Practical Research 2 GROUP 4
Practical Research 2 GROUP 4
Practical Research 2 GROUP 4
Moneva, J. C., and Malbas, M. H. (2019). Preferences in senior high school tracks
of the grade 10 students. IRA International Journal of Education and
Multidisciplinary Studies, 15(5), 167-174
Atta, M.A. & Jamil, A. (20120. Effects of motivation and parental influence on the
educational attainments of students at secondary level. Academic Research
International. 2(3). 4-5.
Silay, A. M, Valdez, D.., Malvas, S. G.., Quiroz, R.., Leocadio, K.., & Mirasol, M.
(2020). Motivation of Students: Its Implication to Academic Performance of Grade
11 HUMSS Strand Students at Bestlink College of the Philippines. Ascendens Asia
Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research, 2(1). Retrieved from
Kaneez, B. S., & Medha, K. (2018). Factors influencing grade 10 students’ career
choice in Mauritius. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive
Education and Development, 7(2), 30-44. [Online] Available:
Becker, Stephen P and Robert K. Gable. (2009). The relationship of Self Efficacy
and GPA, Attendance and College Student Retention. Retrieved
May 2016 at
Retention and Promotion - Progression from one grade level to the next, which
is often tied to academic performance.
Becker, Stephen P and Robert K. Gable. (2009). The relationship of Self Efficacy
and GPA, Attendance and College Student Retention. Retrieved
May 2016 at
Shakory, S., Kim, A. S. N., Azad, A., Popovic, C., & Park, L. (2020). Class
participation and student performance: A follow-up study. Information Systems
Education Journal, 28(2), 1-13.
Strand Compatibility
General Instuction: Read each item carefully and answer the following questions provided
below. (Please be assured that all of the answers provided herein shall be kept confidential.
Please indicate (✓) mark on the appropriate box.
Chapter I
Please read each item carefully. Use the scale below to guide you in checking the appropriate
column that best describes your factors greatest influence on choosing a degree.
Educational aspiration/expectation 5 4 3 2 1
Grades can affect your decision in choosing a course.
Based on you wanted to become
To be engaged in an activity that will enhance your skill and talent can give
a big impact in making decisions.
When you have the numeracy skill, it should be necessary to take a course
which are related to your skill.
When you are good in literacy, it is required that you should take a course
related to your skill.
Advice of others 5 4 3 2 1
People offer advice just because of the simple reason that they think they
can help you.
People who offer unsolicited advice from this motivation may have a lot of
knowledge in a certain area that pertains to your situation.
Some people need to be in the role of ‘teacher’ all the time, or perhaps just
like to hear they pontificate.
Some advice-givers would like to take the role of ‘more knowledgeable
person’ in the relationship dynamic, and giving advice puts them in that
Advises can be good and relevant to your situation.
Friends/peer influence 5 4 3 2 1
1. Friends in this new generation can be a tool in taking the right thing
included the course that you will take.
2. Friend’s course can be a factor on taking a course.
3. Peer influence will take you in a right path.
4. The friends statement can influence career choice.
5. I do believe on what my friends said.
Family background 5 4 3 2 1
Rich parents can be one of the factors on choosing your course.
Poor parents will be the reason on the course that I will take.
Having degree holder parents can be a factor on deciding what course to
Single parent.
Extended parents.
Academic Performance