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CHQ 17117 1957 1958 Report 1

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S. P. Nautiyal, Superintending Geologist,

P.C. Sogani, Geologist,
G. J. Chandak, Assistant Geologist,
Geological Survey of India.




S. P. Nautiyal, Superintending Geologist,

P.C. Sogani, Geologist,
G. J. Chandak, Assistant Geologist,
Geological Survey of India.


Conclusions 3
Quality 3
Physical Characteristics 3
Chemical Composition 4
Remarks 4
Reserves 4


A. Table showing main and other subsidiary gypsum beds.

B. Table showing recovery of rocks in the cores immediately above the main gypsum bed.
C. Basalts of chemical analyses of gypsum samples.


1. Bore Hole Records. Of Nagaur Gypsum Deposit, Rajasthan.

2. Plate showing proposed and completed bore holes, Nagaur Rajasthan.
3. Map showing proposed seismic traverse lines, Nagaur Rajasthan.




S. P. Nautiyal, Superintending Geologist,

P.C. Sogani, Geologist,
G. J. Chandak, Assistant Geologist,
Geological Survey of India.


Occurrences of gypsum was reported on the basis of examination of the cores recovered from
a bore hole drilled for water supply near Nagaur railway station1. A chip sample of the core collected
by Mehta2 analysed 54 percent gypsum. B.C. Roy3 reported gypsum veins in Vindhyan rocks in a
recently dug well at Daparia in Jodhpur between 200 and 216 feet from the surface.

In view of small known reserves of gypsum, Geological Survey of India launched a

programme of thorough geological examination of the Nagaur area. Since most of the area is covered
by sand and sand dunes with very scanty exposures and that gypsum occurs at depth any investigation
without the aid of drilling could not have been successful.

The drilling party consisted of Shri Ajit Singh, Deputy Drilling Engineer, Sarvashri S. P.
Purohit, Hardit Singh and A.K. De, Drilling and other junior staff. The work was continued
throughout the year. Water for drilling had to be purchased and fetched from long distances.

The first three bore holes (1, 2 & 3) were drilled between January, 1957 and June, 1957 and
gypsum was found only in very thin beds and stringers at depth. In fourth hole, thick bed of gypsum
was struck at a depth between 273'6" and 296' from the surface.


The country is a low lying flat terrain with no drainage. The terrain appears to have been
peneplained and subsequently uplifted during perhaps late Eocene times.

Most of the area north and west of Nagaur is covered with sand and sand dunes which are
generally aligned in NW-SE direction and rise upto a couple of hundred feet above the surrounding

M.S. Krishnan ( 1956) Rec. G.S.I. Vol. LXII pp. 262-43
V.P. Sondhi and D.R.S. Mehta (1981) Indian Minerals, Vol. V No. 4 pp. 168-182.
B. C. Roy (1958), Mem. G.S.I.., Vol. 86, P-132; in the press.
2 GSI-CHQ-17117


Both to the east and west of Nagaur area low knolls, usually aligned north south make a
striking feature.

The rainfall is very scanty but due to lack of drainage, even a little rainfall floods the entire
Nagaur area. The dust storms are strong and often persist for many hours.


The rock formation of the area are assigned to Vindhyanas. Dr. Krishnana1 considered the
gypsiferous sandstones and siltstones of Nagaur to be equivalent to Bhandar Series of Upper
Vindhyan age.

The geological succession covered is as follows:

Desert sand with gypsite Recent

Nagaur series Sandstones, ferruginous, gritty and current bedded, ? Bhander
micaceous siltstones and sandstones. Siltstones and
claystones and a clays with gypsum beds, dolomitic
limestones and dolomites with gypsum
Rol Qasion Bhakrod Siliceous dolomites, limestones marls etc., ? L. Vindhyans

Detailed regional geological work, sedimentological studies and micro-fossil studies are
under progress. Some important results have been obtained, with regards to the age of the formations
and palaeoclimatic conditions which, however, need further verification.

The Rol Qasion and Bhakrod limestone and dolomites are cherty, highly folded and sheared
and are distinct from the overlying dolomitic limestones of the Nagaur Series.

The Nagaur Series occur in a faulted basin with faults running north-south. through Rol
Qasion -Mundwa to the east and Bhakrad-Alai to the west. The Nagaur Series lie unconformably over
the highly folded Rol Qasian Bhakrod Series.

The fringe of the Nagaur basin is invariably composed of calcareous, gritty and pebbly
sandstones. Towards the centre of the basin the sediments are finer i.e., siltstones, fine grained
sandstones etc.

The formations are gently folded. The frequency of folds has yet to be ascertained. There
appears to be a N-S and E-W pattern of faulting with minor throws.

M.S. Krishnan (1996) Rec. G.S.I., Vol. LXIX pp. 242-43
3 GSI-CHQ-17117

Gypsum beds: The thickness and frequency of gypsum beds in the area so far geologically
studied is tabulated in Appendix A. For consideration of exploitation only the thickest and the bed
nearest to ground surface is being considered at present for giving a broad idea of the possible
reserves and quality. There are many other seams though at a greater depth, which may also be
worked in the future such as 6 ft. 10 inches at 66 feet in 7 NR; 7 feet 9 inches at 402 feet in 9 NR; 5 ft.
10 inches at 365 feet and 5 feet bed at 451 feet 8 inches and 7.5 feet at 476 feet in 10 NR.

The logs of the bore holes are given in Plate I.


(i) Gypsum occurs in a number of beds. The top most bed is the most persistent and is met at
a depth varying from of 225 feet to 490 feet from the surface. This variability in depth is probably
caused by folding and faulting.

(ii) The thickness of the main gypsum bed is irregular, varies from 16 feet in 7 NR to 41 feet
in 18 NR. May be that its thickness is controlled by folding; gypsum being a plastic material would
tend to flow into the crestal portions of the folds.

(iii) The rocks immediately upto 50 feet above the main gypsum bed are mostly siltstones and
clay stones with 22 to 84 percent recovery in the cores, and the details for all the borehole are
recorded in Table B.

It may be worthwhile to state that the percentage recovery of rocks immediately above the
main gypsum bed in bore holes Nos. 7NR, 9 NR and 10 NR is poor. Whereas in bore hole No. 4NR, 5
NR and 15 NR the recovery has high.

The poor core recovery possibly indicated work rock and conversely the high core recovery
may be an index of more sound rock.

(iv) Below the main bed, gypsum is associated with dolomite limestones and clays.


Physical characteristics:-

The gypsum in the main bed is massive and crystalline. It is white, grayish white to grey in
colour. The other subordinate gypsum beds are also mostly of massive granular variety varying from
milk-white, grey to dark grey in colour. The translucent fibrous and flaky variety of gypsum occurs
mainly as small stringers and veins traversing the dolomites, clays and claystones as well as the
granular variety of gypsum.
4 GSI-CHQ-17117

Its specific gravity varies from 2.29 to 2.34. The cores of gypsum were split into two halves
and crushed, quartered and coned. The samples were analysed in the laboratories of the Geological
Survey of India and the results are given is Table C at the end of this note.

Chemical Composition:-

The average gypsum content of the main gypsum bed recorded from the cores from each bore
hole is given below:-

Bore Hole No. Thickness in feet Depth in feet Gypsum

From To CaSO4 2H2O
5 NR 32 327 359 90.92
7 NR 16.33 273.7 290 82.06
9 NB 30.25 225 255.25 80.64
10 NB 32.5 231.5 294 84.74

The cores from other boreholes are being analysed.


The gypsum from the main bed contains dolomite, silica, and silicates of calcium in
proportions varying from 9 to 20 percent, but considering the vast reserves of the mineral, its quality
can further be improved by beneficiation.

The Nagaur gypsum is suitable for the manufacture of ammonia sulphate, portland cement,
sulphuric acid as well as for use in agriculture.


The reserves are classified as proved and probable or possible for the main bed only.

Previous reserves:- Based on the geological conditions, the area within a radius of 2500 feet
around the bore hole to be considered as proved. The gypsum bed is assumed to maintain uniform
hole thickness in an area of about 19,000,000 square feet around each bore hole. The specific gravity
has been taken at 2.3. The calculated reserves are as given below:-

2.3 19 X 22.5 =427.5 m. cft.

5 NR 19 x 32 =608 m. cft.
7 NR 19 X 16.3 =309.1 m. cft.
9 NR 19 X 30 = 570 m. cft.
10 NR 19 x 32.5 =617.5 m. cft.
11 NR Not completed
12 NR not take- into account
5 GSI-CHQ-17117

15 NR 19 x26 = 494 m. cft.

16 NR 19 x 17.5 =332.5 m. cft.
18 NR 19 X 41 = 779 m. cft.
4138.2 m. cft.
Taking 20 cft. per ton, the total proved reserves come to 206.9 million tons, say 207 million

Possible reserves:- For calculating the possible reserves the gypsum bed has been assured to
be spread over the entire area covered by the bore holes and upto half a mile from the bore holes on
the east-west and north-south of the bore holes located on the fringe of area drilled. The area thus
covered is approximately 25 squares miles. The thickness of the bed has been assumed as of the
thickness met in each bore hole.

Assuming an average thickness of 25 feet, the tonnage per foot per sq. mile is taken
approximately at 1.38 million tons. Thus the expected reserves may be :-

25 x 13 x 25 = 363.5 million tons.

Say 363 million tons.

The minor beds below the main bed have been excluded. Some of them are thick enough and
appear to be persistent over large areas. The reserves from each bed will be calculated in the final
report. This will augment the reserves considerably.

A detailed estimate of reserves will be prepared as soon as the structural complexities of the
area will have been solved.

However, it seams to be reasonable to assume that the reserves of gypsum are between 207 to
362 million tons in the area so far examined.


The deeply red coloured and strongly current bounded sandstones and siltstones are of
shallow water origin. The sediment were deposited during arid climatic conditions probably in inland
depression or lakes where due to rapid evaporation, gypsum was precipipated. The intermixture of
carbonates (dolomite and calc to) is a natural sequence in the formation of evaporities. In the lower
zones gypsum is associated more with dolomite. The gypsum appears to be syngenetic and also as a
replacement of dolomite. Replacement possibly took place during a disaster (brief depositional
interval). The gap in continuous deposition is also indicate by the fact that some of the gypsum beds
exhibit correct bedding which means that the earlier formal gypsum was exposed to denudation and
re-deposited in shallow water.
6 GSI-CHQ-17117

One significant fact, however, remains unexplained that is the absence of alkali salts. It is
possible that such beds if they were deposited in the same basin were leached out during the diastem.

However, further data has to be collected before the origin of the gypsum can be discussed
with some certainty.


In order to assess the deposits more accurately, the following programme of work is

(1) Regional geological mapping.

(2) Detailed geological and structural mapping of gypsum bearing areas aided by drilling.

(3) Palynological study of the sediments,

(4) Study of the hydrological conditions.

(5) Studies for demarcating the basinal areas where gypsum could be prognosticated. Heavy
mineral assemblage for correlation purposes,

(6) Delineation of the present gypsum bearing basin of ancient lake area, with the aid of drilling.
The additional drilling programme is indicated in Plate 2.

(7) Undertaking experimental seismic observations to determine the feasibility of the method. If
the method proves successful, the work can be extended to cover the whole area (Plate 3),


1. Alai 27°19'40" 73°34'20"

2. Bhakrod 27° 2'50" 73°35'
3. Mundwa 27° 4' 73°49'30"
4. Nagaur 27°12' 73°44'30"
5. Rol Qasian 27°10' 73°56"
7 GSI-CHQ-17117

Record 7 Gypsum beds met with in Nagaur Bore holes

Sl. No. Bore-hole Depth from he surface where Total Thickness of the Main Gypsum zone Other gypsum beds of 2 ft. or more than 2 ft. thick with
Number the main gypsum bed was main gypsum bed their depths of occurrences.
first encountered
1. 1 NR Nil Nil Nil 34' gypsum at 459' 0"
2 2 NR Nil Nil Nil 2'6" Impure gypsum at 350' 0"
2' 6" Impure gypsum at 400' 0"
3, 3 NR Nil Nil Nil 2' 0" gypsum at 388' 0"
2' 1" gypsum at 392' 4"
4. 4 NR 273'6" 22' 6" 273'6"-296' 0" 2' 6" gypsum at 263’ 6"
11' 0" gypsum at 325' 0"
5. 5 NR 327' 0" 32' 0" 327' 0"-359' 0" 3' 6" gypsum rock at 312' 6"
2' 0" gypsum at 428' 6"
2' 6" gypsum rock at 464' 0"
6 6 NR Nil Nil Nil Nil
7. 7 NR 273' 8" 16' 4" 273' 8"-290' 0" 2' 0" pinkish granular gypsum at 316'
10" 2'1" gypsum at 360' 0"
6'10" gypsum at 466' 0"
3' 7" gypsum at 487' 9"
8. 9 NR 225' 0" 30' 3" 235' 0"-255' 3" 2’ 5" grey to dark grey gypsum at 316'3"
2' 3" gypsum at 355' 6"
4' 2" gypsum at 380' 6"
7' 9" white to grey granular gypsum at 402' 3"
4'6" granular and flaky gypsum at 450' 3"
2' 0" gypsum at 459' 9"
9. 10 NR 251' 6" 32'6" 251' 6" – 284'0" 5' 10" Gypsum with clay at 365'8"
2' 6" gypsum at 407'0"
4' 9" gypsum at 423'9"
2' 0" gypsum at 433'0"
8' 0" white gypsum at 451'6"
3'6" gypsum at 448'0"
7' 6" Impure gypsum at 476'0"
2' 8" gypsum with clay at 506'0"
2' 3" granular impure gypsum at 548'9"
8 GSI-CHQ-17117

Sl. No. Bore-hole Depth from he surface where Total Thickness of the Main Gypsum zone Other gypsum beds of 2 ft. or more than 2 ft. thick with
Number the main gypsum bed was main gypsum bed their depths of occurrences.
first encountered
3'1" grey siliceous gypsum at 884'9"
2' 2" Siliceous gypsum at 605' 6"
10. 11 NR Nil Nil Nil Nil
11. 12 NR Not encountered Nil 3' 1" grey granular gypsum at 417'0"
3' 0" gypsum at 430' 0"
3' 3" gypsum at 434' 10 ½"
3' 8" gypsum at 488' 0"
1' 11" gypsum at 880' 0"
12. 15 NR 379'1" 26' 4 ½ " 379' 1"-403' 3 ½" 2' 2" siliceous gypsum at 447' 7"
3' 5" siliceous gypsum at 437' 1"
3' 10" granular to flaky gypsum at 465' 0"
3' 8" clayey gypsum at 520' 10"
1' 9" siliceous gypsum at 381' 0"
5' 6" gypsum with dolomitic bands at 553' 0"
6' 6" granular gypsum with clay at 562' 9"
2' 0" granular gypsum with quartz at 874' 0"
7' 0" siliceous gypsum at 611' 9"
8' 9" grey gypsum at 623' 3"
13. 16 NR 490' 0" 17' 6" 490' 0"-507' 6" 3' 2" Grey granular gypsum at 478' 0"
3' " Greyish white, granular gypsum at 528' 4"
8' 3" Impure (calcareous 4 siliceous) gypsum at 538' 0"
14. 18 NR 360' 0" 41' 0" 360' – 401' 0" 2' 4" Clayey gypsum at 564' 6"
9 GSI-CHQ-17117


Recovery of rocks in the cores immediately above the main gypsum bed

Bore Depth at which Depth Thickness Core % of

Hole No. the main gypsum recovered recovery
bed is met with From To

4 NR 273' 6" 221' 0" 231' 0" 10 ft. 7' 6" 75.0
231' 0" 241' 0" 10 ft. 10' 0" 100.0
241'0" 251' 0" 10 ft. 8' 10" 88.3
251' 0" 261' 0" 10 ft. 0' 6" 5.0
251' 0" 266' 0" 5 ft. 3' 10" 76.6
266' 0" 276' 0" 10 ft. 9'11" 99.2
From 221' – 276' 0'' Total 55 ft. 41' 7" 75.9
5 NR 327'0" 269' 6" 279' 6" 10 ft. 6' 0" 60.0
279' 6" 290' 0" 10 ft. 6 in. 8' 6" 85.0
290' 0" 300' 0" 10 ft. 8'9" 87.5
300' 0" 308' 6" 8 ft. 6 in 8' 6" 100.0
308' 6" 318' 6" 10 ft. 10' 0" 100.0
318' 6" 328' 6" 10 ft. 6' 1" 60.8
From 269' 6" – 328'6" Total 59 ft. 47'10" 81.0
7 NR 273' 8" 220' 0" 230' 0" 10 ft. 5' 0" 50.0
230'0" 240' 0" 10 ft. 3' 1" 30.8
240'0" 250' 0" 10 ft. 5'4" 53.3
250'0" 255' 0" 10 ft. 4'10" 96.6
255'0" 265' 0" 5 ft. 4'2" 41.6
265' 0" 275’ 0" 10 ft. 4' 7" 45.8
From 220' 0" - 275'0" Total 55 ft. 27' 0" 49.9
9 NR 225' 6" 171' 0" 181' 0" 10 ft. 8' 4" 83.3
181' 0" 191' 0" 10 ft. 7' 6" 75.0
181' 0" 201'0" 10 ft. 7'0" 70.0
201'0" 211' 0" 10 ft. 3' 6" 35.0
211' 0" 221' 0" 10 ft. 6'5" 64.1
From 171' 0" – 221'0" Total 50 ft. 32' 9" 65.5
10 NR 251' 6" 200' 0" 210' 0" 10 ft. 3' 1" 30.8
210' 0" 220' 0" 10 ft. 2' 9" 27.5
220' 0" 2.30' 0" 10 ft. 3' 8" 36.6
230' 0" 235' 0" 5 ft.. Nil Nil
235' 0" 245' 0" 10 ft. Nil Nil
245' 0" 250' 0" 5 ft 1' 5" 30.0
10 GSI-CHQ-17117

Bore Depth at which Depth Thickness Core % of

Hole No. the main gypsum recovered recovery
bed is met with From To

From 200' 0" – 250'0" Total 50 ft. 10' 11" 21.83

15 NR 379' 1" 321' 0" 331' 0" 10 ft. 9'4" 93.3
331' 0" 341'0" 10 ft. 9' 0" 90.0
341' 0" 344' 0" 3 ft. 3'0" 100.0
344' 0" 351'0" 7 ft. 6' 3" 89.3
351' 0" 361' 0" 10 ft. 5'8" 56.6
361' 0" 371'0" 10 ft. 7' 3" 72.4
371' 0" 381' 0" 10 ft. 9'10" 96.6
From 321'0" -281'0" Total 60 ft. 50' 4" 84.0
11 GSI-CHQ-17117

Results of analyses of Gypsum samples from Nagaur Area

P. R. No. 12287.
Lab. No. 2274.

Sl. No. Sample Thick From To % of Insoluble % R 2O 3 CaO % MgO % SO3 % Loss on Total
No. ness Gypsum by % ignition
Calculation including +
H 2O
1. 5NR/1 1' 6" 278' 0" 279' 6" 67.98 9.82 0.40 28.76 5,57 31.62 23,37 99,54
2, 5NR/2 3' 6" 312' 6" 316' 0" 73.74 13.89 0.50 28.56 2.44 34.30 20.34 100.03
3. 5NR/3 7' 9" 327' 0" 334' 9" 85.24 6.40 0.61 30.02 1.59 39.65 21.02 99.29
4. 5NR/4 23' 4" 334' 9" 358' 1" 94.49 3.66 0.15 31.75 1.03 43.95 19.52 100.06
5. 5NR/5 0'11" 358' 1" 359' 0" 49.32 20.92 2.00 22.72 8.40 22.94 21.77 98.75
6. 5NR/6 1' 0" 359' 0" 360' 0" 71.33 9.21 1.40 27.76 5.43 33.18 23.22 100.20
7. 5NR/7 2' 0" 399' 6" 401' 6" 67.67 8.26 0.63 29.52 5.57 31.45 23.64 99.07
8. 5NR./8 1' 3"t 428' 6" 429" 9" 62.88 3.63 0.30 30.95 7.72 29.25 28.17 100.02
9. 5NR/9 0' 10" 436' 6" 437' 4" 83.33 2.80 0.71 32.31 3.98 38.76 21.40 99,96
10. 5NR/10 2' 9" 465' 0" 467' 9" 97.02 1.56 0.30 32.54 1.23 45.13 19.32 100.08
11. 7NR/1 16'4" 273' 8" 290' 0" 82.06 5.98 0.30 29.51 2.71 38.17 22.50 99.17
12. 7NR/2 2' 0" 216' 10" 218' 10" 78.64 1.63 0.15 32.01 4.43 36.58 25.25 100.05
13. 7NR/3 0'10" 336' 6" 337' 4" 78.86 2.67 0.44 31.90 4.02 36.68 23.77 99.48
14. 7NR/4 2' 1" 360' 0" 362' 1" 97.67 0.75 0.17 32.19 0.63 45.43 19.52 98.69
15. 7NR/5 6' 10" 466' 0" 472' 10" 90.98 0.48 trace 32.46 1.76 42,32 22.13 99.17
16. 7NR/6 0' 10" 475' 2" 476' 0" 89.39 6.63 0.76 29.72 1.63 41.58 19.58 99.90
17. 7NR/7 2' 2" 481' 8" 483' 10" 96.25 0.54 trace 32.76 0.98 44.77 20.97 100.02
18. 7NR/8 3'8" 487' 9" 491' 5" 85.89 4.58 0.20 31.75 2.21 39.95 22.12 100.81
19. 7NR/9 2' 0" 493' 0" 495' 0" 68.09 0.39 0.38 32.48 6.37 31.67 28.23 99.52
20. 9NR/1 2' 0" 225' 0" 225' 9" 88.92 8.43 0.27 29.29 1.17 41.36 19.52 100.04
228'0"| 228'0"
12 GSI-CHQ-17117

Sl. No. Sample Thick From To % of Insoluble % R 2O 3 CaO % MgO % SO3 % Loss on Total
No. ness Gypsum by % ignition
Calculation including +
H 2O
229' 4" 229' 9"
21. 9NR/2 2' 9" 225'9" 228'0" 91.65 5.93 0.50 30.59 0.38 42.63 19.94 99.97
228'10" 229'4"
22. 9NR/3 25' 6" 229' 9" 255' 3" 84'47" 7.12 0.48 30.01 1.80 39.29 20.92 99.62
23. 9NR/4 0' 9" 300' 6" 301' " 66.90 1.24 0.11 31.75 7.20 31.12 28.89 100.31
24. 9NR/5 2' 9" 316' 3" 319' 0" 95.09 0.33 Trace 32.38 0.54 44.23 21.53 99,01
25. 9NR/6 2'3" 355' 6" 357' 9" 89.78 0.75 0,11 30.86 4.12 41.76 22.39 99.99
26. 9NR/7 1' 4" 373' 6" 374' 10" 89.11 2.00 Trace 31.70 1.47 41.45 22.26 99.28
27. 9NR/8 1' 4" 374' 10" 376' 2" 44.76 5.70 Trace 29 .62 11.04 20,82 33.00 100.18
28. 9NR/9 1' 3" 376' 2" 377' 5" 75.89 2.82 Trace 31.18 3.82 35.30 25.70 98.82
29. 9NR/10 4' 2" 380' 6" 384' 8" 87.50 2.43 Trace 31.79 2.08 40.71 23.46 99.49
30. 9NR/11 11' 4" 402' 3" 413' 7" 89.16 2.03 Trace 31.92 1.38 41.47 22.43 99.23
31. 9NR/12 4' 6" 450' 3" 454' 9" 91.09 0.50 Trace 32.50 1.70 43.33 22.25 100.25
32. 9NR/13 2’0" 459' 9" 461' 9" 79.27 0.17 Trace 32.65 3.53 36.87 26,17 99.89
33. 9NR/14 1'1" 461' 9" 462' 10" 76.54 1.00 Trace 32.10 4.75 35.60 26.85 100.30
34. 9NR/15 3'2" 462' 10" 466' 0" 47.21 0.26 Trace 33.96 6.37 21.96 33.83 98.38
35. 9NR/16 1' 2" 466' 0" 467'2" 74.97 0.36 Trace 32.62 4.79 35.74 25.75 99.26
36. 9NR/17 0' 9" 47' 3" 480' 0" 91.14 3,39 Trace 31.73 0.84 43.49 20.40 99.87
37. 9NR/18 2' 8" 251' 6" 254' 2" 82.13 11.14 Trace 28.10 2.37 38.24 20.40 100.35
38. 10NR/2 1' 3" 254' 2" 353' 7" 70.14 10.72 0.58 28.27 3.87 33.39 23.11 99.94
39. 10NR/3 1' 0" 255' 7" 256' 7" 79.22 11.12 Trace 28.24 2.44 36.85 20.79 99.44
40. 10NR/4 3' 1" 256' 7" 259' 8" 78.12 9.17 Trace 30.16 2.34 37.28 20.42 99.37
41. 10NR/5 20' 4" 259' 3" 280' 0" 86.73 7.42 Trace 30.74 0.56 41.34 19.22 99.28
42. 10NR/6 4'0" 380' 0" 284' 0" 89.25 5.27 0.28 31.17 0.88 42.51 19.20 99.31
43. 10NR/7 1' 9" 303' 0" 304' 9" 94.87 3.26 Trace 31.56 0.58 44.21 20.42 100.03
44 10NR/8 1' 9" 306' 1" 307' 10" 88.54 3.40 0.34 30.74 2.28 41.26 21.99 100.01
13 GSI-CHQ-17117

Sl. No. Sample Thick From To % of Insoluble % R 2O 3 CaO % MgO % SO3 % Loss on Total
No. ness Gypsum by % ignition
Calculation including +
H 2O
45. 10NR/9 1' 7" 317' 0" 318'7" 88.84 1.94 Trace 32.45 2.82 41.40 21.33 99.94
46. 10NR/10 4' 4" 365' 8" 370' 0" 90.08 6.00 0,64 30.16 1.19 41,98 20,27 100.84
47. 10NR/11 1' 7" 370' 0" 371' 7" 91.69 6.01 Trace 31.27 0.30 42.73 19.70 100.01
48. 10NR/12 1' 1" 375' 0" 376' 1" 64.03 10.02 Trace 29.72 4.70 29.84 25.42 99.70
49. 10NR/13 2'6" 407' 0" 409' 6" 93.07 0.33 Trace 32.08 0.75 43.29 2 3.00 99.45
50. 10NR/14 1' 3" 423' 9" 425' 0" 94.32 1.98 Trace 32.08 0.57 43.87 21.34 99.84
51. 10NR/15 2' 1" 426' 8" 428' 9" 91.81 7.38 Trace 33.16 1.50 42.71 14.61 99.36
52. 10NR/16 1' 9" 435' 0" 436' 9" 87.34 3.17 6.34 32.80 0.24 40.63 22.38 99.56
53. 10NR/17 5' 0" 451' 6" 456' 6" 89.97 0.67 Trace 32.08 1.50 41.85 22.97 99.07
54. 10NR/18 3' 6" 468' 0" 471' 6" 88.10 2.86 0.42 31.94 1.05 40.05 23.39 99.71

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