Ee-304 Analog Electronics 75 Questions

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Electrical Engineering



Analog Electronics

UNIT1-Semiconductor Diodes: Theory of P-N junction, temperature dependence and break down
characteristics, junction capacitances, Zener diode, Varactor diode, Tunnel diode, PIN diode, LED, Photo
diode, Schottky diode, Diode applications: series –parallel configurations, full wave and half wave
rectification, voltage multiplier circuits, diode testing

1. Explain the depletion layer formation in P N junction. Explain its working principle
2. Explain working of PN junction diode with v-i characteristics?
3. Explain working of Zener diode with its applications?
4. Explain working principle of Schottky diode with its applications?
5. How diode is used for half wave and full wave rectification?
6. What is clipper circuit? Draw output waveform?

7. What will happen to the Zener breakdown and avalanche breakdown voltages when the temperature is
increased? give answer with the help of suitable diagram.
8. Describe the mechanism by which light increase the conductivity of a photodiode. give three characteristics
of photodiode.
9. Write short notes on: (a) Transition and Diffusion capacitances found in diode. b) Tunnel Diode
10. Discuss a) PIN diode b) Varacter diode c)LED
11. Explain the temperature dependence and break down characteristics of p-n junction diode?
12. What is clamper circuit? give its classification
13. Draw output waveform?
14. Discuss the relation that explains the temperature dependency of semi conductor diodes.
15. Explain voltage multiplier circuits?

UNIT-2 Transistors: BJT, types& configuration, working principal, characteristics, and region of operation,
load line, biasing methods, Small signal analysis of transistor (low frequency) using h-parameters, thermal
runaway and thermal stability.FET, MOSFET, Transistor as an amplifier, gain, band width, frequency

1. What do you mean by Transistors? Give its classification and write some applications
2. Write short note on region of operation and load line of transistors.
3. Draw and explain the circuit diagram of Transistors working as an amplifiers.
4. Write any five statements that explain the superiority of MOSFET over FET.
5. Draw the hybrid small signal model of a transistor and explain the significance of each component in the
6. What is the need of biasing circuit in BJT? Explain biasing techniques for BJT in brief.
7. Describe the principle of operation and characteristics of MOSFET.
8. Explain the comparison between CB, CE and CC configuration?
9. Derive a relation for drain current ID for E MOSFET
10. Discuss Ebers-Moll model of transistor in common Emitter configuration for a PNP transistor.
11. Given IE = 2.5mA, hfe = 140, hoe = 20μs and hob = 0.5μs. Find the CE hybrid equivalent circuit.
12. Define active, saturation and cut-off mode of operations of a transistor
13. Write short notes on any two :
i) h-parameters
ii) Early effect
iii) thermal runway
iv) thermal stability
14. Describe biasing techniques for BJT?
15. Define h-parameter? Give h-parameter equivalent of BJT ?
16. Explain working of JFET and its characteristics?
UNIT-3 Feedback amplifier and Oscillators: Feedback amplifier, negative feedback, voltage-series, voltage
shunt,current series and current shunt feedback, Sinusoidal oscillators, L-C (HartleyColpitts) oscillators, RC
phase shift, Wien bridge, and Crystal oscillators. Power amplifiers, class A, class B, class A B, C amplifiers,
their efficiency and power Dissipation, Push-pull and complimentary symmetry push-pull amplifier.

1. Explain the concept of feedback in any circuit? Explain it with example.

2. Define and explain the Barkhausen Criterion.
3. Explain the concept of frequency oscillations.
4. Discuss about the current series and current shunt feedback with suitable circuit.
5. Write any five differences between the push pull and complementary push pull amplifiers.
6. Write short note on De rating curve. Explain the class AB amplifier. Derive its relation as well.
7. Write short note on Hartley colpitts oscillator.
8. Discuss UJT Oscillator circuits in detail.
9. Explain Wein Bridge Oscillator.
10. Explain the concept of efficiency and distortion in Class B amplifier.
11. Draw the circuit diagram of R-C phase shift oscillator and obtain the expression for its frequency of
12. What are the merits of negative feedback.
13. Explain the working of class -B power amplifier. Also calculate the efficiency.
14. Explain the concept of feedback in any circuit? Explain it with example.
15. Explain the working of Bi-stable multivibrator
16. When negative voltage feedback is applied to an amplifier of gain falls to 50
1)Calculate the fraction of the output voltage feedback
2)If this fraction is maintained. Calculate the value of the amplifier gain required if the overall stage gain is
to be 75
17. In a colpitts oscillatorthe value of the inductor and capacitor in the tank circuit are
L=40Mh,C1=100Pf,C2=500pf.Find the frequency of oscillation.
18. Explain the working of class C amplifier and derive a relationship for efficiency and power dissipiation of
class C amplifier.

UNIT-4 Wave Shaping circuits: Switching characteristics of diode and transistor, turn ON, OFF time,
reverse recovery time, transistor as switch, Multivibrators, Bistable, Monostable, Astable multivibrators.
Clipper and clamper circuit, Differential amplifier, calculation of differential, common mode gain and
CMRR using h- parameters, Darlington pair, Boot strapping technique. Cascade and cascade amplifier.

1. Derive expressions for the multi vibrators and square wave generators for the circuits which behave as an
2. Explain working of Cascade amplifier in detail.
3. Describe the working of Darlington amplifier.
4. Distinguish between monostable and bistable multivibrator on the basis of operation.
5. Explain with the help of neat circuit diagram the principle of operation of monostable multivibrator and
derive an expression for pulse width. Draw the waveform at collector and bases of both transistor.
6. If an Astable multivibrator is used to generate square wave using component valus as C 1=C2=100pf and
R1=R2=10 kilo ohms.Calculate the pulse width ,time period and frequency of output.
7. Explain CMRR in detail using h-parameter.
8. Explain switching characteristics of diode & transistor?
9. Explain different wave shaping circuit?
10. Explain clipper circuits?
11. Discuss clamper circuit in detail?
12. Explain the working of Bi-stable multivibrator?
13. Draw the hybrid small signal model of a transistor and explain the significance of each component in the
14. Explain reverse recovery time of transistor?
15. Compare different types of multivibrators?

UNIT5-Operational Amplifier: Operational amplifier basics, practical Op-amp circuits & characteristics,
slew rate , bandwidth, offset voltage ,basic current, application, inverting, non inverting amplifier, summer,
average, differentiator, integrator, differential amplifier, instrumentation amplifier, log and antilog amplifier,
voltage to current and current to voltage converters, comparators ,Schmitt trigger , active filters, 555 timer
and its application

1. Derive an expression for the Op-Amp inverting and non inverting circuits
2. Explain the 555 timer as an astable multivibrator.
3. List the important features of 555 timer.
4. Explain how an a stable multivibrator using 555 timer can be used as a free running ramp generator.
5. Draw an op-amp Schmitt trigger circuit and explain its operation.
6. Compare ideal and practical operational amplifier?
7. Discuss the application of op-amp as Differentiator
8. Explain the working of Op-Amp as Log-antilog amplifier.
9. Explain in detail voltage to current and current to voltage converters.
10. Explain instrumentation amplifier type operational amplifier.
11. Explain differential amplifier in detail.
12. Discuss the application of op-amp as Integrator.
13. Compare Summer & Average Op-Amp?
14. Write short note on Comparators?
15. Define the following
a) Slew rate
b) Bandwidth
c) Offset voltage

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