Marking Scheme For The Letters

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Marking Scheme for the Letters

Analytical Criteria Descriptors Grading Levels (for each descriptor) Task Observations
(according to syllabus) –
formal letter
Content Covering all points (1p) 5 excellent achievement Details relevant to task
4p Meeting length requirements (1p) 4 good achievement requirements
Development of ideas (2) 3 adequate achievement
2 limited achievement
1 poor achievement
Organisation and Paragraphing (3p) 5 excellent achievement Clear non-overlapping
Cohesion Linking devices (3p) 4 good achievement paragraphs
10 p Mechanics (punctuation) (2p) 3 adequate achievement Matching beginning and ending
Layout and handwriting (2p) 2 limited achievement formulae
1 poor achievement
Structures and Range of vocabulary (4p) 5 excellent achievement Consistency in using tenses
Vocabulary Appropriacy of vocabulary (3p) 4 good achievement Task-related vocabulary
14 p Range of structures (4p) 3 adequate achievement
Accuracy of grammar (3p) 2 limited achievement
1 poor achievement
Register and Style adequacy of vocabulary (formal/informal) 5 excellent achievement Informal
2p (1p) 4 good achievement (personal and affectionate
adequacy of structures (formal/informal) 3 adequate achievement
(1p) 2 limited achievement
1 poor achievement

30 points

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