Lis 4
Lis 4
Lis 4
Directions: This is the listening test for levels from 3 to 5 of the Vietnam’s 6-level
Language Proficiency Test. There are three parts to the test. You will hear each part once.
For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time
for you to check your answers. Write your answers on the question paper. You will have
5 minutes at the end of the test to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet.
There are eight questions in this part. For each question there are four options and a short
recording. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You now have 48
seconds to look through the questions and the options in each question.
1. How much petrol does the woman want?
A. 13 litres
B. 30 litres
C. 33 litres
D. 15 litres
2. Which table do they buy?
A. a round one with three legs
B. a round one with four legs
C. a square one with four legs
D. a square one with three legs
3. What time does the class start?
A. at two o’clock
B. at half past two
C. at three o’clock
D. at half past three
4. What does Mr. John look like?
A. with long hair
B. with a hooked nose
C. bald and with a moustache
D. with small ears
5. Where is he going to plant the tree?
A. behind the garage
B. by the front door
Listening Test
Conversation 1. You will hear a part of an interview with a boy called Simon who is
helping to protect the environment.
1. Why does Simon enjoy taking his boat onto the River Stanton?
A. Many people go there.
B. He likes its water speed.
C. The river is closed to his house.
D. He likes sailing.
Conversation 2. You will hear a radio programme in which a woman called Sylvia
Short is interviewed about her job.
5. How many languages can Sylvia speak?
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. four.
Listening Test
A. a wooden man
B. a Viking boat
C. a line in the grass
D. some old boats
4. Nowadays, the people who win the cheese rolling competition are usually
A. top athletes
B. people from the village
C. visitors from all over the world
D. people from other villages
Talk/Lecture 2.You will hear a talk about how to prepare for exam.
6. You should plan your studying and take regular….
A. breaks
B. exercises
C. revisions
D. naps
Listening Test
10. Which study method you choose all depends on your personal
A. preference
B. reference
C hobby
D. characteristic
12. How many varieties of trees may be found in just one hectare of rainforest
A. 480
B. 4800
C. 840
D. 84
15. The tall trees make a canopy of branches and leaves which
A. protect themselves smaller plants, and the forest animals
B. Stop them from rain
C. Prevent them from storm
D. Protect land
Listening Test
Directions: This is the listening test for levels from 3 to 5 of the Vietnam’s 6-level
Language Proficiency Test. There are three parts to the test. You will hear each part
once. For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions
and time for you to check your answers. Write your answers on the question paper. You
will have 5 minutes at the end of the test to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet.
There are eight questions in this part. For each question there are four options and a
short recording. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You now
have 48 seconds to look through the questions and the options in each question.
1. What was the weather like on Emma’s holiday?
A. It’s hot.
B. It’s sunny.
C. It’s wet.
D. It’s windy.
2. How will Mary travel to Scotland?
A. by coach
B. by car
C. by train
D. by taxi
3. Where are the shoes?
A. under the window
B. under the table
C. on the chair
D. on the window
4. What was in the woman’s bag?
A. a pair of glasses and a purse
B. a purse and some keys
C. some keys and a pair of glasses
D. some purses and a key
5. Which film is the man talking about?
A. a woman walking on the bridge
B. a woman standing on the bridge
Listening Test
Conversation 1. You will hear a student talking to a housing officer about living
with a homestay family.
1. How long did Yuichini intend to live with a homestay family?
A. Approx two months.
B. About sixteen weeks.
C. Three months and longer.
D. About twenty weeks.
C. Vegetable.
D. Pork.
4. When does the officer give the student her homestay details?
A. After his lunch.
B. After he check on the computer.
C. In the afternoon.
D. Tomorrow.
Listening Test
10. Which, according to Sophie, are the most problematic things to translate?
A. Cultural references.
B. Informal expressions.
C. Scientific words.
D. Technical terms.
Talk/Lecture 1.You will hear people talking about sports.
1. What did the first person do in the schools’ cup final?
A. He scored the winning goal
D. He provided the pass for the final goal
C. He blew the whistle at the end of the game
D. Hold the final cup
C. at university
D. at college
3. The second person felt a bit stupid after hiking through the forest because
A. the other groups had arrived before them
B. the other groups had known how to read the map
C. the other groups had gone by car instead of walking
D. he didn’t know how to read the map
Talk/Lecture 2.You will hear people talking about their sport experience.
6. Which sentence is not true about the cross-country
A. the teacher made the students run in the rain
B. the teacher ran the whole way with the students
C. the teacher made some of the boys fall into the stream
D. the teacher made one boy cry
9. Why was the final part of climbing the mountain more difficult?
A. there were lots of people in the way
B. the dog refused to continue
C. they had to walk over large stones
D. the weather was not good
10. What was surprising about what happened to the person’s cousin?
A. he wasn’t hurt
B. he fell a long way
C. his parachute didn’t open
D. he didn’t help his father
12. According to the article, paper materials that are difficult to recycle include:
A. copy paper
B. document shred
C. food wrappers
D. carbon paper
Listening Test
14. According to the lecture, the demand for recyclable materials in the manufacturing
of new products is sometimes sluggish because
A. some governments are unwilling to support expensive recycling methods.
B. there is a lack of advanced technology to process the materials.
C. businesses do not invest enough money into research.
D. There is a lack of low-cost loans
15. Which is NOT one of the main keys to recycling as mentioned in the lecture?
A. government regulation of waste
B. better technology
C. more demand for recycled materials
D. removing ink from paper