3 Lecture 131fall2022
3 Lecture 131fall2022
3 Lecture 131fall2022
“It is prohibited/forbidden
to smoke under
(according / pursuant to/
in accordance with) Law
No. 4207”
: “…pursuant to Section 13-21-119 of the Colorado
Revised Statutes” i.e. the legal document/instrument
giving that power is the ‘Colorado Revised Statutes’
The general assembly recognizes that persons who participate in equine activities
or llama activities may incur injuries as a result of the risks involved in such
activities. The general assembly also finds that the state and its citizens derive
numerous economic and personal benefits from such activities. It is, therefore, the
intent of the general assembly to encourage equine activities and llama activities
by limiting the civil liability of those involved in such activities. (2) As used in this
section, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) “Engages in a llama activity”
means riding, training, assisting in medical treatment of, ...
Colorado General
Assembly is the legal
authority, legal body
What is a ‘Statute’ in the US
In the US, both the federal government and individual states have
the power to pass statutes or laws. Some laws are handled
exclusively by the federal government or Congress, while others are
handled exclusively by the states. Still other laws are the subject of
both state and federal governance
Source: https://guides.library.harvard.edu/statutes
The name of the authority, institution, body
Source: https://www.govtrack.us/what-is-the-law
Colo. Const. Preamble
Instructor’s notes:
Proviso: a condition or qualification attached to an agreement or statement (şart, koşul)
Repugnant: in conflict or incompatible with
Hierarchy of laws
The US Constitution
Source of Law:
The Constitution of the United States
This Law is Called:
Constitutional law. (ERROR: explained in the Companion Notes-3)
What is it?
The Constitution is the founding document of the country and is the highest
legal authority. Ratified in 1788, and in operation since 1789, it sets the
fundamental structure and limitations of the government of the Untited States
of America.
The Constitution created the federal (or “national”) government which has
three parts: the Congress (the legislative branch), the President & federal
agencies (the executive branch), and the federal courts (the judicial branch).
The Constitution gave different but overlapping powers to the branches so that
no branch has the highest authority but all branches are involved in the
creation of law.
Source: https://www.govtrack.us/what-is-the-law
https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/constitution/what-does-it-say; it is a
good idea to read the short summary for each Article as listed above
The first 10 amendments to the Constitution
(which consists of 7 Articles) were ratified
December 15, 1791, and form what is known
as the “Bill of Rights.”
2nd Amendment:
Instructor’s comment:
It is a constitutional right to carry arms in the US
A constitution is the highest in the hierarchy
of laws