Final Study Vertical City
Final Study Vertical City
Final Study Vertical City
Joshua McMahan
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Thanks for encouraging me to push the boundaries of design and helping me discover
how to make this project a reality. You helped me solve design problems with simple
solutions and it is one of the reasons I was able to finish this project
Thanks for helping me fully develop this project and showing me innovative
designs. It was your guidance, your urban architecture class, and your
study abroad class that really inspired the design of this project.
Thank you for helping me develop the landscape of my project
and helping me stay relaxed while abroad. Meeting over zoom was
somewhat challenging and you helped alleviate the situation
Thanks for being a constant support throughout this project. Your encouragement
and kindness helped me finish this project and without your guidance I would
have struggled developing my structural system.
Thanks for encouraging me to focus on the important aspects of this project and
helping me develop the more complicated components of this project. You helped
me navigate a multitude of issues that arose throughout the process.
Thanks for advising me while I was abroad. I appreciated
having you as my studio professor for the semester. You
helped encourage me in what I was doing and gave great
feedback that helped shape my project into what it is now.
The Vertical City was a project meant to reexamine the role of skyscrapers sense of community that each one provides. Utilizing an urban approach
within the urban environment. Rather than seeing skyscrapers as just to infrastructure design would help mediate this difference and help create
another low to mid-rise building placed within the context of the city, the a stronger sense of connection within the building.
Vertical City sought to explore what would happen if the skyscraper was
treated as a vertical extension of the city itself. Vertical purpose stems from the concept that cities need a variety of
business, commercial, and residential in close proximity in order to flourish.
While many skyscrapers have taken approaches to change how the By doing so, it allows for a variety of pedestrian traffic throughout the day
skyscraper is integrated within a city, most skyscrapers are inaccessible making the city feel alive and helping smaller businesses that give a city
to the average urban pedestrian. Not in that you can’t enter them, but its character stay open.
rather, they are meant to be utilized only for the patrons who rent space
within the building. As such, most skyscrapers don’t have the same feeling Green infusion refers to the concept of green community space. Most great
of belonging that your local coffee shop might. While part of the reason cities have a variety of parks and green spaces for the community to meet
for this stems from the monumentality of a skyscraper, that conception is up, relax, and spend part of their day. As such, it is important that those
often born from the notion that skyscrapers are representations of major “moments” occur throughout the skyscraper. While this element alone
corporations and thus have no place for the individual wanting to simply doesn’t result in a vertical city, the culmination of all of these concepts
relax and read or grab a coffee. In order to overcome this, a different create the essence of a vertical city.
approach was taken that developed the skyscraper with the concept of
a vertical city in mind. This came down to three main design aspects: While more of a conceptual project, steps were taken in order to make
urban approach, vertical purpose, and green infusion. All three elements this new design more feasible. With innovative design often come new
were derived from components that make up great cities and would be costs and so it is important to consider the economics of the project. This
developed utilizing concepts for good city design. was done by designing in such a way that new elements would serve
multiple purposes thus reducing costs and giving credence to any new
Urban approach is a concept meant to reconfigure the transition from the design elements.
horizontal plane of the city to the vertical plane of the skyscraper. While
both the infrastructure of the skyscraper and the streets of the city serve as
a way to travel from one point to another, there is a stark difference in the
Envelope Site Pedestrian Paths
Envelope Site
Final Form
Throughout the process of its development, the building form went through Taking both the facade shading of the first iteration and the angled “cuts”
four iterations. The first building form was derived entirely from the function of the second iteration, the third iteration was realized. Despite the merger
of the building. A thirty foot by thirty-foot structural grid was used in order of these iterations, a design issue arose in regards to the façade. While the
to allow for large open spaces for the offices and apartments further up initial façade design was based on limiting solar heat gain into the building,
the skyscraper while still maintaining an ideal storefront entry dimension the way it was implemented was limiting views out from the skyscraper.
for the lower commercial sector. From here, the building was broken Because it utilized vertical shading mechanisms and implemented them
down into three sections vertically based on program. Each section would in to the structural grid, the viewing spacing between the members was
maintain the thirty-foot grid, however, as the building transitioned from minimal. In addition, structural and programmatic needs necessitated
commercial to residential vertically, the human density would decrease changes to the form.
as well. As a result, the façade elements would transition similarly with
higher densification at the commercial sector and lower densification at A final iteration was developed that would integrate the previous iterations
the residential sector. but redesign how the façade was implemented into the building. To
minimize the impact the façade had on views to the outside, the shading
While highly functional, the initial iteration design was stylistically similar to façade was separated from the structure resulting in a double skin for the
skyscrapers of the 1950s. In the effort to maximize efficiency, the building building and utilized horizontal members rather then vertical. This would
was simplified as if it was constrained by the structural implications of the allow for unhindered views while still shading the building from the sun.
past. As such, a second iteration was developed. This iteration would be In regards to the overall form, the number of vertical cuts was increased
entirely conceptual and would develop more innovative design concepts to both for structural and programmatic reasons. Furthermore, the junction
be implemented in the building. From this came the concept of mass and of the commercial and business portion of the building was “cut” in order
void that would be utilized in the final design. In this iteration, the building to provide a visual distinction between the skyscraper and the rest of the
was conceived as a vertical mass. From there, portions of the building complex.
would be “cut” revealing the “central core” of the skyscraper. These “cuts”
would not only serve an aesthetical purpose but also provide community
green space centrally located within the skyscraper.
Phase 1: Traditional Facade
Iteration 1
1: Traditional Facade Phase 2: Modern Facade
Iteration 3
Phase 3: Culmination of Classical
and Modern Skyscrapers
In the search for an ideal site for the skyscraper, a few different parameters the site was compared to the requirements listed out in the city guidelines.
were set. The city needed to exhibit growth, however, it could not be too If they met the requirements and created a pedestrian friendly environment
developed otherwise there would be issues finding space for the new they were implemented into the new design. If they failed to meet the
building. After doing an extensive search on a fitting site for the project, city requirements and created a less than ideal environment, they were
it was decided that the best location would be Charlotte, North Carolina. demolished and the space was redeveloped with a more pedestrian
One of the top twenty growing cities for the past two years, Charlotte focused urban environment.
provided a host of opportunities in terms of design. Within the downtown
area was a four by four block area composed mostly of just parking. Working from this, a building usage map was generated showing the
This would allow for urban redevelopment that would give more design distribution of the existing building types and which buildings would be
freedom with the skyscraper. Furthermore, Charlotte had a very unique demolished. This information was then used to create a pedestrian path
feature in the shape of a light rail line. Unlike most other cities across the map showing which users went where on the site from the existing rail line
U.S., Charlotte invested in a rail line running from the University of North station. With this knowledge in hand, building massing was generated in
Carolina through the downtown area of Charlotte itself. This would allow compliance with the projected pedestrian paths and existing structures.
for a way to shift the parking outside of the downtown area and create a Each mass was carefully placed in order to correlate with its surrounding
focus on pedestrian traffic and how they experience the city. context, meet existing urban requirements of the city, and create a
thriving urban area. In addition, certain strategies the city had devised for
It was important that the city surrounding the skyscraper complied with development were used as inspiration for the new design. For instance,
the vision for the skyscraper as well as the city’s requirements. Part of the existing list of city requirements states that any new parking structure
the reason why the skyscraper was located on this specific site was to must utilize the first floor as usable commercial space. This strategy was
help stimulate growth throughout this area of downtown. If successful, the extended with the new urban plan to include all business-related structures.
new skyscraper would help raise the value of the land surrounding the The reason for this was to create a street that was focused on pedestrian
skyscraper. This in turn would promote urban growth within the area that usage and helped stimulate the daily life of the city.
would help create a cohesive whole. As such, an extensive examination
was done on the chosen site and what the city of Charlotte wanted done in
terms of urban design. Working block-by-block, each existing structure on
Image from Transit Station Area Principles
the city’s future plan for the city. Charlotte City Council adopted several • Higher density residential
• Employment growth in station areas
principles for city growth years earlier. Each of these were specifically
• Major activity centers best accommodated by transport services
chosen in order to create an ideal city plan. As such, these principles
• Compact neighborhoods with variety of uses within walking
were used to determine which structures would remain while also distance of station
providing design guidelines for new design. Each city block within the • Avoid car usage
redevelopment area was examined and compared to the requirements • Provide uses that attract pedestrian activity
• Higher density for new developments
and redeveloped accordingly.
• Buildings to front on public streets, minimal setbacks
• Streets to include trees, lighting, benches
Developed Site:
Rail Route
Main Road
Leisure/Major Event Space
Mixed Use
While this method is highly efficient, it does not comply with the concept
of a vertical city. In order to make the skyscraper serve as a vertical
extension of the city, the infrastructure needed to be redesigned with the
concept of community in mind. The first step to this was changing the
layout of elevators at the central core. Rather then grouping them together
and creating a central mass, they were each placed around a lobby space
While a seemingly simple concept, implementing a variety of usages within The concept of vertical purpose is simply to provide a reason for those in the
a skyscraper is vital to creating a vertical extension of the city and quickly city to traverse vertically. While the populace’s perception of the skyscraper
makes the design process more complicated. A mixed program allows for might be different, everyone could look to the skyscraper and have a reason to
a mix of people to inhabit the building. Much like how cities need varying enter. Whether seen as a residence, work, or a place to relax on the weekend,
programs in order to thrive throughout the day, the skyscraper would serve the skyscraper would serve as a vertical representation of community much
multiple uses including commercial at the levels closest to the rail station, like the urban city does today.
business for the next sector, and lastly residential further up. This brings
complications as the building must create a sense of community while
also allowing for privacy for those living within the building. However, it is
important to have a varying program as this element helps break the issue
of belonging and possession that some might find foreboding with most
Total Rentable Square Footage: 839,600 SQ. FT.
Level Specifications
Rentable Square Footage: 132,800 SQ. FT.
Number of Floors: 8 Floors
Number of 2,766 SQ. FT. Apartments: 48
Floor-to-Floor Height: 15 FT.
Level Specifications
Rentable Square Footage: 151,800 SQ. FT.
Number of Floors: 11 Floors
Number of 800 SQ.FT. Apartments: 66
Number of 1,500 SQ.FT. Apartments: 66
Floor-to-Floor Height: 15 FT.
Level Specifications
Rentable Square Footage: 209,800 SQ. FT.
Number of Floors: 11 Floors
Floor-to-Floor Height: 25 FT.
Commercial Square Footage:
250,000 SQ. FT.
Number of Floors: 4
Floor-to-floor Height: 30 FT.
The office sector was specifically designed
to provide flexibility to any company that
occupied the space. With a large open area
and offices designed along the inner edge, the
space allows companies to inhabit the space
as they see fit. Furthermore, while designed
for two companies per floor, the layout can
also be adjusted to fit four smaller companies.
While green space by itself is wonderful, given the nature of the skyscraper,
it was decided that each green space should be paired with a commercial
function. For instance, the green space on the 15th floor would not only
serve as a public place to relax, but also house a cafe and library. This
would not only provide the skyscraper a source of revenue that could
support the outdoor green space, but also give the space another purpose
other than relaxing as well.
After doing an extensive examination into the site and revitalizing the the decision was made to create two distinct levels for the site. One would
surrounding context, a focus was placed on how the skyscraper was serve as the rail line path running below the site unobstructed. The second
integrated into the surrounding site. It was quickly decided that the would be twenty-five feet above the rail line and serve as the plaza for
skyscraper should be located where the existing rail line station was the skyscraper. This would allow the plaza to remain on level with the
currently situated on site. This was due to the fact that all of the other northeast street.
stations were located by some sort of significant structure. The city had
stated in its guidelines that each station should be near some sort of While the new plaza fixed the sloping issue, it created a separation
significant structure or hub within the downtown area. However, the station between the urban elements of the skyscraper and the rail line station
located on site was in the midst of parking with only a few small buildings itself. It was important that the skyscraper was integrated into the site
around it. Thus, the original station would be demolished and rebuilt as and enclosing the rail line station prevented that from being realized. As a
part of the new skyscraper complex. result, certain sections of the site and the rail station itself were opened to
the levels above. This would allow for a connectivity between both levels
A study was then done on public transportation paths within the city, both and allow for a more open environment that allows visitors to see what the
current and those planned for the future. It was discovered that the city was station has to offer. Furthermore, it was important that the rail line station
planning a secondary rail line running past the upper northeast portion of felt like a feature of the site rather then just a mode of transportation. As
the site perpendicular to the existing rail line. As a result, it was decided to such, green space was designed along the rail line to provide areas for
place the skyscraper complex along the back northeast portion of the rail people to relax while waiting for the light rail to arrive.
line site. This would allow for the building to function as a rail line stop for
the existing line and still be able to serve the secondary line in the future.
During the development of the project, it was discovered that there was
a significant drop across the chosen site. Because of the rail line, there
was a slope of twenty-five feet from one side of the site to the other. This
was to allow for the northeast street to cross over the rail line while the
southwest streets met up at the rail line level. In order to overcome this,
The structural system of the skyscraper experienced several changes over infrastructure to be rearranged. In order to keep the usable floors free
the development of the project. By redesigning how the infrastructure of of columns, the supporting columns were moved to the exterior of the
the building worked, it resulted in the need for a structural system different building sixty feet out. These would tie back to the building through beams
from most skyscrapers. Because of the new approach to skyscraper and outrigger trusses. However, while most skyscrapers hide outrigger
design, innovative structural approaches needed to be implemented. This trusses within the facade of the skyscraper, the Vertical City enlarged the
in turn could raise costs for the project. Because of this, it was important outrigger trusses so that they served as extensions of the central truss
that design, function, and structural elements worked together. The idea and exposed them to the outside. This not only allowed for a visual “cut”
behind this was to use each element together to further the concept of the in the skyscraper but also created an optimal open air area for the green
skyscraper while minimizing the costs of the new design. community spaces to be located. In this way, all elements of design came
together and were showcased.
The best example of this can be seen in the outrigger trusses of the
building. Structurally, the building acts much like a vertical truss. The
central core consists of two intersecting trusses which allowed for the
18 19 20 21 22 7
9 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
25 26 27 28 29 30
1. 22/26 gage G-90 galvanized 8. Soffit Finish 17. 2x4 Wood Frame 26. Moisture Retention Layer w/
steel face and liner with 9. 36” W Section 18. 2x6 Wood Seating Finish Aeration Layer
polyisocyanurate foam-insulated 27. Thermal Insulation
core 10. Concrete Structural Deck 19. Steel Truss System
11. 8” Concrete Beam 20. 2x4 Wood Seating Finish 28. Drainage Layer w/ Root Barrier
2. 1/2” Gyp Board
12. 2” Corrugated Steel Decking 21. Wood Blocking 29. Protection Course
3. Batt Insulation
13. 1/2” Insulation Barrier 22. Metal Fascia 30. Waterproofing Membrane
4. 3 1/2” Metal Stud
14. 1x4 Wood Blocking 23. Concrete Wall 31. 1 1/2” Steel Channel
5. 18” W Section
15. Wood Floor Finish 24. Engineered Soil With Plantings 32. Curtain Wall System
6. 3 1/2’ Metal Channel
7. Rigid Insulation 16. 2x2 Wood Frame 25. Filter Fabric w/ Reservoir Layer
In conclusion, the Vertical City was a project meant to push the bounds of Throughout this process, the design experienced many changes and
what a skyscraper can be within the urban context of the city. While still a iterations as the concept of a city and a skyscraper were merged to create
conceptual project, every innovation was carefully designed to maintain this project. While a skyscraper can never exactly replicate the urban city
as much efficiency as possible. New elements like green space that were due to its height, design needs, and the fact that it is vertical, skyscrapers
infused into the building design were paired with commercial space in can still be seen as an extension of a city. In the end, the vertical city
order to provide monetary incentives to the design. The structural system must function as a hybrid of both the city and a skyscraper in order to
was designed in such a way that function, structure, and aesthetics came function. While the thought of a hybrid may seem like a compromise, it
together giving credence to the design principles utilized. is a compromise worth taking as it allows for incredible moments that
wouldn’t have been attained previously. Moments like grabbing a coffee
Even with the focus on the skyscraper, a large amount of time was spent on the fifteenth floor and reading a book outside surrounded by nature,
on the site both in the large and small scale. While seemingly not as taking an outdoor workout class on the thirtieth floor high above the city
important as the building design, it was vital that the site was designed below, or dining at the top floor and viewing the unparalleled views of the
in such a way that it was integrated with the site so that the transition surrounding city. Often times, it’s small moments like these that give us
from the horizontal city to the vertical city was seamless. This helps give drive to design something innovative.
the building more credence in its role as a vertical city because it must
respond to the context it is located within in order to be successful.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission. “Transit Station Area Principles”.
Metropolitan Council. “Station and Support Facility Design Guidelines User Guide”.