Reproductive Health
Reproductive Health
Reproductive Health
Family Planning ( kl/jf/ lgof]hg )
Away of thinking and living that is adopted To Determine Number of Child.-aRrfsf] ;+Vof lgwf/0f
voluntarily, upon the basis of knowledge, Attitude, ug'{._ & Improve MCH cfdf / aRrfsf] jf bDkltsf] :jf:Yo
Responsible decisions by individual and couple in l:ylt k|j4{g ug'{._
order to promote the health and welfare of family To control the time at which Birth occurs in relation
group thus contribute effectively to the social to the age of Parents
development of a country .
WHO 1971 Main Objective :-
s'g} klg kl/jf/nfO{ ;fgf], ;'vL / Jojl:yt ug]{ ul/g] planning nfO{ Equitable access to voluntary for services [ ;dfg d'Ns
Family planning elgG5 .
Based on informed choice
Symbol of Family Planning is Inverted Red Triangle
Particulatory to the poor, Vulnerable [hf]lvddf /x]sf] ] &
Family planning is preventive service & Family
health and welfare program Marginalized [ l;dfGt/lsd Aolt]
Important Date Related to Family planning Policy [lglt] & Striates [ /0lglt] of f.P
S.N Related points Date Enabling Environment [ ;xh jftfa/0f agfpg s;l/ k|rf/
1. Family Planning from India 1952 k|;f/ ug]{
2. Family planning Start in Nepal 1959 ( BS Demand generation [ dfFUf a9fpg' / cfaZoStf fell u/fpg ]
from Non Gov. sector by FPAN 2016 ) Services delivery [ ;]af lbg]]
3. MCH Was established under 1963 Capacity building [ Human health man power lasfz
MoH ug{ ]
4. Government of Nepal Supported 1968 AD Research and Innovation [ Gof vf]lhlglt ug]} ]
FP Program
5. Family planning policy 1965
Modern concept of Family Planning
6. Family Planning Strategy 2068 BS Family planning is not Synonymous of Birth control
7. CRS [Contraceptive Retail Sales] 1978 only, A WHO export committee [1970] recommends
established that family planning includes in its preview
8. EPI-ORC + Family planning 2012 A. Proper Spacing & limitation of Birth
integration from Kalikot B. Advice on Sterility & Education for parenthood
C. Sex education , Genetic counseling & Marriage
SDG Targets and Indicators in Family planning counselling
S.N Indicators 2030 D. Carrying out of pregnancy tests
1 Proportion of women of 80 % E. Preparation of arrival 1st child & Providing
reproductive age who have adoption services
their need for family planning F. Premarital consultation & Examination
satisfied with modern method G. Providing services for unmarried mothers
2 CPR 60 % H. Screening for pathological condition related to
3 TFR 2.1 % productive system Eg :- Cervical cancer
World family planning Day celebrate :- Sep 18 2014/ Terminology
2071 Ashoj 2
Conception :- Ovum + Sperm ldng x'g' [Fertilization]
Family planning cervices are start from CRS
Company Contraception :- Sperm and ovum sf] ldng x'g glbg'
o CRS Company Established:- 1978 Contraceptive :- Contraception sf] nflu k|of]u ul/g] ;fwg
o First services start from Condom & Pills -kl/jf/ lgof]hgsf] ;fwg ._
Best /Main indicator of family planning is CPR [ New user :- klxnf] k6s kl/jf/ lgof]hg ;fwgsf] k|of]ustf{
contraceptive prevalence rate] Current user :- lg/Gt/ ?kdf k|of]u ul//x]sf] F.P. sf] k|of]ustf{
Aim / pb]zo /Objective of family planning Cafeteria Choice/ Informed Choice
To Avoid Unwonted Birth [ aRrf hGdfpgjf6 /f]lsg'_ Individuals can choose according to Needs & Wishes
To bring about Wanted birth [ rflxPsf] ;Dfodf aRRff after offering all method
kfpg] Main right of Client of family planning
To Regulate the birth Spacing -ue{x? ljrsf] ;do plrt Governments has focus on it.
/ lgoldt /fVg' _ Motivation should not be used in counselling of F.P
To limit birth after willingness of child. -;+tfgsf] /x/ Indicator of Family Planning
k'lu;s]kl5 aRrf gkfpg' _ Common indicators of Family planning are
1. Contraceptive Prevalence Rate ( CPR ) ( Main )