U Wert Berechnung
U Wert Berechnung
U Wert Berechnung
100 1
1 Sandwich panel (100 mm)
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Impact of each layer and comparison to reference values
For the following figure, the thermal resistances of the individual layers were converted in millimeters insulation. The scale
refers to an insulation of thermal conductivity 0,025 W/mK.
insulation thickness
Sandwich panel (PUR): PUR (WLS 025)
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*Vergleich mit dem Höchstwert gemäß GEG 2020 für erstmaligen Einbau, Ersatz oder Erneuerung von Außenwänden (Anlage 7, Zeile 1a,1b). Page 1
All statements without guarantee
Temperature profile
Temperature profile
10 Temperature
8 Dew point
6 Condensate
2 1 Sandwich panel (100 mm)
Temperature [°C]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Inside 0°C [mm]
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Temperature and dew-point temperature in the component. The dew-point indicates the temperature, at which water vapour
condensates. As long as the temperature of the component is everywhere above the dew-point temperature, no
condensation occurs. If the curves have contact, condensation occurs at the corresponding position.
Page 2
All statements without guarantee
Moisture proofing
For the calculation of the amount of condensation water, the component was exposed to the following constant climate for
90 days: inside: 10°C und 50% Humidity; outside: -15°C und 80% Humidity (Climate according to user input).
Under these conditions, a total of 0,0013 kg of condensation water per square meter is accumulated.This quantity dries in
summer in 37 days (Drying season according to DIN 4108-3:2018-10).
Condensation areas
1 Condensate: 0,001 kg/m² Affected layers: Sandwich panel (PUR): Steel, Sandwich panel (PUR): PUR
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The temperature of the inside surface is 8,5 °C leading to a relative humidity on the surface of 55%.Mould formation is not
expected under these conditions.
The following figure shows the relative humidity inside the component.
Page 3
All statements without guarantee
Heat protection
The following results are properties of the tested component alone and do not make any statement about the heat protection
of the entire room:
Temperature profile
This document has been generated by the U-value calculator on www.ubakus.de. If you are harmed by the free use of these contents, the service provider is only liable in case of
30 1 Sandwich panel (100 mm)
Temperature [°C]
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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Inside [mm]
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Page 4