ATPDraw Manual 2ºparte
ATPDraw Manual 2ºparte
ATPDraw Manual 2ºparte
AC - 14 TACS AC cosine signal source.
type 14
Pulse - 23 TACS pulse train signal.
type 23
Ramp - 24 TACS saw-tooth train signal.
type 24
All the older TACS transfer functions of previous ATPDraw versions are supported in version 3,
but some of them has been removed from the component selection menu and replaced by a more
general component: the General transfer function. This object defines a transfer function in the s
domain and it can be specified with or without limits. Four more simple transfer functions are also
supported: Integral, Derivative, first order High and Low pass filters.
The initial condition of a TACS variable can be specified by selecting TACS object (type 77)
under the TACS | Initial cond. menu. The name of this component is INIT_T and its icon is .
The component dialog box of the Fortran statements | General object provides a Type field where
the user is allowed to specify the type of the object (input, output, inside) and an OUT field for the
single line Fortran-like expression. These statements are written into the /TACS subsection of the
ATP input file starting at column 12.
The Fortran statements | Math and Logic sub-menus include additional simple objects for the
basic mathematical and logical operations.
Selection Object name Icon ATP card Description
General FORTRAN1 TACS type User specified FORTRAN
88,98 or 99 expression.
When you select TACS | Draw relation, the mouse cursor will change to a pointing hand and the
program is waiting for a left mouse click on a circuit node to set the starting point of a new
relation. You can then draw multiple relations until you click the right mouse button or press the
Esc key. Relations are used to visualize information flow into Fortran statements. These objects
are drawn as blue connections, but have no influence on the component connectivity. You can
work with relations exactly the same way as with connections: relations can be selected, rotated,
deleted, or moved to another position.
4.9.11 User Specified
Selecting the Library item will draw the predefined user specified object LIB.
This object has no input data and cannot be connected with other objects because
it has no input or output nodes.
Fig. 4.69 - Supported user specified objects.
Using this object will result in a $Include statement in the ATP-file. The User specified
field at the bottom of the component dialog box specifies the name of the file (and path if
$Prefix misc. request is unselected under ATP | Settings / Format) that is included by ATP
at run time. The user must keep track of internal node names in this file, and if an internal node is
connected with other nodes of the circuit, the two node must be given the same name.
Ref. 1-ph
Selecting Ref. 1-ph will draw the object LIBREF_1. This object has zero parameters and
two nodes. Reference objects are not represented in the ATP input data file, but serve only
as visualization of connectivity.
Ref. 3-ph
Selecting Ref. 3-ph will draw the object LIBREF_3. This object has zero parameters and
two nodes. Reference objects are not represented in the ATP input data file, but serve only
as visualization of connectivity.
Besides the standard components, the user is allowed to create User Specified components. The
usage of this feature requires knowledge about ATP's DATA BASE MODULARIZATION technique.
The procedure that is described in the Advanced part of this Manual consists of two steps:
1. Creating a new support file (.sup) using the Objects | User Specified / New sup-file menu.
2. Creating a Data Base Module file (.LIB), which describes the object.
Selecting Files... in the component selection menu executes the Open Component dialog and the
existing support files in the \USP directory are listed. If you select a .sup file from the list and
click on the Open button, the icon of the object will appear in the middle of the active circuit
window. Henceforth the user specified objects operate similarly than standard objects.
The Harmonic Frequency Scan (HFS) is one of the options under ATP | Settings / Simulation. The
Frequency comp. menu supports four HFS objects for such a simulation:
In the first run the source frequency will be 1x50 Hz, the second run 5x50 Hz etc. up to the fifth
run f = 11x50 Hz = 550 Hz. The Freq. value specified by the user under ATP | Settings /
Simulation is used here as base frequency. The source frequency can also be specified directly in
Hz and in such case the first F/n must be greater or equal to the Power Frequency. Specifying the
frequencies F/n like 50, 250, 350, 450, and 550 would be equivalent to what is shown in Fig. 4.71.
In ATPDraw 3.x the standard component support files are stored in a single file called
ATPDraw.scl. The Standard library dialog is the container of supported circuit objects in
alphabetical order. Any component can be selected from this list, then the object's icon appears in
the circuit window exactly the same way as after other selections in the component selection sub-
for Windows
Advanced Manual
This chapter gives an overview of several new features in ATPDraw: Grouping and $Parameter,
usage of the integrated LINE/CABLE CONSTANTS, BCTRAN and the UNIVERSAL MACHINE support,
and describes how to use MODELS in ATPDraw and how to create new user specified object by
means of ATP's $Include and DATA BASE MODULARIZATION features. You will not be shown how
to create the example circuits, but these project files (Exa_*.adp) are part of the ATPDraw
distribution. To load these example circuits into ATPDraw, use the File | Open command (or
Ctrl + O) and select the file name in the Open Project dialog box.
The new grouping facility in ATPDraw allows multilevel modeling by replacing a group of
objects with a single icon in unlimited numbers of layers. The grouping structure can be taken as a
multi-layer circuit, where the Edit | Edit Group brings the user one step down in details, while the
Edit | Edit Circuit menu brings one step back. This feature increases the readability of the circuit a
great deal and the feature is especially useful for TACS blocks. The grouping feature is
demonstrated by re-designing the circuit Exa_4.adp in the ATPDraw distribution. This circuit
is an induction machine supplied by a pulse width modulated (PWM) voltage source. The
induction machine is represented by a Universal Machine type 3 with a typical mechanical load.
Fig. 5.1 - An induction machine supplied by a pulse width modulated voltage source.
After selecting a group the Edit |Compress command will replace it with a single icon. As shown
in Fig. 5.2 in the Compress dialog box the user can specify the data parameters and the nodes for
the new group-object. The selected data and nodes appear as input to the group and their original
values are automatically transferred.
Fig. 5.3 - Name and position of the external nodes of the group.
To the left under Objects all components in the group are listed with their name (support file)
followed by ' / ' and the label specified by the user in the component dialog box, or by an
(alpha)numeric identifier if the label was not specified by the user. When the user clicks on one of
the component's name under Objects, its data and nodes appears under Available: starting with
data/node name and followed by their names and values. The user can select a data parameter here
and click on the >> arrow symbol. The selected data parameter will appear in the field to the right
Added to group:. The name of the selected data parameter is editable by double-clicking on it. The
default data values of the new group object will be equal to the original components' data values.
Under Nodes the available nodes for the selected component are similarly listed. The user can
select the desired nodes and specify the position of the group-object node on the icon border 1-12
as shown in Fig. 5.3. All data and nodes listed in the Added to group: will be an external attribute
of the new group-object.
Selected data and nodes can also be removed from the Added to group: by clicking on the <<
arrow button. As all other components, the group object is limited to 36 data and 12 nodes. It is
not possible to edit the node and data attributes after the group has been created. If you need to
change the group attributes, the only way is to extract the group in the main menu Edit | Extract
(or Shift+right click to call the shortcut menu and select Extract) and reselect a new group.
After selecting all the required data and nodes click on OK,
then a new support file will automatically be created as a
temporary file in the /GRP folder. The old components
disappear and the new group object is drawn in the circuit
window as shown in Fig. 5.4. The user is then allowed to
connect this group object to the rest of the circuit.
When changing the data parameter in this window the value will be transferred to the member
components. A change in the node name will be transferred in the same way. In this specific case
the Fortran TACS objects are connected to the single-phase side of a splitter. The name of the 3-
phase node V will be transferred as the names VC, VB and VA (from left to right) to the Fortran
objects' output node. The user must follow this phase sequence in the PWM group object, too.
The Compress process for the mechanical load of the induction machine and the component
dialog of the new group can be seen in Fig. 5.6 and Fig. 5.7, respectively.
Fig. 5.6 - Selection of data values and external nodes for the mechanical load group.
To view/edit a group the user must first select it and then click Edit | Edit Group in the main menu
(or Ctrl+G). The group is then extracted on the current circuit window. Actually, the grouping
structure can be taken as a multi-layer circuit, where the Edit Group brings the user one step down
in details, while the Edit Circuit brings him one step back. The group is editable in normal way,
but the user can't delete components with reference nodes or data in the mother group). I.e.
components having been referenced in one of the Added to group: lists cannot be deleted. If the
user attempts to do so, a "Marked objects are referenced by compressed group..." warning
message reminds him that the operation is not allowed. Selecting the main menu Edit | Edit
Circuit (or short key Ctrl+H) will close the group edit window. It is possible with several levels of
groups in the circuit. The maximum number of group levels is 1000.
Each group has a name GRPxxxxx as shown in the component dialog box header in Fig. 5.5 and
Fig. 5.7. The number following GRP is incremented for every new group. The files
GRPxxxxx.sup are found in the /GRP sub-directory and are editable as any other component. The
group support files are stored in the project file and are taken as temporary files in ATPDraw. It is
safe thus to delete the group sup-files when the project is stored on disk, but not necessary to
perform this operation manually, because the program will delete all of them when you finish the
ATPDraw session.
Fig. 5.8 - The icon of the PWM source and the load group
has been customized.
Non-linearity now can be external data in a group object. Up to three objects can share the same
external nonlinearity. As an example, this section shows how to create a 3-phase, Type-96
hysteretic inductor. You can draw a circuit as shown to the left of Fig. 5.10. To create a group
mark the 3 single-phase inductor and the splitter then select Edit | Compress. The data CURR,
FLUX and RESID are set as external parameters for all the three inductors. The non-linearity
button under Added to group is checked and the Add nonlinear button is checked, too for all three
When you press OK the group object is created. The group dialog box shown in Fig. 5.11 contains
only one entry for CURR, FLUX and RESID, which are used for all phases, although 3 copies of
them are present in the data structure. This results in 13 free data cells available for the nonlinear
characteristic (36-3*3)/2 = 13.5). Only one characteristic is entered in the group's dialog box and it
is later copied back to all the three inductors. If that 13 data points were insufficient to describe
the characteristic as you wish, select the Include characteristic option and specify the
characteristic in a disk file. The name of that file must be entered in the $Include field.
The new 3-phase Type-96 group object can be stored as a project file in a special library location
and later copied into any circuit using the File | Import command.
You can customize the group icon as shown in Fig. 5.11. The hysteresis loop originates from the
original inductor icon. This is done by executing the next sequence of operations: select the group
object and select Edit | Edit Group, then open the component dialog of one of the inductors and
click on the icon editor speed button in it's lower left corner. Select Edit | Copy in the icon editor,
exit the icon editor and the component dialog. Go back to the group object by pressing Edit | Edit
Circuit. In the same way, open the group objects dialog (Fig. 5.11) and click again on the lower
left Icon editor speed button and select Edit | Paste in the editor.
$Parameters is a new feature in ATP that allows the user to assign text variables to data and
declare these variables for the whole data case later. This feature is particularly useful when a data
value is used several times in the circuit. Earlier the user had to open all dialog boxes of the
involved components in such cases. This was time consuming and might lead to errors if the user
forgets to change values of some components. Since version 3.1 of ATPDraw, the user is also free
to assign a 6 (or less) characters text string or variable to most data for standard components
instead of a data value in the component dialog box. This is permitted as long as the parameter
option is set in the support file. When specifying the data variable the user does not have to think
about the number of allowed characters in the ATP-file. ATPDraw will add underscore characters
to fill the maximum number of characters. Values can later be assigned to these variables and this
is written to the ATP input file within a $PARAMETER - BLANK block.
A typical example is shown in Fig. 5.12. This is a single phase rectifying bridge distributed with
ATPDraw as Exa_1.adp. It consists of 4 diodes with snubber circuits. The RC values of these
snubbers are identical for all diodes in the practice and can be specified with text variables RES
and CAP respectively. When the user specifies a variable name for the first time, a message box
appears and the user is requested to confirm the operation before the new entry were added to the
global list of variables. If you try to enter special characters in this field, an error message prevents
Fig. 5.12 - Specifying text variables RES and CAP in the component dialog box for an RLC object
Numerical values can be assigned to variables on the Variables page under main menu
ATP | Setting as shown in Fig. 5.13. Variable names are declared in the left column and you can
specify data values or a text string in free format in the right column on this page. Sorting the
declarations is possible with the arrow buttons. Deleting declarations is also supported.
If variables RES and CAP are declared twice with different precision settings, i.e. $Vintage,1 is
checked in a component dialog box and unchecked in another, it will be declared twice with 3 and
13 underscore characters added in the $Parameter declaration. This process is hidden, however,
but the result is seen in the final ATP-file.
If you change the names in the left side column this will affect the text strings (variables) specified
in the components and you will be requested about what action to take (see Fig. 5.14). Available
actions are: reset the variable to zero or the default value (from the support file), or select
parameter and then decide which variables should replace the no longer defined one.
RES_____________= 33.
RES___= 33.
LOAD__= 20.
CAP_____________= 1.
CAP___= 1.
The integrated LCC objects in ATPDraw are based on the LINE CONSTANTS, CABLE CONSTANTS
or CABLE PARAMETERS supporting routines of ATP-EMTP. The user must first describe the
geometry of the system and the material constants. ATPDraw then performs an ATP run to
process this data case and converts the output punch-file containing the electrical model of the line
or cable into standard lib-file format. This lib-file will then be included in the final ATP-file via a
$Include call. The idea in ATPDraw is to hide as much as possible of the intermediate ATP
execution and files and let the user work directly with geometrical and material data in the circuit.
Only cases producing an electrical model of the line or cable are supported in ATPDraw.
To use the built-in line/cable module of ATPDraw the user must first select a line/cable
component with the desired number of phases (1..9) under Lines/Cables | LCC item in the
selection menu, as shown in Fig. 5.15. This will display a component in the circuit window that is
connected to the circuit as any other component. Clicking on the LCC component with the right
mouse button will bring up a special input dialog box called the Line/cable dialog. This window
contains two sheets; one for the various model specifications and one for the data (geometry and
materials) as shown in Fig. 5.16.
Fig. 5.15 - Selecting a line or cable and connecting the LCC object to the rest of the circuit.
When the required data are specified the user can close the dialog by clicking on OK. This will
store the specified data to disk in a user selectable .alc file (atpdraw line/cable) preferably in the
/LCC directory. The user is also asked if ATP should be executed to produce the required punch-
files. If the user answers No on the this question, ATP is not executed, and the user is prompted
again later when creating the final ATP-file under ATP | run ATP or (ATP | Make File As...).
It is very important to ensure a correct ATP installation and setup of the run ATP (F2) command
in ATPDraw. This is done under Tools | Options / Preferences. It is recommended to use batch
files. Three such files are distributed with ATPDraw (runATP_S.bat for the Salford version
(DBOS required), runATP_W.bat and runATP_G.bat for the recommended Watcom or
GNU versions of ATP). If the setup of the ATP command is incorrect, the line and cable models
will not be produced.
The punch-file output is transferred to a DATA BASE MODULE file by ATPDraw after the
successful line parameter calculation, so that the node names are handled correctly. The lib-file
required to build the final ATP-file is given the same name as the .alc file (with extension
.lib) and stored in the same folder. The user can also run ATP at any time by clicking on the
Run ATP button, store the .alc data on a different file (Save As) or import old .alc file data
(Import). Clicking on the View button, displays the cross section of the line/cable as shown in Fig.
5.16. For overhead lines the phase number is displayed (with zero as ground). For cables, the
grounded conductors are drawn with a gray color, while the ungrounded conductors are black. The
phase number is according to the rule of sequence: first comes the cable with the highest number
of conductors and the lowest cable number. The thick horizontal line is the ground surface.
Zooming and copying to the Windows clipboard is supported in metafile formats. The Verify
button of the LCC dialog box helps the user to get an overview of the performance of the model in
the frequency domain. This feature is described separately in sub-section 5.4.
When creating a Noda line/cable model the Armafit program is executed automatically to create
the required lib-file. The Armafit command is specified under Tools | Options / Preferences. The
batch file runAF.bat is distributed with ATPDraw. The Noda line/cable data format does not
allow the full path of the lib-file to be written in the ATP-file. As a result, the .alc file should be
stored in the same directory as the .atp file or the .lib file should be moved to this directory
manually. For all other line/cable models the $Prefix/$Suffix option must be turned off or the lib-
files moved to the /USP folder.
ATPDraw supports all the various electrical models: Bergeron (KCLee and Clarke), PI-
equivalents, JMarti, Noda, and Semlyen. It is straightforward to switch between different models.
Under System type the user can select between Overhead Line and Single Core Cable or Enclosing
In the Line/Cable dialog the user can select between:
System type: Model / Type:
Overhead Line: LINE CONSTANTS Bergeron: Constant parameter KCLee or Clark
Single Core Cables: PI: Nominal PI-equivalent (short lines)
CABLE PARAMETERS or JMarti: Frequency dependent model with constant
CABLE CONSTANTS transformation matrix
Enclosing Pipe: Noda: Frequency dependent model (not supported
CABLE CONSTANTS Semlyen: Frequency dependent simple fitted model
(not supported in CABLE PARAMETERS)
The Line/Cable Data dialog of Fig. 5.16 really consists of three pages: Model page, Line Data
page or Cable Data page (although only two of them are visible at a time). The parameter names
used in the LCC dialog boxes are identical with that of in Chapter XXI - LINE CONSTANTS and
Chapter XXIII - CABLE CONSTANTS parts of the ATP Rule Book [3]. The Standard data of the
Model page is common for all line and cable types and has the following parameters:
Rho:The ground resistivity in ohmm of the homogeneous earth
(Carson's theory).
Freq. init: Frequency at which the line parameters will be
calculated (Bergeron and PI) or the lower frequency point
(JMarti, Noda and Semlyen) of parameter fitting.
Length:Length of overhead line in [m]/[km] or [miles].
For overhead transmission lines the System type settings are as follows. High accuracy
(FCAR=blank) is used in all cases:
Transposed: The overhead line is assumed to be
transposed if the button is checked. Disabled
for PI model type.
Auto bundling: When checked this enables the
automatic bundling feature of LINE CONSTANTS.
Skin effect: If the button is checked skin
effect is assumed (IX=4), if unchecked no skin
effect correction. REACT option is set IX=0.
Metric/English: Switching between the Metric and
English unit systems.
Fig. 5.18 - System type options for overhead lines.
JMarti: The JMarti line model is fitted in a frequency range beginning from the standard data
parameter Freq. init up to an upper frequency limit specified by the mandatory parameters number
of Decades and the number of sample points per decade (Points/Dec). The model also requires a
frequency (Freq. matrix) where the transformation matrix is calculated and a steady state
frequency (Freq. SS) for calculation of the steady state condition. Freq. matrix parameter should
be selected according to the dominant frequency component of the transient study. The JMarti
model needs in some cases modification of the default fitting data under the optional Model fitting
data field, that can be made visible by unselecting the Use default fitting check box. For further
details please read in the ATP Rule Book [3].
Noda: The Noda line model is fitted in a frequency range beginning from the standard data
parameter Freq. init up to an upper frequency limit specified by the number of Decades with the
resolution of Points/Dec. The model needs a frequency (Freq. veloc.), where the wave velocities
of the natural modes of propagation are calculated. A value higher than the highest frequency of
the frequency scan is usually appropriate. The Noda model needs in some cases modification of
the default fitting data under the optional Model fitting data field, that can be made visible by
unselecting the Use default fitting check box. For further details please read in the ATP Rule Book
Semlyen: The Semlyen line model is frequency dependent simple fitted model. Fitting range
begins at the standard data parameter Freq. init and runs up to an upper frequency limit specified
by the parameter number of Decades. The model also requires a frequency (Freq. matrix) where
the transformation matrix is calculated and a steady state frequency (Freq. SS) for calculation of
the steady state condition. Freq. matrix parameter should be selected according to the dominant
frequency component of the transient study. The Semlyen model needs in some cases modification
of the default fitting data under the optional Model fitting data field, that can be made visible by
unselecting the Use default fitting check box. For more details please read in the ATP Rule Book.
The data page contains input fields where the user can specify the geometrical or material data.
For overhead lines, the user can specify the phase number, conductor diameters, bundling,
conductor positions, as shown in Fig. 5.23. The number of conductors is user selectable.
ATPDraw set the grounding automatically or gives warnings if the grounding conditions do not
match the fixed number of phases. You can Delete last row of the table using the gray buttons
below or add a new one by clicking on the Add row command. Rows inside the table can also be
deleted, but it must first be dragged down as last row. To drag a row click on its # identifier in the
first column, hold the button down and drag the selected row to a new location or use the é and
ê arrows at right.
Fig. 5.23 - Line Data dialog box of a 3-phase line. 4 conductors/phase + 2 ground wires. number. 0=ground wire (eliminated by matrix reduction).
Rin: Inner radius of the conductor. Only available if Skin effect check box
is selected on the Model page (see in Fig. 5.18). If unselected, the
Rin column is removed and a React column appears, where the user
specifies the AC reactance of the line in ohm/unit length.
Rout: Outer radius (cm or inch) of the conductor.
RESIS: Conductor resistance (ohm/unit length) at DC (with Skin effect checked)
or AC resistance at Freq. init (if no Skin effect selected).
5.3.2 Model and Data page settings for Single Core Cable systems
Support of CABLE CONSTANTS and CABLE PARAMETERS has been added to the LCC module of
ATPDraw recently and the user can select between the two supporting programs by a single button
switch. This enables a more flexible grounding scheme, support of Semlyen cable model instead
of Noda and the cascade PI section. On the other hand in CABLE CONSTANTS enabled state
ATPDraw does not support additional shunt capacitance and conductance input and Noda model
selection. The CABLE CONSTANTS and CABLE PARAMETERS support in ATPDraw does not extend
to the special overhead line part and the multi-layer ground model. For Class-A type cable systems
which consists of single-core (SC) coaxial cables without enclosing conducting pipe the System
type settings are as follows:
Cables in: Select if the cables are in the air,
on the earth surface or in ground.
Number of cables: Specify the number of cables
in the system.
Cable constants: Selects between Cable Constants
and Cable Parameters option. If checked, the
additional conductance and capacitance option
will be switched off and the Ground options on
the Cable Data page will be activated. The
Semlyen model is supported only with Cable
Constants and the Noda model only with Cable
Bergeron, JMarti, Noda and Semlyen: The Model/Type and Data settings for these SC cable
models are identical with that of the overhead transmission lines as described in section
Users are warned however, that the frequency dependent models may produce unrealistic results,
due to neglecting the frequency dependency of the transformation matrix, which is acceptable in
overhead line modeling but not for cables.
Cascade PI model:
If the Cable Constants option is selected under the
System type field, the PI model supports additional
input parameters to produce cascade PI-equivalents.
The cascade PI model is described in the ATP Rule
Book [3]. The Homogenous type can be used with all
grounding schemes.
The data page contains input fields where the user can specify the geometrical or material data for
cables. The user can turn on sheath/armour by a single button and allowed to copy information
between the cables. The cable number is selected in the top combo box with a maximum number
specified in Number of cables in the Model page.
For CABLE PARAMETERS (Cable Constants unselected) the Ground options are inactive and
number of grounded conductors is calculated internally in ATPDraw based on the total number of
conductors in the system and the number of initially selected phases. For CABLE CONSTANTS
(Cable Constants check box is On) the user must specify which conductor is grounded by
checking the appropriate Ground buttons. A warning will appear if a mismatch between the
number of phases and the number of ungrounded conductors is found. Grounded conductors are
drawn by gray color under View.
Fig. 5.26 - Cable Data dialog box for a 3-phase SC type cable system.
For each of the conductors Core, Sheath and Armor the user can specify the following data:
Rin: Inner radius of conductor [m].
Rout: Outer radius of conductor [m].
Rho: Resistivity of the conductor material.
mu: Relative permeability of the conductor material.
mu(ins): Relative permeability of the insulating material outside the
eps(ins):Relative permittivity of the insulating material outside the
Total radius: Total radius of the cable (outer insulator) [m].
Sheath/Armour On: Turn on optional Sheath and Armour conductors.
Position: Vertical and horizontal positions relative to ground surface and to
a user selectable reference line for single core cables.
5.3.3 Model and Data page settings for Enclosing Pipe type cables
This selection specifies a cable system consisting of single-core (SC) coaxial cables, enclosed by a
conducting pipe (referred as Class-B type in the ATP Rule Book [3]). The cable system might be
located underground or in the air. The System type settings are identical with that of the Class-A
type cables (see in sub-section 5.3.2). When the button Cable Constants is checked the shunt
conductance and capacitance options are disabled and a new check box Ground controls the
grounding condition of the pipe. Transposition of the cables within the pipe is available via the
Snaking button. Cascade PI options can be specified similarly to SC cables (see Fig. 5.25). For
cables with enclosing pipe, the following Pipe data are required:
Fig. 5.27 - System type and Pipe data settings for an Enclosing Pipe cable.
Depth: Positive distance in meter between pipe center and ground surface.
Rin: Inner radius of the pipe in meter.
Rout: Outer radius of the pipe in meter.
Rins: Outer radius of outer insulation (total radius) in meter.
Rho: Resistivity of the pipe conductor.
Mu: Relative permeability of the pipe conductor.
Eps(in): Rel. permittivity of the inner insulation (between cables and pipe).
Eps(out): Rel. permittivity of the outer insulation (around pipe).
G and C: Additional shunt conductance and shunt capacitance between the pipe
and the cables.
Infinite thickness: Infinit thick pipe. ISYST=0 and (uniform grounding).
The cable Data page input fields for Enclosing Pipe type cable systems are identical with that of
the SC cables (see sub-section The only difference is the meaning of Position:
Position: Relative position to pipe center in polar coordinates
(distance and angle).
The Verify button of the LCC dialog box helps the user to get an overview of the performance of
the model in the frequency domain. This feature of ATPDraw enables the user to compare the
line/cable model with an exact PI-equivalent as a function of frequency, or verify the power
frequency benchmark data for zero/positive short circuit impedances, reactive open circuit line
charging, and mutual zero sequence coupling. The Verify module supports two types of frequency
1) LINE MODEL FREQUENCY SCAN (LMFS) as documented in the ATP benchmark files
DC51/52.dat. The LMFS feature of ATP compares the punched electrical model with the
exact frequency dependent PI-equivalent as a function of a specified frequency range.
2) POWER FREQUENCY CALCULATION (PFC) of zero and positive short circuit impedances and
open circuit reactive line charging, and mutual zero sequence impedance for multi circuit lines.
In the Verify dialog box as shown in Fig. 5.28 the user can choose between a LINE MODEL
specification, each phase conductor is listed for which the user should assign a circuit number.
The phase order for overhead lines is from the lowest phase number and up to the one assigned
under Data in the Line/Cable dialog box. For cables, the cable with the highest number of
conductors and the lowest cable number comes first (rule of sequence, ATP Rule Book - Chapter
XXIII). A circuit number zero means that the conductor is grounded during the frequency test. For
the LMFS test the user must specify the frequency range (Min freq and Max Freq) along with the
number of points per decade for the logarithmic space frequencies. For the PFC test, the input
parameters are the power frequency and the voltage level (used to calculate the reactive line
charging). Note! The LMFS feature of ATP does not work for Noda models.
Fig. 5.28 - Frequency range specification for the LMFS run (left) and selecting
the line voltage and system frequency for the PFC run (right).
a) Select LMFS: Clicking on OK will result in the generation of a LMFS data case called
xVerify.dat and execution of ATP based on the settings of the default ATP command
(Tools|Options/Preferences). The sources are specified in include files called xVerifyZ.dat,
xVerifyP.dat, and xVerifyM.dat for the zero, positive and mutual sequence respectively.
The individual circuits are tested simultaneously. The receiving ends are all grounded (over 0.1
mW) and all sending ends (if Circuit number > 0) attached to AC current sources of 1 Amps. The
phase angle of the applied current source for the ith conductor is -360×(i-1)/n where n is the total
number of conductors belonging to that circuit. Phase angle for the zero sequence tests are zero.
The mutual coupling works only for 6-phase lines. For circuit one all phases are supplied with
zero phase angle sources, while the phase conductors of the other circuit at the sending end are
open. The View old case button will skip creation of the LMFS data case and trace the program
directly to the procedure that reads the xVerify.lis file, which contains the input impedances
of the electrical model compared to the exact PI-equivalent as function of frequency under various
conditions. ATPDraw can read this file and interpretation of the results is displayed in the LMFS
results window as shown in Fig. 5.30 for the 4-phase JMarti line-model specified in Fig. 5.29.
Fig. 5.30 - Verifying a JMarti line model 1 Hz to 1MHz. Model is OK for f > 25 Hz.
In Fig. 5.30, the user can select the Mode and the Phase number of which the absolute value of the
input impedance is displayed to the left in a log-log plot. It is also possible to copy the curves to
the windows clipboard in metafile format (Copy wmf). The absolute value of the input impedance
of the model and the exact pi-equivalent can be compared for the following cases:
Zero-sequence: AC currents of 1 A with zero phase angle is applied to all phases simultaneously
while the other end of the line/cable is grounded. The zero-sequence impedance is thus equal to
the voltage on the sending end of each phase.
Positive sequence: AC currents of 1 A with a phase angle of -360*(i-1)/n is applied to all phases,
where i is the current phase number in the specific circuit and n is the total number of phases in
the circuit. (A 6-phase line/circuit will result in phase angles 0, -120, -240, 0, -120, -240 while a 4
phase circuit will result in 0, -90, -180, -270). The user specifies a circuit number for each phase
under Circuit specification of Verify Data dialog. The receiving end is grounded.
Mutual sequence: AC currents of 1 A with zero phase angle is applied to all phases of the first
circuit, while the other circuit is open. The receiving ends of all phases are grounded. Apparently
this works only for 6-phase lines.
b) Select PFC: For the PFC test the user must specify the power frequency and the base voltage
level for scaling of the reactive charging. Clicking on OK will result in the generation of a PFC
data case called xVerifyF.dat and execution of ATP based on the settings of the ATP-
Command (Tools | Options / Preferences). In this case, each circuit is tested individually (all other
phases are left open while a specific circuit is tested). The library file describing the electrical
model of the line/cable is included in a new ATP case an supplied by unity voltage or current
sources in order to calculate the steady state short circuit impedances and open circuit reactive line
charging. The file xVerifyF.lis is read by ATPDraw and the short circuit impedances
together with the open circuit line charging is calculated in the zero-sequence and positive-
sequence mode. The results of the calculations are displayed in Fig. 5.31.
If the user clicks on Report the content in the string grids of Fig. 5.31 will be dumped to a user
selectable text file. Further details about the operation of the Verify feature and PFC option can be
found in the Appendix part of the Manual.
MODELS is a general-purpose description language supported by a set of simulation tools for the
representation and study of time-variant systems. This chapter of the Manual is to a large extent an
extract of the MODELS IN ATP -Language Manual, February 1996 [4] reference. Please consult
this manual for more detailed information on the MODELS language.
MODELS language focuses on the description of the structure of a model and on the function of
its elements. There is a clear distinction in MODELS between the description of a model, and the
use of a model. Individual models can be developed separately, grouped in one or more libraries
of models, and used in other models as independent building blocks in the construction of a
system. The description of a model is intended to be self-documenting. A system can be described
in MODELS as an arrangement of inter-related sub models, independent from one another in their
internal description and in their simulation (e.g. individual models can have different simulation
time step). Description of each model uses a free-format, keyword-driven syntax of local context,
and does not require fixed formatting in its representation.
The main description features of the MODELS language are the following:
§ The syntax of MODELS allows the representation of a system according to the system's
functional structure, supporting the explicit description of composition, sequence,
concurrence, selection, repetition, and replication;
§ The description of a model can also be used as the model's documentation;
§ The interface of a model with the outside world is clearly specified;
§ The components of a model can be given meaningful names representative of their function
§ A system can be partitioned into individual sub models, each with a local name space;
§ The models and functions used for describing the operation of a system can be constructed
in programming languages other than the MODELS language.
The main simulation features supported by the MODELS language are the following:
§ Distinction between the description of a model and its use, allowing multiple independent
replications of a model with individual simulation management (time step, dimensions,
initial conditions, etc.);
§ Hierarchical combination of three initialization methods (default, use-dependent, and built-
in), each contributing to the description of the pre-simulation history of a model by a direct
representation of the pre-simulation value of its inputs and variables as functions of time;
§ Dynamically-controlled modification of the values of the inputs and variables of a model
during the course of a simulation;
§ Dynamically-controlled modification of the structure of a model (both topological
composition and algorithmic flow) during the course of a simulation.
The new MODELS object created in this chapter is part of the ATPDraw's example file
Exa_8.adp. This example is taken from ATP's benchmark file DC68.DAT, subcase 7. The data
case is a series compensated 500 kV interconnection. ZnO arresters protect the series capacitors
and the energy dissipation of arresters is continuously monitored by a MODELS object. If certain
power or energy limits are exceeded the series capacitor is bypassed through TACS/MODELS
controlled switches to avoid arrester overheating. The complete model is described in the
Application part of this Manual.
ATPDraw supports only a simplified usage of MODELS. In general, ATPDraw takes care of the
interface between MODELS and the electrical circuit (INPUT and OUTPUT of the MODELS
section) and the execution of each model (USE). Creating a new Model in ATPDraw normally
consists of two steps:
3. To create a model file (.mod) containing the actual model description.
4. To load this file into the circuit via the MODELS | Files (sup/mod)... sub-menu of the
component selection menu.
The actual model file describing the operation of the model must be written outside of ATPDraw
using an ASCII text editor or the built in Model Editor under Objects | Model | New mod-file.
Below the model in DC68.DAT has been modified a bit since it is not allowed to use expressions
in the USE of a model. Instead of calculating the voltage across the arrester in the USE statement,
the two node voltages at each side are sent as input parameters and the difference is calculated
inside the model vcap:=V1-V2.
comment ****************************************************************
* *
* Function: set or cancel the gap firing control signal *
* Inputs : voltage and current across ZnO resistor *
* Output : the firing signal to the electrical ZnO component *
* *
************************************************************* endcomment
INPUT V1 -- Voltage on positive side of ZNO [V]
V2 -- Voltage of negative side of ZNO [V]
iczn -- ZNO current [Amps]
DATA Pset -- power setting [Megajoules/msec]
Eset -- energy setting [Megajoules]
fdel -- firing delay [msec]
fdur -- firing duration [msec]
VAR power -- power into ZnO resistor [Watts]
trip -- gap firing control signal [0 or 1]
energy -- energy into ZnO resistor [Joules]
tfire -- time at which the gap was last fired [sec]
vcap -- voltage difference across series caps [Volts]
INIT trip:=0
IF trip>0 -- is already firing
AND t-tfire>fdur*1.e-3 -- has exceeded firing duration
trip:=0 -- cancel the firing signal
tfire:=0 -- null the firing time
IF trip=0 -- is not signaling to fire
AND tfire=0 -- firing condition not yet detected
AND ( power >= Pset * 1.e9 -- power setting exceeded
OR energy >= Eset * 1.e6 ) -- energy setting exceeded
tfire:=t -- set the firing detection time
IF trip=0 -- is not signaling to fire
The model file must be given a name with extension .mod and be stored in the \MOD folder. In this
example the name FLASH_1.MOD has been chosen. The name of the disk file must be equal to
the name of the model given in the first line of the model description.
An ATPDraw object consists of a file on disk, which is called support file, with extension .sup.
Each model must have a support file in order to be used in ATPDraw. A support file is standard
for all components in ATPDraw and contains the icon, information on node types and position and
on data parameters. There are two options for creating a model object in ATPDraw:
1. Manual operation: creating a support file manually under Object | Model | New sup-file.
2. Automatic operation: selecting a .mod file directly under MODELS of the component
selection menu and let ATPDraw to create the support file.
To create a new a support file manually, enter the Objects menu and select the New sup-file under
Model. This menu item will perform the Edit Object dialog. In the Standard
data field, you specify the size of the model: number of nodes and number
of data as shown in Fig. 5.32.
The FLASH_1.MOD file has four nodes (3 input + 1 output) and four data,
(Pset, Eset, fdel, fdur), so you must enter 4 in both Num. fields. Note! All
MODELS nodes must be single phase one.
After you have specified the node and data values go to the tabbed notebook style part of the
dialog box. Select the Data page where you specify the values shown in Fig. 5.33. The Name of
the data must be the same as those used in the DATA declaration part of the .mod file. The
Default value appears initially in the models dialog. The default values are taken from the Use
Model statements in DC68.DAT (you can of
course change these values individually for each
use of the model). Min and Max restrict the
legal input range. No restriction is applied here
to data values, so Min=Max.
Fig. 5.33 - Specify Data parameters.
Param is set to 0, which means that no variable text string can be assigned to the data value. Digit
is the maximum number of digits allowed in the ATP input file. When high precision is checked,
$Vintage, 1 is enabled and Digits is split in two values for high and low precision.
After you have specified the data values click on the Nodes tab to enter to the node window as
shown in Fig. 5.34. The Name identifies the node in the Node and Component dialog boxes. The
name you enter here must be the same as those used in the INPUT and OUTPUT declaration
sections of the .mod file. The Position field is
the node position on the icon border as shown at
the right. The Kind value is the input/output type
of the node. Number of Phases (1/3) must be set
to 1 for all Models node because only single-
phase nodes are supported.
Fig. 5.34 - Specifying Node attributes.
Supported Kind values for MODELS objects are:
0: Output node. 3: Switch status input node.
1: Current input node. 4: Machine variable input node.
2: Voltage input node. 5: TACS variable (tacs)
6: Imaginary part of steady-state node voltage (imssv)
7: Imaginary part of steady-state switch current (imssi)
8: Output from other model.
Note! If a model output is used as input for another model, the model, which produces the output
must be USEd before the use of the model that is supplied with this output. This can be done by
specifying a lower group number for the model with output signals and selecting the Sorting by
group number option under ATP | Settings / Format.
The Save or Save As buttons can be used to save the new support file to disk. Default location of
Model support files is the \MOD folder. The .sup file does not need to have the same name as
the model file, but it is recommended.
The new model object has now been created is ready for use. You can reload and modify the
support file of the model objects whenever you like. Selecting the Edit sup-file item of the Objects
| Model menu pops-up the well known Edit Object dialog box with the model object controls and
the user is allowed to customize data and node values, icon and help text of the object.
Selecting MODELS | Files (sup/mod)... in the component selection menu performs an Open Model
dialog box where you can choose a model support file. If you select the file FLASH_1.SUP the
icon of the new model appears immediately in the circuit window and it can be connected with
other object in normal way.
The MODEL:FLASH_1 dialog box of the new model object has an additional input section
Models besides the standard DATA and NODES attributes as shown in Fig. 5.37. This new section
has two input fields: Model file for locating the model description file and a Use As field for
specification of the model_name in the USE model AS model_name statement of MODELS.
The input and output interface for MODELS objects, the use of the model and interfacing it with
the rest of the circuit are handled automatically by ATPDraw. The model description is written
directly in the ATP input file. Blank lines are removed when inserting the .mod file. The general
structure of the MODELS section in an .atp input file is shown below:
IX0001 {v(CR30A )}
IX0002 {v(CR20A )}
IX0003 {i(CRZ2A )}
Description of the model.
Complete copy of the
FLASH_1.MOD is pasted here.
V1:= IX0001
V2:= IX0002
iczn:= IX0003
Pset:= 1.
Eset:= .9.
fdel:= 4.
fdur:= 20.
Version 3 of ATPDraw for Windows is capable of reading the .mod file directly, examine its
INPUT, OUTPUT and DATA variables, and suggest a support file on the correct format. Either a
comma or CR+LF is accepted as separator characters between variables by ATPDraw. Comment
flags 'C' in column 1 and '--' are also handled. Maximum 12 input+output variables are allowed
along with 36 data variables. Only single variables are allowed (not indexed).
You are free to modify the default support file or accept the default icon and node positions, or
Cancel the interpretation procedure. If you click on Yes, the Edit Object dialog box will appear
where you can edit the icon, change node positions, set new default values and Kind (= I/O Type
for current/voltage etc. input). If you select No, the default ATPDraw object is drawn in the circuit
window immediately (Fig. 5.39). Input nodes are positioned on the left side of the icon and the
outputs on the right. In both cases, a support file is automatically created. This file can later be
modified under Objects | Model | Edit sup-file.
ATPDraw supports the RECORD feature of MODELS to record any internal variable of a model
object in the .pl4 output. This option is found under the ATP | Settings / Record menu. All
MODELS objects in the active circuit window are listed with their USE AS name in the list box
under Model as shown in Fig. 4.19. When you select a model in this field, variables (declared
under VAR section of the .mod file) are listed under Variable. Each variable has a default alias
name that appears in the Alias field, but it can be modified according to the user need.
ATPDraw provides a user-friendly interface for the BCTRAN transformer matrix modeling, to
represent single and three-phase, two and three winding transformers. After the user has entered
the open circuit and short circuit factory test data, the ATPDraw calls ATP and executes a
BCTRAN supporting routine run. Finally, ATPDraw includes the punch-file into the ATP-file. The
windings can be Y, D or Auto coupled with support of all possible phase shifts. The nonlinear
magnetization branch can optionally be added externally.
Fig. 5.41 shows the BCTRAN dialog box, which appears when the user selects BCTRAN under
Transformers of the component selection menu. Under Structure, the user specifies the number of
phases, the number of windings, the type of core (not supported yet, except for single phase cores,
triplex and three-phase shell type), and the test frequency. The dialog box format adapts the
number of windings and phases. The user can also request the inverse L matrix as output by
checking AR output. An Auto-add nonlinearities button appears when an external magnetizing
branch is requested.
Under Ratings the line-voltage, rated power, and type of coupling must be specified. Supported
winding Connections are: A (auto-transformer), Y (wye) and D (delta). The Phase shift menu
adapts these settings with all types of phase shifts supported. If the connection is A or Y, the rated
voltage is automatically divided by 3 to get the winding voltage VRAT.
Under Factory test, the user can choose either the Open circuit test or the Short circuit test.
Under the Open circuit tab the user can specify where the factory test has been performed and
where to connect the excitation branch. In case of a three winding transformer one can choose
between the HV, LV, and the TV winding. Normally the lowest voltage is preferred, but stability
problems for delta-connected nonlinear inductances could require the lowest Y-connected winding
to be used. Up to 6 points on the magnetizing curve can be specified. The excitation voltage and
current must be specified in % and the losses in kW. With reference to the ATP Rule Book, the
values at 100 % voltage is used directly as IEXPOS=Curr [%] and LEXPOS=Loss [kW]. One
exception is if External Lm is chosen under Positive core magnetization. In this case only the
resistive current is specified resulting in IEXPOS=Loss/(10 × SPOS), where SPOS is the Power
[MVA] value specified under Ratings of the winding where the test has been performed. If zero-
sequence open circuit test data are also available, the user can similarly specify them to the right.
The values for other voltages than 100 % can be used to define a nonlinear magnetizing
inductance/resistance. This is set under Positive core magnetization:
a) Specifying Linear internal will result in a linear core representation based on the 100 %
voltage values.
b) Specifying External Lm//Rm the magnetizing branch will be omitted in the BCTRAN
calculation and the program assumes that the user will add these components as external
objects to the model.
The user can choose to Auto-add nonlinearities under Structure and in this case the magnetizing
inductance is automatically added to the final ATP-file as a Type-98 inductance. ATPDraw
connects the inductances in Y or D dependent on the selected connection for actual winding for a
3-phase transformer. In this case, the user has no control on the initial state of the inductor(s). If
more control is needed (for instance to calculate the fluxlinked or set initial conditions) Auto-add
nonlinearities should not be checked. The user is free to create separate nonlinear inductances,
however. The Copy+ button at the bottom of the dialog box allows the user to copy the calculated
nonlinear characteristic to an external nonlinearity. What to copy is selected under View/Copy. To
copy the fluxlinked-current characteristic used in Type-93 and Type-98 inductances Lm-flux
should be selected.
The Short circuit data can be specified as shown in Fig.
5.42. With reference to the ATP Rule Book; Imp [%] is
equal to ZPOS, Pow. [MVA] is equal to SPOS, and Loss
[kW] is equal to P. These three values are specified for
all the windings. If zero-sequence short circuit factory
test data are also available, the user can similarly specify
them to the right of the positive sequence values after
selecting the Zero sequence data available check box.
If Auto-transformer is selected for the primary and secondary winding (HV-LV) the impedances
must be re-calculated according to Eq. 6.45, 6.46, 6.50 of the EMTP Theory Book [5]. This task is
performed by ATPDraw and the values Z H* - L , Z L*-T , and Z H* -T are written to the BCTRAN-file
z *
= z H - L çç ÷÷ , z L* -T = z L-T , z H* -T = z H - L + z H -T - z L -T
H -L
è VH - VL ø (VH - VL )2
VH - V L VH - VL
where ZL-H, ZL-T, and ZH-T are the short-circuit impedances Imp. [%] referenced to a common
Pow.[MVA] base.
When the user clicks on OK the data structure is stored in a binary disk file with extension .bct
and stored in the /BCT folder. This BCT-file is stored in the ATPDraw project file just like LCC-
files for lines/cables. Then the user is offered to generate a BCTRAN-file and run ATP. This is
really optional, since often a new BCTRAN-file will be required anyway during the final ATP-file
generation. Trying to run ATP is a good practice however, since this will quickly warn the user
about possible problems. The button Run ATP requests an ATP execution without leaving the
dialog box. If the BCTRAN-file is correct, a punch-file will be created. This file is directly
included in the final ATP-file and there is no conversion to a library file as for lines/cables. This
means in practice that a new BCTRAN-file will be created and ATP executed automatically (when
creating the final ATP-file) each times the transformer’s node names change.
There is also an Import button available to import existing BCT-files. The user can also store the
BCT-file with a different name (Save As), which is useful when copying BCTRAN-objects. The
View+ and Copy+ buttons are for the nonlinear characteristic. Copy+ transfers the selected
characteristic to the Windows clipboard in text format with 16 characters fixed columns (the first
column is the current). View+ displays the nonlinear characteristic in a standard View Nonlin
window. The Help button at the lower right corner of the dialog box displays the help file
associated with the BCTRAN object. This help text briefly describes the meaning of input data
1. Excitation test data
Specified under Factory test/Open circuit.
The data required by BCTRAN are:
FREQ = Test frequency under Structure
IEXPOS = Curr for the 100% voltage value in Open circuit, Positive sequence.
= Loss for the 100% voltage value divided by 10*SPOS when External Lm
SPOS = Power under Ratings for winding specified under Performed at.
LEXPOS = Loss for the 100% voltage value in Open circuit, Positive sequence.
IEXZERO= Curr for the 100% voltage value in Open circuit, Zero sequence.
SZERO = Power under Ratings for winding specified under Performed at.
LEXZERO= Loss for the 100% voltage value in Open circuit, Zero sequence.
The above input values can be derived from the factory test data as shown next:
IEXPOS= Iex*V*100/SPOS for single phase,
IEXPOS= Iex*Ö3*V*100/SPOS for 3-phase
where Iex [kA] = excitation current,
V [kV] = excitation voltage.
SPOS[MVA]= power base
IEXZERO= 0 for single phase
IEXZERO= 1/3*Iexh*Ö3*V*100/SZERO for 3-phase
where Iexh [kA]= zero-sequence excitation current,
SPOS[MVA]= power base (normally equal to SPOS)
Y-connected windings (typical values):
3-leg core type: IEXZERO= IEXPOS
5-leg core type: IEXZERO= 4*IEXPOS
2. Winding cards
Specified under Ratings. The data required by BCTRAN are:
VRAT = L-L voltage [kV] for D-connection or single phase transformers
L-L voltage [kV] divided by Ö3 for A (Auto) and Y connections.
3-phase only.
BUS1- = The present node names of the transformer component in ATPDraw
BUS6 taking the connection and Phase shift [deg] into account.
Renaming the nodes will require a new BCTRAN execution performed
automatically upon ATP|Run ATP or Make File.
The short circuit input data can be derived from the factory test reports, as shown next:
ZPOSij= Usi/Isi*SPOS/Vri^2*100 for single phase,
ZPOSij= Ush/Ö3*Ish)*SPOS/(Vri2)*100 for 3-phase
Usi [kV] = short-circuit voltage at winding i
Isi [kA] = nominal current at winding i
SPOS[MVA]= power base
Vri [kV] = rated line voltage at winding i
ZZEROij= 0 for single phase
ZZEROij= Ush/Ish*SZERO/(Vri2)*300 for 3-phase
SZERO[MVA]= power base
Zero-sequence tests must be performed with open Delta-windings.
The BCTRAN component is found under Transformers | BCTRAN in the component selection
menu and it can be edited and connected to the main circuit as any other component.
The default icon is shown left. The nodes appear automatically dependent on the selected
connection and number of windings.
The data specified in Fig. 5.41 will result in an icon at left with 3 three-phase
terminals and one single-phase neutral point common to the primary and secondary
autotransformer windings. The label shows the transformer connection.
The component dialog box in which the user is allowed to change the object's attributes shows a
considerable similarity nearly for all components: on the Attributes page the components data can
be specified, on the optional Characteristic page you specify the input characteristic of non-linear
components, while the node names in the top-right table is just for your information.
The component dialog box of this transformer model is shown in Fig. 5.43. This dialog box also
has an Attributes and a Characteristic page, but the former is largely differs from the standard
layout. The function of the Group No, Label, Comment and Output fields are the same as on any
other component dialog boxes, the meaning of the other fields are given next. The pair Io, Fo
defines the magnetizing branch inductance at steady state. Rm is the resistance of the magnetizing
branch representing the hysteresis and eddy current losses of the iron core. Io, Fo, Rm may be left
blank if the magnetizing branch is neglected in the simulation. Checking the 3-leg core turns the
transformer into a TRANSFORMER THREE PHASE type with high homopolar reluctance that
can be specified in the appearing R0-field. With the button 3-leg core unchecked, the model is a
saturable transformer with low homopolar reluctance (e.g. a 3-phase transformer with at least one
delta winding).
Checking the RMS button enables specification of the saturation characteristic in rms values for
current and voltage on the Characteristic page. A conversion to flux-current values is performed
internally in ATPDraw. If the button is unchecked, normal flux-current values should be entered.
The tertiary winding can be turned on or off by checking the 3-wind. button. The nominal voltage
of the transformer windings (!) must be given in [kV]. The short circuit inductances may be
specified in [mH] if Xopt. parameter is 0 (default) on the ATP | Settings / Simulation page.
Otherwise, the impedance is given in [W] at frequency Xopt.
Four types of winding couplings are supported by this general transformer object: Wye, Delta lead,
Delta lag, and Y180. Icons to the right of the short circuit impedances visualize the selected
coupling. The letters A, B, and C are the phase terminals, while the Roman numbers I, II, and III
denotes the leg number. The table below shows how to represent typical 2-winding transformers:
The data specified in Fig. 5.43 will result in an icon at left with 3 three-phase
terminals and 2 single phase nodes: one for the primary neutral and one for
connection of the magnetization circuit with external saturation (optional).
The Saturable 3-phase object is found under Transformers in the component selection menu and
it can be edited and connected to the main circuit as any other components.
The Help button at the lower right corner of the dialog box displays the help file associated with
the GENTRAFO object. This help text briefly describes the meaning of input data values:
Data: Io= Current [A] through magnetizing branch (MB) at steady state.
Fo= Flux [Wb-turn] in MB at steady state.
The pair Io, Fo defines the inductance in MB at steady state.
Rm= Resistance in magnetizing branch in [ohm]. 5-leg core or 3-leg
R0= Reluctance of zero-sequence air-return path for flux. 3-leg
Rp= Resistance in primary winding in [ohm].
Lp= Inductance in primary winding in [mH] if Xopt.=0
Inductance in primary winding in [ohm] if Xopt.=power freq.
Vrp= Rated voltage in [kV] primary winding.
Rs= Resistance in secondary winding in [ohm].
Ls= Inductance in secondary winding in [mH] if Xopt.=0
Inductance in secondary winding in [ohm] if Xopt.=power freq.
Vrs= Rated voltage in [kV] secodary winding.
Rt= Resistance in tertiary winding in [ohm].
Lt= Inductance in tertiary winding in [mH] if Xopt.=0
Inductance in tertiary winding in [ohm] if Xopt.=power freq.
Vrt= Rated voltage in [kV] tertiary winding.
RMS= unchecked: Current/Flux characteristic must be entered.
checked: Irms/Urms characteristic must be entered.
ATPDRAW performs a SATURATION calculation.
3-leg core = checked: 3-leg core type transformer assumed.
unchecked: 5-leg or 3-leg shell type assumed. TRANSFORMER.
3-wind.= turn on tertiary winding.
The component dialog box of the Universal Machine object is substantially differs to the standard
dialog box layout, as shown in Fig. 5.44. In the UM component dialog box the user enters the
machine data in five pages: General, Magnet, Stator, Rotor, Init. Several UM models are allowed
with global specification of initialization method and interface. These Global options can be
specified under ATP | Setting / Switch/UM.
On the General page data like stator coupling and the number of d and q axis coils are specified.
On the Magnet. page the flux/inductance data with saturation are specified, while on the Stator
and Rotor pages the coil data are given. Init page is for the initial condition settings.
The dialog boxes for all the universal machines are similar. The type 4 induction machine does not
have the Rotor coils group, since this is locked to 3. None of the type 3 and 4 induction machine
have the field node of course.
The single-phase machine (type 6) and the DC machine (type 8) do not have the Stator coupling
group. For the type 6 machine the number of d-axis is locked to 1. Even if the number of rotor
coils or excitation coils can be set to maximum 3, only the first d-axis coils will have external
terminals for a type 1, 6, and 8 machine. The other coils will be short circuited. Rotor coils are
short circuited in case of type 3 machine, while the type 4 machine has an external terminal for all
its 3 coils.
Fig. 5.45 shows the various pages for universal machine data input. The buttons under the
Saturation on the Magnet. page turns on/off the various saturation parameters for the d- and q-
axis. This is equivalent to the parameter JSATD and JSATQ in the ATP data format. Selecting
symm is equal to having JSATD=5 and JSATQ=0 (total saturation option for uniform air gap).
On the Stator page, you specify the Park transformed quantities for resistance and inductance for
the armature winding. The number of coils on the Rotor page and on the Init page for manual
initialization adapts the specification of the number of rotor coils. First the d-axis coils are listed
then comes the q-axis coils.
The function of the Group No, Label, Comment fields are the same as on any other component
dialog boxes. The Help button at the lower right corner of the dialog box displays the help file
associated with the UM objects.
The Help text briefly describes the meaning of input data values and node names as the example
shows next for UM type 1 (Synchronous machine):
General page:
Pole pairs - Number of pole pairs
Tolerance - Rotor-speed iteration-convergence margin.
Frequency - Override steady state frequency.
Stator coupling
Select between Y, Dlead (AC, BA, CB) and Dlag (AB, BC, CA)
Selecting Y turns neutral node Neut on.
Rotor coils
Specify the number of d- and q- axis rotor coils. Maximum total
number is 3. Only terminals for 1st d-axis coil. The other coils
are assumed short circuited.
Visualization of mode of initialization and interface.
Set under the main menu ATP|Settings/Switch/UM for each circuit.
Stator page:
Specify resistance and inductance in Park transformed
quantities (d- q- and 0- system). All inductances in H or pu.
Rotor page:
The total number of coils are listed and given data on the Rotor
page. First the d-axis coils then the q-axis coils are listed.
Specify resistance and inductance for each coil. All the coils
except the first is short circuited. All inductances in H or pu.
Magnet. page:
LMUD - d-axis magnetization inductance.
LMUQ - q-axis magnetization inductance.
Turn on/off the saturation.
Symm. is equal saturation in both axis, specified only in d.
LMSD - d-axis saturated inductance.
FLXSD - d-axis flux-linkage at the saturation knee point.
FLXRD - d-axis residual flux-linkage (at zero current).
LMSQ - d-axis saturated inductance.
FLXSQ - q-axis flux-linkage at the saturation knee point.
FLXRQ - q-axis residual flux-linkage (at zero current).
NB! All inductances in H or pu.
Initial page:
Initial conditions dependent on manual or automatic
initialization is chosen under ATP|Settings/Switch/UM
AMPLUM - initial stator coil (phase) voltage [V].
ANGLUM - angle of phase A stator voltage [deg].
Specify stator current in the d- q- and 0-system
Specify rotor current inn all coils
OMEGM - initial mechanical speed [mech rad/sec or unit]
THETAM - initial pos of the rotor [elec rad]
TQOUT=1: air gap torque
=2: 1 + d-axis common flux
=3: 2 + d-axis magnetization current
OMOUT=1: rotor shaft speed in [rad/sec]
=2: 1 + q-axis common flux
=3: 2 + q-axis magnetization current
THOUT=checked: rotor position in [mech rad]
CURR =checked: all physical coil currents
Stator - 3-phase armature output terminal.
M_NODE - air-gap tourque node.
FieldA - Pos. terminal of exitation rotor coil.
(the other coils are grounded)
FieldB - Neg. terminal of exitation rotor coil.
BUSM - torque-source node for automatic initialization.
BUSF - field-source node for automatic initialization.
Neut - Neutral point of Y-coupled stator coils.
The final section of the Help file describes the equivalent electrical network of the mechanical
network for torque representation:
Shaft mass (moment of inertia) « Capacitance (1kg/m2 « 1 Farad)
Shaft section (spring constant) « Inverse inductance. (1 Nm/rad « 1/Henry)
Shaft friction (viscous damping) « Conductance. (1 Nm/rad/s « 1/ohm)
Angular speed « Voltage (1 rad/s « 1 Volt)
Torque « Current (1 Nm « 1 Amp)
Angle « Charge (1 rad « 1 Coulomb)
__ __ ____ ___oooo_______________
| | | | | | | | |
|J1| K1 |J2| --> T _|_ < _|_ < |
==| |=====| |==== ====> ___C1 >R1 ___C2 >R2 O I
| | | | | < | < |
|__| |__| | | | | |
D1 D2
C1=J1, C2=J2, R1=1/D1, R2=1/D2, L1=1/K1, I=T
Handling of statistic/systematic switches in version 3 of ATPDraw has been made more general
by introducing the independent/master/slave concept. The component dialog boxes of the
statistical switches slightly differs however from the standard switch dialog box layout as shown
in Fig. 5.46.
The user can select the Switch type in a combo box out of the supported options: Independent,
Master or Slave. This will also enable the possible input fields and change the number of nodes
(note that slave switch has 4 nodes). The Distribution for the statistical switch takes into account
the specification of the IDIST parameter on the miscellaneous switch card (ATP | Settings /
Switch/UM). Selecting IDIST=1 will disable the Distribution group and force Uniform
distribution. The Open/Close radio buttons select if the switch closes or opens with Ie as current
margin for opening switches. The number of ATP simulations is set by the miscellaneous switch
parameter Num. on the ATP | Settings / Switch/UM page. This value influences the 1st misc. data
parameter NENERG of ATP. ATPDraw sets the correct sign of NENERG: i.e. > 0 for statistic or
< 0 for systematic switch studies. The function of the Group No, Label, Comment and Output
fields are the same as for any other standard components.
Fig. 5.46 - Dialog box of the statistic switch (top) and data windows of the systematic switch.
The Help button at the lower right corner of the dialog box displays the help file associated with
the object. This text briefly describes the meaning of input data values and node names as shown
SW_STAT - Statistic switch.
Distribution: Select uniform or gaussian distribution.
If IDIST=1 under ATP|Settings/Switch/UM only uniform is possible.
Open/Close: Select if the switch closes or opens.
Current margin available for opening switch.
T = Average switch opening or closing time in [sec.]
For Slave switches this is the average delay.
Dev.= Standard deviation in [sec.].
For Slave switches this is the deviation of the delay.
Ie = Switch opens at a time T>Tmean and the current through
the switch is less than Ie.
Switch type:
MASTER : Two nodes. 'TARGET' punched. Only one is allowed.
SLAVE : Four nodes. Specify node names of MASTER switch.
The icon and nodes of the objects adapt the switch type setting.
Node: SW_F= Start node of switch.
SW_T= End node of switch.
REF_F= Start node of the MASTER switch
REF_T= End node of the MASTER switch
The component dialog box of the Harmonic source that is used in HFS studies deviates somewhat
from the standard source dialog box layout as shown in Fig. 4.71.
The base frequency here is the Freq. value specified under ATP | Settings / Simulation. The
amplitude and angle of the F/n' th harmonic source is given in columns Ampl. and Angl.
The user specified objects (USP) are either customized standard objects or objects created for the
use of $INCLUDE and DATA BASE MODULARIZATION feature of ATP-EMTP. The Objects | User
Specified | New sup-file menu enables the user to create a new support file for such a user
specified object or customize data/node properties and the icon or the help text of an existing one.
The number of nodes and data specified in the Edit Object dialog box for USP objects must be in
line with the ARG and NUM declarations in the header section of the Data Base Module (DBM)
file. The number of data must be in the range of 0 to 36, and the number of nodes in the range of 0
to 12. The USP support files are normally located in the /USP folder.
Two new circuit objects will be created in this section: a 6-pulse controlled thyristor-rectifier
bridge that is used as building block for simulating a 12-pulse HVDC station (Exa_6.adp) in
section 6.4 of the Application Manual, and a generator step-up transformer model with winding
capacitances and hysteretic core magnetism included. The latter object is used in a transformer
inrush current study (Exa_11.adp) in section 6.8.2 of the Application Manual.
The Data Base Module (DBM) file shown next describes a 6-pulse thyristor rectifier bridge (based
on exercise 54 in [2]). The process of creating a DBM-file is certainly the most difficult part of
adding new circuit objects to ATPDraw. The input file to the DBM supporting routine of ATP
begins with a header declaration followed by the circuit description. The ATP Rule Book [3]
chapter XIX-F explains in detail how to create such a file. The output punch-file of the DBM
supporting routine can actually be considered as an external library file which is included to the
ATP simulation at run time via a $INCLUDE call.
11DLY60D .002777778
98RAMP1_58+UNITY 120.00 0.0 1.0VAC___
98DCMP1_54+COMP1_ 5.0E-3
98PULS1_ = .NOT. DCMP1_ .AND. COMP1_
98PULS2_54+PULS1_ DLY60D
98PULS3_54+PULS2_ DLY60D
98PULS4_54+PULS3_ DLY60D
98PULS5_54+PULS4_ DLY60D
98PULS6_54+PULS5_ DLY60D
98GATE1_ = PULS1_ .OR. PULS2_
98GATE2_ = PULS2_ .OR. PULS3_
98GATE3_ = PULS3_ .OR. PULS4_
98GATE4_ = PULS4_ .OR. PULS5_
98GATE5_ = PULS5_ .OR. PULS6_
98GATE6_ = PULS6_ .OR. PULS1_
POS___U____A Rsnub_ Csnub_
11U____APOS___ GATE1_
11U____BPOS___ GATE3_
11U____CPOS___ GATE5_
11NEG___U____A GATE4_
11NEG___U____B GATE6_
11NEG___U____C GATE2_
C <= "C" in the 1st column is mandatory here!
The header section of the DBM-file starts with an ARG declaration after the special ATP request
card DATA BASE MODULE. It's function is to specify the external variables (numerical + node
names) and the sequence of arguments for the $INCLUDE procedure. The NUM card tells what
arguments are numerical. DUM card lists the dummy or local variables, which are typically internal
node names. ATP gives dummy nodes a unique name and thus let you use the same DBM-file
several times in a data case avoiding node name conflicts. The rest of the DBM-file describes the
rectifier bridge in a normal ATP data structure, except that sorting cards /TACS, /BRANCH,
/SWITCH etc., are used in a special way. Sorting cards are required, but no BLANK TACS,
BLANK BRANCH, etc. indicators are needed.
The 3-phase thyristor bridge has a 3-phase AC input node and two single phase DC output nodes.
The firing angle is taken as input data and the snubber parameters are also practical to consider as
numerical input to the model. The model created here accepts external reference signals for the
zero crossing detector (alternatively the DBM module file could have detected its own AC input),
thus the new USP object will have 5 nodes and 3 data:
U____ : The AC 3-phase node
POS___: The positive DC node
NEG___: The negative DC node
REFPOS: Positive reference node.
REFNEG: Negative reference node.
ANGLE_: The firing angle of the thyristors.
Rsnub_: The resistance in the snubber circuits.
Csnub_: The capacitance in the snubber circuits.
Note the importance of the number of characters used for each parameter. The U____ parameter
has only 5 characters, because it is a 3-phase node and the extensions A, B and C are added inside
the DBM-file. Underscore characters ‘_ ‘ has been used to force the variables to occupy the 6
characters space for node names and 6 columns ($VINTAGE, 0) for the snubber data. Running
the DBM-file through ATP will produce a .pch punch file shown below:
KARD 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13
14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 24
24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 31 31
31 32 32 32 33 33 33 34 34 34 35 35 35 36 36 36
KARG-20 4 5 4 5-16-16-17 6-17-18-18-19 -1-18-19 -1 -2-20 -2 -3-20 -3 -4-20
-4 -5-20 -5 -6-20 -1 -2-10 -2 -3-11 -3 -4-12 -4 -5-13 -5 -6-14 -1 -6-15 1
2 7 8 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2
-10 1 2-12 1 2-14 1 3-13 1 3-15 1 3-11
KBEG 3 3 3 12 19 3 69 3 20 13 3 12 3 3 32 19 12 3 69 12 3 69 12 3 69
12 3 69 12 3 69 13 25 3 13 25 3 13 25 3 13 25 3 13 25 3 25 13 3 9
3 27 39 9 21 3 15 9 21 3 15 3 21 15 9 3 21 15 9 3 21 15 9 3 9
65 3 9 65 3 9 65 9 3 65 9 3 65 9 3 65
KEND 8 8 8 17 24 8 74 8 25 18 8 17 8 8 37 24 17 8 74 17 8 74 17 8 74
17 8 74 17 8 74 18 30 8 18 30 8 18 30 8 18 30 8 18 30 8 30 18 8 13
8 32 44 13 25 8 20 13 25 8 20 7 25 20 14 7 25 20 14 7 25 20 14 7 14
70 7 14 70 7 14 70 13 8 70 13 8 70 13 8 70
KTEX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
11DLY60D .002777778
98RAMP1_58+UNITY 120.00 0.0 1.0VAC___
98DCMP1_54+COMP1_ 5.0E-3
98PULS1_ = .NOT. DCMP1_ .AND. COMP1_
98PULS2_54+PULS1_ DLY60D
98PULS3_54+PULS2_ DLY60D
98PULS4_54+PULS3_ DLY60D
98PULS5_54+PULS4_ DLY60D
98PULS6_54+PULS5_ DLY60D
98GATE1_ = PULS1_ .OR. PULS2_
98GATE2_ = PULS2_ .OR. PULS3_
98GATE3_ = PULS3_ .OR. PULS4_
98GATE4_ = PULS4_ .OR. PULS5_
98GATE5_ = PULS5_ .OR. PULS6_
98GATE6_ = PULS6_ .OR. PULS1_
POS___U____A Rsnub_ Csnub_
11U____APOS___ GATE1_
11U____BPOS___ GATE3_
11U____CPOS___ GATE5_
11NEG___U____A GATE4_
11NEG___U____B GATE6_
11NEG___U____C GATE2_
$EOF User-supplied header cards follow. 31-May-02 15.46.06
This file is very similar to the DBM input file, but with a different header and with the original
DBM-file header given at the bottom instead. This file is ready to $INCLUDE into an ATP input
file by ATPDraw. The file must be given a name and extension .LIB and stored in the default
\USP directory. The name HVDC_6.LIB is used here as an example.
When the punch-file from the DBM-file has been created, the next step is to create a support file
for the new HVDC_6 object in the the Objects | User Specified menu. The process of creating a
new object consists of two steps: create parameter support and create the icon.
First select the New sup-file in the popup menu. A notebook-style dialog box shown in Fig. 5.48
appears where you specify the number of data and nodes. The number of arguments on the NUM
card(s) of the DBM-file tells you the Number of data, which is 3 in this example. The number of
arguments on the ARG card(s) minus number of arguments on the NUM card(s) specifies the total
Number of nodes, which is 5 in this example.
On the Data tab, you specify the names of the data parameters, number of digits (it must be less or
equal the space used in the DBM-file, which is 6 in this case) a default value, and the Min/Max
values. The name of data need not be equal to the names used in the DBM punch-file, but the
sequence of data must be the same as on the ARG and NUM card(s). After specifying data
properties, click on the Node tab and set the node control parameters as shown in Fig. 5.48. The
Name of nodes, the number of Phases (1/3) and the node position on the icon border (1-12) are to
be given here. Codes for the available node positions are shown in the icon at right. Kind is not
used here. It must be left unity (default) for all nodes. The name of the nodes need not be identical
with the names used in the DBM-file, but the node sequence must be the same as on the ARG card.
ATPDraw writes all three names of a 3-phase node in the $INCLUDE statement. In this example
only the core name of the 3-phase node is expected on the argument list, because the phase
identifiers A-B-C are added internally in the DBM-file. This option requires the Internal phase
seq. checked box be selected in the component dialog box of the HVDC_6 object, as shown in
Fig. 5.51. If it is selected, ATPDraw writes only the 5-character long core names in the
$INCLUDE statement and let the extensions A, B and C be added inside the DBM library file.
Note that ATPDraw does not perform any diagnosis of the include file before sending the node
names. Moreover, the Internal phase seq. option may result in conflict with transposition objects.
As a result, this option should in general not be used in transposed circuits. To avoid the conflict
use three input names for 3-phase nodes in DATA BASE MODULE files.
Each user specified objects might have a unique icon, which represents the object on the screen
and an optional on-line help, which describes the meaning of parameters. These properties can be
edited using the built in Help and Icon Editors. Fig. 5.49 shows an example file that is associated
with the user specified 6-phase rectifier bridge.
Fig. 5.50 shows the icon editor window. The red lines in the background indicate the possible
node positions on the icon border. Connecting lines to the external nodes of the object should be
drawn from the symbol in the middle and out to the node positions specified in Fig. 5.48. The
completed icon of the 6-pulse rectifier bridge is shown in Fig. 5.50.
Fig. 5.50 - The icon associated with the new HVDC_6 object.
Finally, the just created support file must be saved to disk using the Save or Save As buttons. User
specified sup-files are normally located in the \USP folder and their default extension is .sup.
You can reload the support file of any user specified objects whenever you like, using the User
Specified | Edit sup-file option of the Objects menu.
The User Specified | Files in the component selection menu provides access to the user specified
objects. The component dialog box of the HVDC_6 object is very similar to that of the standard
objects, as shown in Fig. 5.51. The name of the DBM-file which is referenced in the final ATP
input file must be specified in the $Include field under User specified. The Send parameters check
box is normally selected, if the USP object has at least one input node or data.
Fig. 5.51 - Component dialog box of the new user specified HVDC_6 object.
Supporting routine BCTRAN can be used to derive a linear representation of a single or 3-phase
multi-winding transformer, using excitation and short circuit test data. If the frequency range of
interest does not exceed some kHz, the inter-winding capacitances and earth capacitance of the
HV and LV windings can be simulated by adding lumped capacitances connected to the terminals
of the transformer. Although BCTRAN produces only a linear representation of the transformer,
connecting nonlinear inductances to the winding closest to the iron core as external elements,
provides an easy way to take the saturation and/or hysteresis into account. It is noted that the
BCTRAN object is now supported by ATPDraw in a user friendly way (see in section 5.6), but the
procedure described here gives more flexibility in handling of the iron core nonlinearities and
allows incorporation of winding capacitances in the USP object, if needed. Further advantage of
the USP based modeling is that users do not need to run the BCTRAN supporting routine as many
times as such kind of transformers present in the circuit before the execution of the time domain
simulation. Creating such a user specified component however requires some experience in two
ATP supporting routines: DATA BASE MODULE and BCTRAN.
The BCTRAN model requires easily available input data only, like the name-plate data of a
generator step-up transformer shown below:
Voltage rating Vhigh/Vlow 132/15 kV
Winding connection: Ynd11
Power rating: 155 MVA
Excitation losses: 74 kW
Excitation current: 0.3% / 2.67 A
Short circuit losses: 461 kW
Short circuit reactance: 14 %
The zero sequence excitation current and losses are approximately equal to the positive sequence
measurements because the presence of delta connected secondary winding. Taking that the
nonlinear magnetizing inductance is going to be added to the model as an external element, only
the resistive component of the excitation current (0.05%) must entered in the BCTRAN input file
shown next:
2 50. 0.05 155. 74. 0.05 155. 74. 0 2 2
1 2 461. 14.0 155. 14.0 155. 0 1
Running this file through ATP will produce an output punch-file that can be used as input for the
Data Base Module (DBM) run. The process of creating a DBM-file is certainly the most difficult
part of adding new circuit objects to ATPDraw. The input file to the DBM supporting routine of
ATP begins with a header declaration followed by the circuit description. The ATP Rule Book [3]
chapter XIX-F explains in detail how to create such a file. The output of the DBM supporting
routine is a .lib file, that can actually be considered as an external procedure which is included to
the ATP simulation at run time via a $INCLUDE call. Creating a Data Base Module file for the BCTRAN object
The DBM-file begins with a header declaration followed by the ATP request card DATA BASE
MODULE and ends with a $PUNCH request. The ARG declaration together with the NUM card (if
needed) specifies the external variables (numerical + node names) and the sequence of arguments
for the $INCLUDE procedure. The rest of the file describes the BCTRAN model. Note that data
sorting card /BRANCH is part of the file, but no BLANK BRANCH indicator is required.
The ARG declaration of the DBM-file includes 7 node names in this example:
HVBUSA, HVBUSB, HVBUSC: The 3-phase node of the high voltage terminal
LVBUSA, LVBUSB, LVBUSC: The 3-phase node of the low voltage terminal
STRPNT: The 1-phase node of the HV neutral
The rest of the DBM-file is the transformer model description as produced by the BCTRAN
supporting routine of ATP. The structure of the DBM input file is shown below:
<<<< The .PCH file generated by the >>>>
<<<< BCTRAN supporting routine must >>>>
<<<< be inserted here >>>>
C !!! This comment line here is mandatory !!!
Running the DBM-file through ATP will produce a file mytrafo.lib that must be stored in the
\USP folder of ATPDraw.
KARD 3 3 4 4 6 6 10 10 11 11 13 13 16 16 20 20 25 25
KARG 4 6 4 5 5 6 1 7 4 6 2 7 4 5 3 7 5 6
KBEG 3 9 9 3 9 3 3 9 3 9 3 9 9 3 3 9 9 3
KEND 8 14 14 8 14 8 8 14 8 14 8 14 14 8 8 14 14 8
KTEX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
C <++++++> Cards punched by support routine on 28-Jan-02 14.10.13 <++++++>
C 2 50. 0.05 155. 74. 0.05 155. 74. 0 2 2
C 1 2 461. 14.0 155. 14.0 155. 0 1
1LVBUSALVBUSC 9121.6157726436
1HVBUSASTRPNT 19.966704093183 .16716783247242
2LVBUSALVBUSC -101.4441679294 0.0
515.41471986794 .00647606659729
0.0 0.0
19.966704093183 .16716783247242
0.0 0.0
-101.4441679294 0.0
515.41471986794 .00647606659729
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
19.966704093183 .16716783247242
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
-101.4441679294 0.0
515.41471986794 .00647606659729
$UNITS, -1.,-1.
C ----------------- << case separator >>> -----------
$EOF User-supplied header cards follow. 28-Jan-02 14.28.28
Next step is to create a new user specified object via the Object | User Specified | New sup file
menu of ATPDraw. The process of creating a new object consists of two steps: creating parameter
support and creating an icon. Since no NUM card exists in the DBM header the number of data is 0,
the number of nodes is 3 in this example as shown in Fig. 5.52.
On the Nodes tab, a Name can be assigned to each nodes. The number of phases and the node
position on the icon border must also be specified here. The name of the nodes may differ from
the name used in the .lib file, but the node sequence must be the same as specified on the ARG list.
Each user specified component might have an icon and an optional on-line help, which describes
the meaning of input parameters. The appearance of this icon is up to the users' creativity, but it is
recommended to indicate three phase nodes with thick lines and to locate them according to the
Pos (1..12) setting on the Nodes tab. Finally, the support file of the object must be saved to disk
using the Save button (the default location is the /USP folder), to make the new USP object
accessible via the User Specified | Files option of the component selection menu.
Fig. 5.52 – Creating support file for the new BCTRAN object.
The user specified components can be used in combination with the new grouping feature of
ATPDraw as shown in Fig. 5.53. In this example, the linear part of the transformer model has
been completed with winding capacitances as external components and three nonlinear Type-96
hysteretic inductors in delta connection at the 15 kV terminals, which represent the nonlinear
magnetic core.
The Compress feature of ATPDraw supports single icon replacement of these 7 objects. The inter-
winding and winding-to-earth capacitances are input parameters to the group object. As shown
below, the group object's icon can be customized, as well. An artistic icon may improve the
readability of the circuit and help in understanding of the circuit file for others.
for Windows
Application Manual
This chapter begins with some simple examples. You will not be shown how to create these
circuits, but the circuits files Exa_*.adp are part of the ATPDraw distribution. To load these
example circuits into the circuit window of ATPDraw, use the File | Open command (or Ctrl + O)
and select the file name in the Open Project dialog. The resulting ATP-files will be given at the
end of each description. Simulation results and/or comparison with measurements are also
presented in some cases. These figures have been obtained by processing the .pl4 output file or
field test records with prost-processors PlotXY or ATP_Analyzer.
This example shows how to perform a switching analysis in a simplified network. The line model
used in this example is a P-equivalent line calculated for 5000 Hz, by LINE CONSTANTS outside of
ATPDraw. How to create a more accurate JMarti line model and how to use LCC objects, the
interactive graphical preprocessor of ATPDraw for LINE/CABLE CONSTANTS/PARAMETERS
support, are shown in section 5.3 of the Advanced Manual and section 6.5 of this manual.
The example circuit is shown on Fig. 6.1/a, the equivalent ATPDraw circuit in Fig. 6.1/b.
Pi-equivalent line:
The P-equivalent line R-L-C data were calculated by the LINE CONSTANTS supporting routine of
ATP outside ATPDraw. The line is a 500 kV overhead line with 2x3 phase conductors and 2
ground wires. Line parameters were taken from ATP benchmark file DCN3.DAT. The calculation
resulted in the following line matrices for that 138 miles line (only lower-triangle part is given).
Read the inductances in [mH], the resistances in [W] and the capacitances in [mF]:
If you click the right mouse button on the line P icon of Fig. 6.1/b, the object dialog box shown in
Fig. 6.3 appears, where you can enter the above R-L-C matrix data. The imaginary part of the line
impedance may be specified in [W], as well. In that case the Xopt. parameter under ATP | Settings
/ Simulation must be set equal to the frequency, at which the impedances were calculated (e.g.
Xopt. should be set 5 kHz in this example).
The ATP input file created by ATPDraw and the simulated voltages at the 500 kV bus, at the
sending and at the receiving end of the line are shown below:
C < n 1><>< Ampl. >< Freq. ><Phase/T0>< A1 >< T1 >< TSTART >< TSTOP >
14X0003A 0 408248. 60. -1. 1.
14X0003B 0 408248. 60. -120. -1. 1.
14X0003C 0 408248. 60. 120. -1. 1.
This example shows the usage of the Universal Machine type 3, manual initialization along with
usage of TACS. The use of info arrows, whose purpose is to visualize information flow between
the TACS FORTRAN objects are also shown here. The info arrows can be selected under TACS |
Draw relation in the component selection menu and they are handled graphically as normal
connections. They do not affect the ATP-file, however. The example is taken from exercise 46 in
[2]. The ATPDraw constructed circuit is shown in Fig. 6.4/b:
The TACS part of the circuit controls three sources producing a pulse width modulated armature
voltage. The TACS objects FORTRAN1 is referenced in the Reference part of this Manual.
The input window of the TACS object at the end of the TACS chain is shown in Fig. 6.5. This
TACS object creates the armature voltage in phase A of the 3-phase node V.
In the TACS statement the user must type in the expression(s). Only single phase TACS Fortran
objects are supported. The two (blue) info arrows into this TACS object serve as visualization of
the SIGA (from node SIGA) and VD signals.
The induction machine was given the data shown in Fig. 6.6:
The numerical values in Fig. 6.6 must be specified by the user as in the case for all object input
windows. The identity text in front of each attribute strictly follows the input variable in the ATP
Rule Book [3]. The ATP-file created by ATPDraw is shown below:
C --------------------------------------------------------
C Generated by ATPDRAW July, Tuesday 30, 2002
C A Bonneville Power Administration program
C Programmed by H. K. Høidalen at SEfAS - NORWAY 1994-2002
C --------------------------------------------------------
C Induction motor supplied by a
C pulse width modulated source.
C Test example 1.
C dT >< Tmax >< Xopt >< Copt >
1.E-5 .1
500 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
98FS =1000
23PULS 2. .001 .0005 .000252
98AMPL =4.0*FS
14VCONTC .95 60. -90.
14VCONTB .95 60. -210.
14VCONTA .95 60. 30.
98VB =(2.0*SIGB-1.0)*VD/2.0
98VC =(2.0*SIGC-1.0)*VD/2.0
98VA =(2.0*SIGA-1.0)*VD/2.0
98VD =791.2
C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
C < n 1>< n 2><ref1><ref2>< R >< L >< C >
C < n 1>< n 2><ref1><ref2>< R >< A >< B ><Leng><><>0
NEUT 1.E6 2
BUSMG 13.33 1
BUSMG 5.E6 3
BUSA VA .001 1
BUSB VB .001 1
BUSC VC .001 1
C < n 1>< n 2>< Tclose ><Top/Tde >< Ie ><Vf/CLOP >< type >
C < n 1><>< Ampl. >< Freq. ><Phase/T0>< A1 >< T1 >< TSTART >< TSTOP >
14BUSMS -1-374.03889 1.E-5
60VC 0
60VB 0
60VA 0
C Next comes Universal Machines
19 UM
00 0
BLANK general UM specification
3 1 1331BUSMG 2 .1885 60.
C Magnetization inductances
182.840692 .0160
.785398163 .0160
C Stator coils
BUSA NEUT 1 73.5587
.095 .0005BUSB NEUT 1 80.545
.095 .0005BUSC NEUT 1 -154.1034
C Rotor coils
.075 .0004 1 169.6725
.075 .0004 1 19.285
2BUSMG 182.840692
3BUSMG 182.840692
The new Grouping feature of ATPDraw can be used in a creative way in this example, too. The
pulse width modulated source and the mechanical load might be compressed into a single icon.
The compressed version of this example circuit is also part of the ATPDraw distribution with the
name of Exa_4g.adp.
As shown left an artistic icon may improve the readability of the circuit
and help in understanding the circuit for non-author users.
This example shows how can ATPDraw be used efficiently by a professional ATP user. The ATP
expert simply creates the required ATP-file for a power system (which is often already available)
outside of ATPDraw, and then builds a simple ATPDraw case, where the power system is
included with $Include and a limited number of additional components e.g. switches are added.
Node names internally in the include file must be the same as those used in the ATPDraw data
case (F1 - F4, left adjusted in this example!).
The data case can then be sent to a person whose knowledge about ATP is rather limited. This
person can run the case, manipulate the switches and establish the ground fault current along a
transmission line, e.g. for relay setting purposes.
Any user specified objects might be used as a simple $Include library (Send parameters button
off), but a predefined object is available under the User Specified field in the selection menu. Two
other special objects are also available: the Ref.1-ph and Ref.3-ph. These objects are not
written in the ATP-file at all, and their purpose is only to visualize a connectivity in the $Include
An example, where these objects (Library (LIB1.A-B) and 3-phase reference (LIBREF_3))
have been used, is shown in Fig. 6.8.
If you click with the right mouse button on the Library object, (identified by the LIB1.A-B label)
you get the input window to set the element attributes, as shown in Fig. 6.9.
The most important menu field in this window is the $Include which gives the name and path of
the file to be included. The Browse button allows you to select a file in the Select Libray dialog
box. The Send parameters check box must be off. Label and Comment are optional fields.
If you click with the right mouse button on one of the 3-phase reference objects, a similar dialog
appears with the difference that it has node name fields, too.
The reference objects are not represented in the .atp data file. Their role is just the visualization
of the connectivity. The ATPDraw generated ATP-file is shown below:
When creating the ATP-file above the Insert $Prefix and $Suffix cards was unselected on the ATP
| Settings | Format page, so the full path of the library file was written to the ATP-file in this
example. Otherwise, if this option would have been selected, the library files were supposed to be
located in the \USP folder and have the extension .LIB. Each library file specification is verified
to meet these requirements. If the path of a library file specifies a different folder or the extension
is not .LIB, an error dialog is displayed during the ATP-file generation process, enabling the user
to correct the erroneous specification by stripping off the path and extension, continue the
operation using an un-resolvable ATP include reference, or cancel the entire ATP-file generating
process. Fig. 6.10 shows this error dialog, as an example.
Fig. 6.10 - Error dialog when un-resolvable LIB-file specification was detected.
In section 5.8.1 of the Advanced Manual, it is shown how to create a 6-pulse controlled thyristor-
rectifier bridge and make it available in ATPDraw as a user specified single object. In this part of
the manual, a practical example with the use of this user specified library object to build up a 12-
pulse HVDC station will be shown. The example is based on exercise 54 in [2]. Two different
project file format exists in the ATPDraw distribution:
a) Exa_6.adp: The thyristor bridge and its control is specified as user specified object by
means of the DATA BASE MODULARIZATION feature of ATP and interfaced with the rest of the
circuit via a $Include call.
b) Exa_6g.adp: The thyristor firing is simulated directly in ATPDraw by means of the TACS
support and connected with the thyristors via coupling to TACS objects. Finally, it is shown
how to compress the control circuit and valves into a single icon to get a similar circuit layout
than in case a).
The first alternative (Exa_6.adp) is shown in Fig. 6.11, the second one (Exa_6g.adp) in Fig.
6.13. The HVDC station in both circuits is supplied by a 3-phase AC source in front of two
transformers. Fig. 6.12 shows the data input dialog box of the new object. As it can be seen, the
source frequency is not one of the input parameters of the USP object. The frequency is "hard-
wired" in the DATA BASE MODULE code, which means that this circuit works only for 60 Hz
systems. For systems of 50 Hz the library file HVDC_65.LIB should be used. This object is also
given in the lower left corner of the circuit as hidden object.
Fig. 6.12 - Input dialog box of the users specified 6-pulse rectifier bridge.
2VS2MB XX0032
2VS2MC XX0032
VS2MA VS2XXA .0001 1
VS2MB VS2XXB .0001 1
VS2MC VS2XXC .0001 1
XX0032 1.E7 0
POS1 XX0038 100. 0
POS1 XX0038 8.E3 0
XX0038IMP 15.35 1
POS1 POS2 1.E+9 2
, 18.2, 2500., 0.01
, 18.2, 2500., 0.01
C < n 1>< n 2>< Tclose ><Top/Tde >< Ie ><Vf/CLOP >< type >
C < n 1><>< Ampl. >< Freq. ><Phase/T0>< A1 >< T1 >< TSTART >< TSTOP >
14VSA 0 187794. 60. -60. -1. 1.
14VSB 0 187794. 60. -180. -1. 1.
14VSC 0 187794. 60. 60. -1. 1.
12IMP 0 229660. .01
Note the TACS HYBRID request marked as bold in the ATP-file. This is the result of the Insert
TACS HYBRID card check box selected under the Miscellaneous field of the ATP | Settings /
Format page. Leaving this request un-selected, ATPDraw would not know that TACS is present
in the USP library object HVDC_6. I.e. ATPDraw does not analyze the LIB-files before
connecting them via $Include to the circuit. It is similarly important to note that a full 5-character
node name (e.g. VS1XX) has to be used for the 3-phase node of the HVDC_6 object. It is because
the structure of the LIB-file requires A, B and C phase identifier letters are to be added as the 6th
character. Furthermore, the Internal phase seq indicator must be selected (see Fig. 6.12) to pass
the first parameter as a 3-phase node rather than 3 single-phase nodes, which is the default
procedure in ATPDraw.
Only case 1) below includes the HVDC_6.LIB into the ATP-file properly, where the node has a
5-character name and the Internal phase seq is active. The other two are equally bad and produce
a run time error or give incorrect results at the simulation because only 3-character name has been
specified in case 2) or the Internal phase seq was unselected in case 3):
1) $INCLUDE, HVDC_6, VS1XX, POS1##, XX0011, VS1XXA, VS1XXC . . .
2) $INCLUDE, HVDC_6, VS1##, POS1##, XX0011, VS1A##, VS1C## . . .
Using ATPDraw's TACS support for modeling the firing control and then compressing the circuit
into a single HVDC group, as shown in Fig. 6.13 seems a better alternative today, because the
restrictions and possible conflicts concerning the use of USP LIB-files do not exist.
In Fig. 6.15 four curves from the simulation is shown which are equal to the results in [2].
300 3000
[k V ] [A ]
200 2000
100 1000
0 0
-100 -1000
-200 -2000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 [m s] 35
(file E xa_6.pl4; x-var t) v:P OS 1 c :V S A -V A v:P OS 2 c:P OS 2 -XX0078
The LCC modeling features of ATPDraw are described in detail in section 5.3 of the Advanced
Manual. Line modeling by LCC objects means that user specifies the geometrical arrangement and
material constants, then ATPDraw executes ATP's Line/Cable Constants routine and converts the
output punch-file to DBM library format. The resulting LIB-file will then be included in the final
ATP-file via a $Include call. The JMarti option is one out of the five alternatives supported by
ATPDraw's LCC object. Here two switching transient simulation examples are presented.
The 3-phase switching example (Exa_3.adp) created in section 6.1 of this manual is repeated
here. This time the 500 kV overhead line is represented by a frequency dependent 3-phase JMarti
model. The example circuit is shown in Fig. 6.16.
The overhead in this example is a 138 miles long single circuit 500 kV line (from John Day to
Lower Monumental in Oregon, USA) with two sky wires taken from ATP benchmark
DCN3.DAT. The line configuration is given in Fig. 6.17.
The line parameters are given in English units, the phase wires are represented by a tubular
conductor with parameters:
DC resistance = 0.05215 W/mile
Outside diameter of the conductor = 1.602 inch
Inner radius of the tube = 0.2178 inch
ATPDraw calculates the thickness/diameter value internally (T/D = 0.364).
The sky wires are solid, so inner radius is zero and T/D = 0.5. Other parameters are:
DC resistance = 2.61 W/mile
Outside diameter of the conductor = 0.386 inch.
The resistivity of the soil equals to 100 Wm. The conductor separation in the bundle is 18 inch.
12.9 feet
20 feet
98.5 feet
77.5 feet
18 inch
50 feet
The geometrical and material data of the system can be specified in a notebook style Line/Cable
Data window. This window appears when you click on the LCC object with the right mouse
button. The case Exa_7.adp requires a 3-phase un-transposed, frequency dependent line model
with segmented sky wires.
The JMarti line model is fitted in a frequency domain beginning from the standard data parameter
Freq. init up to an upper frequency limit specified by the mandatory parameter Decades. The
number of sample points per decade (Points/Dec) is given on the Model page of the Line/Cable
Data dialog box in Fig. 6.18. The model also requires a frequency (Freq. matrix) where the
transformation matrix is calculated and a steady state frequency (Freq. SS). The JMarti model
needs in some cases modification of the default fitting data under the optional Model fitting data
fields, which is not seen here because the default fitting option was selected by checking the Use
default fitting check box.
For further details please read in Chapter XVII of the ATP Rule Book [3].
Fig. 6.18 - Model and Data tab of the LCC object with parameters of the 500 kV line.
Click on OK or Run ATP will produce an ATP-file in the /LCC folder for the Line Constants run:
Running this file through ATP will produce a punch-file (Exa_7.pch) which is not really
suitable for human reading, but ATPDraw is able to interpret this file and create a corresponding
Data Base Module file from it (Exa_7.lib), as shown next.
KARD 2 2 31 31 58 58
KARG 1 4 2 5 3 6
KBEG 3 9 3 9 3 9
KEND 8 14 8 14 8 14
KTEX 1 1 1 1 1 1
-1IN___AOUT__A 2. 0.00 -2 3
15 4.8596368020077023000E+02
1.28826912392029580E+02 4.21314039036147750E+01 3.27778952656251990E+02
3.42120556154755430E+02 2.31706395896508240E+02 2.08786260934691540E+02
8.62925886209880100E+02 3.96364781680139640E+03 1.37750525571230360E+04
5.04922264466359770E+04 1.54260863950892210E+05 4.82293304155450430E+05
1.42128255471492070E+06 4.37886894143507820E+06 2.35545488812076410E+07
2.49826250993488740E-01 5.35615713798631380E-01 4.07281229680374720E-01
8.03651036437042830E-01 1.81278564570460170E+00 3.50385621765616320E+00
1.14057540636422540E+01 9.81963579148389560E+01 3.60242931544000040E+02
1.38337571722428290E+03 4.49207603871362970E+03 1.48303664468753290E+04
4.65501471695837030E+04 1.53448889755509940E+05 8.71318396896261490E+05
23 8.7989087598041335000E-04
1.44784195972755330E-03 1.72618900820032880E-02 6.08052951755686240E-02
8.18514563068449690E-02 9.80369133132474730E-02 1.19670680825931090E-01
1.31231913445598450E-01 2.01028497663409940E-01 4.26165440305758920E-01
6.72008875479658820E-01 1.63690540421784950E+00 1.35063945866398520E+01
4.94113434544494440E+01 4.72118615837808990E+02 1.09994157407951480E+02
3.98084617649364590E+02 1.97252185314118200E+03 -3.25277996569356590E+05
3.36699856999927960E+05 1.52216037007330470E+07 -1.48459577571328900E+07
6.82231163343569920E+06 -7.21239852086272930E+06
1.19519467829038910E+00 1.41873171368204220E+01 4.91197555820708370E+01
6.58453080123190380E+01 7.99351376189437840E+01 9.71814313439619750E+01
1.13224202499278870E+02 1.45016378017362630E+02 1.77978176494747060E+02
2.44963168811938940E+02 3.12085467108023010E+02 5.97017941683412120E+02
1.05402377130205200E+03 2.72111711154280650E+03 3.72369435171703710E+03
3.32780306542585230E+03 7.04198686695776360E+03 1.45520303377120560E+04
1.43985976617333420E+04 2.96607834650089170E+04 2.96904442484739270E+04
2.75651828836274870E+04 2.75927480665111000E+04
-2IN___BOUT__B 2. 0.00 -2 3
23 2.8643042611746085000E+02
3.08998260914488980E+02 1.42288050326312670E+00 6.90596379505970650E+01
1.79136618092116290E+02 3.24525036241582880E+02 2.96133850790243510E+02
3.41824951890173740E+02 4.11853983802918890E+02 1.42382589032593390E+02
1.28887340041081960E+02 1.36125501947475700E+02 6.35776945398324640E+01
6.41505060157885230E+01 4.97822097706220390E+01 6.78756601360499300E+01
8.83467501365563950E+01 1.44482788061671540E+03 1.30474379933331170E+03
1.33021422419579310E+03 6.91771032829592880E+03 4.24789323939575120E+04
2.56741633042442760E+05 9.11805594273185940E+05
2.21599645765206740E-01 2.55872380578820450E-01 3.21606113584952890E-01
6.00799388763468610E-01 1.19819873824012580E+00 2.03501892406855940E+00
3.49724209700450480E+00 6.11487873129203500E+00 9.36699962418260060E+00
1.36556697104026020E+01 2.12462616418538130E+01 3.45573854956540600E+01
6.20063668659757850E+01 9.06200519524050210E+01 1.23522352037827200E+02
1.55276035913140870E+02 2.46243597095036780E+03 2.19703777291054260E+03
2.08275779443450440E+03 1.14419917751103840E+04 7.03080060337777540E+04
4.25479974102484990E+05 1.51613003232333200E+06
12 7.5238143341787320000E-04
1.26187752330893370E-02 9.57417306869571230E+00 8.06553855901717750E+00
3.22916780804550920E+01 1.82284773566186430E+02 3.28717273491070230E+03
1.05469736021516550E+04 6.25519674328229450E+04 1.95037585481186280E+05
6.93793327828267360E+05 5.17768136297867890E+08 -5.18733585553731800E+08
2.79948727634371730E+00 2.14522724860313020E+03 1.73771414326436840E+03
6.76147405191892080E+03 9.92099341206001550E+03 6.41477741108265690E+04
1.02817538023626460E+05 2.13641697053375390E+05 3.61212659209385810E+05
1.30334940965001150E+06 8.03064526061047220E+05 8.03867590587109330E+05
-3IN___COUT__C 2. 0.00 -2 3
16 2.7264948016650357000E+02
2.67817005491046190E+02 7.71204920995468940E+01 1.05392796774480220E+01
2.06582282356138050E+02 2.92476838046614600E+02 2.53109974925397350E+02
3.88726504325862150E+02 4.86953611631485960E+02 4.88166400497281780E+01
The ATPDraw generated ATP-file for this 500 kV example circuit is show next. The new JMarti
LCC object is interfaced with the rest of the circuit by a $Include call:
C --------------------------------------------------------
C Generated by ATPDRAW July, Monday 1, 2002
C A Bonneville Power Administration program
C Programmed by H. K. Høidalen at SEfAS - NORWAY 1994-2002
C --------------------------------------------------------
C dT >< Tmax >< Xopt >< Copt >
1.E-5 .2
500 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
C < n 1>< n 2><ref1><ref2>< R >< L >< C >
C < n 1>< n 2><ref1><ref2>< R >< A >< B ><Leng><><>0
51X0001ABUSA .55 8.98
52X0001BBUSB .711 11.857
X0001ABUSA 200. 0
X0001BBUSB 200. 0
X0001CBUSC 200. 0
X0008A 2.51 0
X0008B 2.51 0
X0008C 2.51 0
SENA 1.E7 0
SENB 1.E7 0
SENC 1.E7 0
, RECC##
C < n 1>< n 2>< Tclose ><Top/Tde >< Ie ><Vf/CLOP >< type >
BUSA SENA .03333 10. 0
BUSB SENB .0361 10. 0
The name of the LIB-file is specified by complete path in this example. If the Auto path (Insert
$Prefix and $Suffix) option would be selected on the ATP | Settings / Format page, ATPDraw
would specify the default prefix (D:\ATPDraw3\USP\) and suffix (.LIB) in the ATP-file. In
that case the LCC files had to be stored in the /USP folder (i.e. not in the default /LCC folder),
otherwise an un-resolvable path conflict would appear, as shown in Fig. 6.19. It is rather preferred
not to use Auto path option if LCC objects are used together with other user specified library
objects. If the Auto path option is disabled, ATPDraw always enters the full path in the
$Include call making possible to keep the library files in different directories.
Running the ATP data case will produce simulation results as shown in Fig. 6.20.
0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 [s] 0.20
(file Exa_7.pl4; x-var t) v:SENA v:RECA
Fig. 6.20 - Calculated voltages at sending and receiving end of the 500 kV line.
The JMarti line models introduced in this section will be used in the subsequent single-line-to-
ground fault study on a 750 kV shunt compensated transmission line with total length of 487 km.
Transpositions separate this line into four sections. Each section of the line is represented by 3-
phase un-transposed LCC object with JMarti option enabled. The ATPDraw project of the SLG
study includes four such objects with name LIN750_x.ALC, where x runs from 1 to 4. The line
configuration is shown in Fig. 6.21.
13.2 m
At tower = 41.05 m
Midspan = 26.15 m
Separ=60 cm
17.5 m
At tower = 27.9 m Alpha=45 °
Midspan = 13.0 m NB=4
The line parameters are given in Metric units. The Auto bundling option is enabled to simplify the
data entry for this 4 conductor/phase in rectangular arrangement system. Tubular assumption has
been applied as in the previous example with the following parameters:
DC resistance = 0.0585 W/km
Outside diameter of the conductors = 3.105 cm.
Inner radius of the tube = 0.55 cm
ATPDraw calculates the thickness/diameter value internally (T/D = 0.32).
Sky wires are made from steel reinforced conductors, thus tubular assumption applies here, too:
DC resistance = 0.304 W/km
Outside diameter of the sky wire = 1.6 cm
Inner radius of the tube = 0.3 cm
ATPDraw calculates the thickness/diameter value internally (T/D = 0.187).
The resistivity of the soil equals to 20 Wm. The conductor separation in the bundle is 60 cm.
Entering the geometrical, material data and model options of the line, then executing Run ATP
will produce a LIB-file in the /LCC folder. Since the length of each section is different, four LCC
objects with different name are needed. The Save As button of the LCC dialog box can be used to
save the .ALC file with the new length, thus the line parameters need not be entered from scratch.
Fig. 6.22- LCC Model and Data tab of the 1st section of the 750 kV line.
Single-phase to ground fault transients on a 750 kV interconnection are investigated in this study.
The one-line diagram of the simulated network is shown in Fig. 6.23. At the sending end of the
line shunt reactors are connected with neutral reactors to reduce the secondary arc current during
the dead time of the single phase reclosing. The staged fault has been initiated at the receiving end
of the line.
400 kV
kV 750 kV
10000 MVA
6000 MVA 1100 MVA
Single phase
D to ground fault
6000 MVA
750 kV tr. line
478 km
D 3
1100 MVA
The layout of the completed ATPDraw circuit is shown in Fig. 6.24. Along the route three
transposition exist, so each LCC object represents a line section between two transpositions with
length 84.6 km, 162.7 km, 155.9 km, 75.7 km, respectively.
The supply network model is rather simple: a Thevenin equivalent 50 Hz source and a parallel
resistor representing the surge impedance of the lines erected from the 400 kV bus. An uncoupled
series reactance simulates the short circuit inductance of the 400/750 kV transformer bank. The
single-phase shunt reactors are represented by linear RLC components. Nononlinearities need not
been considered here, because the predicted amplitude of the reactor voltage is far below the
saturation level of the air gapped core. The impedance of the fault arc is considered as 2 ohm
constant resistance.
The ATPDraw generated ATP-file for this 750 kV example circuit is shown next:
C --------------------------------------------------------
C Generated by ATPDRAW July, Monday 1, 2002
C A Bonneville Power Administration program
C Programmed by H. K. Høidalen at SEfAS - NORWAY 1994-2002
C --------------------------------------------------------
C dT >< Tmax >< Xopt >< Copt >
2.E-5 .5
500 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
C < n 1>< n 2><ref1><ref2>< R >< L >< C >
C < n 1>< n 2><ref1><ref2>< R >< A >< B ><Leng><><>0
SLG_A 2. 0
XX0008 1. 300. 0
X0012CX0014C 5. 180. 0
X0012AX0014A 5. 180. 0
X0012BX0014B 5. 180. 0
X0012CX0014C 150. 0
X0012AX0014A 150. 0
X0012BX0014B 150. 0
X0022CX0021C 5. 300. 0
X0022AX0021A 5. 300. 0
X0022BX0021B 5. 300. 0
X0022CX0021C 150. 0
X0022AX0021A 150. 0
X0022BX0021B 150. 0
RECVC 20. 6.E3 0
RECVA 20. 6.E3 0
RECVB 20. 6.E3 0
X0014CX0017C 2. 200. 0
X0014AX0017A 2. 200. 0
X0014BX0017B 2. 200. 0
SENDC XX0008 10. 3.E3 0
SENDA XX0008 10. 3.E3 0
SENDB XX0008 10. 3.E3 0
C < n 1>< n 2>< Tclose ><Top/Tde >< Ie ><Vf/CLOP >< type >
RECVC SLG_A .0285 .225 10. 0
X0017CSENDC -1. .075 0
X0017ASENDA -1. 1. 0
X0017BSENDB -1. 1. 0
RECVC X0022C -1. .075 0
RECVA X0022A -1. 1. 0
RECVB X0022B -1. 1. 0
C < n 1><>< Ampl. >< Freq. ><Phase/T0>< A1 >< T1 >< TSTART >< TSTOP >
14X0012C 0 612300. 50. -1. 1.
14X0012A 0 612300. 50. -120. -1. 1.
14X0012B 0 612300. 50. 120. -1. 1.
14X0021C 0 612300. 50. 10. -1. 1.
14X0021A 0 612300. 50. -110. -1. 1.
14X0021B 0 612300. 50. 130. -1. 1.
Fig. 6.25 shows the results of the simulation. The upper curve is the phase-to-ground voltage at
the receiving end of the line. Following the secondary arc extinction an oscillating trapped charge
appears on the faulty phase, which is the characteristics of the shunt compensated lines. The blue
(lower) curve shows the line current at the faulty phase during the fault and henceforth.
Fig. 6.26 shows the recorded phase voltages and line currents obtained by a high-speed transient
recorder at a staged fault tests of the same 750 kV line.
70 0
35 0
-35 0
-70 0
0 .0 0.1 0 .2 0 .3 0 .4 [s ] 0.5
-1 0 0 0
-2 0 0 0
-3 0 0 0
0 .0 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3 0 .4 [s ] 0 .5
Fig. 6.26 - SLG fault and fault clearing transients. Phase currents and voltages recorded at a staged
fault test by a variable sampling frequency disturbance recorder.
This example is taken from the sub-case 9 of ATP benchmark file DC68.DAT, in which a series
compensated 500 kV interconnection is outlined. As a rule, metal-oxide arresters protect the series
capacitors against overheating in such circuits. In practice the arresters' energy dissipation is
continuously monitored and if certain power or energy limits are exceeded the series capacitor is
bypassed by a switch. In the simulation, the monitoring function is provided by a MODELS object
and the bypass function is by a TACS/MODELS controlled switch. Chapter 5.5.2 of the Advanced
Manual introduce you how to create the MODELS object applied in this example. The actual
circuit is shown in Fig. 6.27.
As Fig. 6.27 shows, no connections are drawn between the three MODELS object and the nodes
in the electrical network. This connection is made by the ATP logic by specifying identical name
for the MODELS output node and for the control node of the TACS switch. This will result in a
warning such as shown in Fig. 6.28 when creating the ATP-file, which can be ignored in this case
by clicking on OK. If you chose the next button Abort then re-draw the circuit the nodes with
identical name will be printed in cyan color.
If you wish, you can use the Draw relation feature (TACS | Draw relation of the component
selection menu) to visualize the connection between the MODELS objects and the electrical
If you click the right mouse button on the object controlling GAPA, an input dialog box appears
where you can specify the attributes. The Model file: field is the name and path of the file, in
which depicts the operation of the object according to the syntax of the MODELS simulation
language [4]. The Use As field may contain any name, but the name must be different for the three
MODELS object in Fig. 6.27.
If you right click on one of the arresters an input window appears where you can specify the
parameters. In section 4.5 of the Reference Manual, the use of the Attributes and Characteristic
page of ZnO arresters are explained in detail.
The name of this LIB-file can be specified in $Include field of the Characteristic page and the
Include characteristic button should be selected. The user must be careful with $Prefix and
$Suffix use when the include files are located in different sub-directories. E.g. in this example the
nonlinear characteristic of the ZnO blocks are located in the \USP folder and the MODELS
object description file is in the \MOD folder. To avoid conflicts users are advised to specify the
full path of all include files, or copy all include files into the same subdirectory \LIB.
The new Grouping feature of ATPDraw (see in section 5.1 of this manual) provides an alternative
way for the TACS switch and MODELS object representation. This circuit is shown in Fig. 6.30,
and the name of the project file is Exa_8g.adp.
Fig. 6.30 - TACS switch and MODELS object compressed into a group.
The ATP-file of the example circuit is shown on the next 3 pages. The Record requests, which
result in MODELS variable output in the PL4-file, are marked bold in the data file. These requests
can be specified under ATP | Settings / Record as shown in Fig. 6.31. PRINTER PLOT requests
cards, which are also part of the original DC68.DAT are not much used today, so were omitted.
Similarly the original data case includes a clock-wise rotating 3-phase voltage source (negative
sequence), which is not reproduced here. It could be reproduced easily by replacing the 3-phase
sources with three single-phase sources of independent delay angle, or make these changes
manually by means of the ATP | Edit ATP-file feature and run the data case by the Run ATP (file)
92X0102AX0104A 5555. 0
147500. -1. 1
92X0102BX0104BX0102AX0104A 5555. 0
92X0102CX0104CX0102AX0104A 5555. 0
CR25A CR20A 5. 5. 5. 0
CR25B CR20B 5. .23 0
CR25C CR20C 5. .23 0
CR25A CR20A 200. 200. 200. 0
CR25B CR20B 200. 0
CR25C CR20C 200. 0
51CR20A CR01A .4 9.
52CR20B CR01B 5. 36.
53CR20C CR01C
51X0048AX0050A .5 14.
52X0048BX0050B 8. 52.
X0050AX0104A 93.4 0
X0050BX0104B 93.4 0
X0050CX0104C 93.4 0
X0100AX0102A .01 0
X0100BX0102B .01 0
X0100CX0102C .01 0
X0132AX0104A 5. 5. 5. 0
X0132BX0104B 5. .23 0
X0132CX0104C 5. .23 0
X0132AX0104A 200. 200. 200. 0
X0132BX0104B 200. 0
X0132CX0104C 200. 0
51GRCBA SRC2A .1 7.
52GRCBB SRC2B .1 10.7
51GRCBA SRC2A 350.
52GRCBB SRC2B 150.
51X0104AX0073A .4 9.
52X0104BX0073B 5. 36.
92CRZ1A CR20A 5555. 0
147500. -1. 1
92CRZ1B CR20B CRZ1A CR20A 5555. 0
92CRZ1C CR20C CRZ1A CR20A 5555. 0
C < n 1>< n 2>< Tclose ><Top/Tde >< Ie ><Vf/CLOP >< type >
RAVBA CR50A -1. 10. 0
RAVBB CR50B -1. 10. 0
RAVBC CR50C -1. 10. 0
CR30A CRZ2A -1. 1. 0
CR30B CRZ2B -1. 1. 0
CR30C CRZ2C -1. 1. 0
13CR30B CR25B GAPB 0
13CR30C CR25C GAPC 0
CR01A GRCBA -0.006 10. 0
CR01B GRCBB -0.006 10. 0
CR01C GRCBC -0.006 10. 0
RAVBA X0048A -1. 10. 0
RAVBB X0048B -1. 10. 0
RAVBC X0048C -1. 10. 0
X0050AX0100A -1. 1. 0
X0050BX0100B -1. 1. 0
X0050CX0100C -1. 1. 0
X0050AX0132A -1. 10. 0
X0050BX0132B -1. 10. 0
X0050CX0132C -1. 10. 0
X0073AGRCBA -1. 10. 0
X0073BGRCBB -1. 10. 0
This example demonstrates the use of ATPDraw in a lightning protection study. The one-line
diagram of the investigated 400 kV substation is drawn in Fig. 6.32. The numbers written on the
top of the bus sections specify the length in meters. The simulated incident is a single-phase back-
flashover caused by a lightning strike to the tower structure 900 m away from the substation.
Severe lightning parameters were chosen with 120 kA amplitude and 4/50 ms front/tail times. In
the investigated cases, only Line1 and Line2 are connected with the transformer bus. The
transformer is protected by conventional SiC arresters.
15 15 15
24 24 24
13 13 13
15 22 22 22 15
12 12 12 12
57 57 57
10 10 10
15 5 15 5 15 5 51 17
8 8
gapped arrester
10 10
68 68
15 5 15 5
5 5
10 10
57 57
12 12 12 12
15 22 22 22 15
13 13
24 24
15 15
The ATPDraw circuit of the complete network (substation+incoming line) is shown in Fig. 6.33.
The Copy&Paste or Grouping (Compress) feature of ATPDraw could be used effectively when
creating such a model because the circuit has many identical blocks. I.e. the user needs to define
the object parameters only once and copy them as many times as needed.
Close to the lightning strike, the line spans are represented by 4-phase JMarti LCC objects (phase
conductors + sky wire). The surge propagation along the tower structure has been taken into
account in this model by representing the vertical pylon sections as single-phase constant
parameter transmission lines. The R-L branches below the tower model simulate the tower
grounding impedance. The front of wave flashover characteristic of the line insulators plays a
significant role in such a back-flashover study. It can be simulated quite easily using a MODELS
object - like the Flash of this example-, which controls a TACS/MODELS controlled switch.
The influence of the power frequency voltage on the back-flashover probability can't be neglected
either at this voltage level. In this study case, it was considered by a Thevenin equivalent 3-phase
source connected to the remote end of Line2.
The ATP-file created by ATPDraw is shown below. Note! This case exceeds the storage cell limit
of ATP if the program runs with DEFAULT=3.0 table size (default LISTSIZE.DAT setting). To
run the simulation successfully the user must increase this limit from 3.0 to 6.0.
C --------------------------------------------------------
C Generated by ATPDRAW July, Thursday 4, 2002
C A Bonneville Power Administration program
C Programmed by H. K. Høidalen at SEfAS - NORWAY 1994-2002
C --------------------------------------------------------
C dT >< Tmax >< Xopt >< Copt >
5.E-9 2.5E-5
500 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
IX0001 {v(TWR4A )}
IX0002 {v(XX0016)}
| Front of wave flashover characteristic |
| of the HV insulator. |
| Input: Voltage accross the insulator. |
| Output: Close command for the TACS switch |
DATA UINF {DFLT:650e3}, UO {DFLT: 1650e3}, TAU {DFLT:8.e-7}, UINIT {DFLT:1E5}
UP:= IX0001
UN:= IX0002
UINF:= 1.4E6
UO:= 3.E6
TAU:= 8.E-7
UINIT:= 3.5E5
C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
C < n 1>< n 2><ref1><ref2>< R >< L >< C >
C < n 1>< n 2><ref1><ref2>< R >< A >< B ><Leng><><>0
-1XX0010XX0167 10. 200. 2.5E5 .008 1 0 0
-1XX0012XX0010 10. 200. 2.5E5 .007 1 0 0
-1XX0014XX0012 10. 200. 2.5E5 .018 1 0 0
-1XX0016TOP 10. 200. 2.5E5 .008 1 0 0
-1 XX0019 20. 600. 2.9E5 .3 1 0 0
-1XX0020XX0016 10. 200. 2.5E5 .007 1 0 0
XX0014 40. 0
XX0014 13. .005 0
-1XX0026XX0171 10. 200. 2.5E5 .008 1 0 0
-1XX0028XX0020 10. 200. 2.5E5 .018 1 0 0
-1X0032AX0033A 20. 650. 2.4E5 3. 1 0 0
-2X0032BX0033B 2. 400. 2.9E5 3. 1 0 0
-3X0032CX0033C 0
XX0028 40. 0
-1XX0036 20. 600. 2.9E5 .3 1 0 0
XX0028 13. .005 0
-1XX0040XX0179 10. 200. 2.5E5 .008 1 0 0
-1XX0042XX0040 10. 200. 2.5E5 .007 1 0 0
-1XX0044XX0042 10. 200. 2.5E5 .018 1 0 0
XX0044 40. 0
XX0044 13. .005 0
-1XX0054XX0183 10. 200. 2.5E5 .008 1 0 0
-1XX0056XX0026 10. 200. 2.5E5 .007 1 0 0
LIGHT 400. 0
-1XX0060XX0054 10. 200. 2.5E5 .007 1 0 0
-1XX0062XX0056 10. 200. 2.5E5 .018 1 0 0
-1PT1A LINE1A 20. 650. 2.4E5 .024 1 0 0
-2PT1B LINE1B 2. 360. 2.9E5 .024 1 0 0
-1X0118AX0293A 20. 400. 2.4E5 .012 1 0 0
-2X0118BX0293B 2. 260. 2.9E5 .012 1 0 0
-3X0118CX0293C 0
-1X0083AX0120A 20. 400. 2.4E5 .015 1 0 0
-2X0083BX0120B 2. 260. 2.9E5 .015 1 0 0
-3X0083CX0120C 0
TR400A .003 0
TR400B .003 0
TR400C .003 0
-1X0105AX0108A 20. 650. 2.4E5 .051 1 0 0
-2X0105BX0108B 2. 360. 2.9E5 .051 1 0 0
-3X0105CX0108C 0
-1SICA X0108A 20. 400. 2.4E5 .007 1 0 0
-2SICB X0108B 2. 260. 2.9E5 .007 1 0 0
-3SICC X0108C 0
99SICA 1.1E6 1. 1
100. 6.5E5
1.E3 7.6E5
2.E3 8.E5
4.E3 8.34E5
5.E3 8.5E5
1.E4 9.35E5
2.E4 1.082E6
3.E4 1.2E6
X0132AX0133A 1. 50. 0
X0132BX0133B 1. 50. 0
X0132CX0133C 1. 50. 0
-1XX0135XX0075 10. 200. 2.5E5 .007 1 0 0
-1X0083APT1A 20. 400. 2.4E5 .085 1 0 0
-2X0083BPT1B 2. 260. 2.9E5 .085 1 0 0
-3X0083CPT1C 0
PT1A .0005 0
PT1B .0005 0
PT1C .0005 0
-1X0293AX0269A 20. 650. 2.4E5 .022 1 0 0
-2X0293BX0269B 2. 360. 2.9E5 .022 1 0 0
-3X0293CX0269C 0
-1XX0143XX0135 10. 200. 2.5E5 .018 1 0 0
XX0062 40. 0
XX0062 13. .005 0
-1XX0149XX0069 10. 200. 2.5E5 .007 1 0 0
-1XX0151XX0149 10. 200. 2.5E5 .018 1 0 0
XX0151 40. 0
XX0151 13. .005 0
XX0143 40. 0
XX0143 13. .005 0
-1LINE2AX0132A 20. 650. 2.4E5 3. 1 0 0
-2LINE2BX0132B 2. 360. 2.9E5 3. 1 0 0
-3LINE2CX0132C 0
$INCLUDE, D:\ATPDRAW\LCC\EXA_9.LIB, X0033A, X0033B, X0033C, XX0019, X0166A $$
, X0166B, X0166C, XX0167
$INCLUDE, D:\ATPDRAW\LCC\EXA_9.LIB, X0166A, X0166B, X0166C, XX0167, X0170A $$
, X0170B, X0170C, XX0171
$INCLUDE, D:\ATPDRAW\LCC\EXA_9.LIB, X0170A, X0170B, X0170C, XX0171, TWR4A# $$
, TWR4B#, TWR4C#, TOP###
, X0178B, X0178C, XX0179
$INCLUDE, D:\ATPDRAW\LCC\EXA_9.LIB, X0178A, X0178B, X0178C, XX0179, X0182A $$
, X0182B, X0182C, XX0183
$INCLUDE, D:\ATPDRAW\LCC\EXA_9.LIB, X0182A, X0182B, X0182C, XX0183, LINE1A $$
, LINE1B, LINE1C, XX0036
C < n 1>< n 2>< Tclose ><Top/Tde >< Ie ><Vf/CLOP >< type >
X0090AX0086A -1. 1.001 0
X0090BX0086B -1. 1.001 0
X0090CX0086C -1. 1.001 0
Some results of the simulation are drawn in Fig. 6.34. The blue line is the voltage stress appearing
at the transformer terminal, the red line shows the incoming surge measured at the voltage
transformer of Line1 (node PT1 of the circuit). The discharge current of the gapped arrester is
drawn at the bottom if the figure. As it can be seen, the instantaneous value of the power
frequency voltage was set opposite to the polarity of the lightning surge in the simulation.
1.50 16
[M V] [kA]
1.25 14
1.00 12
0.75 10
0.50 8
0.25 6
0.00 4
-0.25 2
-0.50 0
0 5 10 15 20 [us] 25
(file Exa_9.pl4; x-var t) v:PT 1A v:T R400A c:SICA -
Fig. 6.34 - ATP simulation results. Red: incoming surge at the substation entrance.
Blue: voltage stress at the transformer terminal. Green: arrester discharge current.
The magnetic coupling between the windings and the nonlinear characteristic of the magnetizing
reactance are the most important factors in transformer energizing transient studies. The BCTRAN
supporting routine of ATP can be used to derive the R L or (L-1 R) matrix representation of a
single or 3-phase multi-winding transformer. ATPDraw now provides a similar interface to the
BCTRAN supporting routine like the one provided for the LCC objects. The BCTRAN input data
are the excitation and short circuit factory test data, which can easily be obtained from the
transformer manufacturers. Additionally, the user can select between several options for modeling
the nonlinear magnetizing branch.
The first example circuit of this section demonstrates the use of BCTRAN objects for transformer
energization studies. In the second example, readers are familiarized with the application of user
specified objects and the Grouping feature for transformer modeling.
The study case is the energization of a 3-phase, three-winding Yyd coupled transformer. The wye
connected 132 kV windings and the delta coupled 18 kV windings are unloaded in this study. The
schematic diagram of the simulated case is shown in Fig. 6.35, the corresponding ATPDraw
circuit is depicted in Fig. 6.36.
400/132/18 kV
S = 8000 MVA 250 MVA , Yyn0d11
63.7 mH A
200 ohm
420 B
6nF 4nF
Fig. 6.35 - One-line scheme of the transformer and the 400 kV source.
In the BCTRAN dialog box, you specify first the number of phases and the number of windings per
phase under Structure (see Fig. 6.37). Under Ratings, the nominal line-to-line voltage, power
ratings, the type of coupling of windings and the phase shift must be entered. For auto-
transformers, the nominal voltage of the windings (which is the required input for BCTRAN) is
calculated automatically by ATPDraw and the short-circuit impedances are also re-defined
according to the Eq. 6.45, 6.46, 6.50 of the EMTP Theory Book [5]. The zero sequence excitation
and short circuit parameters are approximately equal to the positive sequence values for an auto-
transformer having tertiary delta winding, so the Zero sequence data available check boxes are
unselected in this example. The External Lm option is chosen under Positive core magnetization
because external Type-96 hysteretic inductors are used to represent the magnetizing inductance.
Accordingly, only the resistive component of the magnetizing current will be entered as IEXPOS
in the BCTRAN input file.
Following data specification the program offers to generate a BCTRAN input file and run ATP. It
can either be performed by a Run ATP requests, (without leaving the dialog box), or selecting OK.
If the BCTRAN-file is correct, a punch-file will be created. This file is directly included in the
final ATP-file and there is no conversion to a library file as for lines/cables. The BCTRAN input
file generated by ATPDraw is shown next. This file is given extension .atp and stored in the
/BCT folder.
I [%]
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Fig. 6.38 - The shape of the hysteresis loop of the transformer magnetic core
compared with the material type 1 of ATP's HYSDAT supporting routine.
The output file generated by the HYSDAT supporting routine is listed below. In this example the
file is given a name HYSTR400.LIB and stored in the /USP folder.
C <++++++> Cards punched by support routine on 21-Jul-02 14.08.23 <++++++>
C C ITYPE LEVEL { Request Armco M4 oriented silicon steel -- only 1 availab
C 1 4 { That was ITYPE=1. As for LEVEL=2, moderate accuracy outp
C 98.2 97.2 { Current and flux coordinates of positive saturat
-3.68250000E+01 -9.49129412E+01
-2.45500000E+01 -9.43411765E+01
-1.10475000E+01 -9.23400000E+01
-4.91000000E+00 -9.03388235E+01
-1.84125000E+00 -8.86235294E+01
6.13750000E-01 -8.51929412E+01
2.14812500E+00 -8.11905882E+01
3.55975000E+00 -7.43294118E+01
4.29625000E+00 -6.28941176E+01
4.91000000E+00 -4.57411765E+01
6.13750000E+00 3.05894118E+01
6.75125000E+00 4.23105882E+01
8.59250000E+00 5.71764706E+01
1.10475000E+01 6.86117647E+01
1.33797500E+01 7.43294118E+01
1.74918750E+01 8.00470588E+01
2.39362500E+01 8.51929412E+01
3.28356250E+01 8.91952941E+01
4.29625000E+01 9.20541176E+01
6.13750000E+01 9.49129412E+01
9.82000000E+01 9.72000000E+01
1.35025000E+02 9.77717647E+01
Such a nonlinear characteristic can be connected to the Type-96 inductor in two ways: include as
an external file, or enter flux-current data pairs directly in the Characteristic page as shown in Fig.
6.39. The Copy and Paste buttons of the dialog box provide a powerful way to import the whole
characteristic from an external text file via the Windows clipboard or export it to another Type96
objects. It is thus possible to bring a HYSDAT punch-file up in a text editor, mark the
characteristic, copy it to the clipboard and paste it into the Characteristic page. The number of
data however must be less or equal to 36. In practice it means that you cannot select HYSDAT
input parameter Level = 4. No such limit exists for the included nonlinear characteristics.
The complete ATP input file generated by ATPDraw for this study case is listed next:
C --------------------------------------------------------
C Generated by ATPDRAW July, Sunday 21, 2002
C A Bonneville Power Administration program
C Programmed by H. K. Høidalen at SEfAS - NORWAY 1994-2002
C --------------------------------------------------------
C dT >< Tmax >< Xopt >< Copt >
5.E-6 .15
500 5 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
C < n 1>< n 2><ref1><ref2>< R >< L >< C >
C < n 1>< n 2><ref1><ref2>< R >< A >< B ><Leng><><>0
L_BUSA .004 0
L_BUSB .004 0
L_BUSC .004 0
T_BUSA .01 0
T_BUSB .01 0
T_BUSC .01 0
96T_BUSBT_BUSC 8888. 0.0 1
-36.825 -94.9129412
-18.4125 -93.7694118
-6.1375 -90.9105882
-1.2275 -88.0517647
2.148125 -81.1905882
4.05075 -68.6117647
7.365 49.1717647
11.66125 70.3270588
16.57125 78.9035294
24.55 85.7647059
36.21125 90.3388235
56.465 93.7694118
98.2 97.2
135.025 97.7717647
96T_BUSAT_BUSB 8888. 0.0 1
-36.825 -94.9129412
-18.4125 -93.7694118
-6.1375 -90.9105882
-1.2275 -88.0517647
2.148125 -81.1905882
4.05075 -68.6117647
7.365 49.1717647
11.66125 70.3270588
16.57125 78.9035294
24.55 85.7647059
36.21125 90.3388235
56.465 93.7694118
98.2 97.2
135.025 97.7717647
96T_BUSCT_BUSA 8888. 0.0 1
-36.825 -94.9129412
-18.4125 -93.7694118
-6.1375 -90.9105882
-1.2275 -88.0517647
2.148125 -81.1905882
4.05075 -68.6117647
7.365 49.1717647
11.66125 70.3270588
16.57125 78.9035294
24.55 85.7647059
36.21125 90.3388235
56.465 93.7694118
98.2 97.2
135.025 97.7717647
H_BUSA .006 0
H_BUSB .006 0
H_BUSC .006 0
1T_BUSAT_BUSC 6942.8436268432
1H_BUSAL_BUSA 3.2888630659697 .42462348721612
Some results of the simulation are shown in Fig. 6.40. In the reported case, the steady state
magnetizing current of the unloaded transformer is interrupted at 45 ms producing high residual
flux in two phases. As a result, a high amplitude inrush current may occur at a subsequent
transformer energization.
0 10 20 30 40 [m s ] 50
(file exa_10.pl4; x-var t) c:SU PLA -H _BU SA c:SU PLB -H _BU SB c:SU PLC -H _BU SC
0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 [s ] 0.15
(file exa_10.pl4; x-var t) c:SU PLA -H _BU SA c:SU PLB -H _BU SB c:SU PLC -H _BU SC
The use of the icon customization and the advantages of the grouping feature of ATPDraw are
demonstrated in this example. The simulated case is again a transformer switching study, in which
a 155 MVA 132/15 kV Y/d coupled step-up and a 4 MVA 15/6.9 kV D/d coupled auxiliary
transformer are energized together. The fast start gas turbine plant is located near to a 400/220/120
kV substation and the transformers are connected with the substation by a 120 kV single core
XLPE cable. During the step-up transformer energization the generator is still disconnected, so
need not be considered in this study. The ATPDraw circuit of the simulation is shown in Fig. 6.41.
Fig. 6.41 shows several customized ATPDraw objects created by the Edit | Compress command.
If you are not familiar with this grouping feature please read in section 5.1 of this Advanced
Manual. This feature provides a powerful tool in advanced modeling. On Fig. 6.41 the nonlinear,
hysteretic transformer objects, the parallel connected 3-phase breakers and the TACS objects for
flux measurement were compressed into single objects, and the icon of each group has been
customized, as well. The icon of some non-group objects were also customized, e.g. the LCC
object of the XLPE cable. The uncompressed version of this case is also part of the ATPDraw's
example collection and is shown in Fig. 6.42. Therefore, you can see how the grouping feature
makes the circuit more readable.
The model of the Ynd11 and the Dd0 transformers consists of a linear part (user specified library
object or BCTRAN object) and a nonlinear hysteretic inductor. The capacitances between the
transformer windings and ground have been considered, as well. These capacitances do not
influence the inrush current significantly, but they need to be taken into account especially at delta
coupled transformer terminals to avoid "floating subnetwork found" simulation errors. For more
details about the model parameters please read in section 5.8.2 of the Advanced Manual.
The compress option of ATPDraw can be used effectively to create new probe-type objects, as
well. The 3-phase Flux probe of this example is constructed by integrators (TACS | Transfer
functions | General) objects, time controlled switches (to set zero initial conditions) and coupling
to TACS objects. The output of the Flux probe (the instantaneous flux linkage of the transformer
windings) can be used to analyze the operation of the model during steady state no-load
conditions, and during the transformer de-energization/re-energization, as shown in Fig. 6.43.
The circuit breaker of the transformer has a common drive with mechanical phase shift of 60
electrical degrees. The making sequence is A-C-B with 3.33 ms delay between the poles and the
breaking sequence is B-C-A. Some results of the simulation obtained by the elaborated model are
shown next. Fig. 6.44 shows the flux linkage and the phase-to-ground voltages of the step-up
transformer during the no-load breaking process. The residual flux is quite low in all phases, thus
a subsequent energization will not produce high amplitude inrush current even if the making is
done at the voltage zero crossing. When synchronizing the first pole to close with the bus voltage
and energize the transformer close to the voltage peak, the inrush current amplitude will not
exceed the peak value of the nominal load current of the transformer (see in Fig. 6.45).
-10 -5 0 5 Amps 10
(file Exa_11.pl4; x-var c:T R15B -T R15C) t: FLX15C
Fig. 6.43 - Roaming of the operating point on the hysteresis loop in steady-state
and during the subsequent non-sinusoidal oscillations at transformer de-energization.
0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 [s] 0.10
(file Exa_11.pl4; x-var t) v:TR 132A v:TR 132B v:TR 132C
0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 [s] 0.10
(file Exa_11.pl4; x-var t) t: FLX15A t: FLX15B t: FLX15C
Fig. 6.44 - Non-sinusoidal voltage oscillations appear after de-energizing the step-up transformer
(upper curves). The residual flux is less then 30% in each phases (lower curves).
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 [m s ] 50
(file Exa_ 11.pl4; x-var t) c:BR EKA -C ABLA c:BR EKB -C ABLB c:BR EKC -C ABLC
150 160
[k V] [k V]
0 0
-4 0
-5 0
-8 0
-1 0 0
-1 2 0
-1 5 0 -1 6 0
0 .1 6 0 .1 7 0 .1 8 0 .1 9 0 .2 0 0 .1 7 0 .1 8 0 .1 9 [s ] 0 .2 0
[s ]
(file E xa _ 1 1 .p l4 ; x-va r t) v:TR 1 3 2 A v:T R 1 3 2 B (file E xa _ 1 1 .p l4 ; x-va r t) v:TR 1 3 2 A v:T R 1 3 2 B
0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23 [s ] 0.24
(file Exa_11.pl4; x-var t) c:BR EKA -C ABLA c:BR EKB -C ABLB c:BR EKC -C ABLC
0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23 [s ] 0.24
(file Exa_11.pl4; x-var t) c:BR EKA -C ABLA c:BREKB -C ABLB c:BREKC -CABLC
Fig. 6.45 - Interrupting the steady state no-load current of the step-up transformer (upper curves)
and the inrush current amplitude (below) when energizing the first pole of the breaker:
a) at the voltage zero crossing, b) close to the voltage peak.
The switching impulse withstand level of EHV line insulators are generally lower than the
lightning impulse withstand level. Therefore, some measures are needed to protect the line against
switching overvoltages, especially when the insulation level is rather low, like in case of line
uprating. One or more of the following measures could be applied to reduce these overvoltages:
- mounting surge arresters at the line terminals and along the line
- application of circuit breaker with closing resistors
- synchronizing the breaker operations at line energization and reclosing
- limiting or eliminating the trapped charge at dead time of the 3-phase reclosing
The influence of the latter two measures to the switching overvoltage distribution is analyzed in
this example. The use of the master/slave feature of ATP's statistical switches is also introduced.
The EMTP model shown in Fig. 6.46 has been elaborated for a line upgrading feasibility study to
analyze the switching performance of a 400 kV compact line. The clearances, the location of the
phase- and ground wires, and the length of the composite insulator strings are assumed known in
this example.
Fig. 6.46 - ATPDraw circuit for the statistical switching study (Exa_12.adp).
The investigated line has been divided into four sections, each of them represented by an LCC
JMarti object. To set up the initial conditions of the line easily, a 3-phase voltage source is
connected to the line at right having voltage amplitude equal to the desired trapped charge. This
source is disconnected before the operation of the statistical switches to make the line unloaded. It
is worth to mention that some care is needed when constructing the EMTP model for such a
statistical simulations, because the unnecessary over-complication of the model may increase the
overall simulation time of that many statistical runs significantly.
The simulated switching incidence is a 3-phase reclosing in this study. Statistical switches of
Gaussian-type represent the reclosing breaker. The master/slave dependency is now supported by
ATPDraw, thus phase A is specified as master and the remaining two as slave. ATP requires the
master switch be specified earlier in the ATP-file then a slave. To ensure this ordering, the Group
No: of a master switch must be set lower than that of a slave, as shown in Fig. 6.47. Additionally,
the Sorting by group number option must also be activated on the ATP | Settings/Format page.
The above selections will result in data cards sorted in the ATP-file by class, then sorted by group
numbers in each classes.
The rest of program options and circuit parameter settings for a statistical study is very similar to
that of any other time domain simulations. There is one addition however. You need to specify the
Switch study and Switch controls under ATP | Settings / Switch before generating the ATP-file.
Unless you need special settings, the Switch controls parameters need
not be modified. At the time of writing of this manual ATPDraw does
not write the BLANK STATISTICS request card at the end of the
ATP-file. In consequence of the missing request card, the statistical
evaluation results do not appear at the end of the LIS-file. To get this
valuable part of a statistical simulation, enter this request manually by
means of the Edit ATP-file feature as shown below, and run the
simulation with the corrected file by using the Run ATP (file) option.
I.e. do not use F2 command key to run the simulation.
As worst-case assumption the fault, which precedes the 3-phase reclosing in one or more phases
has not been considered here. Taking that the inductive voltage transformers play a significant role
in eliminating the trapped charge in the healthy phases during the dead time of reclosing, but
CVTs or CCVT has no such effect, two different cases have been considered:
a1) the trapped charge is equal to the phase to ground voltage peak
a2) the trapped charge is 30% of the phase to ground voltage peak.
The reclosing operations are synchronized to the bus voltage in this simulation. It means that the
master switch is closed when the instantaneous value of the phase-to-ground bus voltage is equal
to zero. The average delay for the slave switches in phase B and C is set 120 and 60 electrical
degrees, respectively. The standard deviation of the operating time of the synchronous controller
and the breaker has been considered as an additional parameter in the study:
b1) accumulated deviation of the breaker and the controller operating time is 1 ms
b2) accumulated deviation of the breaker and the controller operating time is 2 ms.
The ATPDraw generated input file for the case a1) - b1) is shown below:
C --------------------------------------------------------
C Generated by ATPDRAW July, Thursday 25, 2002
C A Bonneville Power Administration program
C Programmed by H. K. Høidalen at SEfAS - NORWAY 1994-2002
C --------------------------------------------------------
C dT >< Tmax >< Xopt >< Copt >
1.E-5 .06
500 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 100
1 1 0 0 1 -1 0
C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
C < n 1>< n 2><ref1><ref2>< R >< L >< C >
C < n 1>< n 2><ref1><ref2>< R >< A >< B ><Leng><><>0
X0078AX0076A 400. 0
X0078BX0076B 400. 0
X0078CX0076C 400. 0
X0074AX0072A 400. 0
X0074BX0072B 400. 0
X0074CX0072C 400. 0
-1X0068AX0001A 1. 700. 2.4E5 170. 1 0 0
-2X0068BX0001B .1 400. 2.8E5 170. 1 0 0
-3X0068CX0001C 0
-1X0072AX0001A 1. 700. 2.4E5 45. 1 0 0
-2X0072BX0001B .1 400. 2.8E5 45. 1 0 0
-3X0072CX0001C 0
X0070AX0068A 400. 0
X0070BX0068B 400. 0
X0070CX0068C 400. 0
X0074AX0072A 2. 50. 0
X0074BX0072B 2. 50. 0
X0074CX0072C 2. 50. 0
X0078AX0076A 5. 125. 0
X0078BX0076B 5. 125. 0
X0078CX0076C 5. 125. 0
X0070AX0068A 2. 65. 0
X0070BX0068B 2. 65. 0
X0070CX0068C 2. 65. 0
X0076AX0001A 5. 225. 0
X0076BX0001B 5. 225. 0
X0076CX0001C 5. 225. 0
92 ENDA 5555. 0
6.E5 -1. 1
531.55881849 20.203433531 0.52072093164
340.85559425 18.920649837 0.70833333333
217.84036322 16.914334208 0.8
266.23677718 19.220050355 0.91666666667
282.39443055 17.423190053 1.0333333333
662.1475865 10.787756369 1.1333333333
92 ENDB ENDA 5555. 0
92 ENDC ENDA 5555. 0
X0032AX0033A 2. 100. 0
X0032BX0033B 2. 100. 0
X0032CX0033C 2. 100. 0
92 BEGA 5555. 0
6.E5 -1. 1
531.55881849 20.203433531 0.52072093164
340.85559425 18.920649837 0.70833333333
217.84036322 16.914334208 0.8
Following the manual addition of the BLANK STATISTICS request card, the statistical
tabulation of the overvoltage distribution will be part of the LIS-file, as shown next:
1 ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Statistical output of node voltage 0.3430E+06 |0 MIDA MIDB MIDC
Statistical distribution of peak voltage at node "MIDA ".
The base voltage for per unit printout is V-base = 3.43000000E+05
Interval voltage voltage in Frequency Cumulative Per cent
number in per unit physical units (density) frequency .GE. current value
51 1.2750000 4.37325000E+05 0 0 100.000000
52 1.3000000 4.45900000E+05 2 2 98.000000
87 2.1750000 7.46025000E+05 1 99 1.000000
88 2.2000000 7.54600000E+05 1 100 .000000
Summary of preceding table follows: Grouped data Ungrouped data
Mean = 1.66850000E+00 1.66882696E+00
Variance = 3.85116162E-02 3.81739314E-02
Standard deviation = 1.96243767E-01 1.95381502E-01
4 ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The following is a distribution of peak overvoltages among all output nodes of the last data card that have
the same base voltage.
This distribution is for the maximum of the peaks at all output nodes with V-base = 3.43000000E+05
Interval voltage voltage in Frequency Cumulative Per cent
number in per unit physical units (density) frequency .GE. current value
51 1.2750000 4.37325000E+05 0 0 100.000000
52 1.3000000 4.45900000E+05 1 1 99.000000
91 2.2750000 7.80325000E+05 1 99 1.000000
92 2.3000000 7.88900000E+05 1 100 .000000
Summary of preceding table follows: Grouped data Ungrouped data
Mean = 1.77125000E+00 1.77305706E+00
Variance = 5.25173611E-02 5.27332819E-02
Standard deviation = 2.29166667E-01 2.29637283E-01
Finally, a brief summary of the simulation results is given next. Considering the metal-oxide
arresters with 2 p.u. protection level at both ends of the line, the highest overvoltages appear in the
inner points of the line. As an example, Fig. 6.49 shows the probability distribution functions of
the switching overvoltages arising in the middle of the line. The four curves correspond to the
following cases:
a) Three phase reclosing with 30% trapped charge. Standard deviation of the accumulated
operating time of the synchronous controller and the breaker is 1 ms.
b) Three phase reclosing with 100% trapped charge. Standard deviation of the accumulated
operating time of the synchronous controller and the breaker is 1 ms.
c) Three phase reclosing with 30% trapped charge. Standard deviation of the accumulated
operating time of the synchronous controller and the breaker is 2 ms.
d) Three phase reclosing with 100% trapped charge. Standard deviation of the accumulated
operating time of the synchronous controller and the breaker is 2 ms.
As it can be seen, the reclosing overvoltages are quite low even if the trapped charge is close to
the voltage peak, if the reclosing operations are synchronized to the bus-side voltage zero by a
point on wave controller.
70 d2_t100%
% 50
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4
Fig. 6.49- Probability distribution function of the 3-phase reclosing overvoltages.
for Windows
The ATPDraw.ini file is optional and it is specified/edited under Tools | Options in ATPDraw.
At program startup, all optional program variables are given a default value. Then ATPDraw
searches the disk for an initialization file and if found, the new parameters are read from the file
into the optional variables, overriding the default values. If no such file is found, the default values
apply. ATPDraw will create/update the file on a Save or Load request under the Tools | Options
menu. The ATPDraw.ini file has 8 sections:
[ATPDraw] [Preferences] [Directories] [View Options]
[ATP Settings] [1024x768] [Reload] [Objects]
The ATPDraw.ini file is a standard Windows initialization file. Each section contains one or
more parameter = value lines. Empty lines or lines beginning with a semicolon (;) are ignored. The
following sections list and describe the name and legal value range of available parameters, as
well as the default settings (bold). One line is required for each parameter and at least one space is
needed between the parameter and any in-line comment string.
7.1.1 [ATPDraw]
The [ATPDraw] section contains information on the state and general behavior of ATPDraw.
These settings can be modified on the Tools | Options / General page as shown in Fig. 7.1.
Note that the PolyDots and PolyBug options cannot be set from the Tools | Options dialog box. If
you experience problems during polygon drawing operations, try to set one or both parameters to
On using a text editor.
The [Preferences] section contains information on undo, background color and the standard ATP
and ARMAFIT commands. The default settings can be modified on the Tools | Options /
Preferences page (Fig. 7.2).
editor is used.
ATPCommand The default command which executes the ATP
ArmafitCommand The default command which executes the ARMAFIT
7.1.3 [Directories]
This section contains information on the default directories for projects, ATP-files, and user-
generated components. These are the directories suggested by the Open and Save file dialogs in
ATPDraw initially. When a project is opened, ATPDraw will unzip the files on these directories if
the stored path does not exist. The user is free to store his components in any directory, however.
UserSpecified The default folder of the DBM library (.lib) and support files
The default settings can be modified on the Tools | Options / Directories page (Fig. 7.3).
These options control the default appearance of the circuit. The individual settings for the current
circuit can be specified under the View | Options menu. It is possible to select what to draw on the
screen by changing the check box status. The default view options for new projects can be
specified under the Tools | Options / View/ATP dialog as shown in Fig. 7.4.
Specify the default value of ATP specific variables (initial miscellaneous data cards). The setting
for each individual circuit is found under the ATP | Settings menu. Of special importance is the
default time step, simulation length and power frequency. On the Output page printout control is
set and Auto-detection of simulation errors can also be specified. The default values for new
projects can be modified on the View/ATP page of the Tools | Options menu as shown in Fig. 7.5.
This section also includes a section for Commands (max 10) found under the ATP | Edit
Commands. Each command takes three lines. The first one specifies the command name that
appears in the menu, the second is the program/file to launch and the third is a code for what kind
of file to send as parameter.
Parameter Type Description Text Name of the user specified commands. Number x specifies
the location of the commands in the ATP menu.
BatchJobx.filename Text Name of the batch (or .EXE) file executed by ATPDraw
when the command is selected in the ATP menu.
BatchJobx.parameter Integer Specifies which file is sent as parameter, before executing
the batch job: =0: No file name is sent, =1: File dialog opens
=2: ATP-file name is sent, =3: PL4-file name is sent.
Default settings for the Pocket Calculator features of ATP are also specified in the [ATP settings]
Parameter Type Description
Var.Simulations =1 Number of Pocket Calculator simulations.
Var.Count =0 Number of $Parameter variables.
7.1.6 [1024x768]
This controls the default window position on the screen (Left, Top, Width, Height).
7.1.7 [Reload]
Contains the 5 last loaded project files. These files appear under the File | Reload menu.
7.1.8 [Objects]
This controls the visibility status of the Toolbar and the Status bar. Default setting makes them
visible at program startup, which can be modified in the View menu.
The Verify feature of ATPDraw enables the user to compare the line/cable model with an exact PI-
equivalent as a function of frequency, or verify the power frequency benchmark data for
zero/positive short circuit impedances, reactive open circuit line charging, and mutual zero
sequence coupling. The Verify module supports the POWER FREQUENCY CALCULATION (PFC) of
zero and positive short circuit impedances and open circuit reactive line charging, along with
mutual zero sequence impedance for multi circuit lines.
The supporting programs LINE CONSTANTS and CABLE CONSTANTS calculate the series impedance
and the shunt admittance from geometrical data and material properties. These electrical
parameters are part of the printout file (.lis). The power frequency calculations give in principle
the short circuit impedances and the open circuit reactive power. The line/cable may be a single
circuit component with an arbitrary number of phases or a multi-circuit component where all
circuits normally are three-phase. The following parameters are calculated for a single circuit in a
line/cable with n conductors:
a) Short circuit impedances
All terminals at one end of the line/cable are connected to ground. A positive sequence
symmetrical voltage is applied to the terminals at the other end and the positive sequence
impedance is calculated: Z + = E+ / I +
The voltage applied to the terminal i is:
Ei = E + × exp(- j × 2p × (i - 1) / n) , where n is the number of phases in the circuit.
The positive sequence current is obtained from the terminal currents by the formula:
I+ = × [I1 + I 2 × exp( j 2p / n) + L + I i × exp( j 2p(i - 1) / n) + L + I n × exp(- j 2p / n)]
The zero sequence impedance is calculated in a similar way:
Z 0 = E0 / I 0
The voltage E0 here is applied to all terminals and I0 is the average current supplied by the source.
Using the voltage between two adjacent phases for an n-phase circuit gives E + = V / [2 × sin(p / n)] .
The calculation I+ is based on an ATP calculation with E+ =1.0. Using this value for I+ implies
-V 2 × n
Q+ = Im(I + )
4 × sin 2 (p / n)
ATP also automatically calculates the reactive power supplied by the source (Q1..Qn). The open-
circuit reactive power can thus also be calculated by taking the average of these quantities for all
phases and multiply by a factor 2 (since a peak value 1.0 is used in the calculation and the line-to-
line voltage is specified as rms):
-V 2 × 2
Q+ = (Q1 + Q2 + L + Qn )
The zero sequence open-circuit reactive power is calculated as well. The same voltage is then
applied to all terminals at one end of the line. The zero sequence current is the average value of
the current injected into the terminals. This current I0 is calculated by ATP with E0 = 1.0. Using
this value for I0 implies that
-V 2 × n
Q0 = Im(I 0 )
4 × sin 2 (p / n)
In this case ATP automatically calculates the reactive power Q , injected into the circuit from the
source. Similarly to the positive sequence values, the zero sequence open-circuit reactive power is
also equal to
-V 2 × 2
Q0 = (Q )
For a line/cable with several circuits, each circuit is tested separately. For short-circuit calculation
the other circuit(s) is/are is also grounded at one end, while for open-circuit calculations all
terminals are open. The mutual coupling between the circuits is calculated as well and called zero
sequence transfer impedance. This is done by connecting all phases of each individual circuit to a
common node. A current 3·I0 is then applied to one of these common nodes circuit and the voltage
on the other node is measured. All terminals at the other end of the component is grounded. The
procedure is repeated for all circuits except the last one. Below is listed the xVerifyF.dat file
for a 6-phase line.
E+=1.0 V I2D
I2E Cir. 1:
+ I2F Z+ =
1.0 × 3
+ j120
I1A + I1B × e + I1C × e - j120
I1B + Cir. 2:
1.0 × 3
I1C Z+ =
I1D + I1E × e + j120 + I1F × e - j120
E+=1.0 V
E+=1.0 V Q2D
Q2E Cir. 1:
+ Q2F
2V 2
Q+ = (Q1A + Q1B + Q1C)
Q1A -3
Q1B + Cir. 2:
Q1C 2V 2
E+=1.0 V Q+ = (Q2D + Q2E + Q2F)
3· I0
Cir. 1- Cir. 2:
V12 Z 00 = V12/I0
Zero sequence short circuit impedance: (real and imaginary part). Z0 = R0 + jX0.
Each phase of a circuit is connected to a 1 V amplitude voltage source with zero phase angle. The
other end of the line is grounded. Z0 is calculated as the inverse of the injected current divided by
the number of phases in the circuit. All phase conductors of other phases are open.
Positive sequence short circuit impedance: (real and imaginary part). Z+ = R+ + jX+.
The phases of a circuit are connected to a 1 V amplitude voltage source with phase angle
-360*(i-1)/n where i is the phase number (1,2,3..) and n is the number of phases of the tested
circuit. The other end of the line is grounded. Z+ is calculated as the inverse of the positive
sequence current. All phase conductors of other phases are open.
Mutual zero sequence impedance: (real and imaginary part). Z00 = R00 + jX00.
Each phase of the ith circuit is connected to a 1 A amplitude current source with zero phase angle.
The receiving end of the circuits i and j is grounded. The jth circuit is short-circuited and open in
the sending end. Z00 is calculated as the voltage at the sending end of the jth circuit. The process is
repeated for all circuits. All phase conductors of phases not belonging to the ith and jth circuit are
7.3 References
[2] Ned Mohan, Computer Exercises for Power Electronic Education, 1990, Department of
Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota.
[5] H.W. Dommel, Electromagnetic Transients Program. Reference Manual (EMTP Theory
Book), Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, 1986.
[6] L. Prikler, Main Characteristics of Plotting Programs for ATP, EEUG News Vol. 6,
No. 3-4, August-November 2000, pp. 28-33
7.4 Index
$ B
$Include ......................................................99 BCTRAN ...................................... 23; 115; 171
$PARAMETER..................................75; 135 BCTRAN dialog...............................154; 214
$Vintage .....................................................98 BCTRAN file......................................22; 156
A Bonneville Power Administration ................9