Have and Have Got
Have and Have Got
Have and Have Got
Grammar explanation
We use I/you/we/they + have got or he/she/it + has got to talk about things that we
In many situations, have and have got mean the same thing. Have got is a little less
formal than have. We often use have got more in speaking and have more in writing.
They have got a big garden. = They have a big garden.
She has got a good job. = She has a good job.
We can use have/has got to talk about appearance, family and friends or possessions.
We often contract the verb, especially when we're speaking.
I have got brown hair. = I've got brown hair.
My sister has got long hair. = My sister's got long hair.
He has not got many friends. = He hasn't got many friends.
They have got a new car. = They've got a new car.
We can also use have/has got for timetabled events, illnesses or abstract things.
They've got basketball practice this evening.
He's got a terrible cold.
I've got a good idea!
have got 've got
she has got 's got
For negatives, use not after have/has. We can contract negatives.
We have not got any pets. = We haven't got any pets.
She has not got a brother. = She hasn't got a brother.
have not got haven't got
she has not got hasn't got
To make questions, use have/has + subject + got.
Have you got a big house?
How many rooms has it got?
Subject yes/no questio Question with question word, e.g. what, who, how
pronoun n many, etc.
you Have (we) got
What have (you) got?
we (time)?
Has (she) got
she What has (he) got?
(a car)?
Short answers
For yes/no questions, we can use short answers.
Have you got a new job? No, I haven't.
Has she got a meeting this morning? Yes, she has.
I/you/we/they No, I/you/we/they haven't.
Yes, he/she/it
No, he/she/it hasn't.
Have/has got is only used in the present tense. For the past, use had without got.
I had got a red bike when I was young.
I had a red bike when I was young.
Practise time!! 6. Yes, ______.
1. Choose the correct answer: he's
1. My grandfather ______ got a white beard. he has
's he do
's has 7. ______ we got time for a coffee?
have Have
2. You ______ got a lot of work to do! Has
's Had
've 8. No, we ______.
had haven't got
3. We ______ got anything for dinner. not got
not have haven't
haven't 9. What ______ for lunch?
hasn't you've got
4. She ______ got a headache. have you
hasn't have you got
haven't 10. How many children ______?
doesn't has got
5. ______ he got a new English teacher? has she got
Is she's got
2. Use have got and have, talk about your life.
5. No one _______ come to see me. 6. I _______ done that for you.
7. It _______ been so for several days. 8. I think I _______ seen you there.
9. Money _______ nothing to do with it. 10. Where _______ he been all this time?
11. But he _______ always been this way. 12. And it _______ no voice to speak.
13. She _______ no other name than that. 14. We _______ had enough of that.
15. He _______ the body, but not the heart. 16. You _______ nothing to do with this.
17. It _______ been here a long time. 18. You _______ the right to do it.
19. But it _______ been the end of him. 20. I don't know what I _______ against him
4. Write 10 questions using have got and have, then ask a relative to answer.
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5. Read and answer: