E Paper - 24 Mar - 2024
E Paper - 24 Mar - 2024
E Paper - 24 Mar - 2024
: UPENG/2007/19688
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(+449.28 ; 1.06%) VOL. 18 | ISSUE NO: 204 | Sunday, 24 March 2024 | DAILY MORNING | Page 4 | Price Rs 1.00
Editorial: A Financial career Bourses rise for third session in row, Sensex rises over 190 pts A day after top court nudge, Ponmudy sworn in as min
An Sustainability
A Financial career
For many years of my early life, a visit to the bank was like
Stephen Leacock’s short story, ‘My Financial Career’. The
bank with its tellers, cashiers, snooty bank managers et
al, truly intimidated me. It was a place of serious business
a loan could alter destinies, alleviate or prolong troubles,
Bank managers too were revered folk and a career in the Bengaluru mega city, with
banking system was aspirational for the masses. But a lot an extent of 800 square ki-
has changed for this group of professionals. lometres and population of
The forward march of growing financial inclusion has around 10 million, is located
meant the popping up of hundreds of bank branches across on a basin divide forming a
the country. And with it, has come the onslaught of relent- part of the Ponnaiyar river
less work pressures, sales targets, and unforgiving work catchment (435 sq km ) in
schedules. the east and Arkavathi river
Except for the top job at PSBs or private banks, the major- (365 sq km) catchment of
ity of the staff are overworked, undertrained, and constantly Cauvery Basin in the west.
stressed. It’s quite routine for me to receive calls from the Its peri-urban activities
managers and senior staff of my various banks. spread beyond 30-35 km
If you have any savings accruing, briskly comes the call from its peripheral parts
about new investment schemes. Phone the manager for and the 300-350 sq km
some information or advice, pat comes the advice to put green belt around it has vir-
money into flexi-FDs. A recent incident of a bank manag- tually disappeared. The city
er harassing me with multiple calls, texts, and WhatsApp has no water resource of
messages, all within an hour’s time, got me irritable but its own, except the 66,400
also thinking. hectare metre (23.45 thou-
As I complied with the lady’s wishes (before curtly in- sand million cubic feet,
forming her that such behaviour is unbecoming of a bank TMC) rainwater it receives
manager), I couldn’t deny the sheer desperation in her en- when there is normal annu-
deavours. It’s normal for bank employees now to request, al monsoon rainfall of 830
persuade, even plead with customers to “help” them out by millimetres.
investing in a scheme or opening a new account. Of this, nearly 17,500
Bank officials are more salespersons today than banking hectare metre (6.18 TMC) or
professionals, selling everything from government policies 25 per cent of annual rain-
to mutual funds and insurance, that has been mounted on fall is the precious surface
their usual work responsibilities. run-off that flows through
There are about 1.54 million The Indian bank the stormwater drains called
bank employees in India, divid- employee is rajakaluves.
ed equally between public and constantly stressed These have now become
private banks, and include staff with unrealistic the perennial flow path for
in payment and small finance targets, toxic work untreated and / or partially
banks. environments, and treated urban wastewater /
There are an additional 95,000 steadily declining sewage / and other dispos-
employees in Regional Rural mental health; Not only als. The natural topographic
Banks (RRB). As I brooded over are banking employees features and the drainage
the plight of the hapless banker, I extremely stressed, characteristics were once
also recalled the viral video from there is also a growing congenial for uninterrupted It is the moral responsibility of every citizen to use the available precious water resources judiciously
June last year, of a senior em- incidence of suicides flow of stormwater. have come up along the soil of 2-3 metre thickness flow of nearly 17,500 hect- requirement;
When mining of
ployee abusing and screaming at among them The effects of urbanisa- length and breadth of the over thick clayey saprolite are metres of rainwater Conserve, protect and free
groundwater resources
his juniors over a virtual call. tion have played a devil’s city. In the Ponnaiyar catch- have all together prevented during the period of normal from pollution the precious
is in full-swing, attempts
A quick search throws up alarming statistics. Not only role in the city! Disposal of ment, the mushrooming water from infiltrating. Fur- annual rainfall can serve storm water of 17,500 hect-
for groundwater recharge
are banking employees extremely stressed, there is also urban waste pollutes the of apartment complexes ther, unaltered part of the about 2.5 million people at are metre (6.18TMC) of Ben-
measures remain
a growing incidence of suicides among them. A steady groundwater, surface water and high towered buildings parent rock between imper- 140 litres / head / day, if ac- galuru;
stream of incidents of bank employees resorting to death and atmosphere. Original are with no assured water vious clayey saprolite above tion is taken to protect from Effectively implement
by suicide due to work pressure have been surfacing from stormwater drains have source during the lean sea- and the massive rock body pollution and degradation, rooftop rainwater harvest- fresh public borewells!
Gujarat, Maharashtra, Assam, Kerala, and others. been tampered, encroached son. Dry weather persists for at around 300 metres be- and used judiciously. ing in all the houses and The authorities are trying
After the suicide of a woman banking professional in and grossly reduced both longer than before. low the surface, form a con- The stormwater drains, buildings, which exceed to overcome the water scar-
2021, the Kerala Human Rights Commission ordered a in width and depth. Many There is a strong contrast fined zone, largely with no which are now the perenni- 100 square metres of roof city on a war-footing, more
probe into “stressful work conditions” of bank staff. of the 1st and 2nd order in the geomorphological, rainwater infiltration. al flow path for sewage and top; and Treat 70 per cent so now that the posh apart-
More banks mushrooming everywhere may have eased streams have disappeared geological, geo-hydrologi- The water, whatever may other urban discharges, can- of the sewage / wastewa- ment complexes in the Pon-
access to financial tools, but it has also thrust unrealistic on ground. cal, pedological and even have been tapped through not now sustain the storm- ter generated in the city up naiyar catchment part of the
KRAs (key result areas) on the employees. News reports The centuries old lakes climatological features be- borewells in that part, is water load of even short du- to potability level after ter- city are facing the brunt.
abound of bank staff being called into work on holidays and with cascading effect con- tween the Vrishabhavathi accumulated before and rations. tiary-level treatment. The These neighbourhoods
weekends to meet targets. structed by the erstwhile stream system of Arkavathi during the process of chem- But the scenario is such cumulative impact of these rely mainly on groundwater
The sector is further hit by a high attrition rate because rulers across the natural catchment in the west and ical weathering. This ‘long- that during rainy days, measures would meet the from the borewells deep-
frankly, who would want to work in a toxic environment, and stormwater drains to con- the dominant Hebbal and stayed static water resource’ stormwater, along with the water requirement of 14 er than 300 metres, which
therefore, job jumps happen easily in lieu of meagre pay serve water, serve the irri- Koramangala-Challaghatta under ‘confined conditions’, urban sewage and other million people in Bengalu- have become defunct or are
hikes. gation and domestic needs (KC) valley systems of Pon- which has been extracted discharges, flood the valley ru, without any dependence on the verge of becoming
According to a study by recruitment company, Team- during lean season and as naiyar river catchment in the continuously over the past zones / low-lying areas, and on groundwater. Had these unusable. The authorities
Lease, frontline attrition continues at 30-40 per cent with groundwater recharge struc- east in Bengaluru. two decades through count- the buildings or any other suggestions been discussed shoulder treat the only avail-
almost every major private bank witnessing surging em- tures have now become the While the structurally less borewells, has either structure present there. at an appropriate level and able source of water whatev-
ployee churn. The report added that employment in the repositories of untreated trained steep to moderate become dry or is on the Bengaluru is susceptible to measures taken for imple- er stored in the major lakes
BFSI (banking, financial services and insurance) sector is and / or partially treated ur- rock cut course of the Vr- verge of becoming dry. the vagaries of rainfall. mentation, probably there like of Ulsoor, Hebbal, Yele
under “tremendous pressure”. ban sewage / wastewater ishabhavathi channel sys- Many builders and land- Rainfall has been erratic would not have been any cry Mallappa Shetty, Agara, Bel-
At an event last year, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Gover- discharges. tem with its prime tributary owners, not looking into the in recent years. El Nino has for water scarcity as now be- landur, Vartur, up to tertiary
nor Shaktikanta Das also commented on the high attrition Bengaluru is no more a ‘Nagarbhavi-Thorai’ flows ground condition of such been a matter of concern ing largely heard! level, bring it on to potable
at private sector banks and mentioned that the central city of those highly glorified southerly and south-wester- places, have got borewells to the people and the ad- Immediate solutions Peo- level in a fool-proof manner
bank was closely monitoring the issue. lakes. Small water bodies ly, the flow systems in the drilled even beyond 300- ministrators concerned. The ple are feeling the brunt of and supply.
There has been a growing clamour for a 5-day work week have vanished. Many me- predominant Hebbal and 350 metres. They have not weather phenomenon may summer from mid-February Even if people hesitate to
for bank employees. The government’s nod was anticipated dium and large lakes have KC valleys of the Ponnaiyar struck water or the little vol- be recurrent and people itself. Both the southwest use such water for domestic
ahead of the model code of conduct (MCC), but may now been irretrievably reduced catchment are easterly and ume they managed to tap may feel the pinch of water and northeast monsoons purposes, it can serve other
come in post-Lok Sabha elections. At present, both private in extent due to human gentle over a raised plateau into was short lived. scarcity in each El Nino year. failed during the year 2023. demands. It is the moral re-
and public sector banks work on the first and third Satur- encroachments and solid like topography. In contrast to the Ponnai- El Nino sometimes go on Each year, when summer sponsibility of every citizen
days of the month. waste dumping. The poten- The drainage system of yar part of the catchment, for 4-5 successive years months approach, there to use the available precious
But given greater digitisation, the 5-day work week has a tial lakes are heavily silted. Hebbal and KC valleys are the hydrogeological char- and may result in a drought. is naturally a public outcry water resources judiciously.
strong case. Working hours though may be increased by 45 Original designed reservoir characteristically broad, acteristics of the gneissic More than a decade ago, hy- for water. But the authority When mining of groundwa-
minutes to accommodate the new work regime. capacity of each of the exist- shallow and unstable. The aquifers between the right drogeologists KC Subhash concerned investigates to ter resources is in full-swing,
In some other good news, government bank employees ing lakes have been highly gneissic rocks in the Pon- bank of the south-flowing Vr- Chandra and GV Hegde, af- overcome the problem only attempts for groundwater
are also scheduled to get a 17 per cent rise in salaries after reduced. naiyar catchment, which ishabhavathi River and the ter an intensive hydrogeo- through certain temporary recharge measures remain
the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) and bank unions signed The natural landscapes have undergone intense western fringe of intrusive logical study, had made the measures like supplying wa- meaningless.
a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the 12th bipar- are altered beyond any- chemical weathering since granite, has been a better following suggestions to the ter through tankers! The city should protect
tite settlement in December 2023. body’s imagination! There the geological past are al- water-yielding zone. But the authorities in 2011, 2012, The quality of water needs and conserve as much
Hiring in the banking sector will still require ramping up are no old spatial gardened tered to clayey ‘saprolite’ to continued indiscriminate ex- 2014 and 2015: to be evidently tested when stormwater as possible and
and training of the workforce will be non-negotiable to re- villas. The most desired ave- a thickness of about 25-30 traction of groundwater re- Prevent and plug the en- the source is not known! adopt rooftop rainwater har-
lieve the pressure on current employees. And while banks nues have disappeared. No metres from the land sur- sources beyond the annual route leakage and transmis- Ironically, while the ground- vesting. Limitless expansion
must make earnings and sales, the management can’t ig- adequate space is left for air face at 885 metres above recharge over a period has sion loss of 30-40 per cent water source in the city aqui- of the city only aggravates
nore the mental and physical health of the employee. to circulate. the mean sea level. made the groundwater ‘not of Cauvery River water get- fers has already hit the rock the problem of water avail-
The apartment complexes The concrete urban cover a sustainable resource’. ting pumped to Bengaluru bottom, suggestions from ability and resource man-
and multi storeyed buildings followed by clayey laterite The precious stormwater for meeting the city water some corners are to drill agement.
OUR CORRESPONDENT year and also falls short of NOIDA: The Gautam Bud-
the average storage over the dh Nagar district admin-
NEW DELHI: As summer ap- past ten years for the same istration and police have
proaches, data reveals that period.” released guidelines ahead
the live storage capacity of The Southern region, of the Holi festival to be cel-
India’s 150 main reservoirs which includes states like ebrated on March 25.
is currently at a mere 38 per Andhra Pradesh, Telanga- These guidelines have
cent of their total capacity. na (two combined projects been set keeping in mind
The figure is lower than the in both states), Karnataka, the safety of people and
average of the past decade Kerala, and Tamil Nadu, the enforcement of model
for the same time period. monitors 42 reservoirs with code of conduct, officials Authority has arranged spe-
Bengaluru, among other cit- a total live storage capacity OUR CORRESPONDENT stated. As per administra- cial water supply services
ies, is already facing a water as stated by Karnataka age bulletin on Thursday re- of 53.334 BCM. tion, organising Holi pool for Holi.
deficit of approximately 500 CM Siddaramaiah. Other ported that the live storage As of the Reservoir CHENNAI: Senior DMK leader K Ponmudy was on Friday parties within residential The Authority will provide
million litres per day (MLD), states, including Himachal available in these reservoirs Storage Bulletin dated sworn in as Minister by Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi, a day societies is prohibited, and water thrice on the day
with the city’s demand be- Pradesh, Punjab, Madhya is 67.591 BCM, which is 38 21.03.2024, the total live after the Supreme Court’s nudge. Ponmudy, who had been rain dance events require of Holi on March 25, with
ing 2,600 MLD. Pradesh, Tripura, Rajasthan, per cent of their total live storage available in these convicted in a disproportionate assets case by the Madras prior permission from au- scheduled timings from 7
According to the Central Bihar, Maharashtra, Uttar storage capacity. reservoirs is 12.287 BCM, High Court on December 19, 2023, and subsequently lost thorities. am to 9:30 am, 12 pm to 4
Water Commission’s week- Pradesh, Gujarat, Chhat- However, during the same which is 23 per cent of their his position, has now resumed his role as the Tamil Nadu With the strict implemen- pm in the afternoon, and 7
ly report, Karnataka and tisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, period last year, the live stor- total live storage capacity. Minister for Higher Education, three months later. tation of the code of con- pm to 9 pm in the evening.
several other states have Telangana (two combined age available was 80.557 This represents a de- The oath of office and secrecy was administered to Pon- duct, the police are adopt- “Water will be supplied
recorded lower storage lev- projects in both states), and BCM, with a decade’s aver- crease compared to the mudy by Ravi at a modest ceremony at the Raj Bhavan. The ing a vigilant approach. even under special circum-
els compared to the same Tamil Nadu, have also re- age of 72.396 BCM. storage levels during the event was attended by Chief Minister M K Stalin and several “The administration is cre- stances if the concerned
period last year. In Benga- ported lower storage levels Therefore, the current live same period last year (39 other ministers, including Udhayanidhi Stalin and Ma Sub- ating awareness among officers allow it.
luru, out of 14,000 bore- compared to last year. storage in these 150 reser- per cent) and the average ramanian. Ponmudy was entrusted with the higher educa- people to celebrate a safe For this, operators of all
wells, 6,900 have dried up. The total live storage ca- voirs is 84 per cent of the storage over the past ten tion portfolio, which was temporarily overseen by Backward Holi and cooperate with tankers have been instruct-
The city’s water bodies are pacity of these 150 reser- storage during the same years (32 per cent). Classes Minister R S Rajakannappan. Rajakannappan has police and officials to main- ed to remain vigilant. If
either encroached or have voirs is 178.784 billion cubic period last year and 93 per Thus, the current storage now resumed his previous role overseeing the Khadi and tain law and order during there is any complaint or
dried up. metres (BCM), accounting cent of the average storage levels in the Southern re- Village Industries Board. the enforcement of model problem in water supply
The city’s water require- for about 69.35 per cent of over the past decade. gion are lower than those In the past, R Gandhi also managed the Khadi subject, in code of conduct ahead of from the authority, then
ment is 2,600 MLD, of the country’s total live stor- The bulletin stated: “The observed during the same addition to his Handlooms and Textiles portfolio. Following Lok Sabha elections 2024,” special mobile numbers
which 1,470 MLD is sourced age capacity estimated at overall storage position in period last year and also fall Ponmudy’s conviction in December, there was a reshuffling a senior administrative of- have also been issued for
from the Cauvery River and 257.812 BCM, as per offi- the country is lower than the below the average storage of portfolios. The swearing-in of Ponmudy as Minister sig- ficial emphasised. Mean- this,” Greater Noida Author-
650 MLD from borewells, cial data. The reservoir stor- corresponding period last over the past ten years. nifies the resolution of a dispute between Stalin and Ravi. while, the Greater Noida ity said in a statement.