41 - Unity Power Factor Isolated Three-Phase Rectifier With Split Dc-Bus Based On The Scott Transformer
41 - Unity Power Factor Isolated Three-Phase Rectifier With Split Dc-Bus Based On The Scott Transformer
41 - Unity Power Factor Isolated Three-Phase Rectifier With Split Dc-Bus Based On The Scott Transformer
3, MAY 2008
tent of the equipment connected to the ac mains is limited [1]. If In addition to unity power factor, safety and robustness are
such standards did not exist, then sensitive electrical equipment also important for medium and high power applications. There-
connected to the mains would be damaged as a result of a dis- fore, low frequency isolation is used. Isolated rectifiers have
torted mains voltage. Three-phase ac–dc converters connected been widely used in the electrochemical and petrochemical in-
to the mains have the potential of injecting current harmonics dustries.
into the mains that may cause voltage distortion. These har- Since regulated output voltage is not required, a number of
monics can be significantly reduced if the input power factor is methods have been proposed to lower the harmonics gener-
corrected by shaping the input current in each of the three phases ated by diode rectifier-type utility interfaces [12]–[14]. One
so that it is sinusoidal and in phase with the phase voltage. Due approach is to use a conventional 12-pulse converter which
to this fact, switch-mode rectifiers for power factor correction requires two six-pulse converters connected through isolation
have gained considerable attention. Other reasons for the use of transformers.
power factor corrector (PFC) rectifiers are their adaptability to The three-phase rectifier based on the Scott Transformer
different line voltages and the fact that they pre-regulate the dc (Fig. 1) was proposed in [15] and its practical aspects were
output voltage, which may be supplying a dc–dc converter. analyzed in [16]. The Scott transformer provides galvanic iso-
The analysis of high power factor three-phase rectifiers and lation and sine and cosine secondary voltage waveforms to the
new control techniques are presented in [2]–[9]. These rectifiers high power factor rectifiers, resulting in a perfectly regulated
have three or more active switches. dc output voltage.
In [10] a three-phase switch-mode rectifier employing three In this paper, an unity power factor three-phase rectifier with
single-phase boost PFC circuits with direct output coupling is a split dc-bus based on the Scott transformer is presented. The
presented. This topology uses three power switches but it has a proposed topology is shown in the Fig. 2. This rectifier has a split
high component count and is not isolated. dc-bus and the voltages across the switches are /2. The con-
In [11], a three-phase PFC scheme is proposed using two trol method employed to control the currents of the two boost
single-phase PFC modules. The two-phase system is produced inductors, and , is instantaneous average current control.
by means of a 0.14-pu-rated autotransformer connected to the Each rectifier presents an independent current loop with an in-
three-phase input. However, this topology is not isolated. dividual reference current, generating sinusoidal secondary cur-
rents in phase with their respective secondary voltages.
Manuscript received July 4, 2006; revised August 28, 2007. Recommended
for publication by Associate Editor J. Kolar. II. STEADY-STATE ANALYSIS
The authors are with the Power Electronics Institute, Federal University of
Santa Catarina, Florianopolis 88040-970, Brazil (e-mail: [email protected]). The Scott connection is realized by two single phase trans-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2008.920878 formers, and . The primary windings are fed by two dif-
0885-8993/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE
Fig. 2. Unity power factor isolated three-phase rectifier with a new series-con-
nection technique.
Fig. 3. (a) Scott connection of the single phase transformers and (b) phasor
diagram of the transformer using the Scott connection. (5)
ferent voltages, and , that are generated from a where is the peak value of the boost inductor current.
symmetrical three-phase system and . The The current through the switch of a boost converter is the cur-
connection is presented in Fig. 3(a). and rep- rent through the boost inductor multiplied by the duty cycle. In
resent a two phase voltage system, with a phase angle 90 be- the same manner, the current through the boost diode is the cur-
tween them. The phasor diagram is presented in Fig. 3(b). rent through the boost inductor multiplied by the complemen-
In the theoretical study of the unity power factor isolated tary duty cycle. Therefore, the currents through the boost diodes
three-phase rectifier, only the secondary circuitry will be taken are defined as
into account. Therefore, the secondary windings of the Scott
transformer are considered to be ideal ac power sources. The (7)
full-bridge diode rectifiers were substituted by power sources (8)
that represent the rectified secondary voltages and
. The topology of Fig. 2 can be reduced to the circuit Substituting (3)–(6) into (7) and (8) yields
of Fig. 4.
The secondary voltages of the Scott transformer are sine and
cosine waveforms. Therefore, the rectified voltages at the inputs (9)
of the boost converters are
TABLE II The voltage controller transfer function for the second voltage
where and are the gain, pole and zero of the voltage
To obtain the transfer function of the shared control loop
, we consider that the parameters of the boost con-
verters are identical. In other words, and are
identically and mutually independent. This assumption is pos-
sible due to the presence of a neutral point at the load which
decouples the two boost converters and make their interaction
weak. Since the systems are in series, transfer function
is given by
second loop guarantees the balance of the split dc-bus voltage.
A block diagram of the voltage loops can be seen in Fig. 9.
The current loop is considered to be much faster than the The voltage controller transfer function of the plant for the
voltage loop and, therefore, its closed-loop transfer function common voltage loop is defined by
can be simplified and represented as the current sensor conduc-
tance 1/ . This simplification does not compromise the dy- (26)
namics of the voltage loop because the simplified and complete
closed-loop transfer functions of the current loop are identical
at the frequency range of the voltage loop. where and are the gain, pole and zero of the
The transfer function of the plant for the second voltage loop voltage compensator.
was obtained from the model of Fig. 5 and can be seen in (21). Fig. 10 shows the Bode plot using the voltage compensator
The equivalent series resistance ( ) of the output capacitor parameters presented in Table III and the design spec-
was taken into account. However, this resistance is insignificant ifications of Table I. The crossover frequency is approximately
in most cases and can be ignored 17 Hz.
The voltage compensator for the common voltage loop used
the same parameters as those presented in Table III, except that
the static gain and crossover frequency were 1500 and 70 Hz,
respectively (see Table IV).
Fig. 13. Line currents after a 50% reduction (12 kW to 6 kW) and a 50% in-
crease (6 kW to 12 kW) in the load.
Fig. 14. Voltages v (t) and v (t) after a 50% increase in one of the loads,
resulting in a load imbalance.
Fig. 16. Phase voltage v (t) and current i (t) (10 A/division and 5 ms/divi-
A laboratory prototype of the isolated three-phase rectifier
based on the Scott transformer with a split dc-bus was imple-
mented to prove the theoretical studies. Both of the PFC mod-
ules are controlled by Unitrode UC3854B, [17], [18]. The de-
sign specifications of the prototype can be seen in Table I.
The reference currents are obtained by scaling the measured
rectified secondary voltages of the Scott transformer. These are
the references of the current controller, which determines the
shape of the boost inductor currents. The inductor currents are
measured by Hall sensors.
Fig. 15 presents a photograph of the laboratory prototype. The
Scott Transformer can be seen at the top of the picture and the
rectifier at the bottom of the picture.
Figs. 16, 18, and 20 show the experimental results of the
12 kW prototype. The THD of the line voltages were 3.23%,
3.34% and 3.57%. The THD of the line currents were 4.95%,
5.48%, and 5.61% (Figs. 17, 19, and 21). They are nearly sinu- Fig. 18. Phase voltage v (t) and current i (t) (10 A/division and 5 ms/divi-
soidal in shape. The power factor per phase was: 0.989, 0.985, sion).
and 0.981, respectively.
Fig. 22 shows input currents and of the boost
PFCs, which are 90 phase-shifted from each other with equal Both currents and present distortion at zero
amplitudes, and confirms that the output power of the two boost crossing which is characteristic of single-phase boost PFC con-
PFCs are equal. verters. This distortion propagates through the transformer and
Fig. 22. Currents i (t) and i (t) of each boost PFC (20 A/division and
5 ms/division).
Fig. 20. Phase voltage v (t) and current i (t) (10 A/division and 5 ms/divi-
Fig. 24. Line currents after a 33% increase in the load, 7.2 kW to 11.2 kW. Fig. 26. Line currents for the case of unbalanced loads. (10 A/division and
(20 A/division and 10 ms/division). 10 ms/division).
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