4 - Barriers and Facilitators of Public Transport Use Among People With Disabilities A Scoping Review
4 - Barriers and Facilitators of Public Transport Use Among People With Disabilities A Scoping Review
4 - Barriers and Facilitators of Public Transport Use Among People With Disabilities A Scoping Review
TYPE Review
PUBLISHED 08 January 2024
DOI 10.3389/fresc.2023.1336514
PWD, people with disabilities; HDM-DCP, human development model-disability creation process, UN-
CRDP, United Nation Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; ADA, American Disability Act.
To respond the gap in the existing literature, this study first details on the development of the methodology, and registration
aims to examine barriers and facilitators to the use of the public are provided in a published protocol of this scoping review (24).
transport (buses, trains, tramway, ferries) by people with
different types of disabilities during the entire travel chain.
Secondly, this study aims to explore perceived self-efficacy and Results
satisfaction related to public transport experiences among PWD.
As shown the PRIMSA flowchart (Figure 1), a total of 6,816
citations were retrieved in the databases targeted by our research
performed in July 2022 (n = 6,399) with the search updated in
Method May 2023 (n = 417). Four additional references were also hand-
selected from the references lists of two systematic reviews
We conducted a scoping review to examine the extent of
(17, 18) for initial screening. After removing duplicates, 5,276
research activity related to the barriers and facilitators
titles and abstracts were screened, and 65 full-text articles were
experienced by PWD, and their perceived feelings of self-efficacy
reviewed. Finally, 34 studies met inclusion and exclusion criteria
and satisfaction when using public transportation. The
for data extraction.
methodology and results were reported according to the
The age of participants in the 34 selected studies ranged from
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
12 to 77 years old, and most of them had physical, visual, auditory,
Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA) checklist
intellectual, and mental disabilities, and speech conditions. Of these
(21). Arksey and O’Malley’s methodological framework guided
studies, 19 focused exclusively on PWD, 10 involved older adults, 3
the review through five stages: (1) identifying the research
focused on PWD and healthy people, and 2 involved PWD and
question; (2) identifying relevant studies; (3) study selection; (4)
older adults (Supplementary Table S2). With regards to
charting the data; and (5) collating, summarizing, and reporting
infrastructure or fixed-route transit mode used, 12 studies
the results (22). The literature search was conducted in 5 relevant
focused only on buses, 7 on buses and trains, 3 on buses and
databases including MEDLINE, TRANSPORT DATABASE,
rails, 1 on bus and bus stop, 1 on metro stations, and 9 studies
PsycINFO (from Ovid platform), Embase, and Web of Science
combined several modes of public transport including boats,
from January 1995 to July 2022, and update was made in May
buses, trains, trams, light rails, subway, planes, streetcars, online
2023. Studies meeting the eligibility criteria presented in Table 1
taxi, private car, and motorcycle (Supplementary Table S2).
were included in this review for date extraction. The results are
Regarding the study design of included studies, Seventeen
will be described according to the Human Development Model-
studies (25–41) used a qualitative cross-sectional design, six
Disability Creation Process (HDM-DCP) conceptual framework
(11, 42–46) used quantitative cross-sectional design, three
(23) with respect to the research questions, and the aims of this
(47–49) were cross-sectional mixed methods, two (50, 51) were
scoping review. The HDM-DCP conceptual framework addresses
longitudinal pre-post quantitative studies, two (52, 53) used an
disability situations that can arise when personal and
explanatory descriptive approach, one (54) used a longitudinal
environmental factors restrict life habits, thus reducing social
mixed method, another one (55) used multimethod approach,
participation. It includes personal (e.g., disability) and
and two (17, 18) were systematic reviews (Supplementary
environmental (e.g., physical, or social barriers/facilitators) factors,
Table S2). In terms of barriers or facilitators that influenced
and life habits (e.g., the public transport use to go to work). Full
public transport use, eighteen studies (11, 17, 18, 25–27, 29, 33,
36–38, 40, 43, 46, 48–50, 54) reported both physical and social
TABLE 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria. barriers and facilitators (e.g., lack of ramp or concerns with ramp
angle and deployment, lack of training of drivers and other
Article type
Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
systems users on the needs of PWD, resulting in lack of respect,
• Original peer-reviewed manuscript • Article for which the full text is not free pass, lower floor buses, mobility training for people with
• Guideline report available visual impairment and PWD/age-awareness training for bus
• Concerned with public transport • Article focuses on the use of
(bus, train, tramway, ferry) technology while using public
drivers), two (31, 55) reported physical barriers (e.g., winter, ice,
accessibility or barriers/facilitators or transport system snow) and personal factors (e.g., fear of injury, lack of
confidence and satisfaction with • Article generally discuss universal knowledge, or self-efficacy), two (11, 35) described only physical
public transport for people with design or transportation
barriers, four (30, 39, 42, 45) reported physical and social
disabilities including older people • Validation study of measurement
• Published from January 1995 to July tools assessing public transport barriers and facilitators along with influencing personal factors
2022 accessibility or travel confidence or (e.g., fear of being harassed inside the crowded buses, lack of
• Published in English or French travel satisfaction for people with
knowledge of the public transport system), six (29, 33, 45, 46,
• Study not involving fixed route 52, 53) described user satisfaction only, and one (51) described
public transport (e.g., adapted school self-efficacy (Supplementary Table S2). Specific details of all
bus for students with disabilities,
barriers, facilitators and influencing factors are presented in
• Protocol on public transport Supplementary Table S2.
accessibility for PWD Several barriers and facilitators, and perceptions in terms of
self-efficacy and satisfaction when using public transport among
PRIMSA flowchart.
PWD were described in Supplementary Table S2. The overview of contrast in surface changes, combined pedestrian and bike lanes,
results of this review was organized according to various links of grey posts on pathways, crossing with traffic light but no
the travel chain, describing the presence of physical and social auditory signal, too short time for walk lights, slippery white
barriers and facilitators, as well as personal factors including self- lines, traffic from two directions, turnstiles lack sound modules
efficacy and satisfaction, and the HDM-DCP conceptual framework. to provide information about remaining balance on travel passes,
crossing busy streets, lack of sidewalks, weather conditions (e.g.,
snow, ice and rain, and wind), darkness and unlighted areas,
Travelling to or from the public transport road work, lack of pavement, and lack of dropped curbs.
stop or station Considering the physical barriers that may be encountered
during this link of the travel chain, five studies (31, 38, 39,
Fifteen studies (16–18, 26, 28, 32, 33, 36, 38–40, 44, 47, 50, 54) 50, 54) have proposed factors which may facilitate access to the
reported physical barriers faced by PWD in getting to and from physical environment, such as improved pedestrian
public transit stops or station. These barriers included long infrastructure, touch elements in signals, turnstiles with sound
walking distance, irregular walking surface, narrow pathways, modules to assist people with visual impairments, adapt ticket
branches hanging in pathways, small holes, poor design of curb booths and turnstiles for users of different heights, safer
cuts, difference in levels, steep side gradient on pathways, low intersections with traffic-calming measures, improved
infrastructures with tactile guidance (e.g., floor tiles with gradient the buses for unknown reasons were reported in five studies (26,
textures), snow removal, and public transport route planning 36, 38, 43, 54). Furthermore, four studies (18, 30, 42, 50)
with common destinations located short walking distances from explored factors facilitating access to public transport, including
bus stops, and the use of visual or audible cues. No studies providing ramps on public transport vehicles, availability of
identified social barriers when going to or from the public kneeling buses and courtesy of bus drivers to lower the bus floor
transport stop or station. to facilitate boarding (34).
Fourteen studies (18, 28, 30, 36–40, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49, 54) have Ten studies (18, 25, 26, 29, 30, 37, 38, 40, 47, 54) focused on the
documented physical barriers experiences while waiting at the stop physical barriers within the public transport vehicles. These
or station. These issues included unavailable information in barriers included lack of space or less space for accessible seating,
terminal or bus stop, drivers not stopping to let people board the seats sloped backwards, seats without back rests, bus doors
bus, platform design and lack of signage, signage quite high and swung out, makes stops at unmarked bus stops, all seats
far, signage to bright with glare, high levels of noise, lack of occupied, no handrails at seats, narrow spaces between seats,
visual announcements on the train, narrow bus stops, grass on narrow spaces to the seat in front, standing on a bus while it is
bus stop, no weather protection or shelters, no seats or in motion, wrong information on bus stop information, lack of
inadequate seats (too high, too low, without back rests), back of space for circulation, lack of reliable audible announcements on
the seat slopes backwards, many buses stop at the same bus stop, trains and buses, alert buttons too high, unavailability of seatbelts
lack of timetable, small text on timetables, poor visibility on to secure wheelchair users in place, seats too low, inadequate
monitors, wrong information, difficult to interpret information, amount and indication of priority seats. Four other studies
information table too far away, no information about routes in attempted to understand the components of the enabling
service, no information provided in braille, presence of stairs in physical environment encountered by PWD on public transport
railway stations, insufficient lighting in stations, unclean bus- (17, 30, 34, 37, 42). Physical enablers included more space at
stops and train stations and frequently occupied by people PWD seats, and grab rails priority seating for older adults,
begging, broken elevators or escalators, and long wait times. making visual and availability of auditory announcements in the
Indeed, of thirty-one studies reviewed, three reported that long buses, lower pull-cords to call stops, reliable information during
waiting times at bus stops were a barrier to the use of public the trip.
transport by PWD (18, 30, 47). Ten other studies (29, 33, 36–38, 40, 41, 43, 46, 54) identified
The following facilitators to improve access to bus stops or social barriers such as less assistance by staff, barriers closely
stations have also been identified: touch elements in signals, relate to problems with fare cost, lack of respect and buses
turnstiles with sound modules for people with visual disabilities, drivers’ behavior causes sudden brakes and acceleration causing
ensuring seating places at bus stops for older adults, making discomfort to users, drivers not calling out stops, concerns
electronic display information of bus arrival/bus delay available, related to timing and safety, reliability concerns, difficulty to
installation of guiding blocks in the railway stations, stairs, access and exit because of crowdedness, drivers not calling out
and move level surfaces (38–40, 50). One study identified stops, greater service animal issues for people with loss of sight,
identification of bus numbers as a specific personal factor for unwanted physical assistance and verbal and sexual assault, lack
people with sight loss (27). of education of other passengers about health concerns that
PWD can have, judgmental and reductive comments made by
young passengers towards PWD, safety problems, lack of training
Boarding and getting of the public transport of drivers and other systems users on the needs of PWD, drivers
stop vehicles far from the platform or bus stop, conflict between
Nine studies (18, 26, 29, 38, 42, 43, 46, 48, 54) focused on wheelchair user and parents with buggies onboard the bus, lack
physical barriers related to ramps, including lack of ramp, of knowledge for staff on the use of ramp access and other needs
inoperable ramps, steep slope for ramp use, and ramp of PWD, lack of courtesy from drivers, lack of confidence in the
deployment angle (≥9.5°). These barriers were experienced staff (11, 18, 25, 29, 30, 37–42, 44, 46, 54). Eight studies (18, 30,
especially by wheelchair users. Concerning the deployment of the 36–39, 46), reported negative attitudes of buses drivers without
ramp, American Disability Act (ADA) proposes a maximum specifying the type. Other rare research (29, 36, 49) investigated
allowable ramp slope of 9.5°. Six studies (18, 26, 36, 37, 39, 43) social enablers such as improved behavior at doors for passenger
identified the presence of steps at the vehicle entrance as barrier entrance and exit, reducing bus and train occupancy levels, and
occurring when PWD are boarding or getting off the public adaptation and enforcement of use of preferential spaces, friendly
transport. Social barriers included false claims of inoperable lifts and courteous bus drivers; social interaction by meeting new
or ramps made by drivers to avoid letting a PWD board, stress people on the bus, discounted senior or PWD fares. The
generated by social expectation to be quick as healthy persons, resolution of these social problems occurring within public
some bus drivers that do not deploy ramps, others do not kneel transport requires the involvement of transport service providers
and government authorities. Transport service providers should shown to be an important predictor of the frequency of public
train and educate drivers about their behaviour towards PWD. transport use (44, 57). It is the most important factor to consider
Government authorities should consider the fact that PWD and when travelling to or from stop or station for at least two reasons:
older people generally have low incomes and therefore provide walking is the primary access mode for trips from home to public
subsidies or exemptions from certain charges (e.g., taxes) to transit and walking distance has a significant impact on public
transport service providers so that they, in turn, can commit to transport use (57). And this seems all the more plausible given
providing an affordable preferential fare. This can help make that of the fifteen studies that have reported on the physical
public transport not only accessible, but also inclusive and usable. barriers that occur when walking to or from a bus stop/station,
eight (26, 28, 32, 33, 36, 44, 47, 50) have identified walking
distance as a barrier to using public transport. Travelling to or
Other issues related to public transport use from stop/station must be understood as an integral part of the
travel chain, during which barriers may emerge and limit access
Twelve studies (18, 27, 31, 35, 38–40, 42–44, 51, 55) reported to and use of public transit by PWD. Government authorities
personal factors such as other issues related to the use of responsible for managing the city should implement measures to
public transport, including inability to navigate public system, make the pedestrian environment accessible to PWD while
lack of confidence in the use of public transport, lack of reducing the home-stop/station walking distance in line with the
knowledge of public transport network, and fear of injury UN-Habitat recommendations (56). Consistent with findings from
related to public transport. Unsworth et al. (18), no studies identified social barriers when
going to or from the public transport stop or station. Further
research could be carried out to identify the social barriers likely
Discussion to occur in this link of the travel chain and which may limit the
use of public transit by PWD.
This review examined barriers and facilitators encountered by Another link in the travel chain where barriers such as the
PWD and highlighted their perceived experiences in terms of self- unavailability of travel information, drivers not stopping to let
efficacy and satisfaction from 1992 to 2023. Being able to travel people board the bus, platform design and lack of signage,
by public transport modes such as bus, train, air or ship is an signage quite high and far, long waiting times, etc. have been
expression of autonomy and facilitates social interactions (42). identified is waiting at the stop or station. Of the fourteen studies
However, PWD are likely to often encounter difficulties using that had identified barriers in this link, three (18, 30, 47) pointed
public transport in their daily lives due to widespread physical out the long waiting time. Waiting time at a stop/station has
and social barriers. Bezyak et al. (43) argued that, despite removal been shown to be the temporal component of the travel to which
of many physical barriers within fixed-route systems, significant passengers are most sensitive (58). Even a small increase in this
barriers to overall access of public transit systems are still present. time can significantly affect confidence and push them towards
This is all the more obvious as the results of this review show other modes of transport (59). UN-Habitat recommends that
that 85.3% (n = 29) of the identified studies which pointed out public transport should have no more of 30 min average waiting
real and perceived barriers of transit-related use and the resulting time during peak hours (from 5 am to 9 pm) to assess the
feeling of dissatisfaction were conducted after 2006, corresponding frequency of the service (56). The responsibility for reducing
to the year of adoption of the UN-CRPD [5]. This implies that, barriers at bus stops or stations is shared between government
despite efforts in terms of legislation, development and authorities and public transport service providers. For example,
implementation of access measures, many physical and social government authorities are responsible for making bus stops or
barriers to accessing and using public transport remain and stations accessible, while the responsibility for reducing waiting
prevent PWD from carrying out many of their life habits activities. times and improving access to information at bus stops lies with
Our study has highlighted the physical barriers that PWD and public transport service providers. Given we identified no study
older adults experienced when travelling to and from stops or that has documented the social barriers at public transport stops
stations. These barriers included long walking distance, irregular or stations, research exploring social barriers and facilitators,
walking surface, narrow pathways, etc. Travelling to or from stops including personal factors, is needed to guide government
or stations can be influenced by the characteristics of the built authorities and public transport service providers in how tin how
environment, such as the condition of roads and sidewalks, safety, to best respond to the public transport needs of PWD.
lighting, and the distance between home or another benchmark Nine (18, 26, 29, 38, 42, 43, 46, 48, 54) of the thirty-four studies
(e.g., school or market) and the stop. This Particularly regarding included studies highlighted the physical barriers associated with
walking distance between a benchmark and a stop, UN habitat ramp issues, and specifically concerned, for example lack ramp,
considers that access to public transport is considered appropriate inoperable ramps, steep slope for ramp use, and ramp
when a stop is accessible within a walkable distance along the deployment angle exceeding 9.5°, with as often associated social
street network of 500 m from a reference point such as a home, barriers such as claims inoperable lifts or ramps made by drivers
school, workplace, market, etc. to a low-capacity public transport to avoid letting a PWD board, bus drivers that do not deploy
system (e.g., bus, Bus Rapid Transit) and 1 km to a high-capacity ramps or do not kneel the bus for unknown reasons (22–24,
system (e.g., rail, metro, ferry) (56). Walking distance has been 34, 41). Concerning the deployment of the ramp, American
Disability Act (ADA) proposes a maximum allowable ramp slope the public transit system (24, 32, 49), and fear of transit-related
of 9.5°. Transport operators must ensure that ramp design and injuries (31, 35, 39), with special mention for the first two
deployment features comply with ADA recommendations. personal factors. Considered as the belief in one’s ability to
Lenker et al. assert that the accessibility of access ramps is perform a specific task, self-efficacy has been shown to be the
affected by their slope, which is often described by a ratio, a:b, most important determinant of behavior change (13). Its
indicating a rise of a inches for every b inches in run (60). On reduction regarding public transport can be improved by travel
this basis, the ADA is recommending that ramps shall have the training. Studies on travel training in the use of public transport
least slope practicable and shall not exceed 1:4 when deployed to for PWD and older adults show that such travel training helps
ground level. If the height of the vehicle floor from which the them to improve their self-efficacy and knowledge in public
ramp is deployed is 3 in or less above a 6-in curb, a maximum transport system, and therefore to overcome fear of the use of
slope of 1:4 is permitted; if the height of the vehicle floor from public transit (51) and have a satisfactory travel experience.
which the ramp is deployed is 6 in or less, but greater than 3 in, Rehabilitation professionals have a critical role to play in the
above a 6-in curb, a maximum slope of 1:6 is permitted; if the process of developing training programs and learning how to use
height of the vehicle floor from which the ramp is deployed is public transport for PWD, especially those with lack knowledge
9 in or less, but greater than 6 in, above a 6-in curb, a maximum and low self-efficacy in their ability to use public transport.
slope of 1:8 is permitted; if the height of the vehicle floor from Satisfaction with public transport is often associated with the
which the ramp is deployed is greater than 9 in above a 6-in quality of service provided by the transport operator. That said,
curb, a slope of 1:12 shall be achieved (61). This implies that it’s if public transport is not accessible due to physical and social
not enough just to equip public transport vehicles with suitable barriers, this can lead to a bitter and regrettable experience for
ramps; drivers also need to know how to use them, so that they PWD, and consequently affect their willingness to use this mode
are not perceived by PWD as another source of difficulties of transport. Conversely, an accessible public transport system
preventing them from using this mode of transport. can lead to a positive and satisfying experience that can improve
Furthermore, six studies (18, 26, 36, 37, 39, 43) underlined the the frequency of the use of this mode of transportation to fulfill
presence of steps at the entrée of the public transport. PWD are life habits. The scientific literature argues that the more satisfied
considering steps as walls preventing them from using public people are with their travel experience, the more they tend to use
transport. Transport operators are called upon to remove these public transport for their work commute (20). Therefore,
steps to make public transport accessible and usable for this transport operators are called upon to improve the quality of the
category of the population, which represents around 15% of the services they provide to PWD to promote their inclusion and
world’s population. social participation.
This review also identified the barriers encountered inside the
vehicle. These barriers include physical barriers such as lack of
space or less space for accessible seating, seats sloped backwards, Implications for rehabilitation
seats without back rests, bus doors swung out, makes stops at
unmarked bus stops, all seats occupied, narrow spaces to the seat • Barriers and facilitators to public transport may be experienced
in front, lack of space for circulation, lack of reliable audible differently by people with disabilities depending on their
announcements on trains and buses, etc. Other barriers individual situation of disability (e.g., physical, intellectual,
concerned social aspects included less assistance by staff, barriers cognitive, visual, or hearing disability).
closely relate to problems with fare cost, lack of respect and buses • Best-practices in public transport may be targeted towards
drivers’ behavior causes sudden brakes and acceleration causing transport providers and policy makers to make public
discomfort to users, drivers not calling out stops, verbal and transport accessible, usable, and inclusive for people with all
sexual assault, lack of education of other passengers about health types of disabilities.
concerns of PWD. These barriers, like the others mentioned • Modifications to the environment (e.g., ramps), and
above, can have a negative impact on the quality of life and well- interventions (e.g., staff awareness and education, training in
being of PWD, by contributing to limit their social inclusion and the use of public transport) may facilitate accessibility and use
participation. It is the transport operator’s responsibility to of public transport by people with disabilities.
address these barriers within the public transport vehicle. The • Improved public transport use may facilitate social inclusion,
transport operators should have to ensure that all seats reserved participation, and well-being for people with disabilities, the
for PWD are well adapted, with adequate space to facilitate ultimate goal of rehabilitation.
handling and movement by technical aids. The transport operator
is also responsible for making passengers and drivers aware of
their attitudes towards PWD and the older adults. Six studies. Strength and limits
Beyond theses physical and social barriers, this study also
underlined some personal factors which can limit access and use The strength of this study lies in its methodology. Indeed, we
of public transport among PWD. These included lack of developed this review based on Arskey and O’Malley’s
confidence or self-efficacy in the use of public transit (31, 36, methodological framework. This methodological framework is
40, 51), decreased satisfaction (29, 45, 46), lack of knowledge of widely used in the development of such a literature review.
Moreover, we used a technical support of a librarian with expertise Project administration, Writing – review & editing, Methodology,
in the development of documentary research strategies applied to Supervision. CC: Formal Analysis, Methodology, Writing –
rehabilitation to ensure that we retrieved the maximum number review & editing. MG: Formal Analysis, Methodology, Writing –
of citations related to the topic of this scoping review. review & editing. FR: Conceptualization, Formal Analysis,
Furthermore, the screening of citations and the articles, and the Funding acquisition, Methodology, Project administration,
extraction of data were carried out rigorously and independently Resources, Writing – review & editing, Supervision.
by two reviewers to control biases related to any possible loss of
information, yet relevant. However, this scoping review also has
its limitations. First, even if the keywords used in the search Funding
strategy were broad, they might not identify all specialized
studies in public transport accessibility for PWD despite The author(s) declare financial support was received for the
consulting of librarian in the choice of keywords and the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
refinement of the search strategies. Moreover, the fact of having This study was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities
considered only English and French as the languages of Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Réseau provincial de
publication excluded papers. recherche en adaptation-réadaptation (REPAR), and Office des
personnes handicapées du Québec (OPHQ). CM is doctoral
fellow of Université Laval Faculty of Medicine, the Center for
Conclusion interdisciplinary research in rehabilitation and social integration
and the Fonds de la recherche du Québec—Société et culture.
This study shows that people with various forms of disability FR and KB are Research Scholar of the Fonds de la recherche du
continue to encounter difficulties in accessing and using public Québec—Santé (respectively Senior and Junior 2).
transit throughout the entire travel chain, due to many physical
and social barriers. despite the adoption and implementation of
the CRDP. This review identified the physical and social barriers Conflict of interest
and facilitators that can occur in different links of the travel
chain and highlighted issues related to lack of confidence and The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
decreased d satisfaction when PWD and older adults are using absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
public transport. The identification of barriers and facilitators to be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
the use of public transport by PWD is an important step that
may help policy makers and transport operators around the
world to develop and implement interventions to facilitate access, Publisher’s note
use and inclusion of this mode of transport, as the experiences of
PWD when using this mode of transport have an impact on All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
their well-being. The results of this scoping review could lead to authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
a better understanding of the potential barriers and facilitators to organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
the use of public transport by people with various disabilities and reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
how negative or positive experiences throughout the travel may claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed
influence their self-efficacy and satisfaction. or endorsed by the publisher.
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