Research - Article - Updated Final
Research - Article - Updated Final
Research - Article - Updated Final
The aim of this project is to develop a movie
recommendation system that can offer tailored movie
suggestions to users by taking into account their
preferences and viewing history. The system's main goal
is to provide accurate and relevant recommendations
that align with users' interests.
Related Work
Many recommendation systems have
been developed over the past decades.
These systems use different
approaches like collaborative
approach, content based approach, a
utility base approach, hybrid approach
Looking at the purchase behavior and
history of the shoppers, Lawrence et
al. 2001 presented a recommender
system which suggests the new
product in the market. To refine the
recommendation collaborative and
content based filtering approach were
used. To find the potential customers
most ofthe recommendation systems
today use
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Guangquan Zhang, and Yuanyuan Yan.
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In this research article, a movie Recommendation Algorithms" by Xiaoyuan Su and
recommendation system has been developed Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar.
using various machine learning algorithms. The [4] "Content-based and Collaborative Filtering
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recommendation systems have been explored: Abawajy.
content-based, collaborative filtering, and [6] "Machine Learning Techniques for Recommender
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