March 4 Peppered Moth Game

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Name:___Eman________________________ Date:___________

Peppered Moth Game

Objective: Simulate changes in moth population due to pollution and predation, and observe how species can
change over time.

Go to: and read each

section before you play the game, answer the questions as you go.

Peppered Moth

1. Where do peppered moths live? England, Europe, and North America.

2. a) What color is the "typica" version of the moths? light

b) What color is the "carbonaria" version?dark, almost black, bodies

3. How do adult moths survive predation?Peppered moths have extra camouflage to help them hide in . The
trees they live in have light-colored bark and are covered with small lichens, organisms that are part fungus
and part algae or bacteria.

4. Why would dark moths have an advantage? Their dark color help them to camouflage from their predation
because they can blend in with the trees color . so they wont be found easily and they will be able to survive
and reproduce. Which make them fittest then the white ones.

Play the Game

5. Complete the data table for the light forest and the dark forest.

Percent Dark Moths Percent Light Moths

Light Forest 0% 100%

Dark Forest 92% 8% | Game at

Final Analysis

6. Explain how the color of the moths increases or decreases their chances of survival.

Their color increases their chance of survival because the more the color is match to its surrounding the
harder for predators to see them and hunt them . which increase their overall fitness and reproduction
and they will be able to survive for the coming years.

7. Explain the concept of natural selection using your moths as an example.

Natural selection is the process where traits that increase an organism's chance of survival and
reproduction become more common in a population over time. In moths, lighter-colored individuals may
be favored by natural selection if their coloration provides better camouflage against predators.

8. Predict what would happen if there were no predators in the forest. Would the moth colors have changed?
Why or why not?

Without predators, the selective pressure for specific moth colorations would decrease, resulting in
relatively stable colors.

9. Efforts to reduce pollution began occurring later in the century. If pollution near factories was reduced, what
would happen to the color of the moths? Explain your answer.

If pollution near factories was reduced, the color of moths would likely shift towards lighter shades over
time. | Game at

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