book “Core Rulebook “WT”: “Wizards Tome”
I/II/III Revised” “CG”: “Cardia Grace”
“IB”: “Ignis Blaze”
“LL”: “Lumiere Legacy”
“T1”: “Tour Luferia”
“T2”: “Tour Lios”
“PH”: “Natural History of Feidan”
“PZ”: “Natural History of Zalts”
“PY”: “Natural History of Yulleria”
Part 1 Characters
Part 1 Characters
Here, we present six sample characters who can be P LAYING T RANSCENDENT CHARACTER WITH ONLY CORE
played with this book, all of whom have reached the R ULEBOOKS
adventurer level 15 and are recognized as leading experts in Transcendent data for 16 levels and above are included
their field. with references to all supplements.
When actually operating these sample characters, please If you want to play this book with a character who has
refer to the following notes before operating them. grown up by playing a campaign using only Core Rulebooks
I-III, it may be difficult to refer to the rules and data of this
15,000 E XPERIENCE P OINTS L EFT book. Some of this can be solved by using Core Rulebook
The sample characters in this book were created with an EX, but data and rules that still cannot be referred to are
additional 180,000 experience points, 120 growths, 360,000 recommended not to be used.
gamels, and 3,000 Reputation using the "IB" High-Level If some items of sample characters cannot be referred to,
Character Creation Table (see IB, p. 47). etc., you should give them up in exchange for the base price
When class levels were increased with experience points, and use the additional money to purchase other items listed
any unused points were left at around 15,000 to allow for in the available books.
both starting a campaign at the 15th level and starting a
campaign at the 16th level. For a 15th-level character, the DATA CHANGE (R EBUILD) OF SAMPLE CHARACTER
unused points should be left to start the campaign. If the These sample characters are created with 15 levels, but
sample character is played at the 16th level and you have we have chosen 3 or 4 classes so that you can easily
completed the scenario to reach that level, spend the understand their abilities even if you use them immediately.
remaining experience points on one of the classes currently Therefore, depending on the combination of selected
at the 15th level and set the adventurer level and class level sample characters, you may find that the required class for
to the 16th level. games is missing, or you may feel some abilities are lacking.
For information on growing to 16th level, please refer to In such a case, you may change (rebuild) the character
"Growth and Benefits at 16 level" (see p. 21) below. data, including the class structure, if you have the GM's
permission. However, please note that it will take more time
VALUES to prepare for the rebuild if you acquire many different
The values of "Base Accuracy", "Base Evasion", "Base classes at a higher level.
Extra Damage", "Magic Power", etc., in the sample character
are the values calculated with passive Combat Feats and racial I NSTANT CLASS GROWTH AND T RANSCENDENT CHECK
abilities. Some magic and unique skills, such as [Jihad],
temporarily increase the class level of the target. However, if
P URCHASING ITEMS F ROM A L IST OF R ECOMMENDED a high-level character is affected by these effects, even if its
I TEMS adventurer level is 16 or more, it is not treated as a
Items other than the equipment of the sample characters Transcendent check (see p. 21), and Super Success (see p.
were selected and purchased from the items in the 21) will not occur. Generally, if the adventurer level or class
"Recommended Items Lists" (see p. 41). For details of the level is 16 or more after spending experience points, the
effects of the items, please refer to the descriptions on this check with that as the Standard Value will be considered a
page. Transcendent check.
If you wish to purchase additional items, you must spend In addition, the racial abilities will not be enhanced, or
them from the money you have at the time of creation. new racial abilities such as [Sword's Revelation/ Transcend
Fate] will not be available just because the adventurer level is
R EPUTATION WAS N OT Used temporarily increased to 16 or more.
The sample characters are all characters with a Current
and Total Reputation of 3000 points. Players can use them
for renowned items, titles, and other elements at their own
Part 1 Characters
Character Description and Use
This is a Soleil boxer who mainly fights in the Grappler
class. They have mastered Divine Magic at a high level, so
they can play a sub role as a healer or backup in a party.
When attacking, they excel at multiple attacks with [Dual
Technique], taking advantage of their high ability score. By
activating [Mana Strike] and [Armor Piercer], they can
become the main attacker of the party. However, they should
pay attention to their own HP and be prepared for
By strengthening themselves further with Technique and
supporting allies with their Stratagem according to the
situation, there is almost no situation in which they cannot
play an active role.
Part 1 Characters
Character Description and Use
This is a Tabbit wizard with the world's highest Magic
Power, capable of using three different systems of magic. It is
important to select and use the most appropriate spell for the
However, due to their specialization in casting spells, their
survivability and durability are at a low level for a 15th-level
character. Therefore, be careful not to leave them alone on
the battlefield or accidentally place them in front of the
Part 1 Characters
Character Description and Use
This is Newman's go-to priest for durability and fighting.
When their comrades are injured or facing Barbarous
enemies, they are guaranteed to play a major role in the
battle. With their amazing MP efficiency and Magic Power,
they can quickly heal the wounds of their companions. If they
have enough support, the character can use Spiritualism
Magic's various support spells.
When not in combat, they can make an Insight check in
the Sage class, which will reveal everything within their
Part 1 Characters
When creating a 16th-level character, you should First Die Is 3) Chosen by God
determine the reason to Transcend. The character can be Whether or not the character is a fervent believer in god,
"guided by Swords of Genesis" or "promoted with the help of God has chosen them to open the gate to Transcendence.
a god," etc., all of which are special reasons to become This is often the case with Priests and those associated
Transcendent. Without these reasons, characters will not be with the Temple, who, as agents of god or embodiments of
able to be Transcendent and cannot increase their god's will, fight against the world's dangers and god's enemies.
adventurer level beyond 16. A person who has not acquired a Priest class will not
The "Reason Table for Transcend" (see the next page) is acquire a new Priest class for free, even if they were chosen
treated in the same way as the History Table (see CR I, p. by God.
57): the first roll determines the general reason for becoming
a Transcendent. First Die Is 4) By One's Own Will
Behold, there are moments when even the gods marvel
B ECOME T RANSCENDENT FOR T HEIR OWN R EASONS at the boundless potential of a single soul. It is true that a
If possible, the GM may provide a scenario based on person of unwavering fortitude and moral fiber can ascend to
these reasons to give the characters a reason or impetus to the realm of the Transcendent, although such an occurrence
become Transcendent. The GM should prepare a scenario is exceedingly rare.
based on those reasons and provide a reason or trigger for The unforgiving perils of the world and the indomitable
the characters to become Transcendent. To create such a spirit that rises to meet them against all odds shatters the
scenario, please refer to the "1st Campaign Scenario Sample, shackles of our mortal existence, freeing us to transcend
Episode 1: Power to Awaken" on page 69 in “Part 3 beyond the limitations of their form.
First Die Is 5) Through Superior Technology
First Die Is 1) Fate Amidst the mundane existence, there are rare individuals
This character was destined to become a Transcendent who Transcend the limits of what is humanly possible. They
from the moment they were born. dedicate their lives to honing their skills, and in doing so, they
At birth, they experienced natural cataclysms, strange surpass mortal boundaries.
prophecies, and memories they could not have possibly They become Transcendents, ascending to a realm
experienced. In their early days, they did not understand the unknown to most and often without even realizing it. And
significance of these events, but as time passed, they came to when the world calls upon them, their skills become a beacon
realize their destiny as Transcendent. of hope in the face of unprecedented threats, a force to be
reckoned with as they stand at the forefront of danger.
First Die Is 2) Magic Sword in Their Hands
A powerful magic sword gives the wielder supernatural First Die Is 6) Carrying on the Legacy of
power. As a result, the wielder of the sword can become Predecessors
Transcendent. Individuals can inherit the legacy of those who fell in the
Sometimes, a magic sword is a plain, ordinary weapon in middle of their ambition and become Transcendent by
the possession of its wielder. In such a case, the sword may touching their footprints and belongings.
speak to its owner and lead them to Transcendence when the In some cases, hints about Transcendence can be
time comes. received from memoirs, traces of great battles, and other
Whether by obeying the will of the sword or by being sources. In other cases, it may be spoken directly by souls still
guided by the fate of the sword, the wielder will become on earth.
involved in the epic fate.
Reason Table for Transcend
Roll Transcend Reason Roll Transcend Reason
1–1 Have been struck by disaster and miraculously survived. 4–1 Awakened to see the threat and to defeat it.
1–2 Have received omens (prophecies) at the time of birth. 4–2 You awakened to protect your loved ones or objects.
1–3 Since childhood, you have had a strange sense of mission. 4–3 You have worked hard and achieved excellence.
1–4 Believe in a hidden adversary. 4–4 You dreamed of gaining power, and it came true.
1–5 You sense a life that needs to be saved. 4–5 Defeating the strong meant inheriting their legacy.
1–6 A meteor shower occurred when you were born. 4–6 You remembered your forgotten will and awakened it.
2–1 You have a magic sword that leads you on your mission. 5–1 You have followed your own path.
2–2 Love became your legendary magic sword. 5–2 You became one-of-a-kind at some point.
2–3 Your sword has grown a will and guided you. 5–3 Your self-made tools embodied your will
2–4 There is a magical sword, counterpart to your sword. 5–4 Your natural talent was finally revealed.
2–5 Your weapon was transformed into a magic sword. 5–5 Totally useless technology opened the door.
2–6 Your familiar is actually a magic sword. 5–6 You’ve learned unique techniques from your master.
3–1 You heard a guiding voice from god. 6–1 You encountered the relics of your great predecessors.
3–2 You got the feeling of being one with god. 6–2 You came across a book that led you on the mission.
3–3 God appeared and chose you to be their envoy. 6–3 The souls of your predecessor appeared and guided you.
3–4 You’ve seen the vision of god dying. 6–4 Transcendent's legacy was carried on by their family.
3–5 You’ve been chosen as an offering to the evil gods. 6–5 You continue your predecessor's legacy and mission.
3–6 Promised to become a Minor God 6–6 Guided by inherited memories of your own previous life.
By using the rules and data in this book, the character will
be able to reach an adventurer level of 16 or higher and will
be recognized as Transcendent, which is different from a To raise the level of a class to 16 or higher, player needs
normal adventurer. to spend experience points as their did up to 15.
Here, we describe how characters of 16 and above levels The following is a list of experience points required to
should spend their experience points. reach 16 level and 17 level. The number in parentheses is the
accumulated experience points required to raise a class from
the first level up to that level.
You can only grow up to 17th level with this book.
No matter how experienced a character is, they have
never been able to raise the class level higher than 15. Experience Table for 16-17 Levels
However, introducing this book allows the character to go Major Class Minor Class
beyond the limit and grow to 16 or higher adventurer level 16 15000(95000) 13500(80500)
and class levels. 17 30000(125000) 25000(105500)
A character with an adventurer level of 16 or higher has
the following benefits:
Part 1 Characters
These Evocations are exceptional in that they target only
"1 Character," and the target cannot be expanded by spending ADDITIONAL E LEMENT FOR DIVINATIONS
extra cards. For Mystic class Divinations of 16 levels or higher, the
Divination check becomes "Transcendent check," and there
ADDITIONAL E LEMENT FOR STRATAGEMS is a possibility of "Super Success".
All Stratagems of Tactician class of 16th level or higher A "Super 41+" column is added to the "Divination Result
are 5th rank that can be used when the previous Stratagem Table" for all previous Divinations.
was 4th rank as per Tactician rules. If the Divination check is an automatic success, refer to
These Stratagems, like the 4-rank ones, have an the "automatic success" column, if available.
Enlightenment effect (see CG, p. 27).
This section lists the enhancement of the racial abilities in one continuous body of water within 10m of the character's
of characters who have reached the 16th adventurer level. own body.
[Sword’s Grace /Body Of Flame] will be enhanced.
16th Level
Character does not suffer from physical or magical
[Sword's Revelation/Transcend Fate]
damage caused by energy-type effects and does not suffer
The power is released when one's will is recognized by
from any disadvantageous effects from such effects.
the Sword and receives a revelation.
Once per day in-game, a character can restore their HP
and MP to their maximum values by declaring at the Tabbit
beginning of their turn. This also removes any unwanted [Sixth Sense] will be enhanced.
disadvantageous effects and penalties without needing to 16th Level
compare Success Values. Only once a day in the game can the character declare
This effect can be declared even after a failed Death Danger Sense check or Spot Trap check before rolling the
Check, within 10 seconds (1 round) after the character failed. dice and make the result an automatic success (double 6s). If
If in combat, the character can declare at the beginning of the Success Value of the check is necessary, it is treated as
their turn and will be treated as if it were their faction's turn. 41.
In this case, the character is not considered dead, and their
number of soulscars is not increased. Runefolk
Additionally, this racial ability can be declared [HP Conversion] will be enhanced.
immediately after a failed Death Check. The character will 16th Level
not be considered dead, and their ongoing effects will still be Each point of HP will restore 3 points of MP.
in effect (unwanted disadvantageous effects can be removed). Additionally, by consuming its own HP, a character can
If a character declares during another character's turn, restore the MP of another character they are touching.
that character's turn will continue as normal. However, it is not possible to heal the MP of both the
character and their ally at the same time.
[Alternate Form] will be enhanced.
16th Level
Human When [Alternate Form] is used, any ability score can be
[Sword’s Grace/Change Fate] will be enhanced. increased by 6 points, and the ability modifier, maximum HP
16th Level and MP, etc., are also changed by the increase of ability score.
In checks, power table rolls, loot determinations, etc., This effect will revert when [Alternate Form] is released,
only 1d of the 2d roll can be selected to be flipped over. If and the same ability score will be increased when [Alternate
only 1d is chosen and turned over, no bonuses can be added Form] is activated again. The type of ability score to be
to the result. increased can be changed at 6:00 a.m.
Elf Shadow
[Sword’s Grace/Gentle Water] will be enhanced. [Moonlight's Protection] will be enhanced.
16th Level 16th Level
The rest effect of immersing the whole body in water can Only once a day in-game time, when Willpower is made
now be given to other characters who are also immersed in for effects of poison, disease, or curse type, the result of the
the same body of water. There is no limit to the number of check can be changed to "automatic success" (double 6s) after
characters, but the effect is applied only to characters who are checking the result of the check.
Part 1 Characters
Lildraken [Radiant Physique] will be enhanced.
[Sword’s Grace/Wings Of The Wind] will be enhanced. 16th Level
16th Level This effect gives a -2 penalty to all checks. However, the
The time limit is lifted, allowing the character to move by target's penalty is reduced to -1 if the character is equipped
flying at any time and always getting the bonus modifier of with metal armor.
Accuracy check and Evasion check against melee attacks.
Grassrunner [Invisible Hand] will be enhanced.
[Mana Interference] will be enhanced. 16th Level
16th Level [Invisible Hand] now grants the ability to wear a total of
The number of attempts to dispel magic is increased to 1 four “Other” accessories.
per hour. In addition, the bonus to Accuracy, Evasion, and
action checks against monsters with "Perception: Magic" is
increased by +1 (+2 in total).
[Child Of Magic] will be enhanced.
16th Level
When a Spellcasting check results in an automatic failure
(double 1s), the player can choose whether to treat it as an
automatic failure (MP cost 0) or to use the Success Value of
"Standard Value + 2" and the spell will still work. When
"Standard Value + 2" is selected, automatic failure does not
occur, and MP is consumed.
[Blessing Of The War-Maiden] will be enhanced.
16th Level
If a target who has received the protection performs a
Death Check during the duration of the effect, only once can
it be treated as if automatic success (double 6s) had occurred
without rolling 2d.
[Fairy's Blessing] will be enhanced.
16th Level
The time limit of 2 minutes per day is removed, and two
types of blessings are available at all times (the type can be
changed with Minor Action). In addition, "Energy" is added
to the available types.
[Crystal Body] will be enhanced.
16th Level
Defense is increased by an additional 2 points (for a total
of 6 points), and MP is increased by an additional 30 points
(for a total of 75 points).
[Cat Transformation] will be enhanced.
16th Level
[Cat Transformation] and its release can be performed
with Minor Action (only one of them can be performed in
one turn). In addition, the Agility is increased by +12 points
when Cat Transformation is performed.
Here is a description of the new checks and their results Super Successes Time Reduction Table
that can be attempted by Transcend characters who have
reached adventurer level 16 or above. L IMITATIONS OF T RANSCENDENT
A Transcendent check does not
add 2d to the roll even if the result is
A character with an adventurer level or a specific class 10 or more, if the check is affected by
level of 16 or higher, which surpasses the Humanoid level, a racial ability, magic, or other unique
can achieve miraculous results that are not possible through skill that manipulates, modifies, or
normal checks using that class. rerolls 2d rolls, such as [Sword’s Grace
These checks performed with classes of 16 or more levels /Change Fate] or [Precognition].
are called "Transcendent checks" to distinguish them from Transcendent checks are added only
normal checks. Since a character with a class of 16 or more when the player obtains a roll of "10 or
levels also has an adventurer level of 16 or more, various Skill more" without manipulating or
Checks based on the adventurer level can also be considered modifying the 2d roll. After the
"Transcendent checks". addition of Transcendent checks has
Transcendent checks and Super Success are collectively occurred, it is possible to manipulate or
referred to as the "Fortuna Code". This term carries the correct the 2d roll of transcendent
meaning of "a coincidence or miracle that should not have checks, but then further “criticals” of
happened, guided by the fourth sword that should not have Transcendent checks will end at that
existed" or "an unforeseeable situation that even the Swords stage.
of Genesis could not have predicted".
Part 1 Characters
Here, characters with 16th or higher Warrior-Type
Classes gain additional Combat Feats that they can learn.
See page 22 for more information on acquiring them.
Grappler class level 16 or
Req. Use Grappler class
P ASSIVE F EATS Sum. [Counter] can be declared more than once
CUT I N H ALF After performing a Counter, the body remains in the
same position, allowing for another counterattack.
Fighter class level 16 or The Combat Feat [Counter] can be used as many times
Req. Use Fighter class
higher as the master wishes in one round. However, when they
Can avoid Shooting Attacks and "Area: Shot" effects with Effect declare [Counter] for the second or later rounds, the
Accuracy checks Accuracy check is modified by -2 for each time they have
The character cuts ammunition and magic coming toward already attempted [Counter] in that round (-2 for the second
them with their weapon. [Counter] in that round, -4 for the third [Counter] in that
If the master is the target of a Shooting attack, "Target: 1 round, and so on).
Character", "Area: Shot" spell, or unique skills, they can
attempt an Accuracy check instead of an Evasion, Fortitude, ACTIVE F EATS
or Willpower check. The Success Value of the ranged attack's
Effect Accuracy check, or the Success Value of the Area: Shot effect,
is compared with the Success Value of the master’s own
Grappler class level 16 or
Accuracy check, and if the result is in the master’s favor, they Req. Use Grappler class
succeed in the Evasion check and Resistance check. The higher
effect of "Resistance: Half" and "Resistance: Temporary" Sum. Ignore Attack Obstacles
become "Resistance: Negated". The user can quickly jump or run up to an attacking
A [Cut in Half] may only be attempted once per round. section and attack it, even if it is normally impossible to do
ENDLESS SHIELD If the Combat Feat is declared, the user can still attack
sections that have unique skills like [Attack Obstacle] or other
Req. Fighter class level 16 or higher Use None Effect
abilities that forbid melee attacks.
Sum. Cover allies from attacks targeting multiple targets Additionally, this feat ignores the target's racial abilities,
If the master and targets covered by the master's [Cover I, such as [Sword’s Grace/Wings Of The Wind], as well as any
II, or III] are the target of a melee or shooting attack that bonus to Evasion checks from their unique skills, such as
targets multiple targets, such as [Cleave], only the master takes [Flying] or [Attack Obstacle].
all of those attacks. The number of targets of melee and
ranged attacks is the number of hits the master receives, and SEALED P ALM
the master receives damage as if the attacks hit automatically.
Grappler class level 16 or
Req. Use Grappler class
Damage -8, blocking the use of Active Combat Feats, ☑
SEVERE B LOW Unique Skills for the hit section.
Fighter class level 16 or Limit the target's actions by inflicting more shock than
Req. Use Fighter class damage.
Melee attacks using this Combat Feat will deal -8 less
Sum. After the damage is applied, reduces maximum HP
calculated damage they inflict.
Wounds the target that cannot be easily healed. If the attack hits, in addition to damage, the character or
If a melee attack with this Combat Feat is used to inflict section hit by such attack cannot use Active Combat Feats or
damage, the target's maximum HP and MP will be reduced
by 1/5 (rounded up) of the applied damage, in addition to the Effect [☑ Unique Skills] for 10 seconds (1 round). This effect is not
normal damage treatment. cumulative for the same section.
This effect lasts for 3 minutes (18 rounds) and is In order to use this Combat Feat, one of the characters in
Effect the same faction must succeed in a Monster Knowledge
cumulative. Maximum HP and MP cannot become less than
0 because of this effect. This effect cannot be canceled by any check at the start of combat, or the target must witness the use
effect except [Sword's Revelation/Transcend Fate] and is of such Combat Feat or Unique Skill by the target during
automatically canceled when the effect time elapses. combat.
A character whose maximum HP is reduced to 0 by this
effect dies without making a Death Check.
Part 1 Characters
This section lists spells that can be learned by characters
whose Wizard-Type Classes have reached the 16th level or
See page 22 for details. Earth Heal III Cost MP20
System Target 1 Character
Range/Area 50m/Target Duration Instant
Resistance Neg Type -
Dual Impact Cost MP26
Removes all negative effects and fully restores HP even
to Undead and Constructs
Truespeech Removes all unwanted effects of spells, Evocations,
System Target 1 Character
Magic monster's unique skills, etc., from the target, and at the
Range/Area 100m/Shot Duration Instant same time restores HP to its maximum value. The target
Resistance Half Type Bludgeoning & Slashing Effect can freely choose the effect to be removed, and there is
“Power 50 + Magic Power” & “Power 70 + Magic Power” no need to compare Success Values.
Summary The Undead and Constructs are also can be affected
The target is dealt Power 50 + Magic Power slashing by this spell.
type damage and Power 70 + Magic Power bludgeoning “Spirit, Super Rank Joy. Healing, Rebirth, Life, Earth”
type damage. Willpower against this spell is made only Chant Spiritus, Super Ordo Gaudium. Sanatio, Regeneratio,
once, and the result is applied to both of the two damage Vita, Terra
Effect decisions. Weak points and damage reduction for spell
damage are also applied to both of them separately.
When determining damage, slashing-type damage is
Temporary Resurrection Cost MP30
System Target Caster
Range/Area Self/- Duration 10 seconds (1 r)
Resistance N/A Type -
Summary Critical occur even if spell is resisted
If the caster performs a spell that deals damage to a
target with "Resistance: Half", which refers to the power
table, a critical hit will be made even if the target is
Effect resisted.
If the target resists, the calculated damage will be the
same as if the target were not resisted, and halved before
is applied.
“True, Super Rank Expansion. Enhancing, Opening,
Emanation, Burst.”
Verum, Super Ordo Laxamentum. Augens, Oris,
Emanatio, Fragor
Part 1 Characters
MP14 +
Carrier Doll Cost
X Hyper Resistance Cost MP8
Protective Zephyr Cost MP8
Fairy Magic
MP63 & Mako System Target 1 Character
Fairy King Cost
Stone 20
Range/Area 30m/Target Duration 3 minutes (18 r)
Fairy Magic
System Target Touch Resistance N/A Type Wind
Spellcasting and Evasion checks of a character who
Range/Area Touch/- Duration 10 seconds (1 r) Summary
harms the target are reduced by -2
Resistance N/A Type -
This spell interferes with an adversary's attempt to
Summary Summon rank 10 fairy (level 21) harm the target.
It is the same as the [Summon Fairy] spell except MP While the effect is active, any enemy who attempts to
cost of 20 points mako stone, duration 10 seconds (1 harm the target with a melee attack or a "Range: Touch"
round), summoned fairy level is 21st, and the caster has effect takes a -2 penalty to their Spellcasting checks and
a contract with class 10 fairy of summoned fairy type. Effect Evasion value, regardless of whether the attack is
Quicksand Cost MP16 If the same character attempts a melee attack on any
target that has this effect, the penalty is cumulative, up to
Fairy Magic -6. The caster determines whether the target has been
System Target Radius 100m
(Earth) harmed or not.
Range/Area Self/- Duration 3 minutes (18 r)
Resistance Can’t Type - Lifeshine Cost MP18
Summary Moves the ground around the caster
Fairy Magic
The area of effect of this spell turns the ground into System Target Any Point
quicksand that can be controlled by the caster. (Light)
Within the range of the quicksand, the caster can Range/Area 50m/Target Duration 1 minute (6 r)
impose a "penalty for poor footing" and a "change in Resistance N/A Type -
movement speed" on each character. The caster can Summary Creates a sphere that continuously recovers HP
choose to either give no penalty or a -2 penalty to each Creates a ball of light at the caster's specified point,
character within the range, and either "Normal Move which restores HP. All characters within a radius of
+10m (Full Move +30m)" or "Normal Move -10m (Full 6m/20 centered on the light sphere regain Magic Power
Move -30m)" to each character within the range (so all points of HP at the end of the caster's turn for the
characters will have the same penalty and movement duration of the effect.
speed change). The caster can select any combination of Effect
If the caster has mastered [Magic Control], any target
the two effects. can be excluded whenever the number of targets in the
Characters that are not in contact with the ground, range changes.
such as those who are flying, are not affected by this spell. The spell has no effect on Undead or Construct
Avalanche Cost MP22
Fairy Magic ☆ Untargeting Cost MP12
System Target Radius 6m/20
(Water/Ice) Fairy Magic
Range/Area 50m/Target Duration Instant System Target Caster
Resistance Half Type Water/Ice Range/Area Self/- Duration 10 seconds (1 r)
Summary Power 70 damage. Can cause widespread destruction. Resistance N/A Type Psychic
Spell creates an avalanche and deals Power 70 + Summary One time cannot be targeted
Magic Power magic damage on the target. If used in a Spell completely distracts the attention of the enemy
mountain or snow field, applied damage is increased by and prevents the caster from becoming a target for an
10 points. attack, spell, or unique skill.
This spell can only be used if both the caster and If the caster is selected as the target of an attack,
target are in a place where the sky is visible. magic, unique skill, etc., during the duration of the effect,
If cast for one hour, this spell can cause an avalanche the caster can be excluded from the target only once at
in a large mountainous area, with a range and target area their will. If the caster is excluded, the enemy can select
of "1 km" and "500m radius/all", respectively. Any the target of the action again from other characters who
buildings or structures within the target area will also be Effect will be the target of the action.
damaged, with their Defense set to 0. In this case, the This effect has no effect if the enemy has no other
Critical Value of the spell is set to 8. target except the caster, and the appropriate target for the
action cannot be selected again. Also, it is not possible to
Burnout Cost MP18 exclude the caster from "Area: Line" or other effect that
has a chance of the caster being affected.
Fairy Magic This effect is treated as a psychic type. Also, if the
System Target Radius 6m/20
(Fire) attacker is immune to psychic type, this spell will not
Range/Area 30m/Target Duration 3 minutes (18 r) work. This spell ends after one time its effect was used.
Resistance Neg Type Fire
At the end of the turn, the character is damaged by Magic
Power points. Willpower against -4
The targets are surrounded by a vortex of fire that
seems to have a will of its own, causing damage to the
target. The target suffers a -4 penalty to Willpower to this
At the end of the caster’s turn, a target that fails
resistance suffers magic damage of fire type equal to the
caster's Magic Power.
Resistance to this spell is made by each target each
round at the end of the caster's turn, and if successful, no
damage is dealt.
Part 1 Characters
This section lists Techniques, Spellsongs, Stunts,
Evocations, Stratagems, and Divinations that can be learned
by characters whose Other-Type Classes have reached 16
levels or higher. Grant
See pages 22, 23 for the mastery and notes on each class.
R ES. Neg PET -
SUM. Transfer HP and MP to Bard
With a song that captivates everyone, HP and MP are given
☆ Plain Analysis A character that fails resistance transfers both its HP and MP
to the Bard for 1/10th of its maximum value (rounded up). The
Duration 30 seconds (3 rounds) Bard recovers the sum of HP and MP transferred from all
Summary Applies the effect of weak point or multiplies it further targets. However, the Bard cannot transfer the HP and MP from
the targets whose current value is less than half of the maximum
The user accurately and unequivocally identifies weak
points and derives the most effective methods to attack
The character can be affected by this Spellsong effect only
once every 10 minutes.
If the target has a weak point, the effect is applied
regardless of the success or failure of the Monster
Effect Knowledge check at the start of the combat. If a character
of the same faction has detected a weak point with a Hymn
Monster Knowledge check at the start of the combat, the
effect is doubled. If a user learns [Weakness Exploit] and PREL. 10 seconds (1 round) SINGING Required
detects a weak point, the effect is tripled. This Technique R ES. Neg PET -
costs MP10.
SUM. Increase or decrease Priest class level
The Bard sings songs of praise to God, blessing those who
☆ Wendigo Hide
agree and constraining those who deny them.
When a Humanoid character uses this Spellsong, the Priest
class level of the First Sword is increased by 1 level, while the
Duration 30 seconds (3 rounds)
Priest class level of the Second Sword is reduced by 1 level
Summary Escape from a wide area effects (minimum 1). The Magic Power is also increased or decreased
This technique completely erases the user's presence, at the same time.
making them unrecognizable. This effect can increase the Priest class level to 16 or more. A
If the user is targeted by a wide area spell or a monster's new Basic Divine Magic is learned immediately if the Priest class
unique skill, they must roll 1d. On a roll of 4-6, the user level is increased to 16 or more. However, the learned spells are
Effect is automatically excluded from the effect. In the case of a EFF . lost when the effect of Spellsong ends.
randomly selected effect, such as "Area: Line", the user By this effect, the Bard determines the deity of the character
can reroll 1d again. who has acquired the Priest class level. Even if the Bard has
This effect can only be used by one user and costs 10 acquired the Priest class level, they can specify a different deity
points of MP. (of first of a second sword). However, all the targets will worship
the same deity specified by the Bard.
This Spellsong can have Resistance: Can't by changing the
☆ All-seeing Eye prelude to 3 minutes (18 rounds).
If a Barbarous character sings this Spellsong, the Priest class
Duration 30 seconds (3 rounds) level of the Second Sword God is increased, while the Priest
Summary After the result of Skill Check, Success Value +2 class level of the First Sword God is decreased.
With an all-seeing eye, the user is able to change the
result of a Skill Check.
After a Skill Check, the Success Value of the check can
be increased by +2. Relax
This effect is lost after one user during the duration of
the effect. This Technique costs 10 points of MP. PREL. - SINGING -
R ES. Can’t PET -
Bard selects and cancels the psychic and curse+psychic
specified by the them
Spellsong removes "psychic" and "curse +psychic" type effects
of spells and unique skills of monsters on the characters within
the range of Spellsong. The Bard can choose any effects to be
EFF . removed at the time of playing, and all of them are removed
without the need to compare Success Value.
This Spellsong is not effective when played continuously, but
it is effective each time it is sung again.
Part 1 Characters
[Unique Skill
True Potential Prer.
Perfect Release] Prismatic Curtain Cards Gold x 3
Animal, Mythical Range/ 30m/
Comp. Area All
Target 1 Character Dur. Instant Res. None
Beast, Magitech
Area Shot
Mount level +1 for mounts with a maximum appropriate
Summary Sum. Protects from any type of effect
level of 15th level
Extends the power of the Mount beyond its limits, This Evocation is used immediately after the target receives
enhancing each Mount value. the effect of a spell or unique skill with a type, and the process
A Mount with a maximum appropriate level of 15 gains the is finished. When used, it provides the target with a protective
ability to exceed its maximum appropriate level. curtain that nullifies the type of effect it received immediately
Effect The Mount Level raised by this effect becomes 16. Please before. The type can be one of the following 12 types of effects:
check the [True Potential] value and description for each fire, water/ice, wind, earth, lightning, energy, slashing,
mount at the page 38. bludgeoning, poison, disease, curse, or psychic. If the target is
This Stunt has no effect on mounts with a minimum affected by an effect of multiple types, the Alchemist chooses
appropriate level of 12 or less. one of the types to make them immune.
The target becomes immune to any damage or
disadvantageous effects of the type for the duration of the effect
Transcendental specified by the rank. This curtain does not prevent the target
Prer. None Effect from receiving any advantageous effects of the type. The target
Mount decides if the effect is advantageous or not.
Animal, Mythical If damage or adverse effects are inflicted with a new type
Comp. Area All during the duration of the effect, the effect that nullifies the type
Beast, Magitech
Super Success also occurs when referencing combat data of of the protective curtain is automatically updated to nullify the
Summary type received immediately before. Damage or disadvantageous
a Mount
When a Mount performs a check when fighting, such as an effects that do not have a type are not prevented at all.
Accuracy check, Evasion check, etc., the check will be B: 10 seconds (1 round). Once the target is made immune to
performed as a "Transcendent check" (see p. 25) and will be one type, immunity disappears without being updated.
Effect treated as a Super Success (see p. 25) if the conditions are A: 30 seconds (3 rounds). Once the target is made immune to
met. one type, immunity disappears without being updated.
This stunt is only effective if the mount level is 16 or higher, S: 30 seconds (3 rounds).
or it is "Awakened". SS: 3 minutes (18 rounds).
Green x
Riding Unity Prer. [Riding As One] Lifestasis Cards
Animal, Mythical Range/ 30m/
Comp. Area Main Section Target 1 Character Dur. Instant Res. Can’t
Beast, Magitech Area Shot
A jockey can select one of the Active Combat Feat that they Sum. Limit the target's HP recovery
have acquired for Mount to use This Evocation is used just before the target receives an HP
Mounts can imitate Jockey's Combat Feats and use them in recovery effect, such as a recovery spell or [〇Regeneration]. It
their full form. limits the amount of recovery that the target receives based on
With a Minor Action, a Mount can declare an Active the rank of the card used.
Combat Feat with the prerequisite "None". The Combat Feat If the recovery effect restores HP to its maximum value, the
to be declared can be selected each turn. amount of HP restored is calculated first, and then the effect of
If Jockey's Combat Feat is enhanced by replacement, only Effect
this Evocation is applied. The amount of recovery is set as
the effect of the Combat Feat with "Prerequisite: None" before follows:
the replacement can be declared. B: 90% of the original amount (rounded up).
A: 80% of the original amount (rounded up).
S: 70% of the original amount (rounded up).
SS: 50% of the original amount (rounded up).
Range/ 30m/
Target 1 Character Dur. Instant Res. None
Area Shot
Sum. Temporarily disables the weapon and increases Extra Damage
This Evocation can only be used when the target attacks with
a melee weapon after the total damage is determined but before
the applied damage is calculated.
By temporarily disabling the weapon, Extra Damage is
increased. The amount of Extra Damage depends on the rank.
However, weapons whose Extra Damage has been increased
Effect by this Evocation effect cannot be used as weapons for 24 hours.
This is because the weapon becomes so powerful that it
becomes unusable.
Note that this Evocation cannot be used with rank B material
cards and cannot be used with a weapon of a rank higher than
that of the target's weapon.
B: - A: +3 pts S: +8 pts. SS: +20 pts.
Flowing Fortunes V: Ephemeral
T/R Evasion/Rank 5
Surging Offense V: Fierce God Sum.
Evasion check +2, plus Evasion check +3 momentarily
T/R Attack/Rank 5 Predicting enemy attacks and evading them is an ephemeral skill.
Physical damage +4, plus physical damage +6 momentarily
Sum. When attempting to evade, targets receive a +2 bonus to their
(Enlightenment) Evasion checks.
You perceive the current trend and launch a god-like attack on Eff. Enlightenment
those around you. Once per use, after a target performs an Evasion check and sees
Targets deal an additional +4 physical damage when making a the result, they can declare Enlightenment to gain an additional +3
melee or shooting attack. bonus modifier to their Evasion check, for a total of +5.
The target can deal an extra +6 physical damage (+10 in total)
once. This effect can be declared when the target determines the
damage. Ironclad Defense V: Stronghold
T/R Defense/Rank 5
Sum. Defense +5, plus Defense +5 momentarily (Enlightenment)
Surging Offense V: Karma Command a formation resembling a fortress, ensuring it will never
fall and maximizing the target's defensive effectiveness. This
T/R Attack/Rank 5
increases the target's Defense by +5.
Sum. Accuracy check +2, plus Accuracy +3 momentarily (Enlightenment) Eff. Enlightenment
You identify the right moment to strike and direct the target The Defense can be further increased by an additional +5 (total of
precisely, it gains a +2 bonus to Accuracy checks. +10) only once. This effect can be declared after checking the total
Enlightenment damage when the target is hit by physical damage.
The target can gain an additional +3 (+5 in total) bonus modifier
to the Accuracy check only once. This effect can be declared after
the target performs an Accuracy check and sees the result.
Defiant Stand V: Immortal
T/R Resistance/Rank 5
Fortitude +2, Willpower +2, plus instant Fortitude +3 or Willpower
+3 (Enlightenment)
You command a formation that will not break, no matter what
happens, and no one will fall. The targets receive a +2 bonus to
Fortitude and Willpower checks.
Once only, the target can gain an additional +3 bonus modifier (for
a total of +5) to any Fortitude or Willpower check. This effect can
only be declared after the target performs Fortitude or Willpower
checks and sees the result of the Fortitude or Willpower check.
Part 1 Characters
This section describes the process to be taken when "Super Success" occurs in existing Divination checks.
Part 1 Characters
It is a Mythical Beast in the form of a boar with golden fur. In recent
years, there have been reports of successful breeding of these Mythical
Beasts as Mounts in areas where dragons do not inhabit.
Noble Dragon (see IB, p. 184) ●Wing
Part 1 Characters
Item Description Greasy Plate: This armor is made of light, and elastic
Manatite Wings: Manatite weapons are designed to protect Mythical Beast leather interlocked with each other to ensure
the wing skeleton and are made of several layers of razor- protection of the Mount's vital points. The leather is also
sharp blades. Even a light contact during an attack is enough treated to make the armor more slippery, making it harder
to slice through with a manatite wing. for enemies to land hits.
Flickering Horn: This is a bludgeoning weapon with three Aurora Curtain: This armor diffuses the power of mana and
Flicker Hammers simultaneously equipped. The center of protects the Mount from damage caused by magic and breath
gravity of each of them is changed so that the attack trajectory weapons. It also refracts light, making it harder for enemies
changes irregularly. to hit the Mount with weapons.
Piercing Ram: This is a cone-shaped weapon made from a Yscaea Mount Armor: This is a metal armor for Mounts that
dragon's horn, sharpened to a thin, sharp edge. It can be used was created from several broken Humanoid armor. It is a
not only as a piercing weapon but also to enhance bites or light metal armor that covers the whole body of the Mount,
attach to the tip of a wing. but it does not hinder the movement of the Mount at all.
Item Description
Mithril Cowl: A piece of additional armor made of Mithril. Lightning Blaster: An additional weapon based on some of
It not only provides robust protection but also gives the the most advanced magitech research. It allows for a wider
mount a beautiful, streamlined look. range and more powerful attack than a gun.
Hypercharger: An armament that increases the output of the Absolute Shield: A shield for mounts reinforced with magic.
mana that powers the mount, dramatically enhancing its It provides protection not only from weapon attacks but also
movement but at the expense of durability. from magic.
Endless Slasher: This mechanism adds a rotating blade that
pops up automatically when the mount attacks. The sharp
blade can easily be cut through thin metal.
This is a list of frequently used items by adventurers and Purchasing all of the items is not required, but players can
Transcendent characters. It is useful for bulk purchasing, as choose from the list to purchase the items they prefer. Each
it provides a convenient reference for item prices. The list is item is marked with detailed data references.
also helpful when creating high-level characters.
Part 1 Characters
Name Category Price Note
Priest Class List
Holy Symbol Class-Specific Items/Accessory: Any 100 see AW, p. 109
Portable Shrine Class-Specific Items/Accessory: Back 9,120 see LL, p. 84
Purifying Holy Symbol Class-Specific Items/Accessory: Any 13,800 see AW, p. 158
Crown of the Saint Accessory: Head 10,000 see LL, p. 102
Amulet Of Prayer Accessory: Neck 10,000 see CR I, p. 326, AW, p. 150
Fairy Tamer Class List
Fairy Tamer's Gem Class-Specific Items/Accessory: Any 50+ see CR I, p. 262, CR EX, p. 320
Gem Case Class-Specific Items/Accessory: Any 100+ see CR I, p. 266
500 + 20
Ornate Jewelry Class-Specific Items/Accessory: Any see AW, p. 109
Cattleya Garland Accessory: Head 20,000 see CR II, p. 185, AW, p. 147
Artificer Class List
Magisphere (small) Class-Specific Items/Accessory: Any 200 see CR I, p. 262, CR EX, p. 320
Class-Specific Items/Accessory: Back,
Magisphere (medium) 500 see CR I, p. 262, CR EX, p. 321
Waist, Other
Magisphere (large) Specific Items/Accessory: Back, Other 2,000 see CR I, p. 262, CR EX, p. 320
Floating Sphere (medium) Class-Specific Items/Accessory: Any 2,210 see AW, p. 157
Floating Sphere (large) Class-Specific Items/Accessory: Any 3,210 see AW, p. 157
Scout Class List
Scout's Tools Class-Specific Items 100 see CR I, p. 260
Mechanized Fingers Class-Specific Items 7,080 see LL, p. 85
Wig of Chills Accessory: Head 2,500 see LL, p. 101
Keen-Flash Glasses Accessory: Face 4,000 see CR II, p. 192, AW, p. 147
Rabbit Earrings Accessory: Ear 4,000 see CR I, p. 327, AW, p. 148
Lucky Charm Accessory: Neck 2,000 see CR I, p. 328, AW, p. 149
Smart Animal Sack Accessory: Back 9,000 see LL, p. 109
1,000 + 20
Utility Belt Accessory: Waist see AW, p. 154
Bandit King's Ring Accessory: Hand 3,000 see CR II, p. 186, AW, p. 153
Silent Shoes Accessory: Feet 5,000 see CR II, p. 187, AW, p. 156
Ranger Class List
Apothecary's Tools Class-Specific Items 200 see CR EX, p. 378
Magic Pipe Class-Specific Items 1,360 see CR EX, p. 378
Taste Piercing Accessory: Face 2,000 see CR EX, p. 415
Potion Injector Accessory: Neck 740 see CR EX, p. 421
1,000 + 20
Rangers' Cloak Accessory: Back see AW, p. 151
Robe of Camouflage Accessory: Back 840 see AW, p. 151
Thrower Belt Accessory: Waist 1,000 see CR EX, p. 433
Sage Class List
Pointed Hat Accessory: Head 3,000 see CR I, p. 329, AW, p. 146
Keen-Flash Glasses Accessory: Face 4,000 see CR II, p. 192, AW, p. 147
Lucky Charm Accessory: Neck 2,000 see CR I, p. 328, AW, p. 149
Smart Animal Sack Accessory: Back 9,000 see LL, p. 109
Bard Class List
Instrument Class-Specific Items 100 see CR I, p. 260
Dissonant Flute Class-Specific Items 2,640 see AW, p. 135
Pet (Bird, Frog, Insect) Class-Specific Items 100+ see CR II, p. 179
Flapper's Song Accessory: Neck 5,000 see CR II, p. 193, AW, p. 150
Maisha's Feather Ornament Accessory: Any 8,200 see AW, p. 157
Rider Class List
Little Wing Accessory: Back 3,000 see CR I, p. 333, AW, p. 151
Golden Spurs Accessory: Feet 3,000 see LL, p. 113
Alchemist Class List
Class-Specific Items, Accessory: Hand,
Alchemy Kit 200 see AW, p. 109
Waist, Other
Card Shooter Class-Specific Items 1,500 see LL, p. 60
Tactician Class List
Class-Specific Items, Accessory: Head,
Strategist Insignia 100 see CG, p. 34
Neck, Back, Hands, Waist, Other
Class-Specific Items, Accessory: Head, 1,000 + 20
Strategist Insignia of Valor see CG, p. 34
Neck, Back, Hands, Waist, Other rep.
Class-Specific Items, Accessory: Head, 10,000 + 50
Imperial Strategist Insignia see CG, p. 34
Neck, Back, Hands, Waist, Other rep.
Sympathy Piercing Accessory: Face 2,000 see LL, p. 103
Mystic Class List
Astral Rods Class-Specific Items 100 see CG, p.36
Celestial Tarot Class-Specific Items 100 see CG, p.36
Star Globe Class-Specific Items 100 see CG, p.36
Name Category Price Note
Accessory list for physical damage increase
Reckless Headband Accessory: Head 2,000 see AW, p. 146, CR EX, p. 411
Small Bear Claws/Bear Claws Accessory: Neck 6,000 see CR II, p. 186, AW, p. 151, CR EX, p. 425
Champion's Buckle Accessory: Waist 30,000 see CR I, p. 331, AW, p. 155, CR EX , p. 437
Jumping Feathers Accessory: Feet 6,800 see AW, p. 156
Accessory list for physical damage reduction
Safety Helmet Accessory: Head 2,000 see CR EX, p. 411
Stone Man's Earring Accessory: Ear 6,640 see LL, p. 106
Rose Choker Accessory: Neck 1,000 see CR I, p. 331, AW, p. 149
Little Wing Accessory: Back 3,000 see CR I, p. 333, AW, p. 151
Black Belt Accessory: Waist 3,000 see CR I, p. 332, AW, p. 155
Accessory list for magic damage reduction
Rose Choker Accessory: Neck 1,000 see CR I, p. 331, AW, p. 149
Hero's Mantle Accessory: Back 10,000 see CR II, p. 185, AW, p. 152
Droplet Bracelet Accessory: Hand 5,000 see CR I, p. 329, AW, p. 153
Accessory list for evasion increase
Backwater Necklace Accessory: Neck 6,000 see LL, p. 108
Flying Cloak Accessory: Back 3,500 see CR II, p. 190, AW, p. 152 (replaced Breeze Cloak)
Missile Trapper Accessory: Waist 1,660 see AW, p. 155
Lucky Feathers Accessory: Feet 10,080 see LL, p. 113
Accessory list for resistance increase
Red Glasses Accessory: Face 7,500 see LL, p. 104
Golden Earplugs Accessory: Ear 2,000 see CR II, p. 187, AW, p. 148
Crystal Necklace Accessory: Neck 3,000 see CR II, p. 190, AW, p. 149
Ring Of The Mind Accessory: Hand 5,000 see CR I, p. 329, AW, p. 153
Accessory list for HP, MP recovery
Mask of the Fearless Accessory: Face 4,520 see CR EX, p. 417
Talisman Of Life Accessory: Neck 10,000 see CR II, p. 184, AW, p. 150
Bloodstone Bellyband Accessory: Waist 2,800 see CR EX, p. 435
Part 1 Characters
This optional rule allows PCs to operate their own You have to decide which type of Reputation Business
businesses (separately) and generate income by taking you are going to conduct. The types are as follows:
advantage of their own fame. This rule can be adopted as an
alternative to the conventional rule of income and ADVENTURER 'S GUILD
expenditure by a Personal Theatre Troupe or Exhibition They are the intermediaries and mediators between jobs
Hall (see CR II, p. 57). and adventurers.
Scout/Ranger/Sage class can be of help with making
Theater Company/Orchestra Business Results Timing
The so-called "show business" operates theatrical troupes
and orchestras. It tends to be difficult to make a profit, but it
has the aspect of "big if you hit it right".
Possession of Bard class may work to your advantage.
Primary Industry
Managing farms and fishing fleets. The weather can be
very unpredictable, and the Ranger and Mystic classes may
have an advantage.
Open and operate temples. It makes a relatively steady
profit, but it is not very large and is not attractive as a direct
However, when Priest operates, it may receive an
advantage at the time of settlement of results and the
following advantages.
It can be regarded as a shrine/consecrate ground (see CR
III, p. 223, WT, p. 45).
Once the Fame Level reaches "2" or more, it can be
considered a city mission (see CR III, p. 223, WT, p. 45).
After the adventure scenario and character growth, the
ACADEMIA business is accounted for. The PCs can then choose to
expand or contract the business before embarking on the
Run school or private college, etc. Like temples, they next adventure scenario.
make a small but steady profit but are somewhat less The amount of time that passes between scenarios has no
attractive as a business due to the risk of large losses caused bearing on the business results. Regardless of whether a lot
by accidents. of time or very little time has passed, there is only one
Sage class holders may benefit. opportunity to get results and adjust the business's size.
Welfare Facilities B USINESS R ESULTS
Operate clinics for children and the poor. Unless you are Business Results Flow
very lucky, you will have to operate at a loss, and it is hard to
say that it is a profitable business.
PCs can start their own business after completing an
adventure scenario, receiving rewards, experience points,
and Reputation, and growing.
To launch the business, they must pay at least "50"
Reputation points and gain fame. The amount of investment
in the business must be made in units of "1,000 gamel".
If they choose to start an Exhibition Hall business, they
can substitute part or all of the Reputation payment with a
renowned used item. Using a renowned item as payment will
not reduce the current Reputation. However, the renowned
item can never be carried on an adventure again.
The "Strategist Insignia of Valor" and "Imperial Strategist DETERMINATION OF B USINESS E VENTS
Insignia" (see CG, p. 34) are the best items to use for this Once character growth is completed and it's time to settle
purpose. accounts, the first step is to determine the business event.
This is done by rolling two dice and reading the result as it is.
B USINESS R ESULTS T IMING There are 36 different possible combinations of results from
A business does not bring profit (or loss) immediately "1-1" to "6-6".
after it is started. The results of the business will appear only Four of these rolls - "1-1", "1-2", "2-1", and "6-6" - generate
after the next adventure. events that affect all types of businesses equally. For the other
32 rolls, two of the business types will be affected.
The Business Management Sheet outlines which event
affects which type of business. The specific content of the
Part 1 Characters
event and how it affects financial results is described in the Example of Putting a Reputation
Financial Results Sheet of each business type.
The decision on the business event is made "three times" Adventurer Storin owns a "Food and Beverage"
by "the whole party". The representative rolls the two dice Reputation Business called "Ronde de Bouffe". The business
three times to determine the roll (of course, three people may has a fame of 130 and an investment of 3000G. During a
roll once each), and the roll is applied to all PCs' businesses. check of business events, the event "1-6 Developed a Limited
If the same roll appears more than once, there is no Time Menu Profit or loss doubled" occurred.
accumulation. For example, even if the roll "1-2" appears Storin, recognizing an opportunity, decides to execute
twice or more, the correction to the dice roll is only -1 when both "Double Roll" and "1d+6".
using the Financial Table (see page 46). The current prestige level of the business is equal to its
However, even if the game effects are the same, they are fame, which is at level 1, and the Financial Table refers to the
cumulative if the rolls are different. If the roll "1-2" and the top row. Therefore, the Reputation required for "Double
roll "2-1" appear at the same time, the correction to the dice Roll" is 10 and for "1d+6" is 20.
roll when using the Financial Table will be -2 for all business Storin declares that he will invest a total of 30 Reputation
types. points and reduce his current Reputation by 30.
Example of Financial Table Usage P OINTS
Adventurer Storin runs a Food and Beverage Reputation If you have Management Assistance Points (see p. 49) as
Business called "Ronde de Bouffe" with a business fame of a result of a business event, you can pay these Management
130 and a Business Investment of 3,000G. He decided to Assistance Points instead of money when a loss occurs.
invest 30 points of Reputation to apply both "Double Roll"
and "1d+6". As a result, he rolled 1d+6 twice and used the R EFLECTS THE R EPUTATION I NVESTED IN THE B USINESS AS
better result, which was 3 (+6) and 4 (+6), yielding a result of AN I NCREASE IN B USINESS F AME
10. After the closing, the Reputation invested after the results
The current business fame level is 1, and he referenced are reflected in the increase of the Business Fame. Always
the top row of the Financial Table. In the Financial Table, remember that the Fame increase is done after getting results
column 10 corresponds to "+0.2", which is the result obtained from the Financial Table.
by Storin.
In the Financial Table, there are coefficients that increase Example of Fame Increase
by 0.1 increments. Multiply the Business Investment by the In this closing, Strin has invested a total of 30 points of
corresponding coefficient. If the result is positive, it Reputation in the business. As a result, the Fame of the
represents the monetary income of the PC. However, if it is business is increased by 30 points, which is now 130+30=160
negative, the business has incurred a loss, and the PC must points.
cover the loss with their own money. As a result of actively using his reputation for business
recognition, Strin's business fame level has increased to 2.
Part 1 Characters
Expansion and contraction of one type of business cannot
be done at the same time.
The start of a new parallel business is also done at the
Example of Automatic Acquisition
same time as expansion or contraction. and Additional Input
Storin’s business (current fame 290 = level 2) has reached
CLOSURE OF B USINESS the day of calculating results again. And the business event "5-
If PC’s business is single, setting its Business Investment 5 Winner of the Kingdom Thanksgiving Gold Award
to "0" will cause the business to go out of business, all business Automatically gain Reputation required for "1d+6" occurred
fame will be lost, and the total Reputation of the PC will be for the food and beverage business.
reduced. This automatically gives Storin "30" points of Reputation,
However, if a company is engaged in multiple businesses and his Total Reputation is increased. The 30 points are
at the same time, even if the Business Investment of some of automatically put into the Reputation Business (hence, the
them becomes "0", it is not treated as a business closure. Current Reputation remains unchanged).
If Business Investment in a business remains more than If nothing happens, his food and beverage business will
1,000G, the parallel business with a Business Investment of be settled with "1d+6", but Storin decides to make a "Double
"0" is treated as "temporarily closed". The closed business will Roll" to make sure that he can make a profit. With an
not generate any profit or loss during Business Results. All additional Reputation of 10, Storin has gained the right to
business events related to the business are skipped and "Double Roll a 1d+6" for the Food & Beverage Business
treated as if they had never occurred. Financial Table.
If the Business Investment of all businesses becomes "0",
the Reputation Business closes. The business fame is set to
0, and the character loses the same number of total AUTOMATIC R EPUTATION FOR EXHIBITION H ALLS AND
When a business event is determined, if the roll of "4-5"
is achieved, the Theater Company/Orchestra will experience
the following event: "4-5 Great Long Run in the Main Hall."
This is supplementary information on Reputation This automatically grants the Reputation required for a
Businesses. "Double Roll." If the Exhibition Hall business is also running
parallel to this, then the same Double Roll reputation is
H ANDLING OF MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE P OINTS gained, but "1d+6" rolled instead.”
Some business events give the PCs "Management If only one of these businesses is being operated, refer to
Assistance Points", which can be carried over if they are not the previous section.
used. If both businesses roll these events, each business will
As already explained, Management Assistance Points can automatically earn and invest Reputation equivalent to a
be used for the following two purposes and only for those "Double Roll" and roll 1d+6. The increase in fame resulting
that ask for money. from the outcomes will be added to each business.
Furthermore, it is also possible to achieve a "Double
- Compensation for losses incurred during financial results. Rolling of 1d+6" by adding the "Double Roll" Reputation for
- Funds when expanding business. each business.
Part 1 Characters
Adventurer's Guild Financial Table
Level Fame Double Roll 1d+6 ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
1 50 – 150 10 20 -0.3 -0.2 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.2 +0.2 +0.3
2 151 - 300 10 30 -0.3 -0.3 -0.2 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 +0.1 +0.2 +0.2 +0.3 +0.3
3 301 – 500 20 50 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 +0.1 +0.2 +0.3 +0.4 +0.5
4 501+ 30 100 -0.8 -0.5 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 +0.1 +0.2 +0.3 +0.5 +0.8
Part 1 Characters
Theater Company/Orchestra Financial Table
Level Fame Double Roll 1d+6 ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
1 50 – 150 10 20 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 0.0 0.0 +0.2 +0.4 +0.7
2 151 - 300 10 30 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 +0.3 +0.6 +0.9
3 301 – 500 20 50 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 +0.4 +0.8 +1.2
4 501+ 30 100 -0.3 -0.3 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 +0.5 +0.9 +1.5
Part 1 Characters
Business Management Sheet PC Name
Event occurrence
Business Name Business Type Business Investment
(11,12,21,66 are common)
2nd Roll
1 2 3 4 5 6
Adventurer's Guild Transportation Food and Beverage
1 Common Common
Food and Beverage
Mercenary Services Exhibition Hall
Primary Industry
Mercenary Adventurer's
Primary Industry Clothing and Crafts Exhibition Hall Adventurer's Guild
3 Services Guild
Temple Mercenary Services Temple Clothing & Crafts
1st Roll
Part 2 World
Part 2 World
According to legend, the world of Raxia was created by It is said that those who touch Fortuna become gods and
three magic swords. This story is well-known and familiar to leave the earth. If this is true, it is not surprising that there is
anyone with an interest in history or mythology. no one left who possessed Fortuna.
While no one can say for certain whether the story is true,
few inhabitants of Raxia bother to research or reject it. The Fortuna, the magical sword of fate and miracles, is full of
world of Raxia is so interwoven with these mysterious magic mystery.
swords that it seems to exist as a matter of course. It may be a secret code that leads to godhood.
Lumiere, the sword of harmony; Ignis, the sword of
liberation; and Cardia, the source of mana -- it is said that all - from Allister's Natural History
the other magic swords in the world were created by
duplicating these three.
Lyphos found the first sword, Lumiere, and became the
first god. Dalkhrem found the second sword, Ignis, and The earliest record of the appearance of the name of the
created Barbarous. The third sword, Cardia, shattered itself, fourth sword, Fortuna, dates back to the Ancient Magic
and magic and mana were born into the world, which is Civilization period.
another famous creation story. The civilization in which these great magicians, who are
said to have died about 3,000 years ago, flourished after the
But were these three swords the only magic swords that Divine Civilization Period, and research to obtain god-like
created the world? The earliest recorded appearance of the name of the fourth
sword, Fortuna, dates back to the Ancient Magic Civilization
This question has been debated since time immemorial. period. This civilization flourished after the Divine
No one has ever seen the three founding swords in Civilization Period, during which great magicians who are
person, except perhaps the gods who now sleep in Heaven. said to have died about 3,000 years ago, conducted research
Therefore, we cannot deny the possibility of the existence to obtain god-like power. The development of magic was a
of a fourth magic sword that has not yet been discovered. result of this research.
There have always been those who believed in this After the third sword, Cardia, was shattered and the world
possibility, and even now, many people continue their search flooded with mana, the gods left the earth, and magic
and research for the fourth sword. advanced. Magic transcended natural phenomena and
exhibited extraordinary power, making the impossible
The reason that drives them is a number of legends. possible. Talented sorcerers were born one after another,
In many legends and historical events, the name of a creating new spells, new laws, and new values. The existing
certain magic sword often appears. spells of this era are said to be rudimentary compared to
those created during this time.
It is the fourth sword - Fortuna. However, even the wizard-kings who created such
excellent spells could not find a way to become true
Fortuna, the magic sword, is always mentioned in legends immortals or gods. Although they could extend their lives
during turbulent times. It is said to save people in distress, and wield god-like powers, they could not become true gods.
exorcise evil, grant wishes, and restore peace. Some chose to become undead and live forever, such as
However, the descriptions of what Fortuna looks like and wizard-king Nosferatu, who achieved a kind of immortality.
what kind of magical sword it is are vague. As a result, some However, they were fundamentally outmatched by the
believe that Fortuna does not truly exist. gods' power and powerless in the face of divine power
It is thought to be an afterthought to a legendary tale and invoked by the priests who risked their lives.
disappears once a wish is granted. Some researchers even Searching for the Swords of Genesis, creators of gods, as
suggest that there is not a single Fortuna, but rather that one the legend says, the wizard-kings sought Lumiere, the first
wish can be granted to a person who collects all the Fortunas. sword, and Ignis, the second sword, but could not find them.
Nevertheless, the truth behind Fortuna remains Instead, they began to research the creation of powerful
unknown. magic swords to replace the old ones. Many excellent and
dangerous magic swords were produced in large numbers
In recent years, the name of Fortuna has appeared in the during this period, but they were only magic swords made by
lore and history of the Diabolic Triumph. mortals and could not grant godhood to their wielders.
As the Humanoids were on the brink of destruction and At the culmination of this trial-and-error process, the
Barbarous was about to conquer the world of Raxia, a brave wizard-kings began to search for another path.
man wielding Fortuna appeared and defeated the Barbarous
King. The search was for the Swords of Genesis, the fourth
However, this, too, is nothing more than a rumor or a sword, Fortuna, which is said to be still undiscovered.
battlefield legend, and no solid evidence remains.
Many people believe that the existence of Fortuna is
nothing more than a product of the wizard-kings' obsession
Part 2 World
Ever since the Divine Civilization was destroyed by the realm of ordinary Humanoids and stepped into the realm of
fierce and painful battle between Divine Ancestor Lyphos gods.
and Dalkhrem, the God of War, gods have disappeared from Some call Transcendents demigods. They are not gods
the world of Raxia. However, their existence has been proven but godlike beings who can no longer be simply called
by the manifestation of Divine Magic. human.
In the world of Raxia, gods are never far off. The highest In terms of simple appearance, there is no difference
priests can use magic to bring them down to earth, and the from ordinary Humanoids. However, if you actually see
lesser the influence of a Minor God on the world, the more them, you will feel their unusual presence.
likely they are to appear in Raxia. Above all, the existence of Transcendents are, in a sense, God's chosen beings. They
such minor gods and the legends and folklore surrounding challenge gods and are gods themselves. In many cases, those
their establishment drive people toward a single goal: who are Transcendent are already famous for their heroic
becoming a god themselves. deeds or have already obtained the lord or temple head
position. They may be Transcendent not because they are
The gods of Raxia were originally humans. born as such but because they possess the qualities, the power
According to mythological theory, they attained godhood of action, and the ability to carry out their duties.
by coming into contact with the Swords of Genesis and Then, one day, when a Transcendent realizes that a great
transcending humanity. mission - a great disaster - is coming to the world, they realize
Notably, gods were not only born during the Divine that they are beyond the realm of ordinary Humanoids.
Civilization Period. When they fulfill their mission, a Transcendent will take
Some deities gained divinity during the Ancient Magic a step forward on the path to godhood. But even for
Civilization Period, while others attained it during the Transcendents, the road to true godhood is far from over.
Magitech Civilization Period. Even young minor gods were There is no doubt that gods are still far beyond their reach.
elevated to the status of deity during the Diabolic Triumph.
The means by which they attained godhood varies
according to the traditions and myths of the believers who
worship them. However, the common denominator is always There is not much difference in appearance or ability
the magical sword. The encounter with a magical sword gives between Transcendents and non-Transcendents. However,
the bearer divine status and leads to the birth of a god. when you work with them, you will notice a clear difference.
Therefore, people seek powerful magic swords and aim to Transcendents can use magical secrets and fighting
become gods. techniques that are normally unknowable or impossible to
Despite this desire, there is no clear methodology or path learn. But this is only a superficial change; Transcendents
to follow. As a result, people continue to suffer and search have a more fundamental power than ordinary adventurers.
for their path to divinity. When traveling with Transcendents and those who are
aware of their abilities, you realize that Transcendents can be
- from Allister's Natural History called superhumans. Sometimes they display a brilliance of
technique and physical prowess that cannot be explained by
their superior technical skills or well-trained bodies.
In the memoirs and records of those who have studied
It is often said that there is a limit to the growth of Transcendents since ancient times, descriptions of similar
humanoids. Only a certain kind of superhero can truly experiences often appear. Some called it "Guidance of
understand this feeling. There comes a moment when they Fortuna" because of the sense of fateful power they felt.
suddenly realize that, no matter what they do, they cannot Others simply called it "Transcendental success".
reach a higher level. It seems that even for the Transcendents, they are not
However, superheroes do not neglect their efforts to consciously in control of their powers.
improve themselves. They devise new ways of fighting and
improve other skills to achieve synergistic effects. Even
though there may be a wall that cannot be overcome by any
means, the superheroes tell us that this is the boundary that
separates man from God.
Nevertheless, there are those who, by chance, transcend
these limits. During the Divine Civilization Period, gods were believed
to be immortal according to tradition. Myths tell us that not
Transcendents. only did they have a long lifespan, but also that physical
damage meant nothing to them.
The heights that ordinary people cannot reach. One of the reasons why Transcendents are called sublime
The secret depths of magic beyond comprehension, the is their glimpse of immortality. They have been seen to rise
exquisite skills that transcend the limits of the body. It is no again and return to the front lines, even after suffering fatal
exaggeration to say that Transcendents have gone beyond the blows. Sometimes, they even continue to fight as if nothing
Part 2 World
There are very few records of people who appear to be magic warrior sensed a special quality in Saran and felt a
Transcendents, even if we unravel the history of the entire strong sense of mission to raise him. He felt that Saran would
Terastier Continent. eventually become a great magician.
However, by studying lore, oral traditions, and local On the other hand, Saran vowed to make it his goal in life
histories, we can find interesting people and their stories. to overcome the world's irrationality. He became an
While it's impossible to prove whether the people apprentice of the magic warrior and showed amazing talent.
introduced here are truly Transcendents or not, it's still Saran learned the secrets of swordsmanship and magic from
intriguing to follow their activities. his master, and by the time he was 10 years old, he was
already more skilled than any ordinary magician. By the time
- from Allister's Natural History he was 15 years old, he and his master are said to have
defeated a tyrannical wizard-king.
Eventually, during numerous battles with wizard-kings,
his beloved teacher lost his life, but Saran continued to fight
Saran Telugu is a magic warrior who appears in literature for the oppressed people. He defeated more than 10 wizard-
from the Ancient Magic Civilization period. He is known for kings in his lifetime.
defeating wizard-kings one after another and liberating The wizard-king also sent assassins to defeat Saran and
oppressed people, but he never established his own kingdom eventually summoned a large number of Daemons.
despite possessing magical skills as strong as those of wizard- However, they failed to control the Daemons, and the
kings. Daemons went out of control. Nevertheless, Saran was not
According to legend, Saran was born into a poor farming intimidated and challenged the Daemons with courage, skill,
family in a territory ruled by a tyrannical wizard-king. The and magic beyond the realm of Humans, closing the
villagers were treated like oxen and horses, forced to work summoning gate.
for the wizard-king. Saran was just 19 years old when he challenged the
When Saran was only three years old, a war broke out Daemons. Some say that he disappeared into another world
between wizard-kings, involving his village. For the helpless with the Daemons, while others say that he attained godhood
peasants, it must have been like a natural disaster. Meteorites and became a god. However, it is not unrealistic to think that
fell, earthquakes shook the land, and the legend tells us that Saran, who became a Transcendent, completed the path to
it was a spectacular event. All the villagers lost their lives in godhood.
this battle, including Saran's family. Miraculously, however,
Saran did not suffer a single scratch.
A wandering magic warrior took pity on the young Saran,
who was standing alone in a village where corpses lay in This period marked the time between the destruction of
heaps, and took him along on a journey. At that time, the the Ancient Magic Civilization and the establishment of the
Magitech Civilization. The world was in chaos, and people confident of victory, was easily defeated by the resurrected
struggled to survive. In such desperate times, many sought Veronica. The morale of the refugees soared, and the
refuge in the temple as a means of salvation. Most of these Barbarous were crushed.
refugees had lost their homes due to being driven away by In the end, when the battle was over, only those who had
Barbarous and Daemons. However, the temple was unable followed Veronica and those who had been protected by her
to handle the constant influx of refugees. To make matters and her friends survived.
worse, the Barbarous began to pursue the refugees, forcing The location of the temple where the battle took place
the temple to defend itself. and which god was worshipped there was not recorded. It is
The situation was dire: food and sanitation were scarce, unclear whether the people involved were afraid of disgrace
and Barbarous attacks were frequent. The mindless priests and erased the information or whether Veronica did not
created a strict class system disguised as commandments to disclose this detail. It is said that Veronica mourned the dead
protect their own interests. The temple, meant to be a sacred with the refugees and established a stable and solid settlement
place, had become a hellish nightmare. of humanoids.
Soon, the powerful Barbarous hordes discovered the It is also said that Veronica eventually achieved godhood
temple. Many of them were fond of Humanoid flesh and and became a goddess. However, even now, there may be
viewed the temple as their next prey. people in the world who believe in her as a Human.
In this time-sensitive emergency, the priests in charge of
the temple were in a state of confusion. They even
considered invoking the god to destroy the Barbarous and
restore peace. The Diabolic Triumph completely destroyed the
As the refugees' settlements were being overrun one after Magitech Civilization. Amidst the tragic battles, destruction,
another and the temple defenses were being breached, the and carnage of that era, there was a master swordsman who
priests were immersed in the ritual of the god's descent, survived: Fuyu Chersane.
which they couldn't perform. It may have been a kind of In a time when guns were the primary weapons of war,
escape from reality. Fuyu was an eccentric master swordsman. During the
During the series of disturbances, it was discovered that peaceful period before the Diabolic Triumph, he was treated
many of the priests were only priests in name, unable to use like a complete weirdo. He had mastered the art of
Divine Magic. The refugees became angry and started a riot, swordsmanship, dodging even bullets, and learned to subdue
and in such a situation, there was no way for a god to descend. his enemies by slashing them from a distance.
When a crowd of Barbarous swarmed into the place Considering the conventional wisdom of the Magitech
where many priests were praying, it seemed that all was lost. Civilization Period, it would have been a challenge that could
However, a paladin woman named Veronica Dunkels have made one doubt his sanity. However, it is reported that
stood in the way. Despite being young and a low priestess, Fuyu had actually mastered the art of dodging and darting
her faith and desire to save the refugees were stronger than toward the enemy under a hail of bullets.
anyone else's. Despite his exceptional skills, in the late stages of the
To ensure everyone's survival, Veronica devised a Magitech Civilization, where organized armies clashed,
desperate plan. She aimed to trap most of the Barbarous exceptional individuals like Fuyu were not appreciated.
indoors with the temple as the limit and to guide the people Rather, he was regarded as an obstacle. Nevertheless, Fuyu
to safety through an escape route she had prepared. continued honing his sword skills and studying for survival
However, the operation collapsed due to the betrayal of and victory.
the priests, who were supposed to be their allies but instead Then, the Diabolic Triumph, Magitech Civilization Al
tried to escape themselves. Furthermore, they left Veronica Menas's worst nightmare, arrived. It is said that Fuyu smiled
in front of the Barbarous army as if she were a sacrifice. as he watched his troops being defeated one after another in
Nevertheless, Veronica never despaired and continued to the chaos of the Magitech Civilization. The civilization, which
fight to protect her people. Despite her low rank in the had been considered rock solid, was brought to a standstill
temple, she was a true priestess. Her fury slowed down the by natural disasters and the Barbarous attack.
Barbarous army, and the refugees, inspired by her divine This is not to say that he mocked the demise of those who
wrath, united. However, they were still outmatched and did not appreciate him. "At last, I can test my skills," he
couldn't overcome their inferiority. grumbled.
A sense of hopelessness began to envelop the people; In the chaos of the battlefield, where he was forced to
even Veronica, who never ceased to smile, was said to be on engage in physical combat with Barbarous, Fuyu was truly an
the verge of running out of strength. However, in such an invincible swordsman. His polished swordsmanship had
extreme situation, she heard the voice of god. Later, reached a higher level than he thought possible, and he made
Veronica said that she felt the presence of god more clearly Barbarous bleed to death.
and closer to her than when she was performing miracles of Indeed, in the Diabolic Triumph, Fuyu was a fish out of
Divine Magic. The refugees who believed in her and water and a bloodthirsty blade. Without any friends or
continued to fight also felt the presence of god. It was truly understanding to compete with, he had been practicing his
the breath of god, the manifestation of god's will. skills in solitude, trying all kinds of techniques against
When the chief Barbarous pierced her through the chest, Barbarous opponents, returning alive to more dangerous
no one doubted that she was doomed. However, Veronica battlefields, and continuing to aim higher and higher.
rose to life with divine radiance and made an astonishing And then he realized that there was no one who could
resurrection. The Barbarous chief, who was already match him in a physical battle. No matter who he fought or
Part 2 World
how many thousands and tens of thousands of troops he Diabolic Triumph, the exact nature of his death remains
jumped into, Fuyu always came back alive, and he no longer unknown.
had any enemies. The legend of Fuyu shows us that we can transcend the
However, what is frightening about Fuyu is that he never human realm by being a martyr to our own ideals and
stopped training. For him, the goal was not to make his persisting in them. It gives people dreams and courage, but
enemies bow down to him but to see how much he could at the same time, it makes us realize that being Transcendent
improve himself. At some point, Fuyu deviated from the can be a lonely journey.
realm of humanoid and became Transcendent.
After the Diabolic Triumph, there are no records of what
happened to Fuyu. According to one passage, Hulle, the
sword god worshipped in the Zalts region, is said to be the
deified form of Fuyu. However, according to the records,
Fuyu was a greatsword wielder, which differs from Hulle, a
two-sword wielder.
There is also a theory that Fortuna was the great sword
that Fuyu used throughout his life, but no reliable records
support this. Another theory is that Fuyu defeated the
Barbarous King, but since no one was able to accompany
Fuyu when he became Transcendent at the end of the
Damst Bolzken was a skilled Dwarf smith who lived Serra Lucianos was the daughter of a prominent sorcerer
during the Magic Civilization Period. He was known for his who lived at the end of the Ancient Magic Civilization period.
stubbornness and dedication, and it was said that he The Lucianos family was a prestigious family of sorcery, as
continued to train himself with a sword. The sword he forged documented in the book of sorcery that Serra left behind.
was considered the founding sword of the Magic Civilization This book dates back to the period immediately after the fall
Period, as it was a top-quality sword with the form, function, of the Divine Civilization. While the truth about the family's
and artistic beauty desired by sorcerers. fame is not certain, it seems that they were well-known as a
When he was young, Damst responded to requests for prestigious family of sorcery, at least during Serra's time.
weapons to survive and improve his skills. Creating There are no documents or books that tell us the truth
something desired was a pleasure for him as a smith. He was about how the Magic Civilization met its demise. However,
a quiet man with a strong passion for weapons, and he one clear threat was posed to Serra - the beginning of the
continued to make weapons as requested with dedication, Dragon Raid, which originated from the arrival of the Dragon
earnestness, and ambition to reach higher levels. Blade Star.
As his reputation grew, requests from multiple wizard- In Serra's journal, there is a fragmentary record of her
kings came in, and the orders became more complicated and battle with the Fallen Dragons. Although Serra was a member
outlandish. However, a war broke out between wizard-kings of a famous magic family and had a great talent for magic, she
who were trying to exclusively involve Damst, and his was quiet on the pages of history - perhaps because she was a
surroundings were destroyed and chaotic. woman - and ended up as the wife of a sorcerer whose name
The weapons they were looking for were the most had not been passed down yet.
eccentric ones, which deviated from the essence of a weapon. However, the Fallen Dragons suddenly attacked her
In the meantime, a war broke out between wizard-kings marriage, and she escaped to her hometown with the power
trying to get Damst exclusively involved, and his surroundings of magic. Unfortunately, the Fallen Dragons were also on the
were in great destruction and chaos. verge of destroying her hometown. Out of necessity, Serra
At a certain point, Damst felt like everything was escaped to a large library built in the basement, where she
worthless and disappeared from the center of the conflict. found a grimoire - a book surprisingly written 3,000 years
He had no interest in creating a work of art or an ago.
outlandish weapon for the wizard-king's whimsical magic Serra, who was not a wizard-king but had studied magic
sword. His goal was to craft a superior weapon. to a similar degree and possessed excellent magical abilities,
Damst traveled the world in search of mountains with was able to immediately understand what the book was
high-quality ore deposits until he finally found an ideal about. This grimoire documented the legacy of her ancestors
location to settle down. He continued to hammer away, not who fought against the Dragon Blade Star or Fallen Dragons
for a magic sword material, but to forge his ideal sword. in the previous cycle.
He only sold his weapons to swordsmen and warriors Serra read the book as if she were possessed, and with
whom he trusted. He asked for feedback on how it felt to use each turn of the page, the legacy of her 3,000-year-old
them and made future improvements. ancestors seeped into her brain and body. Unknown magic
Meanwhile, something strange began to happen. Magic and hidden knowledge combined with her innate talent,
started to reside within the weapons forged by Damst. This awakening her to Transcendent at once.
may have been due to factors such as the combination of Serra, who had obtained the secret spells, quickly
materials and the way of forging. However, the sword became defeated the Fallen Dragons and barely saved the Lucianos
more powerful with more magic because of Damst's constant family from destruction.
efforts and the power of his soul. It is said that the grimoire was placed in the library of the
No other blacksmith could match Damst; without his Lucianos family in preparation for the Dragon Raid, the
knowledge, his skills had transcended the realm of the threat of the Dragon Blade Star that would come again, as if
predestined. Neither in battle, nor by divine revelation, nor to continue the legacy of their ancestors 3000 years ago.
by the guidance of ancient texts, but by his own skill alone, Although the Magic Civilization is now dead, and it is
Damst had stepped into the realm of the gods. unclear if the Lucianos family ever existed, if the grimoire still
According to legend, Damst continued his blacksmithing exists, it may be of great help when the Dragon Blade Star
and eventually became a god with the power of his forged returns. This may have been Serra's wish from long ago.
magic sword. Whether or not this legend is still believed is However, the current whereabouts of the grimoire are
unknown, but if it is true, then Damst must still be forging his unknown. It may be waiting somewhere for someone who
weapons to reach even greater heights. can truly decipher it.
Part 3 Campaigns
Part 3 Campaigns
This campaign is designed for 3 to 5 characters who have To fully enjoy this campaign, it is recommended to have
reached level 15 and completed a certain number of a set of supplements/databooks in addition to the "Core
adventures. Rulebook I-III Revised Edition". "Dragon Raid Begins" and
Having become heroes in the region at level 15, they have "Dragon Raid. War Chronicles I-II" will allow for a deeper
transcended through the events of the past few years and are and more extensive gameplay experience.
now ready to face a huge threat. Translator’s Note: These Dragon Raid books are
The campaign includes scenarios for 15th-level compiled in English in the "Dragon Raid Compilation" book.
characters to become Transcendent, bosses for the
campaign, and scenario ideas to help build your campaign.
The world of Raxia has a legend about a comet that possess characteristics of famous or fierce dragons from the
crosses the sky once every 3,000 years. This wicked star is past, and sometimes, even their memories and intelligence
called the Dragon Blade Star, and according to legend, when are restored.
it appears, the world will be in great danger. It is said to be However, these deformed dragons that possess the Fallen
related to the destruction of the Ancient Magic Civilization, Souls are extremely aggressive, particularly towards
but few traditions remain, and the exact nature of the event is intelligent beings other than themselves. This is true even if
unknown. they have inherited past appearances and memories. They
In a Dragon Raid campaign, the Dragon Blade Star will are as powerful as the dragons from whose corpses they were
cross the sky at the beginning of the campaign, and the Fallen formed, and when combined with past grudges, they become
Dragons, bringers of evil and despair, will appear. a tremendous threat.
In other words, the invasion by the Fallen Dragons is the Furthermore, those who are killed and eaten by a Fallen
primary threat in Dragon Raid and the enemy that players Dragon will be revived as a monster called a "Damned" and
must defeat. become their servants. Since prolonged exposure to the
"Devil Dragon's Miasma" can also turn individuals into
Damned, the Fallen Dragons themselves pose a threat to the
world of Raxia and its inhabitants.
The comet, Dragon Blade Star, is said to appear over
Raxia in approximately 3000-year cycles and is believed to be
a harbinger of bad things to come. Due to the long intervals
between its appearances, the star may no longer exist, and Fallen Soul is said to be the soul of another world brought
even its legend may have been lost. by the Dragon Blade Star. They are known to fuse with
At first glance, Dragon Blade Star appears as a simple dragon corpses and regenerate their bodies. They can also
white comet. However, its main body is said to be shaped like fuse with Daemons and other creatures.
a sword, hence its name. In rare cases, it has been confirmed that when fused with
Legend also has it that when the Dragon Blade Star a prenatal fetus or egg, a Fallen Dragon does not become as
arrives, many strange and ferocious dragons will appear and fierce and dangerous as a normal Fallen Dragon. However,
wreak havoc on the world. this is a very rare exception, and they cannot be expected to
To determine if a character has knowledge about Dragon coexist with Fallen souls or understand each other.
Blade Star, an Insight check with a Target Number of 14 or Fallen souls are outside the circle of souls in the world of
higher is required. Raxia. Once they lose their bodies, they typically do not
revive or merge with the corpses of other dragons again but
are thought to disappear. However, it is said that a few Fallen
Dragons have the power to create Fallen Souls.
According to legend, the appearance of deformed
dragons heralds the arrival of the Dragon Blade Star. These
dragons have six eyes and four wings and are accompanied
by a haze known as the "Devil Dragon's Miasma." The creatures that are consumed by the Fallen Dragon
In reality, these dragons are formed when "Fallen Souls" and born from its scales are called the Damned. When a
from the Dragon Blade Star fuse with the corpses of dead creature from the world of Raxia is consumed by a Fallen
dragons, regenerating their bodies. As a result, they may
Part 3 Campaigns
The campaign takes place in the Kingdom of Fendil and sent a delegation from the noble family of El Charade to
region (see CR I, p. 311, PZ, p. 69), located in the western investigate and serve as emissaries.
part of the Zalts region. Viscount Richelieu El Charade leads this delegation. He
It is the oldest kingdom in the Terastier Continent and is the cousin of Baron Leonor El Charade (see PZ, p. 76),
has a rich history and tradition. The campaign's objective is also known as the "Armored Sky Warrior" and the unrivaled
to confront and eliminate the threat of the Fallen Dragon to warrior in the kingdom. Surprisingly, however, Richelieu and
the Kingdom of Fendil. the entire delegation go missing.
According to information gathered by the kingdom,
In recent years, the Kingdom of Fendil has been Canal was covered by a mist-like miasma, and a strange-
constructing a new fortified city in the western part of the looking dragon was seen behind the haze. It closely
kingdom as part of its territorial expansion policy and in resembled the Fallen Dragon that had been rumored about,
preparation for the Barbarous invasion. with four wings and a shadowy appearance.
However, due to the collapse of the previous king, Viscount Richelieu and his army are an elite force known
territorial disputes in the Large Delta Eredia with local Elves as the strongest in land battles. Without them, ordinary
and the city-state of Rocyletta, and the Lukythra Empire-led troops and adventurers are no match for the enemy. So, the
attack on the Razeldawn continent to the north, active twin princesses, Kokul and Rafensa, the de facto head of
investment against the Barbarous invasion has been almost state, decided to use all their connections to call upon the
completely blocked. Under such circumstances, the best heroes they could find.
construction of the fortress city remained halfway and was Later, they would learn that the threat of the Fallen
forgotten by the people. Dragons to the Fendil Kingdom was even greater than
Nevertheless, the construction of this new fortified city, expected. The Fallen Dragon's goal was to conquer a local
named Canal, is almost complete, thanks to the use of city in the Kingdom of Fendil and destroy the entire Zalts
abandoned, ruined structures. About 3,000 residents have region.
already settled here, believing in its potential. Before the Fallen Dragon's activities become full-blown,
However, Canal is now in a state of neglect and is called players must defeat the source of the miasma. Only
by the unappreciated title of "City of Disappointment." Transcendents, who are beyond the realm of ordinary
As a result, it has developed a high degree of adventurers, can accomplish this task.
independence and a growing spirit of self-reliance, probably
due to its location far away from Dilcoeur, the capital of the
Kingdom of Fendil.
A situation has arisen where communication from Canal,
also known as the "City of Disappointment," has ceased. Even
when messengers are sent, they do not return. Reports have
indicated that several dragons have been seen in the sky over
the area. The Royal Council has taken the situation seriously
You are a wandering adventurer who has traveled from
This campaign is intended to be played on a PC at one continent to another, accomplishing various adventures
Adventurer level 15. It is recommended to use the sample and gaining many experiences.
characters provided in this book with available experience Recently, you heard a rumor that a Fallen Dragon has
points. If players wish to create their own characters, please appeared in the western part of the Zalts region, on the
refer to the "High-Level Character Creation Table" on page frontier of the Fendil Kingdom.
47 of the IB and select "15 Super A". In this case, allocating Since obtaining the Dragon Blade Star, you have slain
approximately 15,000 experience points (13,500 experience many Fallen Dragons throughout the continent. However,
points for the Minor class) is recommended to allow for easy when you hear rumors of the latest Fallen Dragon, you feel a
growth to the 16th level. sense of mission that you cannot ignore.
If players continue with a previously played character, Your instincts tell you that this will be a much stronger
they should calculate the total number of experience points enemy than any you have faced before, and your instincts
earned so far and make up the missing experience points, have never failed you.
growths, money, and reputation compared to "15 Super A."
If there are less than 3 PCs, "15 Super B" in the "High- Recommended Sample Characters: Invisible Assassin or
Level Character Creation Table" may be used. If you want to Lunar Piercer
upgrade the sample character to the "15 Super B" level, add Recommended Adventurer Classes: Fighter, Grappler,
an additional 40,000 experience points, 20 growths, and Scout
receive 80,000G and 500 Reputation.
The GM should first ask the PCs to create their own PCs B ASIC SETUP 3: ADVISOR TO THE P RINCESSES (3 RD PC)
and then fine-tune the game's starting direction, enemy You hold a significant position in the kingdom of Fendil,
strengths and weaknesses, and other aspects based on the but your adventurous past has led to you being ostracized by
results. the nobility and conservative bureaucrats. As a result, you
have been assigned the unglamorous role of educator to the
twin princesses, Princess Kokul and Princess Rafensa.
Despite this, the twin princesses effectively serve as the
heads of state, and as their advisor, you frequently tackle the
This campaign recommends basic character templates
nation's most challenging issues. Your experience and
for the scenario. Creating characters based on these
wisdom as an adventurer are more than adequate to assist
templates will aid in the progression of the scenario.
these young leaders.
The scenario should be introduced using these basic
You are aware that the Fendil Kingdom is under great
settings. For convenience, we are numbering PCs for basic
threat from the Fallen Dragon, and you must speak with the
setups, and you should use the corresponding number in
twin princesses to address the issue immediately. If left
your scenario.
unattended, the situation will only worsen.
B ASIC SETUP 1: L OCAL L ORD (1 ST PC) Recommended Sample Characters: Legendary Wizard or
PC is an adventurer whose main area of activity is the Prophecy Bringer
Kingdom of Fendil. As a reward for their adventures, they Recommended Adventurer Classes: Wizard-Type Classes,
have been given a small territory called Sautoir and are now Sage, Tactician
a local lord. Although they hold the title of lord, they are still
free to go on adventures as they please.
One day, they receive a petition from a citizen of Sautoir OTHER B ASIC SETUPS (4TH AND 5 TH PC)
reporting that one of their farming villages has been engulfed If you have more than three PCs, first choose one of the
by a strange miasma, and they have lost contact with it. Being basic settings mentioned above. Then, you can designate the
a responsible adventurer, PC realizes that it is the Devil fourth and fifth PCs as partners, companions, colleagues, or
Dragon's Miasma they have heard so much about. This trusted friends of the first three.
means that the power of the Fallen Dragons is spreading to You are free to devise your own setup after consulting
their territory and their people. And now, there is no one with the GM and other players.
more skilled than PC in their territory. If you choose an adventurer class that fills the gaps of the
Therefore, they decide to investigate the cause of the other three, you can play to your heart's content.
miasma and ensure the safety of their people as a responsible
lord and adventurer.
Part 3 Campaigns
At the start of the campaign, the player characters (PCs)
have yet to become Transcendent. This scenario serves as
the introduction to the campaign and is the key to the PCs'
This scenario, the first episode of the campaign, is an
awakening as Transcendents. The campaign begins here on
introduction to the adventurers who have reached the 15th
the frontier of the Kingdom of Fendil.
level and will have the opportunity to become Transcendent
The GM should incorporate the PCs' backstories and
and grow to the 16th level as they face the threat of the Fallen
builds to make the scenario more exciting. They are also free
to modify the scenario's content.
The Kingdom of Fendil, the setting for this story, is
Alternatively, players may choose to play the campaign
currently under threat from the Fallen Dragon. However, its
with a character who has already become a Transcendent
movements are stealthy, and only a few people are aware of
(adventurer level 16 or above). In this case, the default
the danger.
settings should be changed so that the PCs are participating
In this scenario, a group of friends who share a series of
in the campaign because they are Transcendent rather than
adventures will come together and cooperate to defeat the
only becoming Transcendent because of the Fallen Dragon
Fallen Dragon. As a result, they will obtain the Sword of the
Beast King, a sword forged 3000 years ago, and awaken to
become Transcendent.
This scenario ends when all the PCs are gathered and the
boss, Fallen Dragon, is defeated to obtain the Sword of the
The italicized text in this document serves as an initial Beast King.
explanation or line of text to be conveyed to the player.
The following text provides a description for the GM,
who should read it carefully and understand it to deal with
the players' actions.
Part 3 Campaigns
purpose of the Fallen Dragons and head to a new location to On the other hand, dangerous Barbarous and monsters
stop them. have been eliminated from the Sautoir area, making the
territory relatively peaceful and safe.
SAUTOIR Sautoir is a small domain with around 500 inhabitants,
Sautoir is a small territory located about a three-day walk who mainly make their living from farming and cattle raising.
west of Dilcoeur, the royal capital of Fendil. Many ruins from In addition to the small fortified town of Sautoir, which bears
the Ancient Magic Civilization and Magitech Civilization the name of the estate and where the lord resides, small
Periods have been discovered in this area in the past, farming villages are scattered throughout the territory.
attracting numerous adventurers. However, the area has been
fully explored in recent years and is now rarely visited by WENAL WOCKY R UINS
adventurers. The ruins of the Magitech Civilization Period have
Legend has it that somewhere in Sautoir, there is a already been fully explored. Hidden deep underground in
magical sword called the "Sword of the Beast King," which the same area are the Ancient Magic Civilization Period
was made by Wenal Wocky, a sorcerer from the Ancient ruins, known as the Wenal Wocky Ruins. This is the place
Magic Civilization period. Wenal Wocky was either the where Wenal Wocky created his masterpiece, the Sword of
disciple or son of Jabber Wocky, who created the the Beast King, which was the result of his research.
"Jabberwocky Forest" (see CR I, p. 385, PZ, p. 107). The Sword Labyrinth's ruins have been buried in the
Despite the legend, there are no clues to the sword's forest for many years, but now the Fallen Dragon is about to
whereabouts, and even "seekers" who search for valuable seize this very place.
labyrinths and ruins no longer visit Sautoir for information
about the magical sword.
with a Target Number of 12, they will remember the
existence of the Fallen Dragon.
Typically, this knowledge is obtained from literature and
folklore, and details are only vaguely known, but it is known Disturbing rumors are spreading in Dilcoeur, the capital
that the Fallen Dragon is a natural enemy of Humanoids and of the Kingdom of Fendil. According to these rumors, the
is a threat along with Barbarous and Undead. city of Canal, known for its unflattering nickname "City of
Even if the check fails, they have likely heard rumors of Disappointment," has rebelled against the government. The
the Fallen Dragon. Additionally, there are about 20 men in basis of these rumors is that contact with Canal has been lost,
1st PC's territory who are capable of fighting and are sufficient and Viscount Richelieu El Charade and his band of warriors,
to deal with Damned Slaves (see p. 81) and can accompany who were sent as emissaries, have not returned.
1st PC. You have been assigned to the position of educator of
Introduction 1 concludes with 1st PC deciding to go to Twin Princesses, a position with a name but no real authority.
Yunu village, sensing the danger to the territory and to the The two young princesses have asked you to investigate and
Humanoid realm. solve the case. Viscount Richelieu is a well-known warrior in
If 1st PC sends a messenger to the royal city of Dilcoeur the kingdom of Fendil, and if he had been killed in a
and insists on waiting for their return before taking action, it rebellion, it would be a serious matter. Rumors suggest that
should be noted that it will take more than a week, and delay there was even a dragon involved.
can be fatal. The twin princesses have decided to rely on your abilities
and connections to handle the situation. They do not want to
move the army until they know for sure that Canal has
rebelled. As a former country adventurer, you might be able
to stop the situation from escalating.
You also know of another powerful person in a similar
Since the day the "Dragon Blade Star" crossed the sky,
position in the kingdom of Fendil, a local lord (1st PC) who
you have been fighting the Fallen Dragons and their threat.
has been pushed into the position of a regional lord.
And now, they have come to this country again, having
You go to Sautoir to ask your friend (1st PC) for help
heard a rumor that the shadows of the Fallen Dragons are in
without knowing that an incident is also taking place there.
the kingdom of Fendil.
On your way to the royal city of Dilcoeur, you visit a small
The de facto heads of state, Princess Kokul, and Princess
village in search of a place to stay the night.
Rafensa, summon the 3rd PC to their private chambers and
But soon, you notice something unusual - a haze that
request their help in solving a case in Canal. The anomaly in
grows thicker as the sun sets. The inhabitants of the village
the Canal (i.e., the Fallen Dragon) must be defeated to
cower in lethargy.
accomplish this request.
This is Devil Dragon's Miasma, and it does not take you
Given the difficulty of the task, the 3rd PC proposes to
long to be convinced of this.
gather a group of friends and provide funds for the mission.
And then, from the darkness that slowly enveloped the
The reward for each PC is 50,000 gamels, and an advance
village, someone approached you.
payment of a Guardian Stone with 10 points will be provided
The appearance of the villager is unmistakable - complete
for each member of the group.
with fine armor and powerful weapons.
Moreover, their back was covered with membranous
The Damned appear to confirm your belief.
Now, the hunt is on.
As you arrive at the village of Yunu, you are astonished to
The 2nd PC, a wandering warrior who has been hunting see it covered with evil miasma. The once peaceful and
the Fallen Dragon, ventures into the farming village of remote farming village, with roughly ten houses, has
Sautoir. This small territory is located on the western frontier disappeared without a trace.
of the Kingdom of Fendil, and the PC is in search of their To your surprise, the residents, who were previously
next kill. lethargic and cowering, transform into bizarre figures upon
Chronologically, the 1st PC arrives at the village with their spotting you. Their backs sprout leathery wings, and their
forces at around the same time. However, they are still shoulders are covered with scaly skin.
unaware of each other's presence at this stage. Meanwhile, The villagers, now hostile and deformed, approach you.
the 2nd PC, alone, encounters some unusual villagers and is Unfortunately, it seems a fight is inevitable.
Having fought against Fallen Dragons many times in the This is a continuation of the introduction to 1st PC. The
past, the 2nd PC is familiar with "Devil Dragon's Miasma", population of the village of Yunu is only fifty people, all of
Fallen Dragons, and Damned. However, what they whom have already turned into Damned Slaves (see p. 81).
encounter here are three Damned "Savior Hero Warriors" When 1st PC and their group arrive at the village, the
(see p. 172). Even with their experience, this is the first time Damned villagers will attack them. 1st PC's group can handle
the 2nd PC has encountered Damned of this strength. them easily enough.
Therefore, they should make a Monster Knowledge check.
When the 2nd PC notices the appearance of a strong
enemy, Introduction 2 ends.
Part 3 Campaigns
However, armed Damned, who are obviously not a A four-winged serpent with golden scales descends from
villager, appear. Only 1st PC can deal with those Damned, the sky.
and a battle ensues. The mythical beast, which would normally seem divine,
is now flying in a blurry haze.
Combat: Damned Senior Knights x 6 Six eyes of horror bewitch you, their light full of evil and
murderous intent. It seems that this is the source of the
Damned Senior Knight is a Senior Knight (see IB, p. 203) miasma.
turned into a Powered Damned (see p. 80). By defeating the
Damned, PC find that this Damned was originally a knight of Combat: Fallen Coatl x 1
the city Canal.
Fallen Coatl is a Fallen (common species) (see p. 79)
version of Coatl (see IB, p. 182).
If the PCs win, the Devil Dragon's Miasma will vanish,
and the villagers who were turned into Damned Slaves will
be released. The soldiers of Canal and Viscount Richelieu’s
The people who stand before you must have once been people will no longer be able to help them.
knights in the service of a nobleman.
Their armament and behavior demonstrate their
superior skills and experience. Additionally, they possess the
ability of a Damned, making them a fearsome warrior.
However, you are stronger. You must defeat these The villagers have been safely rescued, and you praise
minions and uncover the true enemy. each other's skills.
However, you can't help but feel uneasy. Why would
Continuing with the introduction of the 2nd PC, the anyone purposefully attack such a small village with such a
knights under Viscount Richelieu appear in front of the 2nd powerful force?
PC. A battle ensues. As you survey the village, you notice that a haze still
covers the forest to the north.
Combat: Damned Savior Hero Warriors x3 Something else is lurking in the forest. You know that this
is only the beginning.
Damned Savior Hero Warrior is the "Savior Hero
Warrior" (see p. 172) turned into a Damned Powered (see p. The PCs who successfully liberated the village of Yune
80). may feel that their forces were too exaggerated to attack such
By defeating them, PCs learn that these Damned were a small village. If they have such an impression, they are
originally under Viscount Richelieu’s command. correct.
The Fallen's goal was to find the "Wenal Wocky Ruins"
near the village and take the Sword of the Beast King, which
is said to be enshrined there. The attack on the village of
Yune was only a foothold in the search.
Although the "Devil Dragon's Miasma" in the village of
As you make your way to visit the lord of Sautoir, you Yune has disappeared, there is still a haze in the forest to the
notice a strange, peaceful atmosphere enveloping the small north of the village.
farming village. However, you also hear the sounds and If the PCs who have battled the Fallen and others see it,
voices of battle emanating from within. it is obvious that it is the Devil Dragon's Miasma. The PCs,
Upon closer inspection, you see strange-looking hordes who are on the verge of awakening to Transcendent,
locked in combat with their opponents. This event cannot be intuitively realize that the entity creating the Devil Dragon's
ignored. Miasma is a far greater enemy than any they have fought
This is a continuation of the introduction of the 3rd PC If left unchecked, the village of Yune, Sautoir, and the
and the scene where all the PCs join together. kingdom of Fendil will be in danger. The PCs need to head
3rd PC is on their way to Sautoir to ask for help from 1st for the forest as soon as possible.
PC, who notices the commotion in the village of Yunu and
rushes there.
At that stage, the Damned Slaves were neutralized by the
1st PC, and the powerful Damned under Viscount Richelieu The haze that enveloped the forest was unusual, creating
were eliminated by the 2nd PC. a dangerous atmosphere and making your skin feel clammy.
3rd PC should inform 1st PC of the request from the twin However, you also sensed that this noxious gas was a
princess. The 2nd PC can be concerned that Devil Dragon's sign—the enemy was lurking in its most concentrated area.
Miasma is not yet cleared.
Their fears are proved true, as a winged enemy appears The forest is shrouded in a dense Devil Dragon's
from the sky above and attacks the PCs. Miasma.
A battle ensues. However, PCs can locate the Fallen Dragon by moving in
the direction of the increasing density of the Miasma.
The ruins of Wenal Wocky were discovered by the
Fallen Dragon, and much of its structure has been destroyed.
At the Sword Labyrinth, which was destroyed and turned As soon as you obtained the sword, you felt a power
into a large vertical hole, the Fallen Dragon attempts to steal unlike any other pouring out from within you.
the magic sword enshrined in its depths. It could have been just a trigger, or perhaps it was the
If the PCs act immediately, the Fallen Dragon will power bestowed by the magic sword. Regardless, the door to
temporarily abandon its attempt to seize the magic sword and a new life has been opened. You are now Transcendent.
fight to eliminate the PCs first. A battle will ensue. You can now sense the evil intentions and presence more
clearly than before. The real battle is about to commence.
The vertical hole in the earth marked the end of the
Labyrinth. Once boasting layers of tight protection, the Once the Fallen Dragon is defeated and the Sword of the
structure now lay cruelly destroyed, with its inner sections Beast King is obtained, the first case comes to an end. The
exposed. PCs will then understand their great mission and become
At the bottom of the cave lies a powerful sword, and a Transcendent by acquiring the Sword of the Beast King.
huge dragon, poised to claim it, gazes up at you. "First, I'll kill Their mission is to protect the Sword of the Beast King
those who stand in my way," its six eyes declare. and crush the Fallen Dragons' ambitions. This will also lead
to the protection of the Kingdom of Fendil, the Zalts region,
Combat: Fallen Greater Dragon (leader species) x 1 and the Terastier Continent.
Fallen Gullinbursti (common species) x 1 The PCs will gain 1000 + experience points for each
defeated monster and can grow up to the 16th level.
※If there are three 3 PCs, Fallen Gullinbursti should not
Part 3 Campaigns
This section presents campaign plans for PCs who have National politics have become a confusing melting pot,
become Transcendent and grown up to the 16th level. and even the PCs who can defeat the Fallen Dragon will have
These are only for scenario ideas; each GM should select an extremely difficult time containing the chaos in the court.
the best one and set up the details when running the Under these circumstances, however, the Transcendent
campaign. PCs sense a strange presence in the court - the presence of
the Fallen.
Wise Damned ministers and bureaucrats have infiltrated
the court and are working behind the scenes to cripple
The threat of the Fallen Dragon and the fact that the Dilcoeur and keep it in a state of limbo.
Soldier of Canal and Viscount Richelieu's people turned into The situation can be resolved if the Damned spies can be
powerful Damned and began attacking villages cannot be uncovered and the kingdom can be united under the will of
ignored. the twin princesses.
The group must go to Dilcoeur, the royal capital, and
report the crisis and the discovery of the Sword of the Beast
Upon hearing the report, the twin princesses understand
the gravity of the situation. However, the Fendil Kingdom is Sensing the commotion in the Fendil kingdom, the
not a monolithic entity, and this report alone will not improve Barbarous of "Jaws Of The Barbarous" (see CR I, p. 385, PZ,
the situation. p. 109) begin to take action. The Fendil Kingdom's
Currently, Viscount Richelieu is suspected of rebellion, parliament is in turmoil as Barbarous suddenly launches a
and rumors suggest that he is gathering troops at his base in massive army.
Canal. Ignorant ministers and soldiers are dismissing Sandwiched between Canal in the west and Barbarous in
evidence such as the armor brought back by the PCs as proof the east, the parliament is divided on which side to focus on.
of his rebellion and snickering at their testimonies. The Twins ask the PCs to defeat the leader of the Barbarous
Moreover, the question of succession to the throne has Army.
been reopened, and the court is divided into four factions, The issue can be resolved by defeating the Barbarous
including the twin princesses, the aristocrats, those secretly leader or by establishing a temporary truce between the
supporting Viscount Richelieu and those who are indifferent Barbarous and the PCs, with the Fallen as a common enemy
to the crisis. of both. The Barbarous and the PCs can form a joint fighting
position in this case.
To avoid this, the twin princesses decide to use the army
as a decoy and send the PCs to fight back the Fallen Dragon
The Rocyletta (refer to CR I, p. 313, PZ, p. 85), who are in Canal. If the PCs are capable, they may even force their
in dispute over the fertile Large Delta Eredia, take advantage way into the stronghold of the Fallen Dragon.
of the confusion in the Fendil Kingdom and begin building a For a short campaign, the PC that becomes Transcendent
settlement (a garrison named "Settlement") to gain effective may head to Canal immediately afterwards. For a long
control of the area. campaign, they should go in with the army. If there are too
As Rocyletta had hoped, the Kingdom of Fendil could many Damned to reach the Fallen Dragon, this is a good
not respond to the situation due to a lack of troops and reason for the PCs to be with the army.
manpower. Nonetheless, Canal's Fallen Dragon is not the boss.
However, the Elves and Lizardmen living in the delta had Viscount Richelieu has also turned into a Wise Damned due
nothing to do with the conflict between the two countries. to his ambition (see p. 80).
They naturally rebelled against the sudden advance of The PCs may defeat Viscount Richelieu at this point, or
Rocyletta's forces, leading to a three-way conflict between the you may let him escape (or leave) for the next time.
two countries and the local Elves and Lizardmen forces.
Moreover, in the midst of the conflict, the Fallen Dragon
appears in Large Delta Eredia, plunging the situation into a
worst-case scenario.
After successfully capturing Canal, it becomes clear that
The GM may choose to send the PCs as ambassadors to
Fallen Dragon's true goal is to conquer Jabberwocky Forest
remedy the situation at an early stage or may ask them to fight
and that they are already establishing a stronghold there.
off the Fallen Dragon as soon as it appears.
The PCs head to the forest to settle the score with Fallen
The GM may choose to prepare for the final battle or
intersperse a scenario where they help grieving Mythical
After resolving various situations, the Kingdom of Fendil Beasts whose homes were invaded and destroyed by Devil's
finally decided to send its army to Canal. However, they will Dragon Miasma. It would be interesting to structure the
face the Fallen Dragon and its Damned, and an ordinary forest like a dungeon where inexplicable and absurd things
army will suffer heavy losses. happen because it has been affected by Devil Dragon's
Additionally, it would make for an intriguing scenario if
the Mako Stones frequently seen in the Jabberwocky Forest
are remnants of the Mako Stone dropped by Mythical Beasts
in tears when the Fallen Dragons ruled the area.
Either way, this will be the setting to settle the score with
Fallen Dragon.
Part 3 Campaigns
This campaign ends with the defeat of Celsis, the Fallen ○Attack Obstacle = Impossible • Impossible
Dragon. In this section, we will provide the data of Celsis and Target: [Section: Head]/Loss Condition: HP of [Section: Body] is 0 or
describe the final stage, behavior patterns, and fighting styles. less.
Please refer to page 82 for the special data on Fallen Dragons
○Magic Obstacle = -4
and their Fallen abilities. Target: [Section: Head]/Loss Condition: HP of [Section: Body] is 0 or
○Flight II
/Loss Condition: HP of 2 of more [Section: Body] is 0 or less.
27 Fallen Elder Dragon Celsis
Intelligence: Hight Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile ○Regenerative Dragon Scales (see p. 83)
Language: Trade Common, Dragonic, Arcana Habitat: Mountains, Caves, GM should determine which wing has this unique skill at the start of the
Forests Rep/Weak: 10/12/33 Weak Point: Physical and Magic damage +2 session.
points Initiative: 35 Movement Speed: 30/60(Flying)
Fortitude: 37(44) Willpower: 36(43) ☑All-Out Attack
F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP A Wing can deal an additional 8 damage on its next attack. However,
Bite (Head) 33(40) 2d+35 33(40) 28 187 204 any Evasion check made by this section this turn receives a -4 penalty.
Talons (Body) 34(41) 2d+33 31(38) 30 251 170
Wing (Wing) 30(37) 2d+32 32(39) 25 138 101 ●Tail
Wing (Wing) 30(37) 2d+32 32(39) 25 138 101 ↝Sweeping Attack
Wing (Wing) 30(37) 2d+32 32(39) 25 138 101 Fallen Dragon makes a Tail attack against all enemies in the same
Wing (Wing) 30(37) 2d+32 32(39) 25 138 101 skirmish.
Tail (Tail) 32(39) 2d+33 32(39) 29 226 128 This unique skill cannot be used on consecutive turns.
Sections: 7 (Head / Body / Wing x 4 / Tail) Main Section: Head
▽Instant Resurrection (see p. 83)
Unique Skills
●All Sections Always Dragon Fang (1,200G/Red S) x 1d
○Fire Immunity Always Dragon Scale (5,000G/Red S) 1d
2 – 13 Fallen Dragon Core (10,000G/Gold SS)
○Energy Immunity 14+ Fallen Dragon Dark Core (50,000G/Gold SS)
Dragon, has lost most of her original memories and does not Celsis herself attacks mainly with [Widespread Breath] to
remember the details of her life. However, it is an undeniable engulf as many enemies as possible and also uses Deep
fact that she has a strong hatred towards the Fendil Kingdom Magic [Overblow] (see WT, p. 44) in the early rounds (the
and Humanoids. second round if possible).
Then, as much as possible, she uses spells at the
rearguard, such as healers, and attacks the frontline with
wings, etc., which will launch a melee attack. If the frontline
Celsis aims to make the Jabberwocky Forest her base by is far away, using Truespeech Magic [Lightning Bind] is also
covering it with "Devil Dragon's Miasma" and to destroy the effective.
Fendil Kingdom. She plans to use this as a stepping stone to It is also recommended to use [Destructive Wave] in the
obliterate all regions inhabited by Humanoids, Barbarous, early rounds.
and Mythical Beasts. Since the original Elder Dragon is simple with high
To achieve her goal, she seeks the Sword of the Beast firepower, it can be a formidable enemy only by continuing
King, which is fiercely guarded by the Mythical Beasts living to attack the right target at the right time.
in the Jabberwocky Forest. Celsis considers them a nuisance
and wishes to bring them under her control to gain
overwhelming power.
Celsis is brutal and cunning. Instead of acting on her own,
she uses her Fallen Dragons and Damned to fight
Humanoids, and wants Humanoids and Barbarous to
destroy themselves with her devious schemes. She can
manipulate those in power and heroes with her clever words,
even drawing them into her camp.
Once her forces are in place, she launches an avalanche
of troops. However, Celsis never leads the way herself.
Part 3 Campaigns
Dragon Blade Star is a comet that comes to the world of Some Damned have been found to possess intellect, and
Raxia every 3,000 years. these special Damned have been recorded to have led armies
It is believed that there is a causal relationship between of Damned to attack villages and towns.
the appearance of this comet and the appearance of the Fallen Dragons, many of which have only animal
Fallen Dragons. intelligence, are also extremely belligerent. However, even
According to the few research materials in the Magic among Fallen Dragons, there are individuals with high
Civilization Period, the Fallen Dragon is not the natural soul intelligence. Although their numbers are said to be small,
that originally existed in the world of Raxia but an unknown they are a formidable threat because of their superior
soul brought by the Dragon Blade Star. This soul possesses intelligence and wiles over humans. It is also said that some
the corpse of the dragon, reconstructs the body, and intelligent Fallen Dragons can transform into human form.
regenerates as the Fallen Dragon. Fallen Dragons are characterized by their six eyes and
According to the stories of dragon elders, coexistence four wings. Therefore, a knowledgeable person can easily
with Fallen Dragons is extremely difficult for any creature. distinguish between a normal dragon and a Fallen species by
One reason for this is the effect of the haze or mist-like looking at their appearance.
substance called Devil Dragon's Miasma that accompanies Fallen Dragons are also known to possess unique abilities
Fallen Dragons. that normal dragons do not have. They can solidify the
The area around the place where the Fallen Dragon has miasma that surrounds them and instantly deal a tremendous
appeared and taken up residence is contaminated by the amount of damage, or they can exhibit extraordinary
Devil Dragon's Miasma and changes its appearance. The regeneration abilities. If these are used cunningly, they can
plant transforms, releasing the Devil Dragon's Miasma, and suddenly deliver a fatal blow.
the animal becomes lethargic and eventually dies. If a Fallen Dragon appears, it will alter and destroy the
Those who die from this Devil Dragon's Miasma entire surrounding environment. Therefore, the best way to
eventually return to life as monsters called Damned. The deal with Fallen Dragons is to quickly defeat them. However,
Damned are characterized by the transformation of the it is not easy to defeat a Fallen Dragon, which tends to be
original creature's skin into scales, horns on its head, and physically stronger than a normal dragon, and in many cases,
membranous wings on its back. They then become the it can become a huge disaster.
advance guard of the Fallen Dragons, killing the creatures Note that Fallen species rarely possess non-dragon
around them, turning them into Damned, or using them as a species.
nursery for the Fallen Dragons.
In this section, we will describe the data of Fallen however, that it is a natural enemy of humanoids, a threat on
Dragons, including their characteristics and how to create a par with Barbarous and Undead.
For example, for Lesser Dragon, the original reputation Fallen souls can fuse with a wide variety of things as long
is "12/20", but adding the notation of Fallen reputation, it as they are dead. The probability is very low, but it has been
becomes "12/14/20". If the Success Value of the Monster fused with Humanoids, Barbarous, and other Mythical
Knowledge check is 12 or more, only the data as a Lesser Beasts and Animals and seems to be influenced by its
Dragon is known. 14 or more indicates that the Lesser previous nature and characteristics. Such a creature is not
Dragon is a Fallen monster, and the details of the data and called "Fallen Dragon" but simply "Fallen", but it seems to be
unique skills that are changed or added to the Lesser Dragon a unique individual with more unusual characteristics and
are known. If it is more than 20, the weak point can be traits than Fallen Dragon, influenced by the prenatal nature
applied. and characteristics of each corpse.
Fallen souls are not part of the reincarnation of the world
of Raxia, and once they leave their bodies, they cease to exist
and cannot be soulscarred. The body in which it resides is
Fallen Dragon is accompanied by Devil Dragon's completely destroyed and cannot be revived by
Miasma. If you stay in this noxious gas for more than one [Resurrection] or other means.
day, at 6:00 a.m., the maximums of HP or MP will be Therefore, if we continue to defeat the Fallen Dragon,
lowered by one point at random without any checks to resist they will eventually become extinct, and the reason why the
this. Fallen Dragons, which should have appeared 3,000 years
The closer the number approaches 0, the more apathetic ago, has not been seen at all today is because they are
it becomes. practically extinct.
If the HP or MP falls below 5, they will no longer be able
to act spontaneously and will shed tears that will become
Transparent Mako Stones.
When away from miasma, the HP and MP maximums
are randomly restored by one point per week of rest. Fallen Dragons are roughly divided into Common,
Leader, and Queen types.
T RANSPARENT M AKO STONES The difference between these types is the level of intellect
Unlike the mako stone, which is usually purple in color, and the ability to create a phantom body (see p. 80), which
the mako stone is clear and transparent, like a crystal, with a can be called their alter ego, and there is no significant
dimly glowing center. difference in their individual fighting power.
Most of them are useless mako stones, which cannot
restore even 1 MP. However, large crystals can rarely be COMMON SPECIES
found. Common species are generally Fallen Dragons with an
Basically, they are handled in the same way as mako intellect of "Animal" or "Low" and are highly aggressive toward
stone. Because of their rarity, they are traded at twice the Raxia's native creatures. They always act to kill them. Even
price. then, they do not think of a strategy or act carefully, but move
If the Transparent Mako Stone is distributed, Fallen impulsively to eliminate their targets.
Dragons will likely appear, and some may attempt to harvest
large quantities of the Transparent Mako Stones using Fallen
The leader species is the one that is superior to the
common species.
The intellect of the leaders Fallen Dragons is "Average"
or "High," and they are more rational than that of the
It is believed that the souls of Raxia natives were created common species in order to estimate and plan its actions and
by the three Swords of Genesis. achieve their goals. The longer they stay as Fallen Dragons,
Fallen Soul is a different soul from those. Different from the higher their intellect becomes and the better their
such souls of Raxia is this Fallen Soul, which is said to have judgment becomes. The leader species also has an offshoot
been scattered by Dragon Blade Star to the world of Raxia. or altered body called "Phantom Body". Phantom Body
The Fallen Soul primarily inhabits a dragon's corpse and appearance is mainly similar to that of Humans, and they can
regenerates its body. It becomes its own living creature. move at will.
It is also becoming clear that the more powerful an Although the number of leader species is extremely
individual is, especially if it has not been dead long, and the small, they do not often participate directly in battles, but
more powerful it is, and the fewer defects it has in its corpse, mainly guide and manipulate the surrounding common
the more powerful Fallen Dragon it will be. species to act for their own purposes.
A Fallen Soul cannot merge with a living organism that
has a soul. This is because the connection between body and QUEEN SPECIES
soul is so strong that there is no room for a second soul. The Queen species is the rarest of all the Fallen Dragons.
Also, a corpse, no matter how old, can be used as a Unlike other Fallen Dragons, the Queen species, like the
catalyst, and thus, Fallen Dragon can be produced from the Dragon Blade Star, has the ability to create Fallen Souls from
fossils of dragons lying for thousands of years. themselves.
The purpose of Fallen Soul is not clear. But it is hostile
to the soulful creatures present in the current world of Raxia
and is often aggressive and unforgiving.
Part 3 Campaigns
Damned are the soldiers of the fearsome legions created (1) P OWERED DAMNED
by the Fallen Dragon. They are the most common type of Damned. For
The Damned are so numerous that they deserve to be convenience, they are sometimes called the Standard
called an army. Moreover, as long as they are inside Devil Damned.
Dragon's Miasma, they have a terrible ability to revive even They have enhanced strength and vitality and have
after being defeated. increased damage and HP.
While there are commonalities in their characteristics, it They can fly with their wings and gain bonus modifiers
is also becoming clear that there are differences among the for accuracy and evasion.
categories. Let's delve a little deeper and description into the In most cases, they do not have a will of their own, but
characteristics of these damned. they often act in groups led by superior individuals who have
been in existence for a long time. The difference is based on
the duration of rebirth, from Servant intellect to Average
Some characteristics that are common to almost all
Damned include the following: (2) WISE DAMNED
They are intelligent Damned, requiring a reborn period
• Damned, are eaten by Fallen Dragons and born from their of at least one week. They must enter the Fallen Dragon's
scales. body alive, not eaten and killed. The body is not reborn after
• They were reborn in a day to a week. The longer it takes, death, but is transformed over time in the Fallen Dragon's
the stronger and more intelligent they become. body.
• Externally, their skin is covered with scales, and they grow Although they tend to be inferior to normal Damned in
dragon-like horns and wings. terms of physical abilities, they excel in intellect and have
• Physically, they are enhanced. The ability to think, etc., inherited strong memories and classes from before their birth
tends to decrease. (however, their allegiance to the Fallen Dragon is absolute).
• The longer the reborn period, the more memories and In appearance, the Damned Wise has scales and wings
abilities are inherited from a previous life. like the Damned Powered, but it also has six eyes, or six
• The orders of the Fallen Dragon that ate them are absolute organs that serve as eyes. They also have scales, horns, and
(with some exceptions). wings but can transform and hide their bodies, including the
• In Devil Dragon's Miasma, they are invulnerable (even if number of eyes.
his HP drops below 0, he will be revived every morning at The physical transformation can last up to 18 consecutive
6:00). hours and requires one round of time.
• Usually, they have 5 soulscars. However, if it suffers even one damage, the number of
eyes will revert to its original form. It still takes one round of
Note that creatures Damned under the influence of Devil time to transform again. This transformation can be spotted
Dragon's Miasma tend to be weaker and inferior to eaten with a good Detect check.
Damned. Wise Damned are also unique in that they have only 3
soulscars because it has not died. They can be revived by
[Resurrection] (though this is usually unnecessary since they
are immortal if they are in Devil Dragon's Miasma).
They may command many Damned or assist a powerful
Broadly speaking, there are four types of Damned: “(1)
Damned or Fallen Dragon. They tend to have intellect
Powered Damned”, “(2) Wise Damned”, “(3) Damned
ranging from Average to High.
Mutant”, and “(4) Damned Slave”.
Let's take a look at the characteristics of each type.
They are Damned with the ability to produce Devil The Damned are intertwined with the Fallen Dragon or
Dragon's Miasma, a major feature that Fallen Dragon Damned Mutant, their “parents.”
possesses. When the parent dies, the Devil Dragon's Miasma clears
They have no ego and have Servant intelligence. in about an hour, and when it clears, the Damned children
Their combat abilities are extremely low, and they rarely become inactive (the more powerful ones can stay inactive
participate in attacks. However, their HP and defense are for a while, but not for long). After one day, they all die.
high, making it difficult to defeat with a single blow. Within one day of losing its “parent,” it can renew its
Outwardly, they have the same characteristics as standard “parent” by being eaten again by another Fallen Dragon. In
Damned but tend to be thicker and larger due to the large that case, it will emerge from the scales one day later in the
amount of miasma they produce in their bodies. same state as before.
Although it has 5 soulscars, they are not very active and
are insensitive to pain, so being under the influence of (3) R ESURRECTION OF THE DAMNED SLAVE
Swords of Protection is not a major problem for them If a Fallen Dragon or Damned Mutant is killed, its corpse
(although they do suffer a -5 penalty for their actions). can be burned to restore the Damned Slaves to their original
They have very low combat ability by themselves and form and revive them.
rarely participate in attacks. However, their HP and defense Burning the remains (if any) can be done after the loot is
are high, and it is difficult to defeat them with a single blow. obtained. Also, the remains of dead Fallen Dragons and
Due to their nature, they always work together with other Damned Miasmas are easily flammable, and the burning
Damned to spread Devil Dragon's Miasma. process takes about 10 minutes, regardless of the number of
The range and concentration of Miasma increases as the sections.
level of Mutant Damned increases and the threat level When the corpse is burned, the Devil Dragon's Miasma
increases. The combat power of the Mutant Damned is not is immediately eliminated (it appears as if it is on fire). If this
improved much, but only their durability is improved. procedure is performed, the Damned Slaves do not die but
are revived back to their original form with 1 soulscar added.
(4) DAMNED SLAVE Even if the Damned Slave has already been defeated in
These are the people who became Damned under the battle, it will be revived in the same way.
influence of Devil Dragon's Miasma. The soulscar does not cause any change in appearance.
In any case, they are characterized by their large numbers. It is safe to assume that the resurrected will be unaware of
As individuals, they are low in ability, and for many their added soulscar.
adventurers, they pose no more of a threat than their sheer If a character's soulscars total reaches 5 points due to this
numbers. They have animal intelligence. effect, it will not be revived and will be reduced to ashes
The Damned Mutant’s or Fallen Dragon’s miasma (mainly Barbarous with 4 soulscars).
caused the creature to become Damned and can be killed to
stop it from moving. By taking certain measures, they can be (4) I MMUNE TO [SACRED…] AND [VILE…]
revived in their original form. These magic spells, such as [Sacred Weapon], are not
effective against the Damned.
Part 3 Campaigns
We will show you how to create the Fallen Dragon and After that, only queen species gain +2 damage in all
Damned data here. sections, regardless of the magic level.
Basically, you just need to modify the existing monster
data and add some unique skills. I N THE CASE OF A M ONSTER THAT CANNOT USE M AGIC
These are standard Fallen Dragon and Damned data, and If the monster is a non-magical monster such as
the GM may tweak the values and unique skills if they wish. Draconet, it simply increases the HP of all sections by 5
points and decreases MP by 5 points. It also increases the
damage of all sections by +2.
A dragon's corpse with a fallen soul will be resurrected as ONE M ORE P AIR OF WINGS
a Fallen Dragon. Additionally, other Mythical Beasts and Fallen adds two Wing sections to the body. Thus, a
Animals, as well as Daemons summoned from other worlds dragon, for example, will have 4 sections of wings, and a body
that have a body, may accept the Fallen Soul and become a without wings will have 2 sections of wings. Wings should be
Fallen. set as follows.
To clearly identify this type of monster as a Fallen species,
add "Fallen" to the original name (e.g., Fallen Ragnakang). - If it Already has Wing Sections
The data for Fallen Dragons is prepared as follows. The additional section has the same value as the original
Wing sections. However, the maximum of HP is uniformly
L EVEL I NCREASE reduced by -5 points. If it has a section similar to the Wing
When a monster becomes a Fallen, its level is increased. section, treat it in the same way.
The level is raised by one or two levels in general, regardless
of whether it is a common species or a leader species. Please - Without Wing Sections
make the following modifications according to the level of the Add two sections with the following modification to the
increased level. Main Section value as Wing sections. In the case of a monster
that does not have multiple sections, use the values specific
- Increased by 1 level to that monster as the Main Section (so it will have an old
No modification. body as a Main section and two Wing sections).
In addition, [〇Clumsy Wings] is added as a unique skill
- Increased by 2 levels to all Wing sections.
HP/MP: +3
Fortitude: +1 Combat Data for Newly Added Wing Sections
Accuracy/Evasion: +1 Accuracy Main Section -1
Standard Value of all Unique Skills: +1 Damage Main Section -2
Evasion Main Section -1
M AGIC L EVEL R EDUCTION Defense Main Section -2
Fallen species tend to be poor at magic at the cost of HP/MP Half of Main Section (rounded up)
having their bodies strengthened.
When a character who can use magic becomes a Fallen,
the level and Magic Power of the magic they can use are 〇Clumsy Wings
reduced as follows. In the case of a character who can use When attacking with the Wing section, the same target
multiple magic systems, they are reduced uniformly. The can only be selected twice.
range of the reduction is randomly determined at the time of
The Leader and Queen species possess the ability of
- Common species: 2 - 5 levels lower [Phantom Transformation], enabling them to transform their
- Leader species: 1 - 3 levels lower bodies or create an "alter ego". This ability is unique to each
- Queen species: 0 - 2 levels lower Fallen and cannot be altered once chosen.
Phantom does not emit the Devil's Dragon Miasma and
I NCREASED HP AND DECREASED MP takes the form of a humanoid, whose appearance is fixed and
For every 1-point decrease in the level of magic that can cannot be altered at will. If the form is transformation, the
be exercised, the maximum HP of all sections increases by 5 body remains active as is. Alternatively, if the form is an alter
points, while the maximum MP decreases by 5 points. ego, the body enters a sleep-like state during the alter ego's
If a character can cast more than one magic system, only appearance and cannot perform any actions.
the maximum reduction of one system is taken into account. The alter ego can move away from the main body, and
there is no limit to the distance between the two. However,
DAMAGE I NCREASE even in the case of an alter ego, if the phantom body dies, the
For each level of magic that can be used is lowered by 1, main body also perishes.
the damage of all sections is increased by +1.
The original monster data, the Main Section, is used as a ☆Wide-spread Breath (Main Section)
reference. The monster level will be reduced by 1 to 5,
depending on the individual. The value of the standard value The effect range [** Breath] changes to “Range: Self” and
of the check should be reduced by -1 to -5 accordingly. This “Radius 30m/All”. This effect can be used only once a day.
decrease will not lower the monster level below 0 (it will be
the minimum 1st level). ▼Life Sap (All Sections)
The level of available magic is also reduced by the same Fallen Soul soaks into the wound and takes life force.
amount, and the maximum HP and MP are also reduced by After the attack hits and the damage is determined, the
"reduced level x 3" points each. HP of the section attacked is restored by the same amount as
The Phantom Body does not have the characteristics of the applied damage. This effect can be used only once per
sections other than the Main Section, and all unique skills section per day.
that were available in sections other than the Main Section
are no longer available. ☆Deadly Dragon Fangs (All Sections)
Also, all unique skills, such as [Breath] and [Flying], that
The miasma takes the form of giant fangs and gives a +4
depend on the body shape (up to GM) will not be available.
bonus to all section Accuracy checks for 10 seconds (1
Damage and magic effects received while in the Phantom
round). This effect can be used only once per day.
Body are transferred to the Main Section when returning
from the Phantom Body.
Transforming into a Phantom Body or creating an alter ☆Mythical Dragon Bite (All Sections)
ego Phantom Body is treated as a Major Action. Returning It imbues the body with the power of miasma and makes
to the original form is a Minor Action. In the case of an alter any section deal magic damage with its attacks for 10 seconds
ego, the main body is teleported to the same coordinates as (1 round). This effect can only be used once per day.
the Phantom Body. Regardless of whether it is a body or an
alter ego, it is impossible to return to the original form in a ↝Magic Flash Flight (Wing)
place without enough space for it. The creature flies at tremendous speed and attacks by
shooting destructive rays of light from its wings. The attack's
U NIQUE SKILLS OF F ALLEN range is the same as its Full Move distance and is treated as
Fallen species acquire the following number of unique "Area: Breakthrough".
skills, collectively called "Fallen Unique Skills" (see p. 83), The attack type is the same as its [**Breath], or the
depending on their level. damage type of the section that acquired this unique skill.
You can have multiple Fallen unique skills of the same This effect can be used even from within a skirmish area,
type. By doing so, you can increase the number of uses. as an exception to the "Area: Breakthrough" effect. However,
However, please note that the effects of the Fallen's unique all sections must not have acted before using it. Once used,
skills of the same name do not overlap. all sections are treated as already having acted.
This effect cannot be used if one of the Wing sections has
Number of Fallen Unique Skills 0 or lower HP. Additionally, this effect can only be used once
Level After Change 10 or less 11 - 15 16 - 20 21 - 25 26+ per day.
Common 1 2 3 4 5
Leader 2 3 4 5 6 ☆Fierce Dragon Attack (All Sections)
Queen 3 4 5 6 7
Condenses the noxious gas that surrounds user and gives
any section “+monster level” damage on 1 attack. Regardless
of the success or failure of the attack, this effect is lost after 1
Fallen species have an additional weakness in addition to
attack. This effect can only be used once per day.
the normal weak point. The weakness is different for each
individual, but if the GM is not sure, use "Magic Damage +2
points" as the additional weakness. The effects of the same ☆Boiling Dragon Blood (Any Section)
kind of weak points are cumulative. Increases body temperature and increases damage; for
For other variations, see the next page. every 5 points of HP expended, the damage of any section is
increased by +5. This ability affects only one attack and loses
its effect regardless of whether or not it is hit.
Fallen species gain the following unique skills depending E VASIVE UNIQUE SKILL
on their level and rank. For each unique skill acquired, the ○Regenerative Dragon Scales (Wing)
Fallen species can add the ability to one of its sections. This unique skill is active only in one of the Wing
Note that the same section can have the same unique skill sections. At the turn's end, all sections' HP is restored by 5
more than once, but the numerical effect is not cumulative. points. If the HP of the section with this unique skill falls to
It is also possible to have the same ability in different sections. 0 or below, this effect is lost.
The numbers in parentheses after the name indicate the Unlike the conventional Fallen unique skills, the
sections that can have the unique skill. When "All Sections" possession of this ability is concealed unless the Monster
is indicated, it means that the ability is applied to the All Knowledge check is successful with a Success Value greater
Sections body at the same time. than or equal to its weakness (it can be inferred from the fact
Part 3 Campaigns
that the HP regenerates that this unique skill has been Only those with a Success Value less than or equal to
acquired). If PC succeeds with a Success Value greater than Fallen’s own Fortitude + 7 can be canceled.
or equal to its "weakness", it is possible to know which section These unique skills cannot cancel the effect of Combat
has this unique skill. Feats or Racial abilities.
One Fallen cannot have more than one of these unique This effect can be used only once per day per section.
▽Instant Resurrection (All Except Main Section) ○Accuracy Enhancement (All Sections)
The moment the HP of the Main Section becomes 0 or Increases Accuracy check of all sections by +2.
less, the HP of the Main Section is fully recovered. This
ability is acquired by a specific section other than the Main ○Damage Enhancement (All Sections)
Section, and it is used when the HP of that section is 1 or Increases Damage of all sections by +4.
Unlike the conventional Fallen ability, the possession of ○Defense Enhancement (All Sections)
this ability is concealed unless the "Monster Knowledge Increases Defense of all sections by +4.
check" succeeds with a Success Value greater than or equal
to its weakness value. Even if the "Monster Knowledge check" ○Durability Enhancement (All Sections)
fails, if the ability is used once or the section is destroyed first, Increases HP maximum of all sections by +20.
revealing to the players that one of the other sections has this
unique skill.
This effect can only be used once per day.
One Fallen cannot have more than one of these unique Fallen Dragons have an additional unique weakness in
skills. addition to the weak point of the dragon they are based on.
This weakness may simply add a weak point effect, or it may
DEFENSIVE UNIQUE SKILLS represent the character or habit of the Fallen Dragon.
▼Magic Reflection (Any Section) If the "Monster Knowledge check" succeeds with a
If the acquired section receives magic damage, it is Success Value higher than the "weakness," the unique weak
completely canceled and reflected to a random target. The point is also revealed. Conversely, suppose you succeed in
range of reflection is the same as the range of the received the same Monster Knowledge check when you encounter
effect. traces or phenomena. In that case, you can notice the
If the reflected damage depends on evasion or resistance existence of the Fallen Dragon and find out its specifications
checks, those checks can be attempted based on the original and original weak point. The more powerful the dragon, the
attacker's or caster's Success Value. more weaknesses it tends to have.
This ability only reflects damage and its type, not any
accompanying special effects or durations. For spells like Table of Number of Fallen Weakness
[Lightning Bind], which have both damage and Fallen Level Unique Weakness
disadvantageous effects, this ability only reflects the damage 15 or less +1
and negates the disadvantageous effect. 16 – 20 +2
This ability can only be used once per day. 21 or more +3
▼Magic Distorting Wave (All Sections) These weaknesses can be given at the GM's discretion. If
you are not particular about it, you can give them "Weak
If any section receives magic damage, it will be canceled Against Magic".
and reflected to a random target within the same range as the If you have any other ideas, the GM is free to use them.
received effect. However, the reflected target will not perform If you leave some peculiar traces, it is important that you can
Evasion or resistance checks and will automatically receive identify them as the work of Fallen Dragon by a successful
half of the magic damage. Insight check or Monster Knowledge check.
If the Fallen is hit by magic damage that affects multiple
sections, the damage will be randomly reflected to the same “Weak Against Magic”
number of targets within range as the number of sections In addition to the usual "weak point", gets "Weak Point:
affected. Magic Damage +2 points".
Reflected magic damage cannot hit the same target twice,
so some of the damage may not be redirected. “Weak Against Specific Type”
Only damage and type can be reflected, not any special Weak to fire, water/ice, wind, earth, lightning, or energy
effects that may be attached to them. type. In addition to the usual weak point, it gets "Weak Point:
This effect can only be used once per day. ** type damage +3 points".
If it has unique skills such as [**Immunity], [**
☆Destructive Wave (All Sections) Resistance], [** Absorption], etc., that reduce or make
Cancels spells, Techniques, Spellsongs, Evocations, immune to a specific type, you cannot select this type as a
Stratagems, Divinations, unique skills, and their equivalent weak point.
effects within “Target: Radius 30m" and "Range: Self".
If there is an opportunity for carnage, it will not be Damned data are subject to the following modifications
missed. In particular, it takes pleasure in killing Humanoids. for each species based on the pre-death values.
Even if it is given an order to do so, it believes that killing
them as quickly as possible will prevent them from interfering Damned Species Modification Table
with Fallen's mission. Entry
Slave Damned, Damned Wise
The way it kills has individual characteristics and can be Powered Damned Mutant Damned
Monster Level +1 +1 +1
identified through a successful Insight or Monster
Initiative +1 -4 +1
Knowledge check. Fortitude/Willpower +1 +1 +1
Accuracy +1 ±0 ±0
“Always in the Devil Dragon's Miasma” Damage +2 ±0 +2
Fallen doesn’t want to leave the space that is being Defense +2 +5 ±0
transformed by the Devil Dragon's Miasma. HP (one section monster) +10 +30 +10
HP (multiple sections, for
+5 +25 +5
“Hates the Sun” MP (multiple sections, for
±0 ±0 +5
It doesn’t go outside during the day. There is no penalty, each)
but it tries to avoid chasing the enemy as much as possible if Standard Values of
+1 +1 +1
Unique Skills
it is under the sun.
If it is cloudy or raining, it will go out more or less. Still,
they prefer to wait for the night. UNIQUE SKILLS
Basically, the special abilities possessed during life are
“Likes Treasures” inherited. However, racial abilities ([Sword's Grace/Change
This Fallen prefers precious metals, gems, and artifacts Fate] etc.) are always lost.
and may raid cities in search of such items. It is also attracted In addition, the following unique skills are automatically
to treasures when they are placed in front of it. It may be acquired depending on the type.
particularly choosy about certain items.
[Perception: Five Senses (Darkvision)] All Damned
“Yearns for Friendship” Gains "Five Senses (Darkvision)" perception in addition
This Fallen seeks conversation and companionship. It to the original one. For a character with multiple perceptions,
appears in towns and other places in search of please refer to the section on how to read monster data (see
communication. These encounters often lead to misfortune p. 139).
(Devil Dragon's Miasma cannot be voluntarily extinguished).
When it encounters intelligent creatures, it talks to them [○Flight] All Damned
first and sometimes may make them priests of Fraxis (see Gains a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion checks for
"Dragon Raid. Compilation" p. 15). melee attacks.
Part 3 Campaigns
This sample campaign targets 3 to 5 characters who have describes in detail the adventures of the Transcendent PCs
reached level 15 and completed a certain number of as they take on the threats to the world.
adventures. In addition to the “Core Rulebook I-III Revised
This section first introduces the events that trigger the Editions”, preparing the complete set of
growth from the 15th level to the 16th level and then supplements/databooks to play this campaign is
The campaign aims to prevent Drake from becoming the The PCs throw themselves into battle to stop the
Barbarous King and using a powerful artifact to harm the Barbarous King and gain immense power.
The artifact, known as "Four-Colored Books," consists of
four books, each named after a color. Legend has it that
whoever possesses all four books will have the power of a This campaign takes place in the Karzoral Plateau. The
god. campaign is a counterstrike against the invading Barbarous
Unfortunately, Barbarous King Drake made a forces at Ryucken, the "Yulleria Defense Wall". If you have
miscalculation, and three of the four books are in the hands finished playing "Sword World 2.0 Battle Campaign Book:
of his subordinate Barbarous. The PCs must defeat one of The Magitech Angel of Karzoral," you may choose the first
the Barbarous to obtain one of the books and use its power scenario setting as "Nurmehi," the city on the lake. In this
to transcend humanoid limitations. case, replace the "Ryucken (city)" in the description with
"Nurmehi" as appropriate.
The artifact "Four-Colored Books" plays an important and The Book of Black), the person will gain power
role in this campaign. It is said that by acquiring all four books comparable to that of a god.
(The Book of White, The Book of Blue, The Book of Red,
Part 3 Campaigns
Recommended Sample Character: Invisible Assassin or Recommended Sample Character: Any
Lunar Piercer Recommended Adventurer Class: As you want
Recommended Adventurer Class: Scout
3 RD R EFERENCE SETTING (3 RD PC): WEYLER ’S T IGER The fourth and subsequent PCs should be set up as
You are closely connected to the Bastore family, a adventurers whose main activity is in Yulleria.
prominent family in the Kingdom of Weyler. The Bastore Ryucken's plight quickly becomes known throughout the
family is related to the royal family through Maria (see PY), Yulleria region, fueled by fears that it will lead to a second
the mother of the current King Grio of Weyler, who is known Diabolic Triumph.
as "the Pillar of Weyler" and provides support for the Although not all Yulleria nations are on good terms, they
kingdom. cannot ignore a situation that could endanger the entire
As a member or follower of the Bastore family, you used region. Via the adventurer's guild, the rulers of each country
to work with Maria as an adventurer. After Maria married are seeking volunteers to assist Ryucken, with a high reward
into the royal family, you have been using your exceptional offered. By accepting the request, you will become part of the
abilities to serve both the Bastore family and the Kingdom of adventure.
One day, you receive a call from Maria. She informs you Recommended Sample Character: Any
that Weyler's neighboring country, Ryucken, is at risk of Recommended Adventurer Class: As you want
being invaded by the Barbarous and asks for your help in
defending Ryucken.
Ag, the High Goblin Maiden, was one of the individuals Ryucken hopes that the renowned heroes will succeed in this
who obtained the Book. In an effort to gain recognition from task and bring hope to the people.
Quargnail, she initiates an invasion of the Humanoid realm
in search of glory. Despite having exceeded her limits, she
believed her strength to be equal to that of the other Book
holders, as well as the higher-ranking Nosferatu and Basilisk.
As a result, she chose to take on the Humanoids, as her The city of Ryucken is in turmoil. The faces of passing
abilities were more effective with the White Book in her citizens reflect deep anxiety; some have even piled their
possession. household goods onto carts in preparation for evacuation.
It should be noted that this scenario is based on the Meanwhile, soldiers stationed throughout the city try to
assumption that while the data of the final battle is detailed, conceal their tense, anxious expressions by wiping sweat and
the information gathering from the introduction and swallowing.
throughout the scenario is considerably left out and is to be You yourself are not immune to these feelings; as you
supplemented by the GM. push open the heavy door of the military dormitory, you
must confront a fact you've been avoiding.
Part 3 Campaigns
- The army that was wiped out, which included the elite 1st empire must be felt by the Yulleria nations and that support
PC unit, had soldiers over level 10. It is difficult to believe in the form of troops and supplies may be available.
that they were defeated in less than a minute. Secondly, they hoped to find talent in the city who are
- The deputy commander of the corps, Tactician Tabbit (as concerned about the plight of Rendrift and are willing to fight
the 1st PCs know), is known for his wisdom, courage, and alongside 2nd PC. There is even a belief that the Ancient
ability to avoid danger. It is unlikely that he fell into the same Goddess has returned to this place.
trap as Barbarous did. Lastly, 2nd PC hoped to find magic items. With their
- There were no survivors in the annihilated unit, including anti-imperialist activities in hiding, it is difficult to search for
the deputy commander. Degenis deeply apologizes for ruins. However, Yulleria may still hold such items.
ordering the attack based on his own judgment, resulting in Initially, the 2nd PC planned to rely on the support of the
this situation. national government. However, their plan was quickly
- The Barbarous army was mainly composed of Goblins and thwarted during their first visit to the Kingdom of Kennel.
Boggarts and did not seem to consist of high-level Goblins. The ambassador from the empire had already appeared and
However, there are reports of sightings of High Goblins here was staying at the royal palace as a guest. On the other hand,
and there. Perhaps they were led by a High Goblin Maiden. the Kingdom of Yurecht, the most powerful nation in the
- Nonetheless, it was not a force that a single High Goblin region, saw this critical situation in Kennel as an opportunity
Maiden could have wiped out. to show its ambition and press for subjugation.
Resigned to their failure, 2nd PC shifted their focus to
Having said this, Degenis asks the 1st PC to find out the finding people and items by wandering around Yulleria.
composition of the Barbarous army and the secrets it may be They heard about the Barbarous attack on Ryucken and saw
hiding, and if possible, to destroy the Barbarous. it as an opportunity to gain personal trust from individuals of
high ability and position by assisting in the war. Additionally,
“The Barbarous army holds a great secret. If we fail to the Barbarous army may have some artifacts or advanced
discover it, victory will elude us, and Ryucken may be magic items that can greatly affect the battlefield. With these
destroyed. thoughts in mind, 2nd PC headed towards Ryucken.
At present, I am reorganizing our army. The other two
generals (see PY) are attempting to slow Barbarous's advance
by engaging in small skirmishes with their forces.
You are the only one we can trust to launch a decisive
attack in this war, where danger may be lurking around every Maria, Queen Dowager of the Kingdom of Weyler,
corner.” always kept a cool head and never displayed her emotions on
her face. In her past as an adventurer, she was a more
The first PC is promised a contingency fee of 50,000G. expressive woman. However, after entering the royal court
Additionally, since the first PC alone will not be able to and becoming an assistant to the previous king and the
accomplish the mission, another 50,000G will be promised current queen, she learned to suppress her emotions.
as the cost of hiring others. Although it is an open secret that she practically runs the
It has been decided that condolence money and national government, she is not a monarch and ensures that
compensation for the bereaved families of the 1st PC her emotions do not influence government policies.
members killed in the war will be paid separately from the "I received a letter from Ryuken," Maria said quietly. Her
Ryucken treasury. tone betrayed no trace of the lively, uninhibited adventurer
she once was. "The contents...astounded me."
For the first time in a long while, you caught a glimpse of
her emotions. It was when she told you she planned to quit
When people talk, there can be an inexpressible sense of her job as an adventurer. With the same look she had when
urgency. Appalling rumors often spread anxiety throughout apologizing to you for her selfishness, she asked for your
society, but most of them are fruitless and just products of help.
imagination. It's just a chain of emotions.
However, sometimes, a dangerous truth hides behind the 3rd PC is a member of the Kingdom of Weyler who
veil of rumor. works for the Queen Dowager, Maria, and her birth family,
It can be difficult to distinguish between what is fake and the Bastores. They adventured with Maria in the past and
what is real. This is not something that can be explained with used their experience to resourcefully solve various cases,
logic but rather an intuition that has been acquired through some of which resulted in saving the country without
long and severe warfare. exaggeration.
On this journey to end this kind of anxiety, you never On this day, Maria calls 3rd PC and informs them that
thought you would feel the same presence as back home, so something big is happening. She explains that Ryucken, a
far away from home. You exhaled and walked eastward. brother country with whom Weyler has an alliance against
the Barbarous invasion from Karzoral Plateau, has been
2nd PC has left their hometown region of Rendrift and attacked by the Barbarous army and is in a critical situation.
come to Yulleria due to an impasse in anti-imperialist However, the letter from Ryucken is not a simple request for
activities. Although their journey was aimless, there were a reinforcements. Ryucken recognizes that the entire Yulleria
few objectives they hoped to achieve. region is in danger and cannot be dealt with by Ryucken and
Firstly, they sought support from nations within the Weyler alone.
Yulleria region. They believed that the threat of the Rendrift
In response, Maria accepts and carries out Ryucken's highly skilled adventurers and promises a high reward to
request, asking the person she relies on most - 3rd PC - to match.
investigate what is happening in Ryucken and resolve the The objective is to go to Ryucken, investigate the
issue if possible. She promises a Contingency Fee of appearance of the Barbarous army, and destroy it if possible.
50,000G. A contingency fee of 50,000G is offered.
Part 3 Campaigns
automatic failure connected to the book. Failure to do so will ↝Healing Aroma
inevitably cause severe stress and distrust of the players. The entire body releases a scent that activates High Goblin's resilience
and disperses it over a wide area. When using this ability, the High Goblin
Also, [☆Limitless Dominance] is an indiscriminate effect Maiden consumes its own HP in any range from 1 to 50 points (chosen by
on all enemies and allies on the battlefield. Remember that this monster). At the same time, all High Goblins (all species except High
Goblin Maiden) within a 30-meter radius around High Goblin Maiden will
all Barbarous except Ag are below 15 levels and are affected regain the same number of points of HP.
by this effect. Even if you add forces to the Barbarous side
for the purpose of force balance, do not add 16 or higher- ☆Blood Offering / Can’t
level monsters. High Goblin Maiden instantly kills within touch range one High Goblin
(except High Goblin Maiden). At the same time, it’s own HP is restored to
the same number of points as the High Goblin's HP had immediately before
dying from this effect.
This effect can be used only twice per round.
After the final battle, the PCs will receive the "White
Book" as loot. By reading it, the PCs will be able to become ○Advanced Anti-Magic Enchantment
Transcendents of the 16th level or higher. When this monster performs a Willpower check against magic, if
Willpower succeeds, the result is treated as Negated regardless of the type
At the same time, they sense the existence of the three of magic. Furthermore, even if the Willpower check fails, the effect of the
remaining books, which have already fallen into the hands of magic is applied as if it had succeeded.
the Barbarous, and, if left unchecked, could lead to the birth In addition, it can make Willpower check against spells with "Resistance:
of a new Barbarous King. Can't". If successful, the result will be Negated (if unsuccessful, full spell
effect will be received).
The PCs should travel to the Karzoral Plateau to stop this This ability does not apply to non-magical effects, even those that force
threat to the Humanoid world. Willpower.
○Psychic Resistance
20 “Awakened by the Book and High Goblin Maiden is immune to psychic (weak) effects.
High Goblin Maiden also gains a +4 bonus when it makes a Willpower
Advocate of Quargnail” Ag roll against any psychic type spell or unique skill.
(Transcendent High Goblin Maiden)
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile Loot
Language: Barbaric, Youma, Drakish, Arcana Always Sword Shard (200G/-) x 20
Habitat: Forests, Mountains, Caves Always The Book of White (Cannot be Traded/-)
Rep/Weak: 24/29 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points 2 – 10 Heraldic Ring (3,000G/Gold White S) x 1d
Initiative: 28 Movement Speed: 18 Fortitude: 28(35) Willpower: 31(38) 11+ Engraved Ring (5,000G/Gold White S) x 1d
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
Weapon 20(27) 2d+18 19(26) 10 222 52
Unique Skills She is devoted to Drake Duke Quargnail, one of the Kings of the
↝Frenzy Aroma Karzoral Domain, and serves him willingly. She is willing to devote herself
It releases a frenzied scent from its entire body that disperses over a and all the High Goblins she leads to Quargnail.
wide area, making the High Goblins go into a frenzy. This ability costs 10 In recognition of such dedication, she holds one of the most important
HP for this monster. positions in the group. Under Quargnail's command, she went on a search
For 10 seconds (1 round), all High Goblins (of any type) within a 30- for the Four-Colored Books and successfully found The Book of White.
meter radius receive a +2 bonus on Accuracy checks and +8 to damage. At This gave her power far beyond that of an ordinary High Goblin Maiden.
the same time, it gives a -4 penalty to Evasion checks. She carries The Book of White with her at all times and is reinforced
This effect is of the psychic type and is not cumulative. with 20 Sword Shards.
Part 3 Campaigns
- If it were a one-on-one match between Quargnail and each
minister without the handicap of the Book, Quargnail would
win in nine out of ten cases.
The PCs enter the Karzoral Plateau, and on their way, - They don't think the PCs will be able to win against
they encounter the advance troops sent by Quargnail. Quargnail, but if they do, they will have to fight against the
They consist of the following: combined forces of Sicinus and N’Dal. It would be a tough
1 x Drake Count (see CR III, p. 313 or BT, p. 63)/Leader
1 x Talos Dreadnought (see IB, p. 145) CONSEQUENCES OF THE PCS' ACTIONS AND DEGREE OF
1 x Hecatoncheires (see CR III, p. 308 or BT, p. 59) DIFFICULTY
3 x Forest Giants (see BT, p. 57) The more ☆ there are, the higher the difficulty level.
The enemy should be killed easily. There's no need to Defeat one of the ministers ( ☆ ) → Fight against
make this battle difficult. If a Super Success (see p. 25) Quargnail who has two books (☆☆☆)
occurs, point it out to players so that they learn this new rule.
The leader, Drake Count, can be captured if he survives. Defeat Quargnail (☆☆) → Fight against two ministers
It's most natural to let him tell his story. Even if he dies, the with their two books each (☆☆☆)
Hecatoncheires and Forest Giants can be used as sources of The difficulty level of the last two is the same, but there is
information if they survive. If the PCs have killed them all, a difference in the difficulty level of the first. Of course, the
improvise and add Barbarous, who fled before the battle and difference is whether or not there is an inter-barbarous fight
was shivering in the area. between the Barbarous.
By interrogating survivors, the following information can
be obtained: Considering the situation, the PCs should attack one of
the ministers.
- Quargnail sensed that the Book of White had been stolen
by Humanoids and ordered Barbarous to retrieve it.
- Quargnail holds the Book of Black, which is said to rule
over all. In this situation, it is possible for the PCs to target one of
- Sicinus holds the Book of Blue, which is said to be all- the ministers without thinking and attempt to force their way
seeing. through using "The Book of White." As the GM, you should
- N’Dal has the Book of Red, which is said to destroy examine the situation and determine which of the two books
everything. would be more convenient for the PCs to obtain. You may
- Incidentally, the Book of White is said to protect everything. also need to investigate and consider which of the ministers
- They do not know the specific abilities of the three books. would be easier for the PCs to approach. It may be helpful
They have heard that those who possess the Book can sense to suggest the possibility of obtaining numerical data on the
those who possess other Books, and they were able to receive ministers to the players in advance.
instructions from Quargnail via Linkpearls to set the However, if the PCs choose to take the gamble and
direction of their march and, indeed, to encounter the PCs. attempt to force their way through, be prepared to game
- Sicinus and N'Dal are feared to rebel against Quargnail. master it "then and there" and be prepared for any possible
With the Book in their possession, they have gained unusual decisions.
power and are now openly opposed to Quargnail. Pease is If the PCs plan to conduct preliminary research in each
no longer an option. city, carrying the Book of White with them will be difficult.
- Sicinus and N’Dal are great friends. If they were to rebel, it Additionally, keeping it with them will reveal their location to
is likely that they would try to time their actions to coincide. the other Book-bearers. Therefore, if the PCs approach one
They are also connected through the Linkpearls, so it would of the ministers, Quargnail will quickly attack the other
be impossible for them to miscommunicate. minister, as we have already seen. The PCs will also be aware
- It is not certain that Quargnail alone can compete with the of this and may think of intercepting the other Book-bearers.
two of them. Therefore, Quargnail first tries to recover the Once the PCs arrive at the capital, it is possible that the target
Book of White to restore his strength. minister himself will come out to search for them. In other
- Currently, there is a stalemate. Quargnail is prioritizing the words, going to the capital with the Book of White is not
acquisition of the Book of White. much different from attempting a forced breakthrough.
- The two ministers are still waiting for the right moment and If the PCs wish to go undercover for preliminary
are not ready to take the plunge. They are wary that if they investigation, they must leave the Book of White somewhere
show an opening, they will be destroyed individually. and attempt to proceed without it. It is up to the player to
- As long as PCs have the Book of White, they should assume decide which way to go. Spells such as [Apport] or [Teleport]
that their whereabouts are known to Quargnail, Sicinus, and can be used to leave the book in a secure location.
N'Dal. Although the possibility of Barbarous coming to take the
- If the PCs attack one of the ministers, Quargnail will Book of White is concerning, the other three Book-bearers
immediately attack the remaining one. If the PCs are not are checking each other and are unable to move. If the PCs
careful and it comes down to one book versus three books are attacked by minions of any side, there is little danger of
(and the PCs lose to one of the ministers), then Quargnail losing the book immediately if they are allowed to retreat to
will lose too.
Part 3 Campaigns
Ryucken. It is a good idea to allow the PCs to detect the It is obvious that the PCs' abilities are beyond Brimaz's
attacks beforehand. imagination, and the PCs can take some liberties in the fight
against the Ogre Berserker by "treating any of their class levels
as a lower number". For example, a Fighter class level of 16
can be lowered to 10 levels to calculate Accuracy checks,
CITY OF SICINUS Evasion checks, Extra Damage, etc. The adventurer level and
The city ruled by Sicinus has a Barbarous atmosphere, its associated resistance checks, ability scores, etc., cannot be
with armored giants and ogre figures. In this city, where modified.
warriors roam about, lowly Barbarous and Humanoids are After defeating the Ogre Berserker or after 3 rounds,
treated as slaves. The cityscape is not rough but bleak, with Brimaz will inform the PCs that they have passed the
little or no decorations. Boggart mutants, i.e., Spelljammers examination. Proceed to "Brimaz's Hospitality and Audience
(see BT, p. 55) and Ambidextrous (see IB, p. 138), are rarely with Sicinus". However, the situation is different in the
seen. The slums are inhabited by Humanoids and lower following cases.
Barbarous who are considered to be masterless and below
the rank of slaves. The PCs defeat Ogre Berserker with ease, who, to begin
The PCs can infiltrate these slums to gather information, with, was seen in multiple SS-ranked gear by the entire party
but even the bottom class cannot provide useful information when he first showed up
about Sicinus, the ruler of this place. At best, they may be In these situations, Brimaz realizes what the PCs are
told that he is a high-ranking Fomor and a Tactician with capable of. He becomes surprised and runs away, shrieking
excellent wisdom and courage. "Hey, what kind of people are you?" If this occurs, proceed
To obtain information about Sicinus, it is necessary to get to “Sicinus' Departure”.
in touch with powerful Barbarous. This city operates on a
strong meritocracy, and it is widely believed that even slaves Defeated All Ogres including Brimaz
can be elevated to the warrior class if they show their abilities Whether they set up from the beginning or did not allow
and gain patronage. However, it is also said that in order to Brimaz to escape in the aforementioned case, Sicinus himself
be promoted from humanoid to warrior class, one must be will still appear on the scene. Please go to “Sicinus'
ready to kill Humanoids and show obedience. Departure”.
make a Monster Knowledge check to Sicinus and an Insight
check about the Book of Blue. E NTERING THE T EMPLE OF DALKHREM
Once these two checks completed, the purpose of the Based on prior information, the PCs can conclude that it
Sicinus investigation is fulfilled. The GM should urge the PCs is not practical to walk around as humanoids. Additionally,
to escape promptly. It is not a wise choice to attack Sicinus the holy symbol of the gods First Sword should be hidden to
without the Book of White. avoid drawing attention. Although the Barbarous can attack
If they have not yet completed the investigation of N’Dal, the PCs, they are not difficult to fight off. However, this can
the GM should guide them to that direction. slow them down and attract too much attention. If there is a
great commotion, there is a possibility that N'Dal himself will
come and fight with the Barbarous. Needless to say, it is very
dangerous to fight against N'Dal without the Book of White.
CITY OF N’DAL If the PCs can disguise themselves as Barbarous, they can
The city of N'Dal has the magnificent temple of safely reach the front of the temple. However, they will
Dalkhrem at its center, but it is surrounded by crude stone witness a Vulcan (see IB, p. 126) being knocked out of the
houses that are poorly maintained and half-destroyed. The main gate of the temple. If the PCs talk to him, Vulcan will
streets are full of rubble and garbage, making it difficult to say:
The population can be roughly divided into concentric “I have been informed that in this city, power is justice,
rings, with Trolls prominent on the inside and low-class especially in this temple, where the mighty converge.
Barbarous on the outside. Very few Humanoids are present, I believed that I was worthy of entry, and so I strode
and the PCs are quite conspicuous without any attempts at through the gates with confidence.
disguise. However, I was informed that only those who profess
Observing the residents' behavior reveals a distorted their faith in Dalkhrem are permitted to enter. (Note:
economy in which the residents on the inside loot what the Vulcans generally believe in the Second Sword directly and
residents on the outside hunt and gather. "The law of the not in God.)
strong" is the norm, and it is taken for granted that the Despite a heated debate, I was dismissed, for those
powerful take from the weak. The residents outside the city without the holy symbol of Dalkhrem are barred from entry.
have lower living standards because they directly gather and It matters not to me. I leave the decision to you. I have
hunt outside the city. The lowest level inhabitants live on the no desire to enter that place.”
edge of the city, where they are not exploited by the city's
inhabitants but are no longer protected and are at risk of With much spewing, Vulcan will leave. If the PCs do not
being attacked by other Barbarous and highland wild speak to Vulcan, the GM should remind them of the prior
animals. information: “Only Dalkhrem followers are allowed to
By talking to the inhabitants of the city, the PCs can Get Dalkhrem's Holy Symbol
obtain information about N'Dal, the ruler of the city, and his To enter the temple, PCs must have enough holy symbols
residence, the Temple of Dalkhrem. This information is of Dalkhrem for themselves. Otherwise, they will be refused
known even to the inhabitants of the outer fringes of the city. entry. If they try to force their way in, they will have to
Ng Dal is a powerful Dalkhrem priest of Chaos Troll (see contend with the many Barbarous inside. This could lead to
p. 140). He always speaks of "Power is justice" and lives in the a dangerous situation, which would prompt the intervention
central Dalkhrem temple, which he built by forced labor. of N’Dal.
The temple is filled with Dalkhrem priests, mainly but not It is relatively easy to obtain the holy symbol of Dalkhrem
limited to Trolls, who spend their days grinding and in this city. Outside the temple, there are some Barbarous
plundering. Although the temple is a dangerous place, who walk around wearing the holy symbol of Dalkhrem.
Dalkhrem believers are free to come and go as they please, Fighting with them for it is not a problem in this city.
and some Barbarous work in the temple to earn extra money. Alternatively, there are some dead bodies of Barbarous
However, it is said that this is at the risk of losing one's life at who were defeated in a battle under the debris. If PCs
the whim of the priests. Also, those who believe in a religion succeed in a Search check of Target Number 25, they can
other than Dalkhrem are never allowed to enter the temple. find a corpse still wearing the holy symbol. The check can be
It is said that N’Dal does not reject those who challenge performed continuously as long as it succeeds, and even if it
him. fails, they can retry the check for an extra time. If the body is
In this city, those who believe in Humanoids and the deity found after a failed attempt, the "one-hour search" is
connected to the First Sword are targets of intense hatred and considered as a consecutive attempt.
contempt. If they wander around the city in Humanoid form Moreover, if PCs keep an eye on the temple, they can
or wear the holy symbol of the deity of the First Sword, they also find low-level Barbarous who work at Dalkhrem Temple
will inevitably be attacked by the Barbarous from moment to as servants. By asking them, PCs can procure some items
moment. Dalkhrem's teaching strongly propagates that "any from the temple by giving a relatively small amount of money.
cowardly deception is justified against Humanoids and
Part 3 Campaigns
I N THE T EMPLE people. The Blood Troll Tyrant will fight to the best of their
The main gate of the temple is open and unguarded. ability and will not hold any grudges afterwards.
Inside are many Trolls, a few high-level Barbarous, and many
low-level Barbarous, all of whom wear the holy symbol of SEE N’DAL
Dalkhrem as reported. A large training hall awaits at the top of the stairs, guarded
The PCs can enter the temple without obstruction as long by N'Dal's guards (see p. 100). N'Dal himself descends the
as they display the holy symbol of Dalkhrem. Shortly after stairs from the back of the hall, the Book of Red in hand.
entering, one of the Trolls will speak to them and ask, "Do PCs can attempt a Monster Knowledge check on N'Dal and
you show your arms? Or one who offers their hand?" an Insight check on the Book of Red.
This question asks whether they entered the temple as Afterwards, a one-on-one battle takes place between
warriors or as servants seeking a handout. If the PCs are N'Dal and Zui Haju, resulting in a resounding victory for
hesitant or unsure of their answer, the Troll will repeat the N'Dal. If the PCs fail the Monster Knowledge check, the GM
question. The same is true if they respond to a question with may choose to roll the dice for an actual battle between N'Dal
another question, such as "What do you mean?". and Zui Haju to recreate the victory and demonstrate N'Dal's
If The Answer is "One Who Shows Arms" The investigation of N'Dal is now complete. The GM
Troll replies, “Well, good to see you.” He takes the arm should encourage the PCs to escape promptly, as going to
of one of the PCs and raises it high. N'Dal without the Book of White is unwise.
“Here comes a new warrior!” If the investigation of Sicinus is not yet complete, the GM
He calls out loudly, attracting the attention of the PCs. He should guide the PCs to that location.
then releases their hand, says, "Have a good war," and leaves.
The temple is occupied by warriors who are busy with
their training and weapon maintenance, as well as menial
laborers who hurriedly follow the warriors' orders.
Amidst the clamor, a Chaos Troll (see p. 140) heads
towards the stairs at the end of the building. Upon reaching
the bottom of the stairs, he declares:
"The proud and majestic followers of Dalkhrem, who
move faster than the wind and destroy with the power of
thunder. Zui Haju, of wind and thunder, is the one who
challenges N'Dal."
These words cause excitement throughout the temple,
prompting several people to follow the Troll up the stairs.
Can use all Stratagems up to 5 ranks of "attack", "evasion," and "defense"
Once both Sicinus and N'Dal are investigated, the PCs types are used within one full battlefield. These Stratagems can be used from
the 3rd rank (skipping 2nd and 1st rank).
should choose which one to fight. After retrieving the Book
of White, the PCs can challenge to a decisive battle. ☑Armor Piercer
With their abilities and the White Book, it will be easy to If the roll of damage determination is "10 or more", the damage is
reach Sicinus or N'Dal. Even if Barbarous gets in their way a increased by +10 points, and the target's Defense is ignored.
little, they can easily get rid of them.
●Lower Body
The GM can rule that the PCs have won against other
Barbarous without particular problems. ○Twin Strike & Double Attack
Sinicus can make two Kick attacks each round, though each attack
requires its own Accuracy check. They may choose to attack different
F IGHTING SICINUS characters with each attack.
☑Sealing Strike
The decisive battle with Sicinus takes place in his castle, If the attack hits, Sinicus specifies the name of one of the target's active
the audience hall, a 20m x 50m rectangular room where the combat feats and disables it for 10 seconds (1 round). This effect is
PCs face Sicinus. cumulative and can be used for each hit.
The Sinicus must be seen using the combat feat once to use this effect.
E NEMIES ○Attack Obstacle = +4 • +4
Sicinus is always accompanied by his guards. In addition Target: [Section: Upper Body]/Loss Condition: HP of [Section: Lower
to Sicinus, PCs have to fight with these guards at the same Body] is 0 or less.
Sicinus Guards Always Sword Shards (200G/-) x 26
Always The Book of Blue (Cannot be Traded/-)
3 x Fire Giant (see BT, p. 60) ※
2–9 Bag of Silver (1,000G/-) x 2d
12 x Boggart Mutant (see IB, p. 143) 10 – 12 General's Insignia (19,000G/Gold White SS)
※Fire Giant uses the Divine Magic of Dalkhrem, the god of 13+ Insignia of the Grand Marshal (36,000G/Gold White
Sinicus is a Fomor general under the command of Quargnail. With the
26 “Awakened by the Book Hiding His Blue Book in his possession, he has gained power far beyond that of
ordinary Goun Fomor. Together with his ally N'Dal, he is now ready to
Claws” Sinicus (Goun Fomor Transcendent) revolt against Quargnail.
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hostile Sinicus is reinforced with 26 Sword Shards. When defeated, the PCs
Language: Barbaric, Giantish Habitat: Various receive the title of "One Who Overcame Serious General Sinicus (200
Rep/Weak: 31/36 Weak Point: Accuracy +1 points)" and an additional Total Reputation.
Initiative: 37Movement Speed: 30 Fortitude: 34(41) Willpower: 32(39)
Sicinus Tactics
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
Sicinus will enter battle, holding the Book of Blue in one hand. The
Fist (Upper Body) 34(41) 2d+36 32(39) 20 346 93
Kick (Lower Body) 32(29) 2d+38 32(39) 20 302 93 [☆Battlefield Pitfall] ability targets players who can make melee attacks. On
the PC's turn, [▼Tactical Distortion] is used, again prioritizing targets within
Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Body) Main Section: Upper Body Sicinus' melee attack range.
The Fire Giants avoid entering the same skirmish area as Sicinus but
stay as far away as possible to avoid line interference. They prioritize the
Unique Skills recovery of HP for themselves and Sicinus. The Boggart Mutants try to target
●All Sections the rear of the PCs with melee attacks whenever possible.
○Chain Attack
After an attack, Sinicus can attack the same target again, regardless of its
success or failure. This ability can add only one additional attack per round.
▼Phantom Counter
A Sinicus can use [Phantom Counter] combat feat (see p. 27).
●Upper Body
☆Techniques &○Muscle Mystery
They may use the [Cat's Eyes], [Beetleskin], [Bear Muscle], [Giant Arms],
[Titan's Foot], [Troll Vitals], [Recovery (20 points)], [All-seeing Eye]
These techniques have doubled duration.
Part 3 Campaigns
○Wait Action
If this monster loses initiative at the start of combat, it can perform two
Major Actions in the first round (3 total). When the final battle is over, the PCs loot the Book of
the opponent they fought. At the same time, the PCs realize
○☑↝Magic Aptitude
They can use the Combat Feats [Multi-Action], [Guided Magic], [Magic
that the other Book has been taken by Drake, and Quargnail,
Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Targets], sensing the PCs' movement, rushes the one with the other
[Metamagic/Distance], [Double Cast], [Wordbreak]. Book by [Teleport], with his elite forces.
↝Divine Magic 16 Level/Magic Power 24(31)
GM Information
One basic 16th-level Divine Magic is determined by the GM. N'Dal's
deity is Dalkhrem, the god of war. Quargnail himself cannot use [Teleport]. However, his
subordinate Cyclopes (see IB, p. 146) could, and they had
☑Greater Mana Strike = +8 Accuracy・+24 damage visited the residence of Sicinus and the temple of N'Dal.
N’Dal gets a +8 bonus to its Accuracy check and +24 points to its
damage. At the same time, it receives a -2 penalty to its Evasion check
Fortitude, Willpower.
The battle between Humanoids and Barbarous over the
Books is finally entering its final phase.
☑Severe Blow Once the PCs turn back to Ryucken, they will be paid half
Knows Combat Feat [Severe Blow] (see p. 27). (100,000G) of the promised reward as an interim reward.
☑Power Strike II
N’Dal can deal an additional +12 damage on their next attack. However,
any Evasion Check made by the N’Dal this turn receives a -2 penalty.
The Book of Blue Base Price: Cannot be Traded
A book with a blue cover with gold decorative lettering and sealed
Popularity 30/41 App. Category (Rank) Adventurer Tool
with a gold chain
Giving those who read it the power to transcend their limits, giving those who
Summary Era Ancient Magic Civilization
possess it a variety of abilities
Has common abilities of Four-Colored Books (see p. 88). In addition, when held as "Stance: 3: Deals physical damage equal to half of the
1H", it grants the bearer the following abilities. target's current HP (rounded up).
4: For the next 10 seconds (1 round), all damage
☆Battlefield Domination/Can’t reduction effects, including Defense, are
With "Range/area: Caster/-" and "Target: Entire battlefield/All", one of the following actions
5: For the next 10 seconds (1 round), the target’s
are forced on the target. If the target is unable to perform the indicated action, the target will
Defense is 0.
not be able to perform any action at all. The effect lasts for 10 seconds (1 round), but cannot
6: Swaps the current HP and MP values of the
be duplicated at the same time. Also, both effects do not apply to characters whose level
target. The effect is that the current value of each
(adventurer level or monster level) is 16 or higher.
will never exceed the maximum value; in such a
- The target only casts spells. Any spells can be used on any target, and the number of times
case, the current value will be equal to the
spells must be cast at least one.
Effect maximum value. Also, the current value of MP
- The target must attack with only melee attacks. Any method of attack or target may be used,
cannot become negative. If the HP before the
and it must attack at least once.
swap was less than 0. MP after the swap will be 0.
- Target can do anything except for casting spells and melee attacks.
▼Tactical Distortion
☆Battlefield Pitfall/Can’t
When any damage occurs in the user's
Specify the target within "Range/Area: 50m/Target" and "Target: 1 Character".
battlefield, after all calculations are done, the
Roll 1d, and the effect corresponding to the roll, is given to the target at random. This effect
applied damage is applied to any other character
may be used twice per round, once at the beginning and at the end of the user's turn, but the
(section) in the battlefield, not to the original
same target may not be chosen more than once per round.
target. This effect can be used only once per
1: Deals physical damage equal to the target's current HP.
2: Deals magic damage equal to half of the target's current HP (rounded up).
The Book of Red Base Price: Cannot be Traded
A book with a red cover with gold decorative lettering and sealed
Popularity 30/41 App. Category (Rank) Adventurer Tool
with a gold chain
Giving those who read it the power to transcend their limits, giving those who
Summary Era Ancient Magic Civilization
possess it a variety of abilities
Has common abilities of Four-Colored Books (see p. 88). In addition, when held as "Stance: For 10 seconds (1 round), the target's physical
1H", it grants the bearer the following abilities. and magical damage is increased by +20. At the
same time, all physical and magical damage the
☆Reign of Excellence/Can’t target suffers is also increased by +20. This effect
may only be used once per round.
One of the following effects is selected within "Range/Area: Caster /-" and "Target: Entire
Battlefield/All". The effect lasts for 10 seconds (1 round), but cannot be duplicated at the same
time. All effects do not apply to characters whose level (adventurer level or monster level) is ▼Tactical Amplification
Effect 16 or more. When any damage occurs in the user's
- The target's Defense is reduced by -20. This effect does not reduce the Defense to less than battlefield, after all calculations have been made,
0. the applied damage is also applied to any other
- The magic damage that target receives is increased by +10. characters (sections) in the battlefield at the same
- The current and maximum HP of target is reduced by 20 points. After the effect ends, the time. This effect can be used only once per
maximum value is restored, but the current value remains unchanged. round.
☆Enhanced Excellence/Can’t
Specify the target within "Range/Area: 50m/Target" and "Target: 1 Character".
Part 3 Campaigns
Finally, it is time to settle the score with Quargnail. Those ※Lower Body Section
who share the two books will fight each other, and the winner
Amber Eye (Maximal) ○Ultimate Aim
will get everything.
Garnet of Vitality (Maximal) ○HP Enhancement
Focused Garnet of Vitality (Maximal) ○Improved HP
The PCs have already been contracted to defeat the Red Iron Blood (Maximal) ○Mobility Enhancement
domain king, Quargnail. To accomplish this, they entered
Karzoral Plateau.
27 ”Barbarous King With Stagnating Sword
and Master of Books” Quargnail (Drake Duke
Transcendent, Human Form)
Having acquired two Books, Quargnail's ability to Sense Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Books has been adversely affected. Since there are several of Language: All Habitat: Unknown
them in the same place at the same time, it causes a "halation," Rep/Weak: 26/33 Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 points
Initiative: 35 Movement Speed: 30/60(Flying)
and he is unable to sense the remaining two Books. Fortitude: 38(45) Willpower: 39(46)
The same is true for the PCs, but it is possible for them
to keep the two books at a distance from each other. This F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
allows them to know that he has two of the Four-Colored Magic Sword Zane 35(42) 2d+32 34(41) 26 476 257
Books and that he is holed up in his castle.
Traveling through Karzoral, the PCs will get to the Unique Skills
Quargnail. ○2 Actions
The GM should prepare the road full of dangers
accordingly. ○Multiple Declarations = 3 times
↝Spiritualism Magic 20 Level/Magic Power 29(36)
Can cast all Spiritualism Magic up to the 15th level and all Spiritualism
Magic for Transcendents from this book.
Quargnail, with the following subordinates, will fight the
PCs. ○☑↝Magic Aptitude = All
1 x Cyclopes (see IB, p. 146) with 20 Sword Shards. ☑Greater Mana Strike = +9 Accuracy, +29 Damage
2 x Fire Giants (see BT, p. 60) Gains a +9 bonus to Accuracy checks, and damage is increased by +29.
6 x Gory Champions (BT, p. 58) At the same time, the Drake Duke gains a -2 penalty to Fortitude Willpower.
1 x Mithril Golem (see BT, p. 126)
○Flight II
The Mithril Golem was created by Quargnail and is ☆Techniques
enhanced by the following Enhancing Items. See page 157 They may use the [Beetleskin], [Cat's Eyes], [Recovery (20 pts.)], [Giant
for the effects of each. Arms], [Sphinx Knowledge], [Wendigo Hide] Techniques.
27 ”Barbarous King With Stagnating Sword Ring of the Magic Civilization Period (30,000G/Gold
and Master of Books” Quargnail (Drake Duke White SS)
Always Bracelet of Manipulation (24,800G/-)
Transcendent, Dragon Form) Always Magic Sword Zane (Cannot be Traded/-)
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile Always Sword Shards (200G/-) x 27
Language: All Habitat: Unknown Always The Book of Black (Cannot be Traded/-)
Rep/Weak: 27/34 Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 points
Always The Book of Blue or Red (Cannot be Traded/-)
Initiative: 35 Movement Speed: 30/60(Flying)
2–8 None
Fortitude: 39(46) Willpower: 40(47)
9 – 11 Noble Draconian Horn (12,600/Red SS)
12+ Great Draconian Horn (48,500G/Red SS)
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
Bite (Body) 36(43) 2d+37 34(41) 28 360 206
Wing (Wing) 37(44) 2d+30 32(39) 22 223 73 Description
Wing (Wing) 37(44) 2d+30 32(39) 22 223 73 Quargnail is one of the kings of Karzoral, obsessed with the ambition to
Sections: 3 (Body / Wing x2) Main Section: Body stand as a Barbarous King, and having obtained the Book of Black, he is
preparing to realize his ambition. However, he is in danger of falling through
due to the betrayal of his subordinates who obtained the Book due to a
Unique Skills miscalculation. He has also realized that the Book alone is not enough to
●All Sections raise his power, and he is eager to obtain all four books.
○Energy Immunity Quargnail is enhanced by 27 Sword Shards. If PCs defeat him, they will
receive the title of "Shattered the Barbarous King's Magic Sword (200
points)" and same amount of Total Reputation.
They may use the [Beetleskin], [Cat's Eyes], [Recovery (20 pts.)], [Giant
Arms], [Sphinx Knowledge], [Wendigo Hide] Techniques. Quargnail Tactics
Quargnail comes to the battle with two books: the "Book of Black" and
☆Humanification the one (the "Book of Blue" or the "Book of Red") that PCs did not obtain in
A Quargnail can change from a draconic form to a human. However, the second episode (he is equipped with a Bracelet of Manipulation to use
any HP lost by the Body section is carried over as a human, and any lingering both books and the Magic Sword Zane at the same time).
magical effects remain affecting the Quargnail, which may cause death or How he uses the abilities of the Book of Blue and the Book of Red is
make them unconscious if enough HP is lost. the same as that of Sicinus (see p. 99) and N’Dal (see p. 100), so please refer
to them. [☆Tactical Bloodletting] is used just before the end of the
●Body Quargnail’s turn, and the target is the PC with the lowest current HP.
○2 Actions [▼Tactical Excellence] is used on the first hit, in conjunction with his melee
attack, and he targets himself, but if impossible or unnecessary, he may
choose a Cyclopes or Mithril Golem, depending on the situation. Basically,
○Multiple Declarations = 3 times [☑Greater Mana Strike] and [Multi-Action] are declared every round.
Mithril Golem will stay in the vicinity of the PCs, mainly defending them
↝Spiritualism Magic 20 Level/Magic Power 29(36) with [Cover III], while Cyclopes and Gory will be the attackers, targeting the
Can cast all Spiritualism Magic up to the 15th level and all Spiritualism PCs' rearguard as much as possible. While avoiding entering the same
Magic for Transcendents from this book. skirmish area as Quargnail, Fire Giant will stay as close as possible (to avoid
line interference), and will focus on recovering HP for it and for Quargnail.
○☑↝Magic Aptitude = All
↝Burning Breath/35(42)/Fortitude/Half
Within "Range: 50m" and "Area: Shot", it spits out a mass of pure energy
that explodes at the point of impact, dealing "2d+40" fire and energy magic
damage in a radius of 6m/20.
This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns.
○Flight II
Loss condition: HP of one or more [Section: Wing] is 0 or less.
Part 3 Campaigns
After defeating Quargnail and obtaining the two books in together; they must rely on special materials to create a new
his possession, the campaign comes to a close. The Four- cover, refine the ink to add descriptions, and so on. This may
Colored Books are now in the hands of the PCs, and the require hunting Mythical Beasts which have never been seen
ascension of a new Barbarous King has been averted. in the world or going to secluded regions to collect special
It is up to the PCs to decide what to do with the four plants and minerals. If the PCs can do this and complete the
Books. Even if each of them gains a separate book, it is safe book, they can truly rival and possibly even surpass the power
to say that they are powerful enough to stand out in a society of the gods.
of Humanoids. However, the Book will be limited to one volume. Only
However, the Book suggests a way to merge them into one person can benefit from it. It is up to the PCs to decide
one huge magical book. It is not enough to simply join them what to do with it.
This campaign is a sample campaign targeting characters character's adventures, obstacle requirements, and monster
who have reached the 15th level and completed a certain strength for scenario bosses. Consider them when planning
number of adventures. scenarios for Transcendent PCs.
It focuses on the first threats that newly-minted To play this campaign, it is recommended that you have
Transcendents, who have just reached the 16th level, will Core Rulebooks I-III Revised Editions and a set of
face, and describes these situations in detail. The scenarios supplements/databooks.
below can serve as a reference for your Transcendent
This campaign takes place all over the Terastier Faced with a relentless onslaught of natural disasters,
continent. Its objective is to investigate the causes of extreme heads of state and country representatives were in a state of
weather events affecting the entire continent and find distress. They decided to turn to renowned heroes from each
solutions. region to investigate and solve the problem. According to a
Natural cataclysms have been occurring with unusual legend in the world of Raxia, "those who exceed the limit of
frequency in various parts of the Terastier Continent, causing Humanoids have the power to see the threads of life." If some
concern about the end of the world. The damage caused by kind of invisible hand is involved in this abnormal weather, it
these cataclysms has affected the countries, cities, is believed that only exceptional heroes can solve the
organizations, and regions that each PC is involved with. problem.
Humanoid nations and organizations are doing Heroes embark on this quest for their own reasons,
everything they can to identify the causes of extreme weather whether for the sake of their adoring public, personal
events. However, they lack knowledge about these causes prestige, or simply to satisfy their intellectual curiosity.
and can only respond to specific disasters that cause damage. However, the frequent natural disasters occurring all over the
The general public, without any special abilities, is Terastier Continent are far beyond their expectations. They
suddenly experiencing natural disasters without warning, have come to realize that there are factors that could shake
leading to resignation and increasing desperation. The losses not only the Terastier Continent but also Raxia itself. The
incurred in protecting refugees and surveying the scale of natural disasters occurring in various regions are merely a
damage caused by disasters are enormous, and some prelude to such a transformation.
countries have already depleted their national treasuries. Before the threat can fully take shape and damage Raxia,
Although the situation is currently under control at the level it must be minimized, brought down to a manageable level,
of national governments, the national system may become and ultimately eliminated.
unsustainable if this continues, and people may be forced to Only Transcendents who have reached and surpassed the
abandon their entire way of life. limits of ordinary skills can achieve this.
Part 3 Campaigns
the right of succession, such as an adopted son of the royal Recommended Sample Character: Lunar Piercer or
family or a fiancé, or to have them as a spouse. Legendary Wizard
Recently, there have been a number of extreme weather Recommended Adventurer Classes: Fairy Tamer, Ranger
events, and major damage is on the horizon. As an
adventurer, you have a disturbing feeling that this is not just a
case of extreme weather but that something much bigger is
about to happen.
You have many friends and followers who you can rely
on in various ways, but even if you ask them to investigate,
they cannot tell you anything definitive. It seems that you GENGER /UNKNOWN GENDER)
have to make your own move and do something about the These dragons travel freely between the world of Raxia
situation. and the world of fairies, possessing many mysterious powers
and being adored by the fairies. They have no individual
Recommended Sample Character: Any name, and their age and gender are shrouded in mystery.
Recommended Adventurer Classes: As you want Although they rarely appear in the world of Raxia, they
exist to protect the world of fairies. Rumor has it that they
had existed since the time when Cardia was shattered, and
the world was filled with mana. They are easygoing and
As a priest in the service of god, you travel from place to
cheerful like fairies but do not care much about the world of
place across the continent as a missionary of the faith,
Raxia. As a result, they sometimes give the impression of
spreading the deeper faith among the people. During your
being unsympathetic.
travels, you were the first to notice abnormal weather
As beings that observe both the world of Raxia and the
conditions occurring in various parts of the continent
world of fairies, they were the first to notice that the balance
of mana in the world is disturbed and that this disturbance is
While you have faced extreme weather events on several
manifesting itself as a natural disaster. Fairy Dragons are
occasions, you have only dealt with the damage caused by the
working hard to avert such a situation and restore the world
disaster and have not seen the existence of any underlying
to its original state.
cause. However, you are also aware that the phenomena are
too peculiar to be described as just nature.
When unsure of the path to take, you have always had
the word of god that you believe in. However, the
information provided by oracles is often more abstract than
ever, and even if you ask directly to the Minor God who is
manifested in this world, they themselves do not understand
it well.
You have reached the end of your adventure and left the
mundane world behind. People call you a hermit or a recluse
because you usually stay in a secluded place and avoid the
One day, extreme weather conditions affected your place
and drastically changed the environment around you,
including the flora and fauna, Mythical Beasts, and Dairies.
At the request of your neighbors or simply outraged by
the disturbance to your home, you have begun investigating
to remedy this unusual natural phenomenon.
At the start of the campaign, the PCs are not yet But as time passed, the fury of nature grew stronger,
Transcendent. They will become Transcendent after hunting down those who lived on the continent.
completing the first scenario and will be able to tackle A gloomy atmosphere pervades the entire Terastier
subsequent scenarios. continent as if the end of the world has come.
This section provides an introduction describing how the
PCs come together in this campaign and an example of the The GM should read the text above to the PCs to help
adventures that lead to becoming Transcendent. them understand the threat of natural disasters and the
The campaign begins with the mystery of extreme magnitude of their impact.
weather events affecting the entire Terastier continent. The This will also help set the atmosphere for the session and
GM should take into account the PCs' characteristics and give the PCs a sense of purpose.
background settings and incorporate them into the scenario
to increase excitement. In this case, the GM has the freedom
to modify the scenario's content.
Here is an example of the general progression and outline
of a scenario.
When you actually hold a session, you are free to arrange
In the first episode of the campaign, adventurers who your own scenarios based on the examples.
have reached the 15th level embark on a quest to discover
the cause of natural disasters. They receive a request from a 1. F AIRY DRAGON CONTACTING
Fairy Dragon and venture into a world full of fairies, which The PCs are investigating the natural disasters in their
serves as an introduction to becoming Transcendent and own ways but have not yet reached a point where they can
leveling up to the 16th level. take decisive measures. The GM should describe how the
Natural disasters affect every country and region in the natural disasters are impacting the countries and regions
Terastier Continent to varying degrees, with most people related to each PC and create a sense of urgency that these
giving up and hoping the threat will pass. phenomena cannot be left to continue.
The first episode sees the friends gather and prepare to Suddenly, Fairy Dragons appear in front of the PCs.
journey to the world of fairies to defeat the "Chaos" that These dragons can move freely between the world of Raxia
threatens it, guided by the Fairy Dragon. Through gaining the and the world of fairies, and they exist to protect the world of
trust of the fairies and achieving success in their quest, they fairies. This is the first time the PCs have met them.
will receive special blessings and awaken to Transcendence. The Fairy Dragons explain that the extreme weather
This series of adventures could take place anywhere on the conditions currently occurring in the world of Raxia are due
Terastier Continent. to a significant imbalance in the world's mana. The imbalance
is occurring on a global scale, and if left unchecked, the
natural environment of Raxia will collapse completely,
making it impossible for any living creature, including
The world of Raxia is situated on the Terastier continent, humans, to survive.
created by the three swords. Additionally, Fairy Dragon reveals that the abnormalities
The continent is rich in land and abundant in nature, and are not only happening in Raxia's world but also in the fairy
many creatures thrive there. However, in recent years, severe world. Fairies play a crucial role in the flow of mana, and if
abnormal weather has made life on the continent very they were in their normal state, the mana in Raxia's world
difficult. would not have been disrupted to such a great extent.
At first, people were optimistic, believing that the weather However, a chaotic entity has appeared in the fairy world,
was only temporary, but it continued for months and months, causing the fairies to lose control and granting the entity even
causing disasters and poor harvests that adversely affected more power by absorbing them at random.
living organisms. The Fairy Dragon implores the PCs to help prevent the
The disaster caused the deaths of animals and plants, and fairies from causing destruction in Raxia. Despite possessing
people were unable to maintain a proper food supply or various magical powers, the Fairy Dragon's abilities are
living environment. insufficient to solve the problem on its own. Therefore, it has
They could only endure in the face of the great power of sought the PCs' assistance in resolving this case.
nature and pray for a quick return to their original calm The proposed solution is to address the anomalies in the
nature. fairy world and, with the help of the fairies who have regained
their senses, suppress the abnormal weather in the world of
Part 3 Campaigns
Raxia. To achieve this, the party must travel to the fairy world 4. L IBERATION OF THE F AIRIES
and defeat the "Chaos" at the center of the anomaly. After defeating Chaos, the fairies are released, and peace
The Fairy Dragon promises a generous reward in the is restored to their world. In gratitude, the fairies promise to
form of a valuable gem. The amount and number of gems help the PCs control the natural disturbances in Raxia.
can be freely set. This reward serves to aid the fairies as well However, effective means to contain the extreme weather
as act as reserve funds for the party since they will likely have in Raxia have not yet been found. The Fairy Dragon suggests
to fight against distorted fairies and should stock with items to the PCs that the same Chaos that occurred in the fairy
from Raxia beforehand. The Fairy Dragon will provide the world might be manifesting in Raxia.
reward in advance and advise the party to be well-prepared. The PCs must eliminate the causes of extreme weather
Furthermore, the Fairy Dragon confirms that there are events, just as they did in the fairy world before Chaos can
no restrictions on defeating distorted fairies. However, fully manifest.
avoiding harming normal fairies unnecessarily is wise, as they At this stage, the PCs still do not know the true nature of
are cooperating with the party. Chaos or the reason for its appearance. They can only
speculate that the unusual Fairy Dragon, being a fairy-like
2. I NTO THE WORLD OF F AIRIES dragon, might have a connection to this cause.
In order to gain access to the fairy world, the PCs who
accept the request from the Fairy Dragon must first locate it,
and they don't know how.
The Fairy Dragon suggests asking for help from the You have defeated the chaos that emerged in the fairy
guardians at the "Fairy Gates" located on all four sides of the world and successfully restored the fairies to their senses.
Terastier continent. The guardians will assist the PCs in They expressed their deep gratitude and bestowed their
entering the fairy world. protection upon you, infusing you with their overflowing
The Fairy Dragon knows the location of each "Fairy Gate" power.
and will accompany the PCs to any of them. However, Although you felt like you had already reached the limit,
reaching the gates is the easy part. The guardians, who are you knew there was still a world of adventure ahead.
also fairies, have been affected by the abnormal weather and The journey of Transcendents, those who have exceeded
can no longer speak properly. They demand impossible tasks their limits, is about to begin.
in exchange for their cooperation with Humanoids.
The GM has the freedom to set up any obstacles against
the distorted fairies. If the PCs are unsure how to proceed,
PCs who have eliminated Chaos in the world of the fairies
they may engage in combat with the guardians to resolve the
will be granted "Fairy Protection" by their guardian fairy for
their achievements. Here is a description of the special
Once all the fairies guarding the gates have been brought
protection given by the fairies.
back to their senses, the PCs can enter the fairy world with
Also, this "Fairy Protection" will trigger the PCs to become
their assistance.
Transcendent beyond the 15th level and reach the 16th level
or higher.
The fairy world is in an extremely dangerous state due to
unbalanced mana that induces mysterious phenomena.
The "Fairy's Protection" is a blessing from the fairy
Fairies in this world are directly affected by the mana, and
guardians that can be received by any PC, even a Nightmare
they lose control of their ego, running amok. PCs who enter
with a soulscar or a runefolk who cannot see the fairy.
the fairy world are no exception and encounter strange
In the current Raxia, the fairies who have the power to
phenomena and incidents that would not normally occur.
grant this "Fairy Protection" are limited among the fairy
Following the instructions of the Fairy Dragon, the PCs
guardians stationed at the "Fairy Gates."
successfully evade these dangers and reach the center of the
PCs with "Fairy's Protection" are treated as if they are
fairy world. There, they encounter the Chaos, a fusion of all
deeply trusted by fairies. Therefore, fairies who meet them
types of fairies.
for the first time will show them respect and trust. However,
The fairies were out of control because Chaos was trying
if a PC with "Fairy's Protection" is extremely disloyal to fairies,
to absorb all fairies, and the fairies were resisting it, resulting
they will lose the "Fairy's Protection." In such a case, the fairies
in various abnormalities. Chaos can use all types of Fairy
will not like them, and it will be difficult to get their help. It
Magic and attack PCs.
is important to note that acts such as harming others or
In this area, PCs fight against Chaos. Since there is no
defeating distorted fairies are not included in dishonest acts.
detailed data on Chaos itself, GMs are requested to create
A PC can only receive one type of "Fairy Protection" at a
their own Chaos by arranging existing Fairy monsters. The
time. However, each PC can receive different types of "Fairy
difference between Chaos and a normal fairy is that Chaos
Protection". If the effect is the same but only the type is
uses Fairy Magic of all types of the same ranks.
different, it is treated as a different type of protection.
Crazy fairies are also present and will attack PCs under
Each effect and type can be changed at the beginning of
the will of Chaos. The appearance of fairies is random, and
each PC's turn. However, changing the type requires
they may disappear or appear suddenly. The GM should
spending 5 MP points every time.
consider the number and strength of the fairies and make
fairy monsters appear as needed.
1st Protection - Fairy Protective Ward
When you take damage, a fairy will appear in front of you
and absorb it.
Choose one of the following elements: earth, water/ice,
fire, or wind. If you take damage from the selected element,
the damage you receive will be halved (rounded up), even if
your resistance fails. If your resistance checks against the
"Resistance: Half" damage succeeds, the damage will be
further halved (one quarter, rounded up).
Part 3 Campaigns
The second episode of the campaign begins with the halt Please establish a region on the Terastier continent that
of the chaos in the world of fairies. The fairies regain their is related to one of the PCs. The GM has the freedom to
senses and work tirelessly to restore the natural balance of determine the extent to which the region, area, or country is
the world of Raxia. However, this alone is insufficient to affected by the sandstorm.
rectify the root of the problem.
Once again, the PCs must respond to threats occurring
on the Terastier continent. The primary objective of this
Sandstorms can engulf entire regions, even in areas where
scenario is to confront and eradicate a new giant sandstorm
there are no deserts. The sand seems to come out of nowhere
that has emerged somewhere on the Terastier continent. The
and covers the original land.
PCs must defeat the "Giant Sandstorm Incarnation" at its
In the outer parts of the area, people can only suffer from
center while coping with the extremely harsh natural
sand flying in with the wind. However, in the center of the
environment. This will reveal the reasons for the extreme
sandstorm, the winds are so strong that ordinary people
weather events. cannot stand or walk. The flying sand and stones make it very
This scenario concludes with the PCs conquering the difficult to survive. As a result, residents of towns and villages
harsh natural environment and defeating the Giant
near the center of the region have become refugees and are
Sandstorm Incarnation.
pouring into surrounding towns and countries, causing all
sorts of troubles. These giant sandstorms continue to grow
with time, requiring a quick resolution.
In the midst of this situation, a catastrophe of At this point, the Fairy Dragon appears and asks for the
unparalleled magnitude occurred. Sandstorms appeared out Transcendents' help in containing the catastrophe. The Fairy
of nowhere and engulfed the region, turning it into a barren Dragon explains that similar phenomena have occurred in
land where no one could live. the world of fairies in the past, and based on their
You felt a tremendous convergence of chaos at the center experiences, they reveal that defeating the incarnation of the
of the disaster. It seems that a chaotic entity, similar to the disaster at the center of the catastrophe will stop it.
one you defeated in the fairy world, is about to manifest in In exchange for their assistance, the Fairy Dragon offers
the Raxia world. a reward of 50,000G gem. The Transcendents can use this
The Fairy Dragon has once again requested that you reward to make preparations and negotiate with the Fairy
defeat the entity. Dragon to receive payment in advance.
The PCs, who saved the fairy world under the guidance
of the Fairy Dragon, are thanked by the fairies and granted
special Fairy Protection permanently. This has also allowed As you approach the center of the catastrophe, you
them to transcend the limits of the Humanoids. experience an unimaginable sandstorm. Trees snap, fields
In the world of Raxia, extreme weather events that only bury in sand, buildings crumble, and debris flies in the air.
the PCs can handle are happening everywhere. They must All the people who might have lived in the town a short
deal with these events to restore peace to their country, city, time ago have scattered and fled, leaving behind nothing but
loved ones, and the world of Raxia. Catastrophes have a desolate scene. Even with the power of Transcendents,
already occurred all over Raxia, affecting most of the conquering this place, where it is difficult to simply stand and
Humanoid nations, and the damage is expected to continue walk, should be quite a challenge.
to grow.
Fairy Dragon informs the PCs that there will be a The PCs must walk through blowing sand to reach the
condensed mana of nature at the heart of a major disaster, center of the disaster. Flying is dangerous due to strong winds
similar to the Chaos that the PCs defeated in the fairy world. and flying debris. Visibility is extremely poor, with complete
Unlike the fairy world, the Chaos in Raxia may have some loss of visibility beyond 30 meters due to the blowing sand.
kind of support when manifesting in this world, and there is Even PCs who have learned Combat Feat [Hawk Eye] are
a possibility that it remains after being defeated, Fairy Dragon restricted without exception. This effect is treated as an earth
speculates. This may help the PCs understand the conditions and wind type effect.
and causes of Chaos manifestation. Fairy Dragon points out that there are several other
As a reward for dealing with this disaster, the Fairy concentrations of mana besides the central location, albeit on
Dragon will provide each PC with a gem worth 50,000G. As a smaller scale. It is expected that these concentrations will
in the previous episode, the Fairy Dragon will pay them in increase the scale of the disaster in response to the center of
advance, depending on the negotiation. the catastrophe and that destroying them first may reduce the
Fairy Dragon wants to investigate in detail the causes of size of the catastrophe.
Chaos in Raxia to prevent its recurrence in the world of the The catastrophe continues to spread over time and
fairies. requires the quickest possible resolution.
Upon receiving the request, the PCs begin to work on a
local disaster, a sandstorm, whose source seems to be in the
center of the storm.
Part 3 Campaigns
1. Search Check
The PCs will search the square they are currently in. The
sandstorm area is always subject to violent sandstorms, and
the terrain changes rapidly. As a result, even squares that have
been explored before must be explored again every time the
When actually operating the map and proceeding with a PCs visit the area.
session, the following preparations should be made at the If a PC succeeds in a Search check with a Target Number
beginning. of 28, they will have a rough idea of the terrain and can move
in any direction during step “2. Movement”. If the check fails,
the direction to move is determined completely at random.
If the check is a Super Success (see p. 25), it means that
M AP the square is completely known. PCs can move in any
At the beginning, the PCs are outside the map. The inside direction on this square without the need for further Search
of the map is within the Sandstorm zone, while the outside is checks. It is recommended to mark the squares on the map
a relatively less vulnerable area. The PCs may enter the map that have been Super Success for tracking purposes.
from any of the 20 squares on the outer edge.
2. Movement
P LACEMENT OF “DISASTER F RAGMENTS” PCs can move to adjacent squares but not diagonally
There are initially 4 "Disaster Fragments" on the map. adjacent squares. If the "1. Search check" fails, the direction
Roll 1d twice, and one "Disaster Fragments" is placed in the of movement must be randomly determined from among all
corresponding square, corresponding to the vertical and adjacent squares.
horizontal axes. Repeat this process 4 times, and at the PCs may choose to stay in their current square without
beginning of the Search Check phase, "Disaster Fragments" moving.
will be placed in 4 randomly selected locations. If they appear
in the same place, reroll again. The number of Disaster 3. Events
Fragments" may increase with the passage of time. Please Special events may occur in the Sandstorm map. Roll 1d,
refer to "5. Time Lapse". an event corresponding to the roll in the table below, will
4. Free Actions
The PCs can act at their own discretion. However, they
can only perform free activities that require 10 minutes or
less during a sandstorm. Additionally, they cannot take a safe
rest unless a "Resting Place" is present on the map. This Desert Events Table
limitation can be overcome if the PCs use spells or items to Roll and
construct a house or other structures. Event Effect
A large rock comes hurtling toward the PCs, treated as a Stone
5. Time Lapse Wall structure (see CR III, p. 98). After the event occurs, PCs
1: Flying
After three hours, return to "1. Search Check" and Big Rocks
can take one Major Action to attempt to destroy the rock. If
continue moving through the map. successful, no damage will occur. If the rock is not destroyed,
all PCs will suffer "100" points of physical damage.
The GM should keep track of the elapsed time. Every 12 All PCs must make a Fortitude check with a Target Number of
hours after entering the map, the GM rolls 1d. If a "1" or "2" 32. Those who fail will be buried by the rushing sands. Failed
is rolled, a new "Disaster Fragment" should be added at that PCs must make the same check every 10 seconds (1 round),
time. The allocation is done in the same way as the initial and if they succeed, they can escape. While buried, PCs cannot
2: Sand
move or speak, and suffer magic damage of "2d+10 points"
allocation, but reroll if there are already other "Disaster Rushing
every 10 seconds (1 round) to both HP and MP.
Fragments" in the square or if the area is occupied by PCs. In
A PC who passes the check can rescue a buried PC. The
rescuer must make a check with a Target Number of 33, using
their Adventurer level + Strength modifier. If successful, they
P ENALTIES ON THE M AP can free the buried PC.
Due to a particularly strong and dense sandstorm, the The corpse of Roc (see CR III, p. 337 or BT, p. 83) will fall
central four squares (3-3, 3-4, 4-3, 4-4) have extremely poor 3: due to a sandstorm. Two PCs will be chosen at random and
visibility. As a result, each PC receives a penalty of -2, which Monster need to make an Evasion check with a Target Number of 20.
is equivalent to the penalty for "blindness in one eye" (see CR Being PCs who fail will suffer 50 points of physical damage. Non-
Swept targeted PCs can choose to substitute and take the damage
I, p. 140). However, if PCs have immunity to both earth and Away instead. As the Roc is already dead, its loot can be obtained
wind types for more than 3 hours, there is no penalty without combat.
modifier. The PCs stumble upon a village buried in sand, with no
evidence of evacuation. It's possible that the inhabitants are
trapped somewhere, so the PCs perform a Search check with a
H OW TO GET TO THE CENTER OF THE DISASTER Target Number of 22. If successful, they'll find the inhabitants
PCs can approach the central by declaring "Move to the who have escaped to basements or other hiding places.
Center" when they are in the 4 squares of the center (3-3, 3- Detecting spells or items like [Life Sensor] can be used, but
methods that detect magic, such as [Mana Search], will react to
4, 4-3, 4-4). They will be in a battle with the Giant Sandstorm 4: Village the entire sandstorm and won't be able to locate the inhabitants.
Incarnation. Please go to the section of “Battle with the Giant Buried in The number of inhabitants found is 2d people. PCs cannot
Sandstorm Incarnation (see the next page)”. Sand safely escort them through the sandstorm, but they can provide
food and water. If PCs want to hear their stories, they can find
them in the "Story about Fragments of Disaster". If the villagers
DEALING WITH DISASTER F RAGMENTS are found hiding, the PCs can rest in their hiding place. If they
When PCs move to a square with a Disaster Fragment, evacuate them off the map using spells or other means, they will
they can try to destroy it. However, it is necessary to find a receive a reward of "1,000 gamel x the number of people" after
safe way to diffuse it because the mana may explode if the evacuation. Once the PCs leave this location, they will never
find this village again during the sandstorm.
attacked in a normal way. 5:
PCs should roll check with a Target Number of 30 based Possible Players can discover caves and sturdy buildings where they can
on "Adventurer level + Intelligence modifier"; if successful, Resting rest and safely sleep.
they can safely diffuse the Disaster Fragment. If it fails, or if Place
6: Lucky The item is found buried in the sand. Roll on the "Treasure
the PCs try to destroy it by force, all PCs will be damaged by Find Drop Table J" (see LL, p. 128) that PCs find.
magic damage of “Power 100 + 0” points. The Critical
Threshold is 10.
When a Disaster Fragment is destroyed, the sandstorm
The story can be heard by finding the villagers at the event
momentarily weakens but soon returns.
table and giving them preserved food and water.
E VENT OCCURRENCE Initially, it appeared as a small stone. However, during an
If an event occurs in "3. Events" while on the map, refer intensifying sandstorm, the shiny object suddenly
to the following event table. Roll 1d, and the corresponding materialized in midair.
event will occur. These events may occur multiple times if The wind around it created sand, which caused a strong
the same roll occurs again. sandstorm in a location that should have been unaffected by
the catastrophe's center.
This object appears to be expanding the sandstorm's area.
Removing it may weaken or even halt the sandstorm's effects.
Part 3 Campaigns
○Magic Obstacle = -4
Target: [Section: Head]/Loss Condition: HP of [Section: Upper Right
Body] or [Section: Upper Left Body] is 0 or less.
Part 3 Campaigns
DISASTER FRAGMENTS DURING THE COMBAT If they perform an Insight check with a Target Number
If there is a Disaster Fragment on the battlefield, it will of 30 and succeed, they will know what the Mana Crystal is.
move with the Giant Sandstorm Incarnation as much as Even if all PCs fail, the Fairy Dragon will tell them.
possible, with a movement speed of 20 (Floating). These As the name suggests, the Mana Crystal is crystallized and
fragments are treated as structures with "HP 100" and condensed mana. It is difficult to use directly, but it has
"Defense 20". enough magic power to be made into a Sacred Treasure,
If the HP of the Disaster Fragment is reduced by more Ritual Implement, or Artifact (see WT, p. 142), depending
than 1 point by another character, it will explode on the spot on how it is processed.
at the beginning of its next turn, inflicting "Power 100+10" PCs and Fairy Dragons can guess that this is the cause of
points of earth and wind magic damage to all characters abnormal weather around the world. The third sword,
within a radius of 50m. The Critical Threshold is 10. Cardia, has been shattered, and mana, which should have
spread around the world, has condensed locally here and
there, producing these crystals. This is what is giving rise to
beings similar to the incarnation they have encountered this
With your help, the embodiment of disaster has been
If left unchecked, not only will disasters in various regions
continue to afflict people, but there is also the danger of mana
As it collapses, the sandstorm subsides.
condensing in one place, causing widespread mana
You discover a large crystal on its corpse.
depletion, or conversely, mana condensing beyond its limits,
Perhaps it holds a clue to solving the danger threatening
causing a catastrophic explosion.
the world.
The PCs must find out why this is happening and try to
solve this case.
If the PCs successfully defeat the Giant Sandstorm
Incarnation and bring back the Mana Crystal from the loot,
they will have completed the scenario.
These ideas are only meant to be used as a source of cloud and obtain the necessary knowledge from the Yggdrasil
inspiration for scenario creation. Each GM is responsible for Sapling.
selecting and setting up the specific details when actually
running the campaign.
Finally, the method was discovered, and the secret ritual
was completed. As a result, the mana of the world began to
condense and eventually rise as one Cardia... according to Now that the PCs have defeated the "Great Yowie" and
Yowie. identified the source of the incident, the solution to stop the
However, what they had accomplished could not bring calamity has become clear. The way to prevent the disaster is
Cardia back to life completely. They could only create a will- to promptly destroy the Cardia Imitation that is being
less, mana-stocked imitation of Cardia. Worse yet, this created.
imitation would deplete the world's mana and eventually To achieve this, the Fairy Dragon turns to the Cyclopes
shatter again, causing countless deaths. When the Cardia (see IB, p. 146), blacksmiths who have passed down the finest
Imitation shatters, it will cause an explosion that will change craftsmanship, far beyond that of Humanoid, for the mana
the shape of the continent. crystal. The Fairy Dragon asks them to create an item to
Realizing this, Yowies decided to wage a final crusade disassemble Cardia, a reproduction of the Sword of Genesis
against Humanoids and Barbarous. If the destruction of made of Ignis Steel, which appears to be the best item to
Cardia was inevitable, then those spawned by the first and destroy it.
second swords would also have to be destroyed to "balance However, asking the narrow-minded and paranoid
the world". Their resentment had reached that point. Cyclopes to produce the item that the PCs want, even in the
Defeating the "Great Yowie" would put an end to the face of a continental crisis, is impossible.
Yowies' attacks. However, it also becomes clear that the The Cyclopes give the PCs an impossible task and offer
world crisis will not end unless the creation of Cardia to create the item if they can accomplish it. This is the very
Imitation is stopped. thin line that the Cyclopes can reach with their pride and the
impossibility of "lending a hand to the Humanoids." For
example, the Cyclopes can ask the PCs to go into a narrow
cave and fetch the precious ore that they cannot enter.
Cardia Imitation is reassembling its blade in the skies
The campaign will culminate in the defeat of the Cardia above the Terastier continent. The huge blade is absorbing
Imitation, which is currently under construction. the mana around it and gradually regaining its original shape.
In this document, we will describe the general abilities of As it absorbs more mana, the blade is descending, and the
the Cardia Imitation and the battlefield. effects could be catastrophic when it touches the continent.
In the worst-case scenario, the entire continent could
Equipped with items crafted by the Cyclopes Smiths, the collapse, and the Terastier continent could disappear from
PCs are now armed with the means to counter the Cardia the world, warns the Fairy Dragon.
Imitation and challenge it to a final showdown. The final battle will take place where the blade is located.
The Cardia Imitation is constructing an enormous blade With the help of the Fairy Dragon and the Guardians of the
above the Terastier continent, which is gradually descending Fairy Gates, the fairies of the wind will provide a platform for
towards the ground. The objective of the battle is to destroy the PCs so they do not need to fly. However, the HP of the
the blade before it makes contact with the continent. fairies sustaining the platform is limited. When their HP
reaches 0, the platform will disappear, causing the PCs
ABILITIES CARDIA IMITATION without the ability to fly to fall from a great height.
During the battle, Cardia Imitation utilizes a variety of
magic types, including Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism
Magic, Deep Magic, and Fairy Magic, to attack the PCs. It
can also summon fairies and have high-ranking fairies by its
Cardia Imitation will be defeated and will shatter,
returning its mana to the world and stabilizing the flow of
In addition to magic, the GM can freely use the unique
mana. The abnormal weather patterns will cease, and the
skills of monsters that are connected to nature (e.g.,
environment will return to normal. Fairy Dragon expresses
Windstorm of Roc (see CR III, p. 337 or BT, p. 83)). The
gratitude to the PCs before disappearing once again.
success value, etc., can be freely set by the GM. The GM may
However, despite the stabilized climate, scars from the
decide whether the ability can be used, but effects that give
disaster remain in many places. Many individuals lost their
an extreme advantage or are certain to defeat the PCs should
homes during the upheaval, drastically changing the
not be used.
environment in several areas.
In addition, its HP and MP are linked, and when the
The PCs will continue to work hard to aid in the recovery
HP/MP of them runs out, half the current MP/HP is
efforts and heal the scars of the disaster.
transferred to it. So they both should be reduced at the same
time to 0.
Translator’s Note: The text may suggest that Fairy Dragon is
Cardia Imitation is treated as a Construct monster.
in some way related to the true Cardia.
Part 3 Campaigns
This campaign is a sample targeting 3-5 characters who In this campaign, the first half of the campaign, the
have reached the 15th level and completed a certain number scenario that leads the PCs to Transcendence, is only
of adventures. included in the summary, while the climax of the campaign,
The PCs, who have reached the 15th level and have the battle against the Evil Goddess, is described in detail.
become unsurpassed heroes in the region, will become To play this campaign, it is recommended that you have
Transcendents in the course of this campaign and will Core Rulebooks I-III Revised Editions and a set of
overthrow the warped Minor Goddess. supplements/databooks.
The objective of this campaign is to prevent the northeastern part of the Liezen region. They discover that
resurrection of the evil goddess who participated in the War the "Well of Wisdom" is one of the kingdom's representative
of the Gods during the end of the Divine Civilization Period ruins, and that the Symbiotic Goddess Luifa is sealed even
about 10,000 years ago. deeper underground within the ruins.
The evil goddess who is currently being resurrected is Eventually, the PCs venture to the deepest part of the
named Luifa the Symbiotic Goddess, and was originally a "Well of Wisdom."
Valkyrie warrior from the Lyphos camp. She was promoted
to Minor Goddess by the Divine Ancestor Lyphos for her
achievements during the Divine Civilization Period.
However, during the promotion ceremony, the Dalkhrem
clan tried to prevent her promotion, and the ceremony was This section describes the story of the birth of the
tainted, resulting in the birth of a distorted goddess. Symbiotic Goddess Luifa, who is the centerpiece of this
Lyphos and the First Sword Gods lamented this fact and campaign, and why she is called the Evil Goddess.
decided to seal her deep underground rather than erase her It's worth noting that this information has been lost to
from existence. Luifa herself accepted the cruel decision of history, and only certain NPCs in the campaign, such as the
Lyphos. Forgotten by her allies, the goddess of the First "angels" of Lyphos and Cave Giant, as well as the bishop of
Sword chose to survive even though she had lost her Luifa (see p. 120), would have knowledge of it.
significance as a goddess. All she could think of was that one
day, she would be purified and return to Lyphos. WAR M AIDEN H ERO
Nearly 10,000 years have passed, and Luifa has been An important factor in this campaign is the Minor
forgotten by all gods and people, but there were those who Goddess Luifa, who was elevated to the status of deity during
remembered her existence. Barbarous interrupted Luifa's the Divine Civilization Period.
ascension ceremony 10,000 years ago. Barbarous has spent Luifa was born as a Valkyrie during the Divine
many years weakening the seal and is now attempting to free Civilization Period and was a devout follower of Lyphos. She
Luifa. studied hard every day and, after gaining the appropriate
As apostles of the gods, PCs must first ascend to the rank skills, fought as a servant of Lyphos. She acted as an agent of
of Transcendents to become aware of the forgotten goddess the gods in their battles, defeating numerous Barbarians and
Luifa. After that, they must locate Luifa and prevent protecting people's lives.
Barbarous from unsealing her. Over time, Luifa was recognized as a hero and revered as
a symbol of hope by Humanoids. Having attained limitless
power as a Humanoid, Luifa was finally invited by Lyphos to
become a goddess. The people rejoiced at the birth of the
new goddess, Luifa.
The campaign can begin anywhere, with the PCs
In order to make Luifa a more powerful god, Lyphos did
suddenly being called upon by the Divine Ancestor Lyphos.
not just elevate her but also interwove a covenant that she
The situation could take the form of a messenger from a
would become his daughter into the elevation ceremony.
Divine Being, or a sudden voice in their heads.
The ceremony was held at the same time as the temple
All PCs receive messages instructing them to go to the
place in the region where they received blessings from the
gods. The GM may set the location.
After that, the PCs are recognized by Lyphos as
Transcendents and head for the kingdom of Miraboa in the
The promotion ceremony was held solemnly. However, Due to appeals from many Humanoids and some gods,
the Second Sword's camp, especially the Barbarous faction, Luifa was no longer recognized as a goddess. After
who had been suffering from Luifa's successes, conspired to consultation with the First Gods, it was decided that Luifa
prevent it at all costs. They summoned the Minor God they would be sealed, as it was claimed that she had contributed
believed in using [Call God] and forced their way through the so much to Humanoids that she could not be immediately
ritual room protected by Swords of Protection. Barbarous destroyed.
and his Minor God succeeded in "tainting" Luifa's ascension However, being sealed meant that she would gradually be
ceremony, albeit at a great cost. forgotten, which was synonymous with gradual destruction
The resistance was comparable to dropping a drop of for the gods. Not only did the gods who agreed with the
mud into a refreshing bucket of water. However, it meant that sealing understand this cruel fact, but the Humanoids did as
all the water in the bucket was no longer good. That alone well.
was enough to distort the existence of Luifa, who was born as Lyphos, who was supposed to be the parent and
a goddess. proponent of the ritual, was opposed to the sealing until the
Her existence remains distorted, but stopping the very end. However, after the outbreak of the Humanoid
contract after it has been fulfilled and the ascension fervor of the Luifa believers, who forced other humanoids to
ceremony means leaving Luifa's soul out of the cycle of "live together" under the guise of proselytizing, there was no
reincarnation, not restoring it, but destroying it. Lyphos could one left to support Lyphos' opinion.
not make that decision for Luifa. Many Humanoids also said The place where and when Luifa was sealed is not known.
that Luifa's soul should be saved. This is because the legends about Luifa have been
Thus, a new Symbiotic Goddess, Luifa, was born. completely forgotten until now.
Somewhere in Raxia, Luifa continues to exist in this
T HE B IRTH OF SYMBIOTIC GODDESS world, forgotten by the gods, let alone the people.
Lyphos had a faint hope that the ritual contaminated by
Barbarous and their Minor God would result in the birth of
a goddess, just as Lyphos and the Humanoids had hoped
when he was the god of the first sword and his daughter was
born. He believed that when Luifa became a new goddess,
she might be purified by the prayers and wishes of the
However, Lyphos' wish was not granted. When the new
goddess was born, she was greeted with applause, but she
demanded that the Humanoids who claimed to be her
followers erase their individuality and become exactly the
same being.
Luifa was given the name Symbiotic Goddess, and the
"symbiosis" she was supposed to preside over was a form of
harmony that recognized our own and others' differences,
valued our individuality, and held each other's hands.
However, the new goddess made her dogma "I and others
should be the same.”
This could have been positive if it meant striving to be
like their goddess. But the biggest problem with the new
goddess was that she believed death was the clearest way to
make oneself and others identical. In other words, she taught
that all believers should seek sameness and ultimately die.
This was a shock to those who had been rejoicing at the
birth of Luifa, and while some enthusiastic Humanoids
recognized Luifa's dogma and professed to believe in her, the
majority said that Luifa was not the goddess of the first sword.
Part 3 Campaigns
What is written here described here are a compilation of recognize her distorted
fragments from the Divine Civilization Period. They have existence, decided to
been integrated and reorganized in the present day, although seal Luifa away. After
the identity of the reorganizers is unknown. The descriptions that, the people and
are highly subjective, but these remain one of the few even the gods forgot
remaining sources of information about the Symbiotic Luifa's existence, and
Goddess Luifa. the goddess
However, Luifa did
The holy symbol of the Symbiotic Goddess Luifa is a not disappear, and it was
depiction of two hands shaking hands with feathers extending the Minor God of the
from the elbows to the tips of both hands. According to second sword, the one who had distorted Luifa, did not
legend, Valkyrie Luifa used this design as an emblem during forget the existence of Luifa, or perhaps the seal was
her wars against the Barbarous. incomplete, and someone else remembered her, but she is
No statues of the goddess have been discovered, and as still alive in present times.
Luifa is a forgotten goddess, it is presumed that there are As for the Minor God of the second sword, who is said
none for Humanoids to use for prayer. to have contaminated Luifa, their name is not mentioned in
the documents. It is also said that they polluted Luifa instead
of killing her because they intended to use the power of the
goddess Luifa as a trump card in the holy war of the gods.
Luifa was a Valkyrie who fought against Barbarous during However, some of the few sources claim that the Minor God
the Divine Civilization Period. In recognition of his of the Second Sword was so obsessed with Luifa that the truth
achievements, she was granted divine status by the Divine of the matter has not been revealed.
Ancestor Lyphos. However, during the process of obtaining
her godhood, her existence was somehow distorted, and she
was born as a goddess, very different from the usual first
sword. “Coexist and thrive in harmony.”
After that, she was not worshipped by Humanoids as a “Man sustains God, and God sustains man.”
goddess, and the gods of the First Sword, who did not “Let your neighbor be the same as you.”
such an old document? If there are other records of the
Divine Civilization Period, they could add a whole new
This campaign is designed to be played on a PC at element to historical interpretation. As a scholar who could
adventurer level 15. It is recommended to play with the leave a mark on history, your name may be passed down to
sample characters listed in this book, leaving the experience posterity.
points as they are. If players wish to create their own
characters, they should do so in the same way as described in Recommended Sample Characters: None
"Character Preparation" (see p. 67) of "Fallen Dragons Recommended Adventurer Classes: Wizard-Type Classes,
Threat". Sage
Part 3 Campaigns
In this scenario, each PC is given an oracle by an Angel Verily, it is necessary to receive the favor of the Divine
of Lyphos upon introduction. The oracle instructs them to Ancestor. To do so, thou must journey forth to that sacred
go to the appropriate place. By following the oracle's ground.”
instructions, the PCs will come together and become
Transcendents by completing the "Divine Task" set by Lyphos' angel speaks in a strange language that neither
Lyphos. the common trade nor arcana. This language resonates in the
The PCs who become Transcendents will inherit a part PCs' brains and conveys the text's overall meaning, although
of Lyphos' memory, be convinced of the existence of the some of the style and vocabulary are unclear. Despite the
Symbiotic Goddess Luifa, and be able to detect her location. importance of the angel's voice, its speech has a pleading
This scenario provides a general flow from introduction tone. If the Insight check is successful with a Target Number
to completion, but omits obstacles along the way, detailed of 30, the PCs can assume that the angel is speaking in the
settings, and so on. The GM should decide on these aspects now-lost Ancient Celestial speech.
when creating the scenario. The "sacred ground" specified by the angel should be the
"place near Lyphos" set by the GM. If you have adopted the
1st Reference Setting, it is better to specify the "Divine
Staircase" in the Zalts region. The angel instructs the 1st PC
The following scenario should be played only after to go to the top floor of the Divine Staircase, located in the
assigning the PCs to one of the "Reference Settings" and Zalts region.
confirming their positions and motivations. You may choose another suitable location, such as an
As each PC rests at an inn for the night, a ray of light undersea palace, subterranean depths, or a portal to another
shines into their room from the sky. They discover a 2-meter- world. In any case, the angel describes the place as a "divine
tall figure standing in front of them. The figure is altar."
androgynous, and although expressionless, it exudes an The angel instructs the PCs to go to the place individually,
imposing atmosphere. but they will encounter each other at the entrance. After
confirming that they are requested by the same "client," they
"I am but an angel of Lyphos, a humble emissary of the will head to Lyphos.
Divine Ancestor. As a mere Humanoid vessel, I was once a As for dangers along the way, there is no need to prepare
hero. anything particularly powerful. If you are playing this scenario
The Divine One has spoken, 'Seek ye the ancient god in as the first episode of a campaign with newly prepared PCs,
that place.' the GM should prepare obstacles for each player to
understand the role of each PC and what they can do. If you
have 4 PCs, 2 or 3 Mythical Beasts around 20th levels, and if [SEARCH GOD]
you have 5 PCs, 3 Mythical Beasts around 20th levels are This is a system of ritual Divine Magic that was used
recommended. during the Divine Civilization Period. Currently, there is no
humanoid that can use it, and it is treated as a lost spell.
The spell searches for the location of the god within
"Target: 1 Continent" centered on caster. If multiple gods are
If PCs go to the divine altar, they will see an angel who present, the location of the god closest to the caster is
has appeared there before. determined. If the caster is a god, then their body becomes
the target, and the location of other gods cannot be
“Those who have answered the call of the divine must determined. Additionally, the mana consumed must be those
surpass the limitations of humankind and embark upon a stored around the "divine altar," not those of the caster.
voyage to new horizons. When this spell is used, the god who is discovered by this
The quest of the ancient god that has been bestowed spell senses that it has been cast on them.
upon you is beyond the grasp of mere mortals. Nay, you shall
take the initial stride from humanity to divinity.
I shall test you to ascertain your mettle.”
In a word, the Angel of Lyphos transforms its appearance After Lyphos bestows his grace upon the PCs, he will
and prepares for battle, giving the PCs ample time to ready leave the scene. Then, there will be a number of weapons
themselves. Refer to "Angel of the Ancient God" (p. 174) for with divine blessings equal to the number of PCs. These
data. weapons are magic swords with a +2 modifier to Accuracy
In this instance, remove the [○Ancient God Majesty check and Extra Damage. The shape and category of the
(Imperfect)] unique skill. You may adjust the number of sword can be chosen from any of the existing weapons.
angels according to the PCs' abilities. Additionally, Transcendents of level 16 or higher can
If the battle is won, the angel acknowledges their abilities break these magic swords at will. When broken, the swords
and casts [Call God], which can only be done at the "divine have the same effect as [Sword's Revelation/Transcend Fate]
altar". The soul of the summoned angel is offered to Lyphos (see p. 22). If the PCs sell the swords, they can get 200,000
on the spot and ascends to heaven, which is only possible due gamel per sword.
to its proximity to the will of God. After witnessing this, the PCs use [Search God] to locate
Lyphos' presence overwhelms other beings, and the PCs Luifa, who turns out to be the only god manifested in
feel all-encompassing compassion as their inner selves are Terastier. Luifa lives underground in the kingdom of
exposed. Miraboa in the northeast of the Liezen region.
Lyphos' intention is not explicitly stated, but it is conveyed At the center of the Miraboa Kingdom lies a huge rift in
through appeals to all five senses and the provision of various the earth called the "Well Of Wisdom". Underground, there
information to enlighten the PCs. The Divine Ancestor are many ruins from the Magic Civilization Period, and the
reveals to the PCs the facts described in "The Birth and Miraboa Kingdom is currently working to investigate them.
Transformation of the Symbiotic Goddess Luifa" (see p. However, even though exploration is progressing, less than
118), and informs them that Lyphos had himself forgotten 10% of the sites have been investigated, and the full extent is
these facts until recently. His forgetfulness was due to the shrouded in mystery.
effect of the Seal, which caused beings all over the world, The deepest part of the site is said to be a challenge even
including other gods, to forget Luifa. Lyphos, however, had for the most seasoned adventurers. It is a completely
decided in advance that he would be the first to remember unknown world with no guarantee of a safe return. As it is the
her when he sealed her, and since then, he had intended to remains of the Magic Civilization Period, it is almost an alien
locate and save Luifa before the other divine powers world, with traps and magical wards. Miraboa is looking for
remembered her. However, he cannot recall Luifa's current people to excavate the deepest part of the site.
location, so he decides to borrow the power of Humanoids.
If the PCs agree to search and rescue Luifa, Lyphos will
grant them his grace. As Transcendents, they will be able to
advance to adventurer level 16 or higher and use Divine
Magic [Search God] at the altar. This ritual allows them to
search for a god manifested in Raxia without using MP or any
other requirements. However, [Search God] is ineffective
when used by the god themself, as they are always included
in the range. Additionally, if Lyphos or his angels search for
Luifa, their movements may alert other deities to Luifa's
existence, which Lyphos would like to avoid.
Part 3 Campaigns
Kings." Unfortunately, during a recent investigation, one of
the ruins had a cave-in, rendering some of the magic circles
useless. Duball's Jade Seal is currently held by "The Dragon
Restoring the fallen magic circles will take a considerable Knight King" Bernard Falk (see CR III, p. 257) and "Lord of
amount of time. Therefore, the PCs must find a new route to Rudea" Melkis, the Elder Dragon, who split it in half.
reach the "Door of the Four Kings." When the PCs ask Bernard Falk and Melkis to lend them
Trato Pampani, a "Daemon Obsessed" (see CR III, p. the Jade Seal, the story progresses quite simply. The Dragon
260), is said to have an unrivaled knowledge of the inside of Knight King asks to test the PCs, and they must take on both
the "Well Of Wisdom" and will accompany the PCs in their Melkis and Bernard Falk at the same time and make them
search. He is studying the Daemons that live in the ruins of surrender in order to obtain the Jade Seal.
the "Well Of Wisdom" or have been summoned and left At first glance, this may seem like a foolhardy or short-
there, and is excited by the possibility that a new species of sighted measure, but Bernhard tells the PCs in confidence
Daemon may appear along the new path. that this is the best and shortest way to proceed. Duball has a
To create an unusual dungeon scenario that provides a contractual relationship with the dragons living in the Rudea
way to reach the destination, the "Door of the Four Kings," Mountains called the "Dragon Pact," in which the Jade Seal is
the structure of the "Well Of Wisdom" should be such that positioned as proof of mutual trust.
the PCs have to go deeper and deeper. The dungeon should In other words, the loan of a single Jade Seal must
include magical circles, moving floors, illusion traps, and represent the will of both the man of Duball and the dragon
other features of the Magic Civilization Period. of Rudea. Furthermore, the delegation of full authority
Trato is a reasonably good magician and will participate implies that in case of an emergency to the dragon of Rudea
in battles as a support party member, so PCs must protect or the kingdom of Duball, PCs will take care of the bond
him. When the PCs encounter Daemons, Trato will try to between the country and the dragon as flag bearers.
make a contract with them or capture them. Incorporating Therefore, neither Bernard nor Melkis cut any corners.
random events and other methods to avoid this can increase For the battle data, Bernard should be treated as a
the tension of the scenario. "Transcendental Warlord" (refer to p. 172) riding a Noble
During their investigation, the PCs discover that the ruins Dragon (refer to p. 38) Mount of 16th level. The data of
of the "Well Of Wisdom" were built to strengthen the seal of Melkis should be treated as an "Ancient Dragon (Dormant
the "Judgment" at great depth behind the "Door of the Four Period)" (refer to p. 160) - 2 dragons in total, one mount and
Kings." They also realize that the cave-in was not an accident one independent.
but may have been artificially caused by someone with the The battlefield will be located in Dragon Village, on the
purpose of weakening the seal of the "Judgment." slopes of the Rudea Mountains. The Dragon Knights of
Duball and the dragons of Rudea will witness the battle. If the
PCs win, they will be joyfully and blessedly lent the Jade Seal
of Duball.
The Jade Seal of Alphort is in the possession of Belanger
Castagniers, "Queen of Jewels" (see CR III, p. 261).
Belanger had been contacted by King Ixelles of Miraboa,
Belanger Castagniers, also known as the "Queen of Jewels"
(see CR III, p. 261), currently possesses the Jade Seal of The Jade Seal of Regallia is currently in the possession of
Alphort. the "Iron Man" Xavier Hoaguel (see CR III, p. 260).
Although King Ixelles of Miraboa had contacted When the PCs request a meeting with the king, the
Belanger, she refused to give the seal to the PCs, stating that minister, who looks distressed, says, "You have come to the
it was a forgery and that the "Door of the Four Kings" could right place," and asks for advice.
not be opened with it. King Xavier of Regallia had launched a major offensive
The "anti-queen" faction, which questions the queen's with his Kingsguard against the Barbarous of Karzoral
reign, has recently been gaining power in Alphort. It is highly Plateau but went missing in the middle of the attack.
possible that they replaced the Jade Seal with a forgery. Fortunately, the king was missing for only a day or so and
Belanger and her entourage are investigating, but they have has since returned with the Kingsguard. However, the
no leads. If the anti-queen faction gains strength, they may Barbarous General claimed to have the Humanoid King in
use the Jade Seal as proof that the queen is not qualified to his custody, and this unprecedented situation shook Regallia
rule. to its core.
A group of adventurers is also searching for the Jade Seal. The king returned and claimed his innocence but stated
They have identified the anti-queen nobleman who replaced that he lost his Jade Seal and all of his equipment when he
it with a forgery but were captured when they entered his went missing. Because of the loss of the most important item
castle. of a king, Xavier was given the dishonorable title of
The PCs must follow the trail of the missing adventurers "Questionable King" and placed under house arrest.
to uncover the identity of the anti-queen faction leader and To resolve the situation, the PCs must investigate the
mastermind and recover the Jade Seal. Since Humanoid alleged king and retrieve the lost Jade Seal.
nobles may not pose a challenge to Transcendent PCs, The GM should create a scenario based on this scenario
Barbarous or Mythical Beasts may appear as enemies. idea, with the Doppelganger (see BT, p. 157) serving as either
the returning "Questionable King" or the imprisoned king.
This Doppelganger is a daemon who embodies the dogmas
of "sameness" espoused by the twisted Symbiotic Goddess
Part 3 Campaigns
Luifa, and is collaborating with Archbishop Melton Lillies to be under house arrest while secretly building a temple of the
free Luifa in the "Well of Wisdom". The Doppelganger is Symbiotic Goddess Luifa and increasing his followers.
also working under the radar to sabotage the collection of the If the captured king is actually the Doppelganger, then
Jade Seal of the Kingdom of Regallia in the PC and to the "Questionable King" is the real king, and the Jade Seal has
increase the number of followers of the twisted Symbiotic been stolen by the Doppelganger. The Doppelganger plans
Goddess Luifa. to increase the followers of the Symbiotic Goddess Luifa in
If the Doppelganger is the "Questionable King", the real Barbarous' stronghold and lure the PCs into fighting against
king has been captured by the Barbarous, but still possesses Barbarous.
the Jade Seal. In this scenario, the Doppelganger pretends to If the PCs successfully complete the scenario, they will
receive the Jade Seal as well as Xavier's gratitude.
If each of the four countries in the Liezen Region lends However, there is something to worry about. When you
the Jade Seal, the PCs will have the supreme decision-making were collecting the Jade Seal, some people claiming to be
authority in the region, with actions and decisions equivalent followers of the Symbiotic Goddess Luifa were already active.
to those of the Council of Four Kings. Additionally, it will be Wasn't the goddess forgotten?
possible to open the "Door of the Four Kings" to access the As if to agitate your anxiety, the "Door of the Four Kings"
depths of the "Well of Wisdom", where they can confirm the opens the entrance to the depths with the Jade Seal as the
status of the Symbiotic Goddess Luifa. key.
from each of them towards the central spiral staircase. SQUARE P YRAMID WARDING "F ORBIDDEN Z ONE"
However, a translucent shell-like structure covers the The square pyramidal fort's magic circle is guarded by
staircase, preventing PCs from approaching it. Daemon Pregfelgor (see p. 166). However, the magic circle
To proceed to the spiral staircase, the PCs must first is surrounded by strong iron grating, and the only way to
examine the three ruins and release the mana shell from the remove it is to open the lock with a complicated mechanism
inside. or break it to gain entry. To remove the lock, one PC must
succeed in both the Insight check (Target Number 32) and
the Disable Device check (Target Number 33). During the
check, Pregfelgor will attack.
Daemon Pregfelgor is sitting on top of the bars and is not
The mana shell covering the spiral staircase is created by visible from outside. The ceiling of the grate is made of an
the surrounding forts. To proceed down the spiral staircase, unknown transparent material that allows sight and sound to
the source of magic power that creates the shell must be cut pass through but not melee attacks, ranged attacks, or "Area:
off. Shot" effects. All of Pregfelgor's unique skills work on the
However, each of the three forts has a Daemon as its other side of the bars.
guardian, and the Daemon and the source of magic power Transparent bars made of unknown materials are treated
will be revived shortly after being defeated or destroyed. as a structure with Defense 30 and HP 300. Weapons and
If the PCs succeed in an Insight check with a Target spells cannot critically hit this structure.
Number of 32, they will learn that the source of magic power Once defeated, Pregfelgor will not reappear. However,
will be restored after 1 minute (6 rounds) only if the first part when the magic circle is restored, the grid and the transparent
is destroyed. To completely eliminate the mana shell, the bars will be restored simultaneously and in perfect condition.
other two sources of magic must be eliminated within 1
minute (6 rounds) after the first source is destroyed so that H EXAGONAL P YRAMID WARDING "WARRING DAEMONS"
all three are inoperative at the same time. Once the sources The hexagonal fort's magic circle is guarded by two
are completely cut off, the way to the spiral staircase is open. daemons: Nativier (see p. 166) and Ahrizaharik (see p. 166).
It is important to note that the mana shell is not a magical Standing across from each other, they hate each other
effect, and thus cannot be dispelled or targeted by any spell and will not cooperate. However, the magic circle is
or unique skill. connected to both daemons' body parts, and defeating both
The distance between each fort is 170m, with the spiral is necessary to remove the magic circle.
staircase being 100m away from each fort. There are no In combat, both daemons take major actions only on the
doors in each fort, and access to and from each fort is easy. turn in which they receive damage. During the round in
It is recommended that the entire hemisphere, including the which they do not take a turn, all sections regain 50 HP at the
three forts, be considered as the battlefield, and PCs move end of the round. This effect applies even to sections with 0
using rounds. or negative HP. If a section's HP becomes more than 1
To cut off the source of magic in each fort, the magic through this effect, it can take another action.
circle in the center of each one must be extinguished with a This effect is lost if the main section of either daemon is
Major Action. Once erased, the magic circle disappears reduced to 0 HP or less. If either main section has more than
completely, but after 1 minute (6 rounds), it is restored to its 0 HP, its HP is recovered at the end of the round in which it
full form, supplying magic to the mana shell once again. The did not take a turn. If it has more than 0 HP, it takes a turn
specific means of eliminating the three magic circles is left to in the next round.
the PCs.
Since there is a distance between the forts and the
Daemons guarding the magic circles are powerful, simply
dividing the PCs and defeating them will not be a viable
solution. Daemons will never interfere with the outside world If the player can defeat the three Fort Daemons and
from inside the forts, but they will attack those who come eliminate the three magic circles within one minute (six
inside or those who harm them with ranged attacks, even rounds), the mana shell covering the spiral staircase will
outside of the fort. disappear, and the PCs can proceed to the next level.
The forts are from the Magic Civilization Period and The back of the room is a hemispherical space that
cannot be destroyed by normal means. resembles a bowl. A spiral staircase descends from the center
to the outer edge, and near the north wall of the
T RIANGULAR P YRAMID WARDING "I MMEDIATE hemispherical shape, there is a huge altar where many
R EGENERATION " Barbarous Daemons are praying.
The magic circle of fort in the triangular pyramid is On the altar lies a Valkyrie woman. Her arms, with wings
guarded by Daemon Graabadon (see p. 166). This sprouting from them, are the only parts of her body
Graabadon is treated as a power source itself, and will illuminated by divine light as they embrace the Valkyrie.
disappear if the HP of the Main Section reaches zero, but will As the PCs descend the spiral staircase, a 10-meter-tall
be summoned again in its full state at the start of 20 seconds giant in priestly garb calls out to them in Trade Common.
(2 rounds) after the round in which it disappeared.
Part 3 Campaigns
"Oh, behold, all of you! Humanoid heroes have released but Luifa herself did not disappear; she remained sealed
the final barrier! because her existence was not forgotten.
Now, Luifa can be manifested on Earth. It's time to make Currently, the Symbiotic Goddess Luifa was born in a
her presence known to the abominable Lumiere gods who tainted ritual and has remained sealed for 9635 years. The
have abandoned her!" Melton family's long-held wish to weaken the seal is coming
to fruition.
The priest-clad giant is the Cave Giant (see p. 140), The PCs unwittingly helped to unseal a seal that would
named Melton Lillies. This Cave Giant is planning to have been unsealed soon anyway. Barbarous and his friends
regenerate the Symbiotic Goddess Luifa and is recruiting plan to bring Luifa to Earth and challenge the gods of the
Barbarous and Daemons as his followers. First Sword to a battle.
The followers of this place are the Melton family, who If the PCs want to stop Melton Lillies and have a say in
have been living underground for 9635 years. They have Luifa's fate, they will have to battle Melton and a freed Luifa.
gradually increased their numbers through summoning However, Luifa's existence has become so distorted that
magic or by being brought by Daemons. They seek only to she could be considered an evil goddess, and Valkyrie's body
release Luifa from her seal and have no other reason for has become a mere shell. Even with the power of the Divine
existence. Ancestor, it would be difficult for her to become a Minor
The Meltons are descendants of Barbarous, who Goddess of the original First Sword.
distorted the rituals of Luifa during the Divine Civilization
Period with the intention of "rewriting" the Symbiotic “You dare test me and my faith? How intriguing. Do not
Goddess Luifa and "resurrecting" her as a deity worthy of delude yourself into thinking that my power has waned just
their faith. They inherited the existence of Luifa through oral because the world has turned a blind eye to me.
tradition. Therefore, there are no written records of Luifa, I am Luifa, the bringer of death and the harbinger of
equality. Let us share in the embrace of death together.”
The enemies participating in the battle are Symbiotic ▽Painful Strike
Goddess Luifa (see below), Melton Lillies (Cave Giant), and If the 2d roll of the damage roll is 10 or more, the damage is increased
by an additional +20 points.
two Cave Giants.
The battlefield is large and unobstructed, with bonfires ○Symbiotic Arm
scattered all around. Luifa itself is glowing, so there is no need The Right Arm’s damage is increased by one-tenth (rounded up) point
for additional lighting. of the reduced HP of the Body section.
The PCs can choose the distance between themselves
and the enemies at the start of the battle. At the beginning of ●Left Arm
the battle, the area within 30 meters of the altar where Luifa ↝Decay Magic Power/32(39)/Willpower/Half
At "Range: 30m" and Radius 6m/20, it absorbs MP from the target with
is located is granted a blessing that reduces damage inflicted "Power 0," dealing damage to the target's MP and recovering MP equal to the
upon Luifa and the Cave Giants by a portion of Luifa's value of the combined damage. The recovered MP can be allocated to any
power. This protection is applied each time physical or section of the Luifa’s choice.
magical damage is received, reducing the damage by a The power of this effect is equal to the missing HP of the Body section
(if its HP is decreased by 30 points, the Power becomes 30).
specified number of points per round. The first round This effect can exceptionally restore MP even if the target succeeds in
reduces any damage by 50 points, the second round by 30 resisting.
points, the third round by 10 points, the fourth round by 50 Translator's Note: The Body section is stated as having 300 HP, but the
points, the fifth round by 30 points, and so on in cycles of 50, Power Table only goes up to 100. It seems that Power can be limited up to
30, and 10 points.
↝Symbiotic Erosion/30(37)/Fortitude/Half
26 Symbiotic Goddess Luifa (Evil Within “Range: 30m”, deals “Power 0 + 10” energy magic damage to
characters within a radius of 6m/20. If MP is consumed, the power is
Reincarnated Body)
increased by the number of points consumed (if MP is reduced by 50 points,
the damage becomes Power 50 + 10).
Intelligence: Unmeasurable Perception: Magic Disposition: Friendly
Language: Ancient Celestial Habitat: Unknown Loot
Rep/Weak: 32/- Weak Point: None
Always Holy Symbol of Lyphos (50G/-)
Initiative: 35 Movement Speed: 20/40 (Flying)
Fortitude: 34 (41) Willpower: 35 (42)
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
She is a deity of the first sword faction whose existence has been
Body (Body) - - 30(37) 30 300 300
distorted by ritual contamination. For many years, the Melton Lillies family
Weapon (Right Arm) 35(42) 2d+30 32(39) 20 200 100 has believed in her, which has prevented her from fading away. As a result,
Staff (Left Arm) 33(40) 2d+20 33(40) 30 200 100 she has been sealed away.
Sections: 3 (Body / Right Arm / Left Arm) Main Section: Body Lyphos had intended to attempt ascension to the first sword camp after
the sealing, but the Melton Lillies' distorted beliefs have rendered her soul
Unique Skills
●All Sections
○2 Actions
☑Sword of Destruction
Luifa thrusts the weapon into the ground and releases a shockwave.
Right Hand’s melee attack hits up to 5 targets within the skirmish area,
including Luifa.
Part 3 Campaigns
Here is a summary of the campaign's subsequent development and what happens to the fallen Symbiotic Goddess Luifa.
Thanks to the efforts of the PCs, the Symbiotic Goddess This has made Luifa, a supposedly blessed child, unable
Luifa was prevented from being resurrected as an evil to fit in and question her own anomaly. After the PCs find
goddess and was destroyed once and for all. Luifa's soul was her, they reunite her with Lyphos at the "Divine Altar," where
expected to be reborn as a new life in Raxia's reincarnation Lyphos repeatedly apologizes to Luifa and begs her to be his
cycle. daughter again.
However, those who view Luifa as a distorted goddess still However, Luifa declines Lyphos' proposal because she is
exist. As long as they believe in the evil goddess's existence, a human being and has lost her memory. When she visits the
Luifa, as a distorted Symbiotic Goddess, will remain. To "Divine Altar," the followers of the Symbiotic Goddess Luifa,
them, the reincarnated soul of Luifa, known as the "Child of who have been watching her, discover her reincarnated form.
Goddess," is a being worthy of worship. When believers discover that the PCs are the
Luifa's followers are now searching for the "Daughter of Transcendents, they do not come to take Luifa directly but
Goddess" in various parts of Raxia, and the PCs must locate instead attack civilians in neighboring villages and towns,
her to protect the reincarnated Luifa. declaring them "offerings" to Luifa and "embodiments of the
Faith." The believers lead their own people to do this in
various parts of the continent, making it difficult to eradicate
Luifa is unable to recognize the meaning of her own
As the PCs search for the Valkyrie from which Luifa was existence. Fearing that her existence is connected to the
reincarnated, only they know that the race from which Luifa Humanoids disaster, she denies her reincarnation.
came has now become a Valkyrie. However, finding just one
Valkyrie could take many years, requiring a search of all
Valkyries in Raxia.
The followers of the evil goddess have fewer clues than
the PCs, and only a certain number of priests believe in By the time the believers start to riot, Luifa's existence is
reincarnation, making it difficult to search all of Raxia. already known to all the gods except for Lyphos. Lyphos
Nevertheless, they persist in their search for the "Child of turns to his allies, the gods of the First Sword, for their
Goddess," no matter how many years it takes. opinion.
The gods debate whether to make Luifa a goddess again,
let her live out her life as a human being, or purify her soul
to resolve the current situation. However, each god has a
different opinion, and they cannot reach a conclusion.
The reincarnation of Luifa is unaware that she is the They finally agree that each god will present a test to
reincarnation of a Minor Goddess, but her soul has reached Luifa. If she passes the test, the gods will agree with Lyphos's
godhood. As a result, she is targeted by foreign enemies who opinion and allow her to be elevated to the status of goddess.
know of the existence of her soul. She is recognized as a Initially, Luifa disagrees with the decision, but after some
special being, a singularity. She has been kidnapped as a persuasion from the PCs and others, she realizes that this is
sacrifice to Daemons, and has been discovered by the the best way to lead her current followers in the right
vampire more than once. direction. She decides to take on the divine trial.
If Luifa completes all the trials of the gods, the Symbiotic After Luifa is elevated to godhood, she expresses
Goddess Luifa will be reborn. However, the ordeals are gratitude towards the PCs and offers to take them into her
extremely difficult, and there are also obstacles from household. If they desire, they can become archbishops, as
believers who want to mold Luifa into their ideal goddess. the rightful preachers of Luifa's doctrine.
This section provides guidelines for creating, mastering,
and playing scenarios in an ultra-high-level environment,
where the player character (PC) is at level 15 or even higher,
16+. While some theories may not be applicable in this ultra-
In such an environment, it becomes challenging for GMs high-level environment and a special attitude is required,
to use conventional scenario creation methods and theories. there are still important points to keep in mind when playing
Some of them may not be appropriate and should be the game.
Additionally, unique situations that are specific to the The primary goal should be for everyone to have fun
ultra-high-level environment will arise during gameplay, together.
requiring a special understanding from both the GM and
players. This should be the focus, and everyone participating in
This section outlines and explains these areas step by the game should keep it in mind. Whether as a subject or an
step. object, not a single person should be left out of this
When creating a very high-level adventure, it's important A more powerful character, or a character on par with the
to remember that the PCs are, in many ways, "unstoppable". PCs, may be able to challenge them. However, if such
The obstacles that would hinder them in a typical adventure characters appear too often, the unique nature of this high-
are much less effective. level adventure will be lost.
Directly defeating such powerful PCs by force would be
extremely difficult.
Part 3 Campaigns
To create an adventure with such special PCs, it is not story. The climax often follows the pattern of "the last boss is
advisable to rely on a "push" scenario progression or restrict waiting for you at the innermost part of the dungeon".
the PCs' choices, as is often done in low to medium-level The player must make many decisions, such as choosing
games. the direction of movement and whether to search or not and
Why is this a bad example? Let us explain below. remain active throughout the game.
For smooth game management, it is effective for the GM
to visualize the scenario information by drawing and
preparing a map.
Inexperienced GMs are often advised to "create a
dungeon scenario for now," where they can place traps,
monsters, and treasures as they see fit to make it work as a
The client is like a deity, and refusing their request may scenario. This is a significant advantage in TTRPGs, which
result in divine punishment. The setting takes place in a cannot start without a scenario.
dungeon with indestructible walls, floors, and ceilings due to
powerful magic. Effects that directly transport you to other
locations, such as [Teleport] and [Dimension Gate], do not
For some unknown reason, the Success Value required
to find traps and unlock locks is set to 35. The Success Value The dungeon is an excellent scenario builder with many
required to find traps and unlock locks is, for some unknown advantages. However, these characteristics are no longer
reason, "35" (since PCs have a Standard Value of 22 if you applicable when it comes to ultra-high-level adventures.
count bonuses and super successes...). This is because PCs have learned several ways to move
around the dungeon without following the passageways. In an
This structure is common in adventures where the extreme case, if a boss is waiting for you in the center of a
adventurer's guild requests a character of initial creation level. maze consisting only of walls (a common puzzle), you cannot
Refusing a request from the guild owner could result in the deny the possibility that the PCs may be able to reach the
loss of further job offers. These adventures typically do not boss "straight" by using magic to figure out his position and
involve breaking dungeon walls or floors. The Target breaking or slipping through all the walls along the way.
Number for traps and locks is set such that success or failure Such methods as "double-walling the walls and installing
is possible, and the Standard Value is considered. poison gas" cannot solve this problem. PCs are masters at
However, at high levels, this approach can feel extremely detecting traps and dangers, and they will use [Airtight
cramped and unreasonable. It can strip players of their desire Armor] and other similar methods to become immune to
for adventure. poison once they are exposed. In a high-level adventure with
Imposing something stronger without considering the many countermeasures on the PCs' side, attempts to
character's position, limiting what they can do, and setting preemptively destroy shortcuts will only lead to a game of
numbers relative to the character's higher abilities can ruin chess. It becomes a war of attrition where the GM is tired of
the strengths and advantages of high-level characters. thinking, the players are frustrated by paranoid tricks, and
It can also be mentally painful for players to have what neither is happy.
they are good at crushed and pushed down. This is a foolish
policy that goes against the principle of "making the game
Not only dungeon walls but also the idea of "limiting the
player's movement and actions to control the game" becomes
A common adventure setting in TTRPGs is the dungeon, useless in high-level adventures.
also known as a labyrinth. This type of adventure takes place You cannot create mysterious incidents and leave behind
in an enclosed space, which creates a unique and engaging mysterious traces. Reclusive sages cannot send high-level PCs
atmosphere. Many movies have explored the theme of on mysterious quests. As you may have already noticed, this
exploring ruins, and haunted houses are a popular trope. approach will not work. A double roll from [Sage's Wisdom]
TTRPGs, with their strong emphasis on virtual experiences, on the Insight check will destroy any mystery.
can leverage this power to create immersive adventures. The GM should be open to suggestions and let the
Players are often motivated to explore dungeons, but the players do what they want. The way they think will lead them
GM also appreciates this setting. In a normal adventure, the to success. Whether the PCs continue through the dungeon
PCs will not try to destroy the walls and ceilings of a dungeon corridor or go through the wall, it is up to them to decide
because it is difficult and usually futile. As a result, the GM which is better. Don't try to "judge" them for it. As a result,
can restrict the PCs' choices to some extent and limit their they may end up behind the monster or in front of it. You
movement paths. This makes it easy to structure the can judge that mechanically by looking at the dungeon map.
adventure as "A, then B, then C" and to tell a compelling If they want to do it, they can go ahead.
The GM must be willing to adopt the player's ideas and levels, it's best to have obstacles that can be steadily
should not unreasonably deny them. It's okay to pay attention conquered by following a procedure or by controlling the
to one or two things to keep the game on track. PCs' movement behavior. This approach is still challenging
enough to keep the game interesting and safe.
- Be clear about the objective of your adventure.
- Do not limit PCs capabilities.
In some TTRPG scenarios, the true purpose of the - Use impossible tasks as obstacles.
adventure may be unclear at the start or may contain - Actively adopt players' ideas.
misleading elements. In dungeon exploration scenarios
where the players do not know what is hidden at the deepest GM GUIDE! DON'T SKIMP ON R EWARDS
level, or in mystery scenarios where the identity of the culprit Ultra-high-level adventures are designed to be tackled
is unknown, the unexpected truth can be a pleasant surprise only by player characters (PCs). Therefore, they must be
to the players if used well. engaging enough for players to take on willingly.
However, this is only true "if it is used well." It is a double- While responsibilities to the world (see p. 136) may make
edged sword that can lead to failure if not careful. This type it difficult to reject a quest, they do not necessarily lead to
of scenario does not go well with ultra-high-level adventures. player motivation.
Misleading very high-level PCs who can do anything can lead To ensure player engagement, be generous with
to misunderstandings and cause the adventure to go in the monetary rewards. For particularly challenging quests that
wrong direction. You can normally correct the course in may be difficult to find a client for, consider offering a large
some way or prepare a device to solve a fatal reward, such as a high chance of finding treasure upon
misunderstanding ahead of time, but even such a device may completion.
be broken through by force (!?).
It is understandable to be tempted to be ready for the
possibility that ultra-high-level PCs may break through in a
straight line, but as mentioned earlier, this way of thinking
can lead the GM into an endless and barren war of attrition.
In ultra-high-level adventures, it is important to dare to
give the PCs a clear objective. The PCs may not know what
to do, or the first direction that comes to mind is the wrong
one. These tricks increase the possibility that the PCs will go
in an unexpected direction.
You cannot bend the will of ultra-high-level PCs. A
straight breakthrough path is a prerequisite. Then, the
directions must be aligned from the beginning.
Part 3 Campaigns
The compatibility between a monster and a party can be One way to reduce the burden on the GM is to assign a
categorized as either "good" or "bad". At very high levels, the sub-master to manage a part of the monster group. However,
compatibility can be extremely high, and the GM needs to be the sub-master will be somewhat isolated because they cannot
careful. The GM should pay attention to the possibility that directly participate in the game except for managing the
the monster may suffer a complete defeat, or on the other battle. In the first half of the game, until the climax of the
hand, the party may be defeated and left at wit's end. It is battle, they will be almost completely passive. Therefore, it is
meaningless to have a battle in which participants can tell who best for the sub-master to avoid interfering with the progress
won or lost without rolling any dice. Especially, it is a big deal of the game until then, as it would constitute outside
if the PCs lose. interference.
However, it is problematic to be too eager for At most, the sub-master can speak for some NPCs, but
countermeasures. For example, if a GM tries to counter a only with the main GM's approval. If you ask a sub-master to
character who specializes in Evasion, they may use "Can't" manage a group, the GM and the sub-master should have
effects too often. Similarly, if a GM tries to counter a complete control over the group, including tactics. If the GM
character with high defense, they may use magic damage too and the sub-master start discussing tactics, it may take extra
much. This can lead to the player feeling undermined and time, which is not desirable. In some cases, it may take quite
their character strengths becoming irrelevant. a long time.
On the other hand, when there is a weakness exposed by
the PCs, it is just indulgence not to exploit it. It is also a DISCLOSURE OF HP I NFORMATION
pleasure for a player to consider the risk and return and find When playing "Sword World 2.0", applying this rule of
ways to exploit the monster. If you say, "You don't have to thumb is important, especially in high-level battles where
take any risks," the fun itself will disappear. time-saving is crucial.
※Even if you are a GM, you should always consider the If the "Monster Knowledge check" is successful and the
perspective of the PCs when discussing win-loss situations. monster's data is known, the amount of damage dealt to the
There is no such thing as a "GM win" in the first place, as it is monster's HP should be recorded and disclosed if possible.
no fun to wipe out the whole party in a battle. As a GM, it is The process of determining damage and the total damage
important to always think about "how to lose well as an dealt is public information. The monster's ability to reduce
adversary" when considering combat. damage, such as Defense, is also public information
assuming the data is visible, as is the applied damage.
The current HP value of the monster is a crucial factor in
tactical considerations. Even if it's blurred, a careful player
Managing a big climax battle at an ultra-high level is an will try to recalculate and confirm it from memory and
important skill for the GM. This scene involves a great deal records. Wasting time on this is harmful, especially in high-
of data to think about and manage, and carelessness can lead level battles that are known to take a long time.
to wasted time. Unless there is no room on the table or some other
However, there is no need to rush. If the players know reason, it's better to make the current HP value of the
that the GM is doing their job well, they can trust the GM to monster public information so that all players can easily
run the game, even if it takes a little longer. This is much check it. If a player asks a question, please be open about it.
preferable to trying to do things quickly and making mistakes
one after another. USE OF F IXED VALUES
The monster data includes basic information such as
CREATE A P OLICY OF ACTIONS FOR M INIONS Accuracy and Evasion, as well as a fixed Success Value for
To create a proper combat scenario, a large number of use with unique skills.
monsters that are hostile to the PCs is required. However, GMs are encouraged to make active use of these fixed
configuring a scenario that requires fewer steps and can be values, as rolling dice to determine the Accuracy and Evasion
easily neutralized by concentrating damage can make it easier of minions can be time-consuming.
for the PCs to deal with, thereby reducing the tension of However, bosses, especially those enhanced by "Sword
battle. Shard" (※), may have a fixed Success Value that is too high,
Simultaneously, managing a large number of enemies can leading to despair on the player's side. In these cases, the GM
be quite burdensome. In such cases, it is effective to reduce can roll dice to widen the range of random numbers, can
the burden on the so-called "minions" by defining their action enhance the enjoyment of the game.
policy in advance and having them act in a mechanical
※ When using rules for resistance enhancement from WT,
It is important to decide in advance which monster will p. 19.
act and how it will act. If you have to think about each Translator’s Note: This rule is now a default part of SW2.5.
monster individually, GMing will become difficult to manage.
Part 3 Campaigns
- Limit each scenario to one tough battle with a climactic
- Be mindful of the party's strengths and weaknesses, and
avoid battles that could result in a complete defeat.
- Don't over-compensate for PCs strengths, and don't overuse
PCs weaknesses.
- Develop strategies to streamline battles.
TTRPGs are a collaborative effort between the GM and on people's expectations will be regarded is a matter of
the players. The workload of the GM can be very heavy, debate. Above all, the consequences of the failure of those
especially in high-level adventures. Therefore, players are who should have faced this unprecedented crisis are to be
expected to be aware of this and do their best to help out. expected.
Ultra-high-level characters are special figures in the world Very high-level PCs do not have any NPCs to directly
who typically hold positions of power and prestige. Even if stop them. This fact can put them in danger of doing
they do not hold such positions, they must have a high level "whatever they want."
of fame and high Reputation. However, this approach will never lead to an enjoyable
An ultra-high-level character who possesses the ability to game.
"do anything" is subject to strict social responsibility and
limitations. I F Y OU P USH T HROUGH...
PCs at very high levels are nearly unique in their local
T HINGS TO P ROTECT area, and are often the only ones who can stand up to danger
Being in a high position comes with great responsibility, when the world is threatened.
especially if you are the king of a country or the lord of a This position is, so to speak, like “holding the world
territory. In these roles, you are responsible for the peace and hostage.” As a result, they hold a powerful position that can
security of the people and the land. Similarly, the head of an lead to demands for compensation or other rewards.
organization must oversee its activities and take care of However, this is a risky action that can damage the
external negotiations. heroism of the PCs, disillusion people, and leave a lasting
However, Sword World 2.0 does not have any rule-based impact. While "Sword World 2.0" rules do not define this
treatment for such matters. The game's main focus is on process, it is up to the GM to decide how to handle it.
adventure, rather than the pursuit or reproduction of the Unfortunately, the GM is in a weak position when faced
behavior of a character who holds a position and how it with such grievances. In the real world, the actions of the PCs
affects their organization. As a result, there are no rules for would be akin to "holding the game opportunity hostage".
this purpose. It is important not to unilaterally impose a burden on the
Players are assumed to perform their roles in a normal GM who is trying to advance the game. Players should
way, and incidents are caused by external factors that lead to remember that the main principle is to enjoy playing and
adventures. In a very high-level adventure scenario, the PCs weaving a story together as a group.
may face an incident that could lead to a world crisis.
If a PC is responsible for a large number of people, they L EAVE THE DATA UP TO THE GM
should approach their role with this premise in mind. While Very high-level characters possess various abilities, and
they can add some characterization, they should avoid using the GM may present quite challenging scenarios based on
excessive tyranny or darkness. these abilities. It is up to the player to think about how to
Translator’s Note: For a darker approach see Barbarous overcome these challenges. It is a pleasant surprise for the
Book and Natural History of Dilfrum. GM when players come up with ideas that were not planned.
Although players come up with ideas, it is up to the GM
P EOPLE'S E XPECTATIONS AND ATTENTION to make the final decision. The GM decides whether the idea
Among the PCs, there may be some characters who do is valid or not, whether any checks are necessary, and what to
not have a direct position but live their lives as adventurers. do if checks are required.
However, even such characters can have high Reputation, If a player feels that the Target Number of a check is too
which is a symbol of fame, and their names can be known by high, they may consider finding ways to get a bonus.
many people. Their actions attract people's attention. However, arguing with the GM over a ruling is not
A character who reaches level 15 or higher is regarded as recommended.
a hero by people. This fact creates an atmosphere of The worst thing a player can do is to hide the truth, ask
welcoming PCs as saviors when a great threat comes to the leading questions, or try to "get the GM to agree". Doing so
world. will only cause the GM to suspect the player's words and
It is up to the players to decide how they will go along resolve various declarations in the most negative terms
with this trend. However, how heroes who turn their backs possible, making any ideas ineffective.
GMs and players are not adversaries. Rather, they should SUMMARY
trust each other and play and master the game in a mutually - You are the only ones who can solve the problem.
trustworthy manner. - That's why you need to act.
- Trust the GM and be trusted by the GM.
Part 4 Monsters
Part 4 Monsters
See page 36 of BT for how to read monster data in this ○Magic Power Restoration = ** points
At the end of the character's turn, the MP is restored by
the indicated value.
Part 4 Monsters
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
Fist (Upper Body) 24(31) 2d+26 23(30) 16 172 60 Weapon (Upper
24(31) 2d+27 23(30) 23 169 91
Kick (Lower Body) 23(30) 2d+27 23(30) 16 155 60 Body)
Kick (Lower Body) 23(30) 2d+25 22(29) 23 190 32
Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Body) Main Section: Upper Body
Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Body) Main Section: Upper Body
The targets are forced to move backward by the sudden arms thrust. All
Can use all Stratagems up to 5 ranks of "attack", "evasion," and "defense"
characters in the skirmish area must make an Evasion check and fall prone
types are used within one full battlefield. These Stratagems can be used from
if they fail.
2nd rank (skipping 1st rank).
If all targets fail the check, the coordinates of the center of the skirmish
area are moved 3 meters in the direction desired by the Cave Giant. This
☑Improved Throw Attack II effect does not occur if any of the targets have succeeded in the check.
Yuan Fomor can throw enemies with its Fist attacks (and counters). If at
least 1 applied damage is done to the target, it will be knocked prone.
●Lower Body
All characters with 3 or fewer sections can be targeted. If the target is a
multi-section character, a single hit will damage all sections and cause them ○Attitude Control
to fall prone. In this case, the target performs an Evasion check with any Cave Giant cannot fall prone.
Evasion of any section.
No additional attacks can be added to this unique skill by [○Chain Attack]. ○Attack Obstacle = Impossible • +4
Target: [Section: Upper Body]/Loss Condition: HP of [Section: Lower
●Lower Body Body] is 0 or less.
○Twin Strike & Double Attack
Yuan Fomor can make two Kick attacks each round, though each attack
requires its own Accuracy check. They may choose to attack different Loot
characters with each attack. Always Dark Crystal (1,600G/Gold S) x 1d
2 – 11 Giant's Treasure (10,000G/Gold SS)
○Attack Obstacle = +4 • +4 12+ Greatest Giant's Treasure (28,000G/Gold SS)
Target: [Section: Upper Body]/Loss Condition: HP of [Section: Lower
Body] is 0 or less.
These giants, who dwell deep underground, are about 5 meters tall and
Loot smaller in size than other giants due to their habitat. Most of them are devout
2–7 Bag of Silver (300G/-) x 2d followers of Kaorlupte and are usually found in a state of shallow sleep in
8 – 13 Bag of Silver (500G/-) x 2d the depths of the earth. Their eyesight is almost completely degenerated, but
14+ General's Insignia (19,000G/Gold White SS) they have a keen sense of hearing and smell, allowing them to easily detect
the slightest sound or smell in their territory.
Often, they guard the altars of gods and their offerings. If skilled
Description adventurers venture deep into the earth's depths in search of these treasures,
Yuan Fomors are rare and experienced generals among the Fomors. As they may encounter these giants.
strong individuals, they cannot be completely controlled by Drake and
others and must be kept within reach to make the best use of their abilities.
Fomors who are given the name Yuan serve as spiritual pillars for other
Fomors, but they are unable to leave their own superiors. The Fomor clan
has not been able to establish an organization centered around them.
20 Hippotaur Always Elaborate Axe and Spear (5,100G/Black White S)
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral 2–6 None
Language: Barbaric, Giantish, Centaurian Habitat: Meadows, Rivers 7 – 10 Strange Holy Symbol (3,300G/White S)
Rep/Weak: 25/29 Weak Point: Earth Damage +3 points 11+ Evil Holy Symbol (22,200G/White SS)
Initiative: 29 Movement Speed: 25/25 (Swimming)
Fortitude: 25 (32) Willpower: 24 (31)
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP This monster resembles a Centaur but has an upper body akin to that
Axe and Spear of a Troll and a lower body similar to that of a giant Hippopotamus. Its head
23(30) 2d+20 23(30) 23 144 73
(Upper Body) is about 8 meters high, and its weight is so immense that a ground rumble
Trample (Front) 25(32) 2d+22 22(29) 20 127 33 can be heard in the surrounding area just by galloping in this form.
Trample (Rear) 24(31) 2d+24 24(31) 20 117 26 Although it can move both underwater and on land, the monster is
Sections: 3 (Upper Body / Front / Rear) Main Section: Upper Body rarely seen in the water because only its upper body is visible from the
Unique Skills
●All Sections 22 Mondo Basilisk (Human Form)
○Underwater Aptitude Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: Trade Common, Barbaric, Arcana, Basilisk, Drakish, Youma
↝Trample Habitat: Deserts, Ruins
Hippotaur runs forward with “Range: 75m” and “Area: Breakthrough” Rep/Weak: 24/31 Weak Point: Water/Ice damage +3 points
and tramples everyone with either the front or rear hoofs (selected by the Initiative: 29 Movement Speed: 15
monster for each character). In this case, the effects of [▽Continuous Attack Fortitude: 28 (35) Willpower: 29 (35)
II] and [☑Power Strike III] of each section do not occur.
This ability may only be used if the Hippotaur is not in the skirmish at F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
the beginning of its turn and is ready to make a Full Move. The use of this Weapon 27(34) 2d+28 26(33) 25 189 167
ability is declared before the move, and once it is used, a Full Move is
considered to have been made. At the same time, all section actions are
completed, and the turn ends. Unique Skills
↝Truespeech Magic 17 Level/Magic Power 25(32)
●Upper Body Can cast all Truespeech Magic up to the 15th level and all Truespeech
spells for Transcendents from this book.
↝Divine Magic 13 Level/Magic Power 18(25)
○☑↝Magic Aptitude = All
○☑↝Magic Aptitude
They can use the Combat Feats [Multi-Action], [Guided Magic
Metamagic/Targets], [Wordbreak]. ○Divination Mastery
Knows [Fated Crossing], [Accidental Dignity II] Combat Feats.
It can cast magic and make Normal Moves. ☆Full Moon Gaze/26(33)/Willpower/Neg
Twice per round again, different targets, the Mondo Basilisk (Human
Form), can attempt to petrify a target within 50m with this Curse-type effect.
○Greater Elevated Attack The target needs to roll a Willpower Check or receive effects of Petrification
Increases damage by +8. (Dexterity, Agility/-6) (see BT, p. 28). This effect can be cured with [Cure
Stone] (see CR II, p. 127).
▽Charge&○Rampage The target can reflect the gaze with a mirror in hand and with a
If the attacker moves and attacks, the damage is increased by +1 for successful Willpower check 4 or higher than the target number. With
every 5 meters moved. The distance traveled is measured in a straight line successful reflection, Mondo Basilisk was affected by Petrification instead of
from the start point to the endpoint. the target without a Willpower check.
In addition, the Major Action can be made again after a melee attack. This unique skill works even if Basilisk is blinded.
Part 4 Monsters
This effect is only effective when the curse is released on either the ●Head
mineral of unknown material or the body that houses the consciousness of ↝Truespeech Magic 17 Level/Magic Power 25(32)
both characters, and both characters are restored to their original state. Can cast all Truespeech Magic up to 15th level and all Truespeech
spells for Transcendents from this book.
▽New Moon Gaze/Can’t
Knows Divinations [Vision of Defeat], [Vision of Sundering] (see p. 36)
can be learned and used. In addition, the Divination check is treated as a ○☑↝Magic Aptitude = All
Transcendent check with a Standard Value of 26.
▽Poison Blood/26 (33)/Fortitude/Neg ▽Weakening
Anyone who deals damage to this monster in the same skirmish will When the Body section is reduced to 0 HP or fewer, all other sections
receive 2d+18 poison magic damage at the end of their turn. receive a -2 penalty to Evasion.
Unique Skills
●All Sections
○Poison, Disease Immunity
○Divination Mastery
Knows [Fated Crossing], [Accidental Dignity II] Combat Feats.
23 Chaos Troll 24 Goun Fomor
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Neutral Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hostile
Language: Trade Common, Barbaric, Giantish Habitat: Ruins Language: Barbaric, Giantish Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 23/27 Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 points Rep/Weak: 30/34 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 28 Movement Speed: 26 Fortitude: 29(36) Willpower: 26(33) Initiative: 35 Movement Speed: 30 Fortitude: 21(39) Willpower: 30(37)
2–9 Bag of Silver (1,000G/-) x 2d
10 – 12 General's Insignia (19,000G/Gold White SS)
13+ Insignia of the Grand Marshal (36,000G/Gold White
Part 4 Monsters
Description 24 Gandharva
Goun Fomor is the highest ranking member of the Fomor clan, Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hostile
recognized by the king of Barbarous, and has their own army. At times, they Language: Barbaric, Lycan Habitat: Mountain
lead their entire army to overrun the battlefield. Although they are not Rep/Weak: 25/30 Weak Point: Bludgeoning type damage +3
scholarly, their battle strategy is to crush the enemy from the front with a Initiative: 33 Movement Speed: 40/80(Flying)
large force. Despite lacking in strategic finesse, the army commanded by Fortitude: 28(35) Willpower: 28(35)
Goun Fomor is fearless and will continue to fight bravely, even if the
opponent is a god.
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
Beak (Head) 31(38) 2d+28 32(39) 16 187 110
Weapon (Body) 32(39) 2d+26 30(37) 18 251 79
Sections: 2 (Head / Body) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
▽Continuous Attack II
If Gandharva successfully hits a target in melee, it may make a second
attack. If a second attack hits, it can make a third attack against the same
▽Painful Strike
If the 2d roll of the damage roll is 10 or more, the damage is increased
by an additional +20 points.
They may use the [Cat's Eyes], [Bear Muscle], [Beetleskin], [Recovery
(20 pts.)], [Troll Vitals], [All-seeing Eye] Techniques.
↝Wind Favor/29(36)
Gandharva and any other characters within a radius of 50m from the
Gandharva are given [○Wind Immunity] for 10 seconds (1 round).
☆Champion's Storm/30(37)/Fortitude/Half
Turbulent winds are created in a “Radius 50m/All” around the
Gandharva, dealing 2d+24 wind magic damage to the targets. If the target
fails to resist, it falls prone.
This ability can only be used once per round.
↝Cutting Storm/31(38)/Willpower/Half
Within "Range: 30m" and "Area: Target", razor wind cuts through 2
enemies, dealing 2d+30 slashing magic damage.
○Flight II
Loss condition: HP of [Section: Body] is 0 or less.
2–8 None
9 – 12 Wind-Edge Feathers (3,500G/Red S) x 4
13+ Stormblade Feathers (26,800G/Red SS)
Gandharva is the king of the sky and the most powerful member of the
Garuda tribe. Feared as a near-god among their flock, Gandharva favors all
Barbarous in the sky and loves them equally.
It is said that there are hanging gardens in the high sky inhabited by
Garuda and Harpies, but no humanoids have been able to locate them.
26 Methuselah Fleur Vampire ▼Entanglement
A successful hit from a Thorn Whip Vampire can choose this unique
(Vampire Form) skill or [▼Vampire Bite]. If it chooses this ability, the target will be
Intelligence: Unmeasurable Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) & Magic entangled. Each round, the entangled target is hit automatically by the Thorn
Disposition: Neutral Language: All Habitat: Various Whip and makes all Accuracy and Evasion Checks with a -2 penalty.
Rep/Weak: 27/41 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points When the target tries to escape, use de-bonding (see BT, p. 29).
Initiative: 35 Movement Speed: 32/64(Flying) Up to 5 characters can be entangled with this ability. When Methuselah
Fortitude: 33(40) Willpower: 33(40) Fleur Vampire itself wants to release a target, it can do so automatically by
Minor Action.
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
Thorn Whip 32(39) 2d+29 31(38) 30 324 324 ▼Vampire Bite
When dealing damage with a Thorn Whip, Vampire can either use this
unique skill or use [▼Entanglement].
Unique Skills If this unique skill is used on a successful Thorn Whip attack, the
○Normal Weapon Immunity Methuselah Fleur Vampire can choose to drink blood instead, dealing 2d +
40 damage. The Methuselah Fleur Vampire heals HP equal to the applied
damage dealt.
○3 Actions If the target is reduced to 0 HP or lower from this attack, they receive a
-20 penalty to their next Death Check. If the character fails this Death Check,
○Flight II they receive an extra 5 soulscars and rise as an Empusa (see p. 153). A
character killed by this effect cannot use [Sword's Revelation/Transcend
○Regeneration = 18 points Fate].
If Methuselah Fleur Vampire does not use this unique skill at least once
every 7 days, they lose 18 HP and MP per week (cumulative) that they do
○Vampire Body
As long as a Vampire Rose (Vampire Form) is under sunlight, it receives not drain blood, and also cannot use their [○Regeneration] unique skill.
a -2 penalty to all Accuracy and Evasion Checks. Additionally, the These penalties immediately go away once the Vampire Rose successfully
drains blood.
Methuselah Fleur Vampire cannot use their [ ○ Regeneration] or [ ○
Normal Weapon Immunity] abilities, and at the end of each round, the
☆Bat Form
Methuselah Fleur Vampire is dealt 18 magic damage. This damage cannot
A Methuselah Fleur Vampire transforms into a myriad of bats, each
be reduced in any way.
about 10cm long. For more information, see the Methuselah Fleur Vampire
(Bat Form) data.
○Immortal A Methuselah Fleur Vampire cannot transform during the same turn
When Methuselah Fleur Vampire's HP falls to 0 or below, it is they use their [☆Vampire Form] unique skill.
immediately enveloped in thorns and transforms into a cocoon-like form.
The thorns cannot be destroyed by ordinary means. From the thorny
cocoon, a vast number of thorns continue to grow for seven days, eventually Loot
reaching the size of a city. Always Phantom Moonflower (27,000G/Green SS)
After seven days, a flower will bloom somewhere beyond the fully grown 2–9 None
thorns, and the Methuselah Fleur Vampire will emerge in all its glory. The 10 – 13 Cloak of Eternity (16,600G/White SS)
location of the flower is unknown and can only be found if tens of thousands 14+ Crest of Eternal Flowers (95,200G/Gold White SS)
of people monitor the thorns until the flower blooms.
This ability cannot be prevented. However, exposing the thorny cocoon
to sunlight for at least three hours per day and dousing it with at least ten
liters of fresh water for seven consecutive days will cause it to die and rot on
the spot, preventing new flowers from blooming.
Note that if the Success Value of the Monster Knowledge check is not
greater than this monster's weakness, characters will not know how to prevent
its immortality. Even if they try the above methods, they cannot prevent it.
Part 4 Monsters
Unique Skills
○Normal Weapon Immunity
○Flight II
When targeting the Methuselah Fleur Vampire (Bat Form) or another
character in the same skirmish, the Combat Feats [Precise Shot], [Guided
Magic] cannot be used. And [Hawk Eye] will not allow to see beyond the
↝Bat Dance/Can't
The Methuselah Fleur Vampire (Bat Form) swarms around a single
target in the same skirmish, dealing equal to 1/5 the Methuselah Fleur
Vampire’s Current HP (rounded down) + 20 physical damage.
☆Vampire Form
A Methuselah Fleur Vampire transforms into its original vampire form.
For more information, see the Methuselah Fleur Vampire (Vampire Form)
A Methuselah Fleur Vampire cannot transform during the same turn
they use their [☆Bat Form] unique skill.
Always Phantom Moonflower (27,000G/Green SS)
2–9 None
10 – 13 Cloak of Eternity (16,600G/White SS)
14+ Crest of Eternal Flowers (95,200G/Gold White SS)
Methuselah Fleur Vampire is a rumored Nosferatu who has yet to be
directly sighted by humanoids. Information leaked from the Barbarous
territory has led to highly accurate guesses about its existence. Its power far
surpasses that of any other identified Nosferatu.
While not a perfect match, Methuselah shares many characteristics with
the Frau clan, leading the wise to believe that they are the founders of the
Frau clan, which has disappeared from the world.
26 Drake Duke (Human Form) 26 Drake Duke (Dragon Form)
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: All Habitat: Unknown Language: All Habitat: Unknown
Rep/Weak: 26/32 Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 points Rep/Weak: 27/33 Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 points
Initiative: 34 Movement Speed: 30/60(Flying) Initiative: 34 Movement Speed: 30/60(Flying)
Fortitude: 33(40) Willpower: 34(41) Fortitude: 34(41) Willpower: 35(42)
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
Weapon 34(41) 2d+30 33(40) 25 336 221 Bite (Body) 35(42) 2d+35 33(40) 27 305 197
Wing (Wing) 36(43) 2d+29 31(38) 21 168 64
Unique Skills Wing (Wing) 36(43) 2d+29 31(38) 21 168 64
○2 Actions Sections: 3 (Body / Wing x2) Main Section: Body
☆Techniques ●Body
They may use the [Beetleskin], [Cat's Eyes], [Recovery (20 pts.)], [Giant ○Multiple Declarations = 3 times
Arms], [Sphinx Knowledge], [Wendigo Hide] Techniques.
↝Spiritualism Magic 20 Level/Magic Power 28(35)
▽Sword's Revelation/Resurrective Dragonification Can cast all Spiritualism Magic up to the 15th level and all Spiritualism
When Drake Duke's HP falls to 0 or below, at the beginning of its next Magic for Transcendents from this book.
turn, it automatically becomes a Dragon; its HP and MP are restored to their
maximum values, it awakens, and any effects, magical or otherwise,
disappear. ○☑↝Magic Aptitude = All
This unique skill can be performed at will with Minor Action, and the
effect will be the same. ↝Twin Strike & Double Attack
A Drake Duke cannot transform for an hour after using this unique A Body section can make two Bite attacks each round, though each
skill. The effect of automatic Dragonification is limited to once a day. attack requires its own Accuracy check. They may choose to attack different
characters with each attack.
↝Burning Breath/34(41)/Fortitude/Half
Ring of the Magic Civilization Period (30,000G/Gold Within "Range: 50m" and "Area: Shot", it spits out a mass of pure energy
White SS) that explodes at the point of impact, dealing "2d+40" fire and energy magic
2–8 None damage in a radius of 6m/20.
9 – 11 Noble Draconian Horn (12,600/Red SS) This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns.
12+ Great Draconian Horn (48,500G/Red SS)
○Flight II
Loss condition: HP of one or more [Section: Wing] is 0 or less.
Ring of the Magic Civilization Period (30,000G/Gold
White SS)
2–8 None
9 – 11 Noble Draconian Horn (12,600/Red SS)
12+ Great Draconian Horn (48,500G/Red SS)
Drake Duke is the highest-ranking noble among the Drakes, with the
title of Duke. Its individual strength is unparalleled in the realm of the
Barbarous, and it is said that no one can match it in a one-on-one battle.
Its mere presence is capable of conquering an entire region, and there
are very few Barbarous that would dare to oppose it directly.
Part 4 Monsters
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
Needle 28(35) 2d+27 26(33) 10 88 9 Bite (Head) 28(35) 2d+26 22(29) 20 266 31
Slam (Body) 26(33) 2d+22 20(27) 15 319 20
Unique Skills Slam (Body) 26(33) 2d+22 20(27) 15 319 20
Slam (Body) 26(33) 2d+22 20(27) 15 319 20
○Flight II Slam (Body) 26(33) 2d+22 20(27) 15 319 20
Tail (Tail) 28(35) 2d+24 23(30) 18 232 16
○☑One Swoop
Sections: 6 (Head / Body x 4 / Tail) Main Section: Head
Knows Combat Feats [Hit and Run] (see p. 27) and [Shadow Sneak] is
Unique Skills
▽Deadly Poisonous Blow/Can’t ●All Sections
A target hit by a Needle attack should make a Fortitude attack with a
Target Number of 34 at the end of its turn each round for 3 minutes (18
No penalty is applied to underwater activities. However, once it gets out
rounds). If failed, the target dealt 2d+10 poison magic damage at the end of
of the water, it cannot take any actions.
its turn. If successful, this effect ends.
A character who has resisted this effect gains a +4 bonus to Fortitude.
○Attitude Control
▽Relaxing Blow/Can’t Ancient Wormfish cannot fall prone.
If the roll of the damage decision is 10 or more, the target will drop all
items in its hand, such as weapons and shields with "Stance: 1H" and "Stance: ○Deep-Sea Creature Body
2H", in addition to the normal damage. It is covered with a skin that can withstand even deep sea.
It does not suffer any disadvantageous effects from attacks, magic, or
↝Disturbing Buzz/26(33)/Willpower/Neg any other effects from different coordinates from its own, and all applied
Monstrous Hornet ruffles its wings and makes a noise that disturbs damage to HP and MP is halved (rounded up).
concentration. All characters within a 10-meter radius of the Monstrous A character residing at the same coordinates as this monster can declare
Hornet must make a Willpower check, and if they fail, they take a -2 penalty "entering" or "exiting" the body with a Major Action. While inside the body,
to skill checks based on intelligence and dexterity for 10 seconds (1 round). the character will not be able to move, but the effect of [○Deep-Sea Creature
This effect is not cumulative, but if other Monstrous Hornets are already in Body] can be ignored.
the same range and have used [↝Disturbing Buzz], each character increases
the Success Value of this ability by +2. This bonus is cumulative up to a ●Head
maximum of +6.
All nearby targets are sucked into the body, along with surrounding
Loot water. All targets within a radius of 20m are forced to move to the same
2–9 None coordinates as this monster and are sucked into the body. While the target
10 – 12 Rare Sharp Needle with Poison (8,500G/Red S) is sucked into the body, it is subject to the effect of the [○Solution] of the
13+ Rare Sharp Needle with Twisted Poison (22,500G/Red Body section.
SS) This ability can be used only when the Ancient Wormfish’s mouth is
open at the beginning of its turn and cannot be used in consecutive turns.
This bee is enormous, measuring up to 5 meters in length. Its venomous ☆Open/Close Mouth
patterns adorn its abdomen, and it flies through the air with the rasping Opens and closes the mouth.
sound of its wings. They hunt in groups of about five, using the sound of If its mouth is open, the Head section can perform melee attacks, but
their wings to stop their prey before killing it with poison by piercing it with other characters can declare that they enter or exit the body. Also, if the
a stinger as large as a spear. They then bring their prey, which can include mouth is open at the beginning of its turn, it can use the [↝Inhale] ability.
elephants and other large animals, back to their nest. The nests are about If the mouth is closed, the Head section cannot make melee attacks, but
the size of a small castle in a small country and offer prey to the queen, who characters cannot exit or enter the monster’s body.
resides in the deepest part of the nest. When the mouth is closed, character groups inside and outside the
monster's body cannot see or touch each other. The effects with "Area: Shot"
cannot reach each other either.
The closed mouth is automatically opened when the HP of the Head
section is reduced by more than 30 points after closing the mouth.
○Wriggling Body
Body section can declare entering the body and target a character inside
the body.
A character inside the body is doused with the solution. A character in
a body caused by a Head section [↝Inhale] or entering on its own is dealt
2d+10 magic damage at the end of its turn, equal to the number of Body ●Head
sections with HP 1 or more. ↝Fire Breath/29(36)/Fortitude/Neg
It spits out a large amount of fire, dealing 2d+23 fire magic damage to
○Limited Attacks all characters in a 20m radius centered on itself.
The body is too large to concentrate attacks on the same spot. In one
round, body sections can only make two melee attacks on the same target. ○Long Neck
Bite attacks can attack any character within 10 meters, ignoring
●Tail skirmishes.
↝Sweeping Attack
The Tail makes a Tail attack against all enemies in the same skirmish. ●Body
This unique skill cannot target characters that are inside the body. This
unique skill cannot be used on consecutive turns.
○Attack Obstacle = Impossible • Impossible
Target: [Section: Head]/Loss Condition: HP of all [Section: Body] is 0
or less.
Always Dee-Sea Resistant Shell (2,000G/Red Black S) x 2d ○Magic Obstacle = +4
2–6 Grinding Teeth (3,300G/Red S) Target: [Section: Head]/Loss Condition: HP of all [Section: Body] is 0
7 – 12 Pearly Teeth (8,200G/Red S) or less.
13+ Alabaster Teeth (18,000G/Red SS)
Description ▽Less Mobile
The Ancient Wormfish is a massive deep-sea fish that can only survive Each time the HP of a Leg section falls to 0 or below, the movement is
at the bottom of wide open seas. It reaches a total length of 50 meters, with reduced by -6 for each such section.
a width of 10 meters at the deepest point of its girth. It was once mistaken
for a sea serpent but is now recognized as a type of fish. ○Attack Obstacle = Impossible • Impossible
These fish live in narrow areas on the sea floor and in ocean trenches Target: All [Section: Body]/Loss Condition: HP of 2 or more [Section:
and are usually completely immobile. To feed, they simply open their Leg] is 0 or less.
mouths wide and suck in water, consuming shellfish, eggs, and young of
other deep-sea fishes, and other prey. Their skin is so strong and flexible ●Tail
that it is hard to believe that it is actually fish skin. When found in the deep
sea, they can be mistaken for other fish, such as those found on rocks at the
○Long Tail
Tail attacks can attack any character within 10 meters, ignoring
bottom of the sea.
Because of their majestic appearance, the discoverer often mistakes
them for underwater caves and enters them.
↝Blow Away/29(36)/Evasion/Neg
Hits all characters in the skirmish area in which it resides.
24 Ultra Treidon The targets suffer 2d+25 physical damage and are blown 50m to the
ground and forcibly removed from the skirmish area. The direction of the
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hostile blow is determined by the monster for each target.
Language: None Habitat: Forests
Rep/Weak: 25/29 Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 points
Initiative: 26 Movement Speed: 27 Fortitude: 32(39) Willpower: 33(40) Loot
2–5 Flame Bag (2,550G/Red S)
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP 6 – 10 Bloated Flame Bag (7,690G/Red S)
Bite (Head) 28(35) 2d+26 22(29) 20 266 31 11+ Perfect Flame Bag (22,500G/Red SS)
Slam (Body) 26(33) 2d+22 20(27) 15 319 20
Slam (Body) 26(33) 2d+22 20(27) 15 319 20 Description
Slam (Body) 26(33) 2d+22 20(27) 15 319 20
The Ultra Treidon is the largest herbivore on Raxia, measuring at least
Slam (Body) 26(33) 2d+22 20(27) 15 319 20
30 meters in length. The largest recorded specimen is said to have exceeded
Tail (Tail) 28(35) 2d+24 23(30) 18 232 16 100 meters. The name of this monster varies depending on its size, with
Sections: 8 (Head / Body x 2 / Leg x 4 / Tail) Main Section: Head Ultra Treidon being the name of the largest individual that has grown to this
Unique Skills Although herbivorous, Ultra Treidons are sensitive to enemies and try
to drive them out as soon as others enter their territory. Due to their
●All Sections enormous size, their attacks primarily target their legs and body.
○Limited Attacks In the digestion of food, Ultra Treidons are assisted by symbiotic
Its body is too large to concentrate attacks on the same spot. Can only bacteria and store combustible gases produced in one of their organs. Highly
make two melee attacks on the same target in one round. fire-resistant, they are sold at a high price as a material for accessories and
building materials.
↝Giant Runaway/Can’t
Within “Range: (movement speed x 3)m" and "Area: Breakthrough," it
deals "2d+25" physical damage for each remaining Body section and then
makes targets fall prone. When running through, it specifies the direction of
movement, but it doesn’t need to specify the coordinates of the endpoint of
the movement (it does not need to see it).
In order to use this ability, the Full Move must be available, and at least
one Body section and one Legs section can perform a Major Action. After
using this ability, all sections complete Major Action.
This ability can be used from within the skirmish area. After using the
ability, Ultra Treidon moves to the target position of the charge, and if it is
outside the skirmish area, it automatically succeeds in leaving the skirmish
This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns.
Part 4 Monsters
24 Megaton 2–8 Mega Beast Thunder Horn (2,500G) x 1d
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hungry 9 – 10 Mega Beast Thunder Horn (2,500G) x 1d
Language: None Habitat: Grasslands, Wastelands 11+ Mega Beast Fierce Thunder Horn (38,000G)
Rep/Weak: 29/32 Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 points
Initiative: 10 Movement Speed: 30 Fortitude: 32(39) Willpower: 30(37)
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP Megaton is a dinosaur-like monster with a body length of nearly 20m. It
Bite (Head) 32(39) 2d+22 30(37) 25 244 54 is said to inhabit the central plains of the Terastier continent but has rarely
None (Body) - - 26(33) 30 331 40 been seen by humanoids. When it moves, earthquakes can be felt around
Trample it.
31(38) 2d+25 28(35) 25 193 31 Its stout figure has twelve short and thick legs arranged in six pairs to
(Right Leg)
Trample support its weight. Each leg moves in pairs. On its back, it has a power-
31(38) 2d+25 28(35) 25 193 31 generating organ that is hidden in its body hair. When attacked, Megaton
(Right Leg)
Trample can protect itself by releasing lightning around its body.
31(38) 2d+25 28(35) 25 193 31
(Right Leg)
Trample (Left
31(38) 2d+25 28(35) 25 193 31
Trample (Left
31(38) 2d+25 28(35) 25 193 31
Trample (Left
31(38) 2d+25 28(35) 25 193 31
Sections: 8 (Head / Body / Right Leg x 3 / Left Leg x 3) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●All Sections
○Lightning Immunity
○Freedom of Movement
Megaton movement cannot be blocked by any character and it cannot
be prevented from moving.
↝Lightning Breath/34(41)/Fortitude/Half
Attacks the targets within "Range: 50m" and "Area: Line" by spitting out
a lightning breath. Deals 2d+35 lightning magic damage to the targets.
This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns and cannot be used on
the turn in which the Megaton used the [↝Electric Field] with Body section.
↝Electric Field/33(40)/Willpower/Half
Megaton attacks by scattering electricity from its body generator within
a 20m radius around itself. Targets within range are dealt 2d+25 lightning
magic damage.
After using this ability, for 10 seconds (1 round), the ranged attacks or
"Area: Shot" from outside the range will not be able to target any character
within the range. Also, the effects with "Area: Line" and "Area: Breakthrough"
will not be able to target points within the range.
This ability cannot be used in consecutive turns, nor can it be used when
the Head section is used [↝Lightning Breath].
○Magic Obstacle = +4
Target: [Section: Head], [Section: Body]/Loss Condition: HP of 3 or
more [Section: Leg] is 0 or less.
○Large Body
When applying the wide-area effect to the Right Leg section, the effect
will not affect the Left Leg. Same is true when applying the other way.
○Attack Obstacle = Impossible • Impossible
24 Hamadryus Target: [Section: Flower]/Loss Condition: HP of all [Section: Thorn] is
Intelligence: None Perception: Magic Disposition: Neutral 0 or less.
Language: Sylvan Habitat: Forests
Rep/Weak: 22/27 Weak Point: Fire damage + 3 ○Magic Obstacle = Impossible
Initiative: 0 Movement Speed: 0 Fortitude: 30(37) Willpower: 32(39) Target: [Section: Flower]/Loss Condition: HP of all [Section: Thorn] is
0 or less.
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
None (Flower) - - 0(7) 0 50 320 ▽Entanglement
Thorn (Thorn) 29(36) 2d+26 27(34) 21 192 96 A successful hit from a Thorn target will be entangled. In each round,
Thorn (Thorn) 29(36) 2d+26 27(34) 21 192 96 the entangled target is hit automatically by the Thorn Whip and makes all
Thorn (Thorn) 29(36) 2d+26 27(34) 21 192 96 Accuracy and Evasion Checks with a -2 penalty. From the next turn, the
Thorn (Thorn) 29(36) 2d+26 27(34) 21 192 96 target is automatically hit by this Thorn section attack. Even if the character
Thorn (Thorn) 29(36) 2d+26 27(34) 21 192 96 is hit by multiple Thorns at the same time, the penalty is not cumulative.
Sections: 6 (Flower / Thorn x 5) Main Section: Flower When the target tries to escape, use de-bonding (see BT, p. 29).
Up to 5 characters can be entangled with this ability. When Hamadryus
itself wants to release a target, it can do so automatically by Minor Action.
Unique Skills
●All Sections
▽Green Lifeforce
○Attitude Control If the Thorns section is removed at the end of the turn, the MP of the
Hamadryus cannot fall prone. Flower section is regenerated by 10 points for each removed section.
○Long Thorns
Thorn attacks can attack any character within 10 meters, ignoring
Part 4 Monsters
○Steal Mana
Physical damage from melee attacks of the Branch section is dealt to
both HP and MP.
↝Spiral Branches/Can’t
The branch section attacks the target with a whip made from a bundle
of branches, dealing 2d+40 physical damage to target 1 character in the same
skirmish area. This ability requires 3 not acted Branch sections. When the
ability is used, the 3 Branch section spends their Major Actions to use this
○Attack Obstacle = Impossible • +4
Target: [Section: Branch]/Loss Condition: HP of 2 or more [Section:
Root] is 0 or less.
○Long Roots
Root attacks can attack any character within 30 meters, ignoring
○Attitude Control
The Root section cannot fall prone.
↝Drain Life
It sucks nutrients from the earth or the parasitic source and distributes
them to other sections. Geals the HP of one Core or Branch section by
"Power 100 + 30" points. Using this ability consumes 30 MP.
○Attack Obstacle = +4 • +4
21 Phantom Aggregate Target: [Section: Core]/Loss Condition: HP of 2 or more [Section:
Intelligence: None Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile Phantom] is 0 or less.
Language: None Habitat: Ruins, Labyrinth Loot
Rep/Weak: 29/33 Weak Point: HP Recovery (deals damage instead), +3 pts.
Initiative: 29 Movement Speed: 24 (Floating) 2–8 Enchanted Object (2,000G/Gold White S)
Fortitude: 26(33) Willpower: 28(35) 9 – 13 Strongly Enchanted Object (11,000G/Gold White SS)
14+ Binding Contract (28,000G/Gold White SS)
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
None (Core) - - 26(33) 0 260 164
- - 26(33) 0 222 108
(Phantom) This is a gathering of Undead who have left behind grudges. The
None monster has a spherical shape with a diameter of about 5 meters. Humanoid
- - 26(33) 0 222 108
(Phantom) spirits appear to be protruding from it, and then they return to the sphere.
None The nucleus, which is the center of the monster, is surrounded by several
- - 26(33) 0 222 108 phantoms that cannot be easily interfered with.
These creatures have no intelligence; their only behavioral principle is
- - 26(33) 0 222 108 to indiscriminately attack nearby living creatures. They project their spiritual
bodies from all parts of their spheres when attacking living creatures and
Sections: 5 (Core / Phantom x 4) Main Section: Core then attack the minds of the victims with their vindictive voices and thoughts.
Unique Skills
●All Sections 23 Dullahan Hierophant
○Psychic Immunity Intelligence: High Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: Arcana, Magitech Habitat: Unknown
○Normal Weapon Immunity Rep/Weak: 30/37 Weak Point: Energy type damage +3 points
Initiative: 34 Movement Speed: 30 Fortitude: 29(36) Willpower: 30(37)
○Spirit Body
When physical damage is received by Phantom Aggregate, the applied F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
damage is determined by halving the combined damage (rounding up). None (Core) - - 26(33) 0 260 164
- - 26(33) 0 222 108
○Magic Damage Reduction = 10 points (Phantom)
- - 26(33) 0 222 108
●Core (Phantom)
○☑↝Magic Aptitude None
- - 26(33) 0 222 108
They can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Power Assurance], (Phantom)
[Metamagic/Accuracy], [Metamagic/Targets], [Metamagic/Distance], None
- - 26(33) 0 222 108
[Metamagic/Time], [Metamagic/Area]. (Phantom)
Sections: 3 (Rider / Right Half / Left Half) Main Section: Rider
↝Spiritualism Magic, Summoning Arts 16 Level/Magic Power
[Temporary Resurrection] and [Garm's Gate] have been mastered
Unique Skills
among the Transcendent spells, ●All Sections
○Normal Weapon Immunity
↝Spiritual Resonance/25(32)/Willpower/Half
Phantoms surround the target, damaging them. All targets in a 20m ○Flight II
radius around the target suffer “2d x Number of Spirit Sections” curse magic
damage. This damage is dealt to both HP and MP.
○Attitude Control
●Phantom Dullahan Hierophant cannot fall prone.
↝Mental Decay/26(33)/Willpower/Neg
The target is made to listen to the vindictive cries of the phantom and
its mind breaks. Target 1 Character within 30m has "Spirit" reduced by 6 ↝Truespeech Magic, Divine Magic, Magitech 15 Level/Magic
points. If the spirit is reduced, the maximum MP, current value, and Power 23(30)
Willpower are also recalculated based on the reduced values.
This effect does not reduce the Spirit to less than 0, but if it reaches 0, ○☑↝Magic Aptitude
the target loses consciousness and cannot be awakened by any means until They can use the Combat Feats [Multi-Action], [Guided Magic], [Magic
Phantom Aggregate is defeated. Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Targets],
In the case of a fixed-value character, if the effect is applied "Willpower [Metamagic/Distance], [Double Cast], [Wordbreak].
- monster level" times, it is also assumed to lose consciousness.
This effect is treated as a curse+psychic type with Target Number 33 ☆True Branding/30(37)/Willpower/Neg
and is cumulative. Dullahan Hierophant brands target character. The target 1 character
within “Range: 50m”, “Area: Shot”, cannot move and cannot take Minor
↝Control Transfer Action for 10 seconds (1 round).
Increases the number of Major Actions of the Core section by one. This This effect is treated as a psychic type and consumes 10 MP when used.
effect is applied for 1 round (10 seconds). Only one Phantom section can This effect can be used up to twice per round on different targets.
use this unique skill each round.
Part 4 Monsters
Unique Skills
●All Sections
○Normal Weapon Immunity
○Blood Bond
If the Nosferatu that created this Empusa is within a "100m radius" with
HP 1 or more, Empusa does not die even if its HP falls to 0 or below, nor
does it become unconscious, but it continues to be active.
This ability is lost if any character succeeds in the Monster Knowledge
check at the beginning of the battle with a Success Value of 35 or more. The
Monster Knowledge check for this ability requires a separate Success Value
for each Empusa. This monster will die immediately if this ability is lost,
Nosferatu is no longer near, or if Nosferatu HP becomes 0 or less.
25 Megaton Zombie ↝Noxious Gas/34(41)/Fortitude/Neg
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hungry The Noxious Gas comes from the hole in the body and fills the area
Language: None Habitat: Grasslands, Wastelands within 20 meters around the Megaton Zombie. The area will be filled with
Rep/Weak: 29/32 Weak Point: Magic damage +2 points Noxious Gas for 3 minutes (18 rounds).
Initiative: 10 Movement Speed: 30 Fortitude: 32(39) Willpower: 30(37) A character under the influence of the gas needs to make a Fortitude
check at the end of each turn, receiving on fail 2d+12 disease magic damage,
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP and one of the randomly chosen ability scores is reduced by -12 points. This
Bite (Head) 33(40) 2d+24 30(37) 22 284 65 effect is treated as a disease type, and the ability score is randomly selected
None (Body) - - 26(33) 24 368 56 each time the resistance fails until the character is out of the range of Noxious
Gas. The reduction of the same ability score is cumulative.
Trample 28(35) 20 245 38
32(39) 2d+28 A successful resistance only saves from this round effect but does not
(Right Leg)
remove the effect already suffered.
33(39) 2d+28 28(35) 20 245 38 In addition, characters cannot see into gas while being outside it.
(Right Leg)
This Noxious Gas is lost by reducing this monster's Body section HP
33(39) 2d+28 28(35) 20 245 38 by 100 points or more or by using [↝Miasmic Bomb Breath].
(Right Leg)
Trample (Left
33(39) 2d+28 28(35) 20 245 38 ●Right Leg/Left Leg
Trample (Left ○Too Big
33(39) 2d+28 28(35) 20 245 38
Leg) Right Leg and Left Leg sections cannot target the same character with a
Trample (Left Melee Attack. But Right Legs or Left Legs can target the same character
33(39) 2d+28 28(35) 20 245 38
Leg) (separate for each).
Sections: 8 (Head / Body / Right Leg x 3 / Left Leg x 3) Main Section: Head
○Attack Obstacle = Impossible • Impossible
Target: [Section: Head], [Section: Body]/Loss Condition: HP of 3 or
Unique Skills more [Section: Leg] is 0 or less.
●All Sections
○Bludgeoning Immunity ○Magic Obstacle = +4
Target: [Section: Head], [Section: Body]/Loss Condition: HP of 3 or
○Curse, Psychic Immunity more [Section: Leg] is 0 or less.
↝Miasmic Bomb Breath/35(42)/Fortitude/Half
Lightning ignites the air around the target and bombs the area around The Megaton has become Undead. Its flesh is rotting, and its very
the target. All targets within a 20m radius are dealt "2d+40" points of presence is enough to infect surrounding creatures. Its hair has fallen out,
bludgeoning disease magic damage. and nerves and blood vessels can be seen through its bare skin.
The power-generating organs on its back are rotten and defunct, and its
This ability only works if the area is under the effect of [↝Noxious Gas]
cavities emit a high concentration of noxious gas like smoke. This gas is
and [↝Noxious Gas] is lost when this ability is used.
combustible and can be easily ignited by breath emitted from its head,
causing an explosion.
Part 4 Monsters
26 Lich Description
Intelligence: Unmeasurable Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile Liches were the wizard-kings of the Magic Civilization Period who
Language: All Habitat: Unknown dedicated their lives to cultivating magic. Despite their completely skeletal
Rep/Weak: 36/52 bodies, they remain connected to this world through magic.
Weak Point: HP Recovery (deals damage instead), + 3 points Liches possess an unparalleled understanding of the logic of this world
Initiative: 40 Movement Speed: 40 and continue to develop advanced spells. Ruthless and cold-hearted, they
Fortitude: 30 (37) Willpower: 36 (43) view all living creatures as nothing more than worthless research materials.
They keep them alive only because they have no reason to eliminate them.
Liches even consider gods to be mere mechanisms that run this world
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP and leave them alone to not interfere with their own advancements.
Staff 30(37) 2d+22 31(38) 16 346 582
Unique Skills
○Regeneration = 20 points
○Knowledge Incarnate
Lich can do a check using Sage class with Standard Value 35. In this
case, these checks are treated as Transcendent checks (see p. 25), and it is
treated as if they have mastered Combat Feat [Sage's Wisdom].
☑Vigorous Chanting
Lich can cast 3 spells with one Major Action, and the name and target
of the 3 spells may be different. Casting spells with [☑Vigorous Chanting] is
treated as if its Magic Power is 8 points Low. If they declare [Double Cast]
Combat Feat, Lich can cast 6 spells of 10 level or lower with one Major
Action, but their Magic Power will be -18 lower.
Always Omnipotent Staff (80,000G/Green Gold SS)
2 – 12 None
13+ Crystallized Wisdom (128,000/Gold White SS)
16 Silver Golem The Silver Golem requires the "Maximal" version of the Enhancing
Int: Servant Perc: Magic Disp: Instructed Items. Most of them are the same as other Golem Enhancing Items except
Lang: None Hab: Various for the price, and some of them have stronger effects.
Rep/Weak: 20/26 W.P.: Energy damage +3 points Here is a list of available Enhancing Items and their effects for the
Initiative: 22 Movement Speed: 15 created Silver Golem.
Fortitude: 21 (28) Willpower: 20 (27)
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP Maximum of Enhancing Items = 6
Fist (Right ※Any Section
19(26) 2d+18 16(23) 22 130 -
Side) Obsidian Shield (Maximal) (12,000)
Fist (Left Side) 19(26) 2d+18 16(23) 22 130 - ☑Cover III
Golem can use [Cover III] combat feat (see IB, p. 38).
Sections: 2 (Right Side / Left Side)
Main Section: None Corundum Protection (Maximal) (8,000)
○Iron Wall
Unique Skills Golem gains the effect of the [Iron Wall] combat feat (see IB, p. 31).
●All Sections Diamond Protection (Maximal) (8,000)
○Familiars Knowledge = Conjurer class ○Guardian
Golem gains the effect of the [Guardian] combat feat (see p. 31).
○Silver Body
The Silver Golem is immune to criticals from edged weapons and all Sunstone Brilliance (Maximal) (24,000)
non-Energy-type Magic damage. ↝Brand
This monster's melee attacks are treated as if they were made with silver The Golem takes a large stance in preparation for the next attack. The
weapons. next round's attack always hits and cannot be evaded, and the damage is
increased by +6 points.
↝Twin Strike & Double Attack
Silver Golem can make two Fist attacks each round, though each attack Amber Eye (Maximal) (40,000)
requires its own Accuracy check. They may choose to attack different
characters with each attack.
○Ultimate Aim
Golem gains +4 to Accuracy checks.
☑Improved Aimed Attack
Garnet of Vitality (Maximal) (16,000)
When attacking, the Iron Golem can gain a +4 bonus to Accuracy but
receives a -8 penalty for damage dealt when doing so. ○HP Enhancement
Golem’s Maximum HP increased by +20 points.
Focused Garnet of Vitality (Maximal) (24,000)
Always Enhanced Silver (1,500G/Gold Black S)
Always Silver Nugget (1,700G/Black S) x 1d ○Improved HP Enhancement
Golem’s Maximum HP increased by +20 points. [○HP Enhancement]
Description and this effect are cumulative.
This is a 6-meter tall silvered golem, not much different from other
Shimmering Onyx (Maximal) (12,000)
golems, but it is very durable and will not be defeated by half-hearted attacks.
It is a bit expensive for a conjurer's golem, but it is expected to be useful ○Mana Coating
for its price. Any magic damage the section suffers is reduced by -3.
Part 4 Monsters
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical Disposition: Instructed Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical Disposition: Instructed
Language: None Habitat: Ruins Language: None Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 28/31 Weak Point: Lightning damage + 3 Rep/Weak: 32/35 Weak Point: Lightning damage + 3 points
Initiative: 29 Movement Speed: 30 Fortitude: 26(33) Willpower: 26(33) Initiative: 35 Movement Speed: 30 Fortitude: 33(40) Willpower: 33(40)
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP Head Butt
Slam 26(33) 2d+26 26(33) 20 191 - 35(42) 2d+30 33(40) 25 196 -
Main Gun
34(41) 2d+25 32(39) 30 266 -
Unique Skills (Body)
Fist (Right
○Mechanical Body Arm)
36(43) 2d+33 30(37) 20 188 -
It is immune to criticals from edged weapons. Fist (Left
36(43) 2d+33 30(37) 20 188 -
↝Circuit Coupling
It can touch (couple) a magitech character (or its section) and strengthen Sections: 4 (Head / Body / Right Arm / Left Arm Main Section: None
it. The AT-TACH cannot move or perform Major Action by its own will. Unique Skills
At the same time, the AT-TACH gives [○Attack Obstacle = Impossible • ●All Sections
Impossible] and [○Magic Obstacle = Impossible] to the coupled character. ○Mechanical Body
This effect cannot be used on other AT-TACH. Also, this effect cannot be It is immune to criticals from edged weapons.
used on magitech, which is already under the effect of [↝Circuit Coupling].
This effect is lost when the AT-TACH HP becomes 0 or less. ☆Attachment Regeneration
A section receiving [↝Circuit Coupling] can recover 40 points of HP
☆Overload from AT-TACH bound to the section by reducing their HP by 20 points.
AT-TACH overloads and works beyond its limits. Roll 1d, for 10 This effect can be used only once per round for each section.
seconds (1 round), the AT-TACH gets the effect corresponding to the
following "Overload Table" rolls. ●Body
If a magitech is bound to another magitech with [↝Circuit Coupling],
this effect is given to the coupled magitech. ○Gun
This ability is cumulative only for effects of different rolls. It also The Main Gun is a Gun weapon that has a range of 50 meters and a
consumes 10 points of HP when used. maximum magazine of 1.
☑All-Out Attack II
Description A Fist can deal an additional 24 damage on its next attack. However,
This magitech device created during the Magitech Civilization Period any Evasion check made by this section this turn receives a -4 penalty.
can change its shape at will. In its normal state, it resembles a spider with a
thick torso and legs, measuring about 1 meter in length. Loot
When transformed, the armor is made of incredibly strong materials Always Iron Ingot (100G/Black A) x 1d
and can be used for offensive, defensive, and other purposes. It also has a 2–8 Mysterious Magitech Components (2,400G/Black White S)
built-in mechanism that serves as an escort for other magitech devices, 9+ High-Quality Magitech Components (7,600G/Black White S)
improving its performance or extending its functionality by attaching to the
relevant section.
This humanoid magitech was produced during the Magitech
Civilization Period. It stands about 3 meters tall and has a huge cannon
attached to its abdomen. According to records, it was prepared as a
prototype, and there are no existing working models.
CONN-ECTOR was designed to operate in support of AT-TACH,
operating simultaneously with them. When encountered alone, they may be
treated as manageable obstacles by Transcendents. However, when
encountered with a large number of AT-TACH, they can defeat even large
armies of Barbarous.
by receiving fire-type's damage. The maximum number of Heat Points is 8
26 Gigant Shooter and it cannot have more.
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical & Magic When operating this monster, always be sure to know how many Heat
Disposition: Instructed Language: None Habitat: Unknown Points are accumulated in the Body section.
Rep/Weak: 37/41 Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 points
Initiative: 35 Movement Speed: 18 Fortitude: 33(40) Willpower: 33(40) ○Thermal Overload
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP At the beginning of each round, roll 2d, and if the roll is less than the
Head Butt current Heat Point, the Gigant Shooter goes into Thermal Overload, and all
32(39) 2d+25 31(38) 24 192 131 its sections' HP are reduced by 20 points.
Twin Gun
34(41) 2d+30 30(37) 20 210 88 ○Attack Obstacle = +4 • +4
(Right Arm)
Cannon (Left Target: [Section: Head]/Loss Condition: HP of [Section: Body] is 0 or
34(41) 2d+30 30(37) 20 210 88 less.
None (Body - - 29(36) 30 336 105
↝Release Heat/30(37)/Fortitude/Half
Sections: 4 (Head / Right Arm / Left Arm / Body)
It removes the heat accumulated in itself, which inflicts damage to its
Main Section: Head, Body (All)
surroundings. At the same time, it disperses hot air around it and deals to all
nearby characters in the same skirmish area as itself “2d x Current Heat
Unique Skills Points)” fire and wind magic damage. Using this effect consumes 20 MP,
●All Sections and the Heat Points of Body section returns to 0 point.
○Magic Damage Resistance ↝Full Reload
It is immune to criticals from magic damage.
Completely reload the ammunition of the Twin Gun and Cannon of
the Right and Left Arm sections.
○Precise Shot & Hawk Eye
Attacks fired into a skirmish cannot cause Stray Shots. Also, it can shoot
through covers.
Always Iron Ingot (100G/Black A) x 2d
●Head 2–8 High-Quality Magitech Components (7,600G/Black White S)
9+ Marvelous Magitech Components (44,400G/Black White SS)
○Fire Immunity
↝Sonic Blaster/31(38)/Willpower/Half Description
It emits a sonic blast. The arms of this 8-meter tall giant each transform into a gigantic cannon
All targets within a 20m radius of the Gigant Shooter center suffer barrel. The head and arms are magitech, but the torso is a built body like
"2d+20" bludgeoning magic damage. In addition, targets that fail resistance the Flabby Golem. Although the head and arms are designed to resemble a
are deafened for 10 seconds (1 round). human body, they lack internal organs. Destroying parts of the head and
In addition, this effect will cause Spellsongs, Stratagems, Divine Magic torso will not completely stop this monster.
[Battle Hymn], [Battle Hymn II] to lose their effects within the area. The The Golem was originally designed as a continuous-use base defense
Success Value of each effect is compared with this unique skill. weapon by refining giant golems and attaching a magitech weapon to it.
Using this effect consumes 10 MP and increases the Heat Points of the While its combat power is enough to overwhelm Barbarous's army or a herd
Body section by 2 points. of dragons, its structural defects make it impossible to operate for a long
This unique skill cannot be used on consecutive turns. period of time.
Currently, there are no operating Gigant Shooters, and the
●Right Arm manufacturing process for them has been lost.
The Twin Gun is a Gun weapon that has a range of 30 meters and a
maximum magazine of 6.
↝Sweeping Fire
Uses its gun against all targets within 30m, consuming bullets equal to
the number of targets. Also, this effect will increase the Heat Points of Body
section by the same number of points as that of the targets.
●Left Arm
The Cannon is a Gun weapon that has a range of 100 meters and a
maximum magazine of 2.
↝Plasma Gun/34(41)/Evasion/Neg
Makes a ranged attack with "Area: Line" at "Range: 100m" from the
cannon. Consumes one bullet.
Deals "2d+30" energy and bludgeoning magic damage to the targets.
Using this effect consumes 10 MP and increases the Heat Points of the
Body section by 1 point.
○Fire Vulnerability
When Gigant Shooter is hit by Fire-type damage, it takes an extra 3
damage. Whenever the fire type receives physical or magical damage, the
Heat Points of the Body section are increased by 1 point.
Part 4 Monsters
23 Ceilios Always Celestial Beast's Magic Fur (8,000G/Red S)
Intelligence: High Perception: Magic Disposition: Neutral 2–6 None
Language: All Habitat: High Altitudes 7 – 12 Discolored Celestial Beast's Magic Fur (16,000G/Red SS)
Rep/Weak: 24/31 Weak Points: Accuracy +1 13+ Celestial Beast's Front Fangs (25,000G/Red SS)
Initiative: 42 Movement Speed: 50/100(Flying)
Fortitude: 31(38) Willpower: 34(41)
F Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Def. HP MP Description
Bite (Head) 29(36) 2d+27 31(38) 24 192 192 This Mythical Beast takes the form of a wolf, sometimes growing up to
Claws (Front) 31(38) 2d+21 29(36) 25 224 160 10 meters tall, but usually reaching a height of 5 meters. Its fur is said to
Claws (Back) 30(37) 2d+23 29(36) 25 224 160 become soft when it's in contact with those it trusts, and sharp as a blade
Sections: 3 (Head / Front / Back) Main Section: Head when it's in contact with its enemies. Its coat changes color depending on the
time of day: gold during the day, silver under the moonlight, and jet black in
the dark.
Unique Skills Ceilios are said to live high in the sky, beyond the reach of human eyes,
●All Sections and are therefore sometimes called "celestial wolves." According to an
ancient poem, they serve the chiefs of the Mythical Beasts, who are as
○Normal Weapon Immunity powerful as the Ancient Dragons, and appear on earth at the turn of an age
or as omens of bad luck. If ancient records are correct, Ceilios' gaze seems
○Fast Action to have the power to bring death to those who look into its eyes. However,
Knows the Combat Feat [Fast Action]. there have been no known sightings of Ceilios in the last several hundred
years, and no further details are known.
○Flight II
↝Super Charge & Trample
With "Range: 300m" and "Area: Breakthrough", it makes a melee attack
against the targets. If the target is hit, the damage is increased by +60 points.
This ability can be used only when all sections are ready to act and are
not in a skirmish area at the beginning of its turn and when Full Move is
possible. The use of this ability is declared before the move, and once it is
used, the Full Move is considered to have been made, and at the same time,
the actions of all sections are completed.
↝Death's Roar/25(32)/Willpower/Neg
The Ceilios emits a terrifying, chilling roar that echoes within a radius
of 200 meters around it. Thereafter, the affected targets receive +3 points to
any physical damage and magic damage it receives.
This effect is cumulative. This effect is removed when the Ceilios who
used [↝Death Roar] dies.
○Multiple Declarations = 2 times
☑Cleave II
It can attack with Claws up to 5 target characters within the skirmish in
which it resides.
☑Repeated Strike II
Can make two Accuracy checks. If either check succeeds, the Claws
attack hits; if the first Accuracy check succeeds, it deals +3 damage; if the
second check succeeds, the damage is determined as usual.
↝Control Transfer
27 Ancient Dragon (Dormant Period) Increases the number of Major Actions of the Head section by one.
Intelligence: Unmeasurable Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) & Magic
Disposition: Unknown Language: All Habitat: Unknown ○Attack Obstacle = Impossible • Impossible
Rep/Weak: 10/40 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points Target: [Section: Head]/Loss Condition: HP of [Section: Body] is 0 or
Initiative: 36 Movement Speed: 30/60(Flying) less.
Fortitude: 36(43) Willpower: 35(42)
F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP ○Magic Obstacle = Impossible
Bite (Head) 35(42) 2d+34 35(42) 30 203 340 Target: [Section: Head]/Loss Condition: HP of [Section: Body] is 0 or
Talons (Body) 36(43) 2d+32 33(40) 34 381 244 less.
Wing (Wing) 33(40) 2d+29 34(41) 28 170 138
Wing (Wing) 33(40) 2d+29 34(41) 28 170 138 ●Wing
Tail (Tail) 34(41) 2d+31 34(41) 31 269 166
○Flight II
Sections: 5 (Head / Body / Wing x 2 / Tail) Main Section: Head
☆Mana Collapsing Wing
Unique Skills Changes the damage type of Melee Attack to magic damage. Using this
●All Sections effect consumes 20 MP.
Part 4 Monsters
21 Paantu Earth
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral ○Regeneration = 30 points
Language: Sylvan Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 24/28 Weak Point: Wind type damage +3 points ○Attack Obstacle = +4 • +4
Initiative: 26 Movement Speed: 19 Fortitude: 28(35) Willpower: 26(33) Target: [Section: Head]/Loss Condition: HP of [Section: Body] is 0 or
F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP less.
Mask (Head) 25(32) 2d+19 26(33) 17 163 1312
Slam (Body) 26(33) 2d+18 24(31) 23 208 114 ○Sacred Mud Domain
Staff (Staff) - - 25(32) 20 124 253 The ground within a radius of 20m centered on the Paantu turns into a
muddy area where it is difficult to stand. All characters within the range
Sections: 3 (Head / Body / Staff) Main Section: Head receive a penalty modifier of -2 due to poor footing if they have their feet on
the ground.
Unique Skills
●All Sections ↝Bury In Mud/26(33)/Fortitude/Neg
Paantu extends its mud arm from the area of the [○Sacred Mud
○Earth Immunity
Domain] and captures the target. If the character fails the resistance, they are
buried in the mud up to their waist, cannot move by normal means, and
○Mud Body suffer a penalty of -4 for not being able to use both legs.
Bludgeoning weapons treat the Paantu’s Defense as 10 points higher. A character buried in the mud can escape with a Major Action by
successfully checking with "Adventurer Level + Strength modifier" as a
○Wind Vulnerability Standard Value and Target Number of 33.
When the Paantu is hit by Wind-type damage, it takes an extra 3 This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns.
●Head ○2 Actions
☆Shape Change
Swaps the current HP values of the Head and Body sections. Using this ○☑↝Magic Aptitude = All
effect consumes 10 MP.
↝Limited Fairy Magic 16 Level/Magic Power 26(33)
↝Masked Gaze/27(34)/Willpower/Half Can cast earth-type fairy magic spells up to 16th level.
Paantu glares with eyes behind the mask, dealing 2d+22 psychic magic
damage. A target who fails resistance suffers Petrifaction (agility/dexterity -
↝Magic Power Increase
12) (see BT, p. 28) in addition to damage.
For 3 minutes (18 rounds), this effect raises the Magic Power of all
Using this ability costs 10 MP.
characters within a radius of 6m/All around Paantu by +1 and gives a +1
bonus to the Success Value of its unique skills [↝Masked Gaze] and [↝Bury
In Mud]. This effect is cumulative up to +3.
This effect can be used only once per round. It also consumes 20 MP
when used.
Paantu is a powerful earth fairy, appearing as an old man with a crooked
back dressed in rags. It carries a twisted plant staff under its right arm and
wears a metallic mask that covers its entire face. Paantu is considered to be
in charge of the earth and ground, and in some regions, its rituals are
believed to symbolize earthquakes and fertility.
21 Fenrir Water/Ice 21 Phoenix Fire
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: Sylvan Habitat: Various Language: Sylvan Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 24/28 Weak Point: Fire damage + 3 points Rep/Weak: 23/28 Weak Point: Water/Ice damage + 3 points
Initiative: 27 Movement Speed: 24/24 (Swimming) Initiative: 27 Movement Speed: 39 (Flying)
Fortitude: 27(34) Willpower: 27(34) Fortitude: 29(36) Willpower: 26(33)
F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP
Bite (Body) 26(33) 2d+22 24(31) 18 252 120 Bike (Body) 25(32) 2d+20 25(32) 18 199 199
Chain (Chain) 27(34) 2d+20 25(32) 20 188 85 Wing (Wing) 26(33) 2d+18 24(31) 16 164 164
Chain (Chain) 27(34) 2d+20 25(32) 20 188 85 Wing (Wing) 26(33) 2d+18 24(31) 16 164 164
Sections: 3 (Body / Chain x 2) Main Section: Body Sections: 3 (Body / Wing x 2) Main Section: Body
↝Chain Barrier
Creates a chain barrier to shield target 1 character within 30m. The Description
chain barrier blocks all ranged attacks and Area: Shot effects that the target Phoenix is a large fairy of fire, measuring about one meter in length.
does not want, and the chain section takes its place but does not interfere However, the golden fire that covers its entire body gives the illusion that it
with visibility. It also does not block the target's attempts. is more than twice as large. According to legend, the fire released by Phoenix
contains magical regenerative powers. It is said that even the souls of those
Loot who have been scarred can be purified and returned to the normal flow of
None life.
Fenrir is a higher fairy that embodies water and ice. It is believed to have
been created by combining the soul of a legendary magical beast inhabiting
the frozen earth and mana. Fenrir is about three meters long, with shining
blue-silver body hair and long, jet-black chains clinging to its body. Fenrir's
will can move the tips of the chains freely, but it is also said that Fenrir
controls them with its own powerful mana.
Part 4 Monsters
21 Zephyr Wind
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: Sylvan Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 24/28 Weak Point: Earth damage + 3 points
Initiative: 30 Movement Speed: 30/60 (Flying)
Fortitude: 27(34) Willpower: 26(33)
F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP
Head Butt (Head) 25(32) 2d+18 27(34) 17 177 144
War Spear (Right) 26(34) 2d+22 25(32) 19 203 95
Warhammer (Left) 28(36) 2d+20 25(32) 19 203 95
Sections: 3 (Head / Right / Left) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●All Sections
○Wind Immunity
○Earth Vulnerability
When Fenrir is hit by Earth-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage.
○☑↝Magic Aptitude = All
↝Limited Fairy Magic 16 Level/Magic Power 26(33)
Can cast wind-type fairy magic spells up to the 16th level.
▽Continuous Attack II
If War Spear successfully hits a target in melee, it may make a second
attack. If a second attack hits, it can make a third attack against the same
▽Painful Strike
If the 2d roll of the damage roll is 10 or more, the damage is increased
by an additional +20 points.
☑Storm Blow
Changes War Spear damage to wind magic damage.
Declaring this effect consumes 20 MP. Also, all sections have a -1
penalty to Fortitude and Willpower.
○Multiple Declarations = 2 times
☑Warhammer Wielder
Zephyr has mastered [Cleave II], [Power Strike III], [Cover III] Combat
▼Phantom Counter
Zephyr can use [Phantom Counter] combat feat (see p. 27).
Zephyr is a powerful wind fairy that takes the form of a giant standing 5
meters tall. In its presence, the wind blows around it, and when it is angry, it
can create storms and tornadoes. It wields a war spear longer than its own
body in its right hand and a warhammer the size of a large tree in its left.
21 Oberon Light 21 Vujato Dark
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) & Magic
Language: Up to GM Habitat: Various Disposition: Neutral Language: Sylvan Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 25/29 Weak Point: Accuracy +1 Rep/Weak: 25/29 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 27 Movement Speed: 25 (Flying) Initiative: 29 Movement Speed: 25 (Floating)
Fortitude: 26(33) Willpower: 28(35) Fortitude: 26(33) Willpower: 29(36)
F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP
Weapon (Body) 25(32) 2d+20 26(33) 18 184 263 Ray (Large Eye) 25(32) 2d+22 26(33) 20 184 255
Wing (Wing) 26(33) 2d+18 25(32) 16 130 114 Ray (Right Eye) 27(34) 2d+24 25(32) 18 168 139
Wing (Wing) 26(33) 2d+18 25(32) 16 130 114 Ray (Left Eye) 27(34) 2d+24 25(32) 18 168 139
Sections: 3 (Body / Wing x 2) Main Section: Body Sections: 3 (Large Eye, Right Eye, Left Eye) Main Section: Large Eye
Part 4 Monsters
16 Nauvezul 20 Ergadiar
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Intelligence: High Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Disposition: Hostile Language: Daemonic Habitat: Oceans Language: None Habitat: Labyrinths, Ruins
Rep/Weak: 22/27 Weak Point: Bludgeoning type damage +3 Rep/Weak: 23/28 Weak Point: Earth damage + 3 points
Initiative: 28 Movement Speed: 20 Fortitude: 26(33) Willpower: 21(28) Initiative: 24 Movement Speed: 10(Floating)
F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP Fortitude: 26(33) Willpower: 25(32)
Bite (Body) 20(27) 2d+16 20(27) 30 135 68 F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP
Bracelet (Right None (Flesh
22(29) 2d+21 19(26) 15 97 33 - - 24(31) 0 250 222
Arm) Tube)
Bracelet (Left Bite (Black
22(29) 2d+21 19(26) 15 97 33 23(30) 2d+20 25(32) 20 104 46
Arm) Wolf)
Sections: 3 (Body / Right Arm / Left Arm) Main Section: Body Sections: 3-5 (Flesh Tube / Black Wolf x 2 - 4) Main Section: Flesh Tube
Ergadiar can make the created Black Wolf section learn Combat Feat
[Shadow Sneak] by spending an extra 10 points of MP at the time of creation. 24 Garm
If there is already a Black Wolf section that has [Shadow Sneak], you cannot Intelligence: Average Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
spend extra MP. Only one section can have this Combat Feat. Language: Daemonic Habitat: Labyrinths, Ruins
Rep/Weak: 27/34 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
●Black Wolf Initiative: 36 Movement Speed: 40 Fortitude: 33(41) Willpower: 31(38)
○Limited Attack Obstacle = Impossible ・ Impossible F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP
If there are two or more Black Wolf sections with the same coordinates Bite (Head) 31(38) 2d+28 29(36) 24 224 179
as the Flesh Tube section, the Flesh Tube section cannot be the target of Claws (Body) 33(40) 2d+25 30(37) 26 288 172
melee and ranged attacks.
Sections: 2 (Head / Body) Main Section: Head
○Separable Section
The Black Wolf section does not exist at the same coordinates as Flesh Unique Skills
Tube and can move away from with movement. If it moves to different ●All Sections
coordinates, it is treated as a different character with the same combat data
and abilities as the Black Wolf section. ○Fire Immunity, Water/ice Immunity
The movement speed of the Black Wolf section is treated as 30. If the
Black Wolf section is more than 50 meters from the Flesh Tube section, it ○Teleportation
disappears regardless of the current HP value.
When moving, it moves instantly to any location within 40m. It has no
restrictions when moving through or leaving a skirmish area.
▽Continuous Attack II
If Black Wolf successfully hits a target in melee, it may make a second
▽Magic Reflection
attack. If a second attack hits, it can make a third attack against the same
If Garm succeeds in Willpower against the spell, it does not receive any
effect, regardless of the type of resistance of the spell. The spell is reflected
back to the caster, and the caster must perform Willpower against it.
▽Painful Strike If the reflected spell's caster is initially one of the targets, the spell affects
If the 2d roll of the damage roll is 10 or more, the damage is increased the caster only once.
by an additional +14 points.
Always Great Daemon’s Crystal (1,600G/Red S) ↝Black Flame Breath/30(37)/Fortitude/Half
Within "Range: 100m" and "Area: Line", it spits out a jet-black fire in
Always Otherworld Flesh (33,000G/Red Gold SS)
three directions simultaneously, dealing "2d+28" fire magic damage.
2 – 10 None
It's important to note that each firing direction must be different. If a
11 – 13 Remnants of the Otherworld (4,500G/Gold White S) x 1d character is within multiple effect areas, they must roll 1d for each area. On
14+ Otherworld Egg (40,000G/Gold White SS) a roll of "1-3," the character will be affected once, and on a roll of "4-6," they
will not be affected.
Ergadiar is a Daemon that appears as an irregularly shaped lump of flesh ●Body
with a radius of about 2 meters. Its body surface is black and flickering, and ☑Onslaught of the Dark Beast
it floats almost motionless. With tremendous force, Garm can attack 4 times per round, all 4
The otherworld itself is contained inside the flesh and can be released attacks being made against the same target; if the target is successfully evaded,
into the surroundings at will. However, its range is limited and cannot be Garm gets a +2 bonus to its Accuracy check and +4 points to its damage for
fully reproduced. the same turn of attack. This effect is cumulative each time the target evades.
The number of black wolf sections that appear is determined by the This effect is lost once the attack hits.
GM. It may be “2 + half of 1d” at random, or the GM may choose any
appropriate number. ○Attack Obstacle = +4 • None
Target: [Section: Head]/Loss Condition: HP of [Section: Body] is 0 or
Always Great Daemon’s Crystal (1,600G/Red S)
2–6 Black Beast Claws (3,200G/Red S)
7 – 11 Black Beast Fangs (6,400G/Red S)
12+ Black Beast Cursed Fur (12,800G/Red SS)
Garm is a daemon in the form of a large dog, about the size of a human
adult, covered with jet-black hair all over its body, with crimson hair only on
its chest. It is believed that this crimson hair is dyed by the blood of Garm's
victims and is thought to possess powerful curse powers.
Many daemon researchers believe that Garm sits between the daemon
world and Raxia, monitoring comings and goings. Those who are unfit to
enter the daemon world are either driven away by Garm or torn apart by its
sharp fangs and claws. However, being an evil daemon, Garm is also willing
to overlook those whom it deems harmful to other worlds. As a result,
otherworldly evils are supposed to pass through the daemon world to other
In labyrinths and ruins, Garms are responsible for guarding the most
important places. In many cases, they guard the gates to the otherworld.
Part 4 Monsters
25 Graabadon Always Crystallized Great Daemon’s Blood (1,600G/Red S)
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile 2–9 Great Daemon's Insect Wings (8,900G/Red S)
Language: Daemonic Habitat: Daemon World 10 – 12 Great Daemon's Insect Wings (8,900G/Red S) x 1d
Rep/Weak: 22/29 Weak Point: Bludgeoning type damage +3 13+ Great Daemon's Insect Poison (22,000G/Red SS)
Initiative: 30 Movement Speed: 30(Floating)
Fortitude: 31(38) Willpower: 31(38)
F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP Description
Bite (Head) 31(38) 2d+27 30(37) 28 210 168 Graabadon is a Daemon who appears as a giant armored warrior
Weapon (Upper standing at about 6 meters tall. Countless jet-black locusts seemingly gather
32(39) 2d+29 31(38) 28 230 86
Body) together to form its body. He is one of the Daemon generals under the direct
Kick (Lower command of the Daemon King known as the “Four Daemon Generals of
30(37) 2d+27 29(36) 28 220 74
Body) Apocalypse.” Graabadon is also referred to as the "Famine Locust General,"
Sections: 3 (Head / Upper Body / Lower Body) Main Section: None as it represents the calamity of famine.
Wherever Graabadon passes through, it leaves nothing but a desolate
wasteland and leads a host of starving fowls, beasts, and insects, devouring
Unique Skills everything in its path.
●All Sections
○Poison, Disease, Psychic Immunity
○Locust Body
The Graabadon does not receive a critical hit from edged weapons, and
its Defense is treated as 5 points higher.
For each round at the beginning of each turn, the HP of each section is
totaled and can be distributed freely. The HP of each section cannot be
more than the maximum value. The section whose HP is 0 or less cannot
be targeted by this ability.
○Multiple Declarations = 2 times
○☑↝Magic Aptitude
They can use the Combat Feats [Multi-Action], [Guided Magic], [Magic
Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Targets], [Hawk Eye],
●Upper Body
↝Locust Swarm/26(33)/Fortitude/Half
Graabadon shoots countless locusts, and they devour anyone in their
path. Deals "2d+25" slashing magic damage at "Range: 50m" and "Area: Line".
This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns. Also, it consumes 10
HP of Upper Body section when used.
↝Sweeping Attack
Upper Body makes a Weapon attack against all enemies in the same
This unique skill cannot be used on consecutive turns.
●Lower Body
○Attack Obstacle = +4 • None
Target: [Section: Head] and [Section: Upper Body]/Loss Condition:
HP of [Section: Lower Body] is 0 or less.
↝Ravenous Locust/Can’t
Within “Range: Touch" deals to the target 1 character "1d x (1/10 of
current HP, rounded up) points of physical damage (up to 100).
25 Pregfelgor Always Crystallized Great Daemon’s Blood (1,600G/Red S)
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile 2–9 Great Daemon's Mask (6,800G/Red S)
Language: Daemonic, Arcana Habitat: Daemon World 10 – 12 Great Daemon's Crystal of Diseases (9,900G/Red S)
Rep/Weak: 22/29 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points 13+ Great Daemon's Crystal of Humanoid Diseases
Initiative: 34 Movement Speed: 25(Floating) (19,000G/Red SS)
Fortitude: 30(37) Willpower: 32(39)
F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP
Weapon 31(38) 2d+30 30(37) 24 258 211 Description
Pregfelgor is a Daemon with a sinister figure that floats in the air. It is
Unique Skills clad in a jet-black mask, tattered robe, and deadly disease crystals. As a ghost,
○Poison, Disease, Psychic Immunity it cannot be touched. Pregfelgor is one of the "Four Daemon Generals of
Apocalypse" under the Daemon King. It is called the "Plague Spirit General,"
○Normal Weapon Immunity as it embodies the plague of pestilence. Pregfelgor is happy to spread death
and suffering by simply being present and spreading a terrible pestilence.
○Multiple Declarations = 3 times
25 Ahrizaharik
○Cure for Mortality/27(34)/Fortitude/Neg Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
It is covered with noxious gas filled with a powerful germ. A character Language: Daemonic, Arcana Habitat: Daemon World
in the same skirmish area as the monster needs to make Fortitude check at Rep/Weak: 22/29 Weak Point: Water/Ice damage + 3
the end of its turn, and if it fails, it takes 2d+10 disease magic damage. Initiative: 32 Movement Speed: 25/50(Flying)
Fortitude: 30(37) Willpower: 32(39)
○☑↝Magic Aptitude F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP
They can use the Combat Feats [Multi-Action], [Guided Magic], [Magic Bite (Head) 31(38) 2d+28 28(35) 24 182 201
Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Targets], [Metamagic/Time], Claws (Body) 32(39) 2d+29 28(35) 27 246 172
[Metamagic/Area], [Mana Save], [Hawk Eye], [Wordbreak]. Wing (Wing) 30(37) 2d+26 26(33) 22 130 81
Wing (Wing) 30(37) 2d+26 26(33) 22 130 81
☆Vindictive Diseases
Sections: 4 (Head / Body / Wing x 2) Main Section: Head
For 10 seconds (1 round), this monster's damage and [○Cure for
Mortality], [↝March of the Black Death], and [☑Sickness Strike] will Unique Skills
become curse type. Using this effect consumes 10 MP.
●All Sections
☑Sickness Strike ○Poison, Disease, Psychic Immunity
Weapon attacks are changed to magic damage of the disease type. At
the same time, the Pregfelgor takes a -3 penalty to Evasion, Fortitude, and ○Fire Absorption
Willpower checks.
Ahrizaharik is immune to fire-type damage and effects and instead
healed for the applied fire-type damage dealt.
☑Cleave II
Pregfelgor can attack with a Weapon up to 5 target characters within the
skirmish in which it resides. ●Head
○Multiple Declarations = 2 times
↝Spiritualism Magic, Divine Magic 20 Level/Magic Power
29(36) ○☑↝Magic Aptitude
Can cast Spiritualism and Divine Magic up to 15 levels and all They can use the Combat Feats [Multi-Action], [Guided Magic], [Magic
Spiritualism and Divine Magic for Transcendents listed in this book. Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Targets],
[Metamagic/Distance], [Metamagic/Time], [Hawk Eye], [Wordbreak].
↝March of the Black Death/27(34)/Fortitude/Half
Pregfelgor scatters disease while flying with "Range: 75m" and "Area: ↝Truespeech Magic, Divine Magic 20 Level/Magic Power
Breakthrough", and deals "2d+28" disease magic damage. 28(35)
A character who fails resistance rolls 1d and suffers an effect according Can cast Truespeech and Divine Magic up to 15 levels and all
to the "Black Death Disease Table" below. This effect is permanent. The Truespeech and Divine Magic for Transcendents listed in this book.
Target Number for removing it is 35.
No other Major Actions may be taken in the round in which this ability
↝Breath of the Drought Wind/28(35)/Fortitude/Half
is used, and it cannot be used in consecutive turns.
Within "Range: 50m" and "Area: Shot", it spits out hot, concentrated air
If this effect is received more than once, only the different effects are
in in a radius of 6m/20, dealing 2d+26 fire and wind magic damage.
This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns.
Black Death Disease Table
1d Symptoms Effect ●Body
1 High fever Cannot take Minor Actions. ○Attack Obstacle = +4 • None
Numbness in Target: [Section: Head]/Loss Condition: HP of [Section: Body] is 0 or
Checks based on dexterity and agility are
2 the hands and less.
subject to a -2 penalty.
Cannot move with Normal or Full
3 Diarrhea
○Realm of the Drought King
Within a radius of 50m from the Ahrizaharik, water is rapidly lost, and
-4 penalty to Accuracy checks, and [Guided
the intensity of fire increases. Within this area, damage by water/ice type is
4 Blurred eyesight Magic], [Magic Control], [Precise Shot], and
reduced by 10 points, and no disadvantageous effects other than their
[Hawk Eye] Combat Feats lose their effect.
damage occur. Damage by fire type is increased by 10 points.
Spellcasting and Willpower checks receive a
5 Headache
-4 penalty.
You cannot use effects that require speech, ○Curse of Drought/26(33)/Fortitude/Neg
6 Nausea such as casting spells, Spellsongs, and The raging hot winds deplete water. All characters within 10m from this
Stratagems. Also, you will not be able to eat. monster need to make Fortitude checks at the beginning of their turn, and
Part 4 Monsters
if they fail, their maximum and current HP are reduced by 5 points for a day
unless they drink at least 1 glass of water in their turn.
Consumption of a Potion is also effective, but does not include Magic
This effect is treated as a curse type and is cumulative as long as the
character is within the range.
○Flight II
Loss condition: HP of any [Section: Wing] is 0 or less.
Always Crystallized Great Daemon’s Blood (1,600G/Red S)
2 – 10 Great Daemon's Claws (4,800G/Red S)
11+ Great Daemon's Flaming Mane (16,000G/Red SS)
Ahrizaharik is a six-meter-tall Daemon with the appearance of an erect,
tail-less dragon. He has a mane and wings made of fire and is one of the
"Four Daemon Generals of Apocalypse," subordinate to the Daemon King.
Ahrizaharik is known as the "Drought Dragon General" and embodies the
disaster of drought.
He takes pleasure in depriving all things in the forest of water, burning
them with searing fire, and turning their surroundings into a wilderness of
death. Ahrizaharik shows no mercy to those who stand in his way.
Due to its nature, Ahrizaharik is at odds with Nativier, one of the "Four
Daemon Generals of Apocalypse," and they rarely cooperate with each
●Upper Body
25 Nativier
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile ○4 Attacks (Free)
Language: Daemonic Habitat: Daemon World Each Major Action can be used to launch four melee attacks, one at a
Rep/Weak: 22/29 Weak Point: Earth Damage +3 points time, with the results of each attack being rolled to determine whether the
Initiative: 35 Movement Speed: 40 Fortitude: 32(39) Willpower: 30(37) next attack should be launched at the same target or at a different target.
F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP ☆Soaking Scales
Bite (Head) 31(38) 2d+28 28(35) 24 182 201 By covering the entire surface of the body with water, it weakens weapon
Weapon (Upper attacks. 10 seconds (1 round), all sections are immune to all physical damage
32(39) 2d+29 28(35) 27 246 172
Body) magic damage. Using this ability consumes 10 MP. It cannot be used at the
Tail (Lower
30(37) 2d+26 26(33) 22 130 81 same time as [☆Daemonic Water Membrane].
Sections: 3 (Head / Upper Body / Lower Body) Main Section: Head
☆Daemonic Water Membrane
Covers the whole body with a water membrane that disrupts magic,
Unique Skills giving all sections [○Magic Damage Reduction = 10 points] for 10 seconds
●All Sections (1 round). Using this ability consumes 10 points of MP. This ability cannot
○Poison, Disease, Psychic Immunity be used at the same time as [☆ Soaking Scales].
This section describes the offerings required for Warlock to summon the Daemons listed in this book using [Daemon's
Part 4 Monsters
F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP
Weapon 20(27) 2d+26 18(25) 16 109 77 Fist 21(28) 2d+18 20(27) 6 86 42
○☑↝Magic Aptitude Knows [Gazelle Feet], [Cat’s Eye], [Strong Blood], [Beetleskin], [Bear
They can use the Combat Feats [Multi-Action], [Guided Magic], [Magic Muscle], [Centaur Legs], [Giant Arms], [Daemonfinger], [Recovery (10
Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Targets], points)] Techniques.
▽Armor Piercer
↝Truespeech Magic 13 Level/Magic Power 18(25) If the 2d roll of the damage roll is 10 or more, Defense is ignored, and
the damage is increased by +6 points.
☑Greater Mana Strike = +5 Accuracy・+18 damage
Savior Hero Warrior gains a +5 bonus to Accuracy checks for Melee ▼Sword's Grace/Change Fate
Attack, increasing damage by +19 points. Using this effect, the Savior Hero Once per day, they may choose to change the result of a Skill Check or
Warrior takes a -2 penalty to their Fortitude, Willpower, and Evasion. Damage roll by switching the faces of the rolled 2d to the opposite sides.
16 Transcendental Warlord 16 Transcendental Archmagi
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: Trade Common, Regional dialect Habitat: Various Language: All Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 19/- Weak Point: None Rep/Weak: 19/- Weak Point: None
Initiative: 27 Movement Speed: 42 Fortitude: 23(30) Willpower: 22(29) Initiative: 20 Movement Speed: 30 Fortitude: 21(28) Willpower: 25(32)
F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP F Style Acc. Dam. Evasion Def. HP MP
Weapon 30(37) 2d+25 24(31) 20 135 35 None 0(7) 2d-2 0(7) 10 85 155
Part 4 Monsters
Loot ●Wings
Always Purifying Holy Symbol (6,900G/-)
↝Light Projectiles/29(36)/Willpower/Half
2 – 10 None It creates and projects light projectiles from its wings.
11+ Blessed Weapon (14,000G/Black White SS) With "Range: 50m" and "Area: Shot", it deals 2d+25 energy magic
damage to up to 2 targets. Using this effect consumes 20 MP.
☆Light Projectile Protection
This is an angel sent by the Ancient God to serve as a messenger when
It produces a single light projectile from its wing and uses it to deflect
they speak to their worshippers, including Humanoid and Barbarous. They
attacks. The created light projectile is floating around the War Angel on the
are about three meters long, winged, and almost human-like in appearance,
Divine Beast for 30 seconds (3 rounds). This light projectile has "300 HP
similar to Valkyrie, but differ from Valkyrie in their genderless appearance.
and 0 Defense" and is treated as a structure that cannot be targeted by attacks,
Their roles include acting on behalf of God's power and watching over
spells, unique skills, etc.
people. They carry out their duties solemnly and sometimes cold-bloodedly
If any section of this monster is reduced by damage to its HP, this light
to fulfill their assigned roles. Angels generally do not appear before people,
projectile can take the applied damage. If more damage is applied than the
and their main roles are the purification of souls and the management of
HP of the light projectile, it will be destroyed, and the extra damage when
reincarnation. They appear only in special cases, such as to deliver the voice
the HP is reduced to 0 will not be applied anywhere.
of God or to call people to God.
The substitution effect is limited to once per round per section. Angel
This information is standardized for the lowest angels. The appearance and
may substitute damage to a section different from the previous one.
abilities of angels tend to vary according to the rank, doctrine or role of the
Using this effect consumes 30 points of MP of the Wings section. Also,
deity they serve.
they cannot use [↝Light Projectiles]" and [☆Light Projectile Protection]
while light projectiles are being produced.
○Flight II This effect is applied when the Minor God Avatar of the first or third
Loss condition: HP of [Section: Wings] is 0 or less. sword uses it. When the Minor God Avatar of the second sword uses this
effect, this unique skill is called "Hammer on the Weak," and the damage to
the target is "(5 - number of soulscars of the target) x 10".
●Mount Head This effect can be used only once per round and consumes 30 MP when
○Dismounting used.
If the HP of the Mount Head section falls to 0 or below, the Accuracy
and Evasion Body and Wings sections is reduced by -2, and damage is ●Right Barrier
reduced by -8 points.
○Minor God's Protection
A golden barrier protects the Body.
Loot The Body section does not lose HP or MP due to physical damage.
Always Purifying Holy Symbol (6,900G/-) This ability is lost when the HP of the Right Barrier section falls to 0 or
2–6 Shining Golden Fur (2,400G/Gold Red S) below.
7+ Glittering Golden Fur (9,600H/Gold Red S)
●Left Barrier
Description ○Magic Damage Reduction = 20 points
This highly skilled fighter is among the angels who serve God and
control a Mount. They ride Gullinbursti, a divine beast whose soul has been ○Minor God's Warding
raised to that level. Its powerful movement and extermination abilities, A silvery-white barrier protects the Body.
including [Trample] and other attacks, are capable of overwhelming unholy The Body section does not lose HP or MP due to magic damage.
beings. This ability is lost when the HP of the Left Barrier section falls to 0 or
Unique Skills
●All Sections
○Normal Weapon Immunity
○2 Actions
↝Divine Magic 20 Level/Magic Power 30(37)
Can exercise all Divine Magic and Specialized Divine Magic of their
The Bonuses and Penalties Sheet is used to keep track of The Mount Data Control Sheet is used to keep track of
all bonuses, penalties, damages, magic damage reductions, the combat data of the mounts that PC has contracted or
and other modifications that each character receives during proprietary.
combat. This helps to clarify the type of magic, effects, and
other factors that affect your character, and prevents E NTRY OF B ASIC DATA
miscalculations. First, the data of each mount is written in the
In addition, if you are running a campaign, you can plan corresponding section of the sheet. The "Mount Level" is
in advance what kind of support you will receive from your basically the same as the "Adventurer Level" of the Jockey,
companions and what abilities you will use to increase your but if the Jockey has learned Stunt [True Potential], it is
own abilities. This makes it easier to establish a battle plan "Adventurer Level + 1".
and avoid forgetting to use effects before they are needed.
F ILL B ASIC VALUES Write here data of each section of Mount modified by
Fill in basic values from the character sheet. Stunts, Mount equipment, and so on.
After the battle, these completed sheets for each
character can be used as a record of the battles.
Mag. Damage
Ph. Damage
Start Round
End Round
Name Notes
Homebrew Degree: Minor
No changes are needed for existing races, as they had
almost no changes in SW2.5. However, new SW2.5 races Battle Hymn II Cost MP18
need to be addressed. For Barbarous races at the 16th level, Range/ 1 area (6m
Tar. Caster/- Duration Special Res. N/A
please wait for the Natural History of Dilfrum to be Area Radius)
translated. Sum. Accuracy +3, Damage +3 for any character
Caster offers a battle song to the gods and receives their blessings.
Suppose a character within the area of effect makes a melee or
Homebrew Degree: Full ranged attack. In that case, the character receives a +3 bonus to its
Accuracy check, and all physical and magical damage dealt is
Lykant increased by +3 points. However, the caster can arbitrarily decide
whether or not to give this effect at the beginning of each affected
[Beast Form] will be enhanced. Eff. character's turn.
16th Level This spell lasts as long as the caster continues to sing. The caster
Allows you to now use [Beast Form] as a Minor Action cannot take a Major Action on their turn as long as they are still
or during Combat Preparation. Returning to human form
This spell does not interfere with the effects of Spellsongs.
still requires a Major Action. Conversely, it is not inhibited by Spellsong. Also, the caster's voice
does not need to be heard by the target.
[Thriving Life] will be enhanced.
16th Level
Homebrew Degree: Minor
You now gain a +4 bonus to Willpower in natural
environments and under sunlight. Garm's Gate Cost MP48
Tiens Tar. Touch Touch/- Duration minutes (18 Res. Can’t
Area r)
[Intercommunication] will be enhanced.
Sum. Summons Garm (see p. 166)
16th Level Summons Garm. The Garm follows the caster's instructions for
The Accuracy and Evasion bonus granted to inspired 3 minutes (18 rounds). The summoning is immediate and no
mounts by [Intercommunication] is further increased by +1 offerings are required.
(+3 in total). After 3 minutes (18 rounds) have elapsed after the summoning,
the summoned Garm becomes free and can act on its own free will
(usually hostile to non-Daemons).
[Spirit Drain] will be enhanced.
16th Level
“Range/Area” will be changed to "2(20m)/Target".
Homebrew Degree: Full
Heat Radiation Cost MP40
⏩Maneuver: [Maneuver:
Here are non-magical skills that require changes or skills Conditions Resistance
for classes that are new to SW2.5.
Resistance III III]
Prer. None (used with Minor Action)
5 Edge
Homebrew Degree: Full Sum. Fortitude and Willpower +10
Instead of Stratagems of 5th rank, which are already The Tactician can predict enemy magic and unique
present in SW2.5 Tactician one new Maneuvers available for skills to prepare for them.
each level for Tacticians of 16th level or higher. Effect
For 10 seconds (1 round), the Tactician gains a +10
bonus to either their Fortitude or Willpower.
△Maneuver: [Maneuver:
Sweeping Conditions Sweeping ⏩Maneuver: [Maneuver:
Victory II Victory] Concentration Conditions Concentration
Prer. When a Tactician reduces an enemy to 0 HP or less III
Edge Prer. None (used with Minor Action)
Cost Edge
5 Edge
Sum. Edge +2 Cost
When a Tactician defeats an enemy, their next plan is Sum. Once +4 to Spellcasting check
sped up. The Tactician can declare the use of this The Tactician uses prepared incantation to greatly
Maneuver when they have reduced an enemy Character's increase the spell success rate.
HP to 0 or less through a Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, For 10 seconds (1 round), once when the Tactician
Effect Effect
or spell casting. The Tactician will accumulate 2 Edge themself makes a Spellcasting check, they gain a +4 bonus
points. This Maneuver can be used exceptionally, once to the success value of the Spellcasting check. Once this
per fulfillment of the conditions, ignoring the limit on the bonus is applied, the effect disappears.
number of times it can be used.
⏩Maneuver: [Maneuver:
⏩Maneuver: [Maneuver: Efficiency III Efficiency II]
Unexpected Conditions Unexpected Prer. None (used with Minor Action)
Blow II]
Blow III Edge
5 Edge
Prer. None (used with Minor Action) Cost
Edge Sum. Once +12 to magic damage or recovery
5 Edge The Tactician uses carefully prepared incantations to
Sum. One time Accuracy check +8 and physical damage +8 enhance the effects of their spells. For 10 seconds (1
round), the Tactician gains either +12 to magic damage or
The Tactician themself demonstrates a strategy to
greatly take advantage of the enemy's weakness. Effect +12 to HP recovery from their own spells. If multiple
targets are affected by the spell, this bonus is applied to any
For 10 seconds (1 round), when the Tactician themself
Effect character among them. Once the bonus is applied, the
makes a melee or ranged attack, they gain a +8 bonus to
effect disappears.
Accuracy checks and +8 points of physical damage dealt
per attack. This effect is lost after one use.
⏩Maneuver: [Maneuver:
Foresight III Foresight II]
Prer. None (used with Minor Action)
Edge Cost 5 Edge
Sum. Evasion +10
Tactician predicts attacks in greater depth.
Effect For 10 seconds (1 round), the Tactician gets a
+10 bonus to Evasion checks made themself.
Homebrew Degree: Full
Heavenly Domain: Heavenly
Cost Qi
Falling Sky 1–4
Duration Instant
Target falls prone and takes
Sum damage and deals “Heavenly Qi Type Bludgeoning
consumed x 4” fixed damage
Sky falls on the target.
Effect It falls prone and takes “Heavenly Qi consumed x
4” fixed damage.
Designer's Notebook
Kei Kitazawa Tanaka Kouji
Fortuna Code is now available, a supplement that delves In the past of SW2.0, a 15-level character was the
beyond the ordinary and into the uncharted territory of 16 strongest title and a goal to be achieved. But what lies beyond
levels. This book, entitled Fortuna, represents the fourth that? In the world of Raxia, where "man becomes god," what
sword that symbolizes fate and opens up destiny. It is truly a is the process?
book that leads you into the world of Transcendents. We This book, which resulted from the designer's trial and
hope you will experience the realm between man and God. error, embodies "divine guidance" to answer such questions.
Tanaka Kouji produced this book for the production of Due to its concept, this book may seem challenging for those
16+ level data, Miyuki Kiyomatsu for Reputation Business who are just starting with SW2.0 today. However, if you
Rules, and I contributed to the world-building. Ryu Kuroi, dream of one day using the data in this book and saving the
Tanaka Kouji, Miyuki Kiyomatsu, and I all worked on the world from crises, you will surely become proficient. With
sample campaigns, and Tadaaki Kawahito, Bethe Yuli this book, you will be able to save the world from crises and
Kurosaki, and other SW2.0-related staff members explore the "mysteries of the world" hidden beyond them.
contributed to the high-level monster data. We would like to express our gratitude to the Group SNE
Each time we tested characters at the 15+ level, it was staff, editors, and test players who checked the data and
surprising, fun, and very exciting. We hope that you will provided invaluable assistance in preparing this book. Thank
experience the adventures of Transcendents. Of course, it is you very much.
also good to use Transcendents as powerful enemies as well. So, when your characters become Transcendents and
There are as many Fortunas as there are adventures, as save the world, and when you realize the identity of the fourth
many legends as there are. Enjoy your own truly legendary "Swords of Genesis," we will meet again.
May the sword of destiny guide you all!