GR 5-Term 1 - 2
GR 5-Term 1 - 2
GR 5-Term 1 - 2
3. Find the HCF of 120, 180, 240 by common division method. [2]
4. Simplify: 1 5 3 [2]
3 +2 −5
6 12 16
Section C
5. Do as directed: [3]
(a) Write the number 4,35,18,982 in the expanded form.
(b) Arrange the following numbers in ascending order.
46,11,44,355; 25,187; 25,12,123; 7,29,15,800
(c) Rachel travelled a distance of 19,996 km to reach Argentina from China. Round off the distance she
travelled to the nearest hundreds and ten-thousands.
6. Population of different countries is given below. Draw a bar graph for the same using appropriate
scale. [3]
Country A B C D E F
7. Mobile covers come in packs of 8. Mobile charger pins come in packs of 20. Rahul wants to purchase
the minimum number of mobile covers and charger pins so that he will have exactly 1 cover per pin without
any left over. How many packs of mobile covers and charger pins should Rahul buy? [3]
8. Aman is planning to buy a house and a car. He has ₹ 76,67,890 in his bank account. The cost of the
house is ₹ 55,45,000 and the cost of the car is ₹ 5,34,640. What would be the total amount he would spend if
he bought the house and car? How much would be left with him? [3]
9. Do as directed: [3]
(a) Write two equivalent fraction of 7
(b) Write the given fraction 105 in its lowest form and then convert to mixed fraction.
(c) Convert the given unlike fractions into like fractions. 7 and 4
2 5
Section D
Question numbers 10and 11 carry 4 marks each.
10. A book has 89,73,455 words in it. It has 215 pages. How many words are there on each page considering
all pages have equal words? Calculate the numbers of words on 32 pages. [4]
11. The given pie-chart shows the number of students enrolled for the particular subject. Read the pie-chart
and answer the following questions. [4]