Final SF For Energy and Chemicals - Full Collateral Booklet
Final SF For Energy and Chemicals - Full Collateral Booklet
Final SF For Energy and Chemicals - Full Collateral Booklet
Key Statistics 3
Future Developments 4
Skills Maps
• Production and Process Engineering 13
• Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) 53
• Engineering and Maintenance 61
• Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA&QC) 91
• Technical Service, Application and Product Development 111
• Research and Development (R&D) 123
The information in this publication serves as a guide for individuals, employers and training providers. SkillsFuture Singapore, Workforce Singapore,
and the Singapore Economic Development Board provide no warranty whatsoever about the contents of this document, and do not warrant that the
courses of action mentioned in this document will secure employment, promotion, or monetary benefits.
The Skills Framework is a SkillsFuture initiative developed for the Singapore workforce to promote skills
mastery and lifelong learning. Jointly developed by SkillsFuture Singapore, Workforce Singapore and the
Singapore Economic Development Board, together with employers, industry associations, education and
training providers, and unions, the Skills Framework for Energy and Chemicals provides useful information on:
With the Skills Framework, individuals are equipped to make informed decisions about
career choices, as well as take responsibility for skills upgrading and career planning.
• D
iscover • U
nderstand • I dentify • P
lan for career
employment skills and relevant training development/
opportunities competencies programmes to transition
required equip oneself with
• U
nderstand career the required skills • R
ecognise skills
pathways and competencies and competencies
required for the
• R
ecognise • P
articipate in intended job role
personal attributes on-the-job training
required opportunities • Identify training
provided by programmes
companies to upgrade and
deepen skills
Energy and Chemicals:
Charting Growth and Opportunities
Singapore’s powerful mix of refining, olefins production and chemicals manufacturing, as well as business
and innovation capabilities, has made it one of the world’s leading Energy and Chemicals hubs.
At 1.3 billion barrels of oil refined per day, Singapore ranks amongst the world’s top five export refining hubs.
This enables the production of four million tonnes of ethylene annually, which lays the necessary foundation
for Singapore’s foray into high value-added petrochemicals products and specialty chemicals.
The Energy and Chemicals sector is an important pillar of the Singapore economy, contributing to 3.9% of
the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and a third of manufacturing output, with over 28,400 people employed.
According to the World Trade Statistical Review 2017, Singapore was among the top 10 exporters of chemicals
in 2016, a strong indicator of the country’s contribution to the global chemicals market.
At the heart of Singapore’s Energy and Chemicals sector is Jurong Island. Situated off the southern coast of
Singapore and formed through the amalgamation of seven smaller islands in the early 1990s, Jurong Island
has come to serve as the centrepiece for refining, petrochemical and specialty chemical activities. Its key
value proposition is integration, from the perspective of being connected to both customer and supplier, often
literally over the fence through dedicated pipes.
In 2010, Singapore launched the Jurong Island v2.0 initiative, which was targeted at improving cost
competitiveness and strengthening Singapore’s chemicals value chain. Several projects under the initiative
have been realised, which have helped reduce utilities cost, increase options for feedstock, enhance logistics
capabilities, as well as improve productivity in supporting activities such as the process, construction and
maintenance sector.
Singapore also invests heavily in developing an extensive and strong public and private research ecosystem,
that supports chemicals innovation and improve Research and Development yield such as A*STAR’s Institute
of Chemical Engineering Sciences , Institute of High Performance Computing and the Institute of Material
Research and Engineering.
Singapore’s strong technical expertise in manufacturing combined with innovative research capabilities
form a unique value proposition for the Energy and Chemicals sector. Underpinned by strong business
fundamentals such as pro-business policies, strong Intellectual Property protection and extensive free trade
agreements, Singapore continues to be a choice destination for Energy and Chemicals.
It is for these reasons that over a hundred global companies including ExxonMobil, Shell, DuPont, Sumitomo
Chemical, Evonik and 3M have set up major operations in Singapore. As the sector continues to grow,
Singaporeans will be presented with rewarding and fulfilling career opportunities.
Key Statistics
At 1.3 billion barrels of oil refined per day, Singapore ranks According to the World Trade Statistical Review 2017, Singapore
among the world’s top five export refining hubs ranked among the top 10 exporters of chemicals in 2016
The Energy and Chemicals sector contributed to The sector accounted for close to a third of Singapore’s
3.9% of Singapore’s GDP in 2015 total manufacturing output at S$78 billion in 2015
Singapore has four crackers with a combined cracking Jurong Island is home to more than 100 global companies
capacity of four million tonnes of ethylene per annum with investments over S$50 billion
The Energy and Chemicals sector Each worker in the sector contributed about
employed 28,400 people in 2015 $372,000 in manufacturing value-added in 2015
Future Developments
Singapore will play an increasingly significant role in the Energy and Chemicals sector as it sits in the heart of
Asia, the world’s largest and fastest growing market for chemicals.
Megatrends such as the growing middle class, rapid urbanisation, climate change, water and food security
are demanding attention for Asia-specific solutions, pushing companies to develop sophisticated yet cost-
efficient chemicals. It is estimated that the global specialty chemicals market will grow at a compound annual
growth rate of 5.4% from 2015 to 2025, with Asia Pacific growing at 6.35% and accounting for 45% of the
market share.
It is for these reasons that Singapore has identified specialty chemicals as its next engine of growth, with a
focus on end-markets such as lubricant additives, oilfield and water chemicals, consumer care, agricultural
chemicals, and animal health and nutrition, as well as functional chemicals such as surfactants and
functional polymers. Industrial biotechnology and synthetic biology are also technology focus areas that will
be explored.
Over the last few years, several specialty chemical companies such as Solvay and Evonik have leveraged
Singapore’s strengths in manufacturing and innovation to set up strategic hubs to direct their operations in
the region. Looking ahead, Singapore will continue building its innovation capacity to help companies develop
new solutions effectively and efficiently to ride on Asia’s growth.
Another exciting trend is advanced manufacturing. This new era of manufacturing will see automation such
as robotics and automated guided vehicles meet with digital technologies such as data analytics and artificial
intelligence. For instance, Shell has deployed drones to conduct inspection on its plant, while Chevron Oronite
has deployed a wireless plant infrastructure to account for worker movement, improving worksite safety
and increasing productivity. Workers will now need to focus on tasks that require higher level thinking skills,
such as working alongside robots and exercising judgment based on data, adding value to their work and their
companies’ bottom line.
Anticipating these shifts in evolution of the Energy and Chemicals sector, Singapore has developed the
Industry Transformation Map (ITM) for its Energy and Chemicals sector, which will encompass key strategies
and initiatives to support the sector’s innovation and productivity drive, as well as its jobs and skills and
internationalisation efforts. The ITM will be a blueprint that will steer Singapore’s future development as a
globally competitive and leading Energy and Chemicals hub.
Desired Attributes and Skills in Demand
A career in the Energy and Chemicals sector provides diverse opportunities to individuals seeking rewarding
and enriching careers. If you enjoy the challenge of working in a highly dynamic and technologically advanced
sector, delight in formulating engineering or chemistry solutions, and are keen in developing deep technical
expertise, the sector offers opportunities to develop your passion and grow your career.
As the sector continues to transform, these are some examples of skills in demand now and in the future.
Those seeking successful careers in the Energy and Chemicals sector can set themselves apart by
developing these attributes and acquiring these skills in demand.
Digitalisation Skills
Reacts readily to and manages Innovation Management
changes in environments and Manages innovation strategies and
situations practices, and ensures compliance
with Intellectual Property
regulations and patents rights
Take Your Career Further
Realise Your Potential -
Take the Next Step Forward
Now that you have some idea of what a career in the Energy and Chemicals sector can offer and the available
government initiatives and schemes to support your career goals, you are ready to take the next step!
For a list of training programmes available for the Energy and Chemicals sector,
please visit:
Skills Maps
Paul Chung
Vice President, Human Resource
Oiltanking Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
As the Vice President of Human Resource (HR) for Paul believes there are many opportunities in the
Oiltanking Asia Pacific, Paul Chung makes it a point to Energy and Chemicals sector. “Asia Pacific will be
use his wealth of experience to help others reach their a region of key growth for many companies as the
goals. Despite being retrenched in a previous job, his population growth is still strong and investments
positive attitude and willingness to learn have opened in infrastructure, manufacturing and consumer
many doors for him. It is this resilience that he hopes spending will continue to drive growth and demand in
others can adopt as well. His mission is to cultivate a Energy and Chemicals,” he explains.
strong team that can weather any storm.
“This sector will continue to be a strong pillar in both
To achieve this, Paul has adopted the Skills the Singapore and world economies as the products
Framework for Energy and Chemicals as a reference are needed in our daily lives. Constant innovation will
for in-house career, competency and training also make production more effective and efficient.”
roadmaps. He has customised it to match the With technological advancements, Paul says there
company’s own needs. “This is very useful for us will be new ways of working. “The key is to be open
as it articulates required skills, evaluates them to change and to embrace new learnings coming
and helps us build organisational capabilities. As our way. We need to constantly learn, unlearn and
an international company with 79 terminals in 24 relearn.”
countries, this Framework can also be applied to
the other terminals to help us build a skilled and
competent workforce.” “This sector will continue to
He says that HR can use this as a tool to guide
be a strong pillar in both
existing or future employees. The Career Pathways the Singapore and world
in particular can help “show them the possibilities
and building blocks they need to build in order to
economies as the products are
progress up the skills ladder and eventually the ranks needed in our daily lives.”
in the company. They will be heartened to know that
they have a roadmap to follow and not just arbitrary
Production and Process Engineering
Process Technician 17
Production Supervisor 21
Superintendent 23
Production Manager 26
Operation Specialist 28
Production Planner 34
Process Engineer 40
Continuous Catalytic Reformer (CCR) and Aromatics
Clara Wang
ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
Clara Wang knows first-hand the importance of something that Clara herself has done over the years.
teamwork. As Supervisor of the CCR and Aromatics As a graduate of Singapore Polytechnic with a diploma
unit at ExxonMobil, she leads a team of 12 technicians in Process Engineering in 1995, she took on the role
in ensuring the units that they are responsible for at of Operations Technician. Clara and her classmate
the refinery run smoothly. She believes that the key is were the first two female technicians to work at the
having a mutual respect for one another, regardless former Mobil Refinery. Her fellow colleagues made
of job role or seniority. her feel comfortable, but did not give her any special
privileges as she was expected to perform well in her
“My responsibility is to listen, encourage, guide and own right. She learnt the ropes and was promoted a
mentor my team members to achieve our team’s few grades at the Senior Technician level. Once she
objectives of safe and flawless execution of our work,” developed greater knowledge and skills in her area of
Clara explains. One example demonstrating her expertise, she moved up the ranks to Supervisor.
leadership capabilities was when she led her team in a
unit recovery effort, when a unit under her team’s care She believes this positive mind-set will help new
faced a major upset, thus avoiding adverse impact to the entrants to the sector. “I’d recommend those
wider refinery. While these moments were challenging, interested in joining the sector to keep an open
they were good opportunities for growth. mind as they explore the different job options and
opportunities the industry offers, and learn about the
There are also misconceptions that people have different career pathways that are possible as they
of the sector – that it is extremely labour intensive move within various tracks in the industry, such as
and male-dominated. “There are some who believe those mapped out in the Skills Framework for Energy
that being a process technician means doing a lot of and Chemicals,” says Clara.
manual work outdoors at the plant the whole time.
The reality is that our plant is highly automated, and
for me personally, I’m usually in the field 35-40% of “This is a very dynamic
the time, and in the office 60-65% of the time.” She
also says it is not uncommon within ExxonMobil to
industry, and those wanting
have female leaders and supervisors. to work in the Energy and
“This is a very dynamic industry, and those wanting
Chemicals sector must be
to work in the Energy and Chemicals sector must be adaptable and keen to learn.”
adaptable and keen to learn,” explains Clara. This is
Junior Process Technician
The Junior Process Technician applies Safe System of Work (SSoW) procedures and risk control measures to
ensure work activities are carried out safely. He is a member of the Emergency Response Team (ERT) and he
supports continuous improvement projects in plants.
The Junior Process Technician usually works on a rotating shift, in a team, and in the field. He is a good team
player and is able to interact effectively with others.
Administer Workplace • Apply risk control measures to ensure work activities are carried out safely
Safety and Health (WSH) and
• Apply Safe System of Work (SSoW) procedures to ensure work activities are
Environmental Management
performed safely
Systems (EMS)
• Assist in toolbox meetings prior to starting work activities
• Comply with WSH and EMS systems
• Perform good housekeeping in the workplace
Manage emergency responses • Respond to emergencies as an Emergency Response Team (ERT) member
and crises
CRITICAL WORK Perform process units and • Apply emerging technologies to perform process operational tasks
FUNCTIONS AND utilities operations
KEY TASKS • Assist in basic frontline maintenance, process sampling and testing
• Assist in basic troubleshooting during all modes of operation, including
process upset conditions
• Assist in preparing process equipment and work areas for mechanical,
maintenance and turnaround works
• Assist in routine field data logging and reporting
• Assist in the start-up, monitoring and shutdown of process units and
utilities at plant sites
• Follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for process operations
Process Technician
The Process Technician complies with Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) and Environmental Management
System (EMS) requirements by applying Safe System of Work (SSoW) procedures when performing work
activities, and responds to emergencies in the plant as a member of the Emergency Response Team (ERT). He
contributes to organisational development by supporting continuous improvement projects.
The Process Technician usually works on a rotating shift, in a team, and in the field. He is a good team player
and is able to interact effectively with others.
Administer Workplace • Apply Safe System of Work (SSoW) procedures to ensure work activities
Safety and Health (WSH) and are performed safely
Environmental Management
• Comply with WSH and EMS systems
Systems (EMS)
• Ensure contractors comply with the organisation’s WSH and EMS
standards and practices
• Participate in activity-based risk assessments
• Participate in toolbox meetings prior to starting work activities
• Perform good housekeeping in the workplace
Manage emergency responses • Respond to emergencies as an Emergency Response Team (ERT) member
and crises
Perform process units and • Apply emerging technologies to perform process operational tasks
CRITICAL WORK utilities operations
FUNCTIONS AND • Apply Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for process operations
• Operate robotic and automation technologies to perform plant
surveillances and inspections
• Perform basic frontline maintenance, process sampling and testing
• Perform routine field data logging and reporting
• Perform start-up, monitoring and shutdown of process units and utilities
at plant sites
• Prepare process equipment and work areas for mechanical, maintenance
and turnaround works
• Support troubleshooting during all modes of operation, including process
upset conditions
• Use new data technologies to monitor plant and equipment performance
Process Technician
Senior Process Technician
The Senior Process Technician administers the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) and Environmental
Management Systems (EMS) by leading toolbox meetings and coordinating Safe System of Work (SSoW)
procedures to ensure work activities are performed safely. He supports the Site Incident Controller (SIC)
during emergency response situations. He also contributes to staff and organisational development by
identifying opportunities for continuous improvement and providing guidance to junior staff.
The Senior Process Technician usually works on a rotating shift, in a team, and in the field and/or control
room. He is an analytical, decisive and results-driven team player.
Administer Workplace • Coordinate Safe System of Work (SSoW) procedures to ensure work
Safety and Health (WSH) and activities are performed safely
Environmental Management
• Coordinate with contractors to ensure compliance with the organisation’s
Systems (EMS)
WSH and EMS standards and practices
• Ensure compliance with WSH and EMS systems among team members
• Ensure team members adhere to good housekeeping practices
• Lead toolbox meetings prior to starting work activities
• Participate in activity-based risk assessments
Manage emergency responses • Support the Site Incident Controller (SIC) during emergency response
and crises situations
Perform process units and • Apply emerging technologies to perform process operational tasks
utilities operations
• Coordinate the preparation of process equipment and work areas for
CRITICAL WORK mechanical, maintenance and turnaround works
• Maintain Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for process operations
• Operate robotic and automation technologies to perform plant
surveillances and inspections
• Perform start-up, monitoring, control and shutdown of process units and
utilities in control rooms and plant sites
• Perform trending and analyses on data and information collated from the
field and control systems
• Perform troubleshooting during all modes of operation, including process
upset conditions
• Review sampling and testing results and manipulate process parameters
to meet product quality targets
• Use new data technologies to analyse plant and equipment performance
Senior Process Technician
Production Supervisor
The Production Supervisor supervises staff and contractors’ compliance with Workplace Safety and
Health (WSH) and Environmental Management System (EMS) requirements and participates in WSH and
EMS incident investigations. He leads emergency responses as the Site Incident Controller (SIC) of the
organisation’s Emergency Response Team (ERT). In addition, he takes charge of his shift team’s personnel
capability development by providing coaching and mentoring.
The Production Supervisor leads a team on a rotating shift in the field and/or control room. He has good
leadership skills and encourages teamwork among his shift members. He interacts effectively with others
and has good communication, analytical and problem-solving skills.
Manage emergency responses • Assist the organisation’s crisis management team to continually improve
and crises crisis management plans
• Lead emergency responses as the Site Incident Controller (SIC)
Production Supervisor
The Superintendent drives compliance with Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) and Environmental
Management System (EMS) regulatory and system requirements, by ensuring risk assessments for
production-related activities are conducted, control measures are implemented, and by leading WSH and
EMS incident investigations. He leads the Emergency Response Team (ERT) as the Site Incident Controller
(SIC) during emergencies. In addition, he coaches and mentors the Production Supervisors under his charge
and validates production-related continuous improvement initiatives and activities.
The Superintendent manages shift teams on a rotating shift basis in the field and/or control room, and may
be on standby round-the-clock for production-related matters. He possesses good leadership, people
management, resource management, communication and problem-solving skills.
Administer Workplace • Drive compliance with WSH and EMS regulatory and system requirements
Safety and Health (WSH) and
• Ensure risk assessments for production-related activities are conducted
Environmental Management
and control measures are implemented
Systems (EMS)
• Lead WSH and EMS incident investigations
• Manage contractors to ensure compliance with the organisation’s WSH
and EMS standards and practices
• Review Safe System of Work (SSoW) processes and drive enforcement
Manage emergency responses • Facilitate responses to crisis situations and recovery activities, in
and crises accordance with organisational crisis management frameworks and
CRITICAL WORK • Lead emergency responses as the Site Incident Controller (SIC)
Perform process units and • Drive production teams to ensure deliverables are met during
utilities operations maintenance and turnaround activities
• Drive the development, implementation and compliance of Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) for process operations
• Manage plant operations and performance, in accordance with production
aims and objectives
• Manage the implementation of emerging technologies for process
operational tasks across production teams
• Provide guidance to production teams in complex operational
Production Manager
The Production Manager endorses risk assessments for production-related activities, Safe System of Work
(SSoW) processes and procedures, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and the annual production plan
and schedule. He manages emergency responses as the Site Main Controller (SMC) of the organisation’s
Emergency Response Team (ERT) and participates in crisis management activities according to his designated
role. In addition, he coaches and mentors production department personnel in plant technology, and reviews
and approves initiatives and activities for continuous improvements within plants.
The Production Manager works on a day shift and oversees the production department in the field and/or
control room. As a department manager, he is required to have good leadership, resource management,
planning, analytical and problem-solving skills, and must be able to interact effectively with others to achieve
departmental goals.
Manage emergency responses • Lead crisis responses and recovery activities in accordance with recovery
and crises and business continuity strategies
• Manage emergency responses as the Site Main Controller (SMC)
Perform process units and • Endorse business and annual production plans and schedules
CRITICAL WORK utilities operations
• Endorse Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for process operations
KEY TASKS • Manage overall plant operations and performance in accordance with
production aims and objectives
• Oversee the technical reliability and integrity of process units and utilities
• Provide remote guidance to production teams in complex operational
abnormalities through virtual collaboration
• Provide strategic direction in implementing emerging technologies for
plant operations
• Support the endorsement of maintenance and turnaround schedules to
ensure plant availability and reliability
Production Manager
Operation Specialist
The Operation Specialist contributes to plant operation improvements by working closely with the production,
process engineering and discipline engineering teams to define and execute plant improvement projects, and
by reviewing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the process area under his charge. He also supports
the implementation of the Process Safety Management (PSM) framework for production activities, and
ensures compliance with Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) and Environmental Management System (EMS)
requirements across production teams.
The Operation Specialist may work on either a rotating or day shift in the field. He works closely with
other departments, is able to work independently, and possesses good problem-solving, organisational,
communication and interpersonal skills.
Administer Workplace • Coordinate Safe System of Work (SSoW) processes across production
Safety and Health (WSH) and teams
Environmental Management
• Coordinate the conduct of activity-based risk assessments at the
Systems (EMS)
department level
• Ensure compliance with WSH and EMS systems across production teams
• Participate in WSH and EMS incident investigations
Manage emergency responses • Assist the organisation’s crisis management team to continually improve
and crises crisis management plans
• Support the Site Incident Controller (SIC) during emergency responses
Perform process units and • Apply emerging technologies for the monitoring of plant performance and
CRITICAL WORK utilities operations process troubleshooting
KEY TASKS • Coordinate maintenance and turnaround activities
• Support plant operations and performance, in accordance with production
planning and scheduling objectives
• Support process monitoring and optimisation
• Support product quality conformance and advise on corrective actions
during non-conformance
• Support the development and implementation of Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) for process operations
• Support troubleshooting during all modes of operation, including process
upset conditions
• Use new data technologies to support operations and equipment
Operation Specialist
Learning and Development Specialist
The Learning and Development Specialist supports the implementation of individual development plans for staff,
trainers and assessors, and coordinates competency assessments for production teams. He coordinates with
line management and the human resource department to pilot new training initiatives, and sources for external
training and learning programmes in line with the organisation’s learning and development strategies.
The Learning and Development Specialist is meticulous, has a strong interest in people development, and
possesses strong organisation, communication and interpersonal skills.
Manage learning and • Conduct training needs analyses for the organisation
development frameworks
• Design and develop the organisation’s competency framework
• Identify suitable technologies and methodologies to enhance training,
coaching and assessment programmes
Learning and Development Specialist
SKILLS AND Learning and Development Framework Level 4 Lifelong Learning Intermediate
Learning and Development Superintendent
The Learning and Development Superintendent evaluates and drives the implementation of suitable learning
technologies and methodologies to enhance the delivery of training, coaching and assessment programmes.
He drives the implementation of new training initiatives with relevant stakeholders and evaluates their
suitability and effectiveness. In addition, he is responsible for coaching and mentoring junior staff in his team.
The Learning and Development Superintendent is passionate about helping staff to deepen their skills
and develop their full potential. He is able to lead his team effectively, is structured and methodical, and
possesses excellent communication and analytical skills.
Manage learning and • Approve external training and learning programmes in line with the
development frameworks organisation’s learning and development strategies
• Ensure the implementation of staff development plans at the department
• Evaluate and drive the implementation of suitable and emerging
technologies and methodologies to enhance training, coaching and
assessment programmes
• Review and ensure the implementation of trainers’ and assessors’
development plans
• Review the organisation’s competency framework to address competency
KEY TASKS • Review the organisation’s training needs
Administer learning and • Drive the continuous improvement of training, coaching and assessment
development programmes programmes
• Drive the implementation of competency assessments for production
• Drive the implementation of new training initiatives with relevant
• Review training, coaching and assessment programmes
Learning and Development Superintendent
Production Planner
The Production Planner coordinates with the maintenance planning team to align production targets with the
planning of maintenance and turnaround schedules. He supports the reporting of plant production status and
raw materials inventories, and highlights issues that may affect production output. He monitors feedstock
movement to ensure minimal interruption to the production schedule. In addition, he identifies opportunities
for continuous improvement in the organisation’s supply chain operations.
The Production Planner works closely with the production, maintenance planning, sales and logistics teams,
and interfaces with suppliers and distributors. He is able to work independently and possesses strong
planning, analytical, communication and interpersonal skills.
Manage production planning • Conduct real-time and historical tracking of plant production data,
and scheduling availability and planned maintenance activities
• Develop production plans and schedules to meet customers’ needs
• Initiate the formulation of protocols and guidelines for transportation
requirements of products to internal and external customers
• Perform production data analyses to optimise production, and for
inventory control
• Use new data technologies to optimise production planning and scheduling
Support production and • Coordinate with internal and external stakeholders to optimise inventory
CRITICAL WORK maintenance activities control and production
• Coordinate with relevant stakeholders to ensure the execution of
production plans and schedules
• Coordinate with the maintenance team to align production targets with the
planning of maintenance and turnaround schedules
• Highlight issues that affect production output
• Respond to product non-conformance with the production and technical
teams, to minimise interruption to production schedules
• Support the reporting of plant production status and raw materials
Production Planner
Feedstock Supply Trader
The Feedstock Supply Trader manages commercial activities by supporting annual commercial contract
conformance audits with existing suppliers, and by reviewing their ability to meet quality and delivery
requirements. He makes recommendations to improve the productivity, quality and efficiency of supply chain
operations. In addition, he builds and maintains good relationships with major suppliers and end-users to
optimise feedstock sourcing and trading, and conducts business development in the trading region to identify
new sourcing or trading opportunities.
The Feedstock Supply Trader demonstrates an intuitive commercial acumen and strong numeracy skills.
He is able to work in a fast-paced environment under pressure and is highly self-motivated. He possesses
excellent decision-making and planning skills. He works closely with the production, sales and logistics
teams, and interfaces with suppliers and distributors.
Manage production planning • Develop protocols and guidelines for transportation requirements of
and scheduling products to internal and external customers
• Use new data technologies to optimise supply chains and distribution
Manage supply chains • Coordinate with the logistics team on freight risk and efficient execution of
feedstock trading contracts
CRITICAL WORK • Develop and utilise tools and models to forecast feedstock costs
KEY TASKS • Liaise with business sites at other locations to ensure an efficient, low-
cost supply chain
• Manage feedstock trading portfolios
• Mitigate feedstock quality risks by ensuring suppliers adhere to
contractual obligations
• Monitor market movements, trends and fundamentals affecting feedstock
availability and prices
• Plan and coordinate feedstock lifting and transmission activities
• Plan and devise optimal purchase timings, quality and delivery modes
through balancing operational requirements and market movements
• Source and procure feedstock across supply chains and distribution
Feedstock Supply Trader
Manage commercial activities • Build and maintain good relationships with major suppliers and end-users
for sourcing feedstock and trading optimisation
• Conduct business development in the trading region, identify new
opportunities and generate new ideas
• Interpret data, reports and market trends to ensure feedstock availability
and commercial variables are effectively managed
• Recommend improvements and changes to enhance the productivity,
quality and efficiency of supply chain operations
CRITICAL WORK • Review supplier approval audits to assess their ability to meet quality and
FUNCTIONS AND delivery requirements
• Supervise supplier credit terms and credit risks in line with company
agreed limits, controls and procedures
• Support annual commercial contract conformance audits with existing
• Support the development of supply chain economic models for enterprise
resource planning
• Work closely with management to maximise profit margins
Supply Chain/Commercial Manager
The Supply Chain/Commercial Manager manages commercial activities, such as developing supply chain
economic models for enterprise resource planning. He manages supplier contract negotiations and supplier
credit terms and risks, in line with the organisation’s commercial objectives. He endorses recommendations
to improve the productivity, quality and efficiency of supply chain operations. In addition, he coaches and
mentors supply chain/commercial team personnel and drives departmental performance to meet the
organisation’s commercial objectives.
The Supply Chain/Commercial Manager demonstrates excellent commercial acumen and business
development abilities. He collaborates with the production, sales and logistics teams and interfaces with
suppliers and distributors. He possesses excellent leadership, resource management, decision-making and
networking skills.
Administer Workplace • Ensure compliance with WSH and EMS systems at the department level
Safety and Health (WSH) and
• Review and update supply chain practices in accordance with new or
Environmental Management
revised WSH and EMS standards and regulations
Systems (EMS)
Manage production planning • Drive the adoption of new data technologies to optimise supply chains and
and scheduling distribution systems
• Endorse protocols and guidelines for transportation requirements of
products to internal and external customers
Manage supply chains • Coordinate all supply chain activities associated with new product
• Develop strategies for sourcing feedstock and third-party trading
• Establish processes to minimise feedstock quality risks
• Manage the distribution team, including shipping, inventory accuracy,
CRITICAL WORK freight and warehousing and cost management
• Validate tools and models to forecast feedstock costs
Manage commercial activities • Endorse recommendations to improve the productivity, quality and
efficiency of supply chain operations
• Manage commercial activities to maximise profit margins
• Manage raw materials and stock level inventories to maintain the
organisation’s working capital objectives
• Manage supplier approval audits to assess their ability to meet quality and
delivery requirements
• Manage supplier contract negotiations in line with the organisation’s
commercial objectives
• Manage supplier credit terms and risks
• Manage the development of supply chain economic models for enterprise
resource planning
• Review reports on data and market trends to ensure that feedstock
availability and commercial variables are effectively managed
Supply Chain/Commercial Manager
Process Engineer
The Process Engineer supports the production department by conducting production trial runs and
recommending improvements to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and work methods for production
areas or processes. He supports projects during plant commissioning and turnaround activities and
troubleshoots issues arising from changes in process operations or new production plant projects.
The Process Engineer works closely with the production team and other departments. He possesses strong
analytical thinking and problem-solving skills, is a good team player and interacts effectively with others.
Administer Process Safety • Provide process engineering input to ensure plant safeguarding
Management (PSM) systems requirements are met
Support process plant • Deliver process engineering projects or services, using established
optimisation technologies for process optimisation
• Provide technical support on process control and automation to improve
process capability, efficiency, yield and quality
• Support analyses of real-time plant data and vendor data and make
recommendations for process efficiency improvements
Perform process engineering • Conduct production trial runs for new raw materials introduction and/or
support new product specifications
• Determine product specifications, in collaboration with relevant
CRITICAL WORK stakeholders, to meet customers’ requirements and standards
KEY TASKS • Recommend changes and improvements to Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) and work methods for specific production areas and/
or processes
• Support non-conformance investigations and advise on mitigation
Administer staff and • Adopt technologies to support virtual collaboration in remote locations
organisational development
• Support continuous improvement, including pipeline reviews, and
equipment and system performance and limits
Process Engineer
Senior Process Engineer
The Senior Process Engineer coordinates closely with the process safety engineering team to ensure plant
safeguarding requirements are met, in compliance with Workplace Safety and Health (WSH), Environmental
Management System (EMS) and Process Safety Management (PSM) system requirements. He leads non-
conformance investigations and advises on mitigation measures to ensure that product quality meets
customers’ requirements. He reviews the technical justifications for new process engineering projects to
evaluate their suitability, and supervises troubleshooting activities relating to changes in process operations
or new production plant projects. In addition, he contributes to staff capability development by coaching and
mentoring junior staff in his team.
The Senior Process Engineer works closely with the production and process safety teams and other
departments. He is analytical, enjoys solving problems, and interacts effectively with others. He also
possesses good leadership, communication and resource management skills.
Administer Process Safety • Coordinate with the process safety engineering team to ensure plant
Management (PSM) systems safeguarding requirements are met
Support process plant • Deliver innovative solutions using established and emerging technologies
optimisation for process optimisation
• Provide technical support on process control and automation to improve
process capability, efficiency, yield and quality
• Review analyses of real-time plant data and vendor data and make
recommendations for process efficiency improvements
CRITICAL WORK Perform process engineering • Evaluate production trial runs to validate new raw materials introduction
FUNCTIONS AND support and/or new product specifications
• Lead collaborations with relevant stakeholders to determine product
specifications to meet customers’ requirements and standards
• Lead non-conformance investigations and advise on mitigation measures
• Review recommendations for changes and improvements to Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) and work methods for specific production
areas and/or processes
Manage asset integrity • Review asset integrity risk and reliability analyses and improvements
• Support and advise on asset integrity assurance and compliance
Senior Process Engineer
Administer staff and • Adopt technologies to support virtual collaboration in remote locations
CRITICAL WORK organisational development
• Coach and mentor staff
KEY TASKS • Manage team performance to achieve organisational goals
• Support continuous improvement, including pipeline reviews, and
equipment and system performance and limits
Senior Process Engineer
Process Safety Engineer
The Process Safety Engineer conducts process safety reviews and safety-related studies and analyses
for existing and new facilities. He participates in process safety incident investigations and follows up on
preventive and corrective actions. In addition, he supports asset integrity assurance and compliance and
contributes to process safety-related continuous improvement projects.
The Process Safety Engineer works closely with the process engineering team and Health, Safety and
Environment (HSE) department, and liaises with regulatory authorities for process safety matters. He is a
team player with good communication, analytical and problem-solving skills.
Administer Process Safety • Implement and maintain PSM frameworks for hazard identification,
Management (PSM) systems assessment of consequences and control of risks
• Support the development and maintenance of the technical section of the
organisation’s Major Hazard Installation (MHI) Safety Case
• Prepare PSM performance data using tracking tools
CRITICAL WORK • Upkeep plant safeguarding systems to ensure compliance with process
FUNCTIONS AND safety standards
KEY TASKS Support process engineering • Provide technical justification bases for projects from the process safety
projects perspective
• Provide technical support on process troubleshooting and optimisation
from the process safety perspective
• Support projects during plant commissioning and turnaround activities
• Use emerging technologies for process safety solutioning with reference
to case studies and safety standards
Administer staff and • Adopt technologies to support virtual collaboration in remote locations
organisational development
• Contribute to process safety-related continuous improvement projects
Process Safety Engineer
Senior Process Safety Engineer
The Senior Process Safety Engineer administers the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) and Environmental
Management Systems (EMS) by advising on the development and improvement of Safe System of Work (SSoW)
frameworks, and by ensuring proper closure of process safety incident investigations and their notification to
relevant authorities. He provides support and advice for asset integrity assurance and compliance, and leads
process safety reviews during new projects. In addition, he contributes to staff capability development by
coaching and mentoring junior staff in his team.
The Senior Process Safety Engineer works closely with the process engineering team and Health, Safety
and Environment (HSE) department, and liaises with regulatory authorities for process safety matters. He is
analytical, enjoys solving problems, and possesses good communication and interpersonal skills.
Administer Workplace • Advise on the development and improvement of Safe System of Work
Safety and Health (WSH) and (SSoW) frameworks
Environmental Management
• Comply with WSH and EMS systems
Systems (EMS)
• Review process safety incident investigations and ensure proper closure of
investigations and notification to relevant authorities
Manage asset integrity • Review asset integrity risk and reliability analyses and improvements
• Support and advise on asset integrity assurance and compliance
Administer staff and • Adopt technologies to support virtual collaboration in remote locations
organisational development
• Coach and mentor staff
• Manage team performance to achieve organisational goals
• Supervise process safety-related continuous improvement projects
Senior Process Safety Engineer
Process Engineering Manager
The Process Engineering Manager leads in the provision of technical support to the production team for
process capability, efficiency, yield and quality improvements. He endorses recommendations for production
trial runs, as well as recommendations for changes and improvements to Standard Operating Procedures
(SOPs) and work methods for production areas and/or processes. He is accountable for all plant improvement
and Management of Change (MOC) projects. In addition, he coaches and mentors junior staff in the process
engineering and process safety engineering teams, and manages continuous improvement initiatives for
process-related time, cost and quality improvements.
The Process Engineering Manager works closely with the process engineering team and Health, Safety
and Environment (HSE) department, and liaises with regulatory authorities for process safety matters. He
is proficient in engineering project management, and possesses good leadership, people management,
decision-making and resource management skills, so as to achieve departmental goals.
Administer Workplace • Ensure compliance with WSH and EMS systems at the department level
Safety and Health (WSH) and
• Review process safety incident findings and trends, and recommend
Environmental Management
Systems (EMS)
Manage process engineering • Manage all plant improvement projects and Management of Change (MOC)
projects projects during plant operation, commissioning and turnaround
• Manage troubleshooting activities arising from new production plant
Manage asset integrity • Formulate strategies and action plans to drive process integrity
management and recommend improvements
Process Engineering Manager
Principal Engineer (Technology)
The Principal Engineer (Technology) supports plant equipment automation and optimisation by
recommending new process technologies and applications that enhance the efficiency of production and
maintenance activities. He drives the development of the Process Safety Management (PSM) framework,
ensures its integration into production processes and projects, and reviews the organisation’s Major Hazard
Installation (MHI) Safety Case. At the organisational level, he is responsible for translating continuous
improvement strategies into actionable plans for the production and process engineering department, and
for driving the development of technical capabilities for engineering teams to ensure optimum engineering
support for plant facilities.
The Principal Engineer (Technology) is a key resource person who advises senior management, plant
customers and engineering groups, both internal and external, on process technology matters. He is highly
analytical, enjoys solving challenging problems, and is able to lead others effectively. He is expected to
possess strong project management, transdisciplinary thinking and decision-making skills.
Administer Workplace • Ensure compliance with WSH and EMS systems at the department level
Safety and Health (WSH) and
• Review process safety incident findings and trends, and recommend
Environmental Management
Systems (EMS)
Administer Process Safety • Drive PSM framework development and integration into production
Management (PSM) systems processes and projects
• Provide technical expertise on plant safeguarding systems
• Review the organisation’s Major Hazard Installation (MHI) Safety Case
Perform process engineering • Provide technical expertise for production trial runs
Manage process engineering • Drive innovative solutions for complex engineering problems and plant
projects improvement using emerging or new technologies
• Guide Safe System of Work (SSoW) processes and procedures for all
engineering and technology improvement projects
KEY TASKS • Provide technical advice to support long-term plans for production sites
and facilities
Manage equipment automation • Act as the liaison between internal and/or external engineering groups
and optimisation and plant customers to ensure engineering input quality
• Recommend new process technologies and applications
• Recommend technologies and techniques that enhance the efficiency and
effectiveness of production and maintenance activities
Manage asset integrity • Formulate strategies and action plans to drive process integrity
management and to recommend improvements
Administer staff and • Build in-house technical capabilities for engineering teams
organisational development
• Contribute to the development of business continuity plans
• Drive the adoption of technologies to support virtual collaboration in
remote locations
• Translate continuous improvement strategies into actionable plans
Principal Engineer (Technology)
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
Environmental, Health and Safety Affairs
(EHSA) Leader
Loh Yin May
Celanese Singapore Pte Ltd
As Environmental, Health and Safety Affairs that might come up. This is why she encourages
(EHSA) Leader, Loh Yin May is in charge of the constant upgrading and training. “There are always
safety department at Celanese Singapore Pte Ltd, new regulations such as Major Hazard Installation
a technology and specialty materials company that (MHI) Regulations that keep me busy and give me the
engineers and manufactures a variety of products. opportunity to learn more,” she explains.
Here, she plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of
herself and her peers. Yin May believes the Skills Framework for Energy
and Chemicals can help her identify areas of personal
Yin May has been in the industry for more than a improvement to work on. The inclusion of technical
decade in other job roles, starting as a Process and skills and competencies in the Skills Map helps
Production Engineer. In these roles, she experienced differentiate the requirements for each job level. She
first-hand the various safety procedures put in place intends to expand her current occupational safety role
by the safety department. When the opportunity came to include process safety in the near future. “Have an
along to take up this role as EHSA Leader, she jumped open mind and a heart for continuous learning. Each
at the chance to find out more about developing and role is a challenge and an opportunity to learn and get
enforcing these procedures. better,” she advises.
The HSE Specialist supports the development and implementation of Safe System of Work (SSoW) processes
and procedures at the workplace, and interfaces with the production and process engineering department,
engineering and maintenance department, and contractors to ensure compliance. He/She assists in the
development of emergency response and crisis management plans and works to identify and reduce
known risks that could lead to emergencies or crises. He also supports the implementation of continuous
improvement initiatives and activities at the workplace.
The HSE Specialist is a good team player, has good written and verbal communication skills, interacts
effectively with others, and enjoys delivering training.
Administer Workplace • Conduct WSH and EMS-related training and communication sessions for
Safety and Health (WSH) and staff and contractors
Environmental Management
• Conduct WSH and environmental accident and incident investigations and
Systems (EMS)
follow up on corrective and preventive actions
• Conduct WSH and EMS system and legal compliance reviews and audits
• Contribute to the development of the organisation’s Major Hazard
Installation (MHI) Safety Case
• Ensure all staff and contractors comply with the organisation’s WSH and
EMS standards and practices
• Implement WSH and EMS systems
FUNCTIONS AND • Support the development of WSH and EMS frameworks
Manage emergency responses • Assist in emergency response and crisis management activities, in line
and crises with the defined organisational structure
• Assist in the development of emergency response and crisis management
Apply Safe Systems of Work • Support SSoW activities, interfacing with the production team,
(SSoW) maintenance team and contractors
• Support the development and implementation of SSoW processes and
Senior Health, Safety and Environment Specialist
The Senior HSE Specialist provides technical input for the development and update of Safe System of
Work (SSoW) processes and procedures, and audits compliance with SSoW activities. He is responsible
for coordinating the development of emergency response and crisis management plans. In addition, he
contributes to staff and organisational development by validating continuous improvement initiatives
and activities, and by coaching and mentoring junior staff in the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
The Senior HSE Specialist is a good team player, has excellent written and verbal communication skills,
interacts effectively with others, and enjoys delivering training.
Manage emergency responses • Coordinate emergency response and crisis management activities, in line
and crises with the defined organisational structure
• Coordinate the development of emergency response and crisis
management plans
Apply Safe Systems of Work • Audit compliance with SSoW activities, interfacing with the production
(SSoW) team, maintenance team and contractors
• Lead the development and update of SSoW processes and procedures
Senior Health, Safety and Environment Specialist
Health, Safety and Environment Manager
The HSE Manager is a senior member of the organisation’s crisis management team and manages the
development of the organisation’s emergency response and crisis management plans. He is responsible
for managing the organisation’s Safe System of Work (SSoW) framework to ensure that work activities are
carried out safely. In addition, he coaches and mentors HSE department personnel and drives departmental
performance to achieve the organisation’s HSE goals.
The HSE Manager actively promotes a safe workplace culture across the organisation. As a department
manager, he is required to have good leadership, interpersonal and resource management skills.
Administer Workplace • Coordinate the development and maintain the organisation’s Major Hazard
Safety and Health (WSH) and Installation (MHI) Safety Case
Environmental Management
• Evaluate WSH and EMS systems
Systems (EMS)
• Lead the development of WSH and EMS frameworks
• Liaise with external stakeholders on WSH and EMS matters
• Manage WSH and EMS-related training and communication at
organisational level
• Manage WSH and EMS systems and legal compliance reviews and audits
• Oversee all staff and contractors’ compliance with the organisation’s WSH
and EMS standards and practices
• Review WSH and environmental accident and incident findings and trends
CRITICAL WORK to recommend improvements
Manage emergency responses • Manage the development of emergency response and crisis management
and crises plans
• Review emergency response and crisis management activities, in line with
the defined organisational structure
• Support crisis management activities as a senior member of the incident
management team (IMT) and/or crisis management team
Apply Safe Systems of Work • Manage and review the development of SSoW processes and procedures
• Manage SSoW frameworks at organisational level
Health, Safety and Environment Manager
Engineering and Maintenance
Maintenance Planner 63
Maintenance Technician 67
Maintenance Supervisor 71
Maintenance Manager 74
Discipline Engineer 77
Engineering Manager 83
Chief Engineer/Fellow 89
Maintenance Engineer
(Instrument and Control System)
Marcus Chia
Petrochemical Corporation of Singapore (Private) Limited
Marcus Chia is not one to shy away from challenges. encourages those interested in the sector. “Most
He believes that the challenges present in the Energy people are aware of the production and process
and Chemicals sector gives him the opportunity to engineering track, and see it as a natural career
grow and become better at his job. As an Engineer choice. Therefore, there needs to be more outreach
(Instrument and Control System, Maintenance) at to get new entrants to see that another route they
Petrochemical Corporation of Singapore (Private) can take is engineering and maintenance. The
Limited, he believes in facing situations head on and Skills Framework for Energy and Chemicals raises
learning from them. awareness on the other options available out there,”
Marcus says.
One of Marcus’s responsibilities is to manage and
oversee the maintenance of distributed control His advice for those thinking about joining the sector:
systems (DCS) in the plant. Another is to provide “Come in with an open mind and gain as much
instrumentation and control system engineering knowledge as possible. There are many growing
design and implementation for new projects, sectors in Singapore, and the Energy and Chemicals
including advance process control and optimisation sector is definitely a good choice!” he says.
of the process plants in the company. “Working in a
petrochemical process plant can be an arduous task,
as the processes are usually complex. There is a need “Come in with an open mind
to continuously learn,” he says.
and gain as much knowledge
In May 2017, Marcus represented his company in as possible. The Energy and
the Regional Olefin Plant Technical Conference,
where he showcased and presented the wireless
Chemicals sector is definitely a
instrumentation used in the plant to his peers. good choice!”
Recalling the event as one of the most memorable
events in this career, Marcus stood out amongst 20
other speakers from around the region and took home
the Best Speaker award.
The Maintenance Planner coordinates with the production team to ensure that maintenance and turnaround
schedules are aligned with production targets. He is a member of the Emergency Response Team (ERT). In
addition, he supports the implementation of initiatives and activities for plant continuous improvement.
The Maintenance Planner works closely with the production, maintenance and discipline engineering teams.
He is able to work independently, and possesses strong problem-solving, organisation, communication and
interpersonal skills.
Perform inspection and • Coordinate with the production team to ensure maintenance and
maintenance work turnaround schedules are aligned with production targets
• Prioritise maintenance and turnaround work based on analyses of
maintenance reports
Manage maintenance planning • Coordinate with internal and external stakeholders for maintenance and
CRITICAL WORK and scheduling turnarounds
FUNCTIONS AND • Develop maintenance plans and schedules for routine and non-routine
KEY TASKS maintenance work
• Interface with procurement and vendors to align equipment lead times
with planned maintenance work activities
• Optimise maintenance plans and schedules to minimise downtime and
• Support the reporting of plant maintenance and availability status
Junior Maintenance Technician
The Junior Maintenance Technician applies Safe System of Work (SSoW) procedures and risk control
measures to ensure work activities are carried out safely, and in compliance with Workplace Safety
and Health (WSH) and Environmental Management System (EMS) requirements. He is a member of the
Emergency Response Team (ERT) and supports continuous improvement projects for the plant.
The Junior Maintenance Technician works in the field, on either a rotating or day shift, and may be on call.
He is a good team player and interacts effectively with others.
Administer Workplace • Apply risk control measures to ensure work activities are carried out
Safety and Health (WSH) and safely
Environmental Management
• Apply Safe System of Work (SSoW) procedures to ensure work activities
Systems (EMS)
are performed safely
• Assist in toolbox meetings prior to starting work activities
• Comply with WSH and EMS systems
• Perform good housekeeping in the workplace
Manage emergency responses • Respond to emergencies as an Emergency Response Team (ERT) member
and crises
CRITICAL WORK Perform inspection and • Apply emerging technologies to perform inspection and maintenance work
FUNCTIONS AND maintenance work
KEY TASKS • Assist in plant preventive and corrective maintenance on process
equipment and systems
• Assist in process equipment and system troubleshooting and rectification
• Assist in the routine monitoring and inspection of process equipment and
• Assist in the testing and commissioning of new and/or modified process
equipment and systems
• Assist in turnaround maintenance work
• Follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for inspection and
maintenance work
Junior Maintenance Technician
Maintenance Technician
The Maintenance Technician applies Safe System of Work (SSoW) procedures, and participates in activity-
based risk assessments, to ensure work activities are carried out safely and in compliance with Workplace
Safety and Health (WSH) and Environmental Management System (EMS) requirements. He is a member of the
Emergency Response Team (ERT) and supports continuous improvement projects for the plant.
The Maintenance Technician works in the field, either on a rotating or day shift, and may be on call. He is a
good team player and interacts effectively with others.
Administer Workplace • Apply Safe System of Work (SSoW) procedures to ensure work activities
Safety and Health (WSH) and are performed safely
Environmental Management
• Comply with WSH and EMS systems
Systems (EMS)
• Ensure contractors comply with the organisation’s WSH and EMS
standards and practices
• Participate in activity-based risk assessments
• Participate in toolbox meetings prior to starting work activities
• Perform good housekeeping in the workplace
Manage emergency responses • Respond to emergencies as an Emergency Response Team (ERT) member
and crises
Perform inspection and • Apply emerging technologies to perform inspection and maintenance work
maintenance work
CRITICAL WORK • Assist in root cause analyses of equipment failures
• Follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for inspection and
maintenance work
• Perform plant preventive and corrective maintenance on process
equipment and systems
• Perform routine monitoring and inspection of process equipment and
• Perform testing and commissioning of new and/or modified process
equipment and systems
• Perform troubleshooting and rectification on process equipment and
• Perform turnaround maintenance work
• Record maintenance and inspection work in the computerised
maintenance management system (CMMS)
Maintenance Technician
Senior Maintenance Technician
The Senior Maintenance Technician administers the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) and Environmental
Management Systems (EMS) by leading toolbox meetings and coordinating Safe System of Work (SSoW)
procedures among team members. He coordinates contractors to ensure their compliance with WSH and
EMS standards and practices. He is a member of the Emergency Response Team (ERT). In addition, he
identifies opportunities for continuous improvement in the plant and provides guidance to junior staff.
The Senior Maintenance Technician works in the field, on either a rotating or day shift, and may be on call.
He is a good team player, interacts effectively with others, and has good analytical and problem-solving skills.
Administer Workplace • Coordinate Safe System of Work (SSoW) procedures to ensure work
Safety and Health (WSH) and activities are performed safely
Environmental Management
• Coordinate with contractors to ensure compliance with the organisation’s
Systems (EMS)
WSH and EMS standards and practices
• Ensure compliance with WSH and EMS systems among team members
• Ensure team members adhere to good housekeeping practices
• Lead toolbox meetings prior to starting work activities
• Participate in activity-based risk assessments
Manage emergency responses • Respond to emergencies as an Emergency Response Team (ERT) member
and crises
Perform inspection and • Apply emerging technologies to perform inspection and maintenance work
maintenance work
• Coordinate and prioritise plant preventive and corrective maintenance
CRITICAL WORK activities
• Coordinate maintenance work during turnarounds
• Coordinate routine monitoring and inspection of process equipment and
• Coordinate the troubleshooting and rectification of process equipment and
• Maintain Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for inspection and
maintenance work
• Perform root cause analyses of equipment failure
• Perform testing and commissioning of new and/or modified process
equipment and systems
• Record maintenance and inspection work in the computerised
maintenance management system (CMMS)
Senior Maintenance Technician
Maintenance Supervisor
The Maintenance Supervisor supervises staff and contractors’ compliance with Workplace Safety and
Health (WSH) and Environmental Management System (EMS) requirements, and participates in incident
investigations. He supports the discipline engineering team with integrity assurance, improvement activities
and asset risk and reliability analyses. He is a member of the Emergency Response Team (ERT) and
contributes to crisis management activities. In addition, he takes charge of his team’s personnel capability
development by providing coaching and mentoring.
The Maintenance Supervisor leads a team in the field, works on either a rotating or day shift, and may be
on call. He has good leadership skills and encourages teamwork among his team members. He interacts
effectively with others and has good communication, analytical and problem-solving skills.
Manage emergency responses • Assist the organisation’s crisis management team to continually improve
and crises crisis management plans
• Respond to emergencies as an Emergency Response Team (ERT) member
Perform inspection and • Ensure timely recording and input of maintenance and inspection work in
maintenance work the computerised maintenance management system (CMMS)
• Manage condition monitoring and routine inspection of process equipment
and systems
FUNCTIONS AND • Plan and prioritise plant preventive and corrective maintenance activities
• Supervise maintenance work for turnarounds
• Supervise the application of emerging technologies for inspection and
maintenance work within the team
• Supervise troubleshooting, root cause analyses, and rectification of
process equipment and systems
• Support the development and implementation of Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) for inspection and maintenance work
• Validate the testing and commissioning of new and/or modified process
equipment and systems
Maintenance Supervisor
Maintenance Manager
The Maintenance Manager manages asset integrity assurance and improvement activities, as well as asset
integrity performance standards and controls. He administers the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) and
Environmental Management Systems (EMS) by endorsing risk assessments for maintenance-related activities
and Safe System of Work (SSoW) processes and procedures. He supports the Site Main Controller (SMC) in
emergency situations and participates in crisis management activities. In addition, he coaches and mentors
maintenance department personnel and reviews and endorses initiatives and activities for plant continuous
The Maintenance Manager works in the field, on either a rotating or day shift, and may be on call. As a
department manager, he is required to have good leadership, resource management, planning, analytical and
problem-solving skills, and must be able to interact effectively with others, so as to achieve departmental goals.
Administer Workplace • Audit contractors’ compliance with the organisation’s WSH and EMS
Safety and Health (WSH) and standards and practices
Environmental Management
• Endorse risk assessments for maintenance-related activities
Systems (EMS)
• Endorse Safe System of Work (SSoW) processes and procedures
• Review compliance with WSH and EMS regulatory and system
• Support the incident investigation reviewing process
Manage emergency responses • Facilitate responses to crisis situations and recovery activities, in
and crises accordance with the crisis management framework and procedures
• Support the Site Main Controller (SMC) during emergency response
FUNCTIONS AND Perform inspection and • Endorse maintenance and turnaround plans and schedules to ensure plant
KEY TASKS maintenance work availability and reliability
• Endorse plant preventive and corrective maintenance activities
• Endorse Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for inspection and
maintenance work
• Ensure the effective implementation of the computerised maintenance
management system (CMMS) for maintenance work traceability
• Formulate contracting strategies for maintenance and turnaround work
• Manage the availability and reliability of process equipment and systems
to minimise downtime and maintenance costs
• Manage the troubleshooting and rectification of process equipment and
• Provide strategic direction in implementing emerging technologies to
enhance plant availability, reliability and to reduce maintenance costs
Maintenance Manager
Manage asset integrity • Manage asset integrity performance standards and controls
• Manage asset risk and reliability analyses and implement improvement
• Manage integrity assurance and improvement activities
CRITICAL WORK • Manage the maintenance team’s adherence to Management of Change
FUNCTIONS AND (MOC) processes, policies and procedures
Administer staff and • Coach and mentor staff
organisational development
• Contribute to business continuity planning, implementation and execution
• Drive departmental performance to achieve organisational goals
• Manage department level resources and budgets
• Review and endorse continuous improvement initiatives and activities
Maintenance Manager
Discipline Engineer
The Discipline Engineer manages the automation and optimisation of plant equipment by defining equipment
operating parameters, limits and engineering controls, and by conducting value analyses on equipment,
technology and labour versus automation to achieve best value engineering solutions. He manages
engineering projects by defining their scope and supporting their execution. In addition, he supports plant
continuous improvement by reviewing pipelines and equipment and system performance and limits.
The Discipline Engineer works closely with the maintenance, production and Health, Safety and Environment
(HSE) teams. He possesses strong analytical thinking and problem-solving skills, is a good team player and
interacts effectively with others.
Manage engineering projects • Define the scope of engineering projects and evaluate vendor proposals
against engineering design specifications
CRITICAL WORK • Develop technical documents for equipment operation and maintenance
FUNCTIONS AND with reference to vendors’ equipment manuals as part of Management of
• Support process safety reviews for plant operation, MOC projects and new
• Support the execution of engineering projects including feasibility studies,
engineering design, procurement, construction, Pre-Startup Safety
Reviews (PSSR), start-up and commissioning
Discipline Engineer
Manage equipment automation • Compare new versus rebuilt equipment, existing versus new technologies,
and optimisation and labour versus automation to achieve best value engineering solutions
• Define equipment operating parameters, limits and engineering controls
for the optimisation of equipment reliability and availability
• Perform data analytics and engineering feasibility studies for alternative
engineering solutions
• Support analyses of real-time equipment data and vendor data and make
recommendations for equipment efficiency improvements
Administer staff and • Adopt technologies to support virtual collaboration in remote locations
organisational development
• Support continuous improvement, including pipeline reviews, and
equipment and system performance and limits
Discipline Engineer
Senior Discipline Engineer
The Senior Discipline Engineer manages the automation and optimisation of plant equipment by reviewing
equipment operating parameters, limits and engineering controls, and by reviewing value analysis results
on equipment, technology and labour versus automation for the purpose of achieving best value engineering
solutions. He reviews the scope of engineering projects and leads their execution including the conduct
of feasibility studies, provision of engineering design, procurement, construction, Pre-Startup Safety
Reviews (PSSR), start-up and commissioning. He also leads the development of technical documents for
equipment operation and maintenance as part of Management of Change (MOC). In addition, he supports plant
continuous improvement and coaches and mentors the discipline engineers.
The Senior Discipline Engineer works closely with the maintenance, production and Health, Safety and
Environment (HSE) teams. He is analytical, enjoys solving problems and interacts effectively with others.
He also possesses good leadership, communication and resource management skills.
Manage engineering projects • Lead the development of technical documents for equipment operation
and maintenance with reference to vendors’ equipment manuals as part of
Management of Change (MOC)
FUNCTIONS AND • Lead the execution of engineering projects including feasibility studies,
KEY TASKS engineering design, procurement, construction, Pre-Startup Safety
Reviews (PSSR), start-up and commissioning
• Review the scope of engineering projects and lead the evaluation of vendor
proposals against engineering design specifications
• Support process safety reviews for plant operations, MOC projects and
new projects
Manage asset integrity • Conduct cross-functional integrity audits with the maintenance team
• Coordinate discipline engineering support to the maintenance team in
troubleshooting, root cause analyses and provide solutions for equipment
faults and failures
• Lead discipline engineering support in the development and
implementation of asset integrity management systems
• Lead risk analyses on plant and equipment
Senior Discipline Engineer
Manage equipment automation • Lead data analytics and engineering feasibility studies for alternative
and optimisation engineering solutions
• Review equipment operating parameters, limits and engineering controls
for the optimisation of equipment reliability and availability
• Review new versus rebuilt equipment, existing versus new technologies
CRITICAL WORK and labour versus automation to achieve best value engineering solutions
• Review the analysis of real-time equipment data and vendor data and
make recommendations for equipment efficiency improvements
Administer staff and • Adopt technologies to support virtual collaboration in remote locations
organisational development
• Coach and mentor staff
• Manage team performance to achieve organisational goals
• Support continuous improvement, including pipeline reviews, and
equipment and system performance and limits
Senior Discipline Engineer
Engineering Manager
The Engineering Manager drives the review of equipment reliability and availability to maximise equipment
utilisation. He endorses the scope of engineering projects and conducts process safety reviews for
plant operation, Management of Change (MOC) projects and new engineering projects. He ensures the
department’s compliance with Workplace Safety and Health (WSH), Environmental Management System
(EMS) and Process Safety Management (PSM) system requirements, and is involved in the review of the
organisation’s Major Hazard Installation (MHI) Safety Case. In addition, he coaches and mentors the discipline
engineering team and manages continuous improvement initiatives for engineering-related time, cost,
reliability and safety improvements.
The Engineering Manager manages a multi-disciplinary team of engineers and coordinates with other
departmental managers for the planning and execution of engineering projects. He possesses strong
leadership, project management, resource management and decision-making skills.
Administer Workplace • Ensure compliance with WSH and EMS systems at the department level
Safety and Health (WSH) and
• Review the organisation’s Major Hazard Installation (MHI) Safety Case
Environmental Management
Systems (EMS)
Administer Process Safety • Ensure compliance with PSM systems at the department level
Management (PSM) systems
Manage engineering projects • Conduct process safety reviews for plant operation, Management of
Change (MOC) projects and new projects
• Endorse technical documents for equipment operation and maintenance
• Endorse the scope of engineering projects and selection of vendors
Manage equipment automation • Drive equipment reliability and availability reviews to maximise equipment
and optimisation utilisation
• Endorse equipment operating parameters, limits and engineering controls
for safe and optimum operating conditions
• Endorse new versus rebuilt equipment, existing versus new technologies
and labour versus automation to achieve best value engineering solutions
• Endorse recommendations for equipment efficiency improvements
• Strategise the use of data analytics across the plant and derive actionable
insights for alternative engineering solutions
Engineering Manager
Engineering Manager
Principal Engineer (Engineering)
The Principal Engineer (Engineering) manages plant asset and equipment optimisation by leading technical
investigations, tests and validations of new technology and equipment for operational excellence. He provides
technical input for the development and review of the organisation’s Major Hazard Installation (MHI) Safety
Case, and ensures the integration of the Process Safety Management (PSM) framework into engineering
projects. At the organisational level, he is responsible for translating continuous improvement strategies
into actionable plans for the engineering and maintenance department, and for driving the development of
technical capabilities for the engineering team, so as to ensure optimum technical support for assuring plant
asset and equipment performance.
The Principal Engineer (Engineering) is a key resource person who advises senior management, engineering
groups (both internal and external), the production and process engineering department, and the Health,
Safety and Environment (HSE) department on engineering matters. He is highly analytical, enjoys solving
challenging problems, and is able to lead others effectively. He is expected to possess strong project
management, transdisciplinary and decision-making skills.
Administer Workplace • Ensure compliance with WSH and EMS systems at the department level
Safety and Health (WSH) and
• Provide technical input for the development and review of the
Environmental Management
organisation’s Major Hazard Installation (MHI) Safety Case
Systems (EMS)
Administer Process Safety • Drive the implementation of PSM frameworks and their integration into
Management (PSM) systems engineering projects
Manage engineering projects • Act as technical advisor for complex engineering projects to ensure
compliance with engineering standards
• Critique technical documents for equipment operation and maintenance to
ensure optimal reliability and integrity of equipment
• Identify significant technical deviations from design to warrant change-out
or major overhaul of equipment and/or systems
• Lead process safety reviews for plant operation, Management of Change
(MOC) projects and new projects
CRITICAL WORK • Share best practices in the implementation of engineering standards and
Manage asset integrity • Act as technical advisor for the continuous improvement of asset integrity
management systems
• Lead the implementation of equipment and systems value engineering
• Provide technical recommendations for equipment and system
degradation issues to enhance plant reliability and availability
• Validate plant and equipment risk analysis reports and integrate mitigation
measures into business continuity plans
Manage equipment • Drive the optimisation of process equipment reliability and availability
automation and optimisation
• Lead technical investigations, tests and validations of new technologies
and equipment for operational excellence
• Provide engineering guidance and oversight to various departments to
achieve best value engineering solutions
• Recommend technologies and techniques that enhance the efficiency and
effectiveness of production and maintenance activities
• Synthesise data across entire plants for equipment integration and
Principal Engineer (Engineering)
Administer staff and • Build in-house technical capabilities for the engineering team
CRITICAL WORK organisational development
FUNCTIONS AND • Contribute to the development of business continuity plans
KEY TASKS • Drive the adoption of technologies to support virtual collaboration in
remote locations
• Translate continuous improvement strategies into actionable plans
Principal Engineer (Engineering)
Chief Engineer/Fellow
The Chief Engineer/Fellow leads engineering research for the adoption of new technologies and equipment
to enhance the organisation’s operational excellence and business competitiveness. He advises on advanced
methods and techniques to ensure a sound asset integrity management system. He provides technical
expertise for the review of the organisation’s Major Hazard Installation (MHI) Safety Case and leads Process
Safety Management (PSM) audit and compliance reviews, in compliance with Workplace Safety and Health
(WSH), Environmental Management System (EMS) and PSM requirements. At the organisational level, he
designs the organisation’s technology roadmap and drives continuous improvement strategies. In addition,
he leverages on his deep technical expertise and industry experience to develop technical capabilities for
engineering teams and domain expertise for the organisation.
The Chief Engineer/Fellow is the organisation’s technical expert who advises senior management and
business partners on advanced engineering matters. He maintains and builds strong links with the external
engineering community and establishes best practises in the implementation of engineering standards and
design. He is a strategic and creative thinker, demonstrates exceptional problem-solving and communication
skills, and networks effectively.
Administer Workplace • Drive compliance with WSH and EMS systems at organisational level
Safety and Health (WSH) and
Environmental Management
Systems (EMS)
Manage engineering projects • Drive direction and strategies for the development and implementation of
engineering projects
• Establish best practices in the implementation of engineering standards
CRITICAL WORK and design
FUNCTIONS AND • Provide concise design criteria and process constraints in the
KEY TASKS management of capital projects for process facilities expansions or
• Provide technical expertise and validate process safety reviews for plant
operations, Management of Change (MOC) projects and new projects
Manage asset integrity • Act as advisor to top management and business partners on advanced
methods and techniques to ensure sound asset integrity management
• Lead engineering research for adoption of new technologies and
equipment to enhance business competitiveness
Manage equipment automation • Drive the research and adoption of new technologies for data analytics
and optimisation
• Provide leadership and direction for new technologies and equipment for
operational excellence
Chief Engineer/Fellow
Administer staff and • Build in-house technical capabilities for engineering teams
organisational development
• Contribute to the development of business continuity plans
CRITICAL WORK • Design the organisation’s technology roadmap through the analysis of
FUNCTIONS AND market trends and external drivers
KEY TASKS • Drive continuous improvement strategies at organisational level
• Drive the adoption of technologies to support virtual collaboration in
remote locations
• Provide leadership to uphold and shape the organisation’s culture, values
and behaviour
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Laboratory Assistant 93
Laboratory Technician/Technologist 95
Laboratory Supervisor 99
QA Engineer 107
Quality Control and Laboratory Manager
Thayanithi Ganesh
Evonik Methionine (SEA) Pte Ltd
As a woman working in a male-dominated sector developments on the horizon. “Evonik’s second world-
often viewed as high-risk and hazardous, Thayanithi scale methionine plant in Singapore is expected to
Ganesh, Quality Control and Laboratory Manager become operational in 2019, and we are currently
at Evonik Methionine (SEA) Pte Ltd, says that this planning for the resources and manpower to support
perception is far from the truth. the operation of this new plant.” In preparation for
this, they are in the process of hiring more staff. She
“There are many growth opportunities in this sector aims to use the Skills Framework for Energy and
for everyone – both men and women. Safety is also Chemicals as a reference. In particular, she will use it
the most important factor, and our work is carried out as a guide when planning the career progression for
in a secured and controlled environment,” she says. Laboratory Technicians.
Thayanithi is responsible for various lab activities,
lab analyses and online measurements. In her team, Besides the company expanding, she is also excited
their goal is to provide analytical services to meet for the future of the Energy and Chemicals sector as
production requirements and comply with quality, a whole, as she says that the sector will continue to
environmental, and occupational safety rules and leverage on digitalisation. An example of this is the
regulations. Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)
that supports the laboratory’s operations. In the
Her interest in laboratory work began when she was coming years, Thayanithi believes that digitalisation
still in school. It led her to pursue a master’s degree will allow for a more streamlined workflow and
in Applied Chemistry. “Learning about different types greater efficiency in lab processes. “Digitalisation
of analytical equipment and applications further presents an exciting future for the Energy and
developed my interest in this field,” she explains. Chemicals sector, and having this digital vision
Being in the profession since 1998, she says that she can further drive our competitive advantage as a
is constantly learning as she progresses in her career. company,” she explains.
For many years, she has learned the ropes of the
chemical profession. After gaining more experience,
she became a Project Leader and eventually took “Digitalisation presents an exciting
on more responsibilities as Quality Control and
Laboratory Manager.
future for the Energy and Chemicals
sector, and having this digital vision
While Thayanithi says that the role can be challenging
at times, she is looking forward to many new
can further drive our competitive
advantage as a company.”
Laboratory Assistant
The Laboratory Assistant assists in conducting routine product and in-process sample analyses, and
inspects samples for contamination, foreign matter or defects, to ensure product quality meets required
specifications. He also contributes to organisational development by supporting continuous improvement
The Laboratory Assistant usually works in a team, on either a day or rotating shift, in the laboratory. He is
meticulous, a good team player and interacts effectively with others.
Administer Workplace • Apply risk control measures to ensure work activities are carried out
Safety and Health (WSH) and safely
Environmental Management
• Assist in the handling, storage and transportation of hazardous
Systems (EMS)
substances and dangerous goods, in accordance with WSH and EMS
standards and practices
• Comply with WSH and EMS systems
• Perform good housekeeping in the workplace
Perform laboratory operations • Assist in basic calibration and simple troubleshooting on a range of
laboratory equipment
• Assist in the labelling of samples
• Assist in the preparation of stock solutions and reagents
KEY TASKS • Follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for laboratory operations
Manage sample collection and • Apply emerging technologies to perform product and in-process
analyses sampling, and laboratory data management
• Assist in inspecting samples for contamination, foreign matter and/or
• Assist in routine product and in-process sample analyses, according to
documented test methods
• Assist in the recording of routine sample testing results
Laboratory Technician/Technologist
The Laboratory Technician/Technologist performs routine and non-routine product and in-process analyses,
in accordance with documented test methods, to ensure that product quality is as per specifications. He
records and maintains up-to-date sample testing results in the laboratory information management system
(LIMS). He also contributes to organisational development by supporting continuous improvement projects.
The Laboratory Technician/Technologist usually works in a team, on either a day or rotating shift, in the
laboratory. He is meticulous, and is able to work independently as well as interact effectively with others.
Perform laboratory operations • Follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for laboratory operations
• Label samples
• Perform laboratory consumable inventory checks and identify purchasing
• Prepare stock solutions and reagents
CRITICAL WORK • Provide technical support on formulation, prototyping and product
FUNCTIONS AND applications
• Support basic calibration and simple troubleshooting on a range of
laboratory equipment and/or on-line analysing devices
Manage sample collection and • Apply emerging technologies to perform product and in-process
analyses sampling, and laboratory data management
• Perform inspections on samples for contamination, foreign matter and/or
• Perform routine and non-routine product and in-process sample
analyses, according to documented test methods
• Record sample testing results into the laboratory information
management system (LIMS)
Laboratory Technician/Technologist
Senior Laboratory Technician/Technologist
The Senior Laboratory Technician/Technologist performs trending and analyses on sample testing results
to ensure conformance with product quality, and initiates corrective actions for non-conformance issues.
He also contributes to staff and organisational development by identifying opportunities for continuous
improvement and providing guidance to junior staff.
The Senior Laboratory Technician/Technologist usually works in a team, on either a day or rotating shift, in
the laboratory. He is organised and meticulous, possesses good communication skills, and is able to work
independently with minimal supervision as well as interact effectively with others.
Perform laboratory operations • Coordinate laboratory consumable inventory checks, purchasing and
qualification of new laboratory equipment and consumable items
• Coordinate the preparation of stock solutions and reagents among team
• Maintain Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for laboratory operations
• Perform calibration and troubleshooting on a range of laboratory
equipment and/or on-line analysing devices
CRITICAL WORK • Perform periodic checks to ensure the correct labelling of samples
FUNCTIONS AND • Perform technical work involving formulation, prototyping and product
KEY TASKS applications
Manage sample collection and • Apply emerging technologies to perform product and in-process
analyses sampling, and laboratory data management
• Perform inspections on samples for contamination, foreign matter and/or
• Perform routine and non-routine product and in-process sample
analyses, according to documented test methods
• Perform trending and analyses on sample testing results for conformance
with product quality and initiate corrective actions for non-conformance
• Record sample testing results into the laboratory information
management system (LIMS)
Manage Quality Assurance and • Liaise across departments to ensure completeness of Certificate of
Quality Control (QA&QC) Analysis (COA) documentation
Administer staff and
• Contribute to continuous improvement initiatives and activities
organisational development
• Identify opportunities for continuous improvement
• Provide guidance to junior staff
Senior Laboratory Technician/Technologist
Laboratory Supervisor
The Laboratory Supervisor supervises routine and non-routine sample analyses and sample inspections, and
reviews data trends and analyses on sample testing results to verify conformance with Quality Assurance and
Quality Control (QA&QC) standards. He manages non-conformance by highlighting findings to management,
and initiates plant or process work stoppage in the event of product quality issues. In addition, he coaches and
mentors the laboratory technicians and supports the implementation of initiatives for laboratory and QA&QC-
related continuous improvements.
The Laboratory Supervisor leads a team, on either a day or rotating shift, in the laboratory. He has good
leadership skills and encourages teamwork among his shift members. He interacts effectively with others
and has good communication, analytical and problem-solving skills.
Administer Workplace • Ensure the compilation and currency of Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Safety and Health (WSH) and
• Lead emergency responses to chemical spillages
Environmental Management
Systems (EMS) • Supervise good housekeeping in the workplace
• Supervise compliance with WSH and EMS systems
• Supervise the conduct of activity-based risk assessments
• Supervise the proper handling, storage and transportation of hazardous
substances and dangerous goods, in accordance with WSH and EMS
standards and practices
Perform laboratory operations • Plan laboratory operation activities, to meet customers’ needs within
schedule and in accordance with the organisation’s quality objectives
• Supervise the preparation and inventory checks of stock solutions and
• Supervise the purchasing and technical specification of new laboratory
CRITICAL WORK equipment and consumable items
KEY TASKS • Supervise troubleshooting on a range of laboratory equipment, and plan
calibration and preventive maintenance schedules
• Support laboratory special projects for new developments, systems and
equipment at the department level
• Support the development and implementation of Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) for laboratory operations
Manage sample collection and • Review data trends and analyses to verify conformance with QA&QC
analyses specifications and make recommendations to the production team
• Supervise data entry and retrieval from the laboratory information
management system (LIMS)
• Supervise inspections on samples for contamination, foreign matter and/
or defects
• Supervise routine and non-routine sample analyses and technical work for
product formulation, prototyping and applications
• Supervise the application of emerging technologies for product and in-
process sampling, and laboratory data management, within the team
Laboratory Supervisor
Manage Quality Assurance and • Ensure good documentation control and management at the department
Quality Control (QA&QC) level
• Sign off Certificates of Quality (COQ) for product releases
Manage non-conformance • Initiate plant or process work stoppages in the event of product quality
FUNCTIONS AND • Prepare and distribute non-conformance reports, and escalate to
KEY TASKS management for remedial action
QA&QC Manager
The QA&QC Manager reviews investigation findings and root cause analyses, and liaises with internal and
external stakeholders, to ensure the resolution of non-conformance issues. He establishes and drives
the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Safety Data Sheet (SDS) documentation,
in compliance with Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) and Environmental Management System (EMS)
requirements. In addition, he coaches and mentors QA&QC department personnel and drives departmental
performance to achieve the organisation’s quality goals.
The QA&QC Manager champions industry best practices for QA&QC in the organisation. As a department
manager, he is required to have good leadership, interpersonal and resource management skills.
Perform laboratory operations • Endorse preventive maintenance regimes for laboratory equipment and/or
on-line analysing devices
• Endorse SOPs for laboratory operations
• Manage laboratory operation activities, in accordance with the
organisation’s Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA&QC) objectives
• Manage the budgeting and purchasing of new laboratory equipment and
CRITICAL WORK consumable items
FUNCTIONS AND • Provide strategic direction in implementing emerging technologies for
KEY TASKS laboratory operations
• Set direction on laboratory special projects and assignments
Manage Quality Assurance and • Champion industry best practices for QA&QC
Quality Control (QA&QC)
• Formulate strategies for quality assurance and product and/or process
• Manage organisational level QA&QC training and communication
• Manage quality audits to ensure that the organisation’s processes and
systems are aligned with internal and external accreditation requirements
• Manage the development and implementation of the Quality Management
System (QMS) within the organisation
• Manage the implementation of the documentation management system
within the organisation
Manage non-conformance • Liaise with internal and external stakeholders to resolve non-
conformance issues
• Review investigation findings and root cause analyses regarding
inconsistent quality processes and non-conformance issues
QA&QC Manager
Laboratory Chemist
The Laboratory Chemist is responsible for maintaining the compliance of laboratory activities with Workplace
Safety and Health (WSH) and Environmental Management System (EMS) requirements, which includes
implementing the Management of Hazardous Chemicals Programme (MHCP) in the laboratory. He manages
non-conformance by identifying standard deviation and product failure data from the laboratory information
management system (LIMS). In addition, he implements continuous improvement initiatives and activities for
the laboratory.
The Laboratory Chemist works in a team in the laboratory. He is a team player, able to work independently,
organised and possesses good analytical and communication skills.
Administer Workplace • Analyse information from Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for the conduct of
Safety and Health (WSH) and laboratory activities
Environmental Management
• Coordinate the conduct of activity-based risk assessments at the
Systems (EMS)
department level
• Implement the Management of Hazardous Chemicals Programme (MHCP)
• Maintain WSH and EMS practices and compliance with regulations and
system requirements for laboratory activities at the department level
• Support WSH and EMS incident investigations
Perform laboratory operations • Carry out laboratory special projects for new developments, systems and
equipment at the department level
• Develop and maintain Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for
laboratory operations
• Develop preventive maintenance regimes for laboratory equipment and/or
on-line analysing devices
CRITICAL WORK • Manage laboratory operation activities to meet customers’ needs within
FUNCTIONS AND schedule and in accordance with the organisation’s quality objectives
• Provide technical advice on specifications for new laboratory equipment
and consumable items
Manage analytical and test • Apply analytical techniques for product testing and quality control
• Apply existing test methods and recommend improvements, in accordance
with international best practice standards and procedures
• Assist in the design of new experiments to solve complex problems and
deliver high quality analytical results
• Liaise with government agencies, testing laboratories and external
suppliers regarding regulatory requirements, international standards and
product specifications
Manage non-conformance • Identify standard deviation and product failure data from the laboratory
information management system (LIMS)
• Support investigations into inconsistent quality processes and non-
conformance issues
Administer staff and • Adopt technologies to support virtual collaboration in remote locations
organisational development
• Implement continuous improvement initiatives and activities
Laboratory Chemist
Senior Laboratory Chemist
The Senior Laboratory Chemist ensures the compliance of laboratory activities with Workplace Safety and
Health (WSH) and Environmental Management System (EMS) requirements, by reviewing laboratory safe
work practices and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). He manages non-conformance by highlighting
standard deviation and product failure data to the quality assurance team. He validates continuous
improvement initiatives and activities for the laboratory, and provides coaching and mentoring to the
laboratory team.
The Senior Laboratory Chemist leads a team of chemists in the laboratory. He is able to multi-task, and
possesses excellent analytical, communication and interpersonal skills.
Administer Workplace • Ensure risk assessments for laboratory-related activities are conducted
Safety and Health (WSH) and and control measures are implemented
Environmental Management
• Ensure compliance with WSH and EMS regulatory and system
Systems (EMS)
requirements at the department level
• Establish the Management of Hazardous Chemicals Programme (MHCP),
in accordance with industry practices and guidelines
• Integrate information from Safety Data Sheets (SDS) into laboratory safe
work practices and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
• Support WSH and EMS incident investigations
Perform laboratory operations • Ensure preventive maintenance regimes are aligned with the
specifications of laboratory equipment and/or on-line analysing devices
• Provide guidance on the conduct of laboratory special projects for new
developments, systems and equipment at the department level
FUNCTIONS AND • Review SOPs for laboratory operations
KEY TASKS • Validate technical specifications of new laboratory equipment and
consumable items
Manage analytical and test • Design new experiments to solve complex problems and deliver high-
methods quality analytical results
• Develop and validate new and improved test methods, in accordance with
international best practice standards and procedures
• Establish improved analytical techniques for product testing and quality
• Liaise with government agencies, testing laboratories and external
suppliers regarding regulatory requirements, international standards and
product specifications
Manage non-conformance • Review standard deviation and product failure data and escalate to the
quality assurance team where necessary
• Support investigations into inconsistent quality processes and non-
conformance issues
Senior Laboratory Chemist
Administer staff and • Adopt technologies to support virtual collaboration in remote locations
organisational development
FUNCTIONS AND • Coach and mentor staff
• Manage team performance to achieve organisational goals
• Validate continuous improvement initiatives and activities
QA Engineer
The QA Engineer conducts investigations into inconsistent quality processes and non-conformance and
recommends preventive actions to eliminate recurrences of such issues. He monitors product failure data
and performance trends, and initiates remedial actions with relevant departments, where necessary. In
addition, he actively identifies opportunities and prepares recommendations for continuous improvement in
quality, productivity and cost efficiency.
The QA Engineer is meticulous, thinks systematically and is able to work independently. He possesses good
organisation, problem-solving, interpersonal and communication skills.
Manage Quality Assurance and • Conduct QA&QC-related training and communication sessions
Quality Control (QA&QC)
• Conduct quality system conformance audits and initiate corrective actions
• Implement Quality Management Systems (QMS)
• Liaise across departments to maintain good documentation control and
• Maintain and support data collection methodologies for quality assurance
CRITICAL WORK and product and/or process improvements
• Support the development of strategic quality improvement programmes
Manage non-conformance • Conduct investigations and compile information regarding inconsistent
quality processes and non-conformance issues
• Conduct root cause analyses and recommend preventive actions
• Monitor product failure data, performance trends and initiate remedial
actions with respective departments
Administer staff and • Adopt technologies to support virtual collaboration in remote locations
organisational development
• Implement continuous improvement initiatives and activities
QA Engineer
Senior QA Engineer
The Senior QA Engineer leads investigations into inconsistent quality practices and non-conformance issues,
and manages remedial actions for product failure with relevant departments. He manages the continuous
improvement of the organisation’s QMS by researching and proposing the adoption of industry best practices
in QA&QC. He provides advice on quality matters for new product and application development to the
technical service and Research and Development (R&D) teams. In addition, he coaches and mentors the junior
staff in the QA&QC team.
The Senior QA Engineer leads a team of QA engineers. He is systematic, meticulous and organised, and
possesses excellent analytical, problem-solving, interpersonal and communication skills.
Manage Quality Assurance and • Manage QA&QC-related training and communication sessions
Quality Control (QA&QC)
• Review data collection methodologies for quality assurance and product
• Review documentation control and management and recommend
organisational level improvements
• Review Quality Management Systems (QMS)
• Supervise quality system conformance audits and recommend
organisational level improvements
• Support the development of strategic quality improvement programmes
CRITICAL WORK Manage non-conformance • Lead investigations and review compiled information regarding
FUNCTIONS AND inconsistent quality processes and non-conformance issues
• Review product failure data and performance trends, and manage
remedial actions with respective departments
• Review root cause analysis procedures and methods
Manage continuous • Advise technical service and Research and Development (R&D) teams on
improvement quality matters for new product development and applications
• Research and propose adoption of industry best practices for QA&QC
• Review recommendations for quality and productivity improvements and
cost reduction opportunities
• Validate quality assurance improvement proposals and applications of
new technologies and processes
Administer staff and • Adopt technologies to support virtual collaboration in remote locations
organisational development
• Coach and mentor staff
• Manage team performance to achieve organisational goals
• Validate continuous improvement initiatives and activities
Senior QA Engineer
Technical Service, Application and
Product Development
Applications Scientist
Allan Cher
Croda Singapore Pte Ltd
Being surrounded by cosmetics and personal care the opportunity to take up the Singapore Polytechnic
products on a daily basis, Allan Cher was curious to course. Now that he has completed it, he is looking
find out what goes into these products. He wanted to forward to applying what he has learnt in product
know if there was a way to enhance the efficacies of formulation to his job.
everyday items such as shampoo or body wash. This
interest led him to take up the role as Applications With this acquired knowledge, Allan’s goal is to be a
Scientist in the Personal Care sector at Croda Technical Service Manager in the future. He believes
Singapore Pte Ltd. that the Career Pathways in Skills Framework can
help him and other professionals further their career
As part of the Product Validation and Claims goals. “We can use it to identify other job roles of the
Substantiation (PVCS) department, Allan is same level, should we plan for a lateral career move
responsible for designing and carrying out PVCS to broaden our skillsets and capabilities. On the other
laboratory experiments. He also works closely with hand, we can use it to plan for our vertical career
the sales and marketing teams to provide creative and progression pathway.”
innovative solutions to address consumers’ personal
care needs. He remains optimistic about the Energy and
Chemicals sector and encourages new entrants
While there is a misconception that laboratory work to join him. “The general outlook of the specialty
is monotonous, Allan believes there is more to it chemical industry is definitely promising in the
than following protocols blindly. “Challenge yourself upcoming years, as Asia plays a major role due to
to optimise or design new protocols by thinking its emerging economies. Furthermore, Singapore’s
creatively. Being an Applications Scientist, curiosity is strategic geographical location helps to attract
important. Dare to question standard protocols and many big players to set up their manufacturing and
optimise fixed processes. Run trials and back your research and development sites here,” Allan explains.
hypotheses with data,” he advises.
The Technical Service Engineer possesses a sound understanding of the organisation’s products in relation
to other products in the market, and supports the development of new products based on new technology
applications. He/She conducts product application-related presentations and training to external parties.
In addition, he conducts all work activities in compliance with Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) and
Environmental Management System (EMS) requirements.
The Technical Service Engineer is able to work independently in the laboratory and/or at the customers’ sites.
He collaborates closely with the application, Research and Development (R&D), and sales and marketing
teams. He is customer-oriented, a good team player, enjoys solving problems and possesses strong project
management, technical writing and presentation skills.
Manage application and • Analyse properties and characteristics of existing products against other
product development products in the market
• Support the development of new products, based on new technology
Manage technical services • Implement material and application tests to solve customer problems for
targeted industries
FUNCTIONS AND • Maintain up-to-date knowledge of market requirements and technical
KEY TASKS developments within the industry
• Perform technical modifications to current products according to
customers’ requirements
• Provide on-site technical support to customers
• Provide product application-related presentations and training to external
• Support the execution of technical service, application and product
development-related projects with customers
• Troubleshoot technical issues in existing products reported by customers
Administer staff and • Adopt technologies to support virtual collaboration in remote locations
organisational development
• Implement continuous improvement initiatives and activities
Technical Service Engineer
Senior Technical Service Engineer
The Senior Technical Service Engineer reviews the properties and characteristics of the organisation’s
products against other products in the market, so as to explore new industrial applications with new or
existing customers. He supervises the development of new products and applications, based on new
technology applications. In addition, he coaches and mentors junior staff in the technical service team and is
responsible for managing the team’s performance to achieve organisational goals.
The Senior Technical Service Engineer leads a team and works in the laboratory and/or customers’ sites.
He collaborates closely with the application, Research and Development (R&D), and sales and marketing
teams. He has a strong focus on providing excellent customer service, enjoys solving problems, has strong
interpersonal skills, and possesses excellent project management and technical writing and presentation
Manage application and • Review properties and characteristics of existing products against other
product development products in the market
• Supervise the development of new products, based on new technology
Manage technical services • Design material and application tests to solve customer problems for
targeted industries
• Lead on-site technical support to customers
FUNCTIONS AND • Lead the provision of product application-related presentations and
KEY TASKS training to external parties
• Maintain up-to-date knowledge of market requirements and technical
developments within the industry
• Manage the execution of technical service, application and product
development-related projects with customers
• Supervise technical modifications to the organisation’s current products
according to customers’ requirements
• Supervise troubleshooting activities for technical issues in existing
products reported by customers
Administer staff and • Adopt technologies to support virtual collaboration in remote locations
organisational development
• Coach and mentor staff
• Manage team performance to achieve organisational goals
• Validate continuous improvement initiatives and activities
Senior Technical Service Engineer
Application Chemist
The Application Chemist supports the technical service team in troubleshooting technical issues reported by
customers. He also provides product application-related training to internal customers. He conducts activity-
based risk assessments and implements the Management of Hazardous Chemicals Programme (MHCP)
in the laboratory, in compliance with Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) and Environmental Management
System requirements.
The Application Chemist works in a team in the laboratory, and collaborates closely with the technical
service, Research and Development (R&D), and sales and marketing teams. He is a good team player and has
a creative and problem-solving mind-set. He can manage multiple projects effectively, and possesses strong
technical writing and presentation skills.
Manage application and • Apply customer-relevant protocols for claim validation and non-standard
product development methodologies
• Conduct technical work and projects for product development and
• Develop innovative application-specific solutions and new analytical
methods via technological know-how
• Document product development, formulation and application notes for
both internal and external customers
• Identify opportunities to expand existing product lines, based on
assessments of customer and market needs
• Maintain up-to-date knowledge of market requirements and technical
developments within the industry
• Perform standard and customer-specific laboratory testing
• Review specific industry, regulatory and Intellectual Property (IP)
standards for compliance
Administer staff and • Adopt technologies to support virtual collaboration in remote locations
organisational development
• Implement continuous improvement initiatives and activities
Application Chemist
Senior Application Chemist
The Senior Application Chemist supports the technical service team by managing the execution of technical
service, application and product development-related projects with customers. He also provides technical
expertise in troubleshooting technical issues reported by customers. In addition, he coaches and mentors
junior staff in the application team, and is responsible for managing the team’s performance to achieve
organisational goals.
The Senior Application Chemist leads a team in the laboratory, and collaborates closely with the technical
service, Research and Development (R&D), and sales and marketing teams. He is creative and enjoys solving
complex problems. He can manage multiple projects effectively, and possesses excellent technical writing
and presentation skills.
Manage application and • Assess the feasibility of expanding existing product lines, based on
product development assessments of customer and market needs
• Lead technical work and projects for product development and innovation
• Maintain customer-relevant protocols for claim validation and non-
standard methodologies
• Maintain up-to-date knowledge of market requirements and technical
developments within the industry
• Review specific industry, regulatory and Intellectual Property (IP)
CRITICAL WORK standards for compliance
• Review standard and customer-specific laboratory testing
• Review the documentation of product development, formulation and
application notes for both internal and external customers
• Validate the development of innovative application-specific solutions and
new analytical methods, based on technological know-how
Administer staff and • Adopt technologies to support virtual collaboration in remote locations
organisational development
• Coach and mentor staff
• Manage team performance to achieve organisational goals
• Validate continuous improvement initiatives and activities
Senior Application Chemist
Technical Service Manager
The Technical Service Manager has an acute understanding of market trends and other products in the
market. He formulates strategies to ensure the competitiveness of the organisation’s products in the market,
and drives the development of innovative products and targeted applications to exploit market opportunities
and meet customer needs. He profiles the organisation’s technical leadership and branding through research
and presentations at scientific and industry events and seminars. In addition, he coaches and mentors the
application and technical service teams and ensures that projects for technical service, application and
product development are appropriately resourced and prioritised to meet business goals.
The Technical Service Manager works closely with the Research and Development (R&D) and sales and
marketing teams, and establishes strong links with the external scientific community. He is committed to
delivering excellent service for the organisation, leads his department effectively to deliver projects, and
possesses excellent interpersonal, communication, and technical writing and presentation skills.
Administer Workplace • Endorse risk assessments for application and/or technical service-related
Safety and Health (WSH) and activities
Environmental Management
• Ensure compliance with WSH and EMS systems at the department level
Systems (EMS)
Manage application and • Establish strong links with the external scientific community, including
product development academia, trade associations and professional bodies
• Formulate strategies for new and innovative product development
• Formulate strategies in reviewing existing products to ensure
competitiveness in the market
Manage technical services • Drive technical learning to ensure the organisation’s technical leadership
in the market
• Endorse the design of material and application tests to solve customers’
problems for targeted industries
Technical Service Manager
Research and Development
Research Technologist
The Research Technologist contributes to new product development by supporting the process development
and scale-up for new and improved products. He performs routine laboratory operations by performing
basic troubleshooting and maintenance of R&D laboratory equipment, and supports chemists with laboratory
activities as required. He complies with Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) and Environmental Management
System (EMS) requirements when conducting laboratory activities. In addition, he contributes to continuous
improvement initiatives and activities for the laboratory.
The Research Technologist works in a team in the laboratory. He is analytical, a good team player, able to
work independently, and possesses good communication and technical writing skills.
Perform laboratory operations • Assist in the documentation of Research and Development (R&D) work
records for both internal and external customers
• Document and summarise experimental data for review and interpretation
by chemists
• Perform basic troubleshooting and maintenance of R&D laboratory
CRITICAL WORK equipment in accordance with laboratory standards
KEY TASKS • Support chemists with laboratory activities
Manage new product • Assist in the co-creation of new products in collaboration with the
development technical service and application teams
• Support process development and scale-up for new and improved
The R&D Chemist supports the development of advanced solutions and formulations, in compliance with
Intellectual Property (IP) and patent rights, and determines new product specifications for production scale-
up. He documents R&D work for internal and external customers, and makes recommendations to improve
product research based on analyses of experimental data. In addition, he implements the Management of
Hazardous Chemicals Programme (MHCP) for the laboratory, in compliance with Workplace Safety and
Health (WSH) and Environmental Management System (EMS) requirements.
The R&D Chemist works in a team in the laboratory, and collaborates closely with the application and
technical service teams to co-create new products. He is a good team player and has a creative and problem-
solving mind-set. He is able to work independently, can manage multiple projects effectively, and possesses
strong technical writing and presentation skills.
Perform laboratory operations • Document Research and Development (R&D) work records for both
internal and external customers
• Interpret and analyse experimental data and recommend improvements
on product research
• Perform troubleshooting of R&D laboratory equipment in accordance with
laboratory standards
Manage Research and • Develop research objectives and proposals for new product innovations
Development (R&D)
• Maintain up-to-date knowledge of market requirements and scientific and
technological developments within the industry
• Perform complex technical laboratory-based studies, experiments,
analyses and evaluations for R&D projects
KEY TASKS • Support innovation, new technology, materials or ingredients-related
research projects
• Support reviews on new technologies and research techniques and
integrate with R&D-based projects
• Support the design of experiments and tests according to market and
business needs
Manage new product • Co-create new products in collaboration with technical service and
development application teams
• Determine new product specifications for production scale-up
• Develop Intellectual Property (IP) and patents of new products for
business objectives
• Identify process development and scale-up for new and improved products
• Support the development of advanced solutions and formulations with
compliance to IP and patent rights
Administer staff and • Adopt technologies to support virtual collaboration in remote locations
organisational development
• Implement continuous improvement initiatives and activities
Research and Development Chemist
Senior Research and Development Chemist
The Senior R&D Chemist manages new product development by evaluating new product specifications for
production scale-up, validating process development and scale-ups for new and improved products, and
developing Intellectual Property (IP) and patents of new products for business objectives. He coaches and
mentors the junior staff in the team and is responsible for managing the team’s performance to achieve
organisational goals.
The Senior R&D Chemist leads a team in the laboratory, and collaborates closely with the application and
technical service teams to co-create new products. He is goal-oriented, creative and enjoys solving complex
problems. He can manage multiple projects effectively, and possesses excellent technical writing and
presentation skills.
Perform laboratory operations • Manage the troubleshooting and maintenance of Research and
Development (R&D) laboratory equipment in accordance with laboratory
• Review experimental data and provide recommendations on product
research improvements
• Review the documentation of R&D work records for both internal and
external customers
Manage Research and • Design experiments and tests according to market and business needs
Development (R&D)
• Develop new technologies and research techniques and integrate into
R&D-based projects
FUNCTIONS AND • Develop research objectives and proposals for new product innovation
KEY TASKS • Maintain up-to-date knowledge of market requirements and scientific and
technological developments within the industry
• Manage innovation, new technology, materials or ingredients-related
research projects
• Provide scientific and technical guidance and supervision to the R&D team
on their projects
• Review complex technical laboratory-based studies, experiments,
analyses and evaluations for R&D projects
Manage new product • Develop advanced solutions and formulations with compliance to
development Intellectual Property (IP) and patent rights
• Develop IP and patents of new products for business objectives
• Evaluate product specifications for production scale-up
• Lead the co-creation of new products in collaboration with technical
service and application teams
• Validate process development and scale-ups for new and improved
Senior Research and Development Chemist
CRITICAL WORK Administer staff and • Adopt technologies to support virtual collaboration in remote locations
FUNCTIONS AND organisational development
• Coach and mentor staff
• Manage team performance to achieve organisational goals
• Validate continuous improvement initiatives and activities
Research and Development Manager
The R&D Manager manages new product development by liaising with relevant departments to bring
new and innovated products from bench-top to scale-up and commercialisation phases. He endorses
recommendations for product research improvements. In addition, he coaches and mentors R&D department
personnel and ensures that R&D projects are appropriately resourced and prioritised to meet business goals.
The R&D Manager works closely with the application, technical service and sales and marketing teams. He
establishes strong links with the external scientific community, research institutions and potential business
partners to explore possible collaborations for the co-creation of products or research. He is able to lead
his team effectively and possesses excellent interpersonal, communication, and technical writing and
presentation skills.
Administer Workplace • Endorse risk assessments for Research and Development (R&D)-related
Safety and Health (WSH) and activities
Environmental Management
• Ensure compliance with WSH and EMS systems at the department level
Systems (EMS)
Manage Research and • Align R&D direction and strategies with the organisation’s business
Development (R&D) objectives and customers’ needs
• Conduct technical and financial assessments on R&D projects
• Drive technical learning to ensure the organisation’s scientific and
technical leadership in the market
• Endorse research proposals for new product innovations internally, and in
CRITICAL WORK collaboration with external partners
• Establish strong links with the external scientific community, including
academia, trade associations and professional bodies
• Lead innovation, new technology, materials or ingredients-related
research projects
• Lead scientific and technical guidance and supervision to research teams
on their projects
• Provide wide-ranging, independent technical input and direction to R&D
• Validate the design of experiments and tests, according to market and
business needs
Manage new product • Liaise with relevant departments to bring new and innovated products
development from bench-top to scale-up and commercialisation phases
• Manage Intellectual Property (IP) and patents for the commercialisation of
new products
Research and Development Manager
Research and Development Manager
Principal Chemist
The Principal Chemist leads applied research projects to drive chemical product innovation, and ensures
that research undertaken upholds the highest scientific standards. He prepares applied research papers
and presents them at scientific and industry events and conferences. He provides technical expertise for
the development of the laboratory’s Management of Hazardous Chemicals Programme (MHCP). At the
organisational level, he is responsible for translating continuous improvement strategies into actionable
plans for the respective laboratory functional departments, and for driving the development of technical
capabilities for the laboratory teams.
The Principal Chemist is a key resource person who advises senior management and laboratory functional
departments on chemistry and scientific methodologies. He maintains and builds strong relationships with
the external scientific community. He is highly analytical, enjoys solving complex problems, and is able to
lead others effectively. He is expected to possess strong project management, transdisciplinary thinking and
decision-making skills.
Administer Workplace • Ensure compliance with WSH and EMS systems at the department level
Safety and Health (WSH) and
• Provide technical expertise for the development of the Management of
Environmental Management
Hazardous Chemicals Programme (MHCP)
Systems (EMS)
Provide technical support to • Design and conduct complex experiments and analyses in the laboratory,
laboratory operations based on industry, customer or field of specialisation requirements
• Lead the identification, development and deployment of new analytical
technologies to support product and process development
• Lead the troubleshooting of existing chemicals validations and
preparations, and develop new validation methods if required
• Prepare application development reports for presentation to internal and
external customers
• Provide technical evaluations for the procurement of advanced laboratory
KEY TASKS Manage applied research • Act as a liaison to evaluate market potential and external technologies for
applied research
• Conduct applied research studies on performance modelling, product and
process characterisation and analyses
• Lead applied research projects to drive chemical product innovation
• Represent the organisation at scientific forums and present applied
research papers
Administer staff and • Build in-house technical capabilities for laboratory teams
organisational development
• Contribute to the development of business continuity plans
• Drive the adoption of technologies to support virtual collaboration in
remote locations
• Recommend new and emerging technologies for laboratory and applied
research management
• Translate continuous improvement strategies into actionable plans
Principal Chemist
Chief Chemist/Fellow
The Chief Chemist/Fellow formulates the direction and strategy in applied research to exploit market
potential and industry trends, so as to maintain and improve the organisation’s competitive position in the
market. He represents the organisation in Research and Development (R&D) consortiums for open innovation
within the industry, and profiles the organisation’s scientific and technical leadership at scientific and industry
events and conferences. At the organisational level, he designs the organisation’s technology roadmap
and drives continuous improvement strategies. In addition, he leverages on deep technical expertise and
industry experience to develop technical capabilities for the laboratory teams and domain expertise for the
The Chief Chemist/Fellow maintains and builds strong links with the external scientific community, research
institutions and business partners to explore business or collaborative research opportunities. He is a
strategic and creative thinker, demonstrates exceptional problem-solving and communication skills, and
networks effectively.
Administer Workplace • Drive compliance with WSH and EMS systems at the organisational level
Safety and Health (WSH) and
Environmental Management
Systems (EMS)
Provide technical support to • Advise senior management and business partners on advanced
laboratory operations technologies and methodologies in applied research
• Endorse the design and conduct of complex experiments and analyses
in the laboratory, based on industry, customer or field of specialisation
• Lead the identification, development and deployment of new analytical
technologies to support product and process development
FUNCTIONS AND • Manage the planning and design of complex laboratory solutions for the
KEY TASKS industry, professional and technical societies, government and other
Manage applied research • Endorse scientific techniques and procedures for product design and
• Explore technical collaboration opportunities with industry partners and
research institutions for product development and innovation
• Formulate direction and strategies in applied research to exploit market
potential and industry trends
• Represent the organisation at scientific forums and present applied
research papers
• Represent the organisation in Research and Development (R&D)
consortiums across the value chain for open innovation within the industry
Chief Chemist/Fellow
Administer staff and • Build in-house technical capabilities for laboratory teams
organisational development
• Contribute to the development of business continuity plans
• Design the organisation’s technology roadmap through analyses of market
trends and external drivers
KEY TASKS • Drive continuous improvement strategies at the organisational level
• Drive the adoption of technologies to support virtual collaboration in
remote locations
• Provide leadership to uphold and shape the organisation’s culture, values
and behaviour
General Manager/Site Director/Vice President
The General Manager/Site Director/Vice President oversees all manufacturing operations and provides
leadership to department managers to ensure that departmental deliverables are achieved in a timely and
cost-effective manner. He drives the continuous improvement of site operations through innovation, safety,
productivity and efficiency initiatives. He builds strong networks with diverse stakeholders with a view of
advancing the organisation’s interests. In addition, he drives organisational capability development and
succession planning to ensure a competent workforce and continuous talent pipeline.
The General Manager/Site Director/Vice President is a calculated risk-taker and strategic thinker with
excellent business acumen. He is decisive, results-driven and demonstrates exceptional leadership and
communication abilities.
Direct compliance and • Advocate a safe workplace culture across the organisation
corporate governance
• Drive compliance with the organisation’s corporate governance standards
• Endorse the organisation’s Major Hazard Installation (MHI) Safety Case
• Endorse the organisation’s quality, Workplace Safety and Health (WSH)
and Environmental Management System (EMS) policies
• Ensure organisational compliance to regulatory requirements and
legislation, and keep abreast of changes in compliance requirements
• Establish and maintain the organisation’s brand reputation
Establish strategy and • Establish business performance indicators and measurement standards
• Establish the organisation’s vision, objectives and strategy
• Lead business planning and strategic alignment with the organisation’s
CRITICAL WORK business objectives
KEY TASKS • Lead strategic resource planning and management to optimise
organisational capacity and capability
• Steer the implementation of the organisation’s business strategies
General Manager/Site Director/Vice President
Goh Swee Chen
Shell Companies in Singapore
A leader in the Energy and Chemicals sector, Goh Swee Chen knows first-hand how challenging it
Swee Chen believes that the key to a successful can be to make a career switch - she was running
company is the empowerment of its people. Swee infocomm technology (ICT) teams and operations
Chen has been in Shell Companies in Singapore prior to transitioning to run Shell’s lubricants and
for more than a decade, and the Chairman since commercial fuels businesses for Asia Pacific/Middle
2014. Spending a large part of her career leading East in 2011. “It was uncomfortable at first; 80%
multinational teams across the world, she of the content of the role was new to me. I had to
understands the importance of equipping employees develop new skill sets, and re-establish a network
with skills. of stakeholders. What I noticed is those who have
progressed fast in their careers are those who are
She says that while companies generally put a lot willing to test themselves and try new things. Push
of focus on higher-level talent, there needs to be an the boundaries of comfort by picking up and learning
emphasis on employees that are critical to its on-the- new skills,” Swee Chen says.
ground operations. “In order to sustain our business,
people play a very important part. We want the sector Swee Chen also emphasises on the wide range
to be an attractive choice, for those contemplating of career opportunities offered in the Energy and
their career choices. When I first came into the role Chemicals sector, where the Skills Framework is
as Chairman, my team and I asked – how do we make able to provide an overview of the sector, as well as
Shell relevant to Singapore, and how do we make a reference point to calibrate job groups, skills and
Singapore relevant to Shell?” Those questions led competencies for her company. She looks forward
Swee Chen and her team to focus on developing the to having more people joining the sector in the near
skill sets of employees in critical technical operations, future. “This is a sector that matters. It powers
specifically in manufacturing and maritime. human progress. It does not just power mobility, its
energy and chemicals solutions are essential for day-
She also sees the value in programmes offered by to-day living,” she concludes.
SkillsFuture Singapore such as SkillsFuture Earn and
Learn which allows students to study while training
on-the-job to gain relevant hands-on experience. “Push the boundaries of
With technological advancements, she also explains
that those in the sector need to be open to life-long
comfort to pick up new things
learning to maintain relevancy in a landscape that is and learn new skills.”
constantly evolving.
Overview of Technical Skills
and Competencies
Proficiency Levels
TSC Category TSC Title TSC Description
1 2 3 4 5 6
Business and Budget Management Manage budget and finance systems and processes for
Organisational tracking of budget utilisation to ensure efficient and effective
Management use of budgets
Project Management Plan, execute, track and govern projects, which include
allocating and managing people resources, time, and budgets,
as well as stakeholder engagement and problem resolution
Overview of Technical Skills
and Competencies
Proficiency Levels
TSC Category TSC Title TSC Description
1 2 3 4 5 6
Data Analytics Data Analytics Integrate the use of data analytics within the manufacturing
System Design environment for identification of bottlenecks and opportunities
for process improvement
Data and Statistical Interpret and analyse data using statistical techniques to
Analytics uncover trends and patterns to locate and define new process
improvement opportunities
Electrical Field Interpret and apply routine and non-routine electrical field
Maintenance maintenance and inspection work instructions and regimes
Management to ensure optimal availability and reliability of electrical
equipment and control systems in process plants
Overview of Technical Skills
and Competencies
Proficiency Levels
TSC Category TSC Title TSC Description
1 2 3 4 5 6
Discipline Reliability Manage life cycle costing, root cause failure analyses,
Engineering Engineering reliability modelling and assessments, fit-for-purpose
Specialisation Management analyses and failure patterns of plant and equipment to
provide reliability engineering technical support to production,
maintenance and project teams
Technology Road Plan short-term and long-term goals for the implementation
Mapping of new and emerging process plant and equipment
technologies, to continuously improve plant performance and
to make capital out of future market needs
Overview of Technical Skills
and Competencies
Proficiency Levels
TSC Category TSC Title TSC Description
1 2 3 4 5 6
Safe System of Work Develop Safe System of Work (SSoW) frameworks and
Development and implement practices to ensure a safe and reliable environment
Implementation for operations, maintenance and contracting activities
Workplace Safety Develop Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) frameworks and
and Health implement procedures and practices to ensure a safe and
Framework reliable workplace environment
Development and
Laboratory Laboratory Manage laboratory data for reporting and analysis purposes,
Management Data Reporting ranging from collation, record, access and retrieval from the
and Analysis laboratory information management systems (LIMS)
Overview of Technical Skills
and Competencies
Proficiency Levels
TSC Category TSC Title TSC Description
1 2 3 4 5 6
Trainer and Develop and apply trainer and assessor development plans
Assessor to ensure high quality of workplace learning and assessment
Development programmes are in place
Maintenance Asset Integrity Manage asset integrity of process plants and equipment
Management Management to ensure optimal availability, reliability and integrity of
equipment and systems
Process Process Control Apply process control to monitor and optimise process plant
Engineering performance and quality of production output
Process Manage process development for new or significantly altered
Development raw materials, catalysts or products including early stage
Management piloting, trial runs and full-scale production
Yield Analysis Apply yield analysis processes and techniques to monitor and
drive process yield improvements
Overview of Technical Skills
and Competencies
Proficiency Levels
TSC Category TSC Title TSC Description
1 2 3 4 5 6
Process Control Room Perform control room operations in order to monitor and
Operations Operations control process units and utilities in a safe and reliable
Management Management condition by using process control Distributed Control
Systems (DCSs)
Feedstock and Perform feedstock and product transfer and blending for
Product Transfer continuous and/or batch processes to meet operational
Operations requirements
Process Equipment Prepare process plant and equipment so that they are
Preparation for decommissioned before and commissioned after mechanical
Mechanical Work work respectively in accordance with safe work practices
Process Unit and Operate, monitor and control process units and utilities in
Utilities Operations order to manage process operations and planning to meet
Management organisational business targets
Process Safety Major Hazard Develop Major Hazard Installation (MHI) Safety Cases to
Management Installation Safety mitigate risks arising from major accident hazards, and
Case Management reduce risks to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP)
Overview of Technical Skills
and Competencies
Proficiency Levels
TSC Category TSC Title TSC Description
1 2 3 4 5 6
Quality Analytical Method Verify analytical methods used to ensure accuracy, validity and
Assurance and Validation reliability
Quality Control
Management Audit and Review Manage audit and review processes and procedures including
Management planning, execution and reporting, to ensure compliance with
legal and Quality Management System (QMS) requirements
Quality Control Establish and implement quality control (QC) systems and
Management procedures to ensure the quality of products meet desired
levels of standards and compliance at all stages
Research and Applied Research Manage applied Research and Development (R&D) projects
Development and Development and activities to innovate and develop new products and
Management Management processes
Product Design and Manage new product design and development from Research
Development and Development (R&D), including initial product design
concepts, small batch piloting, market testing and evaluation
Supply Chain Market Demand Manage feed supply for market demand and respond to feed
and Production and Feedstock shortfall, opportunity realisation for feed surplus and/or
Planning Management changes in customer demand
Plant Economic Develop plant economic models for current operations, and
Modelling growth scenarios according to business plans, to forecast
optimal plant and economic configurations for supply and
Overview of Technical Skills
and Competencies
Proficiency Levels
TSC Category TSC Title TSC Description
1 2 3 4 5 6
Technology Internet of Things Integrate data from computing devices, equipment and
Application Management machines in a networked environment to provide specific
Management solutions
Overview of Technical Skills
and Competencies
5 Accountable for Provide leadership Complex • Evaluate factual and advanced conceptual
achieving assigned to achieve desired knowledge within a field of work, involving
objectives, decisions work results; Manage critical understanding of theories and
made by self and resources, set principles
others milestones and drive
work • Select and apply an advanced range
of cognitive and technical skills,
demonstrating mastery and innovation,
to devise solutions to solve complex and
unpredictable problems in a specialised
field of work
• Manage and drive complex work activities
4 Work under broad Exercise judgement; Less routine • Evaluate and develop factual and
direction adapt and influence conceptual knowledge within a field of
to achieve work work
Hold accountability performance
for performances of • Select and apply a range of cognitive and
self and others technical skills to solve non-routine/
abstract problems
• Manage work activities which may be
• Facilitate the implementation of innovation
3 Work under broad Use discretion in Less routine • Apply relevant procedural and conceptual
direction identifying and knowledge and skills to perform
responding to issues, differentiated work activities and manage
May hold some work with others and changes
accountability for contribute to work
performance of performance • Able to collaborate with others to identify
others, in addition value-adding opportunities
to self
2 Work with some Use limited discretion Routine • Understand and apply factual and
supervision in resolving issues procedural knowledge in a field of work
or enquiries. Work
Accountable for a without frequently • Apply basic cognitive and technical skills
broader set of tasks looking to other for to carry out defined tasks and to solve
assigned guidance routine problems using simple procedures
and tools
• Present ideas and improve work
1 Work under direct Minimal discretion Routine • Recall factual and procedural knowledge
supervision assigned required. Expected to
seek guidance • Apply basic skills to carry out defined tasks
Accountable for tasks • Identify opportunities for minor
adjustments to work tasks
Overview of Generic Skills
and Competencies
Proficiency Levels
GSC GSC Description
Basic Intermediate Advanced
Communication Convey and exchange Communicate Articulate and discuss Negotiate with others
thoughts, ideas information with others ideas and persuade to address issues
and information to respond to general others to achieve and achieve mutual
effectively through inquiries and to obtain common outcomes. consensus.
various mediums and specific information.
Computational Develop and use Use computational Modify existing Develop and create
Thinking computational models, models, tools and computational models, computational models,
tools and techniques techniques to identify tools and techniques tools and techniques to
to interpret and patterns in a problem to develop different implement new solutions
understand data, solve and develop a solution. solutions. and apply to other
problems and guide problems.
Creative Thinking Adopt a fresh Connect ideas or Connect or combine Create original
perspective to combine information from related ideas or information applications or ideas to
ideas or information fields or applications to from unrelated fields or reveal new possibilities
in new ways and make address an immediate applications to generate and reshape goals
connections between issue. multiple ideas to bring through high level
seemingly unrelated about a specific outcome. of innovativeness.
fields to create new
ideas and applications.
Decision Making Choose a course of Make decisions of simple Make decisions in a Make decisions in a
action from various or routine nature to complex setting to volatile and ambiguous
alternatives using a achieve intended goals achieve intended goals setting using a
reasoned process to using given information using a structured structured process
achieve intended goals. and guidelines. process and multiple and limited sources of
sources of available available information to
information. achieve intended goals.
Developing Help others to learn Use demonstration Provide coaching to Provide mentorship
People and develop their and explanation to others to develop their to help others in their
capabilities to enhance teach a familiar task skills and knowledge professional and
their performance and to inexperienced co- on their jobs to enhance personal development
achieve personal or workers. performance. to improve performance
professional goals. and further their
Digital Literacy Use ICT tools, Perform basic functions Use available software Use available software
equipment and using software features to create features to enhance
software to create, programmes pertaining and edit documents, documents, analyse
evaluate and share to computer operating customise templates and manipulate data,
information digitally systems and file and reports and evaluate and use ICT to organise,
with others. management, and search online information. share and communicate
online information. information clearly and
Global Mindset Awareness of diversity Demonstrate Develop global networks Build the organisation’s
across global cultures understanding of and manage virtual capabilities to compete
and markets. Seek global challenges and relationships while in a global environment.
opportunities to adopt opportunities and how to balancing both local and Manage tension
successful practices transfer best practices global perspectives. between corporate
and ideas. across cultures. Respect Adopt a local and global requirements, global and
cultural differences perspective when cultural differences.
and needs of a diverse making decisions.
Overview of Generic Skills
and Competencies
Proficiency Levels
GSC GSC Description
Basic Intermediate Advanced
Interpersonal Manage relationships Recognise own Detect and decipher Influence, guide and
Skills efficiently and internal feelings and emotions of others to handle others’ emotions
communicate with emotional states to manage interpersonal to build instrumental
others effectively manage interpersonal relationships in social relationships and
to achieve mutual relationships in social situations. manage conflicts and
consensus and situations. disagreements.
Lifelong Seek out opportunities Organise and manage Engage in collaborative Conduct self-reflective
Learning to enhance one’s own learning by setting learning by discussing practices to review one’s
knowledge and skills. learning targets. Identify one’s learning with learning to facilitate
Access and acquire learning approaches to others and soliciting continual growth
new knowledge and achieve work or career feedback to continually in one’s career or
skills actively for goals. improve oneself. profession.
continual learning.
Managing Work well with people Demonstrate sensitivity Build relationships Manage conflicts arising
Diversity from different ethnic, to the cultural with different ethnic from different ethnic
social, cultural characteristics, values, or cultural groups by or cultural groups and
and educational beliefs, and behaviors engaging in cross- work effectively in
backgrounds and of another ethnic or cultural cooperative cross-cultural settings.
understand the cultural group. projects.
concerns and interests
of diverse work
Problem Solving Generate feasible and Identify easily Identify less perceivable Anticipate potential
efficient solutions to perceivable problems problems and use problems beyond the
solve problems and and follow given problem solving tools and current scope and
capitalise on new guidelines and techniques to solve the apply higher order
opportunities. procedures to solve the problems. problem solving tools
problems. and techniques to
turn problems into
Resource Efficient and effective Use resources to ensure Deepen insights into the Establish strategies
Management deployment and optimum and efficient planning, allocation and for the allocation
allocation of resources use of resources. deployment of resources and deployment of
when and where they to anticipate needs. resources efficiently and
are needed. Include Plan the allocation effectively.
planning, allocating and deployment of
and scheduling of resources efficiently and
resources to tasks, effectively.
which typically include
manpower, machines,
money and materials.
Overview of Generic Skills
and Competencies
Proficiency Levels
GSC GSC Description
Basic Intermediate Advanced
Sense Making Organise and analyse Identify relationships Interpret data to Analyse data
data and information and linkages within uncover patterns and relationships, patterns
accurately to identify different components trends between various and trends to gain
relationships and of data. sources of data. important insights
detect patterns and and make informed
trends to gain insights decisions.
for decision-making.
Service Commit to exceeding Exceed customer Anticipate customer Model, lead, train and
Orientation both internal and needs and expectations needs and expectations motivate staff with a
external customers’ and handle service and elicit feedback focus on sustaining a
needs. Proactively challenges with a positive from customers to culture that encourages
identify customer needs mindset. Demonstrate improve service. Build commitment to service
and sustain a culture an understanding of the relationships with excellence and high
of service excellence organisation’s service customers to create and performance.
within the organisation. vision, mission and sustain customer loyalty.
Teamwork Work collaboratively Contribute to a positive Facilitate work team Establish teams, design
and effectively with and cooperative working activities, provide and assess tasks to
others to contribute to environment by fulfilling assistance and support continually improve
group efforts to achieve own responsibilities and needed by team members team effectiveness and
identified objectives. providing support to co- and promote ownership cultivate a sense of
workers to achieve team and commitment among organisational ownership
goals. team members to work and a cooperative
goals to improve team working environment.
Transdisciplinary Understanding of Research and adapt Co-relate material from Synthesise knowledge
Thinking concepts across concepts from outside diverse knowledge and insights across
multiple disciplines, one’s field of expertise bases to guide decisions disciplinary boundaries
with the capacity to supplement one’s and policy making. to aid strategic decisions
to synthesise the core knowledge and Participate in reflective and foster cooperation
knowledge and insights proficiency. and trans-disciplinary within and outside of the
to guide decisions and communities within and organisation.
foster cooperation. outside the organisation.
Virtual Use online collaborative Participate and Use interactive Leverage on diverse
Collaboration communication tools contribute in a virtual collaborative tools to team talent, latest
to work as teams to team. Set up appropriate foster cohesion and online collaborative
accomplish tasks or online collaborative commitment among technologies and virtual
projects. tools and supporting virtual team members to platforms to produce
equipment. achieve goals. Keep up- collaborative behaviour
to-date with innovative and achieve technological
online collaborative savviness in virtual
tools and applications to collaboration.
enhance one’s proficiency
in engaging in virtual
Supporting Organisations
and Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following organisations and partners for their support and contributions in the
development and validation of the Skills Framework for Energy and Chemicals:
In addition, we would like to express our gratitude to the following stakeholders and partners for their
contribution to the development of the Skills Framework for Energy and Chemicals:
• Individuals who have agreed to share their personal career stories
• The Unions who have provided their views and support on behalf of their members
• The Industry Association and Professional Bodies for sharing their business and members’ perspectives
• Various Government and Government-Linked Agencies for their assistance
• Education and Training Providers for their inputs on skills and competencies development
• Organisations for their contributions in the development and validation of the Skills Framework for
Energy and Chemicals
Wage Information
Gross Wage
25th Percentile ($) 75th Percentile ($)
Chemical Processing and Chemical Products Plant and Machine Operator 2,440 4,150
Source: Occupational Wage Survey, Manpower Research & Statistics Department, Ministry of Manpower
1) D
ata pertain to full-time resident employees in the private sector establishments each with at least 25 employees.
2) M
onthly Gross Wage refers to the sum of the basic wage, overtime payments, commissions, allowances, and other regular cash payments.
It is before deduction of employee CPF contributions and personal income tax and excludes employer CPF contributions, bonuses, stock
options, other lump sum payments and payments-in-kind.
3) 2
5th Percentile Wage refers to the wage level which divides the bottom 25% of wage earners from the rest.
4) 7 5th Percentile Wage refers to the wage level which divides the top 25% of wage earners from the rest.
Illustration of Vertical and Lateral
Progression of a Senior Process Technician
This illustration depicts the possibility of the Senior Process Technician to move into any of the roles
indicated. Progression in the Energy and Chemicals sector does not only occur vertically, it can occur
laterally as well. This opens up a wide range of opportunities for those pursuing a fruitful career in Energy
and Chemicals.
Learning and
Production Operation Production Process HSE Maintenance
Supervisor Specialist Planner Engineer Specialist Planner
Senior Process Technician
Note: The career pathway would depend on individual performance, capability (skills and competencies), experience, aspiration and company needs.