Ofc Unit 3 A
Ofc Unit 3 A
Ofc Unit 3 A
An optical detector is a device that converts light signals into electrical signals, which can then
be amplified and processed. The photo detector is as essential an element of any fiber optic
system as the optical fiber or the light source. Photo detectors can dictate the performance of a
fiber optic communication link. Semiconductor photodiodes are the most commonly used
detectors in optical fiber systems since they provide good performance, being small in size, and
are of low cost.Semiconductor photodiodes are made of silicon, germanium, GaAs, InGaAs, etc
In order to allow operation at longer wavelengths where the light penetrates more deeply into the
semiconductor material, a wider depletion region is necessary. To achieve this then-type material
is doped so lightly that it can be considered intrinsic, and to make a low resistance contact a
highly doped n-type (n+) layer is added. This creates a p–i–n (or PIN) structure, as may be seen
in Figure 1.where all the absorption takes place in the depletion region.
figure 1:- (a) structure of a front-illuminated silicon p–i–n photodiode. (b) structure
of a side-illuminated (parallel to junction) p–i–n photodiode
Figure1 shows the structures of two types of silicon p–i–n photodiode for operation in the shorter
wavelength band below 1.09 μm. The front-illuminated photodiode, when operating in the 0.8 to
0.9 μm band (Figure 1(a)), requires a depletion region of between 20 and 50 μm in order to attain
high quantum efficiency (typically 85%) together with fast response (less than 1 ns) and low
dark current (1 nA). Dark current arises from surface leakage currents as well as generation–
recombination currents in the depletion region in the absence of illumination. The side-
illuminated structure (Figure 1(b)), where light is injected parallel to the junction plane, exhibits
a large absorption width (_500 μm) and hence is particularly sensitive at wavelengths close to the
band gap limit (1.09 μm) where the absorption coefficient is relatively small.
It often requires high reverse bias voltages (50 to 400 V) in order that the new carriers created by
impact ionization can themselves produce additional carriers by the same mechanism as shown
in Figure 2(b). More recently, however, it should be noted that devices which will operate at
much lower bias voltages (15 to 25 V) have become available.
The response time for the device is limited by three factors. These are:
(a) the transit time of the carriers across the absorption region (i.e. the depletion width);
(b) the time taken by the carriers to perform the avalanche multiplication process; and
(c) theRC time constant incurred by the junction capacitance of the diode and its load.
figure 2. (a) avalanche photodiode showing high electric field (gain) region.
(b) carrier pair multiplication in the gain region of an avalanche photodiode
At low gain the transit time and RC effects dominate giving a definitive response time and hence
constant bandwidth for the device. However, at high gain the avalanche build up time dominates
and therefore the device bandwidth decreases proportionately with increasing gain. Such APD
operation is distinguished by a constant gain–bandwidth product. Often an asymmetric pulse
shape is obtained from the APD which results from a relatively fast rise time as the electrons are
collected and a fall time dictated by the transit time of the holes traveling at a slower speed.
Hence, although the use of suitable materials and structures may give rise times between 150 and
200 ps, fall times of 1 ns or more are quite common and limit the overall response of the device.