Spells Book
Spells Book
Spells Book
Level 1 :
- Charm person
- Dancing Lights
- Detect magic
- Feather fall
- Find familiar
- Identify
- Magic missiles
- Message
- Nystul’s magic aura
- Sleep
- Write magic
- Read magic
Level 2 :
- Darkness 15' Radius
- Invisibility
- Knock
- Locate object
- Web
Level 3 :
- Clairaudience
- Clairvoyance
- Dispel Magic
- Hold person
- Slow
Level 1 :
Explanation/Description: When a dancing lights spell is cast, the magicuser creates, at his or
her option, from 1 to 4 lights which resemble either
A) torches and/or lanterns (and cast that amount of light),
B) glowing spheres of light (such as evidenced by will-0-wisps)
C) one faintly glowing, vaguely man-like shape, somewhat similar to that of a creature from
the Elemental Plane of Fire. The dancing lights move as the spell caster desires, forward or
back, straight or turning corners, without concentration upon such movement by the magic-
user. The spell will wink out if the range or duration is exceeded. Range is a base of 4" plus 1"
for each level of the magic-user who cast the spell. Duration is 2 melee rounds per level of the
spelt caster. The material component of this spell is either a bit of phosphorus or wytchwood
or a glowworm.
Detect magic : When the wizzard cast this spell, he can detect magic of one object or aroud
him (for more informations read the players handbook page 65
Find familar : When this spell is cast, the magic user can make a link with an annimal. It’s
with this spell that you had your owl.
Explanation/Description: Use of the magic missile spell creates one or more magical missiles
which dart forth from the magic-user's fingertip and unerringly strike their target. Each
missile does 2 to 5 hit points (d4+ 1 ) of damage. If the magic-user has multiple missile
capability, he or she can have them strike a single target creature or several creatures, as
desired. For each level of experience of the magic-user, the range of his or her magic missile
extends 1" beyond the 6" base range. For every 2 levels of experience, the magic-user gains
an additional missile, i.e. 2 at 3rd level, 3 at 5th level, 4 at 7th level, etc.
Explanation/Description: By means of this spell any one item of a weight of 50 g.p. per level
of experience of the spell caster can be given an aura which will be noticed if detection of
magic is exercised upon the object. If the object bearing the Nystul's Magic Aura is actually
held by the creature detecting for a dweomer, he, she or it is entitled to a saving throw versus
magic, and if this throw is successful, the creature knows that the aura has been placed to
mislead the unwary. Otherwise, the aura is simply magical, but no amount of testing will
reveal what the magic is. The component for this spell is a small square of silk which must be
passed over the object to bear the aura.
Read & write magic : With this spell you can read and write magic in your speel book or an
scroll (for more informations see the player’s handbook.
Level 2 :
Explanation/Description: This spell causes total, impenetrable darkness in the area of its
effect. lnfravision or ultravision are useless. Neither normal nor magical light will work unless
a light or continual light spell is used. In the former event, the darkness spell is negated by the
light spell and vice versa. The material components of this spell are a bit of bat fur and either
a drop of pitch or a piece of coal.
Explanation/Description: When an ESP spell is used, the caster is able to detect the surface
thoughts of any creatures in range - except creatures with no mind (as we know it), such as all
of the undead. The ESP is stopped by 2 or more feet of rock, 2 or more inches of any metal
other than lead, or a thin sheet of lead foil. The magic-user employing the spell is able to
probe the surface thoughts of 1 creature per turn, getting simple instinctual thoughts from
lower order creatures. Probes can continue on the same creature from round to round. The
caster can use the spell to help determine if some creature lurks behind a door, for example,
but the ESP will not always reveal what sort of creature it is. The material component of this
spell is a copper piece.
Explanation/Description: The knock spell will open stuck or held or wizard-locked doors. It
will also open barred or otherwise locked doors. It causes secret doors to open. The knock
spell will also open locked or trickopening boxes or chests. It will loose shackles or chains as
well. If it is used to open a wizard-locked door, the knock does not remove the former spell,
but it simply suspends its functioning for 1 turn. In all other cases, the knock will permanently
open locks or welds - although the former could be closed and locked again thereafter. It will
not raise bars or similar impediments (such as a portcullis). The spell will perform two
functions, but if a door is locked, barred, and held, opening it will require two knock spells.
Explanation/Description: This spell aids in location of o known or familiar object. The cleric
casts the Spell, slowly turns, and knows when he or she is facing in the direction of the object
to be located, provided the object is within range, i.e. 7” for 1st level clerics, 8‘ for 2nd, 9” for
3rd, etc. The casting requires the use of o piece of lodestone. The spell will locate such objects
as apparel, jewelry, furniture, tools, weapons, or even a ladder or stairway. By reversal
(obscure object), the cleric is able to hide an object from location by spell, crystal ball, or
similar means. Neither application of the spell will affect a living creature.
Level 3 :
Dispel magic : With this magic trick, you can stop effect of one little spell (watch the Player
handbook for more information)
Explanation/Description: Similar to the second level cleric hold person (q.v.), this spell
immobilizes creatures, within range, as designated by the magic-user. If three or four persons
are attacked, their saving throws are normal; but if two are attacked, their saving throws are
made at -1; and if only one creature is attacked, the saving throw versus the hold person spell
is made at -3 on the die. Partial negation of a hold person spell, such as would be possible by
a ring of spell turning, causes the spell to function as a slow spell (q.v.) unless the saving
throw is successful. Creatures affected by the spell are: brownies, dryads, dwarves, elves,
gnolls, gnomes, goblins, half-elves, halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins, humans, kobolds, lizard
men, nixies, orcs, pixies, sprites, and troglodytes.
Explanation/Description: A slow spell causes affected creatures to move and attack at one-half
of the normal or current rate. Thus, it negates a haste spell (q.v.), has cumulative effect if cast
upon creatures already slowed, and otherwise affects magically speeded or slowed creatures.
The magic will affect as many creatures as the spell caster has levels of experience, providing
these creatures ate within the area of effect determined by the magic-user, i.e. the 4” X 4“ area
which centers in the direction and at the range called for by the caster. The material
Component of this spell is a drop of treacle.