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2-A 50 ml sample containing 0.45g of MgSO, (Mwt 120.37 g/mole) in 0.5 L required 37.6 ml of EDTA for titration. How many milligrams of CaCO; (100.09 g/mole) will react with 1.00 ml of this EDTA solution? © First calculate the concentration of MgSO, as molar concentration Strength=M x molec.wt. 0.9 g/l=Mx120.37 M=0.0074M * Calculate the Molarity of EDTA (MV)EDTA=(MV)Mg** M x 37.6 = 0.0074 x 50 M= 0.0098 M © Find out the weight Of CaCO, reacting with 1 ml of this EDTA (MV)EDTA= wt mol.wt 0.0098 x 1 = wt 100.09 Wt of CaCO; = 0,98 mg-SOFTEMIMIE - Cas 120 magi Alanility (Heo) = 3q4.5-mg/t C2t0, - 60-79 mg = U8 gh Ca, = '2 mgt GACos.)g0 = 0-7 Nat 46 mgle cls 4omgle et. 23aglt Seq" - Fama poltealay vw etgdt Fors G@-4o9 , M9. g pat, \e.34g Cl =3559 €o4 =46q , Cato, 21909 \ = Caleom Harclaess in Semple ten meq /t ig: te € eneg fl De Ma gnesinm Harcnes m SamPle in nmee/e ig . m U2 V2 B- Tetat Hardness is mey/e: 6 yo zt mag ye 4— Tofak HARD ess 'm mg/l as Caco, * => Conbaneti + onGarlp (Q450~ Som mg Creag 5- Non Crberate heehee in eq; o_o = 12s Zoe g- carbenate Hareaess ia, meq (es hE. 3 au Line cosa g-&neddedt Crea, 2); enti i 5 Seda Ash n¢edleel (neg A.) 207 = 4 meg ftFor each of the following 15 questions, choose the correct answer from the multiple-choles list (1) One of the following is not a source of acidity: (b) Sulfusric acid (HySO,), (d) Carbon dioxide (CO;) common characteristic between temporary and permanent (a) Can be softened by lime and soda ash Can be softened by boiling (©) Can be either calcium or magnesium hardness (@) None ofthe above (3) If the alkalinity of a water sample is zero, then one of the following does not apply: (a) pH of the sample is less than 4.5 (b) ‘The sample has a capacity to neutralize a base (©) The acidity is purely mineral acidity QQ The acidity is purely carbon dioxide acidity One of the following is not an application of chlorine: As an indicator for the determination of ammonia (b) Asan oxidant (©) Cleaning purposes (@) Disinfection (5) During the chloride experiment, if the color turns red-brown immediately after the introduction of the titrant AgNO), then this indicates: (a) Chloride content is zero (b) Thesample is distilled water (©) The precipitate AgCl,) does not form All ofthe above (6) The solids that remain on a filter after ignition at 550 °C are called: (a) Total fixed solids (©) Fixed suspended solids (c) Volatile suspended solids (a) Fixed dissolved solids (7) Soda ash is necessary in softening for: (a) The remoyal of carbon dioxide (b) Carbonate hardness treatment Non-carbonate hardness treatment (d) All of the above (8) Two wastewater samples (S; and S;) obtained from the same batch (assume the two samples represent the batch well), If the volume of S, is double the volume of S,, then the total solids content of S, (TS.) in mg/L, = oe wh @ () 08%Ts, Te (c) 2*TS, (i) 4* TS,e00co ZainJO E 11:33 AM S Cancel Solved lab waste final 7) mercuric sulfate (HgSo4) is added to the sample in the determination of COD ?? a) catalyze the oxidation of certain classes of compounds . b) raise the heat of the sample ???plete the reaction ? “both organic & inorganic matter so that COD-BOD rrrpnp nes “chloride from the reaction. 8) COD results always greater than BOD results because := a) BOD mesures biogradable organic matters only . b) COD mesures organic matters both biogradable or not. ¢) In COD we use oxidizing agent instead of bacteria in BOD to oxidize organic matter. d} all of the above: 9) for the following waste sample :- sample BOD (mg) COD (mg/l) A 240 300 B 100 500 e 120 240 The arrangement of these samples in the decreasing order concerning the relative case of biodegradbility of each waste is a) B,A,C b) BL, C,A eyA,C,B d)C,A,B 10 ) lime soda ash process will not produce water of zero hardness herause.of :- < G Ce0ecco ZainJO 3G 11:33 AM g Cancel Solved lab waste final ~ if (Ag2 So4 ) wasn’t added to the sample then the calculated Xx COD will be =~ ans . e) smaller than the true value . hay jawabha el mafrood ‘has no effect’ 2- carbonate hardness is equal to :- a)total hardness when alkalinity < total hardness b)calcium hardness c) alkalinity when total hardness < alkalinity d) total hardness wher alkalinity > total hardness 3- in dissolved oxgyen expirment , it is noticed that D.O decreased by increasing :- a)tempreture. b)sallinity ¢) organic matter d) all of the above. 4) A 100 ml sample was tested for dissolved oxygen and took 5 ml of (0,025 N) sodium thiosulfate titrant , then it’s dissolved oxygen will be in mg/l O2 = a) 1.25 by25 c)5 a) 10 5) By adding greater volume of potassium dichromate reagent to the sample than that added to the blank , then the calculated value of COD will be = a) greater than the actual value b) smaller than the actual value cJequal to the actual value d) the reagent is an oxidizing agent and doesn’t affect the result 6) the “ oxygen fixation “ means ;- a) theoxidization of Mn to MnO2, i.e all O2 is tied up in Mn. b) Good shaking to make sure that all the reagent are involved and reacted with O2, c) addition of axide to overcome nitrite interference . d) using sodium thiosulfate titrant with suitable normality so that | ml it, is equal to I mg/l O2. < Go ffparameters are kept constant, () meq. le (@) None ofthe above (10) Ifthe hydroxia: pou vat roxide ion (OIF) concentration in a water semi is 3*10* mole/L, ther (2) No alkalinity BPhPh. alkalinity (©) MO. alkalinity (@) Mineral acidity (11) The total required lime dose to soften a water sample is cand the stock Lim S mg/ml. (1 Pires = S mg lime). Given that ac hala eae ne ae Sf equivalents = 2 cymole, what is the volume of lime ek station ml, samp! (@) 48 mL. a = (&) 296m © sm @) 74m (12) IF the atkatinityeZainJO E 11:33 AM S 92% Cancel. Solved lab waste final exam... 10 ) lime soda ash process will not produce water of zero hardness because of :- a) solubility of CaCo3 & Mg(OH)2 Mixing conditions & settling time . ©) personal errors . d)all of the above . 11) Using membrane filter technique for total coliform % examination , a (Sml) of (1/5000) diluted wastewater sample was filtered and incubated at .....C, for ..... hours , the number of colonies in the dish was found to be 17, Therefore The MPN .... , the above spaces should read :- a) 35.5, 48 , 3.4*10°7 ©) 35.5, 24,3.4*1047 b) 35.5 . 24 , 8.3 *10° d) 44.5, 24,3.4*10°7 12) A (5ml) wastewater sample was taken and completed to (10 mil) using distilled water & tested for COD by using ferrous ammonium sulfate (0.1 N) and took (9.5 mi) titrant . the blank took (12 ml) titrant. Then the COD value in mg/l 02 for this sample will be :- a) 400 b) 200 c) 1000 d) none of them 13) volume of sample taken = 100 ml wt of dish = 32 g ¥ Wt of dish + solid @ 103 C=34.5 ¢ wt of dish +solid @ 550 C = 33 g volatile solid (in mg/l) equals to = a) 1000 ») 10000 ©) 13000 dy 25000 The following 2 samples were tested for alkalinity using (0.02 N) H2S04 as titrant and 100 ml sample size . the results are shown in the following table :~ < G CNe fer Ca 0, Nt = 2, Mas ay, R= I C1 Se 5D, » 8g, s water sample in meq tats 3 4. Otter he tages hares in hi water sample in ex s BD watt Gi 8. Other % Thea barctuess te thes ware sample meg. ix i see a ne eas comer ASE GES The cova teaese in this Waret sample igi ag (ACOs ik WW = wy na ns Coto wars boako «400 Other Se QUS: Nb catbonaKe hardaear Dh this wer in res aas 325 230 Dorie 2,97 Q26: Carbonate hardness in this water in meq/L ix 265 165 <8 Other 194 G17. Lime Usage needed to-soften this water is (in meqil) 15% att Bios eld 1. Other BGR QUE: Soda ash dosage needed to saften this waier Is Gn meg’) af, e aks 6.30 © & A. Other: a= QES: A sanitary engineer use! 100 ml. samples of domestics WW. for solids determination and) NO) Hepat aie filiraty @ 104°C = 12.45 sare bis ——— SY pM tess otaldissolved solids in this sample (in mg.) is {1000 ‘i ba 1900 320: Tepéf sacpernded solids inthis sample (in mg/L) is | 450 . 268 = for Toul volalé solids in this sample inimpL) is AERO (3 =) ay 322 b, 325, oc 84 a. omer (22: Toual fixed solids in this sample (in:mg/L) ts eee a b. 2000 ©1400 wed dee = Coy wy may CAs boy Hgts aae aberae For each of the following 15 questions, choose the correct answer from the mululple-chotee list (1) One of the following is not a source of acidity: (a) Hydrogen ion (H") (b) Sulfuuric aciel (H:SO4) (©) Carbonates (CO;”) (d) Carbon dioxide (CO,) (2) One of the following is not a com hardnes: (a) Can be softened by lime and soda ash © — Cambe softened by boiling (c) Can be either calcium or magnesium hardness (d) None of the above characteristic between temporary and permanent (3) If the alkalinity of a water sample is zero, then one of the following de apply: (a) pH of the sample i ss than 4.5 (b) The sample has 4 eapacity to neutralize a base y mineral acidity () ‘The acidity is purely carbon dioxide acidity (©) The acidity is pure (4) One of the following is not an application of chlorine: @) As itor for the determination of ammonia, (>) Asan oxidant (c) Cleaning purposes {d) Disinfection (5) During the chloride experiment, if the color turns red-brown immediately after the introduction of the titrant AgNO), then this indicates: (a) Chloride content is zero (b) The sample is distilled water (©) The precipitate AgCl,, does not form @® Allofthe above (6) The solids that remain on a filter after ignition at 550 °C are called: (a) Total fixed solids (©) Fixed suspended solids (c) Volatile suspended solids (a) Fixed dissolved solids (7) Soda ash is necessary in softening for: (a) The removal of carbon dioxide (b) Carbonate hardness treatment (©) Non-carbonate hardness treatment (d) All ofthe above (8) Two wastewater samples (S, and S,) obtained from the same batch (assume the two samples represent the batch well), If the volume of S, is dowble the volume of S,, then the total solids content of 8: (TS:) in my/L = ee eS a) TS, (by) 05%*TS, (ce) 2©TS, @ 4*73,(9) The total required time a hantibe it eel wi megs okie 4y7ater sample is meq/L. IF the Tequired lime dose becomes: (@) 2 meq/L. while all other parameters are kept 5 (b) 6 meq © Treg (d) ‘None ofthe above COT hydroxide ion (OH) concentration in a water sample is 3*10% mole/L, 10 have: a (a) No alkalinity ® PhPh alkalinity (©) MO. alkalinity (d) Mineral acidity (11) The total required lime dose to soften a water simple is 4 S mg/mL (1 mE tack solution = $ mg lime). Given that sc etealat Weight ee ‘ and # of equivalents = 2 eq/mole, what is the volume of lime stuck solution mL sample? (a) 48 mL (&) 296mL © M8mL @)eZainJO E 11:34 AM S Cancel Solved lab waste final ces po oo mack pi AY) nano Moun by SV An 155 M2: toa 2 Ve. v.72 14) for sample A, the Carbonate alkalinity (CO3-) in mg/l CaCo3 is equal to = ass b)100 Cr) €)200 15) for the sample A,, the hydroxide alkalinity (OH-) in mg/l CaCo3 is equal to == a) zero by «) 55 d) 100 16) for the sample B , the biocarbonate $4, ( HCO3-) a\ C384, ©) 144 d) 288 17) for the sample B , the Carbgy CaCo3 is equal to:- ajl44 by 242 ate alkalinity (CO3-) in mg/l d) none of them for the following BOD results :- 18) the reaction constant (k1) is equal for . 19) the ultimate BOD (Lu) is equal to... 20) the BODS is equal to... vox 1245‘The University of Jordan College of Engineering and Technology Civil Engineering Deparment Midterm exam (59 minutes) QI: Define each of the following: a Z @Acidly the ability to nuiline Basen tytCapactty ofwink 4e dbnale bs eh pe ‘b+ Bufferue Hane: ™ 3 + ay de ; 4 On (A USA water sainple hue the fhilawing chemical analysis Ca* = 120 mg/L i 6 nay) ardaess Mg” = 48 mgt. et Alan (t1CO 6S mp. as CaCO, 46 yi mnt GCOz= 12 ing/t, as CACO, sb La K= 23 mpi l= 40 mg. SO," eMmBS 599g given the molecular CaCo3 = Thi i weight for Ca =40)g, My Ag) Nex The Calchum harehness in this water sample in mee/ ! i bh ae Qu, Te Magnesium hardness in this water sample in meq/L. ig: G7 ba ca BONE Sees Qs: 3 The toma hardness in this water sample meq is b.8 & tie. ee hardness in this water sample mg/l, a, AB. b.450 Q15: Non-carbonate: ey iardness inthis water in-meqll bs esas} b 20 Q19: A sanitary engineer used 100 mL samples of d obtained the following resus: i- Weight of empty dishes = 112.95 g. 2 Weight of dish and oven difed. Total dissolved solids in this sample | e 1000 KO ba ce ) Toul = ae par / (2400 Q2k: “os x (a2 | (222: Total fixed solids in this 4.28
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