Epidemiology of Sports-Related Musculoskeletal Injuries in Young Athletes in United States
Epidemiology of Sports-Related Musculoskeletal Injuries in Young Athletes in United States
Epidemiology of Sports-Related Musculoskeletal Injuries in Young Athletes in United States
Western Michigan University, Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine, Kalamazoo, MI, USA
Contributions: (I) Conception and design: All authors; (II) Administrative support: All authors; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: All
authors; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: All authors; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: All authors; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII)
Final approval of manuscript: All authors.
Correspondence to: Dilip R. Patel. Western Michigan University, Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine, 1000 Oakland Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49008,
USA. Email: [email protected].
Abstract: Over the past several decades there has been increased participation in sports by children and
adolescents at earlier ages in the United States, as well as more intense participation and specialization in
sports at very early ages. This trend has also partly contributed to the patterns of injuries seen in young
athletes, and especially in recent years, injuries previously seen in mature athletes are being seen in young
athletes. Overall, the vast majority of sport-related musculoskeletal injuries in children and adolescents are
due to repetitive overuse and acute macrotrauma is less frequently seen in young athletes. Epidemiological
data on sports injuries are provided by several national surveys. Investigators have used different methods to
define sports injuries and the most widely used definition is based on athlete-exposure time. Certain aspects
related to adolescent growth and development modulate the pattern of injuries. This article provides an
overview of the epidemiology of sports-related musculoskeletal injuries seen in children and adolescents.
Submitted Mar 21, 2017. Accepted for publication Apr 03, 2017.
doi: 10.21037/tp.2017.04.08
View this article at: http://dx.doi.org/10.21037/tp.2017.04.08
Height and weight Increase in rate of height and weight during adolescence contribute to increase in momentum and force during
collision with another athlete; increased weight also increases stress and load to skeletal structures
Muscle growth and There is increased muscle hypertrophy and associated increase in strength during adolescence. This is relatively
strength more pronounced in males compared to females
Motor skills and Motor skills generally improve during adolescence. This is associated with improved motor performance and may
performance contribute to improved sport-specific task performance. Males and females follow a different trajectory in motor
skills development
Body composition There are inherent differences between males and females described in terms of fat mass and fat-free mass as
well as body fat distribution. Some athletes may engage in unhealthy measures to manipulate body fat mass
Flexibility There is a relative period of decreased overall musculotendinous flexibility during adolescent growth spurt.
Generally females are more flexible when compared to males
Bone structure There is increased risk for tendon or ligamentous injury and bony avulsions because of relative weakness of
growing bones
Psychological maturity Psychosocial factors and development play an important role in how adolescents view participation in sports. This
has direct implications for adherence to treatment recommendations and how they cope with injuries
Femoral neck
Sudden increase in the intensity, duration, and volume of Anatomic variations, especially in lower extremities
physical activity
Poor training techniques Differential growth between bones and musculotendinous structures
Table 4 Injury rates by sport, High School Sports-Related Injury day were seen in emergency departments for sports-related
Surveillance Study, United States, 2015–2016 school year (only injuries, including musculoskeletal and other injuries.
includes injuries resulting in more than 1 day of time loss)
According to this report, the highest rate of sports-related
Sport Injury rate per 1,000 athlete-exposures injury occurred in teens between the ages of 15–17 years, in
Overall total 2.32 remote rural settings, playing American football, and during
Boys’ American football 4.08 practice. A history of previous injury was a risk factor for
subsequent injury. In 2011, sport-related traumatic brain
Boys’ soccer 1.87
injury accounted for 15% of all injuries in high school
Girls’ soccer 2.59 athletes. Other significant reasons for athletes to seek
Girls’ volleyball 1.19 medical attention included exercise-induced asthma, heat
Boys’ basketball 1.48
illness, exertional sickling, and infrequently spinal cord
Girls’ basketball 2.14
Analysis by Rosendahl and Strouse (2016) of sports-
Boys’ wrestling 2.23 related injuries showed that factors influencing the
Boys’ baseball 0.84 distribution of musculoskeletal injuries were age, sex, type
of sport, intensity of participation, position played, and
Girls’ softball 1.30
underlying congenital conditions (13). They reported a
sports injury incidence of 1 in 10 children per year with
higher overall incidence and greater severity of injury in
Table 5 Injury diagnosis by type of exposure, High School Sports-
boys. The report noted that younger athletes sustained
Related Injury Surveillance Study, United States, 2015–2016 school
year relatively milder non-specific injuries compared to older
athletes. The highest incidence of musculoskeletal injuries
Type of injury During game (%) During practice (%)
was reported in contact and jumping sports that included
Sprain or strain 39 43
American football, wrestling, basketball, soccer, baseball,
Contusion 11 7 skiing and snowboarding. Children under the age of
Fracture 9 9 10 years were most likely to have contusions, mild sprains,
and injury to growth plates. During pre-pubertal years acute
Concussion 28 20
or repetitive stress fractures were reported more frequently.
Other 14 22 Ligamentous injuries were more likely after skeletal
maturity was attained. Sport-related musculoskeletal
injuries by location reported by Rosendahl and Strouse are
According to the Youth Sports Safety Statistics report listed in Table 6.
of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association there were In a retrospective review, Stracciolini, et al. (2014)
39 sports-participation-related deaths in young athletes in analyzed athletes aged 5–17 years old who presented to a
2011 (12). Nationally, approximately 8,000 children per sports medicine clinic over a period of 10 years (15). Results
Shoulder Most common in older youth from contact sports (wrestling, football, hockey); clavicular fracture occurs at all ages
Elbow Supracondylar/lateral condylar fractures; throwing athletes prone to osteochondritis dissecans, stress injury, flexor
tendinopathy, ulnar collateral ligament injury; note that dislocations are very rare
Wrist and hands Salter-Harris type fractures of growth plates/plastic fractures of distal radial physis and metaphysis are most
common, but if inciting activity is not decreased, premature physeal fusion or carpal impingement can occur;
carpal bone injuries are rare
Pelvis and hips Avulsion of apophyseal growth centers, especially at anterior superior iliac spine (kicking) and ischial apophysis
(hurdling); slipped capital femoral epiphysis; femoral acetabular impingement
Knee Physeal fracture at distal femur or proximal tibia are seen in younger children, whereas cruciate/collateral ligament
and meniscal injury are more common after skeletal maturity is reached; extensor mechanism injury is also
common in older adolescents
Ankle and foot Juvenile Tillaux (Salter III) and triplane fractures in partially fused physes; ligamentous injury typically in skeletally
mature athletes; tarsal coalition; posterior ankle impingement in dancers; avulsion fractures
Spine Mostly from high-risk sports (football, diving, skiing, gymnastics); intervertebral disk herniation at L4/L5/
S1; Scheuermann disease (gymnastics, rowing, weightlifting); spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis at L5/S1
(gymnastics, dance, cheerleading, football, weightlifting, running); all spine injuries are generally more common in
older adolescent athletes
MSK, musculoskeletal.
showed higher incidence of overuse injuries compared to overuse injuries are not inherently benign, for example,
acute traumatic injuries in females, and the opposite in high-risk injuries include stress fractures of the femoral
males. Females tended to injure the lower extremity and neck/tarsal navicular/anterior tibial physis, as well as effort
spine more frequently, whereas males tended to injure the thrombosis.
upper extremity. Hip/pelvic injury tended to be overuse Lykissas et al. (2013) conducted a cross-sectional
or soft tissue injury in females, as opposed to traumatic or epidemiological study of pediatric injuries presenting to
bony injury in males. Females were more likely to suffer the emergency department, using data collected from
from patellofemoral knee pain, but males were more the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System
likely to develop osteochondritis dissecans and fractures. database (16). It compares reports of sports and recreational
Anterior cruciate ligament sprains were equal among injuries in children in the years 2000, 2005, and 2010,
sexes. Differences between sexes may be due to differential to determine the trends in the top eight causes of these
movement patterns, sport participation, strength, flexibility, injuries. The top eight causes of injury for children ages
physiologic and anatomic factors (biomechanics of growing 5–14 years were bicycling, football, roller sports, playground
joints etc.). equipment, baseball/softball, soccer, and trampoline.
DiFiori et al. (2014) conducted a systematic review of The study found that the incidence of all musculoskeletal
trends in competitive youth sports with regards to overuse injuries decreased over time for all eight activities (16.4 to
injury and burnout (14). Overuse injury is often variable 14.4/1,000 person-years); and sports-specific injuries were
with the sport, ranging from 15% in soccer players up found to have decreased in 6 out of 8 activities. Maximal
to 68% in running. Authors noted that the incidence of decrease was seen in bicycling, with a smaller decrease in
such injury is still underreported. Most define injury as football and soccer. Older children (10–14 years of age)
loss of time from sports participation and many cases of sustained a greater proportion of injuries. This study
overuse injury do not cause the athlete to miss playing time. concludes that although injury severity or overuse injury
Overuse injury also varies by age: younger athletes suffer prevalence may have increased, the total incidence of acute
more growth-related conditions (apophysitis, physeal stress sports/recreation-related injuries has been decreasing over
injury) as opposed to older skeletally mature athletes. All the last decade.
Stracciolini et al. (2013) conducted a retrospective review Individual studies highlight the variability in injuries, but
of sports injuries in younger children (5–12 years of age) in general, boys are more likely than girls to sustain injury
versus older children (13–17 years of age), to determine during sports, lower extremity injuries are more common
whether there was variation in location, severity, and overall, and prior injury is a strong risk factor for future
diagnosis depending on age (17). The authors collected injury. It remains important for practitioners to understand
retrospective data from a sports medicine clinic over the epidemiology and variance of injury for their patient
10 years and found definitive differences between the populations.
age groups. Forty percent of the total cohort underwent
surgery, which was disproportionately in older children.
Younger children sustained more acute traumatic bony
injuries of upper extremities. Older children sustained more None.
overuse, soft tissue injuries of back and lower extremities.
To classify sports injuries by sex and sport, Schroeder
et al. (2015) conducted a retrospective cohort study that
focused on older children (approximately 14–18 years of Conflicts of Interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest
age) with overuse injuries (18). The authors collected data to declare.
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