Cas 111 1739
Cas 111 1739
Cas 111 1739
DOI: 10.1111/cas.14387
Nan Sun1 | Shouguo Sun1 | Yibo Gao1 | Yuan Li1 | Zhiliang Lu1 | Zuyang Yuan1 |
Yun Che1 | Jianbing Huang1 | Shuangshuang Mao1 | Yuanyuan Lei1 |
Ruochuan Zang1 | Ning Li1 | Wei Cui2 | Jun Qi2 | Feng Chen2 | Jia Gao2 |
Jinling Wang3 | Rong Min3 | Yan Chen4 | Guangli Shi4 | Fengwei Tan1 | Jie He1
Department of Thoracic Surgery, National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical
Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China
Department of Clinical Laboratory, National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical
Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China
Department of Clinical Laboratory, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China
Department of Clinical Laboratory, Beijing Chest Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China
Fengwei Tan and Jie He, Department of Abstract
Thoracic Surgery, National Cancer Center/ We aimed to verify the expression status and diagnostic significance of isocitrate de-
National Clinical Research Center for
Cancer/Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy hydrogenase 1 (IDH1) in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), especially during early
of Medical Sciences and Peking Union stages. Serum IDH1 levels were measured by ELISA. A total of 1223 participants (660
Medical College, 17 Panjiayuan Nanli,
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100021, China. patients with NSCLC, 276 healthy controls [HCs], 95 patients with benign pulmonary
Email: [email protected] (FT); prof. conditions [BPCs], 135 patients with other cancers [OCs], and 57 samples with inter-
[email protected] (JH)
fering factors) were divided into a training cohort and a validation cohort according
Funding information to 3 testing centers. The IDH1 concentrations in the NSCLC group were obviously
National Key R&D Program of China,
Grant/Award Number: 2018YFC1315000, higher than those in the control groups (P < .001). Area under the receiver operating
2018YFC1315003 and 2016YFC0905400; characteristic curves (AUCs) for discriminating NSCLC patients from controls (HC,
National Natural Science Foundation of
China, Grant/Award Number: 81871885; BPC, and OC) were 0.870 and 0.745 (sensitivity, 63.3% and 55.0%; specificity, 86.8%
PUMC Youth Fund, Grant/Award Number: and 86.3%) in the training cohort and validation cohort, respectively. The AUCs for
2017320013; Non-profit Central Research
Institute Fund of Chinese Academy of discriminating stage 0-IA lung cancer patients from HCs were 0.907 and 0.788 (sen-
Medical Sciences, Grant/Award Number: sitivity, 58.6% and 59.1%; specificity, 92.9% and 89.3%) in 2 cohorts, respectively.
2018RC320010; National Key Basic
Research Development Plan, Grant/ Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 showed specificity for NSCLC and had no diagnostic
Award Number: 2016YFC0905400; CAMS value for other common cancers. Furthermore, IDH1 was significantly reduced in
Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences,
Grant/Award Number: 2017-, I2M, -1-005,
Abbreviations: AAb, autoantibody; ADC, adenocarcinoma; AUC, area under the curve; BPC, benign pulmonary condition; CI, confidence interval; CT, computed tomography; ECLS,
EarlyCDT-Lung Test; HC, healthy control; IDH1, isocitrate dehydrogenase 1; IQR, interquartile range; LDCT, low-dose computed tomography; miRNA, microRNA; MSC, miRNA
signature classifier; NLST, National Lung Screening Trial; NSCLC, non-small-cell lung cancer; OC, other cancer; OD, optical density; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; RT, room
temperature; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma; SCLC, small-cell lung cancer; αKG, alpha ketoglutarate.
Nan Sun, Shouguo Sun, and Yibo Gao contributed equally to the work.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2020 The Authors. Cancer Science published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Japanese Cancer Association.
1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N and bronchoscopy, and blood markers are thus ideal aids. In addi-
tion, blood markers can be used as auxiliary indicators for differ-
Lung cancer is the most common incident cancer and the leading entiating between benign and malignant tumors, assisting staging,
cause of cancer-related death in China and worldwide.1 Non-small- and monitoring therapeutic effectiveness and prognosis. Traditional
cell lung cancer is the most frequent histologic subtype of lung blood biomarkers for lung cancer, such as CEA, CA125, SSCA, NSE,
cancer. Despite the use of many effective therapeutic approaches, Cyfra21-1, and proGRP, are used for diagnostic classification and
including surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, prognostic evaluation, and the significance for early diagnosis or
and immunotherapy, the 5-year survival rate of lung cancer remains screening is not clear. However, the currently available traditional
rather low. 2 Lung tumors at advanced stages with lymph node or markers show low sensitivity and insufficient diagnostic effective-
distant metastasis are the most commonly observed by clinicians. ness.10 It is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis based on a single
Due to the lack of early symptoms, approximately 15% of patients marker. Studies have investigated the combined detection of exist-
are diagnosed with lung cancer at a localized stage, when treatment ing biomarkers to improve sensitivity, but this can result in a corre-
is usually less extensive and more successful.3 The 5-year survival sponding reduction in specificity without any obvious increased in
rate is 53.5% for cases detected when the disease is still localized.4 diagnostic accuracy.11,12
Thus, the key to improve survival rates among lung cancer patients The development of molecular diagnostics and various omics
is early detection. technologies has led to the discovery of potential markers that can
The mortality associated with lung cancer is expected to decrease play an important role in the screening and early diagnosis of lung
in the wake of LDCT screening for early detection. Several large- cancer. The ECLS involves a continuous optimization of combina-
scale randomized trials have been used for evaluating the efficiency tions of 6 AAbs.13,14 The ECLS has been used to aid in the early de-
of LDCT screening worldwide. In 2011, the NLST showed that com- tection of lung cancer in high-risk populations, and a 7-AAb panel
pared with chest X-ray, LDCT screening could reduce lung cancer showed a sensitivity of 47% (9/10) and a specificity of 90% (739/817)
mortality in high-risk groups by 20%.5 The ongoing Dutch-Belgian in a prospective consecutive cohort that was deemed by clinicians to
Randomized Lung Cancer Screening Trial (NELSON) was designed be at an increased risk of developing lung cancer.15 Boeri et al16 col-
to explore whether LDCT screening can reduce lung cancer-associ- lected plasma of lung cancer patients before and after diagnosis by
ated mortality by 25% in high-risk groups over a 10-year follow-up CT and found that miRNAs in the blood samples collected 1-2 years
period.6 However, despite promising results, LDCT screening also before diagnosis predicted lung cancer. The research group further
has many limitations. First, a question remains regarding whether, showed that a miRNA panel, referred to as the MSC, had a marked
in addition to age and smoking status, factors such as sex and sec- 99% negative predictive value. When the MSC was combined with
ondhand smoking should be considered to optimize the classifica- LDCT, the false-positive detection rate of LDCT could be reduced
tion of high-risk groups. Furthermore, the high false-positive rates 5-fold from 19.4% to 3.7%. In addition, the MSC was associated
of LDCT screening are an important issue. Approximately 96.4% with the prognosis of lung cancer.17,18 Cancer is a systematic disease
of the positive screening results for the LDCT group in the NLST that leads to the generation of numerous molecules, resulting from
were false positive. The high rate of false-positive results can lead genetic alterations in cancer cells, the tumor microenvironment, or
to overdiagnosis and overtreatment, which can aggravate medical organic reactions, that can be found in blood. Thus, it is urgently
and psychological burden in patients. Additionally, the optimization necessary to explore new blood markers with increased sensitivity
of screening programs and nodular management strategies are also and specificity for the detection of early-stage lung cancer. These
aspects worth discussing. Some researchers have proposed the con- markers could facilitate the early diagnosis and screening of NSCLC.
cept of volume doubling time for the management of lung nodules.8 Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 is a catalytic enzyme in the TCA
Finally, some other important factors, such as radiation dosage and cycle that is mainly found in the cytoplasm and peroxisomes. It cat-
cost-effectiveness, restrict the use of LDCT screening.9 alyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate to αKG, which
Tumor markers in blood are important for the development of is an important enzyme that produces NADPH in the cytoplasm.
techniques involving in vitro diagnosis and are easy to obtain in a Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 has attracted widespread attention
noninvasive, inexpensive, and rapid manner. The individualized di- due to the Arg132 mutation in the active center of the enzyme.
agnosis of lung cancer is a hot research topic. An accurate diagnosis Arg132-mutant IDH1 shows novel enzymatic activity and catalyzes
of early-stage lung cancer is difficult to achieve using existing non- the generation of the carcinogenic metabolite 2-hydroxyglutarate,
invasive diagnostic methods, including imaging, sputum cytology resulting in a decrease in the concentration of its original product
SUN et al. | 1741
centrifuged at RT for 10 minutes according to standard protocols. with 95% CIs. The correlation between serum IDH1 concentrations
We collected the serum samples immediately after inspecting them and clinicopathologic characteristics was analyzed with Pearson’s χ2
at the clinical laboratory. Serum samples were centrifuged, and the test and Spearman’s rank correlation test. We compared IDH1 levels
supernatants were divided into 500-μL aliquots and immediately in serum before and after surgical resection in NSCLC patients with
stored at −80°C to avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles until testing. the Wilcoxon matched-pairs test.
Serum samples were independently collected by research teams at
the 3 centers. Sample collection and transportation were in accord-
ance with standard operating procedures. 3 | R E S U LT S
–, not applicable; ADC, adenocarcinoma; BPC, benign pulmonary condition; HC, healthy control; IDH1, isocitrate dehydrogenase 1; IQR, interquartile
range; NSCLC, non-small-cell lung cancer; OC, other cancer; Q, quartile; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma.
group (5.49 ± 3.41 ng/mL) (Mann-Whitney U test, P = .037). The level 3.3 | Validation of serum IDH1 levels for NSCLC
of IDH1 was higher in the BPC group than in the HC group (Mann- patients and controls in 2 other centers
Whitney U test, P < .001).
Next, we analyzed the diagnostic performance of IDH1 by Serum IDH1 levels were independently tested in a validation co-
comparing AUCs plotted based on serum IDH1 concentrations hort from 2 other hospitals. However, serum IDH1 concentration
in NSCLC patients and controls. The AUCs (95% CI), sensitivities, in NSCLC patients was not significantly different between the
specificities, predictive values, and probabilities for different validation cohort and the training cohort (5.55 ± 7.11 ng/mL and
comparisons are summarized in Tables 2, S1, and S2. Figure 3A 6.13 ± 4.80 ng/mL, respectively, Mann-Whitney U test, P = .054). The
shows that the AUC for discriminating NSCLC patients from HCs median serum IDH1 levels were 2.90 ± 1.89 ng/mL, 2.17 ± 2.90 ng/
was 0.915 (95% CI, 0.887-0.942) in the training cohort, indicating mL, and 2.18 ± 2.11 ng/mL in the HC, BPC, and OC groups in the
reasonable discriminatory potential for IDH1 in these 2 groups. validation cohort, respectively. The Kruskal-Wallis test revealed that
Additionally, IDH1 showed a strong ability to distinguish be- the concentrations of IDH1 in the NSCLC group were noticeably
tween the NSCLC and control groups (HC + BPC + OC), with an higher than those of the control group (P values <.001 for all) but not
AUC of 0.870 (training cohort, 95% CI, 0.840-0.899) (Table 2 and significantly different among the HC, BPC, and OC groups.
Figure 3D). We chose 5 ng/mL as the cut-off value for IDH1, which The area under the ROC curve for discriminating the NSCLC
showed a high specificity of 92.9% for HCs. This value yielded a group from the control groups (HC + BPC + OC) was 0.745 (95%
sensitivity of 63.3% for distinguishing NSCLC patients in the train- CI, 0.704-0.786) in the validation cohort, and that for discriminat-
ing cohort. The specificity was markedly high at 84.4% for the OC ing NSCLC patients from HCs was 0.730 (95% CI, 0.684-0.776)
group and 86.8% overall (Table 2). (Figure 3B,E). With 5 ng/mL as the cut-off value for IDH1 level,
1744 | SUN et al.
F I G U R E 2 Serum isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) levels in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and control groups. Serum IDH1
levels in the (A) training cohort, (B) validation cohort, and (C) whole cohort. Wide horizontal lines represent median values; bars represent
interquartile ranges. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001. BPC, benign pulmonary condition; HC, healthy control; ns, nonsignificant; OC, other
sensitivity for discriminating NSCLC patients was 55.0%. The spec- and maintained at the high level with disease progression. The AUC
ificity was markedly high at 89.3% for the HC group, 82.3% for the for discriminating stage 0-IA lung cancer patients and HCs was 0.907
BPC group, 85.4% for the OC group, and 86.3 for the overall group in the training cohort (95% CI, 0.875-0.938), 0.788 in the validation
in the validation cohort (Table 2). cohort (95% CI, 0.711-0.865), and 0.869 in the whole cohort (95%
CI, 0.839-0.899, Figure 4B). Thus, IDH1 is a promising marker for the
identification of patients with stage 0-I lung cancer. As mentioned
3.4 | Combined analysis of the diagnostic above, 5 ng/mL was used as the cut-off value for IDH1 level, and the
performance of IDH1 for early-stage NSCLC sensitivity of NSCLC detection was 58.7% (Table S2).
Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 had similar diagnostic ability for lung
Combined data from 3 centers were analyzed and are shown in ADC and SCC with equivalent areas under the ROC curves. The
Figure 3 and Table S2. The Kruskal-Wallis test of IDH1 levels in AUCs of the ADC and SCC groups vs control groups (HCs, BPCs, and
the NSCLC, BPC, OC, and HC groups generated P values of less OCs) were 0.822 (95% CI, 0.797-0.848) and 0.813 (95% CI, 0.766-
than .001. The concentration of IDH1 in the NSCLC group was 0.861), respectively, for the whole cohort. Additionally, relative to
6.00 ± 5.78 ng/mL, which was obviously higher than that of control the HC group, the AUCs of ADC and SCC groups were 0.846 (95%
groups (HC, 2.25 ± 2.17 ng/mL; BPC, 2.56 ± 3.61 ng/mL; and OC, CI, 0.819-0.873) and 0.835 (95% CI, 0.786-0.884), respectively,
3.23 ± 3.23 ng/mL). However, there was no difference among the within the whole cohort (Table S2). Despite slightly higher IDH1 lev-
3 control groups. Figure 3C,F shows that the AUC for discriminat- els in the BPC group than in the HC group in the whole cohort, there
ing the NSCLC group from the control groups (HC + BPC + OC) was was no diagnostic significance, and the AUC was 0.549 (95% CI,
0.818 (95% CI, 0.792-0.842), and that for discriminating NSCLC pa- 0.476-0.623). The presence of interfering factors had a low impact
tients from HCs was 0.841 (95% CI, 0.816-0.866). Considering IDH1 on IDH1 detection, and the specificity was 84.2% in the group with
concentration lower than 5 ng/mL as negative, the specificity of dis- interfering factors, similar to that in the control groups (Table S3).
tinguishing NSCLC patients was 91.3% for the HC group, 75.8% for The diagnostic performance of IDH1 was compared with that
the BPC group, 84.4% for the OC group, and 86.6% for the overall of CEA, CA125, and Cyfra21-1, which are lung cancer markers that
control group. The sensitivity was 59.5% for NSCLC patients in the are used in the clinic and had been used for performance compari-
whole cohort (Table S2). son in our previous study. 23 We evaluated the levels of the markers
Next, patients with different stages of lung cancer were sep- for some of the participants. Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 was supe-
arately compared with controls. Serum levels of IDH1 were not rior to the 3 markers, namely, CEA, CA125, and Cyfra21-1, for lung
different based on disease stages (stage 0-IA, 5.88 ± 5.38 ng/mL; ADC patients. For lung SCC patients, the AUC for IDH1 was smaller
stage IB, 6.69 ± 5.00 ng/mL; stage II, 6.47 ± 7.98 ng/mL; stage III, than that for Cyfra21-1 but greater than that for CEA and CA125
5.84 ± 5.87 ng/mL; and stage IV, 5.18 ± 6.01 ng/mL) (Figure 4A). (Figure S1 and Table S4). Cyfra21-1 was the most effective marker
Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 was elevated in early-stage lung cancer for lung SCC.
SUN et al. | 1745
TA B L E 2 Performance of serum isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 values for the diagnosis of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
AUC (95% CI) Se% Sp% PPV% NPV% Positive LR LR
Training cohort
NSCLC vs HC, BPC and 0.870 (0.840-0.899) 63.3 86.8 87.1 62.7 4.80 0.42
NSCLC vs HC 0.915 (0.887-0.942) 63.3 92.9 95.4 52.0 8.91 0.40
Stage 0-IA NSCLC vs HC, 0.859 (0.826-0.892) 58.6 86.8 79.3 70.9 4.44 0.48
BPC and OC
Stage 0-IA NSCLC vs HC 0.907 (0.875-0.938) 58.6 92.9 92.2 61.0 8.25 0.45
Stage IB-IV NSCLC vs 0.886 (0.852-0.919) 70.7 86.8 74.4 84.5 5.37 0.34
HC, BPC and OC
Stage IB-IV NSCLC vs HC 0.927 (0.896-0.958) 70.7 92.9 90.0 77.8 9.96 0.32
Validation cohort
NSCLC vs HC, BPC and 0.745 (0.704-0.786) 55.0 86.3 82.8 61.5 4.01 0.52
NSCLC vs HC 0.730 (0.684-0.776) 55.0 89.3 92.7 44.6 5.12 0.50
Stage 0-IA NSCLC vs HC, 0.797 (0.730-0.865) 59.1 86.3 53.4 88.8 4.31 0.47
BPC and OC
Stage 0-IA NSCLC vs HC 0.788 (0.711-0.865) 59.1 89.3 75.0 80.0 5.50 0.46
Stage IB-IV NSCLC vs 0.746 (0.697-0.796) 54.4 86.3 74.2 72.3 3.97 0.53
HC, BPC and OC
Stage IB-IV NSCLC vs HC 0.732 (0.676-0.788) 54.4 89.3 88.3 56.8 5.07 0.51
AUC, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve; BPC, benign pulmonary condition; HC, healthy control; LR, likelihood ratio; NPV,
negative predictive value; OC, other cancer; PPV, positive predictive value; Se, Sensitivity; Sp, Specificity.
3.5 | Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 showed specificity associated with surgical resection in NSCLC patients. Therefore, cir-
for NSCLC diagnosis culating IDH1 was mainly released by the tumor tissue.
F I G U R E 3 Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis of the diagnostic performance of serum isocitrate dehydrogenase
1 (IDH1) levels for differentiating non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients and controls in the (A, D) training cohort, (B, E) validation
cohort, and (C, F) whole cohort. Black circles mark the cut-off of values at 5 ng/mL. A-C, ROC curves of NSCLC group vs healthy control
(HC) + benign pulmonary condition + other cancer groups. D-F, NSCLC group vs HC group
F I G U R E 4 Diagnostic performance
of isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) for
early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer
(NSCLC). A, IDH1 levels in patients
with different stages of lung cancer. B,
Receiver operating characteristic curve
analysis of IDH1 levels in early-stage
NSCLC patients vs healthy controls (HCs).
Black circle indicates the cut-off value at
5 ng/mL. ***P < .001. ns, nonsignificant
initiate inflammatory responses. However, we could not identify IDH1 detected also includes various subclasses. Additionally, IDH1
a diagnostic value of IDH1 in patients with other common cancers levels dramatically decreased after cancer resection and were sig-
(Figure 5). Therefore, IDH1 is a specific marker for NSCLC. Unlike nificantly related to lung cancer load (Figure 6). Isocitrate dehy-
the classical protein markers CEA and Cyfra21-1, IDH1 level was drogenase 1 was superior to CEA, CA125, and Cyfra21-1 for lung
already high in the early stages; this interesting phenomenon also ADC patients, yet weaker than Cyfra21-1 for lung SCC (Figure S1
reminds us to pay attention to the sources of IDH1 in addition to and Table S4). These results were consistent with those of previous
tumor release in the early stage or dig deeper whether all the serum studies. 23
SUN et al. | 1747
F I G U R E 5 Diagnostic value of isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) for common human tumors. A, Serum IDH1 levels in patients with
common human cancers. B, Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis for patients with esophageal, stomach, liver, colorectal, breast,
kidney, cervical, or small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) vs healthy controls (HCs)
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